A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label False Doctrine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label False Doctrine. Show all posts

September 19, 2016

What Is Kingdom Now Theology?

     I don't think any of us can deny that The Church has struggled over the past few decades with trying to remain relevant to the culture and to the world.  Of course, I question if that should ever be a goal or not, but it is becoming evident that the masses have rejected the fundamental doctrine of the Bible in favor of serving themselves and their own thoughts and counsel.
     Some within the Body of Christ have attempted to reach the marginalized in society; those who they feel are being excluded by [what they see as] the rigidity of God's morality as expressed in the Bible.  That has led to a skepticism of God's Truth as spoken in the Word, and an attempt to explain the inerrant Word as allegorical, symbolic, metaphorical, or figurative.  Such is the new trend of theology in what is known as the Emerging Church, which follows a postmodern, "new paradigm" in today's Church.  
I guess I'm just "old school" and "old paradigm"
     As I had it explained to me in a Sunday School class one day, I am of the "old paradigm" if I believe that every word of the Bible is true, or that it was divinely inspired.  I am of the "old paradigm" if I believe in the "stories" of the Virgin Birth, the Star over the manger in Bethlehem, or that Jesus knew He was the Son of God before He found Himself hanging on the cross.  I was informed that this old Biblical worldview was too exclusive, and I needed to adopt the "new paradigm" of The Church that believes God has no problem with homosexuality or that "the social justice" Jesus preached mirrors the modern secular and political definition.  I was told that collective salvation is the goal of the Gospel Message, rather than individual salvation; and end-times theology or prophecy has no relevance for us.  And to emphasize our need to shed The Church of its traditional and conventional doctrine, we began studying books by Emerging Church leaders such as Marcus Borg and Rob Bell, rather than the Bible.  Needless to say, that was when I truly became aware that satan had influenced The Church.
     But the point I want to make is this:  such postmodern, self-absorbed ideas about our roles as Christians have translated into new theologies about just what The Kingdom of God looks like, and what our role is in it.  I have written several blogs on this subject, and I have found one more reason to further discuss this idea of The Kingdom of God.  It has recently come to my attention that there is a movement based on what is known as Kingdom Now theology, and it appears to be coming from this branch called The Emerging Church.  Just like I mentioned a couple of days ago, it is important for us to understand what we believe and why; to be a good Berean, receiving the Word with readiness and searching the Scripture to make sure it is true.  The bottom line for me is that I read, test, check and examine my understanding for Biblical veracity and accuracy.  While that has often led to a bigger picture of my God than the traditional Church has held, I am always careful to make sure I don't elevate myself beyond what Scripture tells me is my significance.  (That being said, I have also discovered, through Scripture, that I am more significant to my Lord than The Church had taught me, but that is a different blog post for a different day).
     So, just what is Kingdom Now theology?  According to one Christian website, "Kingdom Now proponents believe that God lost control over the world to Satan when Adam and Eve sinned. Since then, the theology goes, God has been trying to reestablish control over the world by seeking a special group of believers—known variously as "covenant people," "overcomers," or "Joel's army"—and that through these people, social institutions (including governments and laws) would be brought under God's authority."
     First of all, don't you think if God wanted to do something like take back His control [if He ever lost it, in the first place], that He could do it all on His own?  Don't you think He could bring about what they call "The Kingdom Age" without needing the help of us broken and sinful people?  But it appears that this movement sees Believers as inheriting Jesus's divine nature when the Holy Spirit indwells us at our salvation experience.  In fact, this same website says that, "Kingdom Now theology sees the Second Coming of Jesus in two stages: first through the flesh of the believers (and in particular the flesh of today's apostles and prophets-- (this is where it resembles the New Apostolic Reformation movement), and then in person to take over the kingdom handed to Him by those who have been victorious (the "overcomers"). Prior to the second coming, overcomers must purge the earth of all evil influences. Kingdom Now claims that Jesus cannot return until all His enemies have been put under the feet of the church (including death, presumably)."
     I guess my biggest question for movements like these is, "Can you show me, where in the Bible, this is written"?  It is apparent how easy it is to take the idea of "overcoming" -- which the Bible does say that we do when we are born again in Christ and believe that Jesus is the Son of God (1 John 5:4-5) -- and expand upon that idea to make it all about us.  The Kingdom of God is the place, or the location, where the King resides, right?  And if we can all agree that Jesus is our King, then He resides in our hearts when we accept Him as our Savior and the Holy Spirit takes up residence in us.  The location of the Kingdom is spiritual!  We, as human beings, cannot establish an earthly Kingdom for Him and then hand the keys over to Him ... nowhere is that expressed in the Bible!
      The Second Coming of Christ will be when He, not men, defeats His enemies and puts all things under His feet. The description of the Second Coming in Revelation 19 is the description of a mighty warrior who comes to put all things to right; not of one who comes to an earth already cleaned up and ready for Him to rule.  That scenario totally negates the reason for Jesus to "tread the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God, the Almighty".  If the earth has been “purged of all evil influences" by the overcomers, as the Kingdom Now-ers believe, why does Christ need a sharp sword to strike the nations, and why does the anger and wrath of God still exist against them when He returns?
     I guess the thing that grieves me the most about these New Age interpretations of Scripture is that they really don't regard Scripture very well.  They seem to be philosophies that emerge from the imaginations of men to 1) bend the Bible to their own self-interests [and sins], and 2) to bring God down to the level of our human characteristics, while attempting to elevate our human nature to near deity status.
     I can't say it any plainer than this ... nowhere in the Bible do I see a physical Kingdom of God on earth before the return of Jesus.  His realm exists now in our hearts and our spirits.  To proclaim [or imagine] anything beyond that is treading dangerous Biblical ground.

Luke 17:21   "nor will people say, ‘Look! Here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ For the kingdom of God is among you [because of My presence]."


