A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

August 18, 2020

How Social Media Undermines God and Our True Identities


     I don't know how you feel about Social Media, but for me, I can sum it up with the condensed version of Genesis 50:20... "What Satan meant for evil, God can use for His good". I may sound unsophisticated but, for all intents and purposes, I think the developers of Social Media platforms have been deceived by the devil and ultimately serve his agenda. Yet, I will allow that I have the opportunity to use those digital creations to write this blog to you. And I thank the Lord for that!

    So, let me explain what I'm seeing in this digital/technological age and why I'm concerned that it is effecting not only our relationships with each other, but with our connection to our Creator. First of all, Social Media allows people to hide behind an invisible wall of respectability and often gives them a fake sense of courage and invincibility. People will express their opinions on everything from politics to religion to devil worship; writing from a safe distance where they feel confident to forego civility and respect and good manners, in favor of being right and projecting a position of moral superiority. 

     But nothing replaces that personal face-to-face conversation to achieve real truth and integrity. I don't think I've ever seen such ugliness, anger and vitriol. But the devil has convinced those with wounded and hard hearts that no one can see them so they can say what they want without any fear. And then when you try to engage with them, they are suddenly offended that you dare to disagree or question them. Somehow, we've lost that personal interaction and the experience of really knowing each other.

     And all I can think of is how much God is concerned about how Social Media is influencing the way we communicate with each other and how we practice our faith. Before the Covid nightmare began, more and more people chose to stay in the comfort of their home and watch sermons and Church services online and at their leisure. There was no human interaction with like-minded Believers; you tuned into God whenever it was convenient. After all, the internet is full of archived podcasts, sermons, and videos. And since March, when our nation entered a new reality of masks and isolation, it has become difficult to even make those alternative forms of faith available. So, now people just go to their favorite Religious app and get their God moment there. 

     So, I have a question ... if we are moving farther away from real human contact to having "virtual friends" that we may never look in the eye, shake their hand, or experience a hug from --- how "real" can those relationships be? And if there is no authentic relationship between humans on the same planet, how much farther will we move from a genuine experiential relationship with God? And, in the end, how does it affect us in relating to each other as the children of God?

     Here are some of what I think are very real concerns... Through Social Media the Anti-Christ spirit (which is any spirit that denies or does not confess Jesus in their life) attempts to divide and conquer us through our perceptions of who people are by the way they communicate online. It is very easy for the devil to manipulate people in his subtle and crafty ways to see people only as labels. 

     Take the issues of wearing masks or taking a vaccine. If you are a Christian, your spirit should be sensitive to these two tools to manipulate the masses and move them closer to a Mark of the Beast scenario. But if you're a humanist, or just the average Joe who gets his identity on Facebook or Twitter, then you can be manipulated in any number of ways. The Enemy whispers messages of Personal or Economic freedom and people post messages in support of those ideals. They will look something like this: Covid-19 is limiting our freedom (and so is the government), so by working together to get enough people vaccinated, we, as a society can preserve those freedoms. Or, it can sound something like this: People are out of work and financially hurting. We just all need to get vaccinated and we can go back to work. There are other reasons to get vaccinated: they will try to instill guilt; if you don't get vaccinated, you are endangering others. And they can take it one step further: those who refuse to agree with mandatory vaccinations of the population are putting the health of their community at risk. Then you become the enemy, responsible for the deaths of others. Get the picture?

     And whether you comment or disagree, it is very easy to get labeled as Selfish, Traitorous, Uncaring, or downright Evil -- all without ever actually meeting a person! That is not God's design for the human race! We are made in His image and He is all about relationship and wants us to love each other as He loves us. We are worth something to Him because His Son chose to die for us. In fact, that is one of His commandments ... Love one another as I have loved you. But, sadly, I see how Social Media is destroying that message.

     But don't count Satan out just yet! He still has some tricks up his sleeve. I ran across an article entitled 25 Reasons Why Twitter is Spiritual. Are you ready for some of them? Here goes: Twitter prompts us to focus on the present moment and in doing so we realize all we need is right here, right now. Twitter prods us to find the divine energy of joy in our daily lives and to share it with others. Twitter draws out our playfulness and celebrates, in a variety of ways, the holiness of savoring pleasure and the lightness of being. (Can you believe that one?) Twitter shows us why we need to cherish all parts of creation from ants to wolves to the Grand Canyon. Twitter elicits our wonder as we see the world moving toward us with a deluge of epiphanies. And here's my favorite: Twitter allows us to probe on a daily basis the significance of what we are feeling and thinking: it makes meaning makers of us all. In other words, it's all about us!

     I'm sorry, but using words like "divine energy of joy", "holiness and lightness" and "epiphanies" does not make this Social Media platform spiritual. Being spiritual is connecting to the Spirit of God; the Holy Spirit. It's having a personal relationship with all of whom God is... not concentrating on making ourselves the happiest we can be in our Godless lives. 

     In summary, I don't see Social Media going away anytime soon, and I only see it as further perverting God's intentions for His children. I celebrate the ways in which I can represent Him through this blog, but I know that Enemy is very aware that me, and others like me, who do not advance his agenda to separate us from each other and the Most High God. I will do my part to represent my Lord and King for as long as I can, and as long as you're willing to read what I'm inspired to write. Use me, Lord, for Your Good, and lead us not into the temptations of Social Media, but deliver us from its evil ways. Amen!

Galatians 1:10    For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.





August 15, 2020

"And Because Lawlessness Will Be Increased..."


     I'm going to go right to the heart of the matter ... it is time for all who are Warriors for Christ to get in the game. I dare to say that there is not a citizen of this nation that is not aware that we are on the precipice of a dangerous season in our history. And there has been a phrase that has been circulating among the secular citizenry as well as the faithful ... "As goes Texas, so goes the nation. And as the nation goes, so goes the world." I happen to subscribe to the truth of that statement -- both politically and spiritually.

     I know that Texas is a bastion of faith and prayer. I know that there is a spiritual movement across this wide and great state that is in relentless battle with the Enemy for the soul and spirit of this republic. And I see the first aggressive act on the part of the Enemy to gain ground for his infiltration. 

     Over the last couple of weeks, BLM and Antifa tried unsuccessfully to instigate the same kinds of rioting and destruction in Austin that they implemented in Portland and Seattle. They bussed people into our state capital, after one of their protestors approached a car in an intersection with a pointed rifle and was shot by the driver and killed. While still under investigation, initial reports are declaring the shooting justified. And I say "unsuccessfully instigating destruction", because the word went out across prayer networks to stand together in opposition to this kind of chaos. As Antifa plotted to take over the city by blocking the interstate and shutting down businesses, Spiritual Leaders came alongside the Austin Police Department and prayed with them for deliverance from mayhem, and the police were able to peacefully stop anything that resembled what we've all been seeing splashed across our TV screens for the last 70 days or so.

     Yet, did you see that success story of lawful intervention reported on any of the news networks or news outlets on the internet? No! The spirit of Anti-Christ does not want that message shared across the nation! It only wants to spread images of upheaval, anarchy, and lawlessness. Yet, the faithful in Texas have been praising God for this victory and trusting Him that He will help Texas to be a stronghold for Him in these lawless days.  

     So, I'm sad to say that the headline today in the state of Texas is this: Texas Governor Greg Abbott Slammed the Austin City Council for its Decision to Strip $150 Million From the Capital City's Police Department. Governor Abbott said in a written statement, "Austin's decision puts the brave men and women of the Austin Police Department and their families at greater risk, and paves the way for lawlessness"

     My spirit was instantly on alert! You see, I know the significance of lawlessness. The Bible makes it very clear, and Jesus had a lot to say about it. At its root, lawlessness [in the Bible] is rebellion against God, whether viewed as the condition of your life, or as specific acts that demonstrate a determined refusal to acknowledge God. And for those of you who are interested in eschatology and how the End Times are to play out, the Lord gives a pretty easy-to-follow road map to lawlessness in Matthew 24.

     When the Disciples want to know what the signs of His Coming and the end of the age will be, He tells them not to listen to all the men who come claiming to be Him; and not to get too caught up in the wars and rumors of wars-- those have to happen as kings and nations fight among themselves. He said famines and earthquakes are to be expected, but all of that will be like the false contractions that a mother feels as her child prepares to be born -- warning signs of an impending event; in the case of lawlessness, a period of tribulation that will be coming upon the earth.

     And when that tribulation starts we should expect to be persecuted and hated for our identity in Christ, even among our fellow Christians. Jesus doesn't state it, but there will be great fear among men on the earth. Even the faithful will stumble in their faith, and betray one another and hate one another. And among all people there will be many false prophets and leaders. And this false leadership will cause lawlessness to increase and the love of many will grow cold. The essence and nature of God is love, so that tells me that many will abandon any connection to Him in their mind, soul, or spirit. The fire of the heart connection to God will be extinguished and their heart will be cold and hostile to Him.

     Paul tells us in Romans 1:28-29 that "since they did not see fit to acknowledge God or consider Him worth knowing [as their Creator], God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do things which are improper and repulsive, until they were filled (permeated, saturated) with every kind of unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice and mean-spiritedness." This is the very picture of what we are seeing on the nightly news in Portland, Seattle, and now Chicago! We are seeing lawlessness exhibited as stores are looted and burned; Louis Vuitton purses are justified as "reparations". It's nothing more than unrighteousness and greed. Lawlessness is depicted in the innocent people who have been killed in the name of "peaceful protests". Let's call it what it is: murder and evil. Lawlessness is portrayed in the destruction of honest and law-abiding businesses in the wake of the chaos. That's a picture of malice and mean-spiritedness. 

     But we can take heart, even in the midst of the bad news! Jesus tells us all this will happen. Then He gives us Hope! "But the one who endures to the end will be saved". He's not talking about saved in the sense of a Salvation experience. He's talking about a future deliverance of Believers; a deliverance from the wrath of God that will be executed upon the ungodly at the close of this age, and from eternal death and doom. That's why Jesus's very next sentence is "And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come"... the end of this age of lawlessness. 

     So, although I am a realist, and I believe what the Bible says will happen (and because I see it before my own eyes), I am also full of hope that Jesus is hearing our prayers here in Texas. And along with the Holy Spirit, He is interceding for us [in prayer] according to the will of God. And I know it is not God's will for Texas to give in to lawlessness! Jesus and Holy Spirit not only stand beside us in our battle, but they stand in the gap for us when we feel weak, until we are again strengthened by their Might to take our place on the wall again. 

     And I pray for our Governor that he will be fortified by the Lord because I also believe that Texas will be a battleground between God's Heavenly Host and Satan's demonic hordes. If the survival of the nation and the world truly depend on Texas, we must be led by a man who relies on the Lord. And I am hoping that Governor Abbot's statement about lawlessness and that, "In the meantime, the Texas Department of Safety will stand in the gap to protect our city" portends a Biblical understanding of the importance of Texas's response in these wicked days. Please join us here in Texas as we fight for the Lord and for our nation. Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done, On Earth As It Is In Heaven!

