A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

March 12, 2019

Do You Know How To Pray?

     I do not ask this question to be facetious or flippant. Praying is an essential part of our Christian life. But I know, for a fact, that there are people who are uncomfortable praying in public because they think they might be doing it wrong. My first thought is, "according to whose standards"? Prayer, at its simplest level, is merely communicating [or talking] to God. If you make a habit of doing that in sincerity, then I'm pretty sure that our Father is pleased with your efforts.
     But I ask this question because it came up in a discussion I recently had with my sister. We were raised in a non-church family, with a Believing mother, and a father who did not profess faith or encourage church attendance. I hesitate to say he did not believe in Jesus because during the last days of his life, while in a nursing home and beginning to suffer from dementia, I tried one last time to approach him about Jesus, who had become my Savior. I knew a complicated theological discussion was not possible, so I simply told him I wanted him to ask Jesus to come into his heart. He patted his heart and mumbled, "I do have Him in my heart"! That's as close as I got to any indication that my father might have opened the door to Jesus's knock.
     My mother, on the other hand, grew up in church, and encouraged us kids to go to Vacation Bible School and Sunday School, and as we got older she began taking us to church. When she became ill during the last years of her life, I flew home to see her in the hospital. As a new Christian, I sensed her spiritual suffering and asked her if she wanted me to pray for her. When she said, yes, I suddenly felt inadequate. As I told my sister, "I didn't even know how to pray"! How was I supposed to talk to God? What were the right words to say? [Determined to develop a prayer life, I no longer struggle with "the right way", and now come to the Lord easily and securely]. But my sister confessed she still feels that she doesn't know how to pray. So, I thought maybe we should take a look at all the aspects of prayer, and seek the Father's heart on the matter.
     To begin with, Jesus taught in Mark 11 that we are to have faith in God, which is supported by the faith of God. When He says, "Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him", He is telling us that words filled with faith act like "bulldozers" to get things done in the spirit realms. If you struggle with thinking your words sound "faithful",  just declare verses of Scripture out loud! When you believe what you are declaring, those words will be received by the Father as a prayer by faith!
     Here's another aspect of how to think of your prayer life ... Jesus not only rose from the dead, but He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, far above "all rule and authority and power and dominion", where He continually intercedes for us. So from that position of authority, He prays for us. But here's the good part .... He invites us to be seated with Him there, in the heavenly places. So, when we pray, our spirits can pray with Jesus, [interceding for others], and with spiritual authority, [being seated with Him in His authority]. 
     Then here's an aspect of prayer that is always comforting to me: when we don't know what to pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us "with groanings too deep for words" (Romans 8:26). I have come to rely on the Holy Spirit to search my heart and express to the Father all that I am incapable of putting into a comprehensible petition. Praying by the Spirit can be some of the most spiritually satisfying times of communion with the Lord. When I am feeling the weight of spiritual oppression, I am sometimes unable to have clear thoughts of what to pray for, but I know I can rely on the Holy Spirit to present my heart-prayer better than I can.
     I will admit that I am moved by forceful and energetic prayer. I know we are capable of praying as forcefully as Elijah, who stopped the rain, or the community of believers in Acts who prayed so hard for Peter to be released from jail that God sent an angel to rescue him from prison. We have the power to do the same kind of things with our bold prayers that seek the Father's will, and not just our own will and what we want. Those kinds of prayers will change the world!
     And of course, when the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, He instructed them to pray for the Father's will to be done, but also for His Kingdom to come. So, I have been trying to become more intentional in my prayer life to incorporate God's plan for instituting His Kingdom here on earth with my personal prayers. Furthermore, I want to be involved with the establishment of His Kingdom by praying for business, cultural, and educational leaders, as well as the leaders in the Body of Christ. This is all part of joining Christ in intercessory prayer until the Kingdom Plan has been completed at the end of the Age. 
     And I believe that one of the most powerful ways to pray is in agreement with others. When prayers of faith are prayed with others whose hearts are in agreement, the power of that prayer can multiply ten-fold, a hundred-fold, and beyond! I have seen this move the heart of God and a child be cured of cancer. I have seen a young mother recover from a devastating diagnosis after a car accident and be restored to perfect health. And I believe we can change the course of our nation when we pray in agreement with God's will. One of the most important prayer partnerships is that of husband and wife. Their prayer time together can affect generations to come.
     And I would be remiss if I did not mention how powerful it is to pray in tongues.  Your particular religious tradition may not incorporate this aspect of prayer, but it can be an amazingly effective tool in our spiritual arsenal. Praying in our own prayer language allows for intercessory prayer beyond our limited understanding and our ability to express words. We can join with Jesus in interceding for others as the Holy Spirit empowers our prayer language to new heights of effectiveness. When I can't seem to find the right words that express the urgency of my heart, I know I can pray in my own personal prayer language and the Holy Spirit will interpret the longings of my heart with more power and meaning.
     Finally, it is important to understand that prayer is an important aspect of our spiritual warfare. And since the Enemy seeks to divide and conquer God's people. we should always seek to be united in prayer and love. Jesus showed us a picture of that "oneness in prayer" through His relationship with the Father. We need to be praying for unity in the Body of Christ! Sadly, I see too much division, and if we aren't praying for unity, then maybe we're unwittingly partnering with the Enemy to weaken the Body. It's time that we pray to come into alignment with each other and with Jesus, our Lord and Savior; the Messiah of the world. When we pray in His Holy Name, we are not just adding a religious formula at the end of our prayer ("in the Name of Jesus). Instead, we are declaring to the spiritual realms and the powers and authorities of the dark side that we stand as His personal representatives on the earth, and as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God!
     As you can see, prayer is vitally important to our relationship with God and Jesus. And it is an essential part of our relationship with the Holy Spirit. It may seem daunting and overwhelming. You might be thinking how can I do all that? How do I even start? I'm going to tell you that the key is to just begin.... just begin having conversations with the Father and Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you know what to pray and how to pray. Study Scripture and discern which verses make your heart leap with longing for an intimate relationship with God, and then say them to Him out loud. That's praying! And He will respond! Then begin discerning which verses speak of your power and authority and declare those in prayers when you need to fight back against spiritual darkness. And don't forget to talk to Him about the joy and thankfulness you feel over what He is doing in your life. There are wonderful Bible verses for that, too. 
     Just begin.... and before you know it, the words of the Bible will bring energy and depth to your prayer life, and you will be able to comfortably and intimately converse with God about everything. I honestly think that no one is born knowing how to pray. It is a learned behavior that comes from a heart that is seeking God. If you are conscious that your prayer life is lacking, then start by being thankful that the Holy Spirit has brought it to your attention --- then do something about it! We all have to start somewhere, and there is no better time than now and no better place to start than in the Word.

Jeremiah 29:12     Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you.

March 9, 2019

The Momo Challenge: Real, Spiritual, Or A Hoax?