September 16, 2016

My Perspective On The New Apostolic Reformation Movement

     The direction of today's Church follows many paths.  I am literally astounded at the leniency of some church leaders who would be willing to see the "spiritualism" of an event like Burning Man on par with the experience of The Early Church at Pentecost.  But then again, I am equally amazed at those who refuse to consider what the Bible has to stay about the supernatural in our Christian experience.  That presents a wide spectrum in the observance of our faith.  But I also truly believe that, at this time, there is an increase in the desire for knowledge about God among the Body of Christ and The Church; within that reality, it is also a time to be cautious when seeking new understanding.
     In my own quest, Scripture has been my center of focus as I am trying to discern what it means to be a follower of Christ, according to the Bible.  I am trying to know The Most High God in a deeper and personal way, and seek His Truth about who He is and who I am, in Him.  That being said, it has become apparent to me that while other Christians are doing the same thing, there have grown new ideas of what that looks like, and new movements that have risen out of that pursuit for knowledge.  Differing interpretations of the Bible have given rise to new theologies and new movements, with the result being that we must be very careful in forming our own understanding of what God's Word is saying to those of us called by His Name.  And, we need to be careful to approach each other in love, when discussing our differences.
     To be honest, I have tried to listen exclusively to the Holy Spirit to guide me to the truth of the Word.  In that process, I have discovered that it has been necessary to discern which doctrines of the traditional Church still ring true to the commands of Jesus, and which are man-made rules that do not serve Him according to His Word.  In the same manner, I see that these new movements and theologies require the same examination.  And, once again being honest, I have been unaware of the "official" names of these groups and their guiding principles, because it has been my desire to quit following the ways of man, and follow the Biblical path towards Jesus.  So, I am reluctant to follow any stringent rules or guidelines in order to identify with particular "movements".   But I feel it is important to know what these groups believe in order to know where they stand, Biblically, and to be able to defend my own theology.
     So, today, I wish to introduce you to the New Apostolic Reformation Movement and explain it as I understand it.  I do not wish to disparage this movement's desire for Truth, but I think it is inherent that each of us pray for guidance and discernment so that we are not led astray.  I am fully aware that I do not have the secret counsel of God, nor have I cornered the market on wisdom -- none of us have all the answers, and while we may find agreement on various principles, we are probably not going to agree on every aspect of each other's belief systems.  I also believe the Bible when it says that we are one body, with many parts; and that God may reveal, through His Spirit, one aspect of Himself, while revealing an additional facet of His Character to another.  But it is very important to do your homework, and to know exactly what groups and movements and theological camps believe ... and then to compare it to Scripture.  The Bible tells us that the Church will become "apostate" in the latter days, and it is incumbent upon each of us to be wise and discerning, so that we do not fall away from God's Truth.
     So, let's get down to the basics ... the New Apostolic Reformation Movement (NAR) appears to be a loose collection of non-denominational and independent churches rallying around a particular set of biblical interpretations.  Primary to their belief system seems to be the idea that God is raising up a new order of apostles and prophets who have been commissioned by Him to affect our culture and society.  Furthermore, the NAR movement teaches that because God’s intended form of church governance is apostles and prophets, their leadership status is over evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Only now, as the church is properly guided by these appropriate spiritual leaders, can it fulfill its commission from Jesus. This commission is seen as more than spiritual, as it includes cultural and political control.
     If my research is correct, they believe as the church unifies behind the apostles, these leaders will develop greater and greater supernatural powers. Eventually, this will include the ability to perform mass healings and suspend the laws of physics. Prophets in the New Apostolic Reformation are almost as important as apostles. These people have been empowered to receive “new” revelations from God that will aid the church in establishing dominion. (According to the New Apostolic Reformation, only prophets, and occasionally apostles, can obtain new revelations. Evangelists, pastors, and teachers cannot). The prophets’ new revelations are crucial to overcoming the world, and the success of the church depends on the apostles following through on the information prophets provide.
     On the surface, this movement might not seem too dangerous.  For sure, prophecy played an important part in the Old Testament, and those prophecies have been accurately fulfilled.  And, I will agree that far too many pastors ignore the Bible prophecy that exists in the New Testament; specifically Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation.  In fact we are told there are those pastors like Joel Osteen and Rick Warren who don't "feel called" to preach on the the End Times prophecies because "it frightens people and keeps them from living a victorious life right now" (Osteen); and "those who focus on Bible prophecy are not fit for the Kingdom of God" (Warren).
     Here is where I stand ... Prophecy is important, and God gave us the prophecy He wants us to have and understand in Scripture (in both the Old and New Testaments).  On more careful examination and discernment, I don't see Scripture telling me that God will give us new prophets in these days.  And the NAR seems [to me] to put too much emphasis on man's sovereignty in bringing about the return of Jesus.  It's as if they are saying our commission from Jesus is to control every sphere of influence on earth, so we can bring about a sort of Utopia that they define as the Kingdom of God on earth.
     But is that really what Jesus commanded us to do in what is called The Great Commission?  In my opinion that commandment was explicitly expressed in Acts 1:8, when Jesus tells His disciples, you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses [to tell people about Me] both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth, and when He reiterates His command in Matthew 28:19-20: Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you.  
     According to New Apostolic thinking, mankind lost its dominion over earth as part of the fall of Adam. So Jesus’ First Coming and His sacrifice on the cross not only resolved our sin debt, but it empowered mankind—specifically, Christians—to retake control of the earth. The New Apostolic Reformation sees seven areas in which believers are supposedly empowered and expected to dominate: government, arts, finances, education, religion, family, and media. Of these, the New Apostolic Reformation sees government as the most important because of its ability to influence all of the other facets of life. As a result, the New Apostolic Reformation overtly encourages Christian control over politics, culture, and business.
     While I cannot dispute that if we modeled our lives on the way Jesus lived His, we would naturally influence these spheres, I do not see the Great Commission as a commandment to dominate these physical sectors of our society.  I interpret both passages in Acts and Matthew as Jesus giving us a spiritual mission to reach the hearts and minds of people; not an earthly mission to control our culture.  Notice that the power comes from the Holy Spirit, not from man ... it is a spiritual mission!  That is what the Bible says.
     The Bible tells us that the Kingdom of God is not based on talk, put on power (1 Corinthians 4:20); it is not brought about by man's efforts, but exists in spiritual power.  Jesus, Himself, said in Mark 7:6-7, "These people honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. They worship Me in vain, teaching as doctrines the commands of men".  And again, Paul tells us, "for the Kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking [what one likes], but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.  It's spiritual!  We are not to involve ourselves with the affairs of the world, but to win souls (hearts, minds, emotions) for Christ!  Didn't the Early Church of Acts disengage from the affairs of their world and turn to spiritual power to win the hearts and minds of unbelievers?
     Who among us is not concerned about the economy and the upcoming election and the effects they will have on our physical lives and those of coming generations?  And I have been hearing more talk about Pastors who have decided to challenge the "separation of church and state" that has been followed for several decades, and engage their congregations with their "moral duty" to vote "their conscience".  But I have to ask you this:  Is that part of our commission from our Lord?  Does who is President really matter to your mission to win souls for Christ?  Does your power and authority come from whoever is President ... or from Jesus and the Holy Spirit?  If we are be to like Jesus, whose business must we be occupied with?  This world's, or God's?
     Did God give Jesus power and influence to affect the political scene in Judea and Jerusalem; did He attempt to change the educational system in the synagogues; did He engage with those responsible for the financial system among the Jews?  The Bible tells us to imitate Christ, whom "God anointed with the Holy Spirit and with great power; [so that] He went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, because God was with Him." (1 Corinthians 11:1).  THAT IS OUR MISSION!
     I want to wrap up my discussion with the hope that I have not misrepresented this movement, because I know how a word here or there can totally distort what one believes; I have been misinterpreted and misunderstood numerous times.  And I sincerely believe that Christians who count themselves as adherents to the NAR movement believe they are interpreting Scripture correctly.  And do I think it will affect their salvation or eternity in Heaven with our Lord?  No.  But, in the end, I am concerned with putting too much emphasis on changing physical situations in the world.  After all, it is not the physical condition of the world that is a sign of the Kingdom of God.  It is the spiritual condition of those who will receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  And it is that spiritual condition of all mankind that we should be seeking to change.

John 18:36    Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.”

September 12, 2016

Burning Man 2016: Can A Christian Find God At A Pagan Celebration?