Psalm 18:48-49   He rescues me from my enemies; He lifts me up high and keeps me out of reach, far from the grasp of my violent foe. This is why I thank God with high praises! I will sing my song to the Highest God, so all among the nations will hear me.


August 12, 2020

Satan's Same Old Playbook


     If you have followed me for any length of time, then you will know that I am not your conventional Christian. I'm not satisfied with blindly accepting the customary position of the Church when it comes to doctrine or ideology. I do not consider myself a conformist or traditionalist, IF it's for the sake of standing approved by men. I want to see beyond man's interpretation, which has been amended so many times that I often wonder if it represents God's perspective at all. 

     I want to understand God's heart and His truth in His inspired Word, both historically and spiritually. So, sometimes what I write about may appear far-reaching and radical; and maybe even heretical to some. But please know that when presenting it, I have spent an exceptional amount of time studying my Bible, praying, and asking for discernment. This may be one of those posts. But I hope you will read it with a heart open to new revelation and a mind eager to do your own searching. So, hear we go....

     Since I am a student of the entire Bible and not just the New Testament, I understand that Jesus is on every page of the Good Book; and that from Genesis to Revelation, we have been given God's plan for His creation, relationship, and redemption of mankind. And I will tell you that you can't just read the Bible once and see "the big picture". I have read it multiple times, and I think that's how God wants it, because if He tried to download every part of His plan to me in one sitting, my mind and spirit would be overloaded and explode. So each time I have read it, I receive a new principle of His magnificence and my "picture" expands a little more. 

     And in these multiple journeys through the Bible, I am able to see not only God's plans emerge, but how the Enemy has tried to counter God at every turn. I begin to see patterns in the devil's strategy. And the one thing I know for sure is that he is not on par with our Sovereign God when it comes to creativeness. He runs the same playbook over and over. And I'd like to compare what I'm seeing in the present with some of his earliest schemes.

     Sex and power have always been two of the devil's greatest seductive tools. From the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, we see his strategy of approaching Eve, offering her the idea that she and Adam could be "like God", knowing everything of both Good and Evil. And then in Genesis 6:1-4, we see Satan sending his Fallen Angels to have sex with earthly women, in the hopes of defeating God's plan to send the Messiah through a pure line of men. If Satan could corrupt the gene pool of mankind, then Jesus would never be born. But God brings the Flood and starts over with Noah, a man who was blameless in his evil generation and walked faithfully with Him. But once again, the devil is able to work his plan through the great-grandson of Noah. 

     The Bible refers to this descendant of Noah as Nimrod, which may not have been the actual name of this man. "Nimrod" means "The Rebel", and the name might have just epitomized someone who was rebellious against the Creator and the One True God. And sadly, we know that rebellion began soon after the Flood as civilizations emerged and expanded. This Nimrod soon established a kingdom of his own. And read what the ancient Jewish priest, scholar and historian Flavius Josephus wrote about him: "Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the [great] grandson of Ham, the son of Noah -- a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through His means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny -- seeing no other way of turning men from their fear of God, but to bring them into constant dependence upon his own power. He also said he would be avenged on God, if He should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! And that he would avenge on God for destroying their forefathers!" (Ant. 1:iv:2) 

     Simply put, this Nimrod character was committed to violent rebellion against God, and bringing tyranny against mankind. And he was able to influence the Kings of the Earth to stand with him, and convince the rulers to counsel together against YHWH and His Anointed One. This is plainly stated in Psalm 2 ... "Let us break apart their [divine] bands of restraint, and cast away their cords [of control] from us." 

     All we have to do is look around us to see that Satan has once again influenced mankind to partner with him in his evil work. We see a repetition of how he was able to seduce man in the Garden; today men give in to his seductive whisper that they don't need to obey God in order to have the desires of their heart. They use the knowledge of evil to try to overcome good and overthrow God's government here on earth. We see it in the machinations of the Illuminati and the New World Order as they manipulate protest groups like BLM and Antifa. These groups march to the orders of powerful men who think they can "become like God".

     We see a repetition of sex [as in Genesis 6] as a tool to manipulate and control mankind through the evil practice of sex trafficking. The State Department speculates that nearly 25 million people are enslaved in human trafficking worldwide [per the 2020 Trafficking In Persons Report]. We can no longer hide from the facts or turn a blind eye to this wickedness. It is being played out on the nightly news around the world, and there are many speculations as to the powerful men and women that are involved.

     Which brings me to the repetition of Satan's use of the spirit of Nimrod. That Anti-Christ spirit has convinced men that they can rebel against the rule of God; that they can displace Him, dethrone Him, and seize His power ... that they can control the world through their own power and they can become their own gods. For example, we see that in the efforts to destroy man, who is made in the image of God, and replace him with computer brains and bionic body parts, all while manipulating our divine DNA so we become a hybrid species (think Genesis 6:1-4 again). Nimrod was a "mighty hunter of men", and do not be deceived because his spirit is still at work in the world.

     So, can you see the same old playbook being played? Rebellion/Disobedience, Sex, and Power are all the tools that Satan needs to tempt vulnerable men and women. It's all laid out for us in the first 10 or 11 chapters of the Bible and then repeated over and over throughout the remaining 65 Books. But I didn't show you this to discourage you -- I am writing to reveal the first layer of the "big picture" that God has shown me. And I am writing to motivate you to stand with me and fight against those who would pervert our Almighty God's plan for us. Know that those of us who worship and serve Him with an awe-inspired fear and submissive wonder will be blessed; we will be fortunate, prosperous and favored by God as we take refuge in Him. The Bible tells us so in Psalm 2! We just need to open our spiritual eyes and see what is being revealed to those who fervently press into Him. Take heart! Facing the monster is a whole lot less scary than avoiding the truth in fear. Our God fights with us!

