A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Saul Alinsky. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query Saul Alinsky. Sort by date Show all posts

March 14, 2016

Rules For Radicals Still In Play

     If you have taken any amount of time to stay informed about American politics, then you are most likely familiar with Saul Alinksy and his Rules for Radicals.  The book is a primer for "the have-nots" in order to empower them to gain social, political, legal and economic equality by challenging the current agencies that promoted their inequality. In short, Alinsky was a believer in the classic Marxist theory which states that Communism is the final stage of the evolution of human socioeconomic relations. In the Marxist model, the feudal state is overthrown by the rise of the bourgeoisie, ushering in the capitalist epoch. Capitalism is then overthrown by the rise of the proletariat, which ushers in not communism, but the Socialist state. Each previous step is the necessary precondition for the next.  And we now have a Presidential candidate, in Bernie Sanders, who is a professed Socialist, and the younger generation is eating it up!
     So, can you see Alinsky's theory being set in motion in our recent history?  Think back to the 1960s and specifically, the 1968 Democratic Convention for President.  Also, it has been effectively argued that the political statesmen of this era have, throughout their careers, drawn inspiration from Alinsky and his call for "fundamental change".  John Fund of the National Review presents an informed argument that both President Obama and Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton were avid students of Alinsky and his methods.
     His siren call, so to speak, to idealistic and impressionable students was "social justice".  And his approach to obtaining that goal, in the words of the Washington Post, would come to rely on   “generating conflict to mobilize the dispossessed.”  All you have to do is convince any useful group of followers that they are somehow dispossessed or deprived or cheated.  That's where outside agitators and community organizers become valuable tools of the Alinsky method of disruption.
     Alinsky also argued for moral relativism in fighting the establishment: “In war the end justifies almost any means. . . . The practical revolutionary will understand [that] in action, one does not always enjoy the luxury of a decision that is consistent both with one’s individual conscience and the good of mankind.” You can see that the absence of any universal moral truths will lead to whatever action is necessary to gain a personally desired outcome.
     Alinsky liked to boast that those who have the knowledge of his tactics can often achieve preemptive surrender of local officials, businesses, and political power bases.  He also touted the success of his tactics of intimidation.  His most oft-quoted rule is “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. . . . One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other.”
      We have seen that tactic used most effectively by this Administrative, in creating racial and social division; and in the ongoing political and legal battles that former Secretary of State Clinton is now undergoing.  MoveOn.org has been a model student of Alinsky tactics, and we have seen them administered in the recent riots and protests in Ferguson, Cleveland, St. Louis and Chicago.
     And now the rules for radicals are evident in the protests beginning to surround the current political season.  Just this past weekend, a rally for Donald Trump was cancelled, due to the threat of violent protestors.  But the sad fact of the matter is that I'm not sure how many of the protestors actually know the specifics of why they are protesting.  This generation of Facebook and SnapChat aficionados have become useful tools of agitators who will feed into this generation's desire to participate in drama of any sort.  So when the status quo, or their entitlement, is threatened in any way by a Donald Trump, they are easily convinced they are being deprived of what is rightfully theirs.  That's where the "pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it" tactic becomes most beneficial.   And when a young person doesn't really know what they stand for, or can't articulate it, they become manageable tools for suggestion and manipulation.
     Nothing has changed in the Alinsky methods in the 45 years since he wrote his influential Rules and dedicated it to "Lucifer".  His followers have stuck to his proven tactics ... to incite constant struggle and agitation so that the oppressive “system” would eventually be brought to its knees.  The sad fact, as D.L. Adams articulates in his excellent article, Saul Alinsky and the Rise of Amorality in American Politics, is that Alinsky was a nihilist.  That characteristic is defined as "the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless; there is found nothing to approve of in the established social order", therefore it is best to destroy it.  No wonder he dedicated his book to Lucifer; he's the perfect model of "the Destroyer".
     But perhaps the saddest element of all this chaos is that in the midst of the promises "to take back", to "fundamentally change", and the "virtue of the struggle", there are no real solutions proffered.  It's all about the perceived righteousness of the struggle.  In fact, as Adams suggests,  “Struggle” itself is the purpose and goal of the Alinsky way.
"All life is warfare, and it's the continuing fight against the status quo that revitalizes society, stimulates new values and gives man renewed hope of eventual progress. The struggle itself is the victory." (Alinsky interview)
     And what is left lying in the ashes of that victory?  Society is further divided; there are severe cracks in our moral foundation; and Alinskyites have to keep coming up with a new "struggle" to keep themselves relevant and maintain their power.  Saul Alinsky promised his followers Utopia, and all we've reaped is continued disillusionment and disparagement.  But isn't that exactly what Lucifer has been offering us since the Garden?  It's time we quit listening to the promises of a long-dead radical and turn to the hope that individual responsibility and accountability offer.  Morality and ethics may have no value for the "radical" who wants to overturn the institutions of society and save the world, but they are gifts to us from a God who truly desires the best for us.  Isn't it time we start following His rules?  
Galatians 5:10    "I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion, whoever that may be, will have to pay the penalty."

December 13, 2014

We're Being Played; And It's All There In The Playbook

     If you aren't familiar with Saul Alinksy's Rules For Radicals ... you should be.  Actually, there is more to the title.  A fuller understanding of the Rules is that it is A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals.  A true social radical, who wanted complete and thorough social reform, Alinsky was a community organizer from 1939-1971, and his followers are among the most prominent names in politics today.  (Both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton viewed him as a mentor before his death in 1971).