"DaVinci's Workshop"
Burning Man 2016 Theme
    Once again, the images coming out of the festival called Burning Man remind me of a New Age Woodstock; or as one attendee described it, "It's kind of like the Star Wars bar scene in a Mad Max movie". It is variably called, "a counter-culture phenomenon"; "the largest pagan celebration in the world"; and "an experience of spiritual connection".  But connection to what, or whom?
    Larry Harvey, the founder of the Burning Man Festival on the Summer Solstice in 1986 says, "I've never believed in a Supreme Being, but I do believe that Being is Supreme.  That's a subtle distinction; but a spiritual notion".  Really?!?!  Harvey, in case you haven't guessed, is a self-professed atheist, and his statement has about as much substance as "the nothingness" in which he believes.
     But an interesting fact about Burning Man appears to be that more and more Christians are attending, and I was curious to see how the event was represented, both from a cultural perspective and a spiritual viewpoint.  This year's theme was Da Vinci's Workshop, and the symbol of this year's festival was DaVinci's Vitruvian Man.
     The Burning Man website described the 2016 festival as "inspired by the Italian Renaissance, when an historic convergence of inspired artistry, technical innovation and enlightened patronage launched Europe out of medievalism and into modernity. Our story will focus on ... humanist ideals, a rediscovery of science, and funding from a newly moneyed class of entrepreneurs [which will fund] a revolutionary cultural movement that [will] redefine Western civilization. Five centuries later, we will attempt to recreate this potent social alchemy by combining Burning Man art, maker culture and creative philanthropy to make Black Rock City the epicenter of a new renaissance."  I think I can sum up that high-sounding characterization in a few words ... Man as Creator; creating a bridge between science and spirituality.
     DaVinci himself called his symbol "The Magical Proportions of Man", and explained it like this:  "The outstretched arms and legs of a man form a square and a circle: the square symbolizes the solid physical world and the circle the spiritual and eternal. Man bridges the gap between these two worlds."   So ... I wanted to know how it was possible to seek true spirituality while attending a festival that is described as "notoriously hedonistic. There are naked people, and a lot of sex, drugs, alcohol, and all-night raves. But for many, Burning Man is also a spiritual pursuit."
     I read over a half-dozen accounts (and watched a documented film version) of people claiming to be Christian, who have attended the Festival over the last few years, and I guess I wasn't surprised to find a wide difference of opinion.   Here is what George Otis Jr., president of The Sentinel Group (a Christian research agency), wrote of his experience in the year 2000:  "On Saturday night, the hell-themed [festival] reached its crescendo in the form of a drama....These people were literally celebrating the fact that one day they would enter hell. To simulate their journey, the camp’s center stage was transformed into the "Vestibule of Hell." The guest of honor was none other than "Papa Satan."....As the lecherous Papa Satan bowed in mock chains before a placard reading "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved," a group called "Idiot Flesh," [supposedly Christians] dressed as hooded executioners, began to play a discordant dirge accompanied by flashing strobes. When the crowd started its torchlight procession toward the Gates of Hell and an eerie, sculpted castle called The City of Dis, I sensed an unmistakable chill in the air. Our march had been joined by unseen, malevolent guests....nudist and a moving sea of devil banners [also] moved around us....At the tri-tower City of Dis, our descent into the Inferno reached a demonic sanctuary....While massive loudspeakers pumped out a hellish bass tone accompanied by tormented screams....people dressed as demonic insects celebrated by copulating with other captured souls. It was a scene that looked as if it had been plucked from a horrific nightmare. Mesmerized by the evocative music, the performers began to chant, "Devil’s delight, fire tonight!" Wood piles inside the towers of Dis were ignited, causing orange flames to belch forth from the eyes and mouths of demonic gargoyles built onto the turrets. As the heat became more intense, the entourage danced around the towers. Satan had defeated the church."
     Then in 2015, the website Christianity Today, featured an article written by Dr. Rick Richardson, an Anglican priest, and Associate Professor of Evangelicalism at Wheaton College, a Christian Liberal Arts college.  Dr. Richardson attended the festival at the invitation of his son, who did not connect with the organized church.  At first he saw the gathering as one big party, which he concedes it was, but soon found himself praying for a young woman whom he sensed had a broken heart.  I will let him finish telling you about his encounter:  "I prayed for the presence and power of God to heal her heart and fill her and use her in the lives of others. At the end of the prayer time, she wept and expressed that she had come 1000 miles to hear that word from God. I told her about Jesus’ love for her and she responded over the next several days, becoming open to Jesus for the first time in her life."  
A worshipper praying to her pagan god, Osiris,
at Burning Man 2013
     Dr. Richardson continued, "Here is one thing I have already discovered. Many of the people driving the rise of these new spiritualities that mix Buddhist, Hindu, Native American, and New Age ideas, come from the church. That’s right. They are the formerly churched. And they are not hostile to their background. Not at all. It just never captured them ... but [they] are still hungry for spiritual connection and meaning. Nature abhors a vacuum, and these new spiritualities are filling the spiritual vacuum left by unsatisfactory church connections."
     But what spirits are they connecting to?  Just because you're having a spiritual encounter, you can't assume it is with YHWH! Or maybe that doesn't really matter to the attendees!
     Then there was an interview on the documentary video I watched with a woman pastor in a tent called "The Freedom Lounge".  The film admitted that this was the "charismatic" flavor of the presence of the Church at Burning Man.  She said, "We invite [the people] to have an encounter with the One who made them.  When they meet the Holy Spirit, which we call the Spirit of Truth, they are rocked!  Personally, I am a follower of Jesus, and that's where my power comes from.  But I am seeing that there is a lot of anger here about the structure we put around the Church.  When we show them they can have a personal encounter, and feel the presence of that Love, and get filled up with it, then they have a spiritual connection that is very real".
     Okay, so that leaves me with a couple of questions ... Is the move from pure self-indulgence in 2000, towards spirituality in the last couple of years, centered in ecumenicalism?  In reality, isn't humanism what's really being worshipped?
     In my research, I had no problem finding quotes from attendees who expressed that they listened for the voice of "the Spirit", and had a spiritual encounter.  Remember the Anglican priest from Wheaton College, the Christian college?  He also said that many of the values of Burning Man are "worthy of Scripture, including radical inclusion (what Christians call grace!), community effort, civic responsibility, and leaving no trace on the environment. Burners also practice a culture of gifting (everyone brings a gift to the community, reminiscent of the Body of Christ) ....  If we can learn from spiritually diverse Burners why they have embraced new and alternative spiritualities, and if we can learn from Christian groups who are reaching them, maybe we could see a new Jesus movement in this decade, not unlike what happened in the 60s".
     But the question, for me, becomes who is influencing whom?  Because there is no room for compromise when it comes to the One True God.  So, is this just another attempt by "the Church" to appear accommodating to alternative spiritual paths?  And then there are the stories and images of attendees seeking portals; worshipping idols and false gods; making sacrifices to honor the earth ... all things that God detests.  Yes, we are to engage with the world by taking the message of Christ to them.  But I think we flirt with danger when our priority changes from speaking God's unyielding Truths to trying to understand and appeal to alternative spiritualities.
     Unfortunately, this approach is very appealing to our youth, the unchurched, and those recently disillusioned with religion.  But here's what it looks like to me:  Combining mysticism, rationalism, and humanism with an alternative form of Christianity in order to create a new definition of "church", "faith", or "spirituality" still looks like paganism to me.  And, in the end, I just have to ask, Does this please The Most High God?

Ezekiel 20:7    Then said I unto them, Cast away every man the abominations of his eyes, and defile not yourselves with the idols of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.