 Psalm 2:4, 9    "He who sits enthroned in the heavens, laughs at their rebellion; The Sovereign Lord scoffs at them, and in supreme contempt He mocks them ... You [the Lord] shall break them with a rod of iron; You shall shatter them in pieces like earthenware."


August 9, 2020

Don't Be Like King Asa!


     Before, I get to the points I want to make in today's blog, I want us to revisit a brief passage in 2 Chronicles 16 about Asa, the fifth king of the Kingdom of Judah. The Bible says that "in the 36th year of his reign, he developed a disease in his feet". It says that although "this disease was severe, yet even in his illness he did not seek the Lord, but [relied only] on the physicians". The demise of Asa is mentioned in a very short verse immediately following his diagnosis: "So Asa slept with his fathers [in death] the 41st year of his reign." What can we learn from this brief history?

     I am increasingly finding myself on the fringe of society; even among my fellow Christians. As we continue to swirl around in this "Covid stew of confusion", I am amazed at how easily led some people are to the spirit of fear. Charisma Magazine ran an article that really spoke to my heart, and I think shows us how some of us could identify with King Asa. The article was reflecting on the various comments on Facebook regarding how best to traverse the contradictory information we receive from the media on how to defeat the pervasive Coronavirus.

     One commenter said, "Show me the verse in Scripture that says God heals everything except Coronavirus". That got me to thinking about what Christians believe when it comes to how best to react during this pandemic. Depending on where you live, local authorities across the country have differing opinions as to what our behavior should be. Responses range from mandating we shut everything down, to more lenient policies of opening up businesses while maintaining common sense precautions. When is it okay to go without a mask? Is it really necessary to wear one while driving by oneself in a car? Even the Doctors and Scientists can't agree on the optimum solutions to Covid!

     Some advocate six more months of shutdown and quarantine, with schools closed and everyone locked away in their homes; while others say we must adopt a "herd immunity" mentality, whereby everyone eventually becomes exposed to the disease and the virus dies out, so to speak, as people get the virus and recover. But even that solution is not universally agreed upon. Do you attain herd immunity through vaccinations which have been rushed into existence, or do you achieve it through natural infection? You can see why there is so much stress and anxiety in the population. But we Christians are not supposed to resemble the general population.

     So, why do so many Believers turn to Science and Doctors for deliverance from this virus, rather than God? Perhaps the answer lies in Matthew 13:58, "And [Jesus] did not do many miracles there, because of their unbelief." As Christians, do we turn to the Doctor for a magic pill or procedure [or vaccination] to cure us before we turn to Jesus, who showed us that the power of God to heal is in us? How many, who call ourselves Believers, are afraid to walk among the general population without a mask? I'm not talking about being foolish and subjecting yourself to the company of someone obviously infected and suffering from Covid, or any other communicable disease, for that matter. I'm talking about being so paranoid that you avoid people all together or refuse to attend church or family outings because you can't "safely distance yourself"? What happened to our faith in believing our God is who He says He is? When did our unbelief begin to shake the very foundations of our faith? And when did the so-called "facts" from the so-called "experts" exceed our confidence in God's power?

     I choose to believe the Word when it says that I abide in Christ and He abides in me. To me, that means that I have a life-giving connection with Him; He lives in me, and I live in Him. So when I leave my home, I picture myself stepping inside the realm that is Christ, where Covid cannot touch me. And while I trust in the medical advice that Zinc, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C are powerful fighters against the virus, I also see God's Living Water continually flowing through my lungs, washing away anything that might try to attach itself. Plus, I anoint my lungs with holy oil so that the virus is unable to become lodged in my lungs. And, of course, I always keep my spiritual armor on, and my shield of faith in position, along with the Sword of the Spirit at constant readiness. 

     I know there are some, even among the Christian community, who would claim I am hopelessly naive, at the least, or insensitive and careless of others, at worst. But I identify more with the Canaanite woman who approached Jesus to get healing for her daughter, than I do King Asa. That woman was willing to accept the bread crumbs from the Master's table, believing that even the smallest portion of what the Lord offers is enough to receive a miracle for her daughter. And yet, do you know how much that offended Jesus's disciples? It's no different today! I know that my belief in Jesus has offended the unbelief in the Doubters. I know that my confident faith in Jesus is seen as foolish and potentially threatening to those who walk in fear. I know, because I have seen the looks of disgust as I remove my mask immediately after exiting the grocery store; or when I have to pull it down to take a breath of fresh air instead of feeling confined by a piece of cloth that has not been proven to stop the spread of the virus anyway.

     Personally, I have chosen to wage war against this virus in the Spirit, refusing to give in to Satan's spirit of fear, and instead, opting to walk in the promises of Jesus. Throughout the Book of Matthew, Jesus shows us time and again that He healed everyone who came in faith and believed that He could heal them. It was their unbelief that caused them to doubt if healing was possible, and ultimately kept them from seeking Him. 