     According to his own goals, Alinksy sought to create a guide for future community organizers to use in uniting low-income communities, or "Have-Nots", in order to empower them to gain social, political, and economic equality by challenging the current agencies that promoted their inequality.  The ultimate goal was to successfully unite people into an active organization with the power to effect change on a variety of issues.
     But, now we see that some of these rules have been successfully adapted to divide the nation.  At any one time during the last quarter of a century, some of the 12 rules in Mr. Alinsky's little volume of progressive edicts could be seen in operation.  But I just want to point out that a full onslaught of more than half of them are in plain sight today.

    RULE #5:  "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon."
•  There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)  
     We have seen this tactic employed in the same-sex marriage debate, for instance.  Paint Christians as narrow-minded and exclusive; as denying love between two human beings.  By ridiculing the Church, urge change and acceptance within the rank and file members.  And to further taunt them, threaten their livelihoods by bringing lawsuits against businesses who refuse to compromise.
     RULE 6: “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
•  They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones. 
     Who doesn't enjoy the camera on them as they disrupt traffic, businesses, and law-abiding citizens?  Being part of a "cause" gives meaning to meaningless lives, and contributes to that 15 minutes of fame.
     RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”
•  Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.) 
     This has certainly been the strategy with the Affordable Health Care Act, Illegal Immigration, Gun  Control, and a number of other issues.  If you think these radical thinkers are responding with new directions and policy changes in "real time", think again; they have anticipated multiple reactions to their tactics, and their game plan was formulated long ago.
     RULE 9: “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”  
•  Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. (Perception is reality ... The possibilities can easily poison the mind and result in demoralization.)
     Again, we have seen that with the Obamacare and Illegal Immigration.  Threaten millions with the possibility of fines, no health insurance at all; or with families being split up and deported to Mexico, and you can convince the public that the lesser of two evils is acceptable.
      RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.” 
•  Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. 
     Ferguson, Missouri and New York City are prime examples of how well this rule can work.  If you can make Michael Brown and Eric Garner the underdogs, and push the narrative that the Black race has played victim long enough, you can use the ensuing violence, hatred and division to further your own agenda -- keep the races alienated and isolated, and you can play them off each other to secure and increase your power base.
     RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” 
•  Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem. 
     This rule is actually very similar to the Hegelian Dialectic; basically, you create the problem that you have a pre-formulated solution to, and you step in to save the day and solve the (artificial) problem.  Can you see that encouraging race violence might be a way to introduce the militarization of police (never mind that they vigorously deny it, or condemn the police for their actions).  Just a thought...
     Finally, RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”
•  Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions. (This is cruel, but very effective. Direct, personalized criticism and ridicule works.)
     This strategy has been used against The Tea Party; political figures like Sarah Palin; and military leaders like General Petraeus.  Nothing is too underhanded, too harsh, or too unacceptable.  Whatever it takes to win and take the opposition out of the arena.
     So, as you look back over these rules for social radicals, you will see something they all have in common -- and it is more than their similarities to Socialism and Communism.  They all lack a moral defense.  When mankind seeks to change how a society functions through deceptive and immoral means, it results in corruption, godlessness and chaos... just the conditions the Devil loves (and, by the way, to whom Saul Alinsky dedicated his Rules for Radicals -- see above quote).
     The truly sad thing is that far too many of Mr. Alinsky's disciples are teaching on our college campuses, and too many of his graduate students are in positions of power.  We must regain a sense of who we are meant to be, and follow our own set of 10 rules; those carved on tablets of stone nearly 3500 years ago.  They are the solutions to all of society's woes.

Isaiah 64:6    "We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away."

February 18, 2015

It's All About The Lie

      Want to understand why the world is in such an awful state?  It's all about the lies.  According to author and political activist, David Horowitz, the radicals within our government institutions have followed Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals quite well.  Horowitz should know.  His parents were members of the American Communist Party, and he, himself, was an outspoken adherent of the "New Left" in the 1960's; working to agitate for class struggle, even to the point of becoming closely involved with the Black Panther Party.
     So when he says the Alinskyites seek a "utopia" on earth where social justice and equality for all is to be achieved at all costs, he has the credentials to back up his opinion.  In fact, he is quoted in his writings as saying, "If the radicals' utopia were actually possible, it would be criminal not to deceive, lie, and murder to advance the radical cause which is, in effect, a redemption of mankind. If it were possible to provide every man, woman, and child on the planet with food, shelter and clothing as a right, if it were possible to end bigotry and human conflict, what sacrifice would not be worth it?" 
      And while we're talking about Saul Alinsky, just read the dedication he wrote for his notorious book:  "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history (and who is to know where mythology leaves off and history begins — or which is which), the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer."  How fitting.  The mentor to so many of our political leaders pays homage to the Father of Lies!
      And we cannot consider the effect of lies on the state of the world without taking a look at Islamic Law:  Reliance of the Traveler (p. 746 - 8.2) -  "Speaking is a means to achieve objectives. If a praiseworthy aim is attainable through both telling the truth and lying, it is unlawful to accomplish through lying because there is no need for it.  When it is possible to achieve such an aim by lying but not by telling the truth, it is permissible to lie if attaining the goal is permissible (N:i.e. when the purpose of lying is to circumvent someone who is preventing one from doing something permissible), and obligatory to lie if the goal is obligatory... it is religiously precautionary in all cases to employ words that give a misleading impression ... (One should compare the bad consequences entailed by lying to those entailed by telling the truth, and if the consequences of telling the truth are more damaging, one is entitled to lie.)  The two forms of acceptable lying are Taqiyya - Saying something that isn't true, and Kitman - Lying by omission.
     One cannot deny that the inherited freedoms of our nation have suffered due to the amoral principles of the radicals in politics.  And it is equally apparent that the ideology of radical jihadists is contributing to widespread terror across the world.  Now compare what the Lord Jehovah has to say on the subject:  There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.  Could there be any greater dissimilarities between these three belief systems?  In fact, the Bible says it is impossible for God to lie (Hebrews 6:18).
     Furthermore, God is the source of Truth, and His Son, Jesus, called Himself the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6), and He expects those who follow Him to be people of truth.  Just think of how much destruction has come upon the world since that first lie was told to Eve in the Garden.  Nothing good has ever come from a lie told in order to deceive for wicked purposes.  Our current reality finds us reaping the consequences of generations of lies from the one whose very nature is false; the one whose lies will be his undoing.  Call on the Lord who is Truth; whose Word will set you free, and whose righteous rule will endure forever.   