April 22, 2016

"The All Seeing Eye": Searching For The Light & Immortality -- Part II

      On Wednesday, I wrote about the history and symbolism of the Pineal Gland.  In researching this topic, I was amazed at the range of articles on this endocrine gland -- everything from occultic to scientific to the bizarrely spiritual. While I do not endorse all the references I have used, they have provided enough common ground that I think they warrant attention.  Today, I want to show you some rather unsettling theories that surround this mysterious gland, also referred to as the Third Eye, or the All-Seeing Eye, and why both ancient and modern cultures are so fascinated with it.
Eye of Horus (left) looks similar to pineal gland
(which looks similar to a womb)
     In fact, you might have heard "the All-Seeing Eye" also referred to as "the Eye of Horus".  Horus was one of the most significant deities in ancient Egyptian religion, who was worshipped from at least the late Pre-dynastic period through to Greco-Roman times.  He is most commonly understood as the son of the gods Isis and Osiris, and he plays a key role in the Osiris myth as Osiris's heir and the rival to Set, the murderer of Osiris.  But the one thing you need to understand is that he is just one more personification of the spirit of Nimrod, the original man of rebellion against God.  (Read my post on false gods and Nimrod to get the Biblical perspective).
     Then there was the Greek god, Hermes; the son of Zeus, who was considered a god of transitions and boundaries.  Mythology tells us Hermes wandered in a rocky, desolate place to meditate and pray. Following secret instructions of the Temple, he freed his higher consciousness from bondage to his physical senses. Thus released, his divine nature revealed to him The Mysteries. He beheld a terrible, awe-inspiring figure: the Great Dragon, with wings stretching across the sky and light streaming in all directions from its body.  The Great Dragon called Hermes by name, and asked why he meditated on the World Mystery. Terrified, Hermes prostrated himself before the Dragon, beseeching it to reveal its identity. The great creature replied it was Poimandres, the Mind of the Universe, Creative Intelligence, and Absolute Emperor of all.  Hermes besought Poimandres to disclose the nature of the universe and the constitution of the gods. The Dragon acquiesced, bidding Hermes hold its image in his mind. Immediately Poimandres' form changed. Where it had stood was a glorious, pulsating Radiant Light, the spiritual nature of the Great Dragon itself. Hermes was "raised" into the midst of this Divine Radiance and the material universe faded from his consciousness.
     Can you see how this search to discover a "higher consciousness" pervades all cultures, and has been sought after throughout history?  Can you see that man, in his desire to acquire this "All-Seeing Eye" is, in effect, trying to discover the mystery of God?  To become like God?  One only need to look at men like Nikola Tesla to see the beckoning call towards "higher consciousness".  In a post I wrote on Tesla, I discovered that he was aware, as a child, that there was an Energy in the Universe, and of trying to awake that energy, and figure out how it could influence people.  He told his interviewer,  "My eyesight and hearing are perfect and, I dare to say, stronger than other people. I hear the thunder from a hundred fifty miles away, and I see colors in the sky that others cannot see. This enlargement of vision and hearing, I had as a child. Later I consciously developed [it]."  I believe he was seeking this "enlargement" through the Pineal Gland.
      In an article by Naomi Astral, she writes that "the symbol of the All-Seeing Eye, has always been part of Earth's creation mythologies and mysteries. In Ancient Egypt, it was symbolised by the Eye of Horus, and conveyed protection, royal power, and good health. The symbol was passed down, through the ancient mystery teachings and can be found on the American dollar bill."
    She goes on to report that "the eye is the observer of reality - or the illusion of reality. This gland is activated by Light (her choice to capitalize the word), and it controls the various biorhythms of the body. It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland, which directs the body's thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock, that determines our aging process."  You might be interested to know that this gland is larger in children, and as we age, it begins to calcify and harden.  This fact will become more important as I proceed in this article.
     But what I'm about to reveal to you was not only shocking, but frightening because of its implications.  The beneficial effects of the hormone melatonin (secreted by the pineal gland) have been part of the health supplement scene for some time.  In fact, high melatonin production is known to be synonymous with a high immune system, a low cancer risk, long life, energy, stamina, and according to many, enhanced spiritual awareness.  By now, you should be getting the picture ... many see the Pineal Gland as the doorway to longevity (if not immortality) and enhanced spiritual knowledge.  And this is where it gets a little creepy.
     According to the article I read, there is a tradition dating back to at least 1000 A.D. in which Arabs, and later Europeans, engaged in the practice of 'eating mummy'.  Ancient mummies were ground up and eaten for medicinal and occult practices.  The article maintains that certain secret societies still participate in the eating of "live pineal glands" from sacrifices, as part of their rites and ceremonies.  There was a time I would have dismissed such stories as beyond the realm of reality, but our Enemy has become ever bolder in showing us how he operates, so I am not quite ready to disregard these accusations.
     Apparently, this practice was widespread in Egypt and Western Europe and it consisted of countless ancient African mummies being burned, ground up and made into a kind of powder in order to be eaten. This incredible act of cannibalism was considered an effective medical practice and folk remedy. The belief became widely prevalent that cures could be obtained by eating ground-up preserved bodies. 'Eating mummy' was considered effective in treating contusions, coughs, epilepsy, migraines, ulcers, cases of poison and as a general panacea.
     I will admit that some of the information gleaned from these articles was beyond my ability to comprehend or embrace.  Occult and scientific writings are cited that seem so fantastical -- ancient races of people with three eyes; shamans that can see with their minds, rather than their eyes; cave-dwellers in Tibet who meditated while on mushrooms and knew of a galaxy years before scientists discovered it.... all associated in one way or another with the pineal gland.
     But I was truly astonished to run across old newspaper articles that referenced the eating of pineal glands.  One such article in 1914, ran in the Times Dispatch of Richmond, VA, and the headline read as follows:  "A Food That Does Away With Youth:  Remarkable Discoveries About a Gland in the Brain That May Enable Science Rapidly To Change Children Into Men, Chicks into Chickens, Calves into Cows, to Sate War's Appetite for Meat and Men." Another article ran in The Washington Times in 1915, and its headline read, "Backward Children Are Helped By Medicinal Use of Pineal Gland Extract."  It's not hard to see that there has long been an interest in consuming the pineal gland to enhance our health.  These scientists, doctors, and researchers would have made Ray Kurzweil proud!
     But perhaps the primary focus of the 20th and 21st Centuries has been in the area of aging and the quest for immortality.  We even have a medical field devoted to it ... gerontology.  In the study of aging -- or gerontology -- there are two main groups of thought. One group believes that aging is a natural process programmed in the body. Meanwhile, the other group believes aging is unnatural and it’s the result of cellular damage accumulated over time.
     Remember that in Part I of this article, I mentioned that some medical experts tell us that our pineal gland begins to calcify with age.  Actually, the human pineal gland grows in size until about 1–2 years of age, and scientists have actually shown that calcification begins at the age of 2.  But here is a truly amazing fact:  the pineal gland is activated in a fetus at 49 days!  This most powerful gland that controls our hormones and sexuality is active and functional at 49 days after conception! Many scientists have expressed that it is at its most potent state in utero.  And that leads me down a path I did not want to go -- Planned Parenthood.
     Remember the recent undercover Planned Parenthood video scandal?  The Center for Medical Progress began releasing a series of videos about the Planned Parenthood abortion clinics, which featured executives and staffers at Planned Parenthood and affiliated businesses discussing and demonstrating human organ harvesting and the fetal body part trade.  Thanks to a website, called The Federalist, I was able to go to one source to find a summary of all those videos and get a pretty good picture of what the harvesting was all about.
     Time after time, in the videos, PP representatives make mention of their desire to deliver the head of a fetus without crushing it; to procure "tissues like brain, livers, thymus, pancreas, heart, lungs ... and sell the parts to researchers."  In video #7 (which the media claims doesn't exist), Holly McDonnell, an ex-procurement technician, talks about harvesting a late-term abortion:  "… its nose was very pronounced, it had eyelids, and its mouth was pronounced. And then since the fetus was still intact, she said, ‘okay, well, this is a really good fetus, and it looks like we can procure a lot from it. We’re going to procure brains.’ ”  Is this a secret reason that some legislators are seeking to allow late-term abortions?
     I could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the picture.  So, is it too far-fetched to think that this harvesting of fetal brains could be tied to the procurement of pineal glands as some kind of magical cure for aging?  I mean, history shows it has been a practice for 1,000 years!  And with all the interest by transhumanists and the scientific community to achieve immortality, could this be an underlying benefit for the abortion industry?  I hate to admit it, but I believe the evil that is in the world will stop at nothing to offend God and His creation.  Just Google "eating pineal gland to prolong life" and see all the results that pop up!
     And, as if mutilating fetuses doesn't disgust God enough, there is always the search for an alternative spiritual experience; one in which man seeks to establish his own connection to the heavenly realms through his own power.  In essence, we are still in rebellion to God, and trying to become our own gods.
     As I have stated numerous times, nothing has changed since the Garden of Eden.  We are still rebelling, and trying to become equals with our Creator.  We are trying to set our own boundaries and lifespan, and seeking a more superior spiritual awakening.  But like Lucifer and Nimrod, and all who have come in a similar spirit, we will find that there is one set of Laws that govern the universe and all the heavenly realms.  In the end, it is His rules by which we must play.  For all the knowledge, and increased health, and "higher consciousness" that we gain, it will never be enough to usurp His Sovereignty.  And woe to those who try.

1 Timothy 6:16   "Who alone has immortality, Who dwells in unapproachable Light, Whom no one has ever seen or can see. To Him be honor and eternal dominion. Amen."


