A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label God's Promises. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's Promises. Show all posts

August 6, 2020

Encouragement To "Wait On The Lord" In This Season

     Today, I am writing as much for myself as I am for you. Our nation is experiencing and living in unprecedented times. We are all struggling to understand what is happening. And I will tell you that I know what it feels like to have the spirit of fear come calling in the early morning hours. I know how difficult it can be to not become distracted by the voice of the Enemy as we watch our country disintegrate before our eyes. And I know that everything in this world is telling us our futures are in jeopardy. But if I could offer you one piece of advice today, it is this: Stop and focus on the One who is our Deliverer, our Shield, and our Stronghold. And this isn't just a nonchalant piece of advice. I'm going to tell you exactly why this should be our course of action.
     Twelve years ago, when God sent someone to prophesy to me that I was to write for Him, this same emissary from Heaven gave me a Scripture that I was told was to be my guiding principle in life. The verse was a familiar one, it was Isaiah 40:31, but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not grow faint.
     This verse has been a Godsend for me whenever I have felt weary and my faith was weak. I have relied upon it in times of lack and in times of plenty; in times of fear and in times of trust; in times of doubt and in times of certainty. I haven't weathered the unpredictability of the ups and downs of the economy during the last 25 years, or the riskiness of being married to a self-employed professional artist, without relying on the Word as my underpinning. Mark and I have been in a covenant with the Lord throughout our marriage. The Lord clearly promised me, "I will remain faithful to You; be faithful to Me". So, I have leaned on Isaiah 40:31 many times during my adult life -- even before I became a Christian and didn't even know this Scripture existed, I lived it.  He has renewed my strength more times than I can count. And I am relying on Him to continue to fortify me in the days to come.
     But I want to share with you something else about this chapter in Isaiah. I want you to read the entirety of Chapter 40 and I think you will discover that it magnifies your faith and establishes why we need to commit to "wait" for the Lord. The historical context of Isaiah Chapter 40 is that it is written to the Jews who have reached the end of their captivity in Babylon and are facing their return to Jerusalem. The prophet offers comfort for God's chosen people, telling them that their debt of sin is paid for, and they will receive a double portion of God's blessings -- twice as much as the number of their sins. He prophecies that one (John the Baptist) will be coming, crying out in the wilderness, making way for the Lord, whose glory and majesty and splendor will be revealed for all of humanity to see.
     We are told that the Word of God stands strong forever, even though we as people, who are as frail as grass and lovely as flowers, will wither and fade away. But God's Word endures. Then comes the strongest portion of the Chapter which reminds us of God's greatness. Isaiah reminds us that God is a victorious warrior and He triumphs with His awesome power. We must not lose sight of the truth that He is bringing His reward and the spoils of victory to those He calls His people. And in the midst of His Might, we are reminded of His gentle care of the weak and the young.
     But there is a section of this chapter that especially speaks to my spirit and I think we all need to commit to heart ... Isaiah speaks of God's Superiority. After all, who measured the waters of the sea in the hollow of His hand? Who used the width of His hand to mark off the heavens? Who knows the exact weight of all the dust of the earth? Who fully understands the Holy Spirit, or who could even think about counseling Him? Who is there who thinks they are wise enough to impart knowledge to Him, or teach Him the ways of Justice? He IS all knowledge and justice!
     And here is the sobering fact that Isaiah is speaking across the centuries directly to us -- The Lord regards the nations as nothing more than a drop in the bucket or dust on a scale. "The nations are nothing in His eyes; He regards them as absolutely nothing". That statement by the prophet is followed by a warning that the idols we have made are also nothing in comparison to God. Our 21st Century idols of national prosperity, power, personal wealth, property, and influence are just as damning as the idols of gold, silver, and wood that were crafted in the 4th Century B.C.
     The prophet then reminds the haughty that God is the Creator of everything! He sits higher than the rulers of the earth, and he will reduce the rulers and the elite to nothing when He blows on them and they wither away, carried off like straw in the stormy wind. Then the Holy One challenges us to find anything or anyone who is His equal. No one can be compared to the One who created every shining star and formed every glowing galaxy -- and placed them in their exact positions; counted them and numbered them, giving them all names!
     God then He summons those who belong to Him -- from Judah and Israel to all who are called by His Name -- and I want you to hear what He is saying to us: "Why would you ever complain about Me? Why would you say that I am not paying attention to your situation, or that I have lost all interest in what happens to you? Don't you know who I am? Have you not been listening to Me? I am the one and only everlasting God! I am the Creator of all you can see or imagine! I never get weary or tired; My knowledge is unlimited; and there is nothing that I can't figure out. I strengthen those who are weary and give power to the powerless. I know you're tired and exhausted from all that you're facing. But even the youth get tired and grow faint; and those in the prime of their life will stumble and fall."
     And then comes the verse that has given me my spiritual bearings, verse 31: those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. Let me present this in another interpretation: "Those who wait for My grace (My power within you to do what you cannot do on your own) will experience My divine strength. You will rise up on soaring wings and fly like eagles. You will run your race without growing weary, and walk through life without giving up".
     I know [in my spirit] that I am going to need that grace and divine strength like I've never needed it before. The worries and concerns I've had in my past will pale compared to what the Enemy and his Anti-Christ spirit want to bring to this nation and the world. But none of those things will matter as He restores and renews and strengthens us. And I want the devil and his hordes to know that I am not done running my race! And I am not giving up on this life! I have much more written on my scroll in Heaven that I am to do for the Lord. I am declaring that I will be faithful to my Lord, and He will be faithful to me, just as He has promised. Furthermore, I am in Him, and He is in me. My body is my Lord's Temple. Nothing in the outside world has any worth to me. So if the world as I know it fades away, I will still find refuge within the sanctuary that is Him.
     So, I want to encourage you. I want you to know that I am no different than any of you. We will all have our moments of weakness. I think we are all aware that our lives and our nation will be facing some difficult times. But never doubt who the Lord is, or that He is not aware of what you're experiencing. Remind yourself of all that He has done for you in the past, and that He is the same God today. And when our Enemy sends those spirits of doubt or fear, recite Isaiah 40 out loud and remind them of who you belong to! Remind them that you've still got a race to run and win! And remind them that God's glory and power will be evident in your life as you never give up!