John 8:44    "You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies."

February 28, 2014

SB 1062: Perception Trumps The Truth

      Initially, I didn't want to wade into the shark-infested waters that surround the veto of Arizona Senate Bill 1062.  But I became especially intrigued with a statement by Arizona State Senator Adam Driggs, a supporter of the bill, who said, "It’s really not about the content of the bill right now; it’s about the perception."  I wanted to understand more about this controversy, so I actually read the bill. 
     It didn't take long; both to read it and to realize that this Bill had been misrepresented.  Those groups and individuals who opposed the legislation claimed that it would have allowed businesses that asserted their religious beliefs the right to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.  Anyone who bothered to read the Bill would find no such language or intention.  
     It is my understanding after reading the "legalese", that the Bill's real intention was to protect a person's free exercise of religion whenever a State Action threatened to be a burden against that exercise.  And perhaps for that very reason, it was so important for the opposition to distort the intent of the Bill.  Why, we can't have the State upholding the free exercise of religious beliefs -- that interferes with our social re-engineering of the culture!  Those evil-minded Christians and their allegiance to their faith stand in the way of all we want to accomplish.  If we can make this Bill about discrimination, then we can start chipping away at their influence and weaken their moral argument.
     Remember my quote from Edward Bernays yesterday?  He talked about the conscious and intelligent manipulation of our minds, our tastes, our opinions, and our ideas.  The media no longer seems to care about the Truth; it's all about twisting facts, misstating intentions, and prejudicing the public towards a desired outcome.  
     And we mustn't forget Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals and the tactics of those who would like to change America.  The media and the social radicals have learned them well!  Just a few of Alinsky's directives were used exceptionally well in this campaign to defeat SB 1062.  Consider Rule #3:  “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.” Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety and uncertainty.  In the case of SB 1062, Christians and lawmakers who supported the Bill in the hopes that it would protect religious freedom found themselves under attack and blind-sided by seemingly irrelevant arguments that they were then forced to address.  Instead of defending the positive aspects of the Bill, they had to defend themselves against a false narrative that totally misrepresented what the Bill was trying to accomplish.
      Then there is Alinsky's Rule #6:  “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.” They’ll keep doing it without urging and come back to do more. They’re doing their thing, and will even suggest better ones.  The Media and the LGBT groups love to play the discrimination card, even when it doesn't exist and there is no intention to employ it.  All you have to do is provide a wrong perception, and they will jump on it; condemning without any proof.
     Let's look at Rule #9:  “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.” Imagination and ego can dream up many more consequences than any activist. Perception is reality.  And boy, were there lots of threats.  ArizonaCentral.com reported that Apple, American Airlines, Marriott and American Express strongly opposed the legislation, saying it would be bad for business. The Arizona Super Bowl Host Committee also called for Governor Jan Brewer to veto the bill amid reports the NFL was looking at other sites for its 2015 championship game.  Even John McCain and Mitt Romney urged her to use her veto power.  It's crazy when you realize that every one of these businesses and individuals were worried about how they would be perceived if they supported what was, in reality, a false perception, itself. See how manipulating the truth of a thing can have widespread consequences?
     Finally, there's Rule #12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.   In this case the targets where Governor Brewer herself, and faithful Christians.  On her part, Brewer didn't want to be seen as the instrument of division in her state.  “Religious liberty is a core American and Arizona value, so is non-discrimination.”  That was her argument for vetoing the Bill.  The problem is that if you read the bill, it is actually about protecting religious believers from discrimination by the State.  Once again, the distortion allowed for a false narrative against those who wish to follow the dictates of their faith.  So now, it is the bigoted, exclusive Christians who are discriminated against, but that's OK.  They deserve it for their narrow, intolerant views.
     I still don't get it.  It's not as if a gay couple cannot get a wedding cake baked by someone.  There is no ultimate denial.  Any number of non-Christian bakers will be happy to provide the service.  Yet Christians, who simply want to honor the conviction of their faith, are forced to lose their businesses because they would prefer that another bakery supply the wedding cake.  Not only is this reverse discrimination, but a subtle form of religious persecution.  Apparently, the First Amendment is for everyone but Christians.  And get ready, it's only the beginning!  Today it is your business you can lose.  What will it be tomorrow?  