April 20, 2016

"The All-Seeing Eye": Searching For The Light & Immortality -- Part 1

     As I grow older, I am amazed at the unfolding of knowledge that God is granting me.  As my husband, PLW (Peace-Loving Warrior) likes to tell me, "It's like the layers of an onion... God peels back one layer at a time, revealing what we need to know for that season.  But we are always aware that there is another layer, just waiting to be peeled back, and giving us fuller knowledge of Him."  There are times I mourn that I didn't seek Him earlier in my life; I sometimes think I will run out of time before I know all I want to.
     That's why I am in awe of the younger generation who is on fire for God, and who is able to use the technology of this age to reach out to the youth and young adults with the Gospel Message.  But they inspire me far beyond fulfilling the commission we are all called to.  They are more bold and adventurous in seeking out the "fringe" topics that older, more mature Christians shy away from.
     They are unafraid to speak about demons, and the supernatural, and spiritual warfare -- all within a Scriptural context, mind you.  They seem to see things more clearly than those of us who have been influenced by church doctrine and "religion".  They are more pure in their willingness to believe God -- not just believe IN Him.  By that, I mean that they believe that Scripture means exactly what it says; not the contaminated and diluted interpretations that our various denominations have succeeded in convincing us is God's Truth.  They believe the Word is Truth, and are unafraid of accepting its veracity -- even if it points us to unconventional understandings of God's Power that is beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.  They have no trouble in believing that we serve a BIG God!
     That's why one of my favorite podcasts to listen to is The Fourth Watch with Justen Faull.  Justen is part of that younger generation, and he is not only strong in his faith, but continues to edify and instruct me on topics that are Biblically sound and relevant to the craziness that we are witnessing in the world.  But, perhaps most importantly, he is able to speak God into his generation, and in a way that captures their attention, while telling them of His Truth.
     Recently, I listened to a podcast on a subject that not only fascinated me, but appalled me.  It centered around a popular conspiracy theory about "The All-Seeing Eye".  Justen and his guest speaker, Ark of DestinyLabs.com,  conversed on the resurgence of ancient shamanistic practices that involve the Pineal Gland in our brain.
     Before I go into the shocking information that was revealed on the podcast, we should understand why there is so much fuss over the Pineal Gland.  A simple definition of this gland is that it is "a pea-sized conical mass of tissue behind the third ventricle of the brain, secreting a hormonelike substance in some mammals."  Medical websites refer to it as "a nearly mysterious gland"; located deep in the center of the brain; shaped like a pine cone and involved with sleep/wake patterns.  Doctors tell us that the pineal gland secretes a single hormone—melatonin (not to be confused with the pigment melanin). This simple hormone is special because its secretion is dictated by light. Researchers have determined that melatonin has two primary functions in humans—to help control your circadian (or biological) rhythm and regulate certain reproductive hormones.  They also say it was once known as "the third eye".  I have news for them -- it still is!
     After listening to the Justen Faull podcast, I began to do some research on the Pineal Gland, and it led me down some fascinating and frightening trails.  I wanted to know why it's designation as "the third eye" would have significance to us as human beings, and as Christians.  Today, in Part I on this topic, I want to give you some information on the history and symbolism that surrounds the Pineal Gland.  And then, in Part II, on Friday, I will take you down the disturbing paths that this research led me.  I am by no means telling you things that you could not easily discover yourself; and these are not my original ideas.  But I found this entire topic compelling as I began to connect the dots.
     Did you know that there is actually a website called Third Eye Pinecones?  I'm not kidding!  This site reports that "throughout the span of recorded human history, Pinecones have served as a symbolic representation of Human Enlightenment, the Third Eye and the Pineal Gland... its spines spiral in a perfect Fibonacci sequence in either direction, much like the Sacred Geometry of a rose or a sunflower."  I would like to think that the creators of this website give credit to God for the repetition of this Fibonacci pattern throughout nature, but nevertheless, I found their site fascinating in its rich narrative regarding the Pinecone and its connection to the Pineal Gland and the All-Seeing Eye.
     And this site confirms the information found on the aforementioned medical websites ... Our “Pine”al Gland is shaped like (and named after) the Pinecone; is at the geometric center of our brain, and is intimately linked to our body's perception of light.  And not surprisingly, this website reports that the Pineal gland is considered by many to be our biological Third Eye, the "Seat of the Soul," the “Epicenter of Enlightenment” -- and its sacred symbol throughout history, in cultures around the world, has been the Pinecone.
     In addition to spiritual consciousness and enlightenment, pinecones have also historically been used as symbols of everlasting or eternal life. Ancient Assyrian palace carvings, dating back to 713-716 BC depict four-winged God-like figures purposefully holding aloft pinecones, or in some cases, using a pinecone to pollinate their depiction of the Tree of Life -- a tribute, perhaps, to both the Pinecone’s immortality symbolism and its role as an icon of enlightenment.
     Interestingly enough, the pinecone is depicted in many other cultures, as well -- The Egyptian Staff of Osiris, dating back to approximately 1224 BC, depicts two intertwining serpents rising up to meet at a pinecone. Modern scholars and philosophers have noted the staff’s symbolic parallels to the Indian “Kundalini,” a spiritual energy in the body depicted as coiled serpents rising up from the base of the spine to the Third Eye (Pineal Gland) in the moment of enlightenment.  Shiva, the most prominent god in the Hindu tradition, is consistently depicted with a head, or coiled hair, shaped in marked similarity to a pinecone and interwoven with a serpent or serpents.
     In yet another culture’s tribute to the Pinecone as symbolic of spiritual ascension and immortality, a statue of the Mexican god “Chicomecoatl” (“Seven Snakes”) again depicts the deity offering forth pinecones in one hand, and an evergreen tree in the other.  Romans later built an enormous bronze sculpture, the “Pigna,” in the shape of a huge pinecone three stories tall. According to a popular medieval legend, the sculpture stood on top of the Pantheon, as a lid for the round opening in the center of the building's vault. The Pigna is confirmed to have served as a large fountain overflowing with water next to the Temple of Isis in Ancient Rome.  However, the gigantic statue now sits directly in front of the Catholic Vatican in the “Court of the Pinecone.”
     One theory proposes that the Pinecone was actually the fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, purported in Genesis to have been eaten by Eve at the urgings of a serpent, and leading to the eviction of mankind from the Garden of Eden. This concept proves particularly provocative given the consistent reappearance of pinecone images with serpents and snake references across cultures.
     I was particularly pleased to see the Bible referenced on this website, as follows:  "The Bible itself alludes to pinecones and the Pineal Gland on several occasions, sometimes quite specifically. Beginning in Genesis, Jacob wrestles all night with God, and is commanded to change his name to Israel. The Bible then records the following:  And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: “For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved. And as he passed over Peniel the sun rose upon him -- Genesis 32:30-31.  (Literal Biblical translation of the word “Peniel” means “Face of God”).
     In another interesting passage, Matthew seems to provide an uncannily similar description of the Third Eye as the texts of the Yogic and Hindu spiritual traditions. This verse is also interesting because the Pineal Gland is the only part of the brain that is “single,” not possessing a left and right hemisphere.  The passage in Matthew 6:22 reads, The light of the body is the eye: if therefore your eye be single, your whole body shall be full of light."
     In giving a complete history of the Pineal Gland/Pinecone/Third Eye connection, this website provides the conspiracy theory that points to the presence of pinecones in Freemason architecture and symbolism as another example of organized spiritual oppression. Theorists believe the Freemasons fully understand the spiritual significance of the Third Eye, and regularly pay iconic tribute to it, while continuing to placate the masses with a doctrine of religious and cultural dogma.
The staff of Osiris
     Pinecones regularly appear framed in Freemason Octagons, on the ceilings of Masonic Lodges; and Large Freemason sculptures on the side of the Whitehall Building in the New York Financial District goes so far as to depict two enormous intertwining snakes spiraling up to a pinecone overlooking Battery Place (which is strikingly similar to the Staff of Osiris).
     There are many who believe that the Third Eye/Pineal Gland is the source of the psychedelic Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) in our bodies.  They believe that large amounts of DMT are released in our bodies during heightened states of spiritual consciousness, such as birth, death and near-death experiences -- or, for those who seek spirituality in other places besides our God -- perhaps during the awakening of our Kundalini in a moment of Enlightenment.  A synthesized version of DMT, or plants containing DMT, are often used as recreational psychedelics, or in religious ceremonies, and a drug called Ayahuasca is now a popular street drug among some youth in America.  Users often report intensely entheogenic ("generating the divine within") experiences of spiritual awakening, contact with entities of supernatural or spiritual origin, and the dilation or compression of time.  The website says that it is worth noting that among reports of thousands of experiences with Ayahuasca, the Serpent is documented as the the most commonly appearing archeatype in their spiritual/psychedelic visions.
     It is easy to see the symbolism that is interwoven through our knowledge of the Pineal Gland.  It is a real gland in our bodies, and it serves a specific purpose in helping us to perceive light.  The Bible certainly seems to allude to it, but I believe it is in reference to the Light, with a capital "L".  And it is equally apparent that satan is attempting to mimic the power of God's Light, and has tried to present a deceptive resemblance to entice mankind, down through the ages, to come towards his unholy light -- which only leads to spiritual darkness.  On Friday, I will connect these dots and show you exactly how the Enemy is tempting modern man to fall for his lies, as they seek immortality and his false light, and why there is so much intense interest in the Pineal Gland today.  You won't believe where I am taking you!