2 Corinthians 4:8-10     Though we experience every kind of pressure, we’re not crushed. At times we don’t know what to do, but quitting is not an option. We are persecuted by others, but God has not forsaken us. We may be knocked down, but not out. We continually share in the death of Jesus in our own bodies so that the resurrection life of Jesus will be revealed through our humanity.

August 3, 2020

Personal Thoughts On Our Christian History

I have always been a history buff; primarily a lover of American history. From the time I could read, I immersed myself in books about the settling of the American colonies; the mysterious disappearance of  the first English colony settled at Roanoke, and specifically, Virginia Dare, the first English child known to be born in America (who happened to share my birthday). I loved reading about the Pilgrims; how the various colonies came to be established; and the lead-up to the American Revolution. I've always been proud of my country and what it stood for; proud of the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence and concluded with these profound words ... "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor". I've honored the brave men and women who participated in the events that define our history -- both the good and bad parts of it. I guess you could call me a Patriot. But don't stop reading, I am a seeker of Truth and I have much more to say...
     You see, I am also not blind to the flaws, failings, and faults of our nation, either. While I believe in the concept of America as "the great melting pot"; a beacon of freedom and tolerance for all peoples, I acknowledge that "tolerance" has not always been forthcoming or countenanced or condoned. Our treatment of early immigrants from Ireland, Italy, Palestine, and China, are examples of our national prejudice. In 1845, newspaper columnist, John O'Sullivan, coined the phrase "Manifest Destiny" to describe the cultural belief that American settlers were destined [some say by God] to expand across the North American continent, defeating and displacing the Native Americans and anyone else who got in our way. And then, in 1860 we fought a Civil War over the un-Godly right of one man to own another, and it cost the lives of 618,222 men. All that is part of our American history, too.
     I'm not naive enough to believe that our nation is perfect, or that some of our history hasn't been "photoshopped" or romanticized. Did George Washington really chop down that cherry tree and "could not tell a lie"? While I could be accused of being an idealist, I'm also a realist. I'm unwilling to gloss over our national mistakes and sins, but I also will not declare that this nation is inherently evil and vile. I believe that, culturally, we have been a Christian nation -- from the landing of the Pilgrims on our shores to our present day worship of Jesus Christ, in all its various forms and denominations, that has been the predominant faith of this nation. That does not mean that our Founding Fathers were all dedicated Christians or that their faith resembled modern-day evangelicalism.
     I am not a religious or historical scholar, so let me just state my understanding of how the Founding Fathers were influenced. I think one of the most instrumental developments that influenced the American colonies (and eventually our form of government) was the intellectual movement called "The Enlightenment". This movement emphasized reason, individualism, and skepticism. Enlightenment thinkers generally denounced supernatural occurrences as superstition or implausible. That does not mean that they were atheists. Therefore, Founding Fathers such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and political activist Thomas Paine were all believers in the principles and morals of Christianity, but considered themselves Deists. Deism is the belief that God exists, but does not involve Himself in our daily lives; preferring to let the universe proceed according to natural law. They insist that God is knowable through reason and nature, not divine revelation. That's why the language of the Declaration of Independence includes phrases like "the Laws of Nature and Nature's God", while referring to God, Himself, as "divine Providence". However, do not interpret this distinction as meaning that our Founding Fathers were not Believers. They all adhered to Christian principles and God as "Judge of the World".
     So, how does that understanding have any significance for us today? Anyone who is paying attention should be aware that the Anti-Christ spirit is the same as the Enemy in Matthew 13 who sowed (weeds)  among the field of wheat the Lord planted here in America. Throughout our short 244 years as a nation, this wicked spirit has influenced people to change the recording of our history. Psalm 33:12 tells us, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people whom He has chosen as His heritage!" I believe we are such a nation!
     BUT, from the beginning, the Enemy has tried to destroy this nation and its allegiance to Jehovah God. And if he could not accomplish that, then he would try to distort and corrupt our history so that God would nullify His covenant with us. And he has a perfect instrument in the anti-God philosophical, social, political, and economical ideology called Communism. All you have to do is read come of the Communist goals that I referred to in a previous article, to see what he is executing and accomplishing .... Goal #27: Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a "religious crutch.... Goal #28: Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state".... Goal #30: Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man".... Goal #31: Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of the "big picture" .... and finally, Goal #42: Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use "united force" to solve economic, political or social problems.
     Interestingly enough, the concept of the degeneracy of our youth, both socially and spiritually, was one of the reasons given by William Bradford (signatory to the Mayflower Compact, and Governor of the Plymouth colony) as to why the Puritans left the Netherlands after fleeing religious persecution by the Church of England. Here, in his own words, he writes of this concern: But that which was more lamentable, and of all sorowes most heavie to be borne, was that many of their children, by these occasions, and ye great licentiousnes of youth in yt countrie, and ye manifold temptations of the place, were drawne away by evill examples into extravagante & dangerous courses, getting ye raines off their neks, & departing from their parents. Some became souldiers, others tooke upon them farr viages by sea, and other some worse courses, tending to dissolutnes & the danger of their soules, to ye great greefe of their parents and dishonour of God. So that they saw their posteritie would be in danger to degenerate & be corrupted.
     We can certainly sympathize with him, can't we? Just in my lifetime, this nation has suffered the rebellion of its youth in the streets. I remember being in high school and watching the riots in the streets of Chicago during the Viet Nam War, and the violence of groups like the Weather Underground and the Black Panthers. Leaders of those groups infiltrated our universities and changed the way our history was taught and how our youth envision the legacy of this nation. Birth control made licentiousness acceptable, and abortion expunged its consequences. What God thought of this defiance of His moral laws became irrelevant. Respect for law and order, or authority became despised, and one injustice gave permission to commit another. We are seeing that in our streets today. I sympathize with William Bradford's assessment that the souls of our youth are in danger, as well as their posterity.
     Our flag is dishonored and disrepected; it burns along with Bibles in the streets of Portland. But why should that surprise us? We have allowed God to be removed from our classrooms, our public square, and our history. He is our Banner (Jehovah Nissi), our flag that goes before us into battle. But some in our culture don't want to go to war alongside Him. Yet, I declare this day that He still wants to be the God of America. As Psalm 33 states, "The Lord looks down from heaven; He sees all the children of man; from where He sits enthroned He looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth, He who fashions the hearts of them all and observes all their deeds".
     He sees the hearts of millions of Believers who stand on the walls of their communities and cities to pray against the Enemy who comes to burn and destroy. He sees us as we pray, repenting and asking for forgiveness for all the ways this nation has sinned against Him. He sees us joining together, battling in the spirit against the Anti-Christ spirit that has joined forces with agitators and rebellious youth. You see, we know the eye of the Lord is on those of us who truly fear Him; whose hope is in Him; and who trust in Him to deliver us from those in alignment with the Evil One. We will not be moved! We will occupy until He returns! And we will continue to walk in the glorious promise of this nation!
     I'd like to leave you with the final words of William Bradford and his hope for this New Land. It is the same as it was when he wrote this in 1620: "Lastly, and which is not least, [we have] a great hope & inward zeall of laying some good foundation, or at least to make some way therunto, for ye propagating & advancing ye gospell of ye kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of ye world; yea, though they should be but even as stepping-stones unto others for ye performing of so great a work." God, please don't abandon us! Behold Your children who have re-discovered a great hope and zeal for the Gospel of the Kingdom! Use this nation as a stepping stone for the spread of this Gospel around the world! Transform us into a nation You are proud to call Your own! We are willing, Father! We humble ourselves and seek Your face. Heal our land!

Psalm 33:20-22    Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in Him, because we trust in His Holy Name. Let your steadfast love, O Lord, be upon us, even as we hope in You.



July 28, 2020

This Is A Season For Intercession And A Time For Battle


     I recently read an article on the Intercessors for America website in which author Brandon Smith provided some insight for prayer regarding what he called, "A Worst Case Scenario for the 2020 Election". He then proceeded to unravel what "the Deep State's" plans were for the upcoming election, and how they hoped to not only defeat President Trump, but ultimately accomplish "a contested election, civil war, martial law, economic collapse and destruction of the US from within".
     Everything he suggested presented a plausible and logical scenario -- all valuable information to understand the political and globalist agenda. I am well aware of the plans and strategy to overhaul the American "experiment", as our first President called this nation. And, yes, I see below the surface of all the media deception and the political maneuvering. I see what is happening from the worldly perspective very well.
     But I also see and hear from the Lord, and receive His perspective and how we are to react to what we comprehend in the physical. So that's why I found the comments far more interesting than the article itself. The differences in how people recommended we pray [as intercessors] was very revealing. Most people were able to see behind the curtain, and ascertain that we are in a spiritual battle for the soul of this nation. But there were different positions on how to engage in this vigorous conflict.
    There were those who believe the only way to win against Satan's agenda is to up our game in intercessory prayer; to pray more fervently and without ceasing. Some prayed, "Father, raise up Your church to be Your Ambassadors of Love and shine the Light of Love into this dark world so that darkness cannot prevail and the Kingdom is advanced through Grace." Others are taking a little bolder stance and forming prayer groups, acknowledging that we have been born for "such a time as this" and calling on people to "agree and declare that the enemy is defeated and speak words of life, declaring that our God is able to do far more than we can ask or think. Let’s start thinking as big as possible and let him make it far bigger." These intercessors are asking for signs and wonders demonstrating  the Lord's Sovereignty during these tumultuous times.
     Still others asked, "Why even print such a negative and defeatist article? As the sons and daughters of God we are COMMANDED by God to focus on things that are of a good report! We will be held accountable for every idle word we speak! We need to focus and pray for God's Will on earth, in the White House, and in America, as it is in Heaven! We do not need to focus on debates, strategies, opinions, he said she said, etc”... We need to pray for agreement and for people to OBEY GOD….
Fast and pray for those in Authority. The power of Death and Life is in our tongue. We must speak Life over our country, not Death!"
     As to be expected, there were those whose focus seemed to be on our rights as citizens of America, telling God they wanted to stand and fight for the Constitution and Bill of Rights; asking God for His perfect will to be done, and asking "our Sovereign LORD to please give us Mercy and not what we deserve." But, I respectfully ask, "What do you think God's Sovereign will is for our country? Do you think politics is at the center of it, and it can be accomplished through an election?"
     I tend to agree with one of the commenters, who said, "The current war we face is between two kingdoms.The enemy is distracting God’s people by tempting us to focus on personal and national injustices. Our gaze needs to be unequivocally upon the kingdoms. By frequently gathering in worship, prayer and supplication, to seek Holy Spirit’s direction, He will lead and guide us through each step going forward. We will need to lay down every preconceived idea, no matter how brilliant it may seem, and seek to understand what our Commander in Chief wants to accomplish."
     Now I want to take it a step further. Yes, intercessory prayer is VERY important in this time! As we are faced with wickedness and evil that is emboldened and strengthened by the rebelliousness of men, we need people of strong faith and discernment to remind the Lord of His promises until we see them fulfilled. These are men and women who walk in their identity as anointed priests of God, with holy revelation their goal. We need men and women who will plead for Justice on behalf of the righteous; who are willing to build a wall of protection with their prayers and then to stand on that wall as encouragement for others. We need intercessors who know and understand what the fear of God is all about, and who are being transformed by the power of their prayer to form a stronger bond with our great God on behalf of all of us. I submit that there is only a remnant of such powerful prayer warriors who deserve the name of Intercessors. They need the rest of us to pray that they will grow in strength and endurance for the days ahead.
     Then I want to remind all of us that our Lord is a Man of War. The Bible is full of exhortations declaring His status as a Warrior. Who He was at the Red Sea is who He is today! As Moses wrote [in Exodus 15) after Pharaoh's army was destroyed in the midst of the Sea, "The Lord is a man of war; the Lord is His Name". And as King David wrote in Psalm 24, "Who is the King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty; the LORD, invincible in battle." As Charles Ellicott (1819-1905) wrote in his excellent Commentary, "In the very name, Jehovah, is implied all might, all power, and so necessarily the strength to prevail in battle. The name, meaning "the Existent One," implies that nothing else has any real existence independently of Him; and if no existence, then necessarily no strength." He is Jehovah, the Strong and Mighty One; strong in Himself, mighty in His acts of war against the wicked, and mighty, especially in battle.
     We must not forget that the Lord described in these Old Testament accounts is the same King that the Apostle John reveals in Revelation 19:11, "Then I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse. And its rider is called Faithful and True. With righteousness He judges and wages war." He is also Jehovah Nissi and He will fight for us. His Name is a strong tower, and the righteous run into it and are safe (Proverbs 18:10). But that doesn't mean we sit on the sidelines and not participate in the spiritual war. That is why we have been give spiritual armor. We are to fight alongside the Heavenly Army of God on the earth and in the Second Heaven, as the Holy Spirit trains us up, counsels us, and leads us. The intercessors' prayers will give us strength in battle, as we wage war against the forces of evil -- both the human tyrants of this earth, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Their prayers will demand that the spiritual authorities and powers of darkness submit to Jehovah, the One before whom all others who exist will fade and fall into nothingness.
     So, in summation, as we approach the 2020 Elections, we will see many secular and political articles like the one mentioned at the beginning of this post. They have credibility as far as looking at possible outcomes of the Presidential race and our future from an earthly perspective. But are in this world, not of it! We must never lose sight of who we are, and who our God is. With fervent and unceasing Intercessory Prayer, coupled with dedicated and fearless warriors in the spirit, we will unite with our Warrior King of Mercy and Justice to see His will done on earth as it is in Heaven. There is a victory coming in every realm ... and it is ours!

Psalm 37:13     The Lord laughs at him [the wicked one—the one who oppresses the righteous], For He sees that his day [of defeat] is coming.

July 25, 2020

It's Time To Get Firmly Settled In Your Land of Goshen

     Almost exactly six years ago to the day, I wrote a blog post titled, Are You In Your Land of Goshen? There were increasing signs that our nation was undergoing radical changes philosophically, politically, and culturally. We were struggling with the societal and religious issue of same-sex marriage; protests over a police shooting in Ferguson, MO were turning violent in the streets of major cities; the Federal Government and ranchers were at a dangerous standoff in Nevada; the CIA admitted it was spying on citizens; Slender Man (a demonic entity geared towards kids) made his presence known on the internet; an Ebola outbreak terrified the world; Isis posted beheadings of an American aid worker and journalist; and much more that signaled we were undergoing a "fundamental transformation".
     Those issues seem like a cake walk to where we find ourselves today. Not only has marriage been redefined, but so has gender, to the point that biology is being dismissed, and gender is being declared as "variable" and "inconstant". Switching genders is at the whim of a person's desire. Riots and protests show no sign of decreasing. Mayors and Governors ignore attempts by the President to bring law and order to the streets of our nation, and Civil War seems to be on the lips of anyone who is paying attention to the nightly news. Covid-19 makes Ebola seem like a case of the sniffles, and death is coming to innocent Americans by home-grown terrorists. And all that doesn't even touch on the precariousness of our economy and state of mind.
     Now, you may be thinking that I'm promoting a defeatist attitude. On the contrary! I'm here to help you declare and establish you and your family's Land of Goshen. Do you recall the story of Joseph in the Bible? He was sold into slavery in Egypt by his jealous brothers, only to overcome lies and deception and rise to the office of Vizier, the second most powerful man in Egypt, next to Pharaoh. Because Joseph found favor with God (and Pharaoh), he was able to store up food during seven years of abundance, which allowed the Egyptians to survive a seven-year famine. His Israelite brothers journeyed to Egypt to buy goods during the famine, and Joseph invited them to remain and live in Egyptian territory. Discovering that they were shepherds, Pharaoh told Joseph to "Settle your father and your brothers in the best of the land. Let them settle in the land of Goshen."
     It is important to know that not only was Goshen the best land in Egypt, suitable for both crops and livestock, but it was spared plagues brought by Moses. It has come to be exemplified by the prospects of "comfort and plenty". Additionally, in Hebrew, Goshen means "drawing near".  If you will read Genesis 45:7-11, you will find that God had a plan: for Joseph to bring his family out of the famine in Canaan to a place where they would find shelter and security.  We see that Joseph desires to have his family near him; to protect them from the famine that will threaten others; and to provide for their needs. That's what God wants to do for us in whatever is going to happen in this nation.
     Mark and I have declared and proclaimed our property and home as the Land of Goshen.  I have said this before: that I know without a doubt that God maneuvered and positioned us in this exact spot, both physically and spiritually, in 2008.  For the past 12 years, He has protected us from the deteriorating economy and provided for our needs -- even when everything in this world pointed to the unlikelihood of our survival.  Just as in the Bible, when God sent the ten plagues against Egypt --- they hit every part of the country, but the land of Goshen.
     I believe that we have avoided the disastrous consequences of the physical and spiritual poverty of our country because we have drawn nearer to God, here in this spot that He placed us, than at any other time in our lives. When we draw near to Him, He draws nearer to us.  He keeps revealing more; He introduced us to His precepts of spiritual warfare and then His Kingdom realm. And I know in my soul and spirit that He will be present with us as the growing persecution comes against us. And while I recognize the threats of Satan and his anti-Christ in this world -- transhumanism, 21st century plagues, the New World Order, the annihilation of Israel, and the collapse of our own country -- are ever-constant, I have faith that I am in the exact place God wants me to be in order to receive His protection and provision. 
      If you have not been called to move or change locations, then accept that you are in your personal land of Goshen.  There's no need to flee in fear or doubt.  Stay where you are; knowing that you are firmly rooted in your faith and the knowledge that God is drawing you near. The storms will rage all around you, but your experiences will be different than the world's. Put on your spiritual armor and enter into the Kingdom of God and the realm that is Jesus. We are engaged in a spiritual battle, and when the forces of darkness see that you have drawn nearer to God, they will flee for greener pastures.    
     I believe in the power and authority of our God to proclaim as many Land of Goshens as He desires.  So take a look around ... maybe what you have taken for granted these last few years is really a safe haven from the wiles of the devil. Say a blessing over your home and your small plot of land.  Dedicate them and your family to drawing nearer to God so that you might escape the devestations coming our way. Be thankful for your refuge and your shelter, and rest in your Goshen.

Psalm 73:28    But as for me, it is good for me to draw near to God; I have made the Lord God my refuge and placed my trust in Him, that I may tell of all Your works.   


April 13, 2020

My Refuge and My Fortress

     Today, I want to share a unique perspective on Psalm 91, and a testimony that will be sure to stir your spirit and heart. (Please read to the end for this inspiring word). I want to stress that this impactful psalm has been at the center of prayer lives for over 3200 years, and it is particularly relevant today.

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.”
For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler
    and from the deadly pestilence.
He will cover you with his pinions,
    and under his wings you will find refuge;
    his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
You will not fear the terror of the night,
    nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
    nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.

A thousand may fall at your side,
    ten thousand at your right hand,
    but it will not come near you.
You will only look with your eyes
    and see the recompense of the wicked.

Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place—
    the Most High, who is my refuge—
10 no evil shall be allowed to befall you,
    no plague come near your tent.

11 For he will command his angels concerning you
    to guard you in all your ways.
12 On their hands they will bear you up,
    lest you strike your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the adder;
    the young lion and the serpent you will trample underfoot.

14 “Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him;
    I will protect him, because he knows My name.
15 When he calls to Me, I will answer him;
    I will be with him in trouble;
    I will rescue him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him
    and show him My salvation.”

     In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic many Christians are finding their strength and hope in the encouraging words of Psalm 91. The ancient Jewish midrash (commentary) states that it was composed by Moses on the day he completed the building of the Tabernacle in the desert. If you are knowledgeable in the Bible, then you know that the glory of the Lord filled the completed tabernacle as a cloud covered the congregation, the covenant people of God. And this covering accompanied the Israelites as a sign of protection as they wandered in the desert. The last verse in the Book of Exodus tells us "For the cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle by day, and fire was in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel throughout all their journeys." The cloud was the presence of YHWH, who made His home in the tabernacle, and the fire is the Holy Spirit.    
     As recipients of the New Covenant with God, we are the tabernacle where the Most High now dwells, and the fire is still in us, in the presence of the Holy Spirit. So, I want to pose the same question to you that I asked in a 2012 blog post: Do you have the courage to believe that God literally means Psalm 91 in His promises of protection? Please take that question seriously, because it is not asked lightly, and here's why...
     I want to boldly declare that not everyone will benefit from the promises.  Like all the promises in Psalm 91, they are available to all; but only those who believe what God says in His Holy Word and hold fast to the promises within, will receive the benefits. It is essential that we choose to believe and trust His Word! Only those who are in close communion with God -- Christ lives in them and they live in Christ -- come into the secret place of shelter with the Most High. It is a promise of refuge and safety that we can trust!
     And I am sure it is not lost on you that "pestilence and plague" are prominently mentioned in Psalm 91. In referencing the "deadly pestilence", the psalm renders the promise in verse 7 profoundly comforting: A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you. Likewise, we find the promises in verses 9 and 10 particularly reassuring: Because you have made the Lord your dwelling place—the Most High, who is my refuge—no evil shall be allowed to befall you, no plague come near your tent. But do you see the stipulation? You must have made the Lord your dwelling place; your refuge. And verse 14 makes it clear that Because we hold fast to Him in love, He will deliver us; He will protect us, because we know His name. This is a deep and abiding relationship between us and our God, with conditions attached to His protection. But as the Lord has shown me over and over, if I am faithful to Him in all my ways, He will be faithful to me, and all His promises are mine.
     But I want to now share a comment I received from a 78-year-old in Sydney, Australia. This person recently stumbled upon that blog post I wrote on Psalm 91 way back in 2012. But their comments bring new life and relevancy to my words. Prepare to be inspired as I was...
     "Never was Psalm 91 more relevant to mankind than today. Your explanation of Psalm 91 is what the Holy Spirit has been revealing to me over the last few weeks, as the Corona Virus brings the whole World to its knees. Although at age 78 I am at higher risk, I have no fear, because I trust in God's promises in Psalm 91. 
     Until recently I have been teaching scripture to Primary School boys and girls (schools have been closed due to the Pandemic).  Last year the syllabus dealt with God's promises. I taught the kids, as the Bible teaches us, that when God makes a Promise, He Keeps it! I was so happy to observe how the children accepted this truth so eagerly. Whenever I would use the phrase God makes a Promise in class, the whole class would rise in unison, punch the air with their little fists and shout out loud, He always keeps it! I pray they will never forget this truth. It is clear to me (like you) that only those who truly believe in the promises of Psalm 91 will receive the protection from God which is promised in this Psalm.
     I am dismayed that many God fearing Christians (including the Pastor of the Church I attend in Sydney, Australia) when praying for God's help in this global crisis, are only asking God to help the scientists discover a vaccine or treatment for Covid-19, when the most obvious thing to ask is that God causes the virus to mutate into a harmless type. God could do this if it is His will. However, I think about another promise from God, that He will shake the Heavens and the Earth once more. This could be what we are experiencing now. After God cleansed the evil in mankind during the flood, He promised Noah He would not send another flood. However, God did not mention never sending a plague. 