Romans 1:18     For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 


May 2, 2020

A Page From Satan's Playbook

     I feel like it's déja vu all over again. Yet, I shouldn't be surprised because Satan just uses the same old playbook over and over, because it works! Let me explain ... I am blessed to have friendships with people of all generations. And lately, the thirty-somethings are beginning to awaken to what's going on behind the curtain with this virus pandemic. They are sending me links to papers by the Global Business Network, subsidized by the Rockefeller Foundation, and with chapter titles like this: LOCK STEP: A World of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback. 
     As Americans are beginning to protest government control of their lives it's hard to ignore the reality that this plague has affected millions. We are now being warned of food shortages, and the drums of war are being hinted at. Let me see.... in just the last few months we have experienced a global plague. Famine is becoming a very real threat [and not just to third-world countries] -- meat is being rationed in our country, even as I write, and dairy cows have been slaughtered, along with millions of pigs and chickens. And wars and rumors of war are whispered among "those in the know". Where have I  heard that before? Oh, yeah, they are the beginnings of birth pangs that Jesus talks about in Matthew 24. These world events pretty much resemble the four horsemen of the apocalypse in Revelation 6, too -- the red horse symbolizing war and bloodshed; the black horse is famine; and the pale horse is pestilence and death.
     But, I'm not writing to say that we should get ready for the Tribulation, or that the End of the World is here. To be honest, I'm not interested in predicting when that time will come -- no one knows except our Father, not even Jesus, Himself. So, I'm more focused on being alert to what the Enemy's agenda and playbook are, so that I can endure to the end [whenever it is] and be an overcomer. And that means I want to help others be able to see what is happening in the world from a non-political standpoint. We must be able to see in the spirit, and see what is going on behind the dirty veil that the devil is so good at presenting to the general population.
     At the beginning of this post, I mentioned that it feels like déja vu. I say that because beginning in 2014, I was writing about the undermining of our nation's Constitution, our republic, and our basic civil rights; that we were seriously eroding the truth that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." I remember having to memorize this paragraph from the Declaration of Independence in my elementary Social Studies classes, but now I see that "new Government" as being the Kingdom of God, with the faithful acting as the Ekklesia [governing body of Believers acting as representatives of the Heavenly government of the Father]. But there is a spiritual force that doesn't want to see that happen.
     Back in 2014, I made mention of a political activist and theorist named Saul Alinsky. He wrote a book in 1971 titled Rules for Radicals in which he subscribed to 12 rules about how to successfully run a movement for change. That little book has greatly influenced our social and political climate for the last 50 years. And I find it most notable for the dedication of the book, in which Alinsky writes, "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical ... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer".
     There you have it .... the allusion of the kingdom of darkness versus the Kingdom of God. And the rules which Alinsky promoted certainly mimic Satan's agenda and methodology. To begin with, there is rule #3, which states "Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of your Enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety, and uncertainty". The way in which the so-called "experts" have disseminated [dis]information about this virus has resulted in the loss of freedoms that we have taken for granted. This falls right in line with Satan as the Father of Lies whose modus operandi is Deception and false accusations. 
    Another rule of the social and political radicals, as well as the first radical, Lucifer, is "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself". That's certainly true of the Covid-19 scare. The original estimation of deaths in America was 2.2 million or more. As of this date, the number is just shy of 64,000. Please understand that I am not making light of that number. Any death is significant, but you can see how this strategy parallels Satan's strategy of getting us to worry about things that haven't even happened yet, or that are far less devastating than he has given us to imagine. Satan's goal is to demoralize Christians into a state of passivity, resulting in his kingdom continuing to dominate the earth. 
     Rule #12 of Rules for Radicals is "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it". That's pretty much what Satan did to Job, isn't it? He cut off Job's support network, and isolated him from sympathy. He attempted to get Job to turn against the very One who believed in him and had blessed him, and would be there to restore him. 
     These are just a few of Alinsky's rules for instituting social change, and it's not hard to see them at work in our current situation, and see them as similar to Satan's tactics. But let's not forget another diabolical tactic known as the Hegelian Dialect. In short, here's how it works .... Step number one looks like this: Our Enemy knows that, instinctively, people won't go for restricted freedoms, so they cause a problem [that didn't naturally occur] which is step number two, which causes panic and conflict. Then they come up with step number three: a solution to solve the manufactured problem, which turns out to be their original goal [i.e., restricted freedoms]. The people will embrace it because they just want the panic and conflict to go away. 
     For example, we can see this scenario in the world ... a man-made virus being unleashed on the world, causing death, panic, destroyed economies, and loss of jobs. With the threat of an on-going pandemic, the masses will clamor for a solution and agree to mandatory vaccines. In the Spirit, we see that Satan desires men to doubt God in the midst of this pandemic; sending spirits of fear and abandonment to invade our isolation, and causing us to seek solutions in our own power instead of pressing into the power of God in us to help us endure. He wants us to trust ourselves, or human leaders, more than we trust our Father and Savior. It's all about perpetuating Satan's kingdom of darkness and stopping the advance of God's Kingdom on the earth.
     But, we must cling to the truth that we exist in Christ, who is a safe realm that we can step into and be protected during this storm. And we need to walk in our identity in the Kingdom. Our authentic citizenship is in Heaven, seated next to Christ, the King of all Creation -- we are temporary [and secondarily] citizens of this world. We must not get distracted from anything that Satan aligns with in order to divert us from our purpose in this life. We have a destiny that surpasses whatever we may experience during our short lifetime in this realm called earth. 
     We were made for eternity, but we have a job to do while we're here in our temporary home. So, Satan and his minions can develop all the rules and radical ideas they can imagine. But they will never defeat God's sovereign plan for His people or this planet. He will rule and reign as King, and Satan's radicals will pay the price for their rebellion unless they choose to be redeemed. So, don't get discouraged! It may seem like dark days are ahead of us, and we wonder when this nightmare will end. But this is our opportunity to persevere for the Kingdom of God; spreading the Good News that the Light of Heaven has brought a promise of our deliverance into the realm of the Kingdom of God. Let us be about our Father's business until our Lord returns!

Isaiah 9:2      The people who walked in darkness have seen a great Light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has Light shone.


September 21, 2023

Seeing [And Defeating] Satan's Playbook For The Kingdom of Darkness

I know I've said it before, but I feel like it's déja vu all over again. Satan just uses the same old playbook over and over, because it works! Let me explain ... Since I began writing this blog in 2011, I have discerned the schemes and tactics of Satan and his kingdom of darkness, and while the players might look and sound different, the goals have always been the same ... to create a world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership [under his evil guidance], with limited innovation amidst growing citizen pushback.

