A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

November 5, 2015

Oprah's Path To Destruction

     I guess it was around 2005 or so that I quit watching the highly popular Oprah Winfrey daily TV show.  I admired her philanthropic efforts and her work in providing education for girls in Africa, among other things.  But the afternoon she said that there were many ways to God, I quit watching.  And I mourned the millions of women who would follow her down that false spiritual path... simply because Oprah said it was OK.
     In the past, she has insisted that she is a Christian with statements like this:  “I am not talking about religion. I am a Christian. That is my faith. I'm not asking you to be a Christian. If you want to be one I can show you how. But it is not required. I have respect for all faiths. All faiths. But what I'm talking about is not faith or religion. I'm talking about spirituality" ...  and then there is this: "My favorite Bible verse—because I am Christian—is Acts 17:28. It says, ‘In God I live and move and have my being’,” Winfrey said. “And you want to know why I'm so successful? Because I knew that at 4 years-old … I wouldn't be who I am today without a spiritual consciousness, without spiritual values and ultimately without spiritual love."
     But that's just it... since 2005, and now with her new Discovery Channel, seven-night special, called Belief, Oprah is making it all about "spirituality."  In fact, the promo for the new series has this to say about her new venture:  Seven billion people, searching for connection, redemption, meaning. Oprah Winfrey presents the seven-night event, "Belief," a groundbreaking television event exploring humankind's ongoing search to connect with something greater than ourselves.  Journeying to the far reaches of the world, and to places cameras have rarely been, “Belief” searches the origins of diverse faiths and the heart of what really matters. From the epic to the intimate, webbed throughout each hour are stories of people on spiritual journeys, taking them to sacred spaces. 
     All that probably sounds good to today's culture .... but where is JESUS mentioned?  If you call yourself a Christian, shouldn't you be talking about faith in Jesus... and not just spirituality?  (Take another look at her first statement).  And why isn't she saying (in her second statement) "I wouldn't be who I am today without JESUS," instead of "I wouldn't be who I am today without a spiritual consciousness, without spiritual values and ultimately without spiritual love"?
     Seems to me that's a whole lot of New Age drivel, and there are a lot of false gods out there who offer their spiritual wares and diverse ways to "sacred spaces".  I just don't trust any of them!  I wholeheartedly agree with Jennifer LeClaire, a writer for Charisma News, who wrote, "No, Oprah is not celebrating Jesus. She's taking people on a "spiritual" journey that includes many faiths and challenging them to ask the question: What do you believe? As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord Jesus Christ, thank you."  And as Jennifer points out in her piece, Franklin Graham gets it right, too.  "A personal relationship with Almighty God through His Son Jesus Christ is the only thing that can fill the void in the human heart," Graham said. "This is not a matter of opinion--Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.' One way, one Savior, no exceptions."
     Did you get that, Oprah?  No exceptions!  And while I am having this conversation with Oprah in my head, I would like to give her a warning.  Oprah, I know you have helped thousands of people less fortunate than you, and no doubt many of them might have considered seeking a relationship with God and Jesus because of your humanitarian efforts.  But, dear, all those good deeds will mean nothing when you stand before Jesus's Judgment Seat and He asks you if you pointed them to Him.  Because, believe me, He will know that your message was not the narrow path that led to Life, but that you offered entrance into "spirituality" through the wide gate that led to their destruction.
     Back in 2012, when she launched the OWN channel, the publicity department for the Black Christian News Network (BCNN) had this to say: “Now we know that some people are going to doubt Oprah's profession of faith in Christ and some are going to say negative things about this because she has different people of different faiths on her show and so forth. But before you Pharisees say all of that, please understand that OWN is not a Christian network. It is a network for all people. OWN is Oprah's business, and we as Christians know what that is like when you're doing business in a secular world. So Oprah's business side is going to be different, but it does not take anything away from her faith in Christ... We believe that Oprah's true ‘next chapter’ is to finish her life leading millions to the Christ that saved her,” BCNN wrote. “We want to encourage all Christians to pray for Oprah as she grows in her faith in Christ.”
     Well, here we are at that next chapter, and it is her new TV show, Belief.  I'm sorry, but how can there by growth in her faith, when she still will not credit Jesus for her success, or exalt Him as the only way to God?  Until that happens, all the talk about spirituality and honoring different faiths will fall on my deaf ears.  And, somehow, I don't think Jesus is going to like the fact that her "business side" is willing to compromise and make concessions for other faiths.
     When asked to define what spirituality is to her, Oprah said, "[It] is living life with an open heart, through love, and allowing yourself to align with the values of tolerance, acceptance, of harmony, of cooperation and reverence for life. She said she believes there is a divine thread that connects spiritually to something greater than ourselves."  All of that sounds man-driven to me; nothing Holy or sanctified.  If only she would realize that He alone is worthy of all her enthusiasm about searching for something greater than herself.  Only then will she discover what true Belief is.

Matthew 7:22-23   "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

November 4, 2015

What Is The State Of Our Military?

     I took a good look at a recent survey of our U.S. Military by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank based in Washington, D.C.  The highlights of their 2016 Index of U.S. Military Strength revealed some interesting ratings.
     For instance they ranked U.S. Military Power as "marginal", with the Army rating a "weak" score. Considering that the Army is the largest branch of our Armed Forces, that should make us sit up and take notice.
     And if that's not enough to make you uneasy, here is how they rated Threats to U.S. Vital Interests:   Iran and the Middle East received an "Elevated" ranking; Russia, China, and terrorism associated with Afghanistan/Pakistan received a rating of "High"; and North Korea was rated as "Severe".  It should not be surprising that the Heritage Foundation found these nations to be particularly aggressive during 2015, and they expect that the rapid modernization and expansion of their offensive military capabilities will make these especially worrisome continuing into 2016.  Russia's swift and vigorous involvement in the Middle East is evidence that these predictions are most likely on the mark.
     And which of us have any faith in the so-called pact with Iran over their nuclear proliferation?  Does anyone really believe that they intend to honor any treaty they have made?  They have said as much; that they will continue on the path towards nuclear weapons development and the annihilation of Israel.
     So all this makes the Heritage Foundation's assessment of U.S. Military Power more relevant.  I want you to read, word-for-word, their evaluation .... "Finally, we assessed the military power of the United States in three areas: capability, capacity, and readiness. These three areas of assessment are central to the overarching questions of whether the U.S. has a sufficient quantity of appropriately modern military power and whether military units are able to conduct military operations on demand and effectively.
     The common theme across the services and the United States’ nuclear enterprise is one of force degradation resulting from many years of underinvestment, poor execution of modernization programs, and the negative effects of budget sequestration (cuts in funding) on readiness and capacity. While the military has been heavily engaged in operations, primarily in the Middle East but elsewhere as well, since September 11, 2001, experience is both ephemeral and context-sensitive. Valuable combat experience is lost over time as the servicemembers who individually gained experience leave the force, and it maintains direct relevance only for future operations of a similar type. Thus, though the current Joint Force is experienced in some types of operations, it is still aged and shrinking in its capacity for operations."
     The Army is "weak" because of a drop in the number of combat-ready troops.  The Navy's fleet is diminished and struggling to meet operational demands.  The index score for the Air Force dropped from "strong" to "marginal", due to a degradation in capability and readiness.  The fighting competence of the Marines is superb, but it is hampered by aging equipment; troubled replacement programs for its key ground vehicles (particularly its amphibious personnel carriers); and a shrinking force.  (That's why it is so difficult to see ISIS driving around the Middle East in our abandoned military trucks and equipment).  Perhaps the most alarming finding of the Heritage Foundation's survey was the greater need to modernize U.S. nuclear capabilities, particularly with regard to aging delivery systems. Continued reliance on legacy systems such as the B-52 will eventually diminish the effectiveness of the nuclear enterprise of our military and lead to the deterioration of our nation’s ability to deter a nuclear attack.
     The overall picture that the Heritage Foundation painted was one of a U.S. military force capable of meeting the demands of a single major regional conflict, while also managing various "presence" and "engagement" activities.  BUT, they also concluded that our military would be very hard-pressed to do more than that, and certainly would be ill-equipped to handle two nearly simultaneous major regional incidents.
     The bottom line is this:  The consistent decline in funding and the consequent shrinking of our armed forces have placed it under significant pressure.  Essential maintenance of equipment continues to be deferred; fewer units (mostly the Navy’s platforms and the Special Operations Forces community) are being cycled through operational deployments more often, and for longer periods; and old equipment is being extended while programmed replacements are problematic.
     Let's face it.  Add all these factors together, and we have a U.S. military that is "marginally" able to meet the demands of defending America’s vital national interests.  So what does this say about the Military-Industrial Complex?  Either they have been gutted by the decimation of funding for our forces; or the corruption is so extensive throughout the Government and Pentagon, that pockets are being lined while the lives of our combat troops are ignored and exploited.  Either way, the common defense of the nation seems to have collapsed, or even been deliberately sacrificed.
     At times like this, I always wonder what the intention was at the founding of our nation.  How would the Founders have viewed the state in which we find our military and national defense?  Consider what James Madison had to say:  "In time of actual war, great discretionary powers are constantly given to the Executive Magistrate. Constant apprehension of War, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people ... Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded, because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few. In war, too, the discretionary power of the Executive is extended; its influence in dealing out offices, honors, and emoluments is multiplied: and all the means of seducing the minds, are added to those of subduing the force, of the people. The same malignant aspect in republicanism may be traced in the inequality of fortunes, and the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare."
     So where does this leave us?  Certainly, war seems to have been the ever-present companion of man for the last century.  But even in the Old Testament, war was prominent, and often seen as "holy"; often declared by God.  And we are all familiar with the Scripture in Ecclesiastes that says "there is a time for war, and a time for peace."  Ever since St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) formulated the theory of the Just War, it seems that man has rationalized his way into ever-increasing states of war.  To be honest, I don't have a crystal ball to see where our decline in military strength and capability leads us.  Will the next Presidential election change the direction we are headed?  Or is it too late?  Has our weakness been exploited past the time of no return?  Only God sees the future.  All I know is that I long for His Peace and the absence of all the Evil I see.  But I also know that there has to be one final War on Earth before the Prince of Peace comes to reign.  Perhaps we are seeing the world line up, and build up, towards that final conflagration?

Exodus 15:3    "The Lord is a man of war; the Lord is his name."


November 3, 2015

Sexual Liberty vs Religious Liberty

      Today is a momentous day in Houston, Texas.  It looks as if the fourth largest city in the country is going to be "Ground Zero" in the non-discrimination wars between the religious faithful and the cultural liberals.  Today, the good citizens of Houston go to the polls to vote.  And a diverse coalition of pastors in the Houston area have joined forces to try to defeat an ordinance proposed by Houston's lesbian mayor, who seeks to protect people from discrimination based on characteristics such as sex, race, age, marital status, sexual orientation and gender identity.  
     All that sounds good; no one should endorse discrimination -- especially Christians, right?  But you have to look beyond the surface language to discern the deeper implications of such a law.  True, the proposed law would make it illegal to be biased or prejudiced against anyone based on those characteristics.  It is a law designed to protect gay and transgender people.  But what about protecting the religious beliefs of Christians?    
     On the surface, many people see it as the "bathroom issue"... business owners oppose the ordinance because of its language on gender identity. It would permit men and women to use whatever public bathroom they choose.  As one business owner explained, "[The law] imposes criminal fines and penalties on me, the business owner, if I don't allow a person of one gender to go into the other person's bathroom."  Would you want your adolescent daughter to be forced to share a public bathroom with a man who "identifies" as a woman?  
     The proposed ordinance is already affecting the practices of many businesses in the Houston area. Photographers and bakers know they are at risk of violating the law, and suffering the legal consequences, should they not want to bake a wedding cake or take wedding photos, based on their religious beliefs.  So, many are altering their business model and vacating the wedding market.  
     It's important to remember that in May 2014, the Houston City Council originally approved the ordinance.  A coalition of evangelical pastors then organized a signature drive to place the measure on the ballot. After the mayor rejected their signatures, the pastors sued the city, prompting the mayor to subpoena five pastors' sermons.  We know the underlying threat there... the loss of their 501(c)3 status.  The Texas Supreme Court eventually sided with the pastors and agreed to put the issue before the voters.  I'm sure you would not be surprised to know that national and local LGBT activists have raised close to $3 million to persuade voters to approve the ordinance.  And they say there is no political agenda....
     But, for once, the Faithful who still adhere to Biblical primacy are standing their ground.  And it is not just white, protestant evangelicals that oppose the ordinance.  Pastor Hernan Castaño is the director of Hispanic church development for the Houston Area Pastors Council. He is also the Houston director of the Rivers of Oil Bible Institute, and the founding pastor of the Iglesias Rios De Aceite located in Houston.  Castaño was born in Columbia and migrated with his parents to America when he was five months old.  He feels that history is repeating itself for him and his congregation, many of whom immigrated from countries known for oppressive regimes.  "The dream of coming to America, of being an American citizen and having a business and the freedom to make your choices, of religious freedom -- it's truly in danger," he said.  "And people see this as a repetition of what happened in their countries, when it all started, and they are concerned and they're praying."
     The baker and the photographer have the same concerns.  Baker Jesus Guerrero manages a Houston bakery and said the proposed ordinance would collide with his Christian beliefs.  "If we don't feel comfortable doing something, we shouldn't be forced to make a wedding cake ... I want to have my freedom of choice to do what is Biblical and that is eroding away."
     Historically, Houston's registered voters don't turn out to vote on local issues, but the stakes surrounding this one may just change their minds.  So it will be interesting to see what happens at the polls today, and if Houston will remain the last major city in the country without a non-discrimination law.  The LGBT agenda has been successful in passing over 200 such ordinances across the country -- providing protection for sexual minorities, while quietly stripping away protections for people of faith.  One thing is for certain; Houston is a battleground and "Ground Zero" for the fight between sexual liberty and religious liberty.  May God's Will be done!

Galatians 5:1   "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."

November 2, 2015

The Gift Of Freedom

     How do I write about what I experienced over the weekend?  How do I impart the words of knowledge and freedom that I received, with both gratification and glory to God for His revelation, and without offending His Church and the Body of Christ?  That's a very difficult tightrope to walk.
     But, I guess the message I am getting from the Holy Spirit is this:  "Just tell the truth."  So here goes... You know that God seems to be leading me and my husband on a path towards accepting our position on the battlefield of Spiritual Warfare.  So, this past weekend, we had the privilege to attend a 2-day conference taught by Dr. Charles Kraft, a professor at Fuller Theological Seminary for 40 years.  The title of the conference was "Defeating Dark Angels", but the central topic of the meeting was based less on the sensational-sounding aspects of that title, and more on the Scripture-affirming concept of inner healing to help deliver defeated Christians as they battle their demons.
     There is no way in a single post that I can elucidate all the insight and understanding that my spirit was given during the intense instruction.  So I will try to give you the points that opened my eyes, my mind, and my heart to the truth of who I am meant to be as a follower of Jesus.
     Let me start by saying that Dr. Kraft is unlike what the secular world -- and for the most part, the Church -- views as a "Deliverance Minister."  He is a soft-spoken, gentle man, who never raises his voice.  He does not employ any of the histrionics of the so-called "healers" or "exorcists" that characterize the modern perception of evangelists who cast out demons -- there is no melodrama, theatrics, or artificial showmanship; no Benny Hinn, here.  There is no writhing on the floor, no yelling, and no dramatic vomiting. As he reiterated many times throughout the conference, "If the healing is not loving, it's not from Jesus."
     To begin with, he makes it very clear that there are two levels of demons we encounter in our spiritual warfare.  The "ground level" troops are the fallen angels that we call demons or evil spirits; those who envy us our bodies, and who look for someone to inhabit.  The "cosmic level" demons are those we encounter in Ephesians 6:12-- the principalities, powers and rulers that command the ground troops.  They have different personalities, are destructive to the peace that Jesus has promised His followers, and they differ in power and wickedness.  All that sounds like we're waging a losing battle, doesn't it?  Sadly, many Christians are living their lives in defeat, rather than through the victory that is ours in Christ.
     Interestingly, Dr. Kraft wrote that although most Christians recognize that much of the New Testament was written by the Apostle Paul to the new Christian Churches, they fail to acknowledge that 80% of Paul's Epistles tell us of Jesus's Power, and about 20% talk about the Love of Jesus.  The average Christian knows about Love, Faith, and Redemption, but they are weak on Spiritual Warfare and the Power and Authority of Jesus that He transferred to us.
     As a missionary in Nigeria, Dr. Kraft asked the people he had come to serve in Jesus's Name, "What is your biggest problem?"  Their answer?  "Evil spirits."  I think it should be clear that we are all made in the image of God (as spirit beings), so why would we be any different?  Oh, yeah... the prosperity, the level of comfort, and our ability to hide from our demons through the means of entertainment, addictions, and a myriad of other distractions.  So, in the end, we continue to ignore the attacks and continue in our bondage, while focusing on loving Jesus.  We base our Christian Worldview on the 20% of Paul's writings that talk about Love, and turn a blind eye to the 80% that tell us He has given us Power in His Name to be free of all the oppression, pain, and spiritual domination.
    The first step towards this freedom is to make two major changes in this worldview towards accepting our role in Spiritual Warfare:  1) Believe there are demons, and 2) Be able to effectively use our conferred Power and Authority (in His Name) to deal with these dark angels (demons) and to "set the captives free".  It was an eye-opener to me, when Dr. Kraft pointed out that there are three things that are most important to Christians:  Salvation, Freedom, and Habits.  We've got the first one down; we understand the origin and process of Salvation pretty well.  And we've gotten real good at the last one; our habits are entrenched in our Sunday attendance and all the ceremonies and traditions of our denominations.  As Dr. Kraft expressed so well, "Our churches are full of people wonderfully saved, but they're not free."
     We seem to have lost sight of the fact that Jesus obviously took Satan and his demons seriously.  And, even more importantly, He expects us to take demons seriously and to use His power to get rid of them.  That is very evident in the Scripture that instructs us on His Great Commission:  Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually—regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion], even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20).
     I have pointed out this Scripture in the past, but now I have an even greater understanding of it.  Jesus passed on to His disciples all of His power.  He set aside His God Power, and never once used it on earth.  He only acted as a human being, using the power of the Holy Spirit.  He intends for us to do the same!  We modern-day disciples of Christ are no different than the famous Disciples of the Gospels.  We are to see ourselves as Jesus sees us.  He tells them to go and make disciples of all the nations (and disciples is who we are); to baptize; and to "teach them to observe (or do) everything that I have commanded you."   Down through the centuries, each succeeding generation of disciples concentrated on evangelizing and baptizing, but failed to teach how to defeat demons using the power of the Holy Spirit.
     But the one thing I want you to get from this abbreviated summary of the conference is this: There is no deliverance from our demons without inner healing first.  As a visual person, it helped me a lot to picture Dr. Kraft's illustration on what that looks like... "Where you have garbage, you have rats.  If you just get rid of the rats, and don't get rid of the garbage, the rats will come back.  But if you get rid of the garbage first, [the cycle] of the rats gets weakened, and it is usually easy to kick them out.  The rats, if they are there, are always the secondary problem, not the primary one."
     So his model of "Deliverance" is to accomplish the inner healing of the Christian first, then see if there are any demons present.  In other words, the "garbage" could be a number of things resulting in unresolved pain and hurt in one's life.  It could be broken relationships, areas of unconfessed sin, involvement in the occult, or sexual or physical abuse in your past --- anything else that gives the Enemy a "legal right" to influence you, either from the outside or the inside.
     When we deal with the "garbage" and get healed from that -- through getting in touch with how Jesus sees us; this Jesus whom we know as our loving Savior who created us, chose and planned us from before God made the world -- then the demons lose their hold on us, and we can often kick them out of our lives without a fight.
     But now comes the part that is difficult for me.  How do I express my frustration with the Church for their inability to see this dynamic?  How do I make my fellow Christians and members of the Body of Christ understand that if Jesus instructed us to be taught on how to use His Power and Authority through the Holy Spirit to defeat Satan and his demons -- yet we don't recognize that authority, or refuse to consider it -- then I humbly see that as irresponsible on our part, as His disciples.  This Power and Authority is available to all who follow Jesus, and is meant to be a means to offer Freedom to those held captive by Satan.  I will agree that certain people of faith seem to have a "knack" or "gifting", if you will, to "take the ball and run" with the power and authority.  But as Dr. Kraft so wisely counseled us, "Obedience precedes gifting."  If we will only be obedient to Jesus's command of John 14:12, (We will do the works He did, and do even greater things), I believe we will find that our ability to engage in His Power and Authority, through the Holy Spirit, will come in greater measure.
     We should not be afraid of our Commission, and we should not shirk our responsibility to follow our Savior's commands.  As 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]."  THAT, my fellow Christians is living in true Freedom!  And THAT is why Jesus performed the will of His Father on the Cross... to give us the ability to use the same Authority from our Father, and the Power of the Holy Spirit to not only live a free life ourselves, but to help set other captive Christians free.
     You see, "Deliverance" doesn't have to be a violent, theatrical show of God's Power and Authority.  It can be just like Jesus showed us ... loving; practiced by any Christian; and it leads to healing, not just deliverance.
     But ultimately, the choice to practice His Power and Authority is still ours.  I agree with Dr. Kraft... God will not violate our Free Will.  He will not force the use of His authority upon us, nor will He change our free will.  But He can change the circumstances that result from our free will when, in the Name of Jesus, we take authority over demon spirits and break their power in Jesus's Name and through the Holy Spirit.
     The final thought I want to leave you with is this ... Deliverance is not a science; it is a journey of faith.  Jesus has given us tools to empower ourselves in our spiritual warfare, and they do just that... empower us; but they don't fix us.  We are in a spiritual war, and no war is won in a single battle.  Throughout our journey through life, we will engage in many battles, and growing into a mature faith is our goal.  But God has a goal, too.  He always wraps His Power in His Love, with the goal of setting people free.  My prayer is that His people will learn to use that Power and Authority to heal themselves and others from the attacks of the Enemy, and to free those whom Satan has in captivity from "the sins that entangle us."  It's time for all Christians to begin that journey of healing towards true Freedom.

I have been given a great blessing to be able to spend the next two days in training with Dr. Kraft, as I learn how to use my Authority from Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit to help Christians achieve inner healing and deliverance.  So, if I am a little late in posting any of your comments, you will understand.  I hope to be able to bring you even greater understanding of the amazing God we serve.

Psalm 32:8    "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you [who are willing to learn] with My eye upon you."

November 1, 2015

Acts 4:18

So they sent for them, and commanded them not to speak 
[as His representatives] or teach at all in the name of Jesus [using Him as their authority].

    The other day I heard Russ Dizdar, ordained to the ministry by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1978, and now an outspoken advocate for Spiritual Warfare and Deliverance Ministry (among many other disciplines) say that the most powerful aspect of the Church (found in Acts, Chapter 4) has not been realized.  First of all, that's a pretty strong statement; and knowing his honest and direct appraisal of the modern Church, I just had to see exactly what he was talking about.
     The chapter begins with the arrest of Peter and John because they have been openly "teaching the people and proclaiming in [the case of] Jesus the resurrection of the dead."  You see, they were declaring the power of God to resurrect men from the dead, and had been exercising the authority given to them by Jesus (the Son of God) through the power of the Holy Spirit, and had healed a lame beggar.  And because of this attesting miracle of the power of the ascended Jesus, 5,000 men heard the message of salvation and accepted Jesus as the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).  You can imagine how that upset the conventional religion of the day.  So, the Sanhedrin (the High Jewish Court) had them arrested, and on the next day, they convened the high priests of the Jewish people to interrogate Peter and John.
     Scripture says, "they repeatedly asked, "By what sort of power, or in what name [that is, by what kind of authority], did you do this [healing]?”  Peter wasted no time in making it very clear to the Church leaders exactly what happened:  "let it be known and clearly understood by all of you, and by all the people of Israel, that in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, whom you [demanded be] crucified [by the Romans and], whom God raised from the dead—in this name [that is, by the authority and power of Jesus] this man stands here before you in good health." (Acts 4:10).
     Now, the members of the Sanhedrin recognized that this miracle had been seen by thousands of people, so there was no denying it.  But they were unsettled about the threat this posed to their own authority.  So they asked, "What are we to do with these men?"  And they decided " to keep it from spreading further among the people and the nation, let us [sternly] warn them not to speak again to anyone in this name."  Acts 4:18 gives us their charge to Peter and John:  "So they sent for them, and commanded them not to speak [as His representatives] or teach at all in the name of Jesus [using Him as their authority]."
     But Peter and John knew that God had a purpose in these miracles, and that the power and authority of Jesus had been predestined to be passed on to mankind through the Holy Spirit, and they could not deny His will.  So they prayed, "And now, Lord, observe their threats [take them into account] and grant that Your bond-servants may declare Your message [of salvation] with great confidence, while You extend Your hand to heal, and signs and wonders (attesting miracles) take place through the name [and the authority and power] of Your holy Servant and Son Jesus.”  
     After reading this entire Chapter, I get what Russ Dizdar is saying.  The very same Church leadership that opposed Peter and John teaching the authority and power in the name of Jesus is at work today.  Church leaders, whom I respect and admire, are saying the same things that Annas and Caiaphas, the high priests, were saying in the First Century... "I don't think it's a good idea that you pursue this line of teaching."  But just like the high priests of old, instead of studying it themselves and praying about it, they are quick to pass judgment that it doesn't fit the accepted or mainstream religion of our day.  
     The religious leaders of yesterday (and today) should have listened to Peter and John!  Never did they claim that their actions and their results were by their own power.... it was ALWAYS in the name of Jesus Christ!  And so it is today.  Those of us who read the Scripture and take Jesus at His Word ... whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father... realize that the authority and power given to Peter and John, has also been given to us.  
     Jesus didn't say, "You Twelve who believe in me", or "You 70 that believe in me".  He said "Whoever believes in Me...".  If, as some are of the opinion, this power and authority was only meant for the Apostles, wouldn't He have made that distinction?  And to think well, that doesn't apply to us because we have Jesus now, doesn't make sense to me.  He was telling the Apostles that He would convey His power and authority to them (through the Holy Spirit) so they could do the works He had been doing because He was going to the Father.  We are in the exact same condition as those humble, simple men who followed Him.  He was no longer in their presence, and it was their faith in Him that precluded the transference of His Authority and Power to them through the Holy Spirit --the authority to pray to the Father, seeking His will; and the power to carry out His Divine purpose.  Just like those normal men, who became Apostles, we have heard the message of salvation, accepted Jesus as our Savior, received the Holy Spirit as our Guide and Counselor, and have access to that same power and authority they did after He went to the Father.  
     You see, nothing has really changed, except that we are not doing the works He did, and have therefore not done greater things.  In fact, we have allowed Satan and his minions to exercise their power and authority, and done nothing to stop them!  And, in my mind, Jesus must be frustrated to know that we have been given the Authority and the Power of the Father, just as He was, to carry out the Father's will, yet we don't use it!  Could Jesus step in and save every abused child or damaged marriage or evil intentions of man?  Absolutely!  But He gave us the authority and power to defeat the Enemy In His Name -- because it glorifies Him!!
     What has remained the same is the reluctance of religious leaders to examine His Word, and to realize that we have relinquished that power and authority He meant for us to use.  Russ Dizdar is right --- the most powerful aspect of the Church has not been fulfilled, and Satan has taken full advantage of it, as he operates unopposed and unchallenged.  It's time to take back our power and glorify our Savior!!

October 31, 2015

Halloween: The Veil Grows Thin

     So tonight is the controversial holiday, known as Halloween.  One can go online to search out whether Halloween is an acceptable holiday for Christians, or if it is really an evil day, celebrated by Satanists and occultists.  For each site you visit, I suspect you will find a different answer.
     There will be those sites who declare it to be a benign evening of "tricks and treats" for the youngsters, while others will warn of its demonic undertones.  There will be attempts to "Christianize" the holiday by offering Trunk-or-Treat events (popular among churches) to bring Halloween to parking lots where kids go from car to car and get candy.  There will be countless Fall Festivals innocently celebrated, and there will be people who simply don't care, accurately saying that all holidays have pagan roots and it is what you make of it today that matters.
     And that's exactly why we should care about this controversial holiday.  Whether a devout Christian or a non-religious secularist, most people believe that Halloween is a night of candy and costumes and autumn celebrations/festivals that ALL people can share.  But what about the satanists and witches?  Shouldn't we care what it is to them?
     Known as "Samhein" to this latter group, Halloween is a transitional time, and an initial stage of a process in which the veil between life and death grows thin.  I found a Christian website (Logos Resource Pages) that featured an article by Pastor David Phillips that seemed to offer some straightforward information on the holiday.  Consider what the following self-declared witches had to say about the holiday... "Halloween is one of the four Great Sabbats of the witches that everyone has heard about. To witches, Halloween is a serious occasion, however merrily celebrated. It is the old Celtic Eve of Samhain. With the coming of Christianity, the Church tried to Christianize the old festival by naming November 1st as All Saints Day, or All Hallows as the old term was. Thus Samhain Eve became All Hallows Eve, or Halloween. But attempts to discourage the pagan celebrations were so unavailing that the festival was eventually banned from the Church calendar. It was not until 1928 that the Church of England formally restored All Hallows to its calendar, on the assumption that the old pagan associations of Halloween were at last really dead and forgotten; a supposition that was certainly premature." 
     Another witch's testimony:  "All the Great Festivals of Paganism, wherever they may be found, correspond in common with the Solstices, Equinoxes, and other natural annual cycles of life. Most of these remain with us today, in more or less disguised form, as the so-called Christian holidays of Christmas (Yule), Easter (Ostara), May Day (Beltane), Thanksgiving (Harvest Home), Halloween (Samhain) and even Groundhogs day (Oimelc)."
     Still, another confirmation of Halloween's importance to occultists:  "Salem (Massachusetts) is a mecca, especially around Samhain. It is our holiday, our new year, and a lot of witches come here from all over the world".
     As Pastor Phillips concluded, Witches and Satanists love Halloween. They get a lot of media coverage around this time of year. It's good P.R. for them because the coverage, as a rule, portrays them in a favorable light.  In addition, Halloween generates interest in "the craft" and is good for recruitment purposes. As Craig Hawkins, Founder and President of Apologetics Information Ministries, put it: "With increasing vigor, witchcraft is coming out of the broom closet. Many witches are actively seeking public understanding and acceptance."
     And they are receiving it!  In 2009, a federal judge ruled that a federal correctional facility in Jefferson County, Colorado must allow a prisoner to perform a Satanic ritual on Halloween.  At the time, Judge Edward Nottingham issued a preliminary injunction allowing the ritual, even though the prisoner admitted it included a destruction ritual, in which he visualized the death of his enemies.
     In 1987, the Maine State Prison allowed members of a witch coven (the Coven of Dawn) to hold a two-hour service on the feast day they call Samhain (Halloween), after the Druidic festival of year's end.  "This is our time to give praise to our lord and lady for the bountiful harvest", said the founder of the goddess-oriented coven. He said that 75 inmates have been initiated into the religion since its start in 1981.  That was 28 years ago -- imagine how many prisoners have become part of the coven since then.
     But it is not only the prison system that has let these occult and satanic movements begin to thrive.  Our military now recognizes Wiccans as a legitimate religious group, and I have personally seen that evidenced at Fort Sam Houston and Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio.
     Although there is an obvious attempt to mainstream these "religions", we must never lose sight of the fact that modern day witches and satanists still worship demon gods and goddesses, cast spells, practice bizarre and immoral sexual rituals, and certain individuals and groups offer animal and human sacrifices.
     Texe Marrs, a controversial New Age researcher, nevertheless offers advice that is hard to ignore:  "Our own research confirms that on this unholy night [Halloween], witches' covens meet, drink, dance, spit out curses and spells, conjure up spirits, engage in sexual orgies, induct new members, and offer up animal and human sacrifices. (Witches have become expert at covering up these sacrifices by use of cremation ovens and the use of privately owned land preserves for disposal of bodies in deeply dug graves.)"
     And can you really ignore the boast of Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan, when he said, "I'm glad that Christian parents let their children worship the devil at least one night out of the year."  Have you ever considered the proliferation of movies such as "Nightmare on Elm Street", "Halloween", the "Friday the 13th" series, the "Saw" franchise, or the glamorization of vampires in the "Twilight" series and "True Blood"?  Have you ever wondered if they were pure fiction -- or if they were created by someone with real knowledge of such horrors?  Are you concerned at all that these kinds of spectacles are desensitizing our kids by their glorification of violence, death, mutilation and gore; and setting them up for the acceptance of real-life satanic rituals?
     I know there are some people who will dismiss the warnings about the possible demonic implications of Halloween.  But I think that we do that at the risk of our children.  The celebration of Halloween can be an effective tool to lure them into the occult and/or to become victims of satanic rituals.  Current headlines have certainly shown us that evil and wickedness are on the rise; with more and more lurid stories of bizarre and sadistic rituals happening almost every day.  It will be interesting to see what the headlines reveal in the coming days, as to the unholy celebrations that will be taking place tonight.
     In the end, it is up to you to decide what you think about this commonly accepted holiday.  But for me, I know the power that the Enemy wishes to use against us, and I will not only be on guard tonight, but will be praying for protection and authority to thwart his attacks.  Let me leave you with these frightening words from a high priestess of the Church of Satan:  "As a child drawn to darker passions from birth, I always delighted in the fear and fantasies of Halloween. It gives even the most mundane people the opportunity to taste wickedness for one night. They have a chance to dance with the Devil, either stumbling, tittering and nervous in the arms of the Black Prince, or boldly, ravenously sharing in the sensual excesses and fright of others on this magical, unholy night. Now, birth and death have, for me, become inextricably interwoven into this day."  

1 Corinthians 10:21   "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons."

October 30, 2015

From Their Own Mouths: The Diabolical Delusion of Abortion

     Let's be clear about something.  I can no longer abide all the "politically correct" nuances surrounding abortion.  To define this horrific practice as simply a termination or miscarriage (as the Apple Dictionary does on my computer), is not giving the true meaning to the underlying motives of those who practice it, nor the truth about the actual procedure that takes place.  Even the word termination is too mild.  The dictionary definition of termination is "the action of bringing something, or coming to an end."  In the case of a fetus, we are talking about a baby... or let me express it more clearly... bringing someone to an end.
     The reason that I feel so moved to be explicit on this terminology is because of two recent stories I ran across.  The first was an article on Breitbart.com that reported on Planned Parenthood retweeting a statement from abortionist Dr. David A. Grimes, who said, in response to the state of Kansas banning D&E abortion, “D and E abortion is not a problem any more than a mastectomy is a problem. Both are solutions to a problem.”
     OK, my first thought was how amazingly bold Planned Parenthood has become in the wake of the video revelations by their officials and business partners.  The second thought, was what a monster this Dr. Grimes is.  Who draws a comparison between a healthy unborn human baby and a malignant cancerous breast that requires removal?  Who else looks upon a healthy human fetus as a diseased organ that must be destroyed?
     So let's be clear about exactly what Dr. Grimes is referring to.  D & E abortion (Dilation and Evacuation) involves inserting a Sopher clamp—a sharp-toothed instrument designed for “grasping and crushing tissue”—into a pregnant woman’s womb and feeling around blindly for anything to grab hold of, and then tearing it from the woman’s body.  That's not my definition.  That is a description by Dr. Tony Levatino, a former abortionist, who gives a step-by-step description of a second trimester abortion:  "Reach in again and again with that clamp and tear out the spine, intestines, heart and lungs... The toughest part of a D&E abortion is extracting the baby’s head. The head of a baby that age is about the size of a plum and is now free floating inside the uterine cavity. You can be pretty sure you have hold of it if the Sopher clamp is spread about as far as your fingers will allow. You will know you have it right when you crush down on the clamp and see a pure white gelatinous material issue from the cervix. That was the baby’s brains. You can then extract the skull pieces. If you have a really bad day like I often did, a little face may come out and stare back at you... Congratulations! You have just successfully performed a Suction D&E abortion. You just affirmed her right to choose. You just made $600 cash in fifteen minutes."
      Remember that I said Dr. Levatino is a former abortionist, and I can only pray that he has confessed and repented of his sins.  I'm pretty sure that Dr. Grimes has not.  A practicing abortionist from 1972 to 2014, Grimes makes the incredible claim that the legalization of abortion resulted in “prompt and dramatic health improvements” for children, a declaration that only a demonically influenced person could make.  How can killing over 55,000,000 babies result in better care for those babies who manage to be born and survive in this culture of death?
      To show you the complete delusion and deception of this man, just consider these following statements:  It was Grimes who famously wrote that there is no such thing as a third-trimester abortion, and that the elimination of a fetus during the third trimester of gestation is a “pregnancy termination, but not an abortion.”  There he goes with that impersonal, PC denial again!  And earlier this month, Dr. Grimes raged against new North Carolina legislation banning the sale of fetal tissue from aborted fetuses.  “The North Carolina General Assembly has been voting in further restrictions to abortion practice. There’s no need for that. There hasn’t been a death from abortion in this state in decades.”  As Thomas Williams, the author of the Breitbart article wrote, "Nope.  [No deaths] except for all those babies."
     But Dr. Grimes isn't the only beloved abortionist at Planned Parenthood.   The website Shoebat.com published an article on Dr. Uta Landy, the former Director of Planned Parenthood-California, and current National Director of a Residency training program in Abortion and Family Planning at the Bixby Center for Global Reproductive Health in San Francisco.  First, let me say, that I take great offense at the use of the word "health" when it involves Abortion.  The word health indicates the "well-being" of a person; and abortion is anything but that for the fetus/baby.  Now that I've got that off my chest, let me tell you a little more about the good Doctor Landy.
     As an abortion doctor and major Planned Parenthood leader, Dr. Landy spoke at a 2014 conference and boasted about how she murdered a child, and that during the abortion the child’s eye fell off.  In the talk Landy sadistically said, “An eyeball just fell down into my lap and that’s gross, and I say to myself, ‘This abortion is going well; it’s going safely' ”.
     Landy’s comments were accompanied by laughter and applause.  My words in that last sentence do not do justice to the sick feeling in my stomach as I listened to the reaction in the video.   "I feel like any time you enter the body, it’s grotesque," Landy declared to laughter. “I just want to honor that we have different feelings about this — we need to be prepared [for those feelings].”  This latter comment was in response to a fellow abortionist who said that she, personally, finds late-term abortions disturbing, but it is the responsibility to the patients that is primary.  But she was able to clear her conscious by stating, "I don’t like saying I am dismembering a fetus. … It makes me feel bad." Others soothed their misgivings by telling themselves they had to stay strong and fight for the women; while Dr. Landy, herself, said her coping mechanism was to focus on the fetus/baby by realizing that it was "something that was once alive, and now it's not."  Of course it's not, after you have killed it!!  She further states that she has a hard time reconciling the patient's pain.  We can translate that as the mother's pain -- disregard the pain of that fetus as its skull is crushed!  And we're expected to have sympathy for these monsters?!?
     These are the same people who would probably cheer if we found "life" on another planet!  Yet they do not see the part they play in Satan's goals to "steal, kill and destroy".  And can you see how bold the Enemy has become?  Even in the wake of the release of the Planned Parenthood videos, their leaders and supporters have become fearless in presenting their culture of fetal murder.  How much longer will God listen to the cries of those babies before He tells His Son, "It's time for Judgment.  Go!"?  His Word tells me that those who belong to Him will not be subject to that vengeful wrath, but God, forgive me, I wouldn't mind being here to see these fiends punished.  But it is enough to know that their destiny is certain and painful, unless they turn from their wicked ways and repent.  In the meantime, I pray for all of God's babies and look forward to the day they receive their glorified bodies.  Let that day come soon!

Isaiah 26:21    "For behold, the Lord is coming out from His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity, and the earth will disclose the blood shed on it, and will no more cover its slain."

October 29, 2015

Seventh-Grader Stands For God

     I know I shouldn't be surprised; but I am still in shock after reading a story printed on the Education Action Group website.  Before I relate the story, I want you to understand exactly who EAG is, and their perspective.  They are a foundation based on the desire to "shine a spotlight on the leftist agenda and activists and their mission to “fundamentally transform” the United States of America through the government education system."
     The perspective of EAG is very well-stated in this mission statement:  When the government took upon itself the obligation of educating America’s youth, it undertook a serious responsibility that demanded results. In far too many communities across America, the government is woefully failing in that responsibility.  Dismal test scores, out-of-control unsustainable spending, and the ardent defense of adults’ rights have all pushed the government education system to the brink of irrelevance. And worse yet, it’s all having a direct impact on our future ability to compete in the world.
     EAG believes the one-size-fits-all, assembly line government school system requires serious reform.  It is their desire to see that 1) the needs of the students are put first;  2) the needs of adults are second;  3) Parents are empowered to seek the best education options for their children;  and 4)  State governments should enact reforms to give schools more control over their budgets and personnel decisions.
     OK, now that you know who EAG is and why they felt it was important to report this story, let's get to the facts of what happened to seventh-grader, Jordan Wooley, of Katy, Texas.  Jordan took the brave step of appearing before a school board meeting to testify about her allegations that a teacher was attempting to force atheist indoctrination upon her classroom.  “Today I was given an assignment in school that questioned my faith and told me that God was not real. Our teacher had started off saying that the assignment had been giving problems all day. We were asked to take a poll to say whether God is fact, opinion or a myth; and she told anyone who said fact or opinion was wrong and God was only a myth,” Wooley told board members.  (See YouTube video of her presentation here).
     The teacher, “started telling kids they were completely wrong and that when kids argued we were told we would get in trouble. When I tried to argue, she told me to prove it, and I tried to reference things such as the Bible and stories I have read before from people who have died and went to heaven but came back and told their stories, and she told me both were just things people were doing to get attention."
     Here is where I can get personally involved.  If you have been reading my blog from the beginning post in December, 2011, then you know my personal history with a young man named Ben Breedlove.  Ben only lived for 18 years, but he left a legacy that will impact his generation for years to come.  You see, Ben had a heavenly experience just weeks before his final death from Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.  You can read my post about the night he died here, and click on the links to the 2-part video he left behind to attest to his faith and intimate knowledge of God and Heaven.
     Although no one in his family knew he had recorded his experience in heaven, Ben knew what he was doing.  Somehow, with his vast knowledge of the internet and social media, he planned for the videos to be released after his death.  To this date, nearly 4 years later, it is impossible to know the exact number who have witnessed Ben's videos. Two years ago YouTube reported over 12 million people had received Ben's testimony of his heavenly experience, and you can read my post on his sister's 2013 book about the incredible influence Ben has had on people, both young and old, as he shared his hope that is Heaven.  I can only imagine that millions more have heard his story.
     So, I can personally tell that 7th-grade teacher that Ben's experience in Heaven had nothing to do with getting attention.  The attention didn't come until after he died.  And it was real.  Just as real as the God in whom Ben and Jordan Wooley have faith.  But here is what really worries me.... Jordan explained [to the School Board] that she spoke with other students in the class who were marked down because they believe God is real, as well as [hearing] compromises proposed by students to avoid rejecting their faith.
     Did you get that?  While some students were unwilling to say that God was a myth, others were already trying to figure out how to "compromise" their faith -- trying to figure out ways in which they didn't outright reject their faith, but would still enable them to pass the class.  That is dangerous ground upon which to tread!
     But Jordan remained steadfast.  “Another student asked the teacher if we could put what we believe in the paper, and she said we could … but you would fail the paper if you do,” Wooley told the board. “I had known before that our schools aren’t really supposed to teach us much about religion or question religion. When I asked my teacher about it she said it doesn’t have anything to do with religion because the problem is just saying there is no God.”  But Jordan could not deny her faith.  When texting her mother about the assignment, she said, "We had to deny God is real. Yeah, we had to say he was just a myth... I said he is real and she said that can’t be proven; I still put fact on my paper."
     So this brave seventh-grade student appeared at the podium alone as she faced the Katy Independent School District Board.  When asked how the exchange with the teacher made her feel, Jordan replied, "Like she was taking away my religion, what I believe is true."  And that, sadly, is exactly what I fear that teacher, and the government education system, is trying to do.  It wasn't enough to take God out of the classroom in the manner of prayer; now they want to destroy each individual child's choice to believe that He is real.
     While this may be an isolated incident in Texas, you better believe that it will soon be an issue in every classroom across this nation.  As Texas education activist Alice Linahan told EAG News, the incident, and how district officials respond, could be an especially important indicator of things to come in the Lone Star state.  “Will Texas students get a good job when they grow up because they can read well, write well, do math and know history?” Linahan questioned. “Or, will they get a good job, without strong academics, but an emotional attachment and classroom experience to save the world on a global level from a humanist viewpoint, without a belief in God?"
     What do you think?  I think we all see the handwriting on the wall, and what the intentions are; but I pray that God will raise up a generation of Ben Breedloves and Jordan Wooleys to stand in the gap and declare His authenticity and His glory.  We adults have not done a good job of it, but with the faith of a child, mountains can be moved.

Matthew 21:16     And they said to him, “Do you hear what these are saying?” And Jesus said to them, “Yes; have you never read, “ ‘Out of the mouth of infants and nursing babies you have prepared praise’? ”

October 28, 2015

A Sign Of The Times

     I am an unabashed fan of Joel Rosenberg.  He is a best-selling author of fiction, and has been a communications advisor for U.S. and Israeli leaders on world issues.  He is also the founder of The Joshua Fund, a nonprofit educational and charitable organization to mobilize Christians to "bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus" with food, clothing, medical supplies, and other humanitarian relief.  In short, he is a man after my own heart.
     On his blog, he recently revealed a series of amazing facts.  Since September, we have seen the celebration of the Fall Feasts of the Lord, and from Yom Kippur of 2014 until this year's Feast, millions of Jews have begun a quest to find the Messiah.  According to Rosenberg, "For reasons I cannot fully explain, Jews are suddenly searching for answers to the deepest and most important questions concerning life and death and God and atonement and eternity; in numbers unprecedented in history. Some are searching through the Hebrew Scriptures for answers. A stunning number are actually reading the New Testament, most for the first time. They are searching on Google for information about the Messiah."  And he should know, since he and his family immigrated to Israel in September of last year.
     Rosenberg's family history is actually quite interesting.  The son of a Jewish father, and a Gentile mother, he grew up in Brooklyn.  According to Joel, when his father discovered in 1973 — after a careful study of the Gospel According to Luke — that Jesus of Nazareth is the long-awaited Jewish Messiah, and received the Messiah by faith, there were fewer than 2,000 Jewish people on the planet who were followers of Jesus.
     But today, Rosenberg asserts that some 300,000 Jews around the world are followers of Jesus. And millions of Jews are searching for the Messiah and thus reading the Hebrew prophecies, and comparing them with the writings of the New Testament, and trying to decide whether Jesus really is the Messiah they have desperately longed for over so many centuries.
     Making a claim that "millions" of Jews are searching for answers about the Messiah is quite an assertion.  But apparently there is a website that has recorded the testimonies of Jews from around the world who have made that life-changing and eternal discovery.  Called, I MET MESSIAH, each video tells the story of that personal "something" which happened in their lives; something that changed each of them and caused them to rethink the usual Jewish views about Jesus.
     It was interesting to me to discover that most of them did not realize that Yeshua was born a Jew, or that the first believers of Yeshua were all Jews and the first messianic communities were all Jewish -- such are the efforts of the orthodox rabbinical system to keep the truth suppressed, and most Christians are simply ignorant of that knowledge.  But these Messianic Jews are still Jews in every way.  They observe the Jewish holidays and support the state of Israel.  But they believe that the Messiah has come and His name is Yeshua.  According to both Rosenberg and the website, more than 10 million people have watched these videos just in the past few months.
     Do you understand what an amazing fulfillment of prophecy that is?  To begin with, there are several Hebrew prophetic pronouncements about the coming Messiah, all of which Jesus fulfills.  Some of them are that 1) the Messiah will be born in Judea, near Jerusalem, in Bethlehem Ephratah (Micah 5:2);  2) the Messiah will live and minister in the Galilee (Isaiah 9:1-2);  3) the Messiah will teach in parables (Psalm 78:2);  4) the Messiah will enter Jerusalem on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9); and 5) the Messiah will be the Savior of the Jews but also a “light to the nations” (Isaiah 49:5-6).
     But it is the Hebrew Prophet Isaiah who gave us still more details about this coming Messiah. He explained that the Messiah would serve as King of the world eventually -- but first the Messiah would be our “Suffering Servant.” That is, He would be rejected by the people, would suffer, and then die as our atoning sacrifice.  Isaiah Chapter 53 paints the clearest picture that Jesus is the Messiah, so it is understandable that those who wish to cling to Jewish Law and the Rabbinical teachings would forbid Jews to read it.   Who does this describe?  But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53:5).
     Perhaps most importantly, do you see how important this is, and how close we are coming to the return of Christ?  The Bible records Peter literally telling the Jews to repent and turn to God so their sins can be wiped out and God will send the Messiah, the one appointed for them, which was Jesus (Acts 3:19-20).  Jesus, Himself, says they will see Him when they declare, "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord", revealing that He is their Messiah.  And, as the videos show, Jews are beginning to declare just that!
     I watched several of the videos, and I must say that their testimonies are as varied as the individuals themselves.  Jesus revealed Himself to them in the midst of their pain and their isolation and their confusion.  One particular video gave what I feel is probably a common experience amongst these Messianic Jews ... They fought to overcome the objections of their rabbis and oftentimes the hate and ridicule of their Christian neighbors.  But in each instance, God led them to seek the face of the Jewish Messiah and it soon became apparent... it was Jesus!
     And as End Times Christians, this news should excite us and give us hope and encouragement.  Jews are being unblinded and coming to know their Messiah, which tells me that we are getting close to the full number of Gentiles ordained by God; both of which are events that must happen before Christ returns.  The two are connected and prophesied in Romans, and now we have physical proof in the testimonies of these saved Jews.  Maranatha!  Come, O Lord!

Romans 11:25-26    I do not want you, believers, to be unaware of this mystery [God’s previously hidden plan]—so that you will not be wise in your own opinion—that a partial hardening has [temporarily] happened to Israel [to last] until the full number of the Gentiles has come in; and so [at that time] all Israel [that is, all Jews who have a personal faith in Jesus as Messiah] will be saved;

October 27, 2015

This Is Not Your Mother's "Dear Abby"

     Every once in awhile, I just have to address the depth of confusion in this world due to the lack of understanding of God's true character and the validity of His Word.  And oftentimes that confusion is evidenced in the trivial and insignificant aspects of our social culture.  Such is the case in a recent posting on the popular advice column, "Dear Abby".  I present it for your consideration:
DEAR ABBY: My daughter has been in a lesbian relationship for 14 years. They recently took me to lunch and informed me that her partner, "Nicole," is in the process of transitioning to a male.
     Nicole has now legally changed her name to "Nick" and has begun hormone treatments. They have been going to counseling for the past six months. Since Nick began the transition, I have seen him three times. Last week when I was visiting, I accidentally called Nick by the wrong pronoun, "she" instead of "he" a couple of times. I was either immediately corrected or ignored until I realized I had used the wrong word. It hurt my feelings.
     After I got home I sent Nick a text to apologize and explain that it would take time for me to get used to saying "Nick" and referring to him as a he. I told them their correcting me bothered me. All weekend I could tell they were irritated with me, and I felt it was uncalled for.
     What do you say? Am I wrong to feel hurt that they haven't given me a chance to get used to the new name? -- MARGARET IN MISSISSIPPI
     DEAR MARGARET: Adjusting to gender reassignment takes time for all concerned. As your letter illustrates, there are often more people involved than the individual making the change.
     It seems only natural that you would need some time to adjust. However, it also seems to me that you are being overly sensitive about what happened. Your daughter and her partner were right to correct you for your slip of the tongue, and it wasn't rude for them to do so. How else is a person to learn that a mistake was made if it isn't pointed out?

     What must our Holy God be thinking about the state of the world He created?  It is not my purpose in this post to discuss the legality or acceptability of homosexuality or transgenderism.  As a Christian, my thoughts on these subjects will not conform to man's laws or the admissible conventions of society.  Rather, it is to cast a light on the utter confusion in which mankind finds itself.
     It is obvious in this "Dear Abby" letter that Nicole, or Nick, is confused about who she/he really is meant to be.  The daughter has to be confused about what her role is in the relationship.  And, it's only natural that the mother is confused about the whole situation.  But do we stop to think why there is all this confusion?
     All I kept thinking as I read the letter, was that, in His Sovereignty, I think God just might be judging us by confusing us.  All kinds of Scripture kept coming to mind ... So I gave them up to the stubbornness of their heart, To walk in [the path of] their own counsel (Psalm 81:12); Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done (Romans 1:28); But your wickedness has separated you from your God, And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear (Isaiah 59:2).
     In this age of "Reason", we try to explain away our sins with rational thought, instead of seeing how we are being deceived by Satan's lies.  We think we are so enlightened that we try to deny our own sexuality (or insert your personal sin) in which God created us.  We can change our physicality in regards to how we see ourselves or the world sees us, but we can never change it in God's eyes.  Our rebellion leads to our confusion, and a desire to worship a god of our own making in order to perpetuate our sins.
     But here is the deal... I believe that God is Truth; and because He is Truth, He will not let us despise Him or His truth without judging us in kind.  When we choose to disregard Him and disobey Him, He will perplex and confound our understanding, giving us up to our own desires and pleasures --- which will never satisfy or fulfill us.
     And that is what is so ultimately sad to me about this "Dear Abby" column.  That no one in the whole scenario -- not the lesbian couple, not the mother; not even Abby, herself -- sees the state of confusion that exists.  They, like so many of the billions of people in the world who are involved in pagan religions that worship ancestors, cows, a crescent moon, totem poles, man, nature, etc, are blinded because they have rejected the opportunity to know the Truth and to have a relationship with the One True God who created them.
     Our desire to live our lives as we see fit, or in whatever manner gives us pleasure, will only lead to  uncertainty in this life, and disorder and turmoil.  The more we insist on denying God and defying His instruction, the more confused we get.  Just look around at the chaos and lawlessness in the world, and you can see what a mess we make without Him.  I am continually amazed at just how blinded the world has become.
     Yet I am not so arrogant as to think that I have full understanding of God and His mysteries.  So much of His wisdom is still hidden from us.  But I am thankful for what He has revealed to me thus far, and I pray for continued understanding and wisdom; all under the guidance of His Holy Spirit.  And I greatly fear for those who continue to listen to the lies of Satan, as he attempts to destroy God's Truth.  If only Abby had pointed out to all involved that a bigger mistake is being made than a slip of the tongue in using a wrong pronoun.

2 Timothy 3:1-2    "But understand this, that in the last days dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come [difficult days that will be hard to bear]. For people will be lovers of self [narcissistic, self-focused], lovers of money [impelled by greed], boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane..."