     I have no spiritual confirmation through the Holy Spirit that this is what is happening now, but if this new plague is how God plans to cleanse mankind from people who hold evil in their hearts, the righteous may observe with our eyes the punishment of the wicked, [as is written in verse 8 of Psalm 91].... Can we believe that the righteous will not get infected, while the unrighteous perish? May God bless and protect [us all]."

     I closed out my 2012 commentary on Psalm 91 with the admonition that it speaks of spiritual warfare - the attacks of the Enemy: the snare of the fowler; the pestilence and destruction; and the evil. God is a moral ruler and a God of Justice, so sooner or later the ungodly will reap their due punishment. But He is also a God of mercy for those who find shelter under His wings, and He will deliver us and protect us; He will rescue and honor us. So let us join with those precious children in Australia and shout, with upraised fists, When God makes a promise, He always keeps it! And then let us walk in the weeks and months ahead in full obedience to that Truth! Amen!

November 23, 2019

"The Veils" Of Our Existence

     Since I began this blog, I have periodically run this post that I originally wrote in 2012, shortly after I launched this site. The post was based on a theory proposed by the late Don Harkin, former Editor of The Idaho Observer.  Mr. Harkin suggested the existence of a world system of Power-Elites that the masses don't comprehend because these Power-Elites have cleverly developed a virtual pasture so green that few people seldom, if ever, bother to look up from where they are grazing to notice that they are being led over the cliff. It was Mr. Harkin's conjecture that there were at least 8 veils of understanding that a person needed to penetrate in order to see the real purpose of our existence.
     From that first posting in 2012 to the second posting in 2016, my understanding that each level of these "veils" included spiritual battles had increased exponentially, and I added a "new perspective" to my original perception. I still think each of these stages exists and is valid, and in order to progress to a higher understanding of just how we are to maneuver through this existence called life, we must be able to pierce each successive veil and move to the next level.  It is part of our human journey on this earth... only now, I see this journey with the added benefit of spiritual eyes. So, now that we are approaching 2020, it's time to revisit this interesting speculation, and see if we grasp any new revelations that we can add to Mr. Harkins' original conjecture.  If this is not the first time you've read this post on my blog, I'm also interested to know how many of you have grown in your understanding, as well.
     The First Veil (2012) = Politics. There are over 7 billion+ people on the planet.  Most of them will live and die without seriously thinking about anything other than what it takes to live and breathe for one more day.  That means that 90% of all humanity will live behind this first veil and never pierce it.  That leaves 10% of us who will vote, be active in our societies and have an opinion.  Our opinions are often shaped by government officials, the Mainstream Media, or other "experts" who claim to be voices of authority.  But of those with an opinion, 90% will never really think for themselves and will adopt the opinion of others, while 10% will pierce the second veil and move forward in their thinking.
     My 2016 Perspective:  All this remains true, but now I see that there are spiritual forces behind those involved in the government, Mainstream Media, and "experts", or voices of authority.  Of those of us within the 10% who form their own opinion, how many understand that politics is not the answer -- that our power will not come from our affiliation with whomever wins elections, but from Jesus Christ?  And what small percentage of that 10% realizes that our time on this earth should not be spent supporting man-made power structures, but using our power from Christ to "do the things He has done, only greater"? (John 14:12).
     My 2020 Perspective: In the last four years I have grown from an understanding that I have spiritual power and authority transferred from my Savior, Jesus Christ, to a revelation that I am a citizen of Heaven and an Ambassador for the Kingdom of God and His government here on earth. I am to be a member of Christ's Ecclesia (governing body of Christians who implement God's laws/government in our culture and nation). I now understand that our 21st Century model of a Church building full of Christians has not accomplished what Christ intended when He trained and equipped His disciples to go into the world and heal the sick, cast out demons, cleanse the spiritually unclean, raise the dead, and spread the Gospel of the Kingdom.

    The Second Veil (2012) = History.  Once we've pierced the first veil, there will be 10% of us who will explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government, which will then lead to the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law.  Ninety percent of this group will live and die without going on to pierce the third veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  T
he Constitution is no longer my route to real freedom.  Man's laws and self-government will only get me so far.  My true freedom lies in letting Jesus heal my spiritual wounds, and recognizing that I don't have to suffer the "fiery darts" of the Enemy.  The history that consumes me now are the experiences of those -- both from the ancient world, and the modern -- who have learned what it means to transcend the tyranny and oppression from the spiritual realm to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.  That is true freedom.
     My 2020 Perspective: The Constitution is being undermined and usurped as Evil begins to come out from behind the veil and boldly reveal itself. Man-made laws that have governed in times past are ignored and I now understand that if we Christians do not stand up and govern as an Ecclesia, then someone else will write our laws. We can see that in the Colorado law that does not require gender specification on a birth certificate. We are in new [and increasingly terrifying] territory when it comes to what history has shown to be traditional forms of law and government. The gloves are coming off.

     The Third Veil (2012) = Resources of the World.  Of the group that pierces this veil, 10% of us will come to realize that the masses are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose old world assets have been manipulated to become the foundation upon which the world's economy is currently indebted.  (Think Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, the Royal Monarchs).  But sadly, 90% of this group will never pierce the fourth veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Yes, the masses are controlled by these extremely wealthy and powerful families; and behind them are the spiritual forces of wickedness and evil.  I believe that they have sold their souls for earthly wealth and power that will prove false when the Day of Judgment comes.
     My 2020 Perspective: Those that have held this control are feeling threatened as Jesus's Remnant is awakening to the truth of their power and is fighting back spiritually. Therefore, the Wicked are accelerating their evil through sex trafficking, child sacrifice, and sex rituals, as well as reallocating resources of rare earth minerals to their advantage.
     The Fourth Veil (2012) = The Illuminati, Freemasonry and other secret societies.  There are 10% of us that recognize these societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that transfer mysterious knowledge that is used to keep us ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth.  This has been seen frequently at Super Bowl halftime shows (Beyonce flashing "the Rockefeller" sign; Madonna sporting symbols of the occult) and during the Grammy's (Nikki Minaj's ode to "Roman", the demon whom she says possesses her).  Just check out the Youtube videos for each of these demonstrations!  But once again, 90% of those who have reached this level of understanding will never pierce the fifth veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Boy, has my understanding of this grown in the last few years!  The Lord has shown me just how much devastation has been sown on families steeped in these secret societies.  The oaths and curses taken during secret ritual ceremonies have resulted in great oppression among many Christians, who don't even know these secret societies have permeated their families or their Churches!  And the evidence that these societies have infiltrated our entertainment industry is overwhelming.  I am literally seeing the signs and symbols everywhere I look throughout our culture.  Sadly, I believe that our country is steeped in the occult mysticism associated with these groups, and they are influencing every area of our lives.
     My 2020 Perspecrtive:  These last years have seen Mark and I grow in our ministry of Inner Healing and we certainly have seen an increase in the iniquity in family lines that demonstrate the characteristics of demonic oppression. And it is so much more in the open! People are now willing to reveal the torment they are under and are desperate for a solution. So many people are suffering that it is almost becoming mainstream among our society. So, now we are no longer able to ignore the evil permeating our homes and families. What are we going to do about it? Is the Church willing to finally get on board with the knowledge that evil exists, spiritual warfare is real, and we have to fight back?

     The Fifth Veil (2012) = Technological advances by these Secret Societies. I may lose some of you at this point, but I urge you to do your own research and study the Bible in depth.  There are hints of the knowledge behind this fifth veil, but you have to be willing to connect the dots.  There are 10% who make it this far in their understanding who learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that they are able to do things that were considered science fiction just decades ago.  The inventions of Ray Kurzweil and his prediction of "man's singularity with computers" is an example of such advanced technology.  But what's interesting is that this technology is actually ancient, and compares to what Nimrod was trying to accomplish at the Tower of Babel; namely to become like God. Are we getting dangerously close to that concept again?  Nearly 90% will never get beyond this understanding to the sixth veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  To say that technology has surpassed science fiction is putting it mildly.  Human-animal hybrids are being created in Great Britain, and a surgeon plans to reanimate human corpses.  Books are being written that tell us immortality is accessible to everyone, outside of any religious worldview.  Inventors and artists openly admit that they are "channeling" spiritual sources of knowledge.  All this is being downloaded from entities in the spiritual realm to control and deceive the human race.  We better understand who we're dealing with.
     My 2020 Perspective: It's just more of the same and at a faster pace. Pedophilia and child pornography rings use technology to spread their evil; people are so intrigued with getting their technology "fix" quicker and easier, that we have gone from cell phones to watches and implants can't be far behind. There is still talk of moving our brains to "the Cloud", and Siri and Alexa know everything we say and do. How long until we're dealing with the real-life scenario portrayed in 1984's Terminator movie?

     The Sixth Veil (2012) = Aliens and Monsters may be real.  It is going to take a huge leap for the 10% who get to this level of understanding.  But if you study your Bible closely, you will see mention of fallen angels mating with earthly women to give birth to Nephalim (Giants) (Genesis 6:4 and 2 Samuel 21:20, for example).  There are many modern-day Biblical scholars who are prepared to say that the minotaurs of old and the UFO and alien sightings of today are evidence of these fallen angels.
     My 2016 Perspective:  My, how far we've come in these last three-and-a-half years!  The growth of the remnant of the Church who understands the truth of Genesis 6 has been astounding!  I know that there are "spiritual monsters" and they are called demons.  I have encountered them in deliverance sessions, and seen them stare out of the eyes of people who had no idea they were being oppressed by them.  Savage and brutal and bizarre attacks upon people are increasing and are evidence that the Enemy is bringing the spiritual battle to our physical world.  Although, yes, these demons are real, we should have no fear because He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.
     My 2020 Perspective: I think perhaps the most surprising new revelation I have received in the last nearly four years is the cooperation between evil men and Satan's demonic forces. TV shows like Stranger Things may appear to be a form of conspiracy entertainment, but it is based on real-life government experiments in the so-called Montauk Project, involving space, time, and opening portals into other dimensions -- which, naturally leads to the question of what is coming through those portals and are Christians awake and prepared to do battle in these spiritual realms?

     The Seventh Veil (2012) = Peace of the Lord.  If you have made it this far and can conceive of the concepts behind the sixth veil, then perhaps you can see that what waits for us behind the seventh.  It's hard to imagine, but I can foresee a small group of people whose soul and spirit is so evolved that they can exist on this earth, yet be unafraid of the evil that abounds in this realm.  The only way I can describe it is to have such peace from God that you are unafraid of death.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Actually, my perspective has moved in a new direction on this veil.  It's not such a small group that sees the evil ascending on the earth from the second heaven, or spiritual realm.  These last few years has seen an amazing growth in this knowledge within the Body of Christ.  It's as if the Holy Spirit has done a massive data dump upon Christians!  We not only know and discern this spiritual warfare, but we also have been given the knowledge that we have the Authority of Jesus to fight [in this war] through the Power of the Holy Spirit.  And that's where our Peace comes from... knowing that we can rebuke the devil and he will flee; knowing that the Lord is our banner in this fight and goes before us; and we know that Jesus will not only never leave us nor forsake us, but He who began a good work in us will complete it.  That is called Peace!
     My 2020 Perspective: This knowledge of supernatural peace has only grown! Once again, I am seeing panic among the general public, and even among some of the "religious" Christians, as they once again sense that the noose is tightening around our comfortable way of life. But those of us who pierced the previous six veils have journeyed for awhile now in the peace that only comes from understanding [and accepting] that evil will increase before Jesus comes back to administer His swift justice. In what might be perceived as an unorthodox mindset, we actually receive the certainty of advancing evil as a sign that our Lord is near to returning. We are ready and both physically and spiritually prepared. We are no longer restive in the midst of the anticipation of evil, but are serene and calm in the certainty of our victory.

     That brings us to Harkin's Eighth veil (2012), which can only be the pure energy, authority and life force that is God.  We can only hope to tap into that Power, and I think the closest we can come to that is to seek a personal, intimate relationship with the One True God, the Ruler of the Universe and abide in Him.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Yes, a personal, intimate relationship is necessary to tap into that Power, but it is incumbent upon each of us to know that it is available to us.  We are not to be mindless robots, sitting idly by waiting for God to win this war all by Himself.  We are created in His image, exhorted to imitate Christ, and called to an inheritance in Christ.  He dwells in us!  That energy, authority and life force are not to be squandered, but used to gain ground in defeating the Enemy in our lives!
     My 2020 Perspective: The knowledge that we are to have a personal, intimate relationship with Christ is now seen through an entirely new lens. He is our King, and we serve Him in His kingdom here on earth. He is our model, and we are to hear and see His directives on managing this earth, just as He followed everything the Father showed and told Him. This picture of citizenship in the Kingdom of God on earth still includes love, compassion, mercy, and grace ... but it has expanded to taking back territory from the kingdom of darkness in people's lives. Mankind was given dominion over the earth at our creation, and it is time we step into that mandate and take up our mantle of authority, using the power of Heaven through the Holy Spirit. who resides in us.

     So, as you can see, with each veil of understanding that is pierced, the number of people "who see" gets exponentially smaller.  When I first wrote this blog post over 7 years ago, I saw mainly through "worldly" eyes.  I was focused on "the low information voter", and the gullible citizens who I saw as useful idiots and tools of the state.  I actually thought my vote really mattered and changing the politics of the nation would solve the world's problems.  I didn't see the spiritual component.
     When I reassessed my understanding three-and-a-half years ago, I can honestly say that I believed I was at that Eighth veil, and I was so grateful to my Lord and the Holy Spirit for helping me to see through the murkiness of the veils and how they obscured my vision of God's Truth.  I saw that my existence here on earth was more than just this physical realm, and my victory in this life depended on my readiness to work with Jesus and the Holy Spirit to do battle with the spiritual realm.  I truly knew that I did not battle against flesh and blood, but had the Authority and Power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to free myself of spiritual bondage.
    Now, with an additional three-and-a-half years under my belt, I realize that my comprehension of that eighth veil was rudimentary. Yes, it was important to know the true intent of Jesus's Great Commission for us Believers. And, yes, it is not only our privilege, but our responsibility to work with Him and the Holy Spirit to "set the captives free" from their demonic bondage to Satan's lies. But we aren't to stop there. Once we are free, we are to use that energy, authority, and life force that is "God in us" to continue the purpose that Jesus came for -- to re-establish this earth and its inhabitants under the governmental authority of the Kingdom of God.
     Jesus says in Luke 4:43, I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose. And then He says, in Matthew 24:14, And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. I now clearly see that part of my responsibility as a citizen of the Kingdom of God is to speak into people so that they achieve the entry point into the Kingdom -- which is Salvation. Then I must work with Jesus to get them free from the lies of the Enemy. And then I am to equip and train them to do the same for others, educating them about what it means to be a citizen of Heaven on earth. That is the entire Gospel of the Kingdom! And then the end of Satan's kingdom will come when the Lord returns with His righteous judgment!
    The largest part of "the Church" has stopped at Salvation! Until we can spread the good news of the Kingdom, Christ will not return. And unless you're free from Satan's lies, you cannot comprehend the Kingdom concept and your role as a citizen. Can you see it? First comes Salvation, then Freedom, then your position and responsibility in the Kingdom! 
     I will admit that it's a long road to progress through these veils, and if you are just beginning to awaken to their reality, then I hope you can see that living, breathing and thinking are just the beginning to greater understanding.  And there is nothing to fear... we know that victory is ours in the next life.  Until then, it an honor to stand for our Lord and represent Him as Kingdom citizens to all we come in contact with, and to help others to push through the veils.  As we teach them the meaning of each obstruction, and show them how to move to the next stage, it will be one less obstacle between them and God, and Christ's return.  That is a goal worthy of effort by every Christian.

2 Corinthians 3:16-17   But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.  Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.