To be sure, there have been ebbs and flows -- in both the control and the pushback -- but Satan's overall plan has always been the same: his kingdom of darkness [which has ruled much of the world since Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden] seeks to defeat the restored dominion of earth [which Jesus handed back to man]. Since Genesis 1:26-28, we were given a mandate by our Creator to rule earth like Heaven is ruled. In other words, our Lord came to defeat the kingdom of darkness and re-establish the Kingdom of God. Jesus's plan has always been for His followers to continue His work in His power and authority, which He transferred to us. 

From 2011 to now, if you have spiritual eyes to see, and spiritual ears to hear, you should have seen the writing on the wall. Without a doubt, we are seeing food shortages, and the drums of war are getting louder. We have experienced a global plague [with warnings that it will erupt again]. Famine is a very real threat [and not just to third-world countries] -- meat is being rationed in our country [and we're now offered a variety called "impossible"]. And who can explain all the processing plants that have been destroyed, and dairy cows, along with millions of pigs and chickens being slaughtered? And the wars and rumors of war are no longer simply whispered among "those in the know", but openly forecast. Where have I  heard that before? Oh, yeah, they are the beginnings of birth pangs that Jesus talks about in Matthew 24. These world events pretty much resemble the four horsemen of the apocalypse in Revelation 6, too -- the red horse symbolizing war and bloodshed; the black horse is famine; and the pale horse is pestilence and death. 

But, I'm not writing to say that we should get ready for the Tribulation, or that the End of the World is here. To be honest, I'm not interested in predicting when that time will come -- no one knows except our Father, not even Jesus, Himself. So, I'm more focused on being alert to what the Enemy's agenda and playbook are, so that I can endure to the end [whenever it is] and be an Overcomer. And that means I want to help others be able to see what is happening in the world from a non-political standpoint. We must be able to see in the spirit, and see what is going on behind the dirty veil that the devil is so good at presenting to the general population.

At the beginning of this post, I mentioned that it feels like déja vu. I say that because beginning in 2014, I was writing about the undermining of our nation's Constitution, our republic, and our basic civil rights; that we were seriously eroding the truth that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." 

I remember having to memorize this paragraph from the Declaration of Independence in my elementary school Social Studies classes, but now I see that "new Government" as being the Kingdom of God, with the faithful acting as the Ekklesia [governing body of Believers acting as representatives of the Heavenly government of the Father]. But there is a spiritual force that doesn't want to see that happen. 

Back in 2014, I made mention of a political activist and theorist named Saul Alinsky. He wrote a book in 1971 titled Rules for Radicals in which he subscribed to 12 rules about how to successfully run a movement for change. That little book has greatly influenced our social and political climate for the last 50 years. And I find it most notable that Alinsky penned this for the dedication of his book: "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical ... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer".

There you have it .... the reference to the kingdom of darkness versus the Kingdom of God. And the rules which Alinsky promoted certainly mimic Satan's agenda and methodology. To begin with, there is rule #3, which states "Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of your Enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety, and uncertainty". The way in which the so-called "experts" have disseminated [dis]information in our recent history has resulted in the loss of freedoms that we have taken for granted. This falls right in line with Satan as the Father of Lies whose modus operandi is Deception and false accusations. 

Another rule of the social and political radicals, as well as the first radical, Lucifer, is "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself". If you are spiritually discerning, you will see how that has played out in our recent history. Millions survived without following the "prescribed protocol". And tragically, it's also true that millions died. So please understand that I am not making light of that number. Any death is significant, but you can see how this strategy parallels Satan's strategy of getting us to worry about things that haven't even happened yet, or that are far less devastating than he has given us to imagine. Satan's goal is to demoralize Christians into a state of passivity, resulting in his kingdom continuing to dominate the earth.

Rule #12 of Rules for Radicals is "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it". That's pretty much what Satan did to Job, isn't it? He cut off Job's support network, and isolated him from sympathy. He attempted to get Job to turn against the very One who believed in him and had blessed him, and would be there to restore him. And that rule has been effectively used in polarizing our citizens and neighbors against each other. "White privilege", "Equity", "Diversity" and "Institutional Racism" have become terms used to pick Satan's targets in his radical playbook. See how easy it is to freeze attention on a target, and use language to personalize it, and polarize it? 

These are just a few of Alinsky's rules for instituting social change, and it's not hard to see them at work in our current situation, and see them as similar to Satan's tactics. But let's not forget another diabolical tactic known as the Hegelian Dialect. In short, here's how it works .... Step number one looks like this: Our Enemy knows that, instinctively, people won't go for restricted freedoms, so they cause a problem [that didn't naturally occur] which is step number two, which causes panic and conflict. Then they come up with step number three: a solution to solve the manufactured problem, which turns out to be their original goal [i.e., restricted freedoms]. The people will embrace it because they just want the panic and conflict to go away. 

So, as Kingdom-minded citizens, who are Heaven's representatives on earth, it is absolutely necessary that we see how Satan is working in the world ... a man-made virus being unleashed on the world, causing death, panic, destroyed economies, and loss of jobs. In the Spirit, we can see that Satan desires men to doubt God in the midst of this chaos; sending spirits of fear and abandonment to invade our peace and confidence, which causes us to seek solutions in our own power instead of pressing into the power of God in us to help us endure. Satan wants us to trust ourselves, or human leaders, more than we trust our Father and Savior. It's all about perpetuating Satan's kingdom of darkness and stopping the advance of God's Kingdom on the earth.

But, we must cling to the truth that we exist in Christ, who is a safe realm that we can step into and be protected during this storm. And we need to walk in our identity in the Kingdom. Our authentic citizenship is in Heaven, seated next to Christ, the King of all Creation -- we are temporary [and secondarily] citizens of this world. We must not get distracted from anything that Satan aligns with in order to divert us from our purpose in this life. We have a destiny that surpasses whatever we may experience during our short lifetime in this realm called earth. 

