A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

March 5, 2017

Matthew 5:3-12

And He opened His mouth, and taught them, saying, Blessed are...

      This begins what the Bible calls "The Beatitudes", which means condition or statement of blessedness.  As Jesus teaches the multitudes on an undisclosed mount, He reveals the ethics or value system of the Kingdom of God, about which He was sent to preach the Good News (Luke 4:43).  In the prior chapter of Matthew, Jesus called for "repentance, because the Kingdom of God was at hand". In Matthew 5, Jesus explains how repentant people should live their lives under God's rule.  The world has yet to recognize the Kingdom, but by following the moral codes and standard of behavior laid out in the Beatitudes, the followers of Christ will be prepared for the Day that God will judge the world and reign on earth.  
     These Kingdom ethics will not be easily embraced by the selfish and arrogant of the world, but will be words of comfort and solace to the brokenhearted. The words were radical for those who first heard them, and are still revolutionary to the modern mind and intellect. But those who humble themselves and embrace these principles will be blessed in this age and the age to come.  Here is what Jesus wants us to understand....
     Blessed are the poor in spirit; for their's is the kingdom of heaven.  Without Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I am spiritually bankrupt and without moral virtue.  I am like a beggar who must rely on God's Power in my spirit and in my life.  Only those who recognize their poverty in spirit will be rewarded with the kingdom of heaven.
     Blessed are they that mourn; for they will be comforted.  I express my deep grief before God for my fallen state; I recognize my depraved state and that I am worthy of His judgment and Death.  But because of my humble assessment, I have found a path to God, and I will be comforted by His grace and mercy.
     Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth.  I proclaim my willingness to be obedient, and to submit and work under the authority and power of Jesus.  My reward and inheritance will be to rule and reign with Him on the earth.
     Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.  It will be my lifelong mission to hunger after a life that reflects Jesus.  With this thirst for more of Him I will develop the character traits of mercy and a pure heart, which will result in greater intimacy with the Lord.
     Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy.  I will extend the same mercy to others, that my God has given me, whether they deserve it or not.  For, I certainly did not deserve it, yet God stretched out His hand to me.  I trust that the Lord will honor my acts of concern for others.
     Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.  The heart is where the Holy Spirit takes up residence, and I will endeavor to live a life that maintains a heart that is genuine, sincere, and uncontaminated by the world.  And with a pure heart, I know that I will enjoy greater intimacy with God, which is the ultimate goal in my relationship with Him.
     Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children [the sons and daughters] of God.  I pray that I can become a person of great passion for reconciliation between all people. I want to reflect the peace and harmony of heaven on earth, and to be a person of action to bring it about.
     Blessed are they who are persecuted for righteousness' sake; for their's is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for My sake.  Rejoice, and be exceeding glad; for great is your reward in heaven; for they persecuted the prophets in the same manner; those prophets who came before you.  Persecution is how the world will receive those of us who follow Christ, because our values and character traits are opposite of the world's thinking and the principles they embrace.  But, by sharing in and enduring the persecution that our Lord and the prophets experienced, we will be declaring to the world and our spiritual Enemy whose side we are on. When the End of this Age comes, and the world is judged, we will receive our reward and inheritance as the sons and daughters, and co-heirs, with Christ. 
     In summary, the Beatitudes convey the blessings of belonging to the Kingdom of God and the spiritual implications of Jesus's rule in our lives.  These should be the spiritual attitudes, goals, and character traits of all Christians. I must admit that I have been surprised to find that a great number of Church-going Christians cannot explain the meaning or ramifications of these blessings that are a central component of Jesus's Gospel of the Kingdom. That is a sad appraisal of the state of the Church.  Let us determine that from this day forward we will embody these principles so that all the world will know what it means to be a Christian, and the extent of His rule in our lives.   

March 3, 2017

Is There A Change In The [Spiritual] Air?

     I had just finished writing Wednesday's post, and having no clear word from the Holy Spirit on what I could write on behalf of the Lord, I began perusing some of the Christian websites to see if I received any kind of prompting.  I will admit that there are days that I find it difficult to write.  I never want to write for myself, but there are some times when I have a hard time hearing from God, and I struggle with making sure that what I write glorifies Him.  After all, I know that is why I have been given some degree of writing talent; it's not about me!
     Then after discerning that we Christians need to offer up intercessory prayer on behalf of our nation, I find two seemingly small stories, but both having the potential to have a huge impact on how God might view our nation.  The first may seem as if it serves a political interest, but there is a much deeper implication. At a rally in Melbourne, Florida, First Lady Melania Trump was on stage to introduce her husband, the President.  But before fulfilling that duty, she simply stated, "Let us pray", and then recited the Lord's Prayer. No fanfare; no long, winding speech paying homage to a picture of a "universal god" acceptable to all religions ... this was a humble and reverent prayer to the Christian God, Jehovah.
     At first, this may seem as if I am blowing the importance of her prayer out of proportion.  But if you regard the recent efforts of the Ecumenical Movement to bring all religions and ideologies under one umbrella, then what the First Lady did made a very powerful statement.  You may not know this, but at the first Ecumenical Assembly held in Amsterdam in 1948, the motto 'ONE WORLD -- ONE CHURCH' was adopted. Since then, we have seen a disintegration of the supremacy of Jesus Christ and Christianity in our national dialogue. Recent Inaugural prayers have invoked the "name of the Almighty", instead of "in the Name of Jesus Christ", and "under God" was often left out of the Pledge of Allegiance.
     By praying the way in which Jesus instructed us, Melania Trump established very clearly that she was praying to the One True God, and that she is a Christian.  Of course, there were the same old detractors, calling for separation of Church and State, but where in the Constitution does it say that our elected officials cannot be Christian? And then there were the pathetic people on social media who bashed her for her accent and "butchering" of the Lord's Prayer. Do you think that any of these people are the same ones who are screaming loudly for the acceptance of immigrants into our country? The hypocrisy is not only revolting, but deceitful.
     And I would like to say that I actually prefer this prayer over the intercessory prayer that I wrote in yesterday's blog.  It says all there is to say ... It declares that His Name is Holy; separate and set apart from other "little g" gods. It asks for God's Will to be done here on earth, just as it is fulfilled in Heaven. It speaks of repentance and forgiveness; and asks that we be delivered from temptation and evil. And it finishes with the declaration that this earth belongs to Him -- It is HIS Kingdom, and all Power and Glory belong to HIM, and Him alone.  No, what Melania Trump did on that stage may not have meant much to the millions who criticized her, but I can guarantee you that she struck a mighty blow for YHWH in the spiritual realm!
     Now, the second piece of news that I discern of great significance was barely covered by the news outlets. It came and went, with little interest by the designers of social commentary.  It was the death of Norma McCorvey, better known as Jane Doe in the Roe v. Wade case that legalized abortion in this country.  The importance of her life was not that she became the symbol of Pro-Choice advocates, or that she represented modern feminism, or even that she was a picture of protecting women from the consequences of rape.  The truth is that she was never raped, nor did she have an abortion.  The truth is that she was at times both a sympathetic character and a foil for those who could use her troubled past for their purposes -- to push abortion as a matter of urgent importance to American women.
     And she was an easy target for the devil.  According to one article written about her, "Her grandmother was a prostitute and fortuneteller. Her father was a television repairman, her mother an alcoholic. Part Cajun, part Cherokee Indian, and raised as a Jehovah’s Witness, Norma Leah Nelson was 10 when she took money from the gas station where she worked to run away from home. After that, her education came from reform schools until the ninth grade. By the time she was 15, she had been sexually assaulted by a nun and a male relative of her mother’s. At 16, she married an itinerant steel worker, Woody McCorvey, who, she says, beat her. She left him and returned to her mother’s house in Dallas with plans to raise her unborn child alone".  There is so much legal authority for the devil to use her as his pawn that she made a perfect scapegoat for his diabolical scheme.
     There followed another out-of-wedlock pregnancy, a foray into lesbianism, and finally, the third pregnancy, which resulted in an abominable alliance with Lawyer, Sarah Weddington, who had had an abortion, herself, but who needed a down-and-out "victim" to push her case all the way to the Supreme Court.  In fact, McCorvey's only real contribution to the case was signing the initial affidavit without even reading it, and she “was never invited into court. I never testified. I was never present before any court on any level, and I was never at any hearing on my case . . . I found out about the decision from the newspaper just like the rest of the country".  Furthermore, McCorvey alleged that she didn't really understand what was involved in an abortion; she did not understand that it resulted in the end of a life. She claimed that her lawyer, Weddington, told her "it's just tissue". But Norma McCorvey suited the purposes of Weddington and the devil, and the rest is history.  Through her initial compliance, over 59 million babies have been aborted in this country since 1973 ... and still counting.
     If there is any victory in the life of Norma McCorvey, it is that she reportedly had a sincere spiritual conversion in 1995, repented for her compliance in Roe v. Wade, and became a fierce opponent of the abortion movement.  Although, her pro-life stance and attempts to have the case reopened and overturned never resulted in undoing the sacrifice of millions of unborn babies, at the end of her life, she stated that "no woman had the right to act as her own God", determining whether a baby lived or died.
     So I am left wondering if these two events involving these two women will have any real impact upon the spiritual battle that wages over the United States. Will the death of Norma McCorvey, a tragic figure manipulated by the spirit of Molech and his willing human accomplices, signal a shift in the spiritual winds?  With her premature death at the age of 69, might we hope for the death of the abortion rights that carry her name?  And does the invoking of the Biblically-endorsed Standard for Christian prayer by the First Lady of this nation, indicate a rebirth of Christian power and authority? Can we look upon this simple gesture as the willingness of those put in positions of Leadership at the behest of God, to honor and follow Him in the administration of this nation? History will tell. Until then, let us never lose sight that there is a battle on earth for men's souls and spirits.  The battle is the Lord's and He has already defeated Death. Let us stand firm, looking forward to the Day He returns to defeat evil once for all.

Proverbs 10:28     The hope of the righteous brings joy, but the expectation of the wicked will perish.


March 1, 2017

A Prayer For Our Nation

     It goes without saying that our nation faces critical times. There is blatant strife and conflict in all the arenas of our life: social, political, racial, cultural, and religious. People are divided like I have never seen them in my lifetime... and I can remember the Vietnam War, the political assassinations, and the racial riots. But now, if you wear the wrong T-shirt into a crowd, you are inviting violence. No one trusts the media; and we find it difficult to trust each other. And if all this discord and dissension weren't enough, now we hear that witches, satanists, and occultists are joining forces for a planned ritual in which they intend to destroy the President of this nation. I kid you not!
     They plan on invoking "demons of the infernal realms" in order to bind President Trump and all who encourage, promote, or assist him. I want to be very clear, this is not a blog about Donald Trump.  This is a post about the very real spiritual war that is being waged on our country, regardless of who you voted for. It is about the false gods that this nation serves. And it's about how far off the rails we have come; about all the various religions that we follow that do not worship the One True God. And it's about the chaos that has ensued because of these ungodly and sinful influences.
     To bring it all into perspective, I want to share a new insight I received yesterday as I pursued a new study I am doing on The Lord's Feasts.  Next month will begin the holy Passover week, which the Lord instituted so that the tribes of Israel might commemorate Him bringing them out of 430 years of enslavement to the Egyptian false god system.  Throughout their ancient history, the Egyptians worshipped as many as 2,000 different gods at different times and in different places.  But in the story of Israel's Exodus from Egypt, we encounter the ten plagues that God brought against the idolatrous Egyptians.  The number ten is significant in the Bible, signifying "a fullness of quantity".  Therefore, God is telling us that the ten plagues means Egypt was completely plagued with sin and idolatry.  Furthermore, each of the ten plagues God brought against them was a spiritual battle against a specific god.
     In particular, here are the gods or goddesses of Egypt that correspond to the type of plague God pronounced in this spiritual battle for the Israelites: the plague of the Nile turning to blood (Hapi - Egyptian god of the Nile); frogs coming from the Nile (Heket - Egyptian goddess of fertility, water, and renewal); lice from the dust of the earth (Geb - Egyptian god of the earth); swarms of flies (Khebri - Egyptian god of creation, movement of the sun, rebirth); death of cattle and livestock (Hathor - Egyptian goddess of love and protection); ashes turned to boils and sores (Isis - Egyptian goddess of medicine and peace); hail rained down in the form of fire (Nut - Egyptian goddess of the sky); locusts sent from the sky (Seth - Egyptian god of storms and disorder); three days of complete darkness (Ra - the sun god); death of the firstborn (Pharaoh - the ultimate power of Egypt, and a symbol of an anti-Christ spirit.
     As you will notice, each of the plagues increases in severity along with the increased power of the corresponding gods.  The Lord names His demand in these series of spiritual battles: "Let my people go, that they might serve ME!" But the spiritual forces of evil do not relent, and God pronounces that He will execute judgment against ALL THE GODS OF EGYPT.
Ra, the Sun god
     Here's what we need to understand... this is not some metaphorical fairy tale of the mythological gods of ancient Egypt.  These gods were real and they practiced their power and influence among all the people living in Egypt -- even the Israelites.  The people of Israel had been crying out to the Lord for centuries for release from their bondage, but even in their misery, their relationship with the Lord had suffered. There is now a battle between God and these other gods over the very people God has called His Own. And you know what?  The same could be said of the chaos, division, and corruptive ways we are now seeing in our nation.
     So, we have to ask ourselves: is the same thing happening in America today? Are other gods battling with the One True God for the heart and soul of our nation? We have always prided ourselves on being a melting pot; a nation where all faiths are welcome and no practice of religion is forbidden. And I know that I will receive condemnation for being exclusive, but how does our God feel about that, and are we due His judgment for participating in worship of Allah, Buddha, Shiva, the Angel Moroni, the Pope, or any other spirit behind men that proclaims they are "from God"? And what are we to do about it?
      Now, I know that this nation is our temporary home. But it is also territory that we, as Christians, are to claim for the Kingdom of God.  So it is in our interest, and the interest of God, to get in this spiritual battle, which is no different than the one waged in ancient Egypt. And one way that we can do that together is intercessory prayer; it worked for the prophets Ezekiel and Samuel; and worthy role models, they are.
     First, let's understand what intercessory prayer is.  It should go without saying that intercessory prayer is the action of intervening on behalf of another by praying for them. We petition God for mercy on their behalf. And I believe that God honors intercessory prayer because it shows a heart that seeks God's good and perfect will for another; a heart that pleads for the sake of another.
     And a benefit of intercessory prayer is that it brings us into communion with Christ, who is the Son of El Elyon, the Most High God, and who is Intercessor for all men. As Charles Spurgeon so eloquently put it, "When we pray for our fellow sinners we are in sympathy with our Divine Savior, who made intercession for the transgressors." We also walk in the shoes of Samuel and Ezekiel, Israel's devoted Prophets who prayed for the wayward nation of Israel. And if any nation can be described as wayward -- perverse, disobedient, rebellious, defiant, erratic -- it is the United States of America. I believe the division, discord, and defiance we are seeing in our nation is a result of the influence of other gods. And should someone want to put forth the argument that allowing everyone to worship the god of their choice brings about an all-embracing, all-inclusive and universal understanding of our differences and can actually promote unity in our acceptance of each other, let me ask you this ... how is it working for us?  I see more animosity, prejudice, and hostility than ever before; and combined with pornography, sex-trafficking, illegal drugs, and pedophilia, we are seeing the strategic battle plans of other gods who wish to defeat God's Ultimate Plan for reconciliation with the world.
     So, I would like to propose an intercessory prayer on behalf of our nation; a prayer in which we can join together to plead before our Father in Heaven.  It is not the perfect prayer, but a starting place for each of us to petition God for His mercy upon this land:

     Father God, we boldly and confidently come before your Throne today, to plead our spiritual condition as a nation.  Father, we know that the Blood of Christ is always before your Throne, interceding on our behalf, but we want to take responsibility for the state of this nation, and to repent for not turning away from the world and following Jesus with our whole heart.
      Father, we are guilty of bowing down at the altar of Molech, legislating the shedding of the innocent blood of millions of babies.  We have profaned your Church by allowing the sinful practices of the world to infiltrate your sanctuary, and the conspiracies of false prophets to blaspheme your holy laws.  We have allowed the Leaders of this land to practice extortion and commit robbery. They have oppressed the poor and needy through political systems, and have taken advantage of those seeking refuge, without maintaining the protection of the righteous -- all without godly justice.
     We see the increase of sexual perversion in our land, and the cost it is enacting upon our families, our children, our marriages, and the truly vulnerable. We admit that we have not always treated our bodies as a holy Temple for Your Spirit, and that grieves us. 
     Father, we recognize that Your Judgment is due upon this land; that we have made no distinction between what is Holy and what is common or evil in Your eyes.  We acknowledge that we have made the worship of other gods equal to the worship of You and Your Son.  Father, we repent of these sins and plead the blood of Jesus upon all our transgressions.
     So, now we come before Your Throne, asking for forgiveness and that you release Your Power and Fire to burn up the works of darkness in this nation.  And because we have been given Power and Authority by Jesus to carry on His work of destroying the works of the devil, we release that fire of God [within us] to burn up the idols of this land.  Let the works of witchcraft and occultism be burned in Your fire.  
     We release the Sword of the Lord against the powers of hell, in the Name of Jesus. Let every altar erected by the Enemy, and the idols and images of the land be broken by Your Power, Oh Lord.  And, in the Name of Jesus, we bind the principalities and powers in the regions where we live, and we ask that you pour Your contempt upon these demon princes.  Break their strength, and bring down the proud and the arrogant, cleansing this land of all unholiness and unrighteousness.
    And Father, we ask that You release Your flood waters of Holy justice to rain down on this land, returning us to a righteous and godly people.  LORD, we know that the day will come when You will come in a flood of Godly Power, and all the floodwaters of sin and ungodliness will give way to fresh floods of Your Glory. Father, we pray that that Day will come soon; a Day when we will see Your Kingdom fully established on this earth, and the Prince of Darkness and his demons judged and defeated.  We thank You for the Grace and Mercy You have extended to us, and humbly ask that You bless this land, causing Your face to shine upon us, and that Your Way may be known upon this land and upon the entire earth. We pray for Your Salvation among this nation unto the ends of the earth. May You yield favor and increase upon us as we pray that Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Amen.

1 Samuel 12:20, 22     "Do not be afraid; you have done all this evil. Yet do not turn aside from following the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart ... For the Lord will not forsake His people, for His great name's sake, because it has pleased the Lord to make you a people for Himself".


February 27, 2017

We Aren't Fooling The Devil!

     Today's post goes hand-in-hand with my thoughts and opinion on Sunday's Scripture, Mark 7:13.  When we follow the traditions of men, instead of the Authority of the Word, then we are, as the Apostle Paul expressed in 2 Timothy 3:5, having a form of godliness, but denying the power of the faith [we] claim to embrace.
     He is writing from prison to encourage Timothy that he will soon face growing opposition, yet great opportunities to witness of the Power of God in a person's life.  The same holds true for us today, even as Paul's forecast of what mankind will become reflects our current society: lovers of self [narcissistic, self-focused], lovers of money [impelled by greed], boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane, [and they will be] unloving [devoid of natural human affection, calloused and inhumane], irreconcilable, malicious gossips, devoid of self-control [intemperate, immoral], brutal, haters of good, traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of [sensual] pleasure rather than lovers of God.
     Yet what is the response of Christians?  Are we coming together as one Body to counter these influences of the Enemy in the world? Do we put the stability and advancement of the Kingdom of God [on earth] before our own security and peace of mind?  Or do we sit silently in our church buildings, cleaving to the belief that we are saved, are sealed with the Holy Spirit, and just have to keep waiting expectantly for Jesus to appear in the sky and whisk us to heaven?
     That train of thought has been prevalent among Christians who reject any thought of preparing for "a worst-case scenario".  When the Prepper movement gained momentum a few years back, there were those among the faithful who denied the need to make any kind of provision in case of catastrophic emergencies, whether it be political, social, or natural disaster.  Their theology convinced them to think like this: "I trust God to take care of me; If this is the end, I will be raptured out of here, and all that prepping will be for nought".  But here's the thing ... the Bible doesn't promise that. In fact, it presents a picture of the world sinking into pandemonium before Christ's return.
     Furthermore, the Bible states explicitly that it will be the Body of Christ; the Believers; the Church who will suffer the most. It will be necessary for us to cry out to the Lord to endure the coming troubles and times of persecution.  And I don't think we Christians in the West have any idea of how that will look. You see, I'm not sure we adequately understand that we are, first and foremost, a spiritual creation in the form of a flesh-and-bone body. We are too comfortable in the body and we wrap our materialism around us like a protective shield, while not doing enough to fortify our spirit. We are ignorant that our power lies in our spirit, and not in what we have in this world.
     And that pertains to the practice of our faith, too.  As Christians, we tend to practice our faith in formulas or methods that give an appearance [which can be either sincere or insincere] of trying to please God.  But this is just an outward expression of faith, often resulting in little fruit for the Kingdom.  The true power of our faith lies in the communion of our spirit with the Holy Spirit, as evidenced at Pentecost, of which Jesus told the Apostles, You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. That is the same power that indwells you and me when we accept Christ into our hearts as our Savior. And without the Holy Spirit and the power He brings, we experience spiritual death, and the works of the body are dead, too.
     So, what does it mean to have "a form of godliness"?  I would submit that it is attention to the details God has asked us to do in acting out our faith; the ordinances He has commanded us to do.  Scripturally, that is Baptism and the Lord's Supper. But does every person who gets baptized or partakes of the Lord's Supper godly? Are they God-fearing? Do they exhibit a spirit of the power of God that produces fruit for the Kingdom?
     Another form of godliness is answering the Lord's call to associate in worship.  We have church buildings full of people who congregate together in the name of Jesus.  But is the power of the Holy Spirit felt in those buildings?  Or are they just "the form" without "the power"?  You can have two or three gathered together in His Name, or you can have thousands, but if the house of God is only full of outward religious talk and empty activities; devoid of "heart faith", then the Holy Spirit and His power have left the building.
     I fear we have become too casual about accepting the appearance of godliness.  It is easy to put on that form of which Paul speaks: we tell ourselves we come from generations of Church-goers; it's almost a hereditary right to call ourselves godly. Or we find ourselves with prestigious titles of Pastor, Deacon, Elder, Sunday School Teacher; all forms of influence which can take on the appearance of godliness.  And how many people who have "walked the aisle" or answered an altar call, did so because others did, or it was expected of them by family, or they felt pressured by a well-meaning Church member or teacher?  That constitutes a "form" of godliness without the true power of God.
     After all, a form of godliness brings respect and a feeling of belonging; and the Enemy whispers to us that it's okay to pretend we're godly ... Jesus won't turn us down at the Pearly Gates because we fit all the outward requirements. Well, we may fool men, but Jesus and the Devil aren't fooled!  Without the power of the Holy Spirit indwelling our hearts, we don't exhibit the life and the force of Jesus in our daily walk.  He tells us in Matthew 7:22, Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’  Certainly, they were doing what Jesus had commanded them to do, and could be called "godly", right?  And yet, Jesus says He will deny them when He returns.  They were exhibiting a "form" of godliness, but lacked the power of the "heart relationship" with Jesus; that's where the power resides.  Sadly, today, we don't even measure up to that form of godliness -- we don't follow His commands to do those things He did, and we don't even know we have the power to do them!
     I want to conclude by giving us a picture of what godliness with the blessed power of the Holy Spirit looks like. A truly Godly man recognizes his state, repents and asks for forgiveness.  A Godly man seeks God with all his heart and desires to serve His Kingdom above all else.  A Godly man partners with God and the Holy Spirit to see His power manifested on earth.  In short, True Godliness incorporates spiritual power, not just external "forms", or outlines, or appearances of godliness.  When we add the "power of Jesus" to our godliness and obedience to His ordinances and commands, we are unstoppable.  We literally have the power to heal the sick and to cast out demons; and the gates of hell will not prevail against us! The Enemy recognizes that we aren't just a shell of religious devotion; that we actually have the power of the God of Heaven in us and behind us. We need to stop denying who we are and the power we have been given!

2 Timothy 1:7     "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control".


February 26, 2017

Mark 7:13

So you nullify the [authority of the] word of God [acting as if it did not apply] because of your tradition which you have handed down 
[through the elders]. And you do many things such as that.

"Christ and the Pharisees" by Ernst Zimmerman (1870-1944)

      The context of this passage is that we see Jesus addressing the Pharisees after they have confronted Him about the actions of His disciples.  They asked the Lord why His followers did not live their lives according to the traditions of the elders -- specifically, that they ate without cleansing themselves completely (according to the ancient rituals).
     Jesus doesn't hold anything back when answering them.  He calls them hypocrites, which in the Greek means, pretending to play a part.  He then goes on to say that the prophet Isaiah described such religious pretenders like this:  professing faith in God, while their hearts were empty of His presence; their worship was merely a pretense (a false display of feelings, attitudes, and intentions). Isaiah went on to declare that these kinds of people and religious leaders teach the rules and doctrines of men -- giving their traditions and ideology equal weight (value, significance) as the Scriptures.
     Jesus then adds His own evaluation of their words and actions: The religious leaders were clinging faithfully to their man-made traditions, while disregarding and neglecting the commandments of God.  External appearances and man-made rituals and doctrines were replacing the Divine rule of God. And then came the final pronouncement:  They have made the Word of God of "none effect". Various translations use the word "disannul" or "nullify" [as here in the Amplified Bible]. The significance of this word is the effect it has to "deprive of authority".
     By choosing to follow their own rules and rituals, which were adaptations of the Scripture, these men were robbing the Word of God of any authority it might have had.  They were acting as if the traditions and rituals handed down to them by religious leaders and elders of the Faith took supremacy over what God had commanded them to do. In essence, they were acting as if God's Word did not apply to them and they had chosen to follow men instead.  In this case, it was only about cleansing before eating, but Jesus accuses them of doing many more things that followed man's guidelines rather than God's.
     Are we any different today?  I would venture to say that we all have our "doctrines" that we swear are supported by the Bible. Two thousand years of Church creeds, tenets, dogma, canons, and reformations have made it near impossible to be completely free of some man-made doctrine. When you just consider the basic doctrines of the Christian faith, you can see where man's influence has resulted in the confusion over God's Word, and the lack of the absolute authority of YHWH alone.
     How many different opinions do modern Christians have about The Trinity, the Deity of Christ, Jesus's Second Coming, Salvation, Baptism, The Lord's Supper?  And what about The Tribulation?  There are Christians who can't agree whether Christ's return is Pre-, Mid-, or Post-.  Then there is the Millennial Kingdom.  We have believers calling themselves pre-millennialists, post-millenialists, and amillenialists. We have Calvinists and Arminians. We have Dispensationalists, Evangelicals, and Zionists.  Not to mention all the "movements" within Christianity: the Emergent movement, the Charismatic movement, the Prosperity Movement, the Free Grace movement [which somehow differentiates itself from the Grace movement], the Hebrew Roots movement, the Lesbian and Gay Christian movement, the Restoration movement... and the list keeps growing. And how many people have searched the Word to see if what they believe actually adheres to God's commandments? Have we made Him our authority, or are we following the traditions of men in the Church?
     But what do they all have in common? They all look to some man's interpretation of Scripture to define their faith! Can you see that all these names are just modern renditions of "Pharisee" and "Sadducee"?  We have all been guilty, at one time or another, of applying some man-made tradition to our worship of YHWH.  And like Jesus said, we disregard and neglect the commandment of God, and cling [faithfully] to the tradition of men.  We have followed the tenets and teachings of our particular denominations, often not even bothering to see if they are confirmed by Scripture.  By doing that, who are we giving authority to? If we aren't searching the Word of God to see what He commands of us in any particular tradition or ritual of our church, then we are certainly not making Him the principal authority.  And if we don't care enough to even "check and verify", what does that tell Him about how we regard His Word? Aren't we just as guilty of "disregarding and neglecting" God's commandments as these religious leaders in Mark, Chapter 7?
     Throughout the centuries, men have left their mark on God's Word. Whether it has been John Calvin, Martin Luther, William Tynedale, John Wesley, or Billy Graham, men have long attempted to interpret God for God.  I am not disparaging the faith of these men, nor necessarily negating their impact on millions of people who might not have known God otherwise.  But just like the traditions of the Jewish elders prior to Christ, they have often added new layers of interpretation to God's Word. When in reality, He doesn't need any other interpreter than the Holy Spirit, about whom Jesus told us, when He, the [Holy] Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth [full and complete truth]. For He will not speak on His own initiative, but He will speak whatever He hears [from the Father—the message regarding the Son], and He will disclose to you what is to come [in the future]. 
     How much of what we hear and believe and practice in the Church today comes from the initiatives of men? I clearly remember a time when the Holy Spirit whispered to my spirit, and I began to feel empty and unfed. It was difficult to accept, but I had to admit that as I sat in Church each Sunday I wasn't hearing or tuning into the Holy Spirit. Then it was as if He said, Why are you sitting there listening and not seeking for yourself?  I have so much more to share with you; truths and commands from the Father that you have never heard. Seek Him and His Son [in His Word] and I will show you new things you are to do for the Kingdom of God, for it is time for you to live out your faith, and you don't even know what that looks like. Stop giving men your devotion and look to the Lord for His full revelation.
     I know there are more Christians like me; faithful Believers who are waking up to the fact that we have been blindly following the traditions that have been handed down from the elders of our denominations. We want the direct revelation from the authoritative voice of God, and we are throwing off labels and religious titles for the one designation that counts ... Child of God and Follower of Jesus.  By doing that, we are seeing the Word through fresh and uncompromised eyes and hearts.  We are now seeing, for the first time, the commandments to heal, and to cast out demons, and the part we are to play in advancing the Kingdom of God on earth.  We no longer shy away from the "difficult" Scriptures because no one in our Church can explain them.  We recognize that God and Jesus are the authorities to which we answer, and I am so blessed to be among a growing number of Christians who are listening to the Holy Spirit, and seeking God's authority in revealing His Truth.

February 24, 2017

Who Do You Say You Are?

     I have been listening to a series of podcasts by Dr. Curry Blake, a leading authority on Divine Healing.  I have been greatly moved by his no-nonsense, down-to-earth preaching on the fundamental truths of the Bible. His teachings on both spiritual and physical healing, spiritual warfare, and our identity as children [sons and daughters] of God are quite thought-provoking.
     One of the statements he made really caught me off guard, and has taken me on a Scriptural hunt to discover just who I am if I say and believe that I have given my life to Christ.  Dr. Blake said that [after we come to faith in Christ], "We think we're still only humans, and as humans we are still going to fail and have faults because we're still sinners."  He went on to say that most people continue to think of themselves as "just sinners saved by Grace". He responds with an emphatic NO! And he says we need to change how we think of ourselves. After seeking my own understanding of his premise through Scriptural search and discovery, I have come to agree with him, and see myself in a new light. Let me show you what I have discerned...
     We can all agree that Scripture tells us that when we accept Jesus as our Savior, we are a new creation: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17). So why do we keep identifying ourselves as sinners?  We were sinners, but we have been saved by God's grace, and the Bible tells us that we are now the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ: I have been justified (completely forgiven and made righteous) and am at peace with God (Romans 5:1).  God no longer identifies me as a sinner.  I have been transformed -- not just cleaned up on the outside, but completely transformed on the inside, too.  And what does that look like?  Romans 12:2 tells us: Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. That means that this new creation I have become is a total and complete transformation from my former state; and I, in fact, have a new nature and now have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16).
     So why do we continue to identify ourselves as sinners and expect to sin?  Is it because we have believed the lie from Satan that we are unable to NOT sin?  Because that's not what the Bible says!  The Word clearly tells us that I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ [who] lives in me. The life I am now living is Christ’s life (Galatians 2:20). Since Christ was sinless -- and the life I am now living is Christ's life -- shouldn't I expect that I, too, could live a sinless life?  So why don't I [we] believe that?
     It all comes back to renewing my mind to have the mind of Christ.  God has done His part.  Now I have to do mine.  God has promised three gifts to every true Christian: His spirit of power, His spirit of love, and His sound mind.  We can all understand what His power and love are, but what does He mean by a "sound mind"?  Strong's Concordance says that "sound" infers discipline and self-control; which characterizes the mind of Christ.
     It can be a challenge to separate God's truth -- [that the old has passed away; that we are a new creation; that we are transformed to live the life of Christ; that we are no longer identified as sinners] --  from the deceitful lies of Satan [that we are unable to stop sinning].  Jesus promised us the Holy Spirit, who would guide us into all truth. God and Jesus have done their part.  It takes discipline and self-control for us to do our part.  And it starts with taking responsibility for renewing our minds every time we are tempted by Satan to believe his lies. Believe me, I understand that no one said it would be easy!
     And I can hear some of you saying right now, "But what if I am unable to resist the lie I hear in my mind and I DO sin? Haven't I then become a sinner?"  Perhaps we need to differentiate what the Bible tells us about sinners.  In the Old Testament, a sinner was identified as someone who missed the mark; a person who followed a path or lifestyle [or committed an act] deviating from God's direction; forfeiting goodness in favor of moral failure.  In the New Testament, the definition of sinner is similar:  missing the mark so as not to share in the prize; but unlike the Old Testament, it is not simply the committal of the act, but a continuous practice of sin that would label us a "sinner".
     Make no mistake, Sin has always been unacceptable to God, but if we know Jesus as our Savior, we now have an Advocate should we be unable to apply discipline and self-control to our minds when Satan tempts us.  We can go to Jesus, confess our lack of discipline, repent, and we are cleansed of all unrighteousness.  We may come boldly before the throne of God to receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16).
     But here is the important thing to realize.  If we stumble, that does not mean we return to being a sinner, as before our transformation.  We have a new nature: I have been given God’s precious and magnificent promises by which I am a partaker of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). By nature, we are now children of God, not a child of the devil! Because of our new nature, it should be easier for us to be righteous than to sin. It is no longer in our [new] nature to desire to sin, so why are we still identifying ourselves as SINNERS?
     There are so many Scriptures that tell us who we are in Christ, and not one of them says we are still sinners!  1 Peter 2:9,10 tells us We are a part of a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people of God’s own possession! 1 Thessalonians 5:5 proclaims that We are children of light and not darkness.  Colossians 1:14 declares, We have been redeemed and forgiven of all our sins. The debt against us has been canceled.  What part of any of these verses insinuates that we are still sinners?  So, the next time you hear the whisper of Satan's lie that you are "[still] a sinner saved by Grace", renew your mind and rebuke that lie.  Speak boldly and confidently:  I am a citizen of heaven (Philippians 3:20) and I am righteous and holy (Ephesians 4:24). And then believe it!

Romans 6:6   "We know that our old self [our human nature without the Holy Spirit] was nailed to the cross with Him, in order that our body of sin might be done away with, so that we would no longer be slaves to sin".


February 22, 2017

What I Have Learned By Doing Spiritual Warfare -- Part Two

     Yesterday, I shared some of the first things I have learned as God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are teaching me how to conduct effective spiritual warfare that transforms lives.  I would remind you of what I wrote yesterday -- that the primary way They are able to communicate with hurting people is through our imaginations... Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered (Proverbs 28:26). And as you will see in the following instances, Jesus is able to heal [rescue and deliver us] in inspired and inventive ways.
    I will also tell you that I instinctively know that this will be a life-long journey. The Enemy has had thousands of years to perfect his tactics, and I am new -- yet enthusiastic -- to help set the devil's captives free. And I know I can be successful because I am blessed to partner with Jesus and the Holy Spirit (and my faithful husband), who do the heavy lifting.  I just have to be obedient and willing to assist them.
     And I would be remiss if I did not thank those who have come alongside me and my husband and shared their experiences and their expertise. They were way out in front of us, but the Lord arranged for a connection to be made, and we have greatly benefitted from the hands-on teaching of Dr. Charles Kraft, and Barbara Bucklin and Luke 4:18 Ministries.  Additionally, what I believe Satan has meant for harm (namely the internet; and I'm only half joking), God has used for good; and we have had the benefit of the many videos and website teachings of spiritual warfare by Steve Harmon, Russ Dizdar, David Hogan, Heidi Baker, Dan Duval, and others.  We stand on all these shoulders and hope to be as encouraging to others who follow in our footsteps, as we have followed in Jesus's.
     So now, I would like to continue with the things I have learned concerning those times when a person is struggling to get healed...
     4)  When a person gets stuck in their captivity.  Sometimes a session can seem to stop dead in its tracks. A person will get shut down, as if being mired in quicksand, or trapped in a dimension that immobilizes them. They are unable to engage with their spirit, and seem "stuck"; incapable of picturing those damaged parts of themselves or unwilling to feel the pain of that young child whose spirit was so hurt.
     At this point, it is often helpful to get more descriptive in helping them engage with their younger victim in the spirit. Take the focus off the event, and center their attention on more precise details:  How old are you?  If you can picture the place, where exactly are you in that room?  Describe any pictures you see on the wall. What color dress are you wearing?  Focusing on the details will often enable the person to view the event with less fear and allow that part of themselves to move into the safe place with their older, protective self.
     5)  Taking responsibility for yourself.  Oftentimes, victims who need spiritual healing feel abandoned or neglected by adults, who should have been protecting them.  They can be angry at those adults, as well, and usually with good reason.  But we try to turn the tables on the Enemy who uses these emotions to keep the person in bondage to those spirits of abandonment, neglect, and anger. If a part of you is still hanging on to those emotions, even if you are unaware (and you most likely are!) it can cripple the adult part of the person who can't understand why they are still depressed about the event, long after they have forgiven the offender.
     What they don't understand is that the adult may have forgiven, but that child who was offended didn't have the chance to forgive, and those emotions are trapped inside their spirit, and fair game for the devil to exploit.  He assigns one of his "spiritual forces of wickedness" as Ephesians 6:10 calls them -- or their more common name, demons -- to tyrannize those emotions, resulting in an adult who suffers from spiritual oppression, without ever understanding why.
     So, we have learned that it seems to help to tell the adult, you are now the one responsible for your younger self.  Yes, others let you down, leaving you feeling powerless in that situation.  But now you can take responsibility for that child version of yourself and feel empowered to take him or her out of that situation and into Jesus's Light.
     6) You may need to go through regions of captivity to be set free.  If you hit a particularly difficult area to set free, we have found that sometimes the Enemy has sunk to new lows to keep that person in captivity to their past. We have actually had people complete a session and declare that they felt all kinds of chains of oppression coming off them.  They met Jesus in their pain, allowed Him to receive those hurt parts of themselves, healing their deep spiritual wounds and making them whole again.
     They have expressed that we look different than when they first sat down; we look "clean and bright".  They weren't even aware of the dirty veil that Satan had imposed on their worldly vision. They have left, refreshed and rejoicing in their newfound peace and sense of freedom.  Yet, some have returned saying, "There's still something being hidden from me.  I now know what freedom feels like and I am not willing to let the Enemy keep any part of me in bondage. Can you help me find what it is that is keeping me from being completely free"?
     While most people do not have to return for this reason, it is not hard to realize that the Enemy will try to keep a fragment under his control, and he thinks if he keeps it buried deep enough, it will not be discovered.  People who are in harmony with their spirit are not so easily fooled. One woman, (I will call her Carrie), felt such an unsettling in her spirit and decided to go after that fragment to retrieve it from the clutches of the Enemy. (NOTE:  This is going to seem as if it was written by a science fiction writer, but I assure you that it was very revealing to Carrie).
     In a subsequent session, the Holy Spirit showed Carrie that there was a part of herself who was so mad about how she had allowed herself to be treated by her spouse, that she didn't trust Carrie not to repeat the pattern of abuse. So she had allowed herself to be imprisoned by the Enemy in what looked like a deep underground cell, preferring to remain in that bondage, rather than suffering the possibility that Carrie could not retain her freedom. It was eye-opening to Carrie to realize how her spirit had suffered while she had rationalized and accepted the abuse as normal. This just shows that sometimes the wounded part is buried so deep that you have to work hard to find it, pull it out and away from the prison the Enemy has hidden it in, and take it to that secure place inside of you, where it can be introduced to Jesus and feel safe enough to become part of the healed spirit.
     7)  The Enemy will try to stop your progress.  It should go without saying that Satan doesn't want you set free.  And he will do whatever it takes to stop you from growing and maturing in your faith and letting Jesus heal you. He will try to convince you that your freedom is only fleeting; that Jesus's healing "didn't take".  He will whisper the lies in your ear and mind that worked to put you in chains the first time.  He will try to convince you that what the Holy Spirit has whispered to your heart, and the things that Jesus has shown you in your spirit are not true; they are just figments of your imagination. He will taunt you that you are not strong enough to keep your freedom, and he will send his demons to attack you to prove it.  That is the way he operates.  But you know that He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world, and you can resist and overcome the schemes of the devil!  You have seen Jesus work miracles in your spirit, and you know He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  He is your Victory! 
     8) Finally, I have learned that even Jesus needed times of rest and restoration.  I will tell you that once God laid upon our hearts the great need for willing workers to help Jesus heal the spiritually wounded and set the captives free, our world has changed.  We have to live in this world, and that means making a living and taking care of our physical needs.  But the demand (and our desire) to help hurting people is so great and taking precedent in our lives; but it can also be overwhelming at times.
     I am learning that we must be wise in getting enough rest, and it is important to restore our own spirits so that we can assist in the work Jesus wants to do in this hurting world. In Mark, Chapter 4, Jesus urged His disciples to get in the boat to cross to the other side. He saw the crowds and knew the amount of work that would be required of him -- there were people to be healed, demons to be cast out, and lessons to be taught. Yet He laid down to sleep, knowing He would need to be rested to accomplish what needed to be done.  And there are other instances of Him removing Himself from the crowds to pray alone.  Those must have been times of asking for increased strength and stamina to do His Father's work. I have to remind my husband and myself that we, too, need to occasionally be restored if we wish to be capable and competent partners with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. In short, to be our best, we must withdraw and rest.
     So, that is a summary of the most important things we have learned since the Lord has called us to take part in this ministry called spiritual warfare.  When I step back, I realize what a tremendous amount of information and confidence He has given us, and all in a very short time.  And I am extremely encouraged when I realize He is doing the same thing in others around me.  Although as little as two years ago, I would have been skeptical about this remarkable calling, I can tell you that the changed lives I have witnessed has convinced me, not only of the necessity of spiritual warfare, but the urgency of it. I can now recognize a spiritually wounded person in all the unhappy, angry, anxious, fearful people that I come into contact with -- both Believers and nonbelievers. For my husband and myself, and for the growing number of spiritual warriors, it is our mission and our determination to foil the plans of the Enemy to take one more captive. I invite you to submit yourself to the Holy Spirit, allow Jesus to heal your spiritual wounds, and join us in God's spiritual army.

Isaiah 42:16   "And I will lead the blind in a way that they do not know, in paths that they have not known I will guide them. I will turn the darkness before them into light, the rough places into level ground. These are the things I do, and I do not forsake them."

February 20, 2017

What I Have Learned By Doing Spiritual Warfare -- Part One

     I know that Spiritual Warfare is a relatively new concept within the Modern Church (although the Early Church was well acquainted with it).  And I know that there are many Pastors who will say they don't believe in it; or at least do not want to consider it as part of shepherding their flock.  Furthermore, while I believe that Jesus desires us all to engage in spiritual warfare, [in order to take territory from the Enemy and establish His Kingdom on earth], I do not necessarily think that everyone is equipped to do it.  It takes someone with precise and clear knowledge of their Bible to understand that though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:3-4).
      It is important to believe that you have been given the Authority to wage spiritual warfare, and then to believe that the Power of Heaven [through your faith in Jesus] is solidly behind you. You must wage this spiritual war for the right reasons -- to perpetuate the works of Jesus: healing, deliverance, and salvation, thereby establishing His Kingdom.  And I will tell you, it's a definite learning experience. As we boldly trust Jesus and the Holy Spirit to guide us, we are progressing and learning new tactics.  That results in God expanding our territory, and giving us harder assignments. But if you know that you have the Power of Jesus in you, who can defeat you?  It truly is a matter of trust and confidence in Him.
     That being said, I thought you might find it interesting if I shared some of the finer points of spiritual warfare that have characterized the experiences of my husband and myself. While they represent a common thread in the lives of people, I assure you that each person's spirit perceives them to be unique to their life and circumstances.  And I'm pretty sure that some of what I'm about to share will sound too fantastic to be true, but it is my honest testimony of the Truths Jesus has shown me.
     Furthermore, it is imperative that you understand that the primary way in which Jesus and the Holy Spirit are able to communicate with a wounded and hurting person is through their imagination... Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered (Proverbs 28:26).  Here, Strong's Concordance defines "wisdom" as the Hebrew word CHOKMAH, meaning experience, shrewdness, special abilities. The Concordance further states that "the prerequisite [for wisdom] is a desire to follow and imitate God as He has revealed Himself in Jesus Christ, without self-reliance [and especially not in a spirit of pride]".  All this to point out that we are spirits in physical bodies, and our spirits can supernaturally connect with our Savior through our minds and imaginations.
     And there will likely be those who say they see nothing of this sort in the Bible. But didn't the Pharisees accuse Jesus of consorting with Beelzebub when He healed the blind and dumb man?  And unfortunately, as I pointed out in this post, our English Bibles only have one word for all the miraculous works that the Father did through His Son.  That word is healed and it connotes far more than physical healing.  Just in the single verse of Luke 7:21, Scripture tells us, In that hour He healed many people of diseases and plagues and evil spirits, and on many who were blind He bestowed sight. That verse speaks volumes. If we were honest with ourselves, we would admit that there there are supernatural inferences in the Bible that we may never understand.  But I fear that this has resulted in man limiting all that Jesus can do when interacting (communicating) with our spirits. He has certainly showed me that nothing is outside His creative ability when it comes to setting a captive free!
     So, for now, I hope that at least you will consider that the word "healed" leaves us with a limited understanding of all that Jesus did.  In fact, Strong's Concordance has shown me that the word "healed", in this instance, is the Greek word Sózó, meaning to save, heal, preserve, rescue, deliver, [set free].  And when you look up the words "Blind" and "Sight" for this particular verse, the Concordance reveals this: Jesus is referring to people who were [metaphorically] "enveloped in the smoke of pride and self-conceit; lifted up with pride" (blind). But Jesus bestowed sight, which is defined as "intense, earnest perception".  And what were they perceiving?  The Source of the Power by which Jesus healed them!
     It is time that the 21st Century Body of Christ perceives the Truth of the Word!  And just as in Luke 7:21, Jesus is raising up a spiritual army of men and women who are being "healed"; people who are throwing off their Doubt and Unbelief and Pride -- the root sins that keep us from allowing Jesus to heal our physical and spiritual wounds, and to receive and use His Power within us. So, in Part One, I'd like to show you the most common responses we've seen to this uncommon ministry.  I want to share how the Holy Spirit has guided us in helping Jesus to set these captives free...
     1)  Why didn't Jesus stop it?  This is perhaps the Number One question, and the biggest hurdle to overcome for anyone who has been oppressed by the Enemy.  And it doesn't matter what the "it" is.  Whether it is child molestation, a parent abandoning them, bullying, infidelity, physical and/or emotional abuse, or any number of methods Satan uses to entrap us -- it all spells P-A-I-N.
      Even if individuals can see in the spirit, and imagine Jesus being with them through the pain, they cannot understand why He allowed it to happen.  The fact that He never left them nor forsook them in their pain is not enough for some people to heal.  They cannot forgive Him for not stopping the act, whatever it might be.
     To be honest, I had difficulty in explaining it to both the person's [and my own] satisfaction.  Explaining that Free Will is a principle instituted by God [and given to us all], and that He cannot violate His principles -- in other words, pick and choose whose free will He is going to void; yours or your perpetrator -- does not ease the pain, nor adequately explain to them why they had to suffer. Their pain is personal and they don't understand why they had to suffer because of someone else's free will decision.
     Like I said, that has been a hard concept to swallow, and hard for me to defend ... UNTIL, in a recent session, the Holy Spirit gave me supernatural understanding into why seeing Jesus with them is so important.  When I point out that God didn't even stop His own Son's crucifixion, and that even Jesus questioned why His Father had forsaken Him, every victim suddenly realizes that Jesus chose to be there with them in their pain.  He is uniquely qualified to know how they feel.  He, too, understands what it is like to wonder why the painful event wasn't stopped. Although He couldn't stop it, He was there with them, to share in their burden.  And they begin to understand that God loves them so much, He allowed His Son to suffer (even though it was within His power to stop the crucifixion) in order that Jesus could identify with our suffering, meet us in our pain, and help us to begin to heal. I have literally seen the shadow of demonic torment be lifted from a person's countenance with this revelation.
     2)  People are often angry with God.  That is only natural, and to be expected at first.  When you are an innocent victim of another person's evil free will, it is understandable to want to blame someone. And if you are a Christian, it can shatter your impression of a loving, caring God.
     But to a Believer, this can also cause confusion and doubt.  We know God loves us.  To some, it seems blasphemous to be angry at our Creator.  To others, it completely changes how they view God, and their anger gets compartmentalized, because it is the only way they can move on and remain a faith-filled Christian. But whenever anger surfaces in someone, I have never sensed that the Holy Spirit judges or condemns.  It is understood that Anger is a spirit introduced by the Enemy and the power of Jesus is greater than any power of a demonic spirit.  It then becomes important to get the inner person, the victim, to be set free from the bondage the devil has imposed on them.
     3)  A victim is unwilling to see or look for Jesus in the event.  It has been extremely illuminating to see the different responses to seeing Jesus in hurtful circumstances. Some see Him right away and rush into His arms; one might see Him, but angrily refuse His open arms, wanting nothing to do with Him; still others are indifferent to Him, almost mocking the thought that He could comfort them.
     We know that Jesus is the One who heals, not my husband or myself, and the victim certainly has not been able to heal themselves, or they wouldn't be suffering the oppression in the first place.  We have discovered that Jesus is the key to healing, and if a victim is reluctant to accept His comfort, or unresponsive to His presence, then the Holy Spirit has given us an alternate route to take.
     My husband is particularly good at listening to the Holy Spirit for cues, and this is what he has been shown... If a victim can't let themselves see Jesus, or wants nothing to do with Him, we can ask them to picture a place that is peaceful and safe.  They may choose a beach or a mountain cabin.  It doesn't matter where it is, as long as it has meaning to them. And you can see their body visibly relax as they picture that place.
     We have then been able to ask them to close their eyes, search their spirit and see if there are any younger versions of themselves that are struggling.  It is amazing!  Everyone has been able to identify at least one or more versions of themselves that are floundering, or not at peace -- and it is usually a vision of themselves at an age that a painful event in their life occurred.
     We can ask them to just envision absorbing that younger self into their spirit, assuring them that they are protected, and taking them to that safe place.  We can ask them to do that for each version of a younger self that feels "out of the loop" with the adult self.  Once they are all comfortable in the safe place, the person is no longer fragmented by feelings of anger or fear or self-rejection.  Sometimes that's enough to heal the confused spirit, or if necessary, it is a good time to re-introduce Jesus to the whole person, who is now able to accept His loving embrace and spiritual healing.
     I'm sure we have all expressed at one time or another ... "I just don't feel like myself".  I would submit to you that the Enemy is exploiting some part of your soul, and keeping you in a state of division within yourself.  If he can get some part of you working against your spirit, who abides in Jesus, then he can lay waste to your peace, and your divided "household will fall".
     By the way, if you have a theological difference, or can't embrace this concept, then feel free to comment, and let's talk about it. We need to have an open discussion on the subject and begin to have an honest conversation, because in the next post, I will be going even deeper.
     In Part Two of What I Have Learned By Doing Spiritual Warfare, I will explain the lengths to which the Enemy has gone to keep people in bondage, and how the Holy Spirit has guided us into more complex ways to help set the captives free. And I'm sure that they are not any more sensational than the works of Jesus in His day.  I simply hope you will be able to see how precious each life and spirit are to God, the Father, and to His Son.

2 Corinthians 3:17     "Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is present, there is freedom."

February 19, 2017

Ephesians 2:1-10

 And although you were dead in your transgressions and sins, 2 in which you formerly lived according to this world’s present path, according to the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the ruler of the spirit that is now energizing the sons of disobedience, 3 among whom all of us also formerly lived out our lives in the cravings of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath even as the rest…

4 But God, being rich in mercy, because of his great love with which he loved us, 5 even though we were dead in transgressions, made us alive together with Christ—by grace you are saved!— 6 and he raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 to demonstrate in the coming ages the surpassing wealth of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. 8 For by grace you are saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 it is not from works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand so we may do them.

The Miracles of St. Paul at Ephesus, by Jean Restout, 1693
     I don't know whether you have had the opportunity to read the comments posted on my blog titled, God's Power, Paul's Thorn, and Our Authority to Overcome, but two readers posted very different comments, which seemed to be somewhat in disagreement.  One quoted the late Missionary and Evangelist, T. L. Osborn: "You should never ask God to do what he has said He's already done, and you should never ask God to do what he has told you to do." The reader then went on to proclaim that this statement is rooted in the principle that God has given us the means to deal with satan's plans and does not need to handle what has already been dealt with.  The second reader was more concise in his comment, saying simply, "I have always taken it to mean that the gift of Grace trumps everything!" I know that the first comment will make many Christians uncomfortable because it doesn't fit with their Church's doctrine. The second comment probably falls more in line with the Church's traditional theology.  What if both of them are right?
     There is no doubt that God's Grace has saved us from His justified wrath and delivered us from spiritual death unto Life. And God, through His Grace and Mercy, is able to deliver us out of any situation He desires.  And if He doesn't, then the Grace that saves us from hell is surely enough.  But I can't help thinking about what God has already done for us, and what He expects us to do  as a consequence of His Grace in our lives.  And I believe Ephesians 2:1-10 does a pretty good job of identifying this cause and effect concept, and supports both reader's articulate comments.
     What's interesting is that verses 1-9 are filled with all the work God has done on our behalf [exhibiting His Grace], and verse 10 makes it very clear that it has all been done with the anticipation that we will do the good works He expects.  First of all, this passage describes the state we find ourselves in ... separated from Him because we walk in the ways of the world; we are spiritually dead, finding ourselves under the influence of the Prince of the power of the air (Satan).  Furthermore, this prince is a spirit which this translation (New English Translation) says "energizes the sons of disobedience".  
     Now, I want to propose that many of us within the Body of Christ probably understand sons of disobedience to mean unbelievers, or lost souls.  But I submit that verse 2 also includes those unbelieving Christians who fight against the purposes of God.  That is, Believers who are battling a spirit of unbelief, and [in their unbelief] are disobedient to the commands of God.
     And what is God's response to us, "the children of [His] wrath"?  HIS GRACE, WHICH EMPHASIZES HIS WORKS FOR US! And what has He done for us? HE LOVED US!  Love is central to His attributes, and it is not merely an abstract principle.  His love caused Him to act toward us with mercy, and to seek and save all who are lost.  
     In loving us, HE MADE US ALIVE.  We are dead to the old self and are made new creations.  Then God RAISED US UP.  Just as God physically resurrected Jesus, He spiritually resurrects us to a new life.  And it is all because of His Grace and Mercy. Our salvation - our rescue - from spiritual death is God’s work done for the undeserving. And HE SEATED US WITH HIM (CHRIST) IN THE HEAVENLY REALMS. Note that realms is plural.  Although Scripture does not explicitly proclaim which heavenly realm, by including the plural form of the word, might we not interpret it to mean both the second heavenly realm [where Satan and his spirits wage war], as well as the third heavenly realm [where God sits on His throne, with Jesus at His right hand]?
     Verse 7 tells us we are seated with Christ in these heavenly places to demonstrate God's immeasurable Grace towards us, in that we can partake in His ultimate Victory. In the meantime, victories will be won in the spiritual realm as Believers are equipped with Jesus's authority and power to minister to others and to defeat the Enemy -- works, not done by ourselves so that we might boast -- but works that we were created to do in order to display His Kingdom and His Power and His Glory. These are works that He designed us to do as a demonstration of His Presence in us; we are to be active in the good works that He predestined from the moment He created man.
     That's what verse 10 is all about -- it EMPHASIZES OUR WORKS FOR GOD'S KINGDOM!  Jesus, Himself, said, Whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do.  And we believe in Him because of God's Grace towards us. They go hand in hand.  His Grace offers us Faith in Jesus; and Faith in Jesus is supposed to result in being "created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand so we may do them".  God expects us to do good works, and He has told us what He desires to be done... to heal, to cast out demons, to take care of widows and orphans, to love one another, and to love Him.  As a wise friend showed me, "He doesn't expect us to pray to Him in order to love one another.  He has already told us to do it, and has shown us what that looks like through the servant life of His Son.  He just wants us to do it"! And we are able to do it because of His Grace, which trumps all our fleshly desires and nature.
     So, my final thought is that both readers are correct.  They expressed the Nature of God ... His infinite, all-encompassing, incalculable Nature.  And when He exhibits His Grace and we come to faith, He is glorified by His own actions.  When we do the good works He has prepared for us to do and bear fruit by our faith, then WE glorify Him.  May the Holy Spirit bear witness to all who glorify Him!

February 17, 2017

The Power of The Word

     I recently found myself with a few moments of quiet time, contemplating about what God is doing in my life.  So this post will be a little lighter in content than the last ones, but it's message is what has led me to this blog and the weightier opinions I've shared.  For one, I am amazed at the people He is bringing into my life.  Among them are new people, with whom I have no prior history -- friends of friends, or family members of friends who have heard of our ministry, and are tired of fighting their demons and willing to give our unorthodox calling a try.  My husband and I are always grateful for the opportunity to speak Jesus into someone's life who isn't really familiar with Him.  We are willing to plant the Seed and let the Holy Spirit water it.
     And lately, I have been marveling at the renewal and restoration of old friendships; people that I know God has put in my life for a reason.  These are people who encourage me with their persistent obedience to God.  They are people who, like me, are not perfect, but they have a heart for serving God and are trying to walk that narrow path that leads to God's Kingdom.
     But it hasn't always been that way -- in their lives, or mine. There was a profession of faith, alright, but my mind was not centered on God; my heart followed its own desires; and there was no evidence of consistent fruit in my daily walk.  It's easy to say I believe in Jesus as my Savior.  It's hard to live my life as if I do.  First, you have to want to live a righteous life.  That's been a journey ... as it has been for these old friends.  But we're all making progress.  And how did we come to that decision and start down our individual paths?  It really began with a simple step -- we opened our Bibles.
     I know that sounds corny and simplistic, but it really is the impetus that changes minds, hearts, and spirits. When I challenged myself to read the Bible (the first time) it was basically to familiarize myself with the order of it; with how the events in the Old Testament led to the circumstances in the New Testament. I loved the historical aspects of the Book and was able to see how [and where] concepts I had heard in Church sermons fit into the grand scheme of things.
     When I began to read it the second time, it was then that I was really seeking to know about God and how He wanted to relate to me. I saw Him as a more personal and intimate God, while seeing just how detached I was from Him.  My life, as a so-called Christian, looked no different from an agnostic's, an atheist's, or someone who worshipped Buddha, Allah, or Mother Earth. And I realized that my spirit wasn't happy with the things of this world. I wanted more of Him!
     It was when my husband felt the same longing for more spiritual substance in his life -- and he began immersing himself in the Word -- that the Bible truly began speaking to us. It's hard to explain, and again it will sound like a cliché, but God really does begin revealing Himself to you when you spend time with Him in His Word.  And the by-product of that relationship is this:  You want to be a better "you"; you want to live a life that is pleasing to Him; you want to change the parts of you that aren't Christ-like; and you want to change how you relate to this world, and the impact you will make on it.
     It is this third time through the Bible that is truly revolutionary.  It is as if a veil has been lifted.  Both my husband and myself are seeing God like never before! The Word is alive with new meaning, and we are receiving new impressions on our hearts of just who we are in Christ -- and it is so much more than we've ever been told or imagined!  It has changed how we see ourselves in this world, and it has made us bold in our faith.  And the greatest blessings come when we see the same transformation in our Christian friends; both old and new.
     We are reconnecting with old friends in Idaho and realizing that God is doing the same amazing work in both families -- creating a hunger to be closer to Him, to walk more humbly with Him, and to be fearless in declaring His power in us to do great things for His Kingdom here on earth. We are finding that when we saturate ourselves with the Word, we are able to press into Him and the distractions of our daily lives don't divert us from following in Jesus's footsteps. And we've discovered that distance is no barrier to walking this narrow path together.
     And God is blessing us with new relationships among Christians who aren't afraid to step outside of the "Church box"; these new friends actually believe what the Bible says about how we are to exercise the Authority given to us by Christ [as His disciples], and aren't afraid to do the works He has commissioned us to do, using the Power He has given us.  It strengthens our faith to share this boldness with other followers of Christ; not fearing failure, but continuing in the maturing [of our faith].  We are trusting Jesus and the Father; and we are confident of this, that He who began a good work in us will continue to perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.  All we have to do is believe what the Word tells us and try.  We won't always succeed, but it is God who has called us to heal, cast out demons, and share the message of His Kingdom.  And what He has begun in us will be refined and purified each time we act out our faith.  And with each step of the way, we are taking back territory from the Enemy!
     But as much as the Word unites us with fellow Christians, it is exciting to introduce the Word to new friends; even those who are not yet saved.  It is amazing how the Bible can speak into someone's life if we will just spend the time studying with someone one-on-one.  It has truly been inspiring [for me] to watch my husband study the Book of Matthew with unchurched people and to hear how they respond.  At least three nights out of the week, he is on the phone introducing these people to Jesus; and they actually experience an encounter with a man who is at the same time, God.  They learn how He wants us to live, and how the Sermon on the Mount and the Parables really speak volumes to them about how He can be real in their lives. Sometimes these people are left weeping at the realization of the time they've lost, but they are well aware that Jesus is ready to receive them now and transform the rest of their lives.  They may have lost time with Him here on earth, but they can spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
     And that's the beauty and the glory and the majesty and the power of the Bible.  It has the supernatural ability to speak to each individual and thoroughly transform lives.  Each time we immerse ourselves in the Word, we get another glimpse of the One who created us; another chance to see ourselves as He sees us, and to serve Him out of an abundance of gratitude.  Let His Word be a lamp to your feet [as you proceed forth, doing all that He commands], and a light to your path [as it guides you in the footsteps of Jesus].

Isaiah 55:11    "So shall My Word be that goes out from My mouth; it shall not return to Me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it".