A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

February 6, 2017

Do We Even Know What It Means To Be "The Church"?

     Yesterday, I expressed my concerns and frustrations regarding the institutionalized "Church", and how my spirit senses that we are stifling the full image of Jesus and His ministry.  That got me to thinking ... What did Jesus expect of the Church?  How did He envision it? And is it what He intended it to be?
     There have been 20 centuries since our Savior walked this earth and the Church came into existence. As we are well into the 21st, I think it's time we take a good hard look at ourselves and determine if we even resemble what He began, and if we are serving His purpose for the Kingdom of God.
     First of all, you can scour the internet and find all kinds of commentaries and discussions on what the Church should be, and more often than not, it seems that it is from man's perspective -- it is what we have decided the Church should look like from hundreds of years of internal deliberation and analysis.  But is that what really matters -- what we have determined? Because, I would venture to say that if you asked ten Christians what Jesus intended The Church to be, you would probably get ten different answers, depending on their denomination and generational biases.  If you had to find the common denominator among those varying opinions, you would probably come up with a checklist describing the Church as something close to the following:  1) a community of prayer based on the Word;  2) we are to worship God;  3) we are to make disciples;  4) we are to be in genuine fellowship with one another; encouraging each other in our walk with Christ; and finally, 5) we are to proclaim the Gospel to the rest of the world.
     All of those are good descriptions; no one could deny their importance.  But do they represent what Jesus conveyed as His charge to those who would follow Him? Consider this ... Did you know that there are only two instances that Jesus even mentions the word church in the four Gospels?  The first is in Matthew 16:15-19, where it is my opinion that Jesus describes the spiritual aspect of what "Church" means to Him.  In this passage, Jesus acknowledges Peter's confession of faith in Him as the Son of the Living God, and tells Peter that on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it.  Peter is also told that he will be given the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
     I would like to encourage you to read my post on this passage, as it will clear up what I think is a mistaken image of establishing an "organized" church model, with Peter as the head.  Here is a quick synopsis of what I think Jesus meant (and I hope you will read the entire post to get the full context):  Where this talk took place, and what Jesus said, would have made Peter and his fellow disciples very uneasy.  They knew they were standing on the ground where the Fallen Angels landed on their descent to earth (in Genesis 6:1-4), and it is ground that the Nephilim had inhabited.  In Jewish theology, the spirits of these dead warrior-kings were demons.  Jews believed that this area, with its connection to Fallen Angels and temples dedicated to Zeus and Baal worship, was the entryway to the underworld -- the gates of Sheol, which simply means “the place of the dead” or “the place of departed souls/spirits.”  (The New Testament Greek equivalent is Hades, or in English, Hell).  In this case, with its history involving Fallen Angels, this was a place of evil departed spirits, or demons.
     Therefore, Peter clearly understood what Jesus was saying -- that when He referred to "the rock" on which He would build His Church, He did not mean either Peter or Himself.  Peter and the other Disciples knew Jesus was talking about the very rock on which they were standing -- the foot of Mount Hermon, the demonic headquarters of the Old Testament and the Greek world. So when Jesus declared His plan to start His Church on that very spot -- on the top of the gates of hell -- He is saying that He would crush both Evil and Death, and bury them!  He is saying that He intends for the power of His Church to be like a huge rock that will smash the rocks upon which the gates of hell rested -- and He intends His Church to take the fight to the Enemy!
     I believe that Jesus is expressing His plan that those who would follow Him in faith (that is the Church; and Peter being the first in time, not authority) would be given the "keys to the Kingdom"; in other words, the power to help establish Heaven on Earth -- which was God's plan from the beginning in the Garden of Eden.  God wants His realm -- His Kingdom -- to be the same on Earth as it is in Heaven.  That means no pain, no illnesses, no demonic attacks, no poverty, no fear, etc.  And that is the primary message Jesus came to deliver!  By healing infirmities, casting out demons, and sharing the Gospel of the Kingdom, He is telling the world that He came to help institute Heaven on Earth -- and to show us what God's Kingdom looks like.
     I believe Jesus meant the Church to be those who would share these same goals.  He gathered around him a group of disciples who participated in His spiritual healing power and teaching.  And I believe He fully intended His disciples to carry on His work together, as the Church.  But He makes it clear that He desires that everyone who would follow Him be on the same page as to His goals for the Kingdom.  And that's where He mentions for the second and last time, the word Church.  
     In Matthew 18:15-20, I believe we get a more accurate picture of how Jesus saw the physical image of what we have come to know as the Church.  He is addressing His disciples on how to handle a community member who has separated himself from the community and refuses to listen. Jesus said, If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church, and if he refuses to listen even to the church, treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector ... Again I say to you, that if two believers on earth agree [that is, are of one mind, in harmony] about anything that they ask [within the will of God], it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in My name [meeting together as My followers], I am there among them.
     Now this is where I am probably going to lose those who are well entrenched in their mega-church buildings, and those who like their image as part of a particular Christian organization or established religion.  First, we need to acknowledge that the word "Church" is not the word Jesus would have used. Secondly, we have no actual way of knowing what word Jesus used, because He would have spoken in Aramaic, and we have no Aramaic translation of the New Testament.  However, when Matthew made his own personal translation of what Jesus said in Aramaic, he felt that the best translation of what Jesus said in Aramaic was the Greek word, ekklesia, which means "a gathering" or "assembly" in English.
     But note how Jesus describes what our English Bibles call "the church" in Matthew 18 -- He clearly says that where two or three are gathered in His Name, they are meeting together as His followers, and constitute a gathering, an assembly, a congregation [a fellowship], a church of Believers.  So how did we get to this "written in stone" concept of Church as a hierarchy of institutionalized religion and symbolized by an image of a building full of people?
     Perhaps when His Second Coming didn't happen as quickly as the disciples anticipated, they set about establishing some sort of an organization to carry on after their lifetimes.  I believe the early communities of disciples and Believers tried to carry on His physical/spiritual healing and His teachings that centered on establishing God's Heavenly Kingdom here on earth; of binding evil on Earth as it is bound [restricted] in Heaven, and loosing God's healing on Earth as it is loosed [unleashed] in Heaven. But as the apostles and First Century disciples passed from the scene, the message of establishing the heavenly Kingdom on earth began changing to a message of personal salvation, which was a product of faith in Jesus.  "The Church" made Salvation their primary message, and sadly, I cannot dismiss the selfish implications of this thought -- not that Salvation through faith in Jesus isn't important for our eternal destiny, but the message of Salvation is all about us. The Message of the Kingdom of God is all about Jesus and the Father! Jesus clearly told us that He was sent for the primary purpose of preaching the Good News of the Kingdom of God (Luke 4:43).  Furthermore, He admonished us to Seek first, the Kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). 
     So have we done that?  Are we, as "The Church" an embodiment of His teachings and commandments? Have we gathered in small communities and assemblies and promoted the idea that we, as His followers, are to bring about the Kingdom of God on earth -- as it is in Heaven -- by healing the sick; ridding the earth of the influence of Satan and his demons; teaching others what it means to have faith in Jesus and receiving the gift of Salvation and eternal life in return?  Jesus told us, My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?
     Again, I always feel as if I must tell you that I am not indicting the entire Body of Christ or those that choose to worship Him in fellowship in buildings.  I simply want all of us to look deeper at what Christ has chosen to reveal in His Word.  And I want all of us to consider this question, as posed by the website, The Real Truth:  If Jesus walked the earth today, and had to choose from the myriad of Churches in America, would He choose to attend your Church?  Remember, at the end of His earthly ministry, and just before His ascension into Heaven, He gave a command to the soon-to-be apostles: “Go you therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy [Spirit]: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you” (Matt. 28:19-20). 
     So, do our churches observe ALL THINGS as commanded by Jesus?  If He walked into any church in America today, what would He hear, or what would He find?  Isn't it acceptable to think that whatever Christ taught the original apostles, He would expect to find in His Church?  Would He find a Church that taught the foundational principles of His teachings, or one that extolled their own denominational doctrine?  Would He find your church celebrating the Holy Feast Days as commanded by God, or observing man-made holy days called Christmas and Easter, while rationalizing that they commemorate Him? (And then ask yourself this question:  Do you think Christmas and Easter are celebrated in Heaven -- or Passover, Feast of Tabernacles, etc.? ... On Earth as it is in Heaven, remember?).
     Again, if Jesus entered your church, would He find disciples healing the sick (as Peter did) and casting out demons (as the 70 evangelists did)?  Or would He hear condemnation of those acts as heresy?  Would He hear a message from the pulpit saying, "While we are to try to keep the Ten Commandments, it is not necessary [to keep them] to receive eternal life. Jesus did away with those ‘Old Testament Laws’ and nailed them to the Cross".  Do you think He might want to stand up and shout, Remember what I told you in Matthew 19:17: If you would enter life, keep the commandments!
     These are just a few of my thoughts about how Jesus would look upon The Church today.  Are we hearing His voice?  And does He know us?  Are we truly following Him in ALL His ways?  Are we producing any fruit?  And if so, is it fruit that He recognizes -- or is it the world that commends us?  My spirit just keeps bombarding me with all these thoughts because I sense that the Harvest is near. And as the Church, it is incumbent upon us that we ask ourselves if we have prepared the soil (the world) to receive the seed (His message of the Kingdom); if we have cultivated that soil (broken up the plans of the Enemy to deceive the world) so that our King might reap the harvest He left us in charge of.
     You see, I fear that we have concentrated on watering the plants in our own garden (our church buildings) instead of preparing and cultivating the fields in the outside world.  And while I see fruit being borne within the assembly, the world doesn't seem to get to share in savoring the sweet taste of Jesus. With His return eminent, I suspect that Jesus is looking forward to a Great Harvest.  The Church was to play a part in bringing that about, both in the spiritual and physical realms.  How have we stood the test of time, and how will He judge us?

And He said to them,  "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest".

February 5, 2017

John 21:25

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they were recorded one by one [in detail], I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.

     I am writing this post today from a place of thoughtful frustration.  I am not writing out of anger or indignation, but rather from disappointment and exasperation.  Let me tell you what I am seeing that has me in such a state ... As you know, the Lord has opened the spiritual eyes, minds, and hearts of my husband, myself, and a small [but growing] number of our fellow Christians.  We are receiving new revelations as we read His Word about just how Big He is; how He wants to work with us [through spiritual dimensions] to accomplish His will on earth; and just exactly what that partnership looks like, in terms of His power and authority which He has entrusted to us.
     We are understanding that we truly are made in His image, which means that Jesus [as God Incarnate] came to model what that looks like for us, who are spirits housed in these temporary shells called bodies.  But my frustration comes from the evidence I have seen by which the established Church wants to limit our picture of what Jesus modeled and how it pertains to us.  In other words, when a devoted Christian studies the Word as a Berean would, and tries to bring a new concept to the Fellowship of the Church, they are often ridiculed or silenced because this knowledge is not recognizable to this century's version of Christianity.
     And for those of you who do not know what a Berean is, they were the inhabitants of a small town called Berea (in what was northern Macedonia, or Greece) where Paul and Silas preached, and the Bereans were known for "having received the Word with all readiness of mind, and searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things [Paul preached about God] were so" (Acts 17:11).
     It is apparent from the context of this verse that Paul was bringing new meanings or significance to their ideas about God.  And what was their reaction?  I will tell you what it wasn't: "Wait a minute, we can't accept this because it's not what we've been taught".  And it wasn't, "That doesn't fit with my theology, so you are wrong".  And it most certainly was not, "We are just going to discount what you say because it's beyond my ability to comprehend such a supernatural God".  No! In essence, what the Bereans had were open hearts to receive a greater image of not only Who their God was, but who they were as people made in His image!
     They took the time to carefully study the Scriptures [that were available to them] to see if Paul and Silas were preaching accurately.  And they spent time in the Word every day, carefully examining Paul's claims about God to see if they were true.  They didn't automatically dismiss them out of an arrogance that their knowledge of God was complete and absolute.
     And that is where my frustration lies with the majority of "Church people".  I am not doubting their love for God or their faith in Him.  But I am disappointed when a faithful Believer is discouraged from sharing a view of God (and/or their relationship with Him) in terms that might be unfamiliar to the Church's experience.  And I am disappointed that instead of searching Scripture themselves to see if what is being presented expands their image and understanding of God, they are all too willing to stay in their "comfort zone" of 21st Century Christian traditions; keep God limited to their image of Him; and deny that there can be any new revelation of His Power and Glory.
     Take for instance, the verifiable acts of Jesus in the New Testament: His physical healings; His spiritual healings by casting out demons; His ability to see into the spiritual realm, and even travel in the spirit from one place to another.  If you doubt any of what I just said, let me show you where in your Bible we are given these Truths.
     In Luke 8:1-3, we see both physical and spiritual healing:  Soon afterward he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod's household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them[a] out of their means.
     In Matthew 16:21-23, Jesus sees in the spirit:  From that time Jesus began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.  And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him, saying, “Far be it from you, Lord! This shall never happen to you.” But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”  Now, I'm pretty sure the Modern Church reads these verses and says Jesus was just upset with Peter for not believing what He prophesied.  And, sadly, they will discount all the times that He tells us that He only does what He sees the Father doing; showing us that He has the ability to see into the spiritual dimensions, and there's a pretty good possibility that He actually saw Satan whispering his lies into Peter's mind in an attempt to corrupt his thinking.  
     As far as Jesus traveling in the spirit, have you ever noticed how many times Jesus was slipping away and reappearing mysteriously?  After praying all night on the mountain, Jesus appeared to the Disciples a distance away on the Sea, walking on water (Matt. 14:25).  He also vanished from the sight of the men He met on the road to Emmaus, only to miraculously reappear to a different group a short time later (Luke 24:31-36).  
     These are just a few of the miracles and signs Jesus performed and about which the Bible records specifics.  If you would like to see the complete list and their Scriptural addresses, click here.  But I want to make my point very clear ... here we have irrefutable examples of Jesus's power and authority over the Enemy and His ability to work with the Father through spiritual dimensions.  AND, as I have pointed out ad nauseum, He told us that those who believed in Him would do the same things, only greater (John 14:12).  
     Yet, how many of our fellow Christians have read their Bible and connected those dots?  I mean, really read their Bible?  I'm not talking about sitting in the Church building and listening to a Pastor (no matter how learned or scholarly) tell them what their Bible says -- but read the Word for themselves "whether those things [preached] were so?  
     Think about it!  We can't even get Western Christians to think about what it means that He healed sicknesses, healed people oppressed by demons, could see into the spiritual realms, and could interact with Heaven [while still on earth]... and that we, like Him, are made in God's image to do the same things!!! The Bible tells us He did those things, and He tells us we can do them, too!  But the Western Church is so constrained by their closed hearts and minds that they can't even see it!
      So, that brings me to the verse that I have selected for today.  Can you see how the Modern Church and modern Christians have limited their perception of Jesus, God, and themselves?!? If they can't [or won't] even acknowledge the things clearly written about and proclaimed, then what about all the things Jesus did [and we are capable of doing] that all the books in the world cannot contain?
     Can you see how indifferent, ineffective, and incapable we have become in provoking the world to Godliness?  Jesus came with miracles and signs to shake up the world to listen to His message! But what are we Christians doing?  We are busy within the four walls we call "Church", reassuring ourselves [and each other] that by coloring inside the lines, we are ensuring safe passage to Heaven.  But that looks nothing like what Jesus called the Apostles (or me!) to do.  
     His message was radical for His day, and it is still radical for the world today! Yet we have become too comfortable in our own image as Western Christians; and sadly, we seem not to recognize the true image of Christ; the image we are to aspire to.  
     I know I can't expect the Church to just wake up tomorrow and the scales be removed from their eyes; or that their hearts and minds will be opened to the vastness of God and our potential to serve His Kingdom ... but for goodness sake, let's quit silencing those among us who are diligently searching the Word because they want their fellow Christian to see Jesus for ALL He is, and to see ourselves for ALL we can become! 
     As the website BibleHub comments, "Jesus Christ, Himself, is the one perfect manifestation in history of the complete work of the Holy Spirit in man".  He wants that work to continue in us!  Why are we stifling it? God wants to do the same work in us as He did in Jesus, and it can be accomplished ... if we just obey Jesus’ command to Follow Me.  Notice, He doesn't say, "Follow man's traditions in the Church".  He doesn't say, "Keep to a rigid theology that excludes what I can do in you".  And He doesn't say, "There are no new revelations of Me".  He sent the Holy Spirit to us as our Helper; to reveal what Churches, Sunday Schools, Pastors; and yes, all the books in the world, cannot do ... show us Christ in His fullness, and us in His image.  
     So let me finish by saying this ... I am not making a blanket indictment of the entire Church.  I am simply pleading to my fellow Believers, who like the Pharisees, show skepticism, contempt, and disdain for anyone who threatens to upset their long-held belief system.  Let's shake off our normalcy bias, and let us encourage each other and celebrate the hunger [that] those among us have to know Our Savior.  After all, God can still send forth men and women [who like Jesus, the man] can be His messengers to share a divine or supernatural disclosure of Himself.  Let us not limit God or His ability to use us!


February 3, 2017

Can You Lose Your Deliverance?

     As we Christians learn to walk out our "authentic" faith, we will have questions as suggested by the title of this blog.  And by the use of the word "authentic", I will probably have a different meaning than popular theologians who use the word as a slogan or catchphrase in expressing their doctrine.  By authentic, I mean doing the things Jesus did, and following His model for establishing God's Kingdom on earth.
     I know that I have explained what that looks like before, but because of the confusion among the Body of Christ, I do not think it can be expounded upon too often ... When God revealed Himself on earth as the Son of Man and the Son of God, He came as our Savior, Jesus Christ, King of the Jews.  And on a very base level, we can recognize that what the King rules over is His Kingdom.  So while Jesus was on earth, we can say that His Kingdom had arrived (although His orderly rule among men had yet to be established -- that is what He wants us to partner in setting up).  Also, Jesus made it very clear that the Kingdom of God is God's rule in our hearts.
     As a representative of God's Kingdom on earth, what were some of the acts He conducted when demonstrating what it meant to Seek first, the Kingdom of God? You are aware that I have pointed out the significance of His act of Healing as a signal of the Power of God on earth, and as a condition of the order and rule in His Kingdom.  And it is to the Glory of God that the Bible records that Jesus healed 31 individuals, including the Leper in Galilee; the paralyzed servant of the Roman Centurion; Peter's mother-in-law in Capernaum; the man with a withered hand at a synagogue in Capernaum; the woman with an issue of blood; two blind men departing from Jericho; the infirmed man at the Pool of Bethesda at Jerusalem... to just name a few.
     But if you diligently search the Scripture, you will also find that not all of Jesus's healings were defined by sickness or infirmities.  For instance, Matthew 15:22-28 reveals that He healed the Canaanite woman's daughter who was "grievously vexed with a devil".  Matthew 12:22 tells us, "Then was brought unto Him one possessed with a devil; blind, and dumb: and He healed him."  Then there are those mass healings that took place, as in Matthew 4:24:  "So His fame spread throughout all Syria, and they brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and pains, those oppressed by demons, those having seizures, and paralytics, and he healed them".  And the last one (though not the final one) I will mention is in Luke 4:40-41:  "Now when the sun was setting, all those who had any who were sick with various diseases brought them to Him, and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them. And demons also came out of many, crying, You are the Son of God! But He rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew that He was the Christ".
     These are just a few of the healings that have been described in the Bible -- cases of deliverance from both illnesses and demonic oppression.  But I would be negligent if I did not point out what John, the Apostle said, regarding this subject:  "And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written".  Our Bible very plainly says that Jesus performed these miracles as signs that the Kingdom of God was now being set in motion upon the earth.  Yet, we the Church, are largely ignorant that this is to be our duty as servants of the King -- to continue His work!  And while my writing has concentrated on this, as our moral obligation to our King, I want to take a look at another aspect of what He taught in regard to Healing.
     As my husband and I have studied and communed with God and Jesus about our divinely-assigned ministry of deep (spiritual) healing, [and what others term as Deliverance], we are being shown a Truth in Scripture that is important for the Body of Christ to understand if we are going to truly seek to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth.  Yes, we are encouraged by the evidence shown us [in the Bible] that Jesus healed people from their torments and the oppression of the Enemy and his demons.  And we have partnered with Him in helping quite a few people to escape the captivity in which they were bound.  But we have also begun to see that just because a person is set free by Jesus [in the spirit], it does not guarantee that this freedom is permanent.  And although it's taken me quite a few paragraphs, I'm finally ready to explore the question as presented in the title of today's post ... Can You Lose Your Deliverance?
     I'm going to cut right to the chase... I believe that yes, you can.  And I want to make it perfectly clear ... this is not a question of Salvation.  I did not ask, Can You Lose Your Salvation? Nor do I assert that a person's Deliverance is dependent on their Salvation (although I do believe that if a person experiences Jesus setting them free of bondage and captivity due to their sinful life choices, it can lead to acceptance of Jesus as one's Savior).
     So here is the Biblical evidence that I believe one can lose their Deliverance (or Healing).  Recall, if you will, the story in the Bible of the man at the Pool of Bethesda as related in John, Chapter 5.  This man had been an invalid for 38 years, and has positioned himself at the edge of the Pool, where it is stated that an angel comes down to occasionally stir the water, upon which the first ones entering are miraculously healed. [And I want to state that I have no problem believing in this miracle; just as I can believe other places in Scripture that record supernatural events, such as the healing of Naaman in the River Jordan (2 Kings 5:10-14); and the healing of those who have the shadow of Peter fall across them (Acts 5:14-16)].
     But along comes Jesus, who notices the man, and asks him an important question:  Do you want to be healed?  I can tell you that in our experience, that is an important question indeed. We have found it quite common that as bad as a person's current situation might be, at least they are familiar with it. They know it intimately. It's familiar and doesn't run the risk of surprising them. They can be more comfortable in their present misery [and bondage] than taking the steps they need to meet Jesus and be set free.  Believe it or not, as miserable as people will admit to being, they can't always say they want to be healed.
     When Jesus discerns that the man could not be healed on his own, He heals the man, who immediately recovers his strength.  And what does Jesus tell him?  Snatch up your pallet, start walking and keep on walking.  This is the expanded Greek translation of John 5:8.  Note the underlined words which imply that our deliverance (or healing) is not confined to this one moment in time.  We must continue on the path Jesus has set us upon.  This is further clarified just a few verses later, when Jesus happens upon the same man in the synagogue.  This man has been questioned about his healing, as if the very fact of his healing is in question.  After all, the Jews ask, who had the authority to do such a thing?  And the man is hard-pressed to provide a rational answer, not being able to identify the Son of God as his Deliverer.  But Jesus speaks to the man in the synagogue and tells him, Behold, you have become well.  Do not go on sinning any longer, lest something worse happen to you.  Right there, Jesus presents the possibility that this man's healing and Deliverance is dependent on him.  It is not unconditional -- it is not a Get Out of Jail Free card with no expiration date. And the failure to keep his Deliverance runs the risk of a return to a life which is even more oppressed.
     I must tell you that this is a concern as my husband and I minister to people who are in spiritual bondage, and in need of both spiritual and physical healing. [It is not uncommon for physical ailments to be rooted in spiritual issues that need healing].  There is usually much cause for celebration as a person meets Jesus in the spiritual realm and He is able to deliver them from their spiritual bondage and deep soul wounds.  There is elation and a sense of freedom; a sense that they have seen the end of their oppression and misery.  But just like Jesus cautioned the man at the Pool of Bethesda (and the adulteress woman at the well), it is not a one-time, done deal.  We must "Sin no more" and Keep walking in the new direction that Jesus has provided by His healing.  Jesus makes it very clear that He is warning against a return to sinful lifestyle choices, which will only re-open Satan's legal authority to once again attack and oppress you.
     I know this is a huge concept, but it is one that Christians in the modern world need to understand.  It ties into the concepts I've presented on the Court in Heaven, and Our Authority vs. Satan's. But we desperately need to comprehend that Jesus's words extended His mercy, but also demanded our holiness.  He is telling us that any return to the sin that subjected us to oppression and captivity will nullify any release or freedom we have gained.  In essence, if we do not fight to keep our Deliverance [and resist the temptations and urges to return to the comfortable state of sin that resulted in our spiritual misery], then Satan will take advantage of that weakness and renew his attacks, and most likely our return to captivity will be even harsher.
     This, in effect, is the principle as expressed in Luke 11:24-26: When an unclean spirit comes out of a man, it passes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ On its return, it finds the house swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and dwell there. And the final plight of that man is worse than the first.”
     If, through Deliverance, or deep healing, a person is rescued from a life of demonic harassment or oppression, but does not make an effort to fill their life with the newfound freedom from Jesus and seek to keep walking in His ways, then they are leaving themselves open to be revisited by the same whispered lies of the Destroyer.  In no time, they will find themselves back under the control of demonic influences and their freedom will vanish.  In short, it is our responsibility to STAY FREE if we don't want to lose our Deliverance!
     In closing, I guess my final thoughts are these:  Jesus did not come to earth to establish a Kingdom that could be so easily won and lost [because we don't make the effort to hold on to the freedom and territory that He helps us to receive].  Or you can look at it this way ... It cost Jesus everything to come set us [the captives] free.  When He Delivers us from Satan's clutches, we are being conformed to His image.  Why would we want to exchange our newfound identity to return to the tarnished image that Satan presents us? Why would any of us want to return to those prisons and chains?

Romans 6:17-18   "But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness".

February 1, 2017

Oh, These Perilous Times..

     I am becoming increasingly aware that our society and culture; our country; and yes, the entire world is in the midst of precarious and uncertain times.  And I find myself asking if these are "the perilous times" of which the Bible talks about.  Certainly, the nature of our political and social consciences couldn't be more divided.  The demarcation between right and wrong; moral and immoral has been mocked, and relativism rules the day.  Some of the leadership within the Church seem to have lost their way; others are stuck in doctrinal quagmires; and our Youth are abandoning the faith of their ancestors in ever-increasing numbers.  So what does this tell us?
     For me, I am faced with how to become the heart, hands, voice and compassion of Jesus to a progressively secularized world.  I have been honest about the direction God is taking me. He has brought me out of the Church building and given me the task of showing what the Power of a one-on-one relationship with my Savior looks like.  I am listening for His direction and finding that there are just as many self-professed Christians that need to be introduced to that Power, as there are non-Believers.
     And let's face it... the Church doesn't have a very good reputation in the world.  It is seen either as too conservative or too liberal; rich in worldly measures and poor in spiritual values; having too much influence in the public square, or no impact on society at all.  If I can give my own evaluation of how God intended the Church to establish His Kingdom on earth, it is this: to share the Gospel Message about the Kingdom; equip and train servant-minded leaders and followers; provide assistance to the poor and the sick; and prepare and educate the next generation to carry on this heavenly commission. Is this the picture we have of the Church today?  Is this the picture we are passing on to the Millennial Generation?  Or is it a portrait of the Laodicean Church which says, ‘I am rich; I have prospered and grown wealthy, and I am in need of nothing?’
     If so, then does this correspond to those perilous times in the last days that Timothy warned about:  For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.'
     In case you don't see it, these verses point to a future time when there is a great moral degeneration in the world; a time when there is a breakdown in the ethical and social values of societies.  We see that happening with all the uprisings, protests, rioting and toppling of governments. All you have to do is think about ISIS; the persecution of Christians that is on the rise; the decimation of the Syrian people; the racial violence in our own country.  We can see the danger of groups realizing the power they have when they unite, and this is a dangerous situation.  And when you add failing economies to the situation, and how it can have worldwide implications, then "perilous times" comes into sharper focus.
     Perilous times are marked by those who love their pleasures more than they love God -- and that includes Christians.  We can see that in how much television, movies, music, sporting events, socializing, partying, Facebook and the internet take up in our lives.  How much time do you think the average Christian spends with God?  I can tell you that when it's time to stand before Jesus, our Judge, that one hour on Sunday in the church building is not enough!  And when I think about the content of the TV shows and movies that are watched by those who are to be Christ's representatives on earth... well, I'm pretty sure God considers all the sex, occult, and antichrist images to be an abomination.
     Timothy tells us that perilous times will be identified by covetous and proud people.  I would venture to say that a majority of people today are seeking after worldly riches, rather than eternal heavenly treasure. And it saddens me to see that we are teaching our young girls to be coveted after for their looks and the seductive clothing they wear; and then to be proud of it!  Look At Me is the motto of this generation, and the explosion of social media proves it.  Sadly, our pride keeps us from being humble before God, or turning the other cheek to our fellow neighbor.  And our pride keeps us from helping those in need, in case it might cost us too much. When covetousness and pride become the hallmark of a people, we are living in perilous times.
     Other symptoms of these dangerous times are the disrespect that our youth have for the older generation, the police, or anyone who stands in the way of them getting what they want.  People, in general, are unthankful for the blessings they have received in this world, and take what they have been given for granted.  But, as Christians, we must ask ourselves if we are adequately thankful to God for what He's done in our lives.  If we have a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our back, and a family that loves each other, do we bother to acknowledge what He has done for us -- or do we take credit for it ourselves?  When I hear the testimonies of those who are being persecuted in the Middle East, and have lost everything -- homes, family members, even their country -- yet still praise the Lord for His presence in their lives, then I am truly humbled and see the ungratefulness in the rest of the world for what it is ... a lack of holiness.
     And that leads to another of Timothy's signs of perilous times -- people will be unholy.  We need only to look at the difference in our churches in the last 50 years.  The holy atmosphere of worshipping YHWH has been replaced with venues that look like theaters, concert halls, and social gatherings.  The message has also been perverted. Christians now seem to think that they will be saved IN their sins, rather than Jesus saving them FROM their sins.  Do you ever hear the Ten Commandments preached? Does anyone even understand what it means to live a holy and righteous life unto God -- let alone practice such a lifestyle?  Believe me, if we Christians would model what that looks like, we would stand out like a sore thumb -- yet that's what we've been called to do and what the world needs to see from us! Instead, it can be said that we Christians are looking more and more like the world.
     It is perilous times when Christians not only do not understand what the Kingdom of God looks like, nor that we are to help men inherit it.  God is clear that there are those who will not share in His inheritance ... Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.'  Yet we allow our fellow Christians and their Churches to accept these practices without a thought as to what it will cost them.
     Today, it is quite evident that people have become lovers of themselves and despise those that do good.  We are more interested in our external appearance than the condition of our hearts.  Everything is commercialized and temptation abounds in every area of our lives.  Polls in 2014 said that 71% of Americans identified as "Christian".  But if they really knew what it meant to be a follower of Jesus Christ, then we would not have people starving, or in need of adequate medical care, or living on the streets.  Satan has done a good job deceiving professing Christians into thinking it is okay to spend the money that God has made them stewards of on THEMSELVES, rather than using it to help the sick, the needy, the poor, and furthering God's Kingdom.  When Christians are blind to their duties as keepers of the faith, then perilous times are upon us.
     Finally, when Christians are living a life that only has "a form of Godliness", but no evidence of the Power of God in their life experiences, then times are perilous indeed.  God sent His Son to show us the way to live a life that exhibits the image of God.  We are to show the world the Power and Authority of the One True God among all the lesser gods that are vying for man's attention.  But Christians and the Church are unaware that this is our mission.  "Power" and "Authority", as descriptors of our Christian walk, are dismissed in favor of "Grace" and "Love".  And when the Enemy knows that God's Power and Authority are missing from His Church, then our Adversary has been given an open door to infiltrate our places of worship, our homes, our communities, and our world with his power to deceive and lead astray.  Without God's emissaries on earth acting in our full mandate and character, the result is perilous times for all humanity.  And we are all aware that will become known as "The End Times".
      We are already seeing war, famine, natural disasters, incredible and rapid increases in knowledge. Our air and water being poisoned.  Birds of the air and the Fish of the seas are dying in huge numbers. And these are just a few of the Biblical signs of Christ's eminent return.  I worry about loved ones who still do not know Jesus, and I worry about the Christians whom Jesus will say He does not know.  So, I recognize that we are living in perilous times, and my spirit is crying out for the Body of Christ to fulfill our assignment.  Yes, times are perilous, to be sure ... but as long as we have one minute left, it should be our goal  to show one more person the image of Christ in us.  Our time to do so is NOW!

John 9:4   "We must work the works of Him who sent Me while it is day; night is coming when no one can work".

January 30, 2017

The Women's March: The Jezebel Spirit In Action

     The contrast couldn't have been more stark -- the Pro-Life March in Washington D.C. last week was respectful, loving, and celebrated the life of an unborn child.  On the other hand, the (Million) Women March, just days before, was hostile, hate-filled, and had a decidedly anti-God spirit about it.  And it is that spirit that I wish to examine today.
     First of all, as a woman, I must say that I found very little in common with the vitriolic speeches I saw being performed by "celebrities" at the Women's March.  And honestly, if this was supposed to be about solidarity among all women, it was a dismal failure from my perspective.  Although founders of the march stated its purpose was not to be an anti-Trump rally, it very clearly became one.  And when pro-life women were not allowed to join the march, then it was quite obvious what this was... an Activist rally of a particular stripe.  If you called yourself an activist for abortion, or an activist for the LGBT community, or an activist for the Black community, or an activist for any cause that was anti-Christian ... then you were welcomed with open arms.
     It was obvious to me that aggressive feminism was on parade, with racism and political bias marching in step.  And it was blatantly obvious to me that the Jezebel spirit was all over this confluence of angry women.  And frankly, it is time we have a discussion about the influence of this most powerful combatant in our spiritual war with the dark side.
Jezebel and Ahab worship
at the altar of Baal
     Yes, there is a demonic spirit that bears the name of an actual woman who existed in the Bible. This woman is considered one of the most wicked in Scripture and here are the simple facts of her life:  Jezebel was the daughter of Phoenician king Ethbaal, who also served as a priestess to Baal worshippers. King Ahab, most likely for political reasons, took Jezebel as his wife during either the tenth or ninth century B.C. Phoenicia was a much more worldly and cosmopolitan civilization than Israel, which might explain Jezebel's rebellion against the conservative lifestyle of her new home.
     Ahab began worshipping Baal upon his marriage with Jezebel, and even built a church to Baal (1 Kings 16:32). In fact, the Bible tells us that Ahab  “sold himself to do evil” (1 Kings 21:25), and he “did more evil in the eyes of the LORD than any of those before him” (1 Kings 16:30). For her part, Jezebel brought hundreds of Baal prophets to the country. Her defense of her native religion was so fervent that she ordered the extermination of the prophets of Jehovah, the Israelite God. Even the famous prophet Elijah fled once he discovered that Jezebel had a personal vendetta against him.
     Jezebel is also famous for her involvement in the death of Naboth, a righteous man who refused to give up the inheritance of his family land to the King. Ahab was unsuccessful in negotiations for Naboth's field, so Jezebel stepped in and found conspirators who accused Naboth falsely of a crime that resulted in Naboth being stoned to death. Ahab accepted the wicked acts of Jezebel, and because of Ahab and Jezebel’s shocking murder of Naboth, God condemned them both.
     Ahab would die in battle, while Jezebel continued to hold some influence over the land. When she got word that Jehu was coming to kill her, she applied makeup and dressed herself in fine clothing. (Jehu was the King of Israel, noted for exterminating the house of Ahab at the instruction of Jehovah). Some believe that Jezebel's adornment was an attempt to seduce Jehu or to die in a dignified manner. In any respect, she was pushed out of the window and her body was eaten by dogs (2 Kings 9:30–37).
     But the world had not seen the end of Jezebel. Because the real life Jezebel was such a willing student of the false and evil god, Baal, her spirit became a very powerful tool for Satan to use throughout the centuries, and we saw her on full display during the Women's March in Washington D.C.  Let me explain further... As I have written in the past, a careful study of the Bible reveals different kinds of spirits; some of which I would call "purpose spirits" -- the purpose of a spirit of anger is to provoke a person to act out in rage; a spirit of murder's purpose is to get someone to commit murder; and a spirit of lust, a spirit of rejection, or a spirit of pride all have purposes with which they are charged to perform for Satan.  But there are overlords in the demonic kingdom; ranks and hierarchies of demons that we encounter in spiritual warfare: rulers, authorities, principalities, powers, forces, dominions, princes, etc.  They are the smartest and most cunning of Satan's evil spirits, and Jezebel is one of the highest-ranking in his evil kingdom.
     She is able to attack and influence people in more than one way.  In other words, she has many strategies to gain the power that she craves, and her sphere of influence knows no bounds --- marriages, churches, and yes, even whole societies can be transformed by her evil designs.  And I want to show you how the traits of this Jezebel spirit were evident among the hundreds of thousands of women who participated in the Women's March...
     The Jezebel spirit will try to infect and contaminate a person in the same way that the real-life Jezebel infected King Ahab with her evil intentions.  People will say and do some of the most horrible things, but yet find some way to rationalize it and think they are perfectly justified in doing what they are doing. This spirit will play some of these people like fiddles, like a puppet on a string, with the puppet master being the Jezebel spirit itself.  The personality traits of someone exhibiting the Jezebel spirit are the following:  vileness in speech; lustful and seductive; prideful and narcissistic; judgmental, critical, condescending, and demeaning; combative and confrontational; cannot tolerate constructive criticism; hates anything associated with Christianity or Biblical values of a woman.
Actress Ashley Judd
     I believe the following remarks by those who played prominent roles in the March will demonstrate the personality traits of the Jezebel spirit:  "I am a NASTY woman"; "We are here to be NASTY"; "Our p-----s aren't for grabbing".  These are all remarks made by actress Ashley Judd as she cunningly professes to be protesting the mistreatment of women by sexual predators.  But, sadly, I believe that her molestation as a child opened a portal for the Jezebel spirit to come in; the spirit that ultimately convinces that child fragment of Ms. Judd that it's okay to be angry and strike out in retaliation for the injustice done to her.  But the Jezebel spirit operates with maximum pride. As a result, it will try to infect the host with that same kind of pride.
      And I'm sure you've seen Madonna's rant during at least one news cycle.  Her profanity-laced speech is pure Jezebel.  And Scarlett Johannsen's speech displayed the narcissistic attitude of the Jezebel spirit:  "Before I can support you, Mr. President, you must support me!"  Each speaker was infused with self-righteous anger and professed to speak for all women.  The Jezebel spirit worked perfectly in that environment... all the speakers knew how to talk the talk, and draw impressionable people into a web of distorted and hate-filled tirades.  They all had charismatic energy that had a powerful effect upon the crowd, whipping them into a frenzy.  And the leaders were all sharp, intelligent, attractive people.  And those are the kinds of people that the Jezebel spirit targets; people who like to be out front; controlling and dominating people -- just like Queen Jezebel, herself.
     But here is what we need to see; here is the devastating effect that the Jezebel spirit has had on our country and society ... When you combine the power that this spirit has to emit a seductive, charismatic type energy off a person, and then it attaches to a person who is naturally attractive, sharp and intelligent, you have a very deadly combination that this spirit can work with to achieve its ultimate goal. And that goal is to get total control so it can then work to take down and completely destroy either a person, marriage, church, ministry, friendship, company, a government, or a country.
     Just like the Phoenician princess Jezebel, who was a high priestess of Baal, this spirit seeks to infiltrate (like Queen Zezebel did Israel), and once in, it seeks to attack, undermine, and destroy everything in its path, taking absolutely no prisoners. It’s goal is total death and destruction. Plain and simple. Its purpose to to cause major dissension, strife, and chaos.  The Jezebel spirit will go after anyone in a leader position (that's why there was so much hate displayed against President Trump at the March).  It will have a mocking attitude about the spirit (hence the jokes about Trump's appearance).
     But the bottom line is this ... we have given far too much ground in our society to this evil and hateful spirit.  We see her influence in the worship of abortion, worship of unnatural relations between the sexes, worship of radical feminism, and the ensuing confusion in gender identity.  We have allowed this seductive spirit to lure us into a false sense of pride about women's issues, and Jezebel has established a stronghold in this toxic environment; a stronghold from which she launches major attacks on the family unit, upon unborn children, and upon the sanctity of marriage.
Jezebel and her prophetesses
     I know that defenders of the Women's March will declare that is was all about respect and equality; an opportunity to present hope and optimism for women of all ages and ethnicities.  And, in no way am I insinuating that women deserve less.  But to this woman, it felt rife with evil and hate. The women I saw (who say they represent me) appeared demanding and manipulating. And when I see signs that read,  "If Mary (Magdalene) had had an abortion, we wouldn't be in this mess!", then I know in my spirit that I am seeing the blasphemous spirit of the priestess of Baal.  She is alive and well in the 21st Century.  And we seeing her in women who reject holiness, and who indulge in self-worship.  And as alarming as this may sound, the goal of the ancient Jezebel is being broadcast by the Jezebel spirit in this Age: that the false god of Baal be worshipped at the same altar as the True God... and the sacred rite of abortion is the sacrifice he desires.
      I want to leave you with a quote by Landon Shott, who ministers with his wife, Heather:  Jesus's words in the New Testament (Revelation 2:20) were, "Nevertheless, I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess." In the New Testament, Jesus noted the spirit behind the woman Jezebel. Theirs was toleration of the spirit by the ignorance of it. I believe that the spirit behind the woman, Jezebel, is the very same spirit at work in our nation today. This spirit is bringing the same destruction to the political sphere and God's house, the church, through compromise, self-worship, immorality and a removal of the prophetic voice (prophets). We must be spiritually discerning at what is going on in our nation. We can't link good causes with evil spirits. We cannot compromise with a Jezebel spirit. We can't align with it; as Jesus said, "We can't tolerate it!" We need to expose this spirit, confront it and defeat it through prayer and humility. 

1 Kings 21:25    "But there was none like unto Ahab, who sold himself to work wickedness in the sight of the Lord, whom Jezebel his wife stirred up."



January 29, 2017

Matthew 7:1

Judge not, that you be not judged.

     This familiar verse is perhaps one of the most mis-rendered and abused Scriptures in the Bible. The enemies of our faith love to throw this passage up to us as evidence of Christian hypocrisy.  They use it to malign and vilify our faith walk and to prove that our moral standards and beliefs are just a pretense; a false display of moral superiority.  Sadly, their accusations are oftentimes true.
     But today I want to show how the Enemy has used this verse to lie to Unbelievers and hide the true meaning of Jesus's words.  Satan has convinced the unfaithful that this verse means Jesus was commanding a universal acceptance of any lifestyle or teaching; that no one is to judge another.  As with all of Scripture, there is much more depth to the Word than our human minds are willing to explore.
     In Matthew, Chapter 7, verses 1-20, Jesus expands on this subject of judgment and gives His followers [throughout the Ages] advice on how to live a life that is pleasing to God.  A few verses later (Matthew 7:15-16), He is admonishing us to be on the lookout for false prophets; people who will mislead us by appearing to be someone they are not. In other words, He commands us to know people by the fruit of their life, and some sort of assessment (judgment) is necessary for that.
     Here is the Truth ... The Christian is called to unconditionally love. But the Christian is not called to unconditional agreement or endorsement. It is absolutely possible to love people who do things that should not be approved of. So, here is the underlying principle of Matthew 7:1 ... Jesus is speaking against being judgmental in terms of judging the motives of the inner (or spiritual) man, which only God can know. However, we can judge the fruit of a man's spirit, because the fruit, or lack thereof, is visible for all to see. It is certainly reasonable to make a judgment if someone is exhibiting love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, or self-control. But if they are not, we can rarely judge the motives of their spirit with any accuracy. Do you see the difference?
     Of course, we cannot ignore Jesus's admonition that our judgment be completely fair, and that we only judge others by a standard with which we would like to be judged.  Don't miss this point: Jesus does not prohibit judgment of others -- only that it be fair and equivalent. In the very next verse, Jesus says, With the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.  According to the teaching of some rabbis in Jesus’ time, God had two measures that He used to judge people. One was a measure of justice and the other was a measure of mercy. Which measure do you want God to use with you? Then you should use that same measure with others.
     Of course we are all familiar with the verses about removing the plank from our own eye before pointing out the speck in our brother's eye.  Satan has taught the enemies of our faith to focus on the hypocritical plank in the eye of Christians.  But note that Jesus doesn’t say that it is wrong for us to help our brother with the speck in his eye. He is just saying that it is a good thing to help your brother with his speck -- but not before dealing with the plank in your own eye. Not only will you be able to see clearer, but after suffering the pain of your own sin, you will deal with your brother with a measure of mercy.  
     And I just love how our Lord wraps up this whole discussion on judgment:  Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces. Dogs and swine, in this context, are those who are hostile to the gospel and our faith. And it is imperative that we view The Word as holy, sacred, and revered.  As much as we are to have mercy in our judgment of others, and evaluate them only by the fruit of their actions, our love for others must not blind us to their hardened rejection of the gospel, if that be the case... Nor cast your pearls before swine: Our pearls are the precious hope and knowledge of the gospel.  Jesus is telling us to be mindful that the Gospel Message may only confuse unbelievers, who are blinded to the truth by the god of this age (2 Corinthians 4:4).  But it is our responsibility to be careful about exposing the gospel to the ridicule of such haters.
     So, while our culture and the world doesn't like the concept of judgment and judging others, it will ultimately be the purview and scope of Jesus when He returns.  We will all stand before the Judgment Seat as Jesus brings to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of each of our hearts. It is time that we ALL get ready for the Judgment that is to come... so it's time to quit worrying about your neighbor judging you, and be aware that the Son of God is coming to judge the living and the dead. How will HE judge you? 


January 27, 2017

God & His Remnant: Unlocking The Prison Doors

     I was struggling about what to write about today; no clear subject came to my mind or my spirit.  Then I heard the prompting Share what you're seeing.  My first thought was, "Lord, I'm not sure what you mean.  Are you talking about specifics of what I'm seeing in the spiritual arena; or what I'm seeing in the people coming to us in ministry?"  After being convicted that it was the latter, I had to stop and really think ... "What am I seeing? And how could that benefit the readers?"
     You see, our ministry has, for lack of a better word, exploded in the last month or so.  And our activities are diverging to the point that nearly every day is a new experience -- God has expanded our duties and our manner of spiritual deliverance and interaction with people.  My husband and I have pretty much quit following an organized format for ministering to individuals and are operating under the full guidance of the Holy Spirit. By now, we have the foundation down for beginning the healing process from spiritual wounds, and getting the captives free.  Now God is showing us that the sphere of healing in which we operate is unique and distinctive to each individual.
     I tell you all this to show you that once you commit to partnering with Jesus to release people from the prisons they are bound up in, all rules are off, and Jesus will begin to show you deeper bondage that they are subjected to, and the supernatural ways you can help release them.  Needless to say, we are experiencing Jesus in more miraculous and extraordinary ways, and seeing His power manifested in methods that we could never have imagined without the help of the Holy Spirit.
     And the really cool thing is that we are seeing His power demonstrated in the lives of both faithful Christians and the decidedly Lost; in the most religious of people and in the most worldly.  And they are coming to us unbidden; without any effort on our part to invite them to be healed by Jesus.  And in some cases, we are being presented with people who aren't even at the stage where we can begin the healing process.  They don't even know Jesus and without that knowledge, real spiritual healing cannot take place.  At first, we considered what some who are being called to heal the spiritual wounds of satan's captives do ... they decline to work with anyone who does not have a saving knowledge of Jesus.  After all, it is He who does the healing, not us.  And if one doesn't recognize His authority, then He can't do the work in their lives -- it's a two-way street, and necessitates at least some level of relationship with Him.
     But we strongly believe the Word when it says that God doesn't want anyone to perish, so it is our responsibility as members of His Kingdom on earth to do what we can to introduce each person to Jesus.  We know that He can take our efforts, and if the person is willing, He can begin a relationship where there was none.  We are seeing that in two separate and contrasting situations that God has brought to us.  In the first, we received a phone call from a dear friend who we've been praying over for years; a woman I will call Ashley.  Although she didn't approach us with any obvious spiritual wounds, she sent me a text one day out of the blue ... Should you read the Bible chronologically, or front to back (Genesis to Revelation)? In order for you to understand how shocked (and ecstatic) I was to receive this text, you need to know that I have known Ashley since she was in her early 20s, and she is now in her mid-40s.  My husband and I are Godparents to her daughter, and we have prayed countless prayers that we might plant a seed that would cause her and her husband to seek Jesus.  They have always politely declined to accept our offer and in recent years they have become quite successful financially.  The temptations of trips to Europe, second homes in the mountains, and all the trappings that money can buy have lessened any thoughts that they might one day need Jesus.
     But after nearly 20 years, God is showing me that we can never discount Him, and patience is truly a virtue.  We followed up that initial text with a phone call to find out why she was suddenly interested in the Bible, and found out that she has been attending some Bible study classes at the Christian school where her daughter attends (at least our encouragement to go that route with our Goddaughter bore some fruit).  While the primary reason for attending may have been to be included in that social circle, she soon realized how limited her knowledge of the Bible was, and she knew she could come to us.  So now, my husband and I alternate a weekly Bible study with her (by phone since she lives a few hours away) to introduce her to the Jesus of the Bible, with all the expanded knowledge we have been shown.  She is seeing and experiencing Jesus from the Truth of the Word, and He is fascinating to her! There is no external doctrine or manipulation; just the facts of the Bible.  While at this stage she is unaware of any deep spiritual wounds that need to be healed, the Holy Spirit is already convicting her of the manner in which she has lived her life, and we will be there if any of Satan's lies surface that reveal any spiritual bondage.
     In the second situation, we were asked to speak to a woman I will call Martha, who lives several states away, and who has been gravely wounded by the Church -- 25 years of an affair with a married Pastor, who subsequently dumped her and moved away when he was approached with accusations of inappropriate behavior with other women.  Of course, she thought he loved her; she was the only one; etc., etc.  But now she lives in a deep depression, realizing that she gave up her youth and any hopes of a husband or family, only to realize that she is in her mid-50s and alone.  And as Satan will do, he has convinced her that because no one in the Church reached out to help her, that they are all hypocrites; and sadly, she still professes to love the degenerate pastor, and longs for that relationship again.  She reached out to us through a connection from another person we were counseling, and asked us to help her get her life back together.  Not only was she depressed and angry, but she was hearing voices that told her she might be better off if she ended her life.
     After an initial consultation, and some encouragement to fill out a questionnaire regarding specific details about her life, her family, and her faith, we got her to admit that her free will choices had played the majority part in her circumstances.  When she revealed that she had been in Church all her life, but didn't feel she knew Jesus (and the 25 years she sat in that immoral pastor's church, it was to pursue her relationship with him, not Jesus), I asked her the pivotal question.... Do you believe that Jesus is real?  She said, "No, not really".  So while she was hoping that we could somehow magically do some mind tricks to get her to stop thinking about her illicit affair, and to miraculously give her a new life, we had to tell her that we couldn't proceed with the spiritual healing sessions at that point.  BUT, if she would be willing to let us introduce Jesus to her through a study of Him in the Word, and IF she could honestly seek Him and come to an authentic relationship with Him, He could begin to heal those spiritual wounds, and the counseling sessions could be back on the table.
     I have to admit, she is one of the most skeptical and willful people I have ever met.  She admitted that all those years she sat in Church she never considered God's will for her life; she just wanted what she wanted.  Isn't that the sin we all share in the flesh?  My husband agreed to begin a Bible study with her, and asked her to get quiet and seek God each night for the next week... to ask Him to reveal Himself to her and show her He is real.  This is proving to be very difficult for her.  She is asking questions like, How will I know that God hears me? That He's working on me? Am I too far away from Him? At least those are questions that show she has not dismissed seeking Him.  And these are questions that reveal an honest heart, and honest fears.  And after just two nights, she is able to talk to God, and finds herself sobbing, wondering how He could ever love her.  I explained that this is actually good news!  Her spirit is being touched by the Holy Spirit, and if she will keep on asking, she will get the answers she so sorely needs.  Keep her in your prayers; Jesus wants to heal her, and I want to see her life restored.
     So these are just a couple of the different ways that God is bringing people with varying needs to our doorstep-- people outside the circle of wounded Believers who are in spiritual bondage.  But, don't get me wrong -- we are still partnering with Jesus to help set His Body free!  And with each situation, we are encountering new spheres of spiritual warfare -- Believers who are seeing [in the spirit] warring angels come to their defense; Believers who are approaching the Court of Heaven [with their Authority] to answer charges by Satan and to protect family members; Believers who are reconnecting to the wounded parts of themselves and bringing them into Jesus's healing Light -- each and every person is different, and the means by which Jesus is healing them is unique to each individual.  And, all I can say is that He is blowing our minds!
     When I stop to consider all the people in my small domain (both Followers of Jesus, and those of the world) who are fighting to get out of their spiritual prisons, my spirit cries out for the Church to recognize the need for us all to understand Jesus's power and authority that is available to us!  As I now see with spiritual eyes, I cannot ignore the pain and fear I see in so many lives.  I am encouraged by those who are now willing to see and hear, as Jesus asked us to do, and who I know will join us in doing God's work in His Kingdom.  God is starting a spiritual revolution and the Enemy is quite aware of it.  He will not sit idly by, allowing the Body of Christ to get up to speed, without intensifying his efforts to lock more people up in spiritual prisons.  It is my prayer that God will supernaturally download [to every Christian] our ability to fight spiritual oppression!  I pray that each successful deliverance from bondage will be magnified and multiplied! And I pray that the Glory of our Lord in healing the multitudes will be evident to all His creation on earth, thereby nullifying the lies, temptations, and deceit of the Enemy!  I pray all this in the Powerful and Mighty Name of Jesus!

Proverbs 1:5   "Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance..."


January 25, 2017

Our Qualms and Quandaries Over The Subject Of Healing

     The nice thing about being part of a Home Church is that we are not hindered, nor inhibited about studying subject matter that makes traditional Churches squeamish or nervous.  We are not afraid to ask questions that arise from our deep dive study of the Word.  We are not limited to long-established doctrines that leave no room for growth in our understanding, and if it is a subject that is presented in the Word, then nothing is outdated or obsolete.  If it's in the Bible, then it's there for a reason, and God wants us to know about it and understand its place in His Kingdom.
     So that brings me to the often misunderstood, criticized, exploited, and ignored subject of Healing in the Bible.  I think many in this Church generation tend to look upon Healing from a spiritual perspective, and physical healing is looked upon with suspicion; as the territory of charlatans and con artists.  But that is putting the miracle of Healing in a box, and limiting its full potential.
     That being said, there are many Christians today who are discovering some obvious truths in the Bible about Healing; new understanding that has been buried by the traditions and conventions of established Church doctrine. For instance, a careful and deliberate study of Scripture reveals that a great deal of Christ’s time was dedicated to healing the sick. And the record of those He healed is extensive: the blind, the paralyzed, the lame, the deaf, lepers, those who had fevers, and many with chronic illnesses.
     If our Lord devoted that much of His precious and short time on earth to healing, then there must have been a reason He did it, and a purpose for it, right?  Have you ever noticed, when reading the Gospels, how many of the accounts of Jesus have Him healing someone as His first act upon entering a new town?  Jesus knew that healing the sick -- especially someone who had suffered for many years -- would call attention to Himself and would give Him a relevant platform from which to share His message of the Kingdom of God.  In other words, He grabbed the audience's attention, so to speak, with a miraculous physical healing, which would make it easier to transition to the fact that we all need spiritual healing -- and both come from our Father in Heaven.  This is a pattern that He used throughout His ministry.  Another example is declaring that He is the Bread of Life, followed by feeding 5,000 people with a few loaves of bread.
     Healing the physical needs of men also allowed Him to proclaim His Authority from God.  Follow this train of thought, if you will... while Jesus did not declare that there was a "cause and effect" between sickness and sin, He invited the newly restored person to be “well” and sin no more. That word ["well"] means not only physical healing, but “to save, rescue and liberate, as well as to heal and preserve.” That description fits our need to be healed from our sin.  But there is only One who has the Authority to forgive sin—and that is God, the Father.  But you will recall that Jesus plainly taught. "All Authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me" (Matthew 28:18).  And it is clear to me that He has transferred that Authority to those who believe in Him and follow His commandments.  He says as much in Luke 10:19:  Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. 
     I believe that Jesus fully expected that authority to be used when He returned to the Father.  He told us in John 16:7 that it is to our advantage that He went away, so He could send The Helper.  And with the presence of the Holy Spirit came the ability to perform greater miracles than when Jesus walked the earth.  That's why He proclaimed, Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.
     I want to take a minute and point out two aspects of these Scriptures that I know is overlooked.  The first is that when Jesus says, BEHOLD, He is using an imperative verb, which means, Be sure to see this... or ... Don't miss this!  It is an observable fact! And when He says TRULY, TRULY, I SAY TO YOU, He is indicating that this is an important Truth; that the truth Jesus is telling is significant and important to listen to.  So the attempts by the modern world -- both secular and in the Church -- to dismiss that He gave us authority, or that He didn't really mean that we would do the things He did (heal the sick, cast out demons, spread the Message of the Kingdom of God) -- and do them in even greater numbers -- is simply not borne out by the expressions He used.
     It is very clear to me that Jesus intended for His work to continue, not only through the Apostles, but through all Believers after He returned to the Father.  Why can't we see it as the disciples in the Early Church did? (And by disciples, I mean the body of followers of Jesus; not limited to the 12 Apostles). They were full of the Holy Spirit and they believed that His Authority could flow through them with the help of the Holy Spirit, and people could be physically healed.  And then, just like Jesus, they could take that opportunity to extend a word about healing souls and spirits from sin.
     Put very simply ... they believed the Word from the Lord and they were fully obedient. They fully expected to see Him work through them. Not only are we not obedient to His command, but we don't really trust Him to be able to work through us.

     But I am happy to tell you that this is changing in the Body of Christ! More Christians are awakening to the Authority that has been given to us, and are stepping out in faith to do the works of Jesus.  In the major city of Austin, Texas, The Light House is a monthly Healing Room event where participants ask God to heal them in specific ways. Trained intercessors surround them and join them in prayer. Miracles abound! And the numbers are growing!  Furthermore, just within our small Home Church of 20 plus people, three people have taken the leap in faith to trust in the power of Jesus [working through them] to heal the afflicted.  They have taken the time to study with mentors who Biblically teach them about their authority to heal, as Jesus did. They know it is not them healing, but Jesus. They are simply willing to use the Authority He has given them to be the conduit.
     But we must go further in this discussion, and consider why everyone may not be healed.  There are reasons ... faith must be considered, but it cannot be said that if someone is not healed, then their faith is weak.  God is Omniscient and He may have reasons why the power of Jesus does not immediately heal someone.  It may be a time of challenge that ultimately draws you nearer to God; or it may be that God's perfect healing is to take you Home.  The only response to have when considering the power of Jesus to heal is, "What ever brings You glory, Lord. I know that you do not desire that anyone be sick, so it is not a matter of whether it is Your Will or not. I will trust that whatever the outcome might be, that it is to bring You Glory.  It’s not about me. It’s all about Jesus."
     Frankly, it excites me to see the Body of Christ coming into their full power and authority from Jesus!  Lord knows that this world could stand to see some "serpents and scorpions tread upon".  Because we in the Western world have seen nearly every display of technological wonder, there's not much that impresses us anymore.  But the power of Jesus can surpass anything manufactured by man, and we in the Body are beginning to come into our authority and display the power of heaven on earth.  And extraordinary miracles are being performed... just like Jesus said they would!

Acts 4:30    "While You stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of Your holy servant Jesus."