     I choose to live like the Canaanite woman, employing a supernatural faith that miracles and wonders still exist today. No weapon formed against me can prosper and no plague shall befall me as I live in the secret place of the Most High God and abide under His Shadow! I will trust in His protection and His provision. That doesn't mean that I will ignore safety measures or put anyone else needlessly in harm's way. I will continue to do the smart things that ward off all infectious disease. But I will also not give in to another's fear or worry that comes from their faithless unbelief. Neither will I be deceived by faithless Science or faulty human wisdom. I serve a supernatural God from whom all blessings flow, and I live in His Kingdom system, not the world's. Unlike King Asa, I turn to the Lord first, instead of putting my faith in man. Anything less does not honor the One who has defeated Death.

Psalm 73:28  But as for me, it is good for me to draw near to God;
I have made the Lord God my refuge and placed my trust in Him,
That I may tell of all Your works.



August 6, 2020

Encouragement To "Wait On The Lord" In This Season

     Today, I am writing as much for myself as I am for you. Our nation is experiencing and living in unprecedented times. We are all struggling to understand what is happening. And I will tell you that I know what it feels like to have the spirit of fear come calling in the early morning hours. I know how difficult it can be to not become distracted by the voice of the Enemy as we watch our country disintegrate before our eyes. And I know that everything in this world is telling us our futures are in jeopardy. But if I could offer you one piece of advice today, it is this: Stop and focus on the One who is our Deliverer, our Shield, and our Stronghold. And this isn't just a nonchalant piece of advice. I'm going to tell you exactly why this should be our course of action.
     Twelve years ago, when God sent someone to prophesy to me that I was to write for Him, this same emissary from Heaven gave me a Scripture that I was told was to be my guiding principle in life. The verse was a familiar one, it was Isaiah 40:31, but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not grow faint.
     This verse has been a Godsend for me whenever I have felt weary and my faith was weak. I have relied upon it in times of lack and in times of plenty; in times of fear and in times of trust; in times of doubt and in times of certainty. I haven't weathered the unpredictability of the ups and downs of the economy during the last 25 years, or the riskiness of being married to a self-employed professional artist, without relying on the Word as my underpinning. Mark and I have been in a covenant with the Lord throughout our marriage. The Lord clearly promised me, "I will remain faithful to You; be faithful to Me". So, I have leaned on Isaiah 40:31 many times during my adult life -- even before I became a Christian and didn't even know this Scripture existed, I lived it.  He has renewed my strength more times than I can count. And I am relying on Him to continue to fortify me in the days to come.
     But I want to share with you something else about this chapter in Isaiah. I want you to read the entirety of Chapter 40 and I think you will discover that it magnifies your faith and establishes why we need to commit to "wait" for the Lord. The historical context of Isaiah Chapter 40 is that it is written to the Jews who have reached the end of their captivity in Babylon and are facing their return to Jerusalem. The prophet offers comfort for God's chosen people, telling them that their debt of sin is paid for, and they will receive a double portion of God's blessings -- twice as much as the number of their sins. He prophecies that one (John the Baptist) will be coming, crying out in the wilderness, making way for the Lord, whose glory and majesty and splendor will be revealed for all of humanity to see.
     We are told that the Word of God stands strong forever, even though we as people, who are as frail as grass and lovely as flowers, will wither and fade away. But God's Word endures. Then comes the strongest portion of the Chapter which reminds us of God's greatness. Isaiah reminds us that God is a victorious warrior and He triumphs with His awesome power. We must not lose sight of the truth that He is bringing His reward and the spoils of victory to those He calls His people. And in the midst of His Might, we are reminded of His gentle care of the weak and the young.
     But there is a section of this chapter that especially speaks to my spirit and I think we all need to commit to heart ... Isaiah speaks of God's Superiority. After all, who measured the waters of the sea in the hollow of His hand? Who used the width of His hand to mark off the heavens? Who knows the exact weight of all the dust of the earth? Who fully understands the Holy Spirit, or who could even think about counseling Him? Who is there who thinks they are wise enough to impart knowledge to Him, or teach Him the ways of Justice? He IS all knowledge and justice!
     And here is the sobering fact that Isaiah is speaking across the centuries directly to us -- The Lord regards the nations as nothing more than a drop in the bucket or dust on a scale. "The nations are nothing in His eyes; He regards them as absolutely nothing". That statement by the prophet is followed by a warning that the idols we have made are also nothing in comparison to God. Our 21st Century idols of national prosperity, power, personal wealth, property, and influence are just as damning as the idols of gold, silver, and wood that were crafted in the 4th Century B.C.
     The prophet then reminds the haughty that God is the Creator of everything! He sits higher than the rulers of the earth, and he will reduce the rulers and the elite to nothing when He blows on them and they wither away, carried off like straw in the stormy wind. Then the Holy One challenges us to find anything or anyone who is His equal. No one can be compared to the One who created every shining star and formed every glowing galaxy -- and placed them in their exact positions; counted them and numbered them, giving them all names!
     God then He summons those who belong to Him -- from Judah and Israel to all who are called by His Name -- and I want you to hear what He is saying to us: "Why would you ever complain about Me? Why would you say that I am not paying attention to your situation, or that I have lost all interest in what happens to you? Don't you know who I am? Have you not been listening to Me? I am the one and only everlasting God! I am the Creator of all you can see or imagine! I never get weary or tired; My knowledge is unlimited; and there is nothing that I can't figure out. I strengthen those who are weary and give power to the powerless. I know you're tired and exhausted from all that you're facing. But even the youth get tired and grow faint; and those in the prime of their life will stumble and fall."
     And then comes the verse that has given me my spiritual bearings, verse 31: those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Let me present this in another interpretation: "Those who wait for My grace (My power within you to do what you cannot do on your own) will experience My divine strength. You will rise up on soaring wings and fly like eagles. You will run your race without growing weary, and walk through life without giving up".
     I know [in my spirit] that I am going to need that grace and divine strength like I've never needed it before. The worries and concerns I've had in my past will pale compared to what the Enemy and his Anti-Christ spirit want to bring to this nation and the world. But none of those things will matter as He restores and renews and strengthens us. And I want the devil and his hordes to know that I am not done running my race! And I am not giving up on this life! I have much more written on my scroll in Heaven that I am to do for the Lord. I am declaring that I will be faithful to my Lord, and He will be faithful to me, just as He has promised. Furthermore, I am in Him, and He is in me. My body is my Lord's Temple. Nothing in the outside world has any worth to me. So if the world as I know it fades away, I will still find refuge within the sanctuary that is Him.
     So, I want to encourage you. I want you to know that I am no different than any of you. We will all have our moments of weakness. I think we are all aware that our lives and our nation will be facing some difficult times. But never doubt who the Lord is, or that He is not aware of what you're experiencing. Remind yourself of all that He has done for you in the past, and that He is the same God today. And when our Enemy sends those spirits of doubt or fear, recite Isaiah 40 out loud and remind them of who you belong to! Remind them that you've still got a race to run and win! And remind them that God's glory and power will be evident in your life as you never give up!

2 Corinthians 4:8-10     Though we experience every kind of pressure, we’re not crushed. At times we don’t know what to do, but quitting is not an option. We are persecuted by others, but God has not forsaken us. We may be knocked down, but not out. We continually share in the death of Jesus in our own bodies so that the resurrection life of Jesus will be revealed through our humanity.

August 3, 2020

Personal Thoughts On Our Christian History

I have always been a history buff; primarily a lover of American history. From the time I could read, I immersed myself in books about the settling of the American colonies; the mysterious disappearance of  the first English colony settled at Roanoke, and specifically, Virginia Dare, the first English child known to be born in America (who happened to share my birthday). I loved reading about the Pilgrims; how the various colonies came to be established; and the lead-up to the American Revolution. I've always been proud of my country and what it stood for; proud of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence and concluded with these profound words ... "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor". I've honored the brave men and women who participated in the events that define our history -- both the good and bad parts of it. I guess you could call me a Patriot. But don't stop reading, I am a seeker of Truth and I have much more to say...
     You see, I am also not blind to the flaws, failings, and faults of our nation, either. While I believe in the concept of America as "the great melting pot"; a beacon of freedom and tolerance for all peoples, I acknowledge that "tolerance" has not always been forthcoming or countenanced or condoned. Our treatment of early immigrants from Ireland, Italy, Palestine, and China, are examples of our national prejudice. In 1845, newspaper columnist, John O'Sullivan, coined the phrase "Manifest Destiny" to describe the cultural belief that American settlers were destined [some say by God] to expand across the North American continent, defeating and displacing the Native Americans and anyone else who got in our way. And then, in 1860 we fought a Civil War over the un-Godly right of one man to own another, and it cost the lives of 618,222 men. All that is part of our American history, too.
     I'm not naive enough to believe that our nation is perfect, or that some of our history hasn't been "photoshopped" or romanticized. Did George Washington really chop down that cherry tree and "could not tell a lie"? While I could be accused of being an idealist, I'm also a realist. I'm unwilling to gloss over our national mistakes and sins, but I also will not declare that this nation is inherently evil and vile. I believe that, culturally, we have been a Christian nation -- from the landing of the Pilgrims on our shores to our present day worship of Jesus Christ, in all its various forms and denominations, that has been the predominant faith of this nation. That does not mean that our Founding Fathers were all dedicated Christians or that their faith resembled modern-day evangelicalism.
     I am not a religious or historical scholar, so let me just state my understanding of how the Founding Fathers were influenced. I think one of the most instrumental developments that influenced the American colonies (and eventually our form of government) was the intellectual movement called "The Enlightenment". This movement emphasized reason, individualism, and skepticism. Enlightenment thinkers generally denounced supernatural occurrences as superstition or implausible. That does not mean that they were atheists. Therefore, Founding Fathers such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and political activist Thomas Paine were all believers in the principles and morals of Christianity, but considered themselves Deists. Deism is the belief that God exists, but does not involve Himself in our daily lives; preferring to let the universe proceed according to natural law. They insist that God is knowable through reason and nature, not divine revelation. That's why the language of the Declaration of Independence includes phrases like "the Laws of Nature and Nature's God", while referring to God, Himself, as "divine Providence". However, do not interpret this distinction as meaning that our Founding Fathers were not Believers. They all adhered to Christian principles and God as "Judge of the World".
     So, how does that understanding have any significance for us today? Anyone who is paying attention should be aware that the Anti-Christ spirit is the same as the Enemy in Matthew 13 who sowed (weeds)  among the field of wheat the Lord planted here in America. Throughout our short 244 years as a nation, this wicked spirit has influenced people to change the recording of our history. Psalm 33:12 tells us, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen as His heritage!" I believe we are such a nation!
     BUT, from the beginning, the Enemy has tried to destroy this nation and its allegiance to Jehovah God. And if he could not accomplish that, then he would try to distort and corrupt our history so that God would nullify His covenant with us. And he has a perfect instrument in the anti-God philosophical, social, political, and economical ideology called Communism. All you have to do is read come of the Communist goals that I referred to in a previous article, to see what he is executing and accomplishing .... Goal #27: Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch.... Goal #28: Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state".... Goal #30: Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man".... Goal #31: Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture" .... and finally, Goal #42: Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use "united force" to solve economic, political or social problems.
     Interestingly enough, the concept of the degeneracy of our youth, both socially and spiritually, was one of the reasons given by William Bradford (signatory to the Mayflower Compact, and Governor of the Plymouth colony) as to why the Puritans left the Netherlands after fleeing religious persecution by the Church of England. Here, in his own words, he writes of this concern: But that which was more lamentable, and of all sorowes most heavie to be borne, was that many of their children, by these occasions, and ye great licentiousnes of youth in yt countrie, and ye manifold temptations of the place, were drawne away by evill examples into extravagante & dangerous courses, getting ye raines off their neks, & departing from their parents. Some became souldiers, others tooke upon them farr viages by sea, and other some worse courses, tending to dissolutnes & the danger of their soules, to ye great greefe of their parents and dishonour of God. So that they saw their posteritie would be in danger to degenerate & be corrupted.
     We can certainly sympathize with him, can't we? Just in my lifetime, this nation has suffered the rebellion of its youth in the streets. I remember being in high school and watching the riots in the streets of Chicago during the Viet Nam War, and the violence of groups like the Weather Underground and the Black Panthers. Leaders of those groups infiltrated our universities and changed the way our history was taught and how our youth envision the legacy of this nation. Birth control made licentiousness acceptable, and abortion expunged its consequences. What God thought of this defiance of His moral laws became irrelevant. Respect for law and order, or authority became despised, and one injustice gave permission to commit another. We are seeing that in our streets today. I sympathize with William Bradford's assessment that the souls of our youth are in danger, as well as their posterity.
     Our flag is dishonored and disrepected; it burns along with Bibles in the streets of Portland. But why should that surprise us? We have allowed God to be removed from our classrooms, our public square, and our history. He is our Banner (Jehovah Nissi), our flag that goes before us into battle. But some in our culture don't want to go to war alongside Him. Yet, I declare this day that He still wants to be the God of America. As Psalm 33 states, "The Lord looks down from heaven; He sees all the children of man; from where He sits enthroned He looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth, He who fashions the hearts of them all and observes all their deeds".
     He sees the hearts of millions of Believers who stand on the walls of their communities and cities to pray against the Enemy who comes to burn and destroy. He sees us as we pray, repenting and asking for forgiveness for all the ways this nation has sinned against Him. He sees us joining together, battling in the spirit against the Anti-Christ spirit that has joined forces with agitators and rebellious youth. You see, we know the eye of the Lord is on those of us who truly fear Him; whose hope is in Him; and who trust in Him to deliver us from those in alignment with the Evil One. We will not be moved! We will occupy until He returns! And we will continue to walk in the glorious promise of this nation!
     I'd like to leave you with the final words of William Bradford and his hope for this New Land. It is the same as it was when he wrote this in 1620: "Lastly, and which is not least, [we have] a great hope & inward zeall of laying some good foundation, or at least to make some way therunto, for ye propagating & advancing ye gospell of ye kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of ye world; yea, though they should be but even as stepping-stones unto others for ye performing of so great a work." God, please don't abandon us! Behold Your children who have re-discovered a great hope and zeal for the Gospel of the Kingdom! Use this nation as a stepping stone for the spread of this Gospel around the world! Transform us into a nation You are proud to call Your own! We are willing, Father! We humble ourselves and seek Your face. Heal our land!

Psalm 33:20-22    Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in Him, because we trust in His Holy Name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in You.



July 31, 2020

Are We At An Isaiah 3 Moment In Time?

     Before we can have a conversation on the prophecy of Isaiah 3, we must take a look at it. In it's historical context this chapter of Isaiah describes how the corrupt leadership in Judah brought about the collapse of the social conditions of the nation and Jerusalem. It contains Isaiah's prophecies that "For the sin of the people, God will take away the wise men, and give them foolish princes". But it is also an excellent profile of a society under judgment. Since our God is Immutable [He never changes], we can expect that His standards of Righteousness and Justice are constant, steadfast, firm and unwavering, right? So, let's read Isaiah's prophecy and see what we can discern ...

For behold, the Lord God of hosts is taking away from Jerusalem and from Judah support and supply, all support of bread, and all support of water;
the mighty man and the soldier, the judge and the prophet, the diviner and the elder,
the captain of fifty and the man of rank, the counselor and the skillful magician and the expert in charms.
And I will make boys their princes, and infants shall rule over them.
And the people will oppress one another, every one his fellow and every one his neighbor; the youth will be insolent to the elder, and the despised to the honorable.

For a man will take hold of his brother in the house of his father, saying: “You have a cloak; you shall be our leader, and this heap of ruins shall be under your rule”;
in that day he will speak out, saying: “I will not be a healer; in my house there is neither bread nor cloak; you shall not make me leader of the people.”
For Jerusalem has stumbled, and Judah has fallen, because their speech and their deeds are against the Lord, defying his glorious presence.

For the look on their faces bears witness against them; they proclaim their sin like Sodom; they do not hide it. Woe to them! For they have brought evil on themselves.
10 Tell the righteous that it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their deeds.
11 Woe to the wicked! It shall be ill with him, for what his hands have dealt out shall be done to him.
12 My people—infants are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, your guides mislead you and they have swallowed up the course of your paths.

13 The Lord has taken his place to contend; he stands to judge peoples.
14 The Lord will enter into judgment with the elders and princes of his people: “It is you who have devoured the vineyard, the spoil of the poor is in your houses.
15 What do you mean by crushing my people, by grinding the face of the poor?” declares the Lord God of hosts.

16 The Lord said: Because the daughters of Zion are haughty and walk with outstretched necks, glancing wantonly with their eyes, mincing along as they go, tinkling with their feet,
17 therefore the Lord will strike with a scab the heads of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will lay bare their secret parts.

18 In that day the Lord will take away the finery of the anklets, the headbands, and the crescents; 19 the pendants, the bracelets, and the scarves; 20 the headdresses, the armlets, the sashes, the perfume boxes, and the amulets; 21 the signet rings and nose rings; 22 the festal robes, the mantles, the cloaks, and the handbags; 23 the mirrors, the linen garments, the turbans, and the veils.

24  Instead of perfume there will be rottenness; and instead of a belt, a rope; and instead of well-set hair, baldness; and instead of a rich robe, a skirt of sackcloth; and branding instead of beauty.
25 Your men shall fall by the sword and your mighty men in battle.
26 And her gates shall lament and mourn;  empty, she shall sit on the ground.

     Can you recognize the judgment that has come upon the nation of Judah and her capital city, Jerusalem, for the mistreatment of its citizens? Isaiah warns that there will be a shortage of food, water, and competent government leaders, as well as military commanders, judges, church leaders, advisors, and even those involved in the art of deception. They will be deprived of godly, capable leaders in all these areas. In their place will rise up immature, child-like leaders to rule over them.

     To make matters worse, oppression and conflict arise between the people; the youth disrespect their elders, and men of good reputation are treated with contempt and disdain. Does any of this sound familiar? Not only are we seeing shortages in our food supply, but we suffer from a vast poverty of righteous men to lead this nation. That includes those who practice the art of deception, as in the Media. Not to mention the incredible insolence and rebellion of the younger generation on the streets of our nation, and the deplorable treatment of the Attorney General of this nation by members of Congress.

     Isaiah's pronouncement of God's judgment is against a sinful and rebellious Judah. And remember, that God never changes. Because of our rebellion against YHWH's righteousness [through our practices of abortion, sex trafficking, pornography industry, and general immorality and debauchery], might we not expect God to bring judgment upon our nation by imposing ungodly, incompetent leaders, resulting in a breakdown of order in our society? We are certainly seeing it in cities like Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis! Oppression among the people is evident everywhere!

     As verse 6 shows us, the people become so desperate for a return to normalcy, that they will accept even the smallest image of competency as qualifications of a leader. But things have deteriorated so badly, that no man wants the job. The words and deeds of people declare their rebellion against God, and sin is openly displayed; there is no shame or recognition of their offense against YHWH. But we cannot blame God for the mess we're in; we've brought it upon ourselves. God just left this nation to the desires of its heart.

     We are a nation that revels in its prosperity. But the leaders have become rich on the impoverishment of its citizens. The middle class is disappearing and the rich get richer. The Lord asks, "What do you mean by crushing my people and grinding the face of the poor?" A nation such as this will find themselves subject to the judgment of the Lord God. And I find it interesting that the prophet Isaiah spends a good portion of his prophecy warning against the gluttony and haughtiness of the women of Judah. I can certainly attest to the change in attitude and of women in my lifetime. I lived through the "Women's Liberation" era that fostered the intellectual concepts that women were equal to men; that they had a right to do with their bodies as they wished; to seek after power and influence; and that in the end, they didn't really need men to be whole or successful or fulfilled as women. Somewhere I have read that when the women of a culture become degenerate and ungodly, then the hope for the next generation is gone. But when the women of a culture turn to the Lord and His ways, then there is hope for the future.

     Please, do not misunderstand me -- I do not subscribe to women being mindless subjects of men. But our God has designed us all, both men and women alike, with a purpose for His Kingdom, and we are the most fruitful for the Kingdom when we honor and respect each other, seeking to raise Godly children together, and to glorify the Lord in humility and service. Outward appearances; lust for power and luxury; and rebellion instead of obedience, never result in a thriving culture.

     So, while I hope and pray that God will grant us mercy, I recognize that, by His Holy standards, this nation deserves any judgment He might decide to inflict upon us. I hope that a great revival might sweep this land, but I'm afraid I'm not as clear on that probability as many of today's modern prophets. I certainly do not see that prophecy in the Bible. There are plenty of prophecies of revival and reformation from the Old Testament prophets, but my discernment reveals them as pertaining to Israel and/or Jerusalem. That being said, I DO take great comfort and hope in Isaiah 3:10, Tell the righteous that it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their deeds.

     We know, that as the truly righteous, we do not share the same fate as the wicked and rebellious. I believe God's promises to protect and bless those who obey His commandments. If we truly "Seek the Kingdom first [make it our priority] and righteousness, all our needs will be met". That includes safety in times of peril; nourishment in times of impoverishment; health in times of illness; and faith in times of doubt and unbelief. We will receive the rewards of our work on behalf of the Kingdom; if not in the present, then certainly in eternity.

     In summation, we must not ignore the righteous standards God has established since the beginning of time. And we must understand that He is a Righteous and Just God, and judgment is coming on those nations that do not turn away from rebellion against Him and His holy principles. I know that Isaiah 3 is aimed at Judah and Jerusalem, but we are foolish if we are unable to look in the mirror and see the unsettling likeness.  God will not cut us any slack! Lord God, deliver us from our rebellious nature and flagrantly and obstinately refusing to change our course of action. Have mercy on us!

Matthew 5:44-45    But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,