We must understand that we were made for eternity, but we have a job to do while we're here in our temporary home. So, Satan and his minions can develop all the rules and radical ideas they can imagine. But they will never defeat God's sovereign plan for His people or this planet. He will rule and reign as King, and Satan's radicals will pay the price for their rebellion, unless they choose to be redeemed. So, don't get discouraged! It may seem like more dark days are ahead of us, and we wonder when this nightmare will end. But this is our opportunity to persevere for the Kingdom of God; spreading the Good News that the Light of Heaven has brought a promise of our deliverance into the realm of the Kingdom of God. Let us be about our Father's business until our Lord returns! Let's execute God's playbook and frustrate the Enemy's strategies and tactics!

2 Corinthians 2:11  .... that we would not be outwitted by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his designs.


July 22, 2020

Right Before Our Very Eyes

      Next month my husband, Mark, and I will be presenting a one-day teaching entitled, Freemasonry, the New World Order, and the Anti-Christ Spirit. As I've been organizing what we want to say, and developing the PowerPoint presentation, I've been forced to step back and look at just how subtle Satan has been in weaving his plan in the midst of the Father's intention for mankind.
     From the very beginning, in the Garden, through the temptation of both Adam and Eve, Satan has sought to corrupt mankind through the sin of thinking they can become their own god. This act in the Garden changed man's position from an immortal spiritual being [in the image of God] to a being with physical limitations. We moved from a transfigured spiritual existence to a lower physical reality, subject to the devil's agenda to steal, kill, or destroy any possibility of re-establishing that original relationship with our Creator.
     Even after Jesus comes as our Savior, and the Kingdom of God was initiated on the earth, Satan has not abandoned his efforts to entice man by convincing him he can rule the world as his own god. Nimrod is one of the first men to align himself with the devil and seek to usurp God's sovereignty. He was the King of Shinar (Babylon) and he took advantage of the fact that the people all spoke the same language, and convinced them to build a city with a tower that reached heaven, in order that they might "make a name for themselves", so they would not be scattered over the face of the whole earth. This is the same temptation with which the devil would entice Jesus when he offered Him "all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor" [their riches]. God's purpose was for man to live for His name, scattering over the earth to proclaim Him!
     From Nimrod down through the centuries -- from Nebuchadnezzar to Alexander the Great to Robespierre to Joseph Stalin to Adolph Hitler to Mao Zedong -- they've all succumbed to the Anti-Christ spirit of Satan to seek their own kingdom and government of the masses, while reserving the power and riches for themselves. They've often been occultist, which is defined as seeking to gain supernatural power, abilities, or knowledge apart from the Creator God. And it is all disobedience to God!
     But our Father has shown Himself to be a faithful Sower of Good Seed, producing men who will receive His truth and perpetuate His Kingdom on earth. Satan, however, has not stood idly by. As Jesus tells us in His Parable of the Wheat and Tares, Satan has sown his seed among the good seed and they have grown up in the midst of God's field [the world]. They have sprung up, like weeds, within our philosophies, our cultures, and our forms of government; at first, they resemble righteous men in appearance, except their hearts grow black. They have lost the quality of godliness and they poison ordinary men with their promises of power, wealth, social equality and justice. But, in the end, they only produce death for the souls of nations.
     Throughout history that death has come in various ideologies .... Feudalism (societal structure based on holding of land in exchange for labor); Plutocracy (government by the wealthy); Autocracy (supreme political power in the hands of one); Anarchy (abolition of the State as undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful) ... and our modern systems of Marxism, which is the basis for Communism (both of which advocate a class war in which property is publicly owned; there is no encouragement of individual rights or ownership). None of these ideologies harmonize with God's Kingdom system of government, where our faith in Him produces citizens who are productive, self-motivated, charitable, and servants at heart; men and women who are free to follow the Lord's ways above their own, and incorporate His Laws as their laws.
     Now, in this 21st Century, in the year 2020, we once again find Satan influencing the hearts of men as they reach for their piece of the world's power "pie". And sadly, the Body of Christ has been lulled to sleep by the soothing lies of the devil, who has convinced us that we are  "comfortable in our wealth and we do not need a thing." But Satan sees us ripe for the picking as he leads the world towards his goal of lawlessness and anarchy. He has firmly anchored his economic and political systems of Marxism and Communism in the hearts of godless men.
     Just consider some of these quotes from Karl Marx, Joseph Stalin, and Saul Alinksy (political activist who has greatly influenced some of our most powerful politicians; Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, among them).... "My goal is to dethrone God and destroy capitalism" (Marx). "Religion is... the opium of the people" (Marx). "We do not fight against believers or even the clergymen. WE FIGHT AGAINST GOD to snatch believers from him" (Stalin). "God is on your side? Is he a conservative? The Devil's on my side, he's a good Communist" (Stalin). In the dedication of his book, Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky wrote, "Lest we we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical ... to the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer".
     So, right now, from our halls of government to our classrooms to our streets full of chaos, we are seeing the latest anti-Christ agenda of Communism and Marxism being fulfilled. This is not a political statement... I don't believe God is interested in our politics. He is interested in how we, if we call ourselves citizens of the Kingdom of God on earth, are governing this realm according to His tenets and principles established in Heaven. And I would like to give you just an idea of how far we are off the mark ... On January 10, 1963, Democratic Representative Albert Sydney Herlong, Jr. read into the Congressional Record a list of 45 goals of Communism from the book The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen. I want to show you just how much has been accomplished in the last 57 years -- during my lifetime!