     I don't know if you have heard of the "Momo Challenge", but since it has affected my family, I feel compelled to address the subject. I have done a fair amount of research on this latest social media phenomenon, and here is what I've been able to determine ... ‘Momo’ is a social media account on popular children's platforms that uses an image of a doll with monstrous features, large eyes and a wide mouth to induce curiosity among children. The artwork called Mother Bird by Link Factory is inspired by the work of a Japanese artist Midori Hayashi, who has no association with the challenge, according to officials.
     Here's how the "Momo Challenge" works ... In the middle of a popular children's website or game, an image will pop up of this gruesome figure, meant to entice children to click on it, with messages like "I wanna play with you". Once the child makes that connection they are subjected to gruesome and horrifying images; sometimes messages to commit suicide; and threats that their parents will be killed if they do not comply. Apparently Whatsapp is a common app vehicle for this viral hack, and platforms such as the You Tube Kids app, various Disney apps, and even the popular Peppa Pig app have fallen prey to this hack.
     As with every internet story that spreads like wildfire, you will find those who are quick to dismiss it as a hoax. For instance, Wikipedia posted this: "The "Momo Challenge" is a hoax and urban legend about a nonexistent social media challenge that was spread on Facebook and other media outlets. It was reported that children and adolescents were being enticed by a user named Momo to perform a series of dangerous tasks including violent attacks and suicide." Wikipedia goes on to substantiate so-called "web security experts" (who are never named) that state it is more "likely a case of moral panic; a hoax fueled by parents’ fears in wanting to know what their kids are up to. There’s an inherent fear in what young people are doing with technology."  Yet, other experts willingly admit that 75 to 80 percent of these free apps offer no security and are subject to hacks.
     Of course this smacks of normalcy bias to me among parents and "experts" who don't want to believe it.  It's simpler to explain it away as a fake news story targeting parents who feel guilty about letting technology babysit their kids. But I'm hear to tell you that it should not be so easily ignored.  My brother's 6-year-old granddaughter was suffering from nightmares and panic attacks for over a week, before they were able to track down this unusual pattern in her behavior. She finally cried to her grandmother that "Momo scared me". Further investigation revealed that her Candy Crush app had been hacked with the "Momo Challenge". And her 12-year-old sister was well aware of the hack, had seen it, but wasn't susceptible to it's sick influence.
     And I will say this .... yes, the image existed before the app hack, and it comes from a real sculpture by a real artist. But that doesn't negate the possibility that the challenge exists, or that it is a hoax or a fake. What kind of perverted mind thinks of creating a "challenge" that is so traumatizing and emotionally disturbing to young children? Whether the "challenge" is real or a fake, the result is the same ... it is devastatingly real to children and spiritually damaging. I can't tell you how effective a spirit of Fear can become in a person's life, when instilled at such a young age. 
     In our ministry, my husband and I often encounter a spirit of Fear that entered a person during their childhood and as a result of a nightmare. Our sleep is meant to be sweet and free from fear. The Bible says "You will sleep like a baby, safe and sound—your rest will be sweet and secure" (Proverbs 3:24).  Yet children are not exempt from demonic attacks in their sleep, and it is important to make sure that spiritual doors have not been opened or permission given to a spirit to operate. Something like this image of a Japanese sculpture, which has been demonized and delivered with an evil message, can suddenly appear, unprompted, on your child's tablet. And unless addressed immediately with a renunciation and assertion of Jesus's saving blood and protection, it can become a foothold for the Enemy in a child's life.
      I know that those who find their security in the secular world, and for whom the internet is a benign realm, will scoff at my warning. But, in our ministry, I have multiple testimonies of adults who bear witness to demonic appearances in their dreams as children; and these evil intruders progressed from footholds to strongholds, resulting in adults still in bondage to the spirit of Fear. So, please take this post seriously. Speak to your children and grandchildren, encouraging them to come to you should they ever encounter this devilish character in the middle of Candy Crush or Peppa Pig. Counter the Enemy's attacks on our children with the loving message of Christ as their Protector. Teach them how to put on their spiritual armor and wash away that evil image with Living Water. Technology and the internet are a breeding ground for the spiritually dark. But we have the Spirit of the Lord resting on us. Let's take advantage of His characteristics ... wisdom and understanding; counsel and power; knowledge and the fear of the Lord ... and let's protect our children.

Psalm 101:2b-3      I will walk in my house in integrity and with a blameless heart. I will set no worthless or wicked thing before my eyes. I hate the practice of those who fall away [from the right path]; It will not grasp hold of me.  

March 6, 2019

Prayers of Financial Freedom: From Breaking Curses to Celebration

     As I stated in the last post, there are many Christians who are not free from the bondage of fear over finances. As Dr. Mark Virkler pointed out, many of our ideas about money [and the lack of it] come from misquotations of the Bible, as well as wrong attitudes about wealth in our family lines. For myself, it was my father's upbringing during the Depression that led to a life-long worry about money and falling into debt. As the oldest, it was easy for me to adopt those same fears, and it wasn't until I was 40 years old that I realized my deep-seated worry about having enough money to pay my bills came from my dad. I was determined to let go of those fears and begin trusting in the Lord for His provision. I will tell you, it has been a battle to keep from returning to that bondage.
     As the previous Prayer for Repentance [in regards to Financial Freedom] shows us, we must turn away from the sins of our ancestors and their ungodly beliefs about money. We must believe that it is God's desire to give us all we need to prosper, and then we must trust in Him to provide.
     But Dr. Virkler has outlined several other areas in which we must free ourselves from financial bondage, and I'd like to share that information with you, and then summarize with a prayer that defeats all our financial fears. The first thing I learned is that we can actually have curses spoken over us and our bloodlines. These can come in the form of word curses, hexes, incantations and witchcraft prayers from those who are aligned with the Dark Side. And they can result in financial lack and poverty. Within some of the oaths taken by Secret Societies [such as Freemasonry], you will find curses against prosperity and finances. But we can pray the truth that God wishes to bless us, and we can break agreement with any of these curses and cancel their ability to keep us in lack.
     It is important that we also break any ungodly thought patterns, images, attitudes or ideas that we have allowed to keep us in bondage. We can even erase our cellular memory, cleansing it from the emotions of fear, lack, and poverty. Remember, we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind [able to resist the wiles of the devil]. We must ask for forgiveness for doubting the word of God which tells us He knows the plans He has for us; plans to prosper us and not harm us; plans to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).
     We can even do some inner healing ourselves, by communing with the Lord, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal any negative pictures from our past that need to be healed, and then journaling what is revealed. Remember, in the spirit realm, there is no time, so God can heal in the past, present, and the future. As you begin to flow in the spirit, more events and images will appear, and you will see the Lord ministering grace to your ancestors, resulting in new freedom flowing down through your family line, ultimately touching you and your descendants. What a time of joy and excitement to see that freedom raining down!
     Next, we can ask the Lord to reveal the gifts and talents He has created in us that anoint us for financial success. We have been uniquely made for service and to glorify Him through the applications of these talents and passions. And we trust the Lord to guide us each step of the way as we stay tuned in to the flow of the Holy Spirit within us. We can pray for revelations of Spirit-given goals for our lives, believing that we will be successful!
     Finally, we should pray prayers of celebration as we discern our faith rising in response to our financial freedom. We will know that it is God's compassion and grace that sustain us and remove all our fear and doubt about finances. We will continue to praise the Lord for His faithfulness in our finances, knowing that such praise silences the voice of the Accuser. And with our promised prosperity comes renewed minds, revived spirits, and increased fruitfulness.
     It is not easy to overcome financial fears, especially when it becomes a familiar spirit in family bloodlines. But when we submit to the Word of God and declare the Truth about how God wants to bless us in all the areas of our lives -- including our finances -- then it is possible to be Overcomers in this spiritual battle. So, please join me in reciting this prayer [out loud] as we declare our Financial Freedom:

     [Lay your hands on your heart, seeing Christ's hands overlaying yours].... Father God, I break all word curses spoken over me by myself or others concerning money. I bind and rebuke all evil spirits that are connected with these curses and have gained a foothold in my life. Poverty has no place within me. Demonic forces, be gone now in Jesus's Name! I declare that the lack the Enemy envisions for me will not prevail over the ability of Almighty God to bless and prosper me.
     Father, I ask that you forgive me for ever believing the lies of the devil regarding money, for Christ's blood has made me clean from the spirit of fear, and I stand clothed in His righteousness, received by faith in His finished work on the Cross. 
     Lord, I embrace what You have spoken, that money is a blessing and a fruit of following Your voice. I put on the mantle of abundance in Jesus's Name. I receive God's anointing, for it is He who has given me the power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to our fathers.
     I break all ungodly mental strongholds of fear and lack and worry, which say I will never have enough. These are lies of the Enemy! You, God, have promised me more than enough. And I speak to my cellular memory, my RNA and my DNA. Emotions of fear, lack, and poverty, be cleansed and erased from my cellular memories. Images, thoughts, attitudes and ideas that I will never have enough, be swept out in Jesus's Name! [Breathe out deeply a couple of times, seeing Jesus sweeping your cells clean. Feel the release]. Thank You, Jesus!
    Now, Lord, I ask if there are any negative events in my family line concerning money that You want to heal. I forgive everyone involved, including myself, others, God, circumstances, and governments. I choose to honor and release them and bless them, in Jesus's Name. Thank You for Your healing, Jesus!
     And, Lord, I know that Your Spirit releases creativity and faith, encouraging me to step forward and succeed financially. Lord, I know that You have anointed me with gifts, passions, and talents which equip me to serve humanity in a special and unique way. So, what paths do You want me to explore? What doors do You want me to knock on? I step forward into new paths, seeing You at my side. I choose to embrace this process of change and growth with a heart-passion full of love, anticipation and thankfulness that You are leading me to victory. By Your grace, I press on to success!
     So, Father, with a big smile on my face, I celebrate my lifestyle of divine creativity, divine connections, divine anointing, and divine prosperity. I celebrate the new skills and talents I am mastering. They carry me to new places, new victories, new relationships, new abundance. Along with my finances, my service to humanity has expanded, and many will be blessed by my life. I enjoy and celebrate this gift of life which You have given me. Thank You, Lord, for hearing my prayer and for delivering me from this fear of finances. I rejoice in my freedom and my fruitfulness! Amen!

Thanks to Dr. Mark Virkler, who is the author of more than 50 books in the areas of hearing God's voice and spiritual growth. He is the founder of Communion with God Ministries and Christian Leadership University. He has taught on developing intimacy with God and spiritual healing for over 30 years on six continents.

Proverbs 10:22    The blessing of the Lord brings [true] riches,
And He adds no sorrow to it [for it comes as a blessing from God].


March 3, 2019

Prayers Of Financial Freedom: Prayer Of Repentance

     I'm going to confess that throughout my life, the devil has tried to keep me in bondage to the fear of financial lack. Perhaps you are like me and grew up with parents who struggled financially in their childhood, and that carried over to an unhealthy attitude towards money and a fear of the lack of it.
     I recently read an article in Charisma Magazine by Dr. Mark Virkler and it profoundly touched my heart and I want to share some of his observations. He begins by stating that "Finances are one of the greatest sources of fear for people today". I agree with that! It has certainly been the case in my family and I hear that sentiment echoed often by people I come in contact with.
      So how can believers overcome fears and worries about their finances? Some of you may even feel that money is somehow wrong and against God's will. The Scripture 1 Timothy 6:10 is often misquoted as "Money is the root of all evil". In truth, the Scripture reads "For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil". We know that Sin is the root of all evil, and it is the love of money, not money itself, that leads to trouble. In fact, in Deuteronomy 8:18, God reminds the Israelites, "You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth...". Wealth is not a bad thing. We just need to remember who it comes from.

     So, if you have a fear about financial lack, don't let the Enemy steal your peace or joy. It's okay to pray for a financial breakthrough, and to access the storehouses of heaven. Again in Deuteronomy 28, the Word says, The Lord will command the blessing upon you in your storehouses and in all that you undertake, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God gives you (verse 8). Verses 10 and 12 tell us the Lord will give us great prosperity and will open His good treasure house for us. 
     We need to understand that God has stored things up for us according to our needs, desires, and requirements. In our spiritual life, it means that He wants us to be filled with the Holy Spirit, walking in the love of God, overflowing with the joy of the Lord, manifesting the fruit of the Spirit as well as flowing in the gifts of the Spirit, demonstrating the power of God, radiating the life and nature of God.  In our families, it means that He has stockpiled everything we need for our generations to serve Him. In our bodies, we have access to health. And in our finances, He wants us to have an overflow of abundance; more than we could dare to ask or think... in other words, financial freedom -- enough to meet our needs plus extra to share with others. And it's okay to pray and ask Jehovah Jireh (the God who provides) to open up His storehouse for us. If we are fearing the lack of money or think it is sinful to need it, then we are listening to the lies of the devil. It is God's good pleasure to provide for us!
     Since this is an issue that has affected me and my family, and I'm sure many other families, I would like to take the next couple of blog posts to give you prayers [by Dr. Virkler] for helping you to overcome your fear of money and to step into the abundance the Father has stockpiled for you. This first prayer is a Prayer of Repentance. I suggest praying it our loud, slowly, incorporating any pictures or visions the Holy Spirit brings to mind; letting any emotions flow to make it a heart prayer and not simply a head prayer. And believe that your prayer will be heard and answered.

Prayer of Repentance
     Lord, I repent for my sins and the sins of my ancestors for harboring ungodly beliefs about money. I repent for believing it is wrong to have wealth when others are in poverty. The truth is that You have provided more than enough resources for everyone. Your watchful care, personal guidance, angelic intervention and creativity within each heart releases Your financial provision into our lives. You do this for me. You do this for others.
     I repent for believing that money is evil and thus is to be avoided. In reality, money simply magnifies what is in a person's heart. You said, 'Blessed are the pure in heart' (Matthew 5:8a). Thank You that Your Spirit has purified my heart, allowing me to see You and receive from You.
     I repent for believing that money will disrupt my spiritual life, for it is You and You alone whom I allow to influence my spirituality. I have chosen to receive Your wonderful counsel in the cool of the day (Genesis 3:8, Isaiah 9:6) as I encounter You in my quiet time. You keep me on track and reveal dangerous attitudes and actions I am to avoid.
    You have given me unique gifts and a passion to multiply talents, mastering area after area. Every vocation and skill I have is part of my spiritual life, and taking time to master every area You place before me is part of my spirituality. In no way is it secular. So I will take the time to master each area, acknowledging these areas are part of Your kingdom.
     I repent for believing I am not gifted enough to be prosperous. The truth is, it is the hearing and obeying of Your voice that causes blessings to be released in my life (Deuteronomy 28:1-14).  Your wisdom and anointing overcome every natural limitation. You have placed within me a vision for my destiny (Genesis 12:1-3, Proverbs 29:18). You have instilled the passion and gifts to bring it forth (Romans 12:6). I honor and receive each of these and know that by following them, financial blessing will flow. Thank You, Lord.

   In the next post for Financial Freedom, we will consider a prayer for breaking off curses, and a prayer for forgiveness. And I would suggest that you repeat these prayers often to fully receive the blessings they afford. Thank you to Dr. Virkler for these encouraging and powerful prayers. May they grow your faith and understanding of all that God desires for your life.
Dr. Mark Virkler is the author of more than 50 books in the areas of hearing God's voice and spiritual growth. He is the founder of Communion with God Ministries and Christian Leadership University. He has taught on developing intimacy with God and spiritual healing for over 30 years on six continents.

Psalm 35:27    Let those who delight in my righteousness shout for joy and be glad and say evermore, “Great is the Lord, who delights in the prosperity of His servant!”     

February 28, 2019

A Look At Anointed Women

     If you are like me, you are deeply inspired by the stories in the Bible of men who have been anointed by the Lord to serve Him. They are charged with God's power to accomplish the Divine assignments He has appointed for their lives. Whose heart is not stirred by the anointing on Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt; or the anointing on Daniel, who taken captive as a teenager, influences some of the greatest kings in all of world history and is entrusted [by God] to receive revelation of the End Times.
     Do you ever imagine what Joshua must have felt when God anointed him to take the Israelites into the Promised Land and defeat the pagan nations before him? And what about the prophet Elijah who is anointed to stand against 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah? These mighty deeds are just a few of the accounts of God anointing men for His service. It's kind of daunting isn't it to think that we could be empowered with the same revelations and gifts of the Holy Spirit to carry out such important assignments for God and His Kingdom?
     Yet that is exactly what I am telling you. It is not only men who walk powerfully in the Spirit, but we women also have a calling and an anointing on our lives. And the Bible gives us examples of women who stand as inspiration for us.  Let's take a look at three women, each with a different calling and Divine purpose in her anointing. Perhaps you will recognize yourself in one of them, and see your possibilities for serving the Lord.
     Anna.  And there was a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived with her husband seven years from when she was a virgin, and then as a widow until she was eighty-four. She did not depart from the temple, worshiping with fasting and prayer night and day.  And coming up at that very hour she began to give thanks to God and to speak of him to all who were waiting for the redemption of Jerusalem (Luke 2:36-38).
     The Anna Anointing will be given to women in whom the offices of prophet, intercessor, and evangelist all converge. I'm not saying that these women will necessarily be prophets, but they will have a prophetic spirit. And through their night-and-day fasting and prayer, they will prophecy and testify of Jesus in their evangelistic efforts. Note that in the above Scripture, Anna does not actually give a prophetic word, but her actions are prophetic.
     And note that Anna doesn't fit the image of a likely candidate that God would choose to prophesy about His redemption. She is 84 years old, widowed at a young age, and living in the shadows of the Temple, probably unnoticed by most people. God is looking for those same unlikely candidates today.
     The Holy Spirit is raising up women in our time to pray effectively, fast consistently, and preach prophetically. I don't mean preach as in standing at a pulpit, but I believe the heart of the modern-day Anna will be given the grace (empowerment) to pray the promises of God as they are expressed in the Bible. I believe she will pray as an intercessor, inviting the Lord to reveal His love and empower the Body of Christ to fulfill the Great Commission, along with the signs and wonders that accompany it.
     Women with the Anna Anointing will develop a listening heart that synchronizes with the heart and mind of the Lord. Just as Anna in the Bible, these women will dedicate their lives to worship, persevering in the promises of the Lord. The modern-day Anna, like her Biblical counterpart, will live a life of holy commitment to the purposes of the Lord. The Biblical Anna prayed night and day, never abandoning the hope she had that God would fulfill His promise of a Messiah. The modern-day Anna is praying and watching for the return of the Messiah, who she knows brings both justice and peace. Her prayers will be heard in Heaven and her sacrifice honored as she sees the Kingdom of God coming more in focus.
     Esther.  Go, gather all the Jews that are present in Susa, and observe a fast for me; do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my maids also will fast in the same way. Then I will go in to [see] the king [without being summoned], which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish.”  So Mordecai went away and did exactly as Esther had commanded him. 
     The story of Esther in the Bible is a fascinating one. She was born at a time when Israel was in captivity as a consequence to their disobedience to God. When Esther’s parents were killed, her cousin Mordecai adopted her as his daughter. Not only was Esther an ordinary woman living in a foreign land, but she was part of a minority race held in low esteem. But her beauty caught the eye of the Persian king and he took her as his wife. Mordecai advised her to keep secret her Jewish nationality because the King's advisor sought to destroy the Jewish people. But Esther trusts in God for her strength and finds the courage to destroy the conspiracy and save her people.
     The modern woman with the Esther anointing will find that she has been given the grace to influence the current culture for the purposes of the Kingdom of God. Like the Biblical Esther, she will act out of faith, courage and righteous boldness to exercise wisdom to confront injustice and deliver this generation from destruction.
     Although bold in their convictions, women with the Esther anointing will be patient, submitting to the processes and methods of the Lord. She will have a humble, grace-filled and teachable spirit; perhaps even being plucked out of obscurity (as the ancient Esther) to be placed in positions of authority. She will emerge from her comfort zone to speak new languages, learn new cultures, and overcome gender prejudices. She will not be intimidated at where the Lord is taking her, and she will have an anointing to gather people together for the purposes of the Lord; to call people to prayer and fasting to plead for life before the courts of Heaven and Earth. She will be willing to stand before ungodly civil authorities to see that the nation's policies, rules, regulations and laws be changed for the advantage of the Kingdom. Through her humble obedience, God will use the modern-day Esther to rescue individuals, change circumstances, and deliver nations.
     Deborah.  The villagers ceased to be; they ceased in Israel until I, Deborah, arose; until I arose, a mother in Israel (Judges 5:7).
     Deborah was a leader, a judge, and a prophetess in Israel – one to whom God could reveal His secrets. God used her to communicate His will to the people of Israel. When Deborah received instruction from God to go to battle against the Canaanite army, she moved to act on it. She didn’t sit weighing the pros and cons, thinking of all the things that could go wrong, or doubting her ability to do what He said. If God said it needed to be done, that was enough for her. Her faith in Him gave her the power to act. Everything that was necessary to accomplish His will she would receive from Him.
     Just like the Biblical Deborah, women of today with the Deborah anointing will be blessed with the gift of leadership. They will be women who have developed the character and ability to inspire and disciple the next generation to walk in the fullness of their own calling. They will lead others to stand for God's righteousness in the midst of a wicked and perverse culture. 
     Women with the Deborah anointing will have a mother's heart to nurture; through mentoring, discipling and training, they will nurture a generation to maturity in seeking the Lord's will. They will be capable of strategizing with the Lord to see His battle plan come to fruition. They will not be afraid to stir up or excite public discussion with the goal of producing change in the Body of Christ.
     The woman with the Deborah anointing will not be afraid of controversy, and will not hinder the counsel of the Holy Spirit. She will break away from traditions and conventional customs -- not out of rebellion, but in obedience to God to set people free. She will be bold, yet acting and speaking in love. She will be able to balance the roles of wife and leader, and be able to discern the times and seasons of the Lord -- knowing when it is time to bless, when to deliver, and when to go to war. And above all else, the Deborah anointing sees a woman develop a lifestyle of praise and worship, where she receives the strength and help to carry out the Lord's commands.
     So, these are just three women whom God anointed for important and specific assignments. Just as in Biblical times, God is calling the women of today to a purpose greater than themselves. God is awakening women and positioning them with opportunities to influence their families, their communities, their churches, and their nation for His Kingdom. Any of these stories could be yours. Or God might have a unique plan for your life to accomplish His goals. All it takes is a willing heart and spirit to be His vessel. If you let Him, God can use you for His glory! 

If you would like to explore more about these specific women and their anointings from God, I recommend a series of books by Michelle McClain-Walters in which she explores how we can all be inspired to receive the Anna Anointing, the Esther Anointing, and the Deborah Anointing. 

Esther 4:14    "And who knows whether you have not come to the Kingdom for such a time as this?”

February 25, 2019

What Is The Anointing On Your Life?

     That word anointing can be a scary word in a Christian's life. It carries such weight because we know Jesus, our Lord and Savior, as "the Anointed One". Therefore to consider that we might carry an anointing, when it is so strongly associated with Him, can be an intimidating prospect. Yet, I am convinced that to be anointed unto the Lord is available in every Believer's life.
     Historically speaking, anointing the body or head with oil was a common practice among Jews and people in the Middle East, signifying honor and respect. It was the official rite of inauguration into the three principal offices of Jewish leadership: Prophet, Priest and King. The Bible tells us that Saul was anointed as the first King of Israel, and it was a custom passed down to King David and all the Kings of Israel. We read of Samuel's anointing as Prophet, and Aaron's anointing as Priest.  We also see leaders throughout the history of Israel and Judah being anointed to carry out the Lord's plan: Moses, Joshua, Deborah, Gideon, and Daniel, among many others.
     And because God is sovereign in choosing whom He anoints, He used a pagan Persian King Cyrus to enable the Jewish exiles to return home after their Babylonian exile. “Thus says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus … ‘For the sake of My servant Jacob, and Israel My chosen, I call you by your name, I name you, though you do not know Me” (Isaiah 45:1-4).
     But an anointing by the Lord is no guarantee that one will fulfill their sanctified calling. Saul fell from favor with God, as did many of the Kings of Israel and Judah. And there is the most famous "fall" of all, Lucifer, who guarded the throne of God: "You were in Eden, the garden of God ... You were an anointed guardian cherub, for I had appointed you. You were on the holy mountain of God; you walked among the fiery stones" (Ezekiel 28:13-14).
     But lest you think that God's anointing belongs only to those whose names are recorded in the Bible, let me assure you that that there is an anointing on your life as well. In 2 Corinthians 1:21-22, the Bible makes it clear that God has established us in relationship with Christ and anointed us, [empowering us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit]. He has certified us as belonging to Him with the seal of the Holy Spirit on our hearts, and ordained our assignments in the Kingdom for His glory. 
     So, I have an important question for you ... As a child of God, anointed by Him, with the Holy Spirit abiding in you ... Are you actively asking for the revelation of your anointing? As I understand it, to be anointed by God is to walk out our royal priesthood as declared in 1 Peter 2:9. Yes, I believe that Peter is specifically talking to Israel and the Jews as God's "chosen race; a people of His own possession (Deuteronomy 32:9); a spiritual nation set apart as God's devoted ones", but we are grafted into that "spiritual nation", and therefore the anointing is ours, too. 
     So, again, I ask you ... are you seeking God and your anointing; your calling; your assignment to demonstrate God's love and power to a hurting and corrupted world? I believe the key to receive our anointing is to love God and desire to serve Him more than we love ourselves or our lives. And as Jesus commanded, we must love others as we love ourselves. To be willing to put God first, your neighbor second, and yourself last will open hearts to allow God's anointing to flow through us. And I'm going to say something that may be hard to hear, but I think this is one of the hardest things for modern Christians to do. 
     The culture of our society -- and yes, even the Church -- does not promote dying to self in order to serve God or others. Our "what's in it for me"  or "look at me" attitudes have us focused on our own reputations, and what others think of us, more than what God is wanting to do through us. Too many people -- both Unbelievers and Christians alike -- are seeking validation from people, rather than a Divine anointing for the purpose of glorifying God. Positions and titles often supersede our service.
     One of the most illuminating descriptions of God's anointing comes from God.net: "God’s anointing flows to those who are hungry for a touch from His Holy Spirit. The anointing has less to do with the person that it flows through than it does with the person who receives it, and the One who sent it, God Almighty." 
     So, it is my desire to be touched by the Holy Spirit and to serve my God, regardless of status, personal benefit, reputation, or recognition. I just want to be an obedient servant of the Lord and faithful to the anointing He has placed on my life. And I want to pray that each of you will be blessed with receiving your anointing; that you believe you are worthy and qualified. I invite you to pray this prayer with me:
     Father, I know that I have an anointing on my life and I pray that I will always remember that it is for the benefit of another and for Your glory.  And I ask You to humble my heart should I ever think it's about me! I ask You, Father, to give me favor and influence to be put before people who need to receive what my anointing offers. 
     Let Your anointing on my life be light in the midst of their darkness, and sight to the blind. Let me be patient, waiting for Your timing, yet always being available to share what You have called me to.
     Let me be ever mindful that the anointing by Your Holy Spirit is a gift from You -- I have done nothing to deserve it. And I give You praise and thanksgiving for trusting me with this gift. 
     Father, let Your anointing be the River of Life that flows from Your throne through my heart and floods the world around me, penetrating the hearts of all who will receive it. And let me walk in the joy of my anointing, giving and receiving, as Your will dictates. I acknowledge that the anointing that comes from You is a sacred appointment and I do not take it for granted. Give me the grace and humility to walk out my anointing all the days of my life. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen. 

1 Peter 2:9     But you are God’s chosen treasure—priests who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience His marvelous light, and now He claims you as His very own. He did this so that you would broadcast His glorious wonders throughout the world. 

February 22, 2019

God Is Moving In The Hearts of Men and Women In The Kingdom!

     Even as I am writing this, the Holy Spirit is informing me of the Father's will in the matter of obedience to the calling upon the lives of men and women in the Body of Christ. And I want to be careful to present this revelation in His truth; not mine, nor the world's perception.
     For awhile now, I have been fortunate to be in the company of mighty women of God; women who have answered the call of God to seek Him more deeply and to walk unconventional paths as they share the Kingdom message. We women have not hesitated to step out boldly and confidently to declare Kingdom living to an oftentimes skeptical Christian audience.
     As I review my own path, I see that the Lord inspired and called me to know more of Him before He did my husband. That is not saying that I was more important to the will of God, or that I was called to have more influence in presenting the Gospel of the Kingdom. But rather, I think that perhaps women are more sensitive to hearing from God. Why? Scientifically speaking, the 2008 Pew U.S. Religious Landscape Survey found that two-thirds of all women surveyed pray daily, while less than half of all men surveyed prayed as often.  One of the reasons women pray more could be that they are more comfortable with using their imaginations to perceive God. After all, the Bible tells us in Romans 12:2 that by testing and renewing our minds, we can discern the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.  And men, on the other hand, tend to be more concrete thinkers and God has to reach them in different ways.
     My husband's path to seek the voice of God may have been slower than mine, but in no way, has his path resulted in less impact for the Kingdom. As I began to walk out the leading of the Lord and teach in our Home Church, Mark was comfortable in supporting me and encouraging that position. When we both learned of the authority and power our Lord gave us to continue His work in defeating the works of the devil, he was just as interested in attending conferences to learn more about it. He arranged for me to attend a training session with a noted Deliverance Minister, while he cheered from the sidelines, so to speak. We agreed on the importance of teaching and training and ministering, and he supported my involvement with opportunities to seek more. I appeared to be leading the charge. But all that is changing...
     And I will tell you that this is a pattern I see happening in many other couples whom I see the Lord calling and using -- the wife answers the knock at the door first, with the husband seemingly in the background in a supportive role. I can think, right off the bat, of six other wives whom I consider mighty women of God, whose histories with the Lord (and their husbands) resembles mine. They each stepped out in obedience to the call of God, and boldly followed where He led.  The six corresponding husbands began in various stages of knowledge and relationship with the Lord, but I see all of them now turning to walk in the path and purpose God has on their lives. And I am going to say something that might be construed as controversial among liberal theologians, but .... I believe the Lord is showing me that each of these men will surpass the leadership position of their wives and step into their anointing from God.
     I see it happening in my own life. Mark is now becoming the focal point upon which our ministry and teaching is based. He leads the discussions more often; he is beginning to do more teaching; and he takes the lead in determining our ministry path. I see it happening in the other couples' lives, too. Husbands are stepping into uncharted waters, trusting the Lord to train them up and point the way. They are joining us in retreats, leading worship, partnering in ministries, and daring to walk the distinctive and personal path God has designed specifically for them. It's as if they have cut the bonds that tie them to this earthly system of religion and identity. They are hearing from God and no longer fear men or the traditions that have defined a limited role in establishing the Kingdom of God on earth. They now have the freedom to do as the Bible commands ... act like men; be strong and courageous; to keep the charge of the Lord on their lives... to step into their anointing with integrity, dignity, and boldness.
     But here is the strong word I am getting from the Lord: we wives must be willing to step aside, if need be, to let them step into that new identity. The Holy Spirit is showing me that the transformation in our lives [and the roles we have played in presenting the Gospel message] served a dual purpose. Our hearts and spirits were charged with obeying the Lord to present the concept of Kingdom living. But we were also charged with plowing the field for the harvest of our husband's anointing and purpose. This in no way diminishes our own harvest for the Kingdom, but I am seeing that perhaps God is initiating a new season in our lives. It will be a season where the Lord will accomplish much in our husbands' walks of faith, and their testimonies will be at the forefront.
     I truly believe this is the meaning of Scripture that tells us wives to "submit" to our husbands. It is not a command to be "submissive", or meekly obedient and passive. But, rather, it is a command to share in a mission with our husbands -- that our roles as wives is a sub-mission to the mission of representing Christ. I also believe that the world in which we live is so confining to men. There is such pressure to perform, and to succeed; yet our culture denounces men who are seen as too powerful and oppressive. The Enemy has done a good job of reducing the role of men in society, while building a sound barrier between our men and the voice of God.
     So, maybe ... just maybe ... God has to use us to reach them. When we are obedient to the call of God on our lives, and we will not be deterred, then it is applying pressure to the Enemy's agenda to keep the men in our lives behind that sound barrier.  Our obedience causes a shift in what our husband's hear ... there is a change as we outrun all the pressure and sound waves in front of the devil's agenda, and it is heard in our husband's heart as an explosion, or sonic boom. It may take years, but eventually, that barrier is broken and they can hear the Lord calling them, loud and clear!
     Now, I have a question for each of you women reading this blog. Are you praying for your husbands to hear the voice of God and to receive their calling and purpose for the Kingdom? If you are currently the "leader" in your family dynamic, are you willing to let the Lord bring your husband into His purpose, even if it means you take a back seat in the world [and in the Body of Christ]? Do you have a spirit of Pride that supersedes the will of God? To you men -- are you confident enough in your manhood to take a look at what your wife is sowing? Are you open to hearing from God, or do you think you're doing your part by supporting the family while she hears from God? And, finally, are you courageous enough to answer that knock at the door and let Jesus in, no matter the cost?
     We all were designed, by God, with His purpose in mind. I do not believe that He thinks leadership is the sole domain of men. Women were important in the ministry of Christ on earth, and women held important leadership positions in the Early Church. But the devil has been playing havoc with the roles of men and women in our society for decades now. It is time we stopped looking in the Culture Mirror and saw ourselves in the Kingdom Mirror. Quit listening to what and who the world tells you you should be, and begin to break down the devil's sound barriers. Then open the door to Jesus. Walk in the path and the role He sets before you. Don't judge either [your path or your role] by the world's standards. Be equally yoked and watch how the God of the Universe uses you both!

1 John 2:27     But the wonderful anointing you have received from God now lives in you. There’s no need for anyone to keep teaching you. His anointing teaches you all that you need to know, for it will lead you into truth, not a counterfeit. So just as the anointing has taught you, remain in Him. 

February 19, 2019

Is It Time For a Spiritual Pruning In The Church?

     Different parts of the country have different seasons for pruning trees and flowering bushes and plants. And I found the reasons for pruning to be both interesting and Biblical: Some pruning is done to change or train a plant's growing pattern or to restrict growth. And the pruning of fruit trees is a necessary chore that improves penetration of the sun and increases air movement through the tree. Maybe I've just got an unusual way of seeing things, but I couldn't help but relate these descriptions to our spiritual pruning -- changing or training us for growth or constraint; and receiving more of the penetration of the Son and an increase in the movement of the Holy Spirit through us [being the air/breath of God].
     The principle verses in the Bible that refer to pruning are the ones we all know, John 15:1-2, I am the true Vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that continues to bear fruit, He [repeatedly] prunes, so that it will bear more fruit [even richer and finer fruit]. 
     Although the purpose of this blog post is to address the Body of Christ, it is necessary you understand that while these verses in John are applicable to us Christians, they are clearly addressed to Israel. If you take in the whole counsel of God in His Word, you will see that in both Psalm 80 and Isaiah 5, the nation of Israel is called the vine, and God is the vinedresser ... You brought a vine out of Egypt; you drove out the nations and planted it. You cleared the ground for it; it took deep root and filled the land (Psalm 80:8-9); For the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is the house of Israel... (Isaiah 5:7).
     So when Jesus calls Himself "the true Vine", He is identifying with Israel. According to American theologian and pastor, R.C. Sproul, Jesus is saying that He is the embodiment of all that Israel should be. “Should be” because, as is well known, Israel did not faithfully execute her mission as God’s representative. Her sins and lack of repentance prevented her from being a faithful witness.  And that's where Romans 11:17-24 brings us Christians into view. We were grafted into the vine, and now share in its nourishing root. But, lest we become arrogant, Scripture tells us that we, too, can be cut off if we become proud or lose our fear of the Lord.  
     I have to tell you that as we entered into this new year of 2019, I have been overwhelmed with the number of Christian websites that are prophesying of great turmoil and transition this year. Believe me I am not diminishing the ability of the anointed to prophesy, but perhaps I am feeling inundated with the number of self-proclaimed prophets. There are times I sense that "to prophesy" has become an idol among the Body of Christ; that it is "the gifting of the hour", if you will.
     But are we possibly seeking after giftings more than fruit? I mean, Jesus makes it pretty clear in John 15 that every branch in Him must bear fruit, or it is pruned. Are we clear that "to prophesy" is to speak under divine inspiration, or to share the counsel from God that we have received? Or have we, as the Body of Christ, become arrogant in believing that our own counsel is worth proclaiming as God's? We are to abide in Him, which results in bearing fruit. But if we just attach ourselves to Him, without truly abiding in faith, then we are just dead wood, not a thriving fruit-producing branch of the vine. And we will be "cut off" -- please see that distinction ... not pruned, but cut off! 
     To be pruned means that all the branches that are fruit-bearing will will be trimmed to increase fruitfulness and growth. Remember that pruning includes changing or training a branch's growth pattern. We, as the Church, should expect to be pruned to increase our yield of souls for the Kingdom so that the harvest of the Lord will be abundant.  Before we embrace every prophetic warning that is being spoken, perhaps we should wait to see if the Lord is about to prune to bring forth a truer word. Every prophecy spoken is not necessarily coming from the Lord; and my spirit is beginning to sense a competition among the "prophetic voices" to gain loyal followings. 
     I do not want to be so cynical, but I think of Jesus, standing before the Sanhedrin. They beat on Him, and taunted Him, saying, "Prophesy to us!" But He stayed silent. He didn't need to speak to hear Himself heard. At that moment He was silent and surrendered -- not working in His giftings of prophecy or miracles, but surrendered to His flesh and waiting for the Father to reveal His counsel. Through the hardship of His trial, the discipline to wait for His Father's counsel, and the suffering of the Cross, Jesus bore far greater and sweeter fruit than Israel, the original vine of the Lord of Hosts.
     I think it is imperative to the Church today to remember that Israel did not faithfully execute her mission as God’s representative. And for that she is temporarily cut off the vine. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that true faith - real, authentic faith that abides in Christ -- is affirmed by the fruit of good works. We must examine our faith and determine if, by acting in our gifts -- whether it be prophecy or any other -- we are producing good fruit for the Kingdom, or serving ourselves. Let us examine ourselves to see what the world sees more of in us --- our giftings or our fruit.  Do we need to be pruned because we are growing the wrong way? Are we sprouting branches out of our flesh, or from the true vine? Are we willing to be pruned so that the Son can penetrate our branches and the breath of God move in us? Let us be willing to have every unholy branch be pruned by our loving Father so that we are effective representatives of the Kingdom, and we produce blooms of faith ... healthy, vibrant and beautiful blooms that grow into an abundant harvest of fruit. And let us thank God that He loves us enough to prune us!

John 15:4    "As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me."

February 16, 2019

Who God Is In His Judgment, Holiness, and Love

      His Judgment - For awhile now, I've been hearing a misguided cliché spoken by people in the Church. It goes something like this: "We don't need to worry about God's judgment against America. If God were really going to judge us, He would have to apologize to Jesus." What?!?
     The skewed reasoning behind this ludicrous statement relies on a false understanding of the gospel -- that Jesus bore our sins on the Cross, and therefore our judgment is nailed there, too. God will not judge us because, after all [they say], doesn't the Bible tell us that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus? This misunderstanding is a prime example of one of the Body of Christ's most egregious shortcomings, which is not taking into account the whole counsel of God.
     And on this matter of God's judgment, I hate to say it, but .... in the current Church culture there is almost an ignorance of what the Word reveals on the subject. The failure to study and understand God's judgment -- and dare I say it, His wrath -- has led to a lack of holy fear in a lot of Christians. Many think that we don't need to worry about God's judgment or wrath because that doesn't happen until the End Times. They think that until then, we are covered by the blood of Jesus, forgiven of our sins, and righteousness has been imputed to us by our faith. No need to worry, right?
     Well, when you take a look at what is becoming the norm and acceptable in our nation -- in our culture and our laws, and yes, even in our churches -- I believe you will see we are being judged even now. How so? Consider Romans 1:18, which says For God in heaven unveils his holy anger breaking forth against every form of sin, both toward ungodliness that lives in hearts and evil actions. For the wickedness of humanity deliberately smothers the truth and keeps people from acknowledging the truth about God (TPT).

     When I consider what has happened in this nation since I came of age in the early 70s, it is astounding. I have seen the acceptance of casual sex through an immoral sexual revolution; the institution of full-term abortion in the laws of our land; the acceptance and promotion of same-sex relations and marriages; gender manipulation and elimination; and much more. And it is not just unbelievers who have taken part in these actions, but those who profess to love God! But what does God's Word tell us in Romans 1:18? What God sees as the"wickedness of humanity" will result in his holy anger because people refuse to acknowledge the truth about God -- that He is a righteous God who cannot tolerate unrepentance and continued sin. That chapter in Romans goes on to say that because people exchange the truth about God for a lie, He gives them up to their sins. Isn't that what we're seeing today in our society? That is judgment in itself, and should give anyone pause. 
     But it is verse 32 that I see so clearly in our nation today -- from the home to the boardroom; from the halls of Congress to our Church buildings ... Although they are fully aware of God’s laws and proper order, and knowing that those who do all of these things deserve to die, yet they still go headlong into darkness, encouraging others to do the same and applauding them when they do! 
     His Holiness -  If you mention "holiness" in today's society, it's almost an irrelevant term -- looked upon as outdated and insignificant. But I believe that the moral confusion we see in our culture is a result of a lack of understanding about holiness. In regards to each of us, holiness is being dedicated and committed to living a pure life; consecrated to God in our word, thoughts, actions. In other words, we do not conform to the world's standards, but rather to God's.
     As holiness relates to God, one of the best definitions I've ever heard is the following: "Holy refers to life burning with an intense purity that transforms everything it touches into itself". Only God is perfect in goodness and righteousness, therefore He is worthy to be exalted and worshiped. But where is the acknowledgment and reverence for His holy nature? To be holy means that all we are and all we have belongs to God, not ourselves, and is set apart for His purposes.
     Yet, I sense a frightening silence about God's Holiness in the Church -- the meaning of it and our responsibility to it; the necessity of it in our decaying moral structure; and yes, even the endorsement of it from the pulpit. It's as if somehow, the Church is afraid to offend the world with an idea that we should be holy like our God. The lack [or ignorance] of holiness in the masses leads to a distorted and limited view of the true God. When we do not uphold God's standards of holiness, we are short-changing His expression of love. And that brings me to the final attribute...
     The True Love of God - God's love is not a permissive love. He has set Divine standards for the purposes of our lives, and He does not capitulate based on man's fleshly desires. His is not a sentimental love based on our emotions, but rather a Holy love designed to bring us into righteous relationship with Him.
     For example, we can consider homosexuality, and the ordaining of gay clergy in some Church denominations. This practice has been adopted, all in the name of love. Should we continue to love our homosexual friends and family members? Absolutely! But that does not mean that we change God's Word to match the way we feel.
     No man was more loving than Jesus Christ. Yet His love for all men did not prevent Him from disapproving of lifestyles and motives. Sometimes His love even made people angry. But it was a love that could not deny His Father's Holiness, and it was His desire that this holy love transform people into the image of God.
     In fact, Jesus mixed God's love with His truth and His holiness to give us a clear Biblical blueprint by which to live our lives. But we want to ignore certain verses, or even alter their meaning to make it more palatable to our lifestyles.  Some have even gone so far as to disregard and nullify any attempt to shine a light on God's judgment [or wrath], His holiness, or the truth that hell actually exists! The result is that God's love is watered down and corrupted to simply an emotional feeling.
     I fear that the Body of Christ is not doing justice to the full nature of God. When we want to make Him in our image, we diminish the power of the Gospel to effect the world. He IS a God of Judgment, and yes, even wrath. At the end of this Age, we who have been faithful will not be subject to that wrath, but it doesn't mean that the world won't experience it. He IS a Holy God; one who is perfect and separate from man's corrupted state, with sacrosanct values that are not to be interfered with. And He IS a loving God who isn't afraid to use discipline when it is necessary to correct disobedience and establish His truth. It's time we, as the Church of Jesus Christ, take a good hard look in the mirror at how we are manifesting His glory. We are all praying for an awakening in the souls of men, but the stirring must start with us.

Proverbs 11:31    If the righteous are barely saved, what’s in store for all the wicked?

February 13, 2019

A Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness

     The last few posts have been pretty heavy; theologically weighty, if you will. So I thought I would take a break and present a topic to hearten our spirits. It may seem like a trivial subject but it actually has great consequences not only here on earth, but in heaven and in the spiritual realm, too. So, today I'd like to address acts of kindness.
     The Bible tells us that "the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law" (Galatians 5:22-23). When we break these two verses down, it looks like this ... the word fruit is the Greek word karpos and is loosely translated as "harvest". Digging in deeper, Strong's Concordance tells us the word means the fruit that is produced by the inherent energy of a living organism; the visible expression of power working inwardly and invisibly, and the character of the power producing it. So, ultimately, the "fruit of the Spirit" suggests the unity of the character of the Lord as reproduced in us [through the presence of the Holy Spirit]. You might want to meditate on that for a moment. Simply put, yes, it is a harvest, but it is a complex concept.
    So, now let's take a look at kindness. It is the Greek word chrestotes, and Strong's says it signifies not merely goodness as a quality, but it is goodness in action, goodness expressing itself in deeds, showing grace and tenderness and compassion.
     That's an academic and somewhat impersonal description of kindness as a fruit of the Spirit. So what does it look like in reality? Well, I'm going to give you a personal example, and one that I am very proud of.  My niece and God-daughter, Kaylee, has a sweet and tender heart and sincerely loves the Lord. She is somewhat of an anomaly in this Millennial generation. She decided that she was spending too much time on Instagram (a social media platform) and canceled her profile. She is passionately pursuing a relationship with Jesus, and writes a blog about how her experiences and dedication to a righteous life sometimes leaves her walking a lonely path.
     But don't feel sorry for her! She is a beautiful and vibrant young woman who has a witty sense of humor and will one day make an amazing wife for the man she is waiting for the Lord to bring into her life. And she will soon be starting her career as an elementary school teacher and will bless the lives of the children who are placed in her path. But this is a blog post about kindness. And I want you to hear how Kaylee epitomizes this fruit of the Spirit.
     I wish you could hear her tell the story, because she is much more entertaining than my words on this screen, but I will do my best. She had just received her paycheck and decided she needed to go to the pet store to buy her beloved puppy some dog food. The weather was bad and she was carefully making her way to Pet Smart when, on the side of the road, she passed a homeless man and his little dog. You have to understand the members of our family -- we are all fervent dog lovers and the multiple pets we own are loved by all of us; literally members of the extended family. So Kaylee's heart was instantly touched by the sight of the little dog in the cold, nasty weather.
     As she passed the man and his pet, she decided that since she was going to buy food for her own dog, she would get some for the homeless dog and return to deliver it. When she got to the pet store, she purchased food, a couple of toys, a blanket and some dog chews. As she often does, she struck up a conversation with the clerk, explaining that she was buying these for a dog who was on the street in the inclement weather. The clerk told her that he would help, too, and gave her a discount. [Kindness is addictive].
     So she drove back to the corner where the man and dog had been, praying that she would hit a red light when she reached them because there was no place to pull off to distribute the goods. The Lord  heard her prayer and the light turned red just as she approached them. She rolled her window down and gave the man what she had purchased for his dog. He was so thankful and couldn't believe that she had made the effort to come back -- it would have been so easy to keep driving and never think about them again.
     But Kaylee's act of kindness was not finished. Before the light turned green and she had to drive off, she said her heart was pricked with the idea that she should bless the man, too. She said she had heard the advice to not give the homeless money because they often bought alcohol or drugs with it, but that's all she had to give him, so she reached into her wallet and gave him the cash she had.
     Now, Kaylee didn't relate this story to receive accolades or praise. Her story was really more about her feelings for the little dog and the funny narrative of maneuvering through the traffic to secure the  perfect timing of reaching them. But I know better. I know that it was the power of the Holy Spirit to produce the heart of Jesus in her, in that moment. She didn't hesitate, she didn't make excuses why it was too much trouble or that she would be late to work. She just displayed the goodness of her nature, and acted with grace and tenderness and compassion.
     This may not be a story of great import or impact. But you know what? God doesn't require blockbuster deeds. Simple acts of kindness such as this can change a person's life. This is the divine love of God expressed by a young woman who belongs to Jesus Christ. Not only did she touch the life of the homeless man and his little dog, but Heaven took notice, too. When she stands before Jesus one day, she will receive her crowns and rewards for living a life that pointed others to the love of Christ. To the world her actions may look insignificant. But to God, on that rainy, icy day she was the visible expression of the power of His love. And who knows what her actions might inspire in others? I know her life will be a bountiful harvest!

Luke 6:38    Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.