John 1:9    "There was the true Light which, coming into the world, enlightens every man."



March 16, 2016

The Occult, Paganism & Witchcraft: The Temptation That Ensares Our Kids

     If you are like me, I grew up loving to read.  And I was lucky enough to have an aunt who was an old-fashioned Librarian; that is to say, she was the caretaker of precious books which she screened for their educational, historical, and imaginative value.  As sad as it is, today's libraries often serve an agenda for non-profit organizations wishing to influence young minds in political and social principles.  But I received the benefit of her love of literature, as she introduced me to all the classic novels of the day, and so began my life-long pursuit of the written word.  And I will admit that the books I read as a child helped to instill values of honesty, courage, patriotism, compassion, and the love of adventure in my impressionable mind.
     So it is today, with our youth and young adults.  Although they may choose to read on their iPads or phones, stories of written fantasy still occupy their minds.  But I'm afraid it is a much darker world in which their imaginations wander.  I actually am fearful of the influence such reading has on their malleable minds.
     During my pre-teen years, I read classic books with moral values like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, Little Women, and Little House on the Prairie.  As I grew older, I loved reading the works of James Fenimore Cooper, and wandered the forests with Natty Bumppo of the Leatherstocking Tales; and loved the star-crossed lovers in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights.  I know I'm showing my age, but I can't help but think those were healthier choices than what's being offered to young boys and girls today.
     It's all about fantasy, and it is often dark and foreboding.  The advent of Harry Potter made a huge impact on children's literature, and normalized the idea of a school for Witchcraft and Wizardry, and introduced the struggle between magic versus non-magic people.  And countless Christian mothers bought the books for their kids and even read them, themselves.  The impact of J. K. Rowling's powerhouse can be measured by the fact that Harry Potter is the best-selling book series in history, and has been translated into seventy-three languages.  And once that portal was opened ....
     We now have the highly popular Percy Jackson series with its stories of Camp Half Blood, the summer camp of demi-gods; and the attempt of the hero to reach the gates of the Underworld.  What a great way to "soft sell" and legitimize the return of the Nephilim!
     As I perused the list of the most popular books for young teens (and which are being touted as follow-ups to Harry Potter), the titles caught my attention ... City of Bones, Magyk (Septimus Heap), The Amulet of Samarkand, Fablehaven, The Angel Experiment ... all involving some form of magic spells, supernatural powers, or other-worldly capabilities; and often inhabited with demons (both of the friendly sort, and those of the terrifying class).
     And who can forget the fascination and romantic spin of the Twilight series?  These vampire-themed fantasy romance novels became the rage among pre-teen girls, and none other than acclaimed author Stephen King called them "[a genre written] to a whole generation of girls, and opening up kind of a safe joining of love and sex.  It's exciting and it's thrilling and it's not particularly threatening because it's not overtly sexual."  Excuse me?!?  Does it bother anyone else that the series has been called "a gripping blend of romance and horror"; or that the author herself, Stephenie Meyer, says that the idea for Twilight came to her in a dream?  The dream was about a human girl, and a vampire who was in love with her but thirsted for her blood!  Did anyone even stop to think that there was a hint of the demonic surrounding this theme?  And who, or what, suggested this to the author in her dream?
     Then there is a whole genre of which I was largely unfamiliar, so I was greatly surprised by the popularity of animé among young adults.  A form of Japanese computer animation, the themes range from sexually playful (ecchi) to "gratuitous titillation", known as "fan service".  Overall, this form of entertainment can be described as a blend of sexual fantasy and comedy, including sub genres of  magical girl, harem, sports, martial arts, literary adaptations, medievalism, and war.
      So far, I have just barely scratched the surface of what is available for our youth!  The bottom line is this:  young adult fantasy has a basic menu replete with occult, witchcraft, Satanism, paganism, vampires, zombies, Greek mythology, and sexual themes.  And they are all being presented as mainstream and normal!  The truth is that the "dark arts" or "dark magic" has increasingly pervaded the subconscious of our youth through popular fiction and movies.  And right alongside them is the perpetuation of the religion of paganism, as evidenced by a whole genre of Wiccan/Pagan literature for young readers.  The agenda is clear.  With books like Isobel's Bird, in which three teenage girls learn what Wicca and Paganism is all about as they study to become real modern-day Witches; and Bell, Book and Murder, which is a mystery trilogy about a detective who happens to be Wiccan, one can see that pagan religions are being set forth as normal and acceptable.
     While researching this topic, I only had to read a comment from an obvious pagan worshipper to see how dedicated the Enemy is to introducing false religion into our culture.  Here is the comment:  "You obviously do not know what Paganism is.  You confuse it with Hollywood BS.  Pagans value the worship of Nature and Ancestors. They follow the Wheel of The Year. They believe in Wyrd ... The Wheel of The Year is the core belief system. It follow life from birth to death, seasons, light to dark, male and female.  Wyrd, is the uncontrolled destiny; we accept that we are not truly in control of anything, we do not wish to dominate Nature, we are part of Nature, and we do not own Nature.
We respect family, we follow a main rule, "Do what you will, but do not harm others." The only form of Magick we practice is the one of Will.  We focus our will in order to influence Nature. Any form of technology that exist today comes from Will.  If you say it is magic, then people like you should outlaw it.  Also note the difference: Magick is not Magic. Magic is Hollywood BS."
     It is quite apparent they take their religion seriously, and wish to promote their cause.  Read on:  "Pagans comes in three flavors: Fluffy, Genuine and Dark.  Fluffies are the misguided Pagans, or too new to Paganism to know exactly what it is. They include a lot of Hocus Pocus Hollywood BS. They are the ones giving Paganism a bad wrap.  Genuines are Pagans that are following the redes and beliefs of their faith. But they still cling to the ideas of dualism in some way, and have a dislike for dark and death, although they know it's part of the cycles of Nature and life.  Darks are Pagans that are exactly like Genuines except they accept the darkness and death as necessary.  Paganism comes also in an umbrella of paths: Wicca, Heathenry, Druidry... anything that does not follow the doctrine of Abrahamism. "
     So, if you ever doubted that Paganism is a real religion, well, I'm guessing you now have a new understanding.  It is not an insubstantial movement, and it is encroaching upon our culture and the lives of our kids through entertainment and the internet.  They are being fed a steady diet of the occult and witchcraft, all under the guise of fantasy and romance.  Once again, I cannot stress my oft-repeated refrain enough ... Technology has become a willing and convenient tool of the Devil; and we must guard our children!

Acts 19:19    "And a number of those who had practiced magic arts brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all. And they counted the value of them and found it came to fifty thousand pieces of silver."


March 7, 2016

Freemasonry Part 1: The Necessary Conversation

     I am constantly amazed at the boldness and tenacity of women who will stand for what they believe in.  Last week, just such a woman, whom I admire greatly, traveled to Washington D.C. to pray at the Supreme Court as the Justices heard oral arguments in a Texas case, Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt.  As many of you know, this case is about setting strict limitations on abortions in the state of Texas, and before the death of Supreme Justice Antonin Scalia, there was actually hope that if the Supreme Court upheld Texas's law, we might be seeing the death of Roe v. Wade.  
     As much as I would like to discuss this case and its implications for the millions of prospective aborted fetuses, this case was not the sole reason my friend was in D.C.  She also went to our nation's capitol to pray against the influence of Freemasonry on the Court and in our Government.
     Now, I am fully aware that this is a highly controversial subject and there are those who will refuse to even consider it.  And before I go any further, I want to make it clear that I am not speaking out of ignorance or personal bias.  I have done my research and so should you!  Do not take my word for it, do not agree with me because we might be on the same page on other issues, and most importantly, do not accept what others have said about it, either.  Do your own research because it is that important of a topic, and you should be educated on the subject and form your own opinion.  And please ... the one thing I do not want you to do is simply ignore it.  I believe Freemasonry will become increasingly important to us as we select our next President and as we come ever closer to the return of our Lord.
     Why?  Aren't the Masons just another organization like the Rotary Club or the local Optimists Club?  Aren't they just a group of networking professionals?  After all, how many of our grandfathers were Masons, and they always told us it was a charitable and community organization, right?  But here's the first thing you need to know ... it is a highly secretive society.  And if you are a Christian that should be your first red flag.
     Before I get into my concerns about the organization, I want to make this statement: to determine if something is right or wrong, according to God's will, we should always go to the Bible.  If we are immersed in God's Word, and pray for God to reveal His truth, we can count on the Holy Spirit to help us discern any matter.  That has been the basis for my taking on the task of understanding the history and consequences of Freemasonry.
     So, as I have already stated,  Freemasonry is a secret and exclusive organization.  While it may seem as if they are a harmless fellowship of businessmen, and they appear to promote a belief in God, you should know that my research has shown the only belief requirement is not that one must believe in the True and Living God, but rather, that one must believe in the existence of a “Supreme Being”, which includes the “gods” of Islam, Hinduism, or any other world religion.   In fact, Masonry teaches that it is G.A.O.T.U. [the Great Architect of the Universe], whom Masonry believes is the true God of the universe, and who is representative of all gods in all religions.  So, while it may appear to be compatible with Christianity in outward appearances, it clearly contradicts God's first commandment:  You shall have no other gods before Me.
     You will hear all kinds of arguments that Freemasonry in America is different; that our Founding Fathers (including George Washington) were Masons, so how can it be bad?  I find it interesting that those who say that there's nothing wrong with Freemasonry will use this argument... we all know George Washington was an honorable man, and he was a Mason.  Yet these same people, when confronted with skepticism about Freemasonry, are quick to point out that there are only one or two references to him ever attending a meeting, and he eventually quit his local Lodge.  So, which is it?  Are you defending Freemasonry, or trying to create distance between it and the Father of our Country?
     What these same people may be unaware of is that there was such concern about the nefarious activities of Freemasons in the early years of our republic, that John Quincy Adams ran for President on an anti-Masonic ticket.  In fact, the movement against Freemasonry was quite extensive and lasted throughout the 19th Century.
     There are still others who will try to say that, yes, historically Freemasons may have included practices and symbols from ancient Egypt, but they don't have any real significance to the modern Mason. This fact alone should be enough to steer away any Christian. Egypt in ancient times was known for pharaoh-worship and dedication to various false gods.  That certainly could not be the practice of today's modern Masonry ... or could it?  Read what an ex-Mason, who is also a Christian, shared about his experience:  In January of 1968, I was installed as Worshipful Master of a Masonic Lodge of about 600 men. As far as I was concerned, I had reached the pinnacle of life. As a Worshipful Master, I had total autocratic authority over the affairs of my Lodge with accountability only to the Grand Master of my State....
     Very early during my term as Worshipful Master, while conducting a Masonic business meeting, one of the brothers present voiced his objections to the closing of Lodge prayers in the name of Jesus Christ. Masonic tradition in Maryland had been to close the prayers by saying: "May every moral and social virtue cement us, Amen, So Mote it Be."
     In all my years as a Mason, I had never heard one objection to the name of Jesus being used by our Chaplain to close his prayers. I assured the Masonic brother who objected that I would take up the matter with the Grand Master. Several days later, I met with the Grand Master and explained the problem with the prayers, as well as other concerns. The Grand Master informed me that Freemasonry accepts for membership men of every faith or religion, so long as the prospective member believes in a Supreme Being (whomever he may be) and in the resurrection of the body to a future life (however and through whomever that was accomplished.) This was a great shock to me. I had not realized that those who were members of anti-Christian religions could become Masons. 
     The Grand Master informed me that one of my duties as a Worshipful Master of my Lodge was not to offend any brethren who were not Christians, even if this meant I had to refrain from using the name of Jesus Christ in my prayers. He advised me that as Grand Master he had the authority to disband my Lodge and remove its Charter as a Lodge, if I persisted in using the name of Jesus with members present who objected. 
     In March of 1973, The Grand Lodge of Maryland Committee on Masonic Education approved the following statement regarding prayers in a Masonic lodge:  
All prayers in a Masonic Lodge should be directed to the one Deity to whom all Masons refer as The Grand Architect of the Universe. We address Him as our Heavenly Father, Eternal God, Almighty, or Everlasting God. We should close our prayers with an expression such as, 'In Thy most holy and precious name we pray...’, using no additional words which could be in conflict with the religious beliefs of other Masons present at the meeting. The brother who offers up the prayer does so for all members and visitors present, rather than for just himself. (Maryland Mason Magazine, March 1973). 
     Now this man's faith in Freemasonry was shaken; although his faith in Jesus Christ was not.  And it caused him to take a closer look at the "fellowship" of this organization and how it corresponded to his Christian faith.  With new eyes, he was able to see that in the center of every Blue Lodge is an altar. Resting on top of the altar is what many Masons refer to as the Great Light of Masonry, the Bible. I later discovered that Freemasonry declares the sacred book of any and all religions in the world equivalent to the Bible. Any "sacred book" may rest on the altar in a Masonic Lodge, to oblige a Mason who does not accept the Bible as God's word.
     He came to the shocking realization that "I now had an irresistible force meeting an immovable object, namely the God of the Universe, Jesus Christ, and the god of Freemasonry, Satan. How could both belief systems be regarded as truth? I believed that the primary purpose of every Masonic degree was to depart spiritual light, wisdom, truth, and knowledge regarding life, death, the hereafter, and our interpersonal relationships with others.  [But now] after reading and studying various Masonic authors, I realized that Freemasonry considers Jesus Christ as no greater than Moses, Elijah, Mohammed, or Buddha."
     Now, maybe this doesn't matter to you.  If you aren't a Christian, then I doubt that these revelations will have much impact on you.  But if you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, then there is much more in the oaths and the demands on men and their families that I will be revealing to you in the next post.  It is not my desire to bash the sincere desires of men to better themselves or society. But it is my wish that everyone understand the deception and the temptations that lure people into this organization.  And I especially want to warn Christians about letting it into their families or their Churches!  I want you to put on your spiritual armor and concentrate on the Belt (or Girdle) of Truth -- it is God's Truth! -- Not the truth of the world or men, no matter how enticing and convincing it may be.
     I know that I may have offended many people with this post and will be discounted as an alarmist or unduly inflammatory.  But I am accountable to Jehovah God and when the Holy Spirit pricks my spirit with something to speak forth, then I cannot suppress that command.  It is my sincere hope that you will not dismiss this topic as inconsequential, because I fear that the spirit behind this organization can cause great damage to both believers and non-believers, alike.  Please take the time to study it and pray about it, asking God to reveal to you what you need to know.  And tune in for the next post, where I will discuss the blending of the Church and Freemasonry.

John 18:20    "I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing."



November 5, 2015

Oprah's Path To Destruction

     I guess it was around 2005 or so that I quit watching the highly popular Oprah Winfrey daily TV show.  I admired her philanthropic efforts and her work in providing education for girls in Africa, among other things.  But the afternoon she said that there were many ways to God, I quit watching.  And I mourned the millions of women who would follow her down that false spiritual path... simply because Oprah said it was OK.
     In the past, she has insisted that she is a Christian with statements like this:  “I am not talking about religion. I am a Christian. That is my faith. I'm not asking you to be a Christian. If you want to be one I can show you how. But it is not required. I have respect for all faiths. All faiths. But what I'm talking about is not faith or religion. I'm talking about spirituality" ...  and then there is this: "My favorite Bible verse—because I am Christian—is Acts 17:28. It says, ‘In God I live and move and have my being’,” Winfrey said. “And you want to know why I'm so successful? Because I knew that at 4 years-old … I wouldn't be who I am today without a spiritual consciousness, without spiritual values and ultimately without spiritual love."
     But that's just it... since 2005, and now with her new Discovery Channel, seven-night special, called Belief, Oprah is making it all about "spirituality."  In fact, the promo for the new series has this to say about her new venture:  Seven billion people, searching for connection, redemption, meaning. Oprah Winfrey presents the seven-night event, "Belief," a groundbreaking television event exploring humankind's ongoing search to connect with something greater than ourselves.  Journeying to the far reaches of the world, and to places cameras have rarely been, “Belief” searches the origins of diverse faiths and the heart of what really matters. From the epic to the intimate, webbed throughout each hour are stories of people on spiritual journeys, taking them to sacred spaces. 
     All that probably sounds good to today's culture .... but where is JESUS mentioned?  If you call yourself a Christian, shouldn't you be talking about faith in Jesus... and not just spirituality?  (Take another look at her first statement).  And why isn't she saying (in her second statement) "I wouldn't be who I am today without JESUS," instead of "I wouldn't be who I am today without a spiritual consciousness, without spiritual values and ultimately without spiritual love"?
     Seems to me that's a whole lot of New Age drivel, and there are a lot of false gods out there who offer their spiritual wares and diverse ways to "sacred spaces".  I just don't trust any of them!  I wholeheartedly agree with Jennifer LeClaire, a writer for Charisma News, who wrote, "No, Oprah is not celebrating Jesus. She's taking people on a "spiritual" journey that includes many faiths and challenging them to ask the question: What do you believe? As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord Jesus Christ, thank you."  And as Jennifer points out in her piece, Franklin Graham gets it right, too.  "A personal relationship with Almighty God through His Son Jesus Christ is the only thing that can fill the void in the human heart," Graham said. "This is not a matter of opinion--Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.' One way, one Savior, no exceptions."
     Did you get that, Oprah?  No exceptions!  And while I am having this conversation with Oprah in my head, I would like to give her a warning.  Oprah, I know you have helped thousands of people less fortunate than you, and no doubt many of them might have considered seeking a relationship with God and Jesus because of your humanitarian efforts.  But, dear, all those good deeds will mean nothing when you stand before Jesus's Judgment Seat and He asks you if you pointed them to Him.  Because, believe me, He will know that your message was not the narrow path that led to Life, but that you offered entrance into "spirituality" through the wide gate that led to their destruction.
     Back in 2012, when she launched the OWN channel, the publicity department for the Black Christian News Network (BCNN) had this to say: “Now we know that some people are going to doubt Oprah's profession of faith in Christ and some are going to say negative things about this because she has different people of different faiths on her show and so forth. But before you Pharisees say all of that, please understand that OWN is not a Christian network. It is a network for all people. OWN is Oprah's business, and we as Christians know what that is like when you're doing business in a secular world. So Oprah's business side is going to be different, but it does not take anything away from her faith in Christ... We believe that Oprah's true ‘next chapter’ is to finish her life leading millions to the Christ that saved her,” BCNN wrote. “We want to encourage all Christians to pray for Oprah as she grows in her faith in Christ.”
     Well, here we are at that next chapter, and it is her new TV show, Belief.  I'm sorry, but how can there by growth in her faith, when she still will not credit Jesus for her success, or exalt Him as the only way to God?  Until that happens, all the talk about spirituality and honoring different faiths will fall on my deaf ears.  And, somehow, I don't think Jesus is going to like the fact that her "business side" is willing to compromise and make concessions for other faiths.
     When asked to define what spirituality is to her, Oprah said, "[It] is living life with an open heart, through love, and allowing yourself to align with the values of tolerance, acceptance, of harmony, of cooperation and reverence for life. She said she believes there is a divine thread that connects spiritually to something greater than ourselves."  All of that sounds man-driven to me; nothing Holy or sanctified.  If only she would realize that He alone is worthy of all her enthusiasm about searching for something greater than herself.  Only then will she discover what true Belief is.

Matthew 7:22-23   "Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

October 27, 2015

This Is Not Your Mother's "Dear Abby"

     Every once in awhile, I just have to address the depth of confusion in this world due to the lack of understanding of God's true character and the validity of His Word.  And oftentimes that confusion is evidenced in the trivial and insignificant aspects of our social culture.  Such is the case in a recent posting on the popular advice column, "Dear Abby".  I present it for your consideration:
DEAR ABBY: My daughter has been in a lesbian relationship for 14 years. They recently took me to lunch and informed me that her partner, "Nicole," is in the process of transitioning to a male.
     Nicole has now legally changed her name to "Nick" and has begun hormone treatments. They have been going to counseling for the past six months. Since Nick began the transition, I have seen him three times. Last week when I was visiting, I accidentally called Nick by the wrong pronoun, "she" instead of "he" a couple of times. I was either immediately corrected or ignored until I realized I had used the wrong word. It hurt my feelings.
     After I got home I sent Nick a text to apologize and explain that it would take time for me to get used to saying "Nick" and referring to him as a he. I told them their correcting me bothered me. All weekend I could tell they were irritated with me, and I felt it was uncalled for.
     What do you say? Am I wrong to feel hurt that they haven't given me a chance to get used to the new name? -- MARGARET IN MISSISSIPPI
     DEAR MARGARET: Adjusting to gender reassignment takes time for all concerned. As your letter illustrates, there are often more people involved than the individual making the change.
     It seems only natural that you would need some time to adjust. However, it also seems to me that you are being overly sensitive about what happened. Your daughter and her partner were right to correct you for your slip of the tongue, and it wasn't rude for them to do so. How else is a person to learn that a mistake was made if it isn't pointed out?

     What must our Holy God be thinking about the state of the world He created?  It is not my purpose in this post to discuss the legality or acceptability of homosexuality or transgenderism.  As a Christian, my thoughts on these subjects will not conform to man's laws or the admissible conventions of society.  Rather, it is to cast a light on the utter confusion in which mankind finds itself.
     It is obvious in this "Dear Abby" letter that Nicole, or Nick, is confused about who she/he really is meant to be.  The daughter has to be confused about what her role is in the relationship.  And, it's only natural that the mother is confused about the whole situation.  But do we stop to think why there is all this confusion?
     All I kept thinking as I read the letter, was that, in His Sovereignty, I think God just might be judging us by confusing us.  All kinds of Scripture kept coming to mind ... So I gave them up to the stubbornness of their heart, To walk in [the path of] their own counsel (Psalm 81:12); Since they thought it foolish to acknowledge God, he abandoned them to their foolish thinking and let them do things that should never be done (Romans 1:28); But your wickedness has separated you from your God, And your sins have hidden His face from you so that He does not hear (Isaiah 59:2).
     In this age of "Reason", we try to explain away our sins with rational thought, instead of seeing how we are being deceived by Satan's lies.  We think we are so enlightened that we try to deny our own sexuality (or insert your personal sin) in which God created us.  We can change our physicality in regards to how we see ourselves or the world sees us, but we can never change it in God's eyes.  Our rebellion leads to our confusion, and a desire to worship a god of our own making in order to perpetuate our sins.
     But here is the deal... I believe that God is Truth; and because He is Truth, He will not let us despise Him or His truth without judging us in kind.  When we choose to disregard Him and disobey Him, He will perplex and confound our understanding, giving us up to our own desires and pleasures --- which will never satisfy or fulfill us.
     And that is what is so ultimately sad to me about this "Dear Abby" column.  That no one in the whole scenario -- not the lesbian couple, not the mother; not even Abby, herself -- sees the state of confusion that exists.  They, like so many of the billions of people in the world who are involved in pagan religions that worship ancestors, cows, a crescent moon, totem poles, man, nature, etc, are blinded because they have rejected the opportunity to know the Truth and to have a relationship with the One True God who created them.
     Our desire to live our lives as we see fit, or in whatever manner gives us pleasure, will only lead to  uncertainty in this life, and disorder and turmoil.  The more we insist on denying God and defying His instruction, the more confused we get.  Just look around at the chaos and lawlessness in the world, and you can see what a mess we make without Him.  I am continually amazed at just how blinded the world has become.
     Yet I am not so arrogant as to think that I have full understanding of God and His mysteries.  So much of His wisdom is still hidden from us.  But I am thankful for what He has revealed to me thus far, and I pray for continued understanding and wisdom; all under the guidance of His Holy Spirit.  And I greatly fear for those who continue to listen to the lies of Satan, as he attempts to destroy God's Truth.  If only Abby had pointed out to all involved that a bigger mistake is being made than a slip of the tongue in using a wrong pronoun.

2 Timothy 3:1-2    "But understand this, that in the last days dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come [difficult days that will be hard to bear]. For people will be lovers of self [narcissistic, self-focused], lovers of money [impelled by greed], boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane..."