Communist Goals
1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
4. Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
5. Extension of long-term loans to Russia and Soviet satellites.
6. Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination.
7. Grant recognition of Red China. Admission of Red China to the U.N.
11. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces. 
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms."
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. "Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art."
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch."
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state."
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."
31. Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture." Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use "united force" to solve economic, political or social problems.
     That is 33 of the 45 Communist goals that have been reached in this country. I understand that Communism is kind of an old-fashioned idea in this country, and since The Naked Communist was written in 1958, and presented before Congress in 1963, the idea that the New World Order might be working through Communism in their plot to overcome and control all of the world's governments, has been variously called "a right wing conspiracy theory" and patently false. But can we deny the words of the anti-Christ Communist leaders -- or how quickly these 33 goals have been achieved?
     Again, I do not present this to you as part of a political statement, but to show you that the Anti-Christ spirit has been active and tireless in its agenda ever since Nimrod sought to use his form of violence and insurrection against God to see a "united force" establish a one-world government.
     And it's happening quickly and right before our very eyes! As Christians, we abandoned our identity as watchers on the wall. It's no wonder when we look in the mirror, we so often identify with the Church of Laodicea... we've become wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked. But it's not too late! As long as the remnant is willing to take a stand, I believe God can defeat the physical and spiritual armies of Satan. But we must take off the blindfold and get in the fight! We've heard the Anti-Christ is coming, but it is not yet the last hour, so let's join forces with God and Jesus and show the Enemy what our agenda looks like!

1 John 1:22      Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.


April 5, 2023

Can You See The Global Reset Now? (Part 2)

In Part 1 of this two-part post on the Global Reset, I revealed the strongholds that have taken root in our country and brought us to the precipice that we are facing today. I daresay that it has been in my lifetime that our nation has seen the greatest incursion of Satan's anti-Christ agenda. It was in 1971 that the dye was cast which influenced the current direction of our politics, our education system, and our social foundation. Saul Alinsky, a Communist activist and political theorist, wrote his dangerous book, Rules for Radicals, in which he wrote the following dedication: "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical ... the very first radical known to man who rebelled the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer".

But Alinsky wasn't the only one who sought to intentionally alter and debase America's spirit and all she stood for. Billionaire George Soros has done his share as exemplified by the following comments ... "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States, [This idea] happens to coincide with the prevailing opinion in the world" ... "American supremacy is the greatest threat in the world today" ... "The sovereignty of states must be subordinated to international law and international institutions".

Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), had this to say in 2020: "the world must act swiftly and jointly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from China to the United States, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In sort, we need a 'Great Reset' of capitalism". In reality, the Great Reset was designed to be the means to an end. The WEF elites said they wanted a reset several years ago [beginning in 2014]. They role-played what would happen if a pandemic were to occur. I think we can see how that played into their plan. The ultimate goal is to transform society using science and technology as a means to control our every thought and move, and silencing those who are in disagreement. For that, they need the social media giants to fall into line. I think we also see how that has played out.

In fact, I think we have seen the strategies to "fundamentally transform" America happen with greater speed and intensity than anyone of us could have imagined or foreseen. For instance, our farmlands have been gobbled up by foreign business entities; we now serve meat "alternatives" in our fast food restaurants; the UN's threat that the pandemic would cause global famine of "biblical proportions" is coming closer to fruition; and an AI Chatbot has allegedly convinced a man to commit suicide according to this news story. We need to ask ourselves, who would benefit if the Biblical prophecies of famine, wars, plagues and persecutions become our reality? Can there truly be a diabolical plan to de-populate the world of us "lessers" who are consuming far too many of the earth's resources? Is that what eco-science is all about?

I think we can agree that there has been a secularization of government policies to advance an agenda that would seek to remove faith-based interests from federal policy. The more this happens, the closer we get to denying the existence of God in all our institutions. So what is happening in the spiritual realms to counter this anti-Christ movement? Luke 21:25-28 tells us that sometime in the future "there will be signs in the sun and moon and stars; and on the earth [there will be] distress and anguish among nations ... people fainting from fear and expectation of the [dreadful] things coming on the world; for the [very] powers of the heavens will be shaken".

Remember, in Ephesians 6, Paul tells us that "Powers" are warrior angels that wage war in the Second Heaven. There are "powers" who battle on the side of God against demonic "powers"; and there are Satan's "powers" that war against God's warrior angels. But Luke tells us that those [Satanic] powers will be shaken! Those powers will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with transcendent, overwhelming power [subduing the nations] and great glory! Our job is to stand tall, not in fear, but in confidence, proclaiming to all that we can endure, and our victory is near! And it is our witness during these distressing times that can initiate Revival! We have already seen a reawakening of spiritual revival on our college campuses. Could this be a harbinger of the countdown to the final battle over planet earth?

We are certainly seeing growing violence among the inhabitants of the earth and distinctly ungodly acts designed to destroy the fabric of families and society; to destroy the very image of God among men. I pray that humanity wakes up to identify Satan's culmination of his final agenda: the conglomeration of demonic programming, Satanic rituals, coven activities, AI, transhumanism, child trafficking, human sacrifice, mind control, robotics, the Military Industrial Complex, the international bankers, NWO, and the global elite -- all joining forces to achieve Satan's final victory.

BUT God's Kingdom on earth is the solution! Kingdom Believers and the Ekklesia, using their power and authority, are the only influence that will be able to stand and not falter. We need to gird ourselves for this spiritual fight! We need to condition our minds for what is to come. The Ekklesia is God's Kingdom government on earth. God and Yeshua will be warring cosmically. But we, Kingdom Believers, will have a job to do! We are here on the earth at this time for a specific purpose. We will be given supernatural gifts and strategies from Heaven to stand together and battle in the flesh and the spiritual realms to defeat the powers of God's ancient Enemy and his hordes. Do not fear! Do not give up! Do not surrender! We are sons and daughters of the King of the Universe, and victory is in our DNA. We will not suffer His justified wrath, when it is kindled and set aflame against His enemies. But rather, we should consider ourselves blessed [fortunate, prosperous, and favored by God] because we are able to take refuge in Him! Glory to God in the Highest!

