A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Sin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sin. Show all posts

September 3, 2022

Silence in the Face of Evil

The title for this blog post came from a conversation I recently had with my husband concerning our ongoing frustration with who I can best describe as "cultural Christians". These would be people who believe in the atoning death of Jesus Christ and tend to play it safe in their faith. The reality of the cost of discipleship does not seem to factor into their faith. They love Jesus, go to church on Sundays, attend every social event with their "church family", and self-identify as a follower of Christ. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of that! But when we, as human beings, find ourselves in the midst of growing evil and lawlessness, we cannot remain silent in the face of such obvious sin.

The truth is, the American Church has remained silent for far too long. And that is not the role, the purpose, nor the function for which it was designed. We represent God in our culture and in our nation! When we don't recognize [and call out] evil; or choose to ignore it because it makes us uncomfortable or doesn't fit the paradigm we've adopted; or we fear reprisal by our fellow man, then we allow evil to continue and flourish. And before we know it, our moral culture has changed and we find ourselves asking the question, "How did we get here?"

But we have no excuse. As the representatives for God and His standards in the world, it is our duty and responsibility to respond to evil in the manner that God desires and instructs. But for some in this current culture, evil has become entertainment, and therefore tolerated. Just turn on the TV or scroll the internet -- it's on the nightly news and in our movie theaters -- evil is everywhere! So much so, that we have become numb to it and accepting of it [especially among our younger generations]. As Christians, we are to have nothing to do with evil, and that means being intolerant of it. But far too many people interpret that as meaning we try to be righteous and live sinless lives as much as possible. Add to that the reality that in this Age the Church preaches grace and love, so our response to evil is tepid at best. Talk of God's victory in defeating Evil overrides any discussion of His righteous judgment against the Christian who remains silent in the face of it.  Plus, we are told that the Church shouldn't "get political", so we are discouraged from directing any criticism towards those who govern over us. But is that God's way? 

Remember, evil is not new. It has existed since the Garden. It has occurred throughout history and in our own nation. Our land has known attacks from foreign enemies [which has led to war], as well as seeing brother fighting against brother a century and a half ago. Our nation has seen how the Enemy convinces man to enslave his fellow man. And the world has seen what keeping silent looks like in the concentration camps of Europe. In this modern era in America, we have more than enough sin to repent for ... the bondage of the poverty-stricken to a welfare system that has kept them enslaved for generations; the sacrifice of millions of babies on the altar of abortion; the profiteering by politicians who get wealthy on the backs of their constituents; and the consignment of our children's minds and futures to an education system becoming increasingly consumed by indoctrination that goes against Christian principles and encourages alienation against parents. What would it look like if the Church warned our fellow countrymen of the consequences of those sins? Has the fact that the Church has tolerated these sins contributed to their proliferation?

Notice that I highlighted the word "repent" in the previous paragraph. It is my hope that I am able to convey my deepest thoughts here. What I want to try and express is this: Yes, God wants us to know how much He loves us and to know our ultimate victory in this life against Death. But His focus is also on Sin. And He wants us to be aware of not only our sin, but the sins of the people and our nation. When Jesus says in Mark 1:15, The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the Good News of the Kingdom, He is not only announcing that the Kingdom of God is now available on the earth, but He is preparing the elect for their spiritual responsibilities now [and in the future] and the final fulfillment of the Kingdom at the end of the Age. 

And repentance is more than just "to change" or "to turn", but to see the state of the world from God's perspective. God is concerned with Sin and seeing mankind transformed from a life of sin to a life that represents His standards in Heaven. Repentance is being so stricken by the sin we see in the world that we are willing to take action to rectify it and call it out. Has the Church done that? If you can say yes, then I would suggest that we haven't done a very good job of it. And are we aware that God will judge us for our lack of "follow through" in our responsibilities? We have been blessed to live in a nation that has been prosperous and free. But that prosperity and freedom does not absolve us of our instructions from God to rid ourselves of sin. We must not continue to reside in our own inordinate pride and achievements at the cost of watching our nation slide into the increasing sin to which we have become numb. 

I'd like to conclude with a quote from Elizabeth Schmitz, a theologian in Nazi Germany, who confronted the passivity of the German Church during that nation's most sinful crimes. Schmitz's theology was simple and practical: "For the church, this is not about a tragedy taking place, but rather about our nation’s sin and, since we are members of this nation and accountable before God for this nation of ours, [it is] about our sin." Yes, we ARE accountable before God for our nation's sin. And the Church must now make a decision... is it going to continue to remain silent in the face of sin and evil while continuing to sing forth in jubilant praise of Jesus's return and victory? Or are we, the Church, going to speak out in our authority and purpose to warn the nation that God will not hesitate to judge us for squandering the favor and blessings He has bestowed upon us? Do we understand that God will not hold us guiltless? 

It's hard to look at ourselves in the mirror, but perhaps it's time to lift that false mask we've been presenting to the world and each other and face the cold, hard truth of that word we don't like to acknowledge ... our SIN!

#Evil #ChristianResponsibility #Sin #Silenceinthefaceofevil

James 4:17     As it is, you are full of your grandiose selves. All such vaunting self-importance is evil. In fact, if you know the right thing to do and don’t do it, that, for you, IS evil.     


February 27, 2022

Biblical Prophecy of the Seals and Trumpets: How Close Are We?

It's always interesting to see how these kinds of posts are received. When I first began writing this blog in 2011, the Lord began showing me the deeper levels of His Word as I immersed myself in studying the One True God that was, is, and will be. He is still the same God of the Bible today! I saw all the levels on which He wanted to communicate with me ... from the historical aspect; in the cultural context of what was happening at the time; and how His Word was timeless, speaking of His Nature, Character, and Will for all mankind in all the ages. From that perspective, it became obvious that the Bible was also a deeply prophetic Book. What was revealed to the prophets of old also held great consequences for us in the 21st Century. And Jesus, Himself, was a divine prophet; giving us clues of what it will look like prior to His return to earth to judge Evil, and to rule for 1,000 years.

So, in 2012, I found myself leading a small group of believers from various religious backgrounds and denominations in a study of the Book of Revelation. Looking back, I was certainly naive at how difficult it would be to teach to a group that had very little common theological ground to start from. That became immediately clear as the attendees began expressing their views of this controversial Book. Some expressed that their denomination recommended not reading the Book of Revelation at all! Others stated they had been taught that the events in the apocalyptic book had already occurred in 70 A.D. when the Romans destroyed the Temple in Jerusalem and crushed the Jewish revolt. But all agreed that they knew nothing about the Book and it was time that we discerned its value. After all, God would not have inspired it to be included in the Holy Bible, if He had not intended us to try to understand its message.

The reason I am approaching this subject today is that I recently ran across my notes and became curious to see if I still had the same convictions 10 years later about the prophecies contained in this mysterious book of the Bible. I wanted to see if it speaks any differently to me today. For the sake of this article, there are two prophecies that my spirit highlighted as I reviewed what I studied a decade ago... portions of Revelation 6 and 9, which contain the Seal and Trumpet judgments against the kingdom of darkness and the Antichrist's empire. And I'm going to zero in on the verses that appear to have direct relevance for us at this very time. So, whether you are particularly interested in Biblical prophecy or not, I hope you will find my musings of some significance.

First, let's look at Revelation 6:5-6, which is the Third Seal opened by Jesus and pertains to Famine and Economic Crisis. Scripture reads: When He (the Lamb) broke open the third seal, I heard the third living creature call out, “Come.” I looked, and behold, a black horse [of famine]; and the rider had in his hand a pair of scales (a balance). And I heard something like a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius (a day’s wages), and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not damage the oil and the wine.”

I should point out that this third Seal of judgment follows the second seal, which heralds bloodshed and a world-wide war that "takes peace from the earth". These verses forecast famine and economic crisis which follows war. It only makes sense because there is always a disruption in agricultural operations and serious shortages of food after war. Famine will necessarily bring extreme hunger and death, accompanied by sadness, sorrow, and mourning. The pair of scales in the rider's hand speaks of a severe economic downturn where buying power is dramatically reduced; food supplies will be weighed [and limited] and available at extremely high prices. This is exemplified by the voice that declares a quart of wheat will sell for a denarius, which was equal to a day's wages, and three quarts of barley will cost the same day's wages. [Although barley is considered inferior to wheat, it will still sell for an exorbitant amount]. It's not too difficult to see the economic consequences of inflation in this passage of Scripture, and unfortunately, it's something that we are beginning to experience at a rapid rate. With the world sitting on the tipping point of war between Russia and Ukraine, [which will involve all the nations of NATO], and inflation and food/supply chain shortages, we find that famine is a distinct possibility.

"Don't damage the oil and wine" can be understood on two levels ... first, in revealing this vision to the Disciple John, Jesus could have been providing context to the vision in terms of the culture that John would have understood. This could be a warning to be extra careful in the use of oil and wine, which were basic and essential commodities in John's time, and famine is going to make them very expensive. This portion of John's vision shows just how devastating famine and inflation will be on the general population living on the earth.  But, there is another level that has been suggested, and you can decide for yourselves, whether it has relevance to our time. Could it be that Jesus is revealing that the famine/inflation crisis will not touch the ruling class or the elite, who will still enjoy these luxuries while the rest of the world suffers? If so, then the inequity between the Global Elite and the masses will only result in civil strife, and ensure that the righteous judgment of Christ will rapidly descend upon the Anti-Christ agenda. Understandably, one could ask what is the purpose for God would wanting to protect the oil and wine for the Elite and the wealthy?

I will admit that I am see this prophecy less clearl, but it was  highlighted to my spirit for a reason, so I will present my incomplete and still-developing understanding. It seems that God is pointing to a method by which He will reveal the false authority, false teachings, and wicked and perverse activities of men who are deluded into believing that Satan and his agents will give them favor for their loyal service to the kingdom of darkness. I do not know the identity of the demonic locusts mentioned in Revelation 9:5, but the Bible seems to indicate that God gives permission for the locusts to torment the men who are evil perpetrators of this wickedness; their actions resulting in death, perversion, and depravity upon innocent victims.

God's goal in giving permission for them to be tormented could be that He wants them to see the truth about Satan so they can renounce the devil and be saved. The demonic army that God releases as judgment will kill one-third of the earth, and as hard as it is for the modern Church that sees only God's character of Grace  -- and struggles to contemplate His righteous wrath -- it is crucial that they see this event as His Mercy to wake up unbelievers who will soon go to eternal hell if they don't repent. I simply cannot imagine the depth of the wickedness of idolatry that these evil men have embraced for their own power, status and wealth; and how deceived they are, causing them to refuse to repent. They are blinded to God's displeasure of them and His coming wrath!

When I think of all the evil in the world today -- over 6 million people dead of a mysterious virus and all its after-effects; over 63 million babies sacrificed on the altar of abortion; millions of people trafficked into sexual slavery; burgeoning death statistics of Fentanyl and opiod deaths from drug overdose -- I can understand how God's cup of wrath could be filled to overflowing, and He decides its high time Jesus comes to cleanse the world of these spiritual strongholds of evil: murder, sorcery, pharmakeia, immorality, and theft. In fact, the Bible prophecies that these sadistic and evil followers of Satan will continue their evil ways, "and they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts" (Revelation 9:21). 

But, I give praise to my All-Powerful God because He is revealing these evil agents of Satan and their demonic agendas. He will tolerate such blasphemous forms of idolatry and evil for only so long, until He releases Jesus to return to the earth. I do not know if these particular prophecies in the Book of Revelation point to our current situations or time-frame. But I do know that this is a time of great confusion among men and women; both believers and unbelievers. There is a vast amount of deception being sowed in the earth, and the human race is asking for answers. 

One of the answers that gives me hope is that God will provide a way to understand what He wants us to know from this last book in His Holy Scriptures. In Revelation 10, John is given a little book and told to eat it. He is told it will make his stomach bitter, but it will as sweet as honey in his mouth. I believe God will raise up forerunners who will receive and  "digest" the same message that John devoured. They will taste the sweetness of the revelations of salvation, victory, and justice for the oppressed. But they must be prepared that it will be bitter to their souls because of the worldwide judgment of the wicked, and the persecution of the saints. Powerful and true prophets will arise and lead the righteous to pray and prophesy under the leadership of the Holy Spirit. They will reveal the fullness of God: His character traits of Love and Mercy as well as His intense wrath and righteous judgment.

So, whether we are on the precipice of seeing these prophecies being fulfilled or not, I do believe we are suffering the contractions of their imminent birth. Please join me in praying for discernment for all men before its too late. Pray that they will see the error of believing Satan's lies that he can give them the power and riches to control the world. Pray that God's truth will be unveiled and they will repent of their wicked ways and reject the kingdom of darkness. Pray for the innocent and the blameless! And pray that Evil's reign on the earth is short-lived... Come, King Jesus, Come!

2 Peter 2:9     If this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the Godly from trials and hold the unrighteous for punishment on the Day of Judgement.


November 14, 2020

Lord, Let It Begin With Me!


This nation and its people find themselves in a season of acrimony; marriages, families, and friends find themselves at deep odds with each other over differing political and cultural views and hastily spoken words uttered out of anger and antagonism. The division is at a level that I have never seen before. And I believe that we need the Spirit of the Lord in the midst of it all. I know that I do. You see, I am writing this post as a personal testimony of how the Enemy can use your sin to cause division and chaos in families. It is my testimony of humbling myself to allow Jesus to heal family discord that I caused. And I am writing it now -- particularly now in this season of our nation's history -- so that you will not fall into the trap that I did, and you will be able to find your way out of the pit by the grace of Jesus Christ. It begins by me being honest.

I have been writing this blog for nine years and I have never been afraid to stand and express my opinion, especially when it is something I feel strongly about. In fact, it was revealed to me that my boldness is what most threatens the devil. And if you have been with me from the beginning, you have seen [through my writing] the journey that the Lord is taking me on. You have been a witness to my newfound awareness that something vitally important was happening in our country and change was on the way -- profound changes that my spirit was not comfortable with. And you have seen my faith change and morph from being consumed by the world and how it was affecting me, to discovering the Kingdom of God on earth and my identity and purpose in it. I have tried to be less self-centered and more Jesus-focused. That is my current priority.

But seven years ago, in 2013, I wrote an article expressing my opinion on the state of government involvement in education and how I felt it had changed the character of our nation and its youth. And I wrote boldly and from my soul how I had seen it affect my family. And that fearless, thoughtless, and self-absorbed conviction opened a spiritual door these seven years later to offend my family. I wasn't writing the article to intentionally hurt them or cause anyone pain; I was using something personal to illustrate the point I wanted to make. It is sometimes easier to speak to an unseen audience by using details that have personal significance to you. But it was wrong. And now, all these years later, when that article found its way into the hands of my family members, I was faced with my sin. I had hurt people that I dearly loved, and the Enemy was having a field day!

I was immediately embarrassed and ashamed. There was no denying it. I could easily see what I could not in 2013 -- I had crossed a line then, and now I was going to have to pay the price. The Enemy immediately tried to get me to rationalize my actions. I could justify my decision to write as I did by this or that reasoning. And I probably would have done that seven years ago. But I have spent these intervening years growing with Jesus and I knew what He wanted me to do. I wrote to each of the offended members of my family and apologized for my rash words and told them I was sorry. I let them know that I had deleted the posts. Then I acknowledged the pain I had caused them, and humbly asked for their forgiveness. I knew I didn't have a right to expect it; I didn't deserve it, and they certainly didn't need to give it. But I knew it was the only way those spiritual doors I had recklessly opened could be closed.

And then my spirit bowed at the feet of Jesus and confessed my sin, repented and asked for His forgiveness. As sorrowful as I was over the pain I caused my family, I wept for having sinned against my Lord and disappointing Him. I knew in my spirit that He forgave me, but the Enemy continued to attack my soul through the night, and the spiritual battle was on!  Satan told me the damage had been done; and somehow the fact that the words had been written years ago magnified their effect. I needed to prepare myself for permanent rejection. He also whispered that this was the price that my pride, arrogance, and self-righteousness had cost me. My family would now look upon me as a hypocritical Christian. Then my spirit would counter with thoughts such as Jesus's forgiveness was not dependent on my family's forgiveness. My sins were forgiven and covered by the blood of Jesus. And then I would recall prophetic minister Graham Cooke's own testimony of Jesus demanding that he, Graham, give Him, Jesus, back His stuff! When Graham continued to question, "What stuff, Lord?" Jesus responded, "I died on the Cross to take away your sins, and you keep hanging on to them!" 

In the morning, I knew I had done all I was asked by the Lord to make things right... the most important things were to humbly admit my sin, express my regret over the pain, and then ask to receive their forgiveness. It was time to leave it in the hands of Jesus. And as I prepared to begin a Bible study, I received two texts just seconds apart. Both thanked me for reaching out and unselfishly blessed me with their forgiveness, recognizing that it was a long time ago and families could be messy. There were more kind words but they made a point of extending their love and a desire to put it in the past. Oh, what a merciful and gracious God we serve! If we confess our sins, He is [truly] faithful and just to forgive us those sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness!

I then had a picture in my spirit -- Satan, as my Accuser, standing in the Court in Heaven, accusing me of slander and maliciousness. But there was Jesus, as my Advocate, showing the heavenly documents that testified of my repentance, and that forgiveness was asked for and received. Case closed! I saw the article on that date in 2013, first covered by His blood, and then cut out of my earthly timeline. It no longer existed nor had any power in the spiritual realm. But my testimony is not finished. There is still one family member that I have not heard from. And that forgiveness will be harder to come by. I will not force it. And so I pray that the Blood of Jesus will be applied to her heart so that my words can no longer cause any pain or anger, and she can be set free of the ways the Enemy is trying to destroy our relationship.

Because you see, I can now discern just how this spiritual attack has come into play. My witness for the Kingdom of God is strong, committed, and persistent. There are no open doors in the present. But the Enemy was able to go back seven years and find something that he could use to throw a wrench in my work for the Kingdom. He wanted to weaken my spirit with righteous anger [on the part of my family]; self-doubt and self-condemnation against myself; and a lack of faith that I was not fit for the ministry to which the Lord has anointed me. If he could destroy me with those tactics, then perhaps I would have nothing left to give to ministry and I would begin doubting [and surrendering] my power and authority. But the power of Forgiveness has healed wounds -- both the wounds I caused and the self-inflicted wounds I received for my actions.

So, I write this to you today, not to receive a pat on the back for "doing the right thing", but to warn you that the Enemy is like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. And he has sowed such chaos and bedlam in our hearts and homes, and on our streets across the land. Our nerves are frazzled; we are prone to anxiousness and anger; and violence is on the increase. I'm going to be honest, there is real evil waiting to take advantage of our humanness. So, please, learn from my mistake. Do not be naive and think that everything is good today, when as you can see from my testimony, the devil is able to go back in time and pull up something in the past to instigate upheaval and turmoil in your life. He will use anything that gives him legal authority to accuse you; whether it was intentional on your part, or not. Our land is ripe for division! Do not play into his hands! Our sinful choices create wounds and scars, and Satan won't miss any opportunity he can take to rip open the fabric of your family, your marriage, your business, or our beloved country. 

But take it from me -- Forgiveness covers a multitude of sins with the Blood of Jesus! If you sin against someone, go immediately to them and ask for their forgiveness. And if you are sinned against, don't waste a moment in anger, but instead, extend your forgiveness to the one who trespassed against you. Through the compassion and mercy of the Lord, our sins can be pardoned and blotted out. We don't have to give in to the discord and disunity that is so prevalent in our discourse today. I am a living witness of the power of God's love for us when we are able to ask for forgiveness and to give it. Learn from me -- do not give pride or arrogance a foothold in your heart. Walk in humility before others, exhibiting the plentiful redemption you have received from the Lord. And join me in praying, Father, let there be peace on earth and in our Homeland, and let it begin with me. Amen! 

Psalm 51:3-4, 9-10    For I am conscious of my transgressions and I acknowledge them; my sin is always before me. Against You, You only, have I sinned and done that which is evil in Your sight ... Hide Your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right and steadfast spirit within me.

February 28, 2020

"For I Desire Mercy, Not Sacrifice"

       There is a passage in the Bible that has long fascinated me, as it has centuries of Christians. It is John 8:1-11, and is the story of the adulterous woman. It reads like this: but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. Early in the morning he came again to the temple. All the people came to him, and he sat down and taught them. The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. Now in the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. So what do you say?” This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” And once more he bent down and wrote on the ground. But when they heard it, they went away one by one, beginning with the older ones, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. 10 Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” 11 She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and from now on sin no more.”   

      This passage is compelling on so many levels, and I want to share what caught my spirit's attention, as well as tell you how it has been interpreted throughout antiquity. To begin with, we witness the Lord's popularity... all the people came to the Temple to hear Him teach. Certainly, we can ascertain that He is a growing threat to the religious leaders; not only in popularity, but in authority. They call Him, "Teacher".  They are obviously threatened by the content of His message.
     Then in the midst of His teaching, the scribes and Pharisees bring a woman whom they proclaim "has been caught in the act of adultery" and challenge Jesus with the Law. Now, the Law they are referring to is the list of offenses referred to in Deuteronomy 22 as "Laws Concerning Sexual Immorality". These "laws" are all centered around the virginity of women, and if that sacred condition is found to be desecrated, then "the men of her city shall stone her to death with stones". Verse 22 goes on to state, “If a man is found lying with the wife of another man, both of them shall die, the man who lay with the woman, and the woman". I find it interesting that she was "caught in the act", and that no man was brought forth with her. So, was she set up in order to test Jesus? Did someone make a false accusation? We have no way of knowing, and there's not enough evidence in the text to speculate. But clearly, the religious leaders sought to have her stoned, and challenged Jesus to go against the Mosaic Law, a grave offense for anyone proclaiming to be a Teacher.
     But what did Jesus do? He does the thing that has puzzled Christians for 2000 years. He bends down and writes on the ground. And when the Pharisees continue to harass Him, He turns the challenge against them ... Let the one who is without sin cast the first stone. I can just imagine the silence. And then He bends down and writes on the ground again. 
      What was the unspoken message He was delivering? What was He writing on the ground? Talk about speculation! Those questions have been asked throughout the last 2000 years! Was He writing something, or perhaps drawing something? Was He, as Jerome [the Latin theologian and historian of the 4th century] suggests, writing down the names of the accusers? Was He referring to the prophet Jeremiah's warning: O Lord, the hope of Israel, all who forsake you shall be put to shame; those who turn away from you [Me] shall be written in the earth, for they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living water? Or does the late Professor of Oriental Laws, J.D.M. Derrett, of the University of London have it right when he proposes that Jesus is exemplifying one of the Laws of Social Justice as expressed in Exodus 23:1, You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.  
     And finally, let me offer one last theory. What if Jesus was intentionally replicating the finger of God writing the Law that was given to Moses? Only this time, God [in the person of Jesus] is bringing a new revelation of how He wishes to govern [and us to likewise judge]. In the Old Covenant with His people, God had given the Ten Commandments and strict guidelines to bring them out of the adulterous idolatry to foreign gods in Egypt. Now, in the New Covenant [for followers of Jesus], there is a new way He wants us to consider adultery. In Matthew 5:27-28, Jesus teaches this: You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery'. [As listed in the Ten Commandments; Exodus 20:14]. But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 
     Jesus is bringing a new understanding of the Law. He is not abolishing it -- adultery is still a sin, but we are unable to fulfill the Law. There wasn't one man who was righteous enough to throw the first stone at the woman accused of adultery. He is showing us that the religious aspects of the laws, and their strict legalism, are to be replaced with forgiveness and mercy. That is what He shows the woman. He doesn't tell her she can keep on sinning! In fact, He makes it clear: From now on, sin no more. But He also shows her [and us] that no one has the right to judge another's heart. 
     That word condemn is the Greek word katakrinō, and it means "by one's good example to render another's wickedness the more evident and censurable". I don't know about you, but I'm not ready to lay claim to that label. And that is why I titled this post on the adulterous woman For I Desire Mercy, Not Sacrifice [taken from Matthew 9:13]. Since God is merciful to remove the misery of our sins by forgiveness, He desires that we do the same for others. This passage shows the nature of Jesus; His lovingkindness toward this woman who needed redemption from her sin, her enemies, and the troubles in her life. But it also shows the nature of Religion; self-imposed righteousness that demands a sacrifice. But God doesn't require that anymore. Jesus became our sacrifice out of His love and mercy for us. He asks that we extend that same mercy to others, even as we counsel them to discontinue their sin.
     Whatever He was writing on the ground, He made His point. Beginning with the older ones [the Elders? The Pharisees?], the men walked away, one by one, leaving the woman alone with Jesus. Ultimately, that's where we each find ourselves... in the presence of our Lord, who tells us we are not condemned, as He extends His mercy, and cautions us to sin no more. I love this passage and the wealth of its knowledge!

NOTE: Did you know that there are some versions of the Bible that omit this passage as "not inspired"? It is accepted as portraying the nature of Jesus, but there is conflict over its absence in some of the earliest manuscripts. There is conjecture that scribes understood it as part of the oral tradition of Jesus and his actions and didn't quite know where to include it, so it was arbitrarily inserted in John. It makes no difference to me. I rely on John's last words in his testament of Jesus: Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Simply put, I am blessed that this account was written and found it's way into God's revelation to us.

 Micah 6:8    "No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."

May 9, 2019

Iniquity And Generational Sins

     According to the dictionary, the word iniquity means wickedness, sinfulness, evil, obscenity or depravity. But, it is important for the Christian to know the origin and implications of iniquity. Oftentimes, I have found that Christians believe sin is sin is sin. But there are actually different levels of sin, and King David addresses this issue in Psalm 32, acknowledging his sin and iniquity, and confessing his transgressions.
     Before I go any further, it is vital that we understand the differences between the three. First of all, SIN means we have "missed the mark".  We instantly recognize that we have sinned; we confess, repent, and ask God for forgiveness. We turn away from our sin and towards Him. Anytime we recognize the temptation of that sin, we stop it in its tracks.
     TRANSGRESSION means willful rebellion. We know we have sinned and recognize our propensity for that sin, yet we make a conscious decision to continue engaging in the sin. We just can't give it up.
     INIQUITY is a deep sinning that perverts our original design of being made in the image of God. Iniquity can also go so deep in our family line that the simple act of repentance doesn't rid us of the perversion.
     Let me give you an example: let's say that an adult man or woman, while innocently browsing the internet, stumbles upon a website promoting child pornography. A sudden thought of having inappropriate sexual relations with a child enters their mind. They are immediately conscious of their sin, approach the Father confessing the sin, repent of it, and ask for forgiveness. They then make a deliberate effort to stay away from anything that could lead to that sin again.
     But, if after repenting and receiving forgiveness, they continually return to that site of their own free will, knowing it is a sin, [and developing a desire for the thoughts and images that the site invites] then they are in open rebellion to God; then they have transgressed against Him.
     When this rebellion becomes an obsession for pedophilia, then they have crossed over into perversion and iniquity. Their mind is no longer able to be renewed and, in reality, becomes depraved. And here's how iniquity becomes a generational curse: If that person continues in his/her perversion and has a child, the perversion can become woven into the child's DNA [in the womb], and the child becomes an adult and can't understand why their prayers of repentance don't break the bond to the perversion of pedophilia.
     That's why God proclaimed in Exodus 34:6-7 that He was "compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth (faithfulness); keeping mercy and lovingkindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin; but He will by no means leave the guilty unpunished, visiting (avenging) the iniquity (sin, perversion, guilt) of the fathers upon the children and the grandchildren to the third and fourth generations [that is, calling the children to account for the sins of their fathers, if they, too, continue in the sin]."
     If you don't stop the iniquity in any generation, it will impregnate the next generation at the moment of conception. In fact, Iniquity acts as "a spiritual umbilical cord" that transmits evil spiritual DNA from one generation to the next. This is how legacies of sin get passed from one generation to the next? Have you ever wondered why alcoholism runs in a family line? Or abortion? Or divorce? Or sexual molestation?  It is important to understand that you can sin yourself into transgression; and transgress yourself into iniquity. And iniquity is a very real bondage that can affect generations.
     But there is hope! God says in Ezekiel 18:19-20, "When the son has done what is just and right, and has been careful to observe all my statutes, he shall surely live. The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself." Iniquity in a family line can be stopped by a righteous man or woman!
     We are each responsible for the sins we commit. And if, upon examination, you discern  the perversion of your DNA by means of generational sin, then it is up to you to stop the forward progress and renounce it! And I want you to know that to renounce means "to break agreement with". So, if,  like many of us, there is a pattern of generational sin in your family, I have prepared a prayer for you to recite so that you can break agreement with the spirit of the sin and receive anew the full blessings of God.

Father God, I confess the sin of my ancestors, my parents, and my own sin, and I name that sin as the Spirit leads.

I choose to forgive and release my ancestors of the sin, the curses, and the consequences in my life. I ask You to forgive me, Lord, for this sin; for yielding to it, and to the resulting curses. I receive Your forgiveness.

On the basis of Your forgiveness, Lord, I choose to forgive myself for involvement in this sin. I receive God's freedom from this sin and the resulting curses. 

I place these sins and any unknown sins my forefathers committed upon the Cross. I ask that You would cleanse me now, Lord, from the sin and that You would break off of me, all that the Enemy has placed on me because of this sin.

I also bring all the consequences and effects of this sin to the Cross of Jesus Christ. I place the blood of Jesus between me and all generational sin on both paternal and maternal sides of my family.

I ask that the blood of Jesus cleanse my family bloodlines, all the way back to Adam. I break all contracts, covenants, alliances, vows, hexes, or curses between me and my father and/or my mother and all their ancestors.

Lord, now on the basis of my confession, repentance, and cleansing, I ask that You restore me to my fullest measure of existence in You. AMEN!

Isaiah 53:5      But He was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His wounds we are healed. 

June 29, 2018

Sins, Iniquities and Transgressions

     As Mark and I began to progress in our Deliverance Ministry, it didn't take long to see that the Lord was taking us to ever higher levels of training in getting His people set free. Of course, there has always been one constant at the root of everyone's bondage ... Sin; whether their own or sin that was committed against them.
     Forgiveness is always the vital first step to freedom, but as we've obediently opened our doors to all those whom the Lord has directed to us, it has become clear that calling everything "sin" hasn't always led to immediate freedom. If it was that easy, then there would be a formula that worked for every pain or wound the devil inflicted. But the Lord has surprised us with new revelations of His spiritual mechanics in every deliverance session we have partnered with Him.
    So how has this changed how we look upon the sins of man? Well, first of all, Mark made a fascinating discovery during our morning Bible Study. In Psalm 32:5, King David says, I acknowledged my sin to you, and I did not cover my iniquity; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord,” and you forgave the iniquity of my sin. 
     Within that simple and familiar verse we see three different kinds of "sins". We have sin, iniquity and transgressions. Granted they are all expressions of evil and lawlessness against God. And granted, God will judge all three. But it's important to know if there is any difference between these "types" of sin. And are all sins equal in God's eyes?
     I'd first like to make some general statements about sin that we can all agree upon.  When it comes to our eternal salvation, we can look upon the consequences of all sin as the same: separation from God. And, yes, Jesus died for all our sins. But the Bible is also clear [in 1 John 5:16-17] that there is sin that "does not lead straight to death" (from which effective prayer is able to rescue the sinner), and sin that "does lead straight to death" (these are called mortal sins, and prayer will not bring redemption). All wicked actions are sin, but not every sin leads to death. 
     Then there is the sin of "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" for which there is no forgiveness. This is an eternal sin. And in Jesus's appearance before Pilate, He tells the Roman governor, "The one who handed Me over to you has greater sin", giving further evidence that there are levels of sin in the eyes of God. So, now let's return to these enigmatic terms of sins, iniquities and transgressions. Although the teachings of the conventional Church may lump them all in the same category, a careful study of the origins of these words will dispute that assumption.
SIN: It comes from the Hebrew word chattaah, meaning "an offense and its penalty". According to Strong's Concordance, the basic nuance of this word is "sin" conceived as missing the road or mark, and for the most part represents a sin against God. In response to our recognition of sin, men are to re-turn [turn again, or turn away] from sin, which is a path, a life-style, or act deviating from that which God has marked out.
     INIQUITY:  It is the Hebrew word avon, meaning a moral evil with an attached level of perversity; to be crooked or bent with perversity; wicked or offensive due to a perverse or mischievous act. Iniquity insinuates a perversion of intent (a bending of righteousness and virtue, or of moral goodness into willful disobedience). It is an offense towards God's law and His Holiness, enacted with deliberate purpose.
     TRANSGRESSION: This is the Hebrew word pesha, which means a revolt or rebellion (either national, moral, or religious in nature) from a Right and Just authority; to offend, rebel, or revolt. Once again, according to Strong's Concordance, this word signifies willful deviation from, and therefore rebellion against, the path of godly living. In general, it points to one's relationship with God -- to rebel against God's authority with a specific goal of independence in mind -- or in a more radical sense, it is the state of rebellion in which there is no end of the rebellion in view; it is no longer goal-oriented, but indicates an apostate life. 
     So, can you see the progression here? Sin, if left unchecked, leads to a progression of [and to] continual sin, ultimately reaching a point called a "reprobate mind". This is dangerous ground upon which to tread. Once the human mind [conscience] reaches the debased state of a reprobate mind, Scripture likens it to being "seared with a hot iron". I always struggled with the connotation of that phrase, but now it makes perfect sense in this context: when an object is seared with a hot iron, it is rendered insensitive; no feeling. When a person reaches this stage, their sin has dulled the sense of moral right or wrong. They have become numb to the warnings of the Holy Spirit and have reached an unrepentant state.
     So, why is it important to differentiate between these various states of sin? I believe it's important because it points to the character and mind of God, in that the Bible makes it clear that some commands of God are more important [and weightier] to Him than others. Therefore, it stands to reason that some offenses/sins/violations hold more weight with Him, as well. Those who have sunk from sin into deliberate and perverse transgressions are in serious doubt of being led by the Holy Spirit. It is a continual walk with the Spirit and in the Light of Christ that bespeaks a life transformed by the Blood of the Cross.
     If we have a Brother or Sister in Christ whom we see worshiping money or influence as an idol, versus a professed Christian whom we know is involved with secret societies, child porn, or sex trafficking, don't you think our approach to their freedom is going to be different with each one? This understanding certainly guides the way we partner with Jesus in a Deliverance session. And I believe knowing the differences can be a check in each of our individual spirits -- when you are aware of the differences in depravity, it is easier to recognize and evaluate our own need for cleansing and purification. This information is just one more piece of knowledge that helps us to grow into the image of Christ. If nothing else, this information underscores the substance of Proverbs 1:7... The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. 

Isaiah 59:12     For our transgressions are multiplied before you, and our sins testify against us; for our transgressions are with us, and we know our iniquities