#thegreatreset #spiritualpowers #godskingdomonearth #ekklesia #victoryinjesus

Revelation 3:5   The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before His angels.

April 8, 2016

When Political Correctness Becomes Indoctrination

     You may, or may not be aware, but one week from today, April 15th, the welfare of our children will be under assault.  No, I'm not talking about Tax Day.  I'm talking about "The Day of Silence" that is being promoted by the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN).
     The professed purpose of the GLSEN Day of Silence is that it is "a student-led national event that brings attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools. Students from middle school to college take a vow of silence in an effort to encourage schools and classmates to address the problem of anti-LGBT behavior by illustrating the silencing effect of bullying and harassment on LGBT students and those perceived to be LGBT."
     First of all, I'm not sure that I believe this protest is "student-led" or even "student generated".  As with all social movements, you can usually find an instigator behind the scenes that is pulling the strings and pushing an agenda. In this case, as reported by Linda Harvey on Barbwire.com, The Day of Silence is meant to be "a day when students remain silent in sympathy for those who are born homosexual or born in the wrong sex body, who are victimized (so the narrative goes) by any message encouraging actual male/female biology, dating and marriage -- all scorned as hateful and homophobic."
     So, our children are being subjected to guilt and intimidation under the guise of an anti-bullying campaign, when in reality, it looks an awful lot like promotion of the homosexual and transgender lifestyle in our public schools.  Listen to the testimony of another writer at Barbwire, Linda Wall:  "It was several years after I was set free from homosexuality that I discovered the pushers of sexual perversion had made it into the public schools under the disguise of “diversity”. Imagine how horrified I was in 2000 to see that AT&T had sent pro-homosexual lesson plans to every middle school of America! These lesson plans presented the politically correct view of homosexuality."
     And as the title of my post indicates, this political correctness has crossed the line into indoctrination.  Ms. Harvey goes so far as to write, "The 'anti-bullying' scam is the cover used in many school districts to expose children to obscene, bigoted and pornographic presentations. If we object, it is alleged that more students may attempt suicide."  Students and teachers in Iowa have reported workshops filled with profanity; details about oral/anal sex; how gender-confused girls can bind their breasts and sew fake testicles into their underwear as pretend boys; and even a recommendation for reacting to a pro-marriage bumper sticker: “Slash the tires.”
     This event (which may be happening at your child's or grandchildren's school) is just the latest in homosexual activism.  By pointing this out, I'm sure that I will be labeled homophobic and a hater, but that is simply not the truth.  I have gay friends whom I love, and whom I know are every bit a child of God as I am. Would I rather they were living within the will of God?  You bet!  But I do not hate them, nor do I condemn them.  That is not my purpose on this earth.  But when I see gay activists who ridicule the dignity, innocence and modesty of children, while deliberately trying to coerce immoral behavior, then I will decry such actions -- no matter who or what they are promoting.
     In her article, Harvey goes on to report that our middle school kids are being taught CSE, “comprehensive sex education,” and how to put both male and female condoms on plastic models in mixed sex classes (female condoms are most often used by lesbians). It’s humiliating for 11- to 14- year-olds, and just another of the Saul Alinsky tactics designed to shock and assault innocence.
     Furthermore, these CSE classes are distorting the truth.  They teach that abstinence and protected sex are the same thing.  A program called Making Proud Choices, teaches that "To protect yourself and your partner from sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection, you should: Keep a supply of condoms on hand. Get used to condoms, so they are natural and fun. …” (p.92).
     While this indoctrination seems to be happening quickly and without opposition, I do want you to know that the ACLU has issued a statement emphasizing the limits of political activism during instructional class time: "You DO have a right to participate in Day of Silence and other expressions of your opinion at a public school during non-instructional time: the breaks between classes, before and after the school day, lunchtime, and any other free times during your day ... You do NOT have a right to remain silent during class time if a teacher asks you to speak."
     So, parents who are awake and aware of the cultural marxism/political correctness agenda being rammed down the throats of our kids in the public school system are being encouraged to call their kids out of school on April 15th.  They are being encouraged to stop the hijacking of our kids' education, and to actively oppose GLSEN's socio-political goals and its controversial, unproven, and destructive theories on the nature and morality of homosexuality.  The public school classroom should not be an arena for politicization of any kind of movement; especially for the mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and sexual exploitation of our children.
     But one more word of caution ... lest you think the ACLU is on the side of families of faith, and the traditional sexual roles in society, be on your guard.  There is a paper called Schools In Transition: A Guide for Supporting Transgender Students in K-12 Schools, which is a first-of-its-kind publication for school administrations, teachers, and parents about how to provide safe and supportive environments for all transgender students, kindergarten through twelfth grade.  It was written by staffers from the ACLU, National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), Gender Spectrum, the National Education Association (NEA), and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).
     With statement's like "A student’s age and maturity — or that of their peers —should never be a basis for denying a transgender student an opportunity to transition in a safe and supportive environment", it is not too hard to see that transitioning away from Biblical gender roles is not only supported, but subtly encouraged; and gender confusion is seen as viable in children as young as kindergarten!  What has this culture become?!?!
     This post has barely scratched the surface as far as the assault on our children and their education systems.  And sadly, I would surmise that very few parents are aware of the indoctrination of their children.  I can't help but feel that this is one more nail in the coffin of our nation.  We have legitimized child sacrifice through abortion, destroyed the Biblical model of family and creation; and are now subjecting our children to perversion and deviancy.  How much longer will our righteous and holy God restrain His wrath?

Matthew 18:6    "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea."