Three-and-a-half years ago, my level of understanding of these "veils" did not include the spiritual battle that was being waged at each stage. I still think each of these stages exists and is valid, and in order to progress to a higher understanding of just how we are to maneuver through this existence called life, we must be able to pierce each successive veil and move to the next level. It is part of our human journey on this earth... only now, I see this journey with the added benefit of spiritual eyes. So I would like to revisit this interesting speculation, and add a new spiritual perspective to Mr. Harkins' conjecture. I'm interested to know how many of you have grown in your understanding, as well.

My New Perspective: All this remains true, but now I see that there are spiritual forces behind those involved in the government, Mainstream Media, and "experts", or voices of authority. Of those of us within the 10% who form their own opinion, how many understand that politics is not the answer -- that our power will not come from our affiliation with whomever wins elections, but from Jesus Christ? And what small percentage of that 10% realizes that our time on this earth should not be spent supporting man-made power structures, but using our power from Christ to "do the things He has done, only greater"? (John 14:12).
The Second Veil = History. There will be 10% of us who will explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government, which will lead to the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law. Ninety percent of this group will live and die without going on to pierce the third veil.
My New Perspective: The Constitution is no longer my route to real freedom. Man's laws and self-government will only get me so far. My true freedom lies in letting Jesus heal my spiritual wounds, and recognizing that I don't have to suffer the "fiery darts" of the Enemy. The history that consumes me now are the experiences of those -- both from the ancient world, and the modern -- who have learned what it means to transcend the tyranny and oppression from the spiritual realm to walk in the footsteps of Jesus. That is true freedom.
The Third Veil = Resources of the World. Of the group that pierces this veil, 10% of us will come to realize that the masses are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose old world assets have been manipulated to become the foundation upon which the world's economy is currently indebted. (Think Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, the Royal Monarchs). But sadly, 90% of this group will never pierce the fourth veil.
My New Perspective: Yes, the masses are controlled by these extremely wealthy and powerful families; and behind them are the spiritual forces of wickedness and evil. I believe that they have sold their souls for earthly wealth and power that will prove false when the Day of Judgment comes.
The Fourth Veil = The Illuminati, Freemasonry and other secret societies. There are 10% of us that recognize these societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that transfer mysterious knowledge that is used to keep us ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth. This has been seen frequently at Super Bowl halftime shows (Beyonce flashing "the Rockefeller" sign; Madonna sporting symbols of the occult) and during the Grammy's (Nikki Minaj's ode to "Roman", the demon whom she says possesses her). Just check out the Youtube videos for each of these demonstrations! But once again, 90% of those who have reached this level of understanding will never pierce the fifth veil.
My New Perspective: Boy, has my understanding of this grown in the last few years! The Lord has shown me just how much devastation has been sown on families steeped in these secret societies. The oaths and curses taken during secret ritual ceremonies have resulted in great oppression among many Christians, who don't even know these secret societies have permeated their families or their Churches! And the evidence that these societies have infiltrated our entertainment industry is overwhelming. I am literally seeing the signs and symbols everywhere I look throughout our culture. Sadly, I believe that our country is steeped in the occult mysticism associated with these groups, and they are influencing every area of our lives.
The Fifth Veil = Technological advances by these Secret Societies. I may lose some of you at this point, but I urge you to do your own research and study the Bible in depth. There are hints of the knowledge behind this fifth veil, but you have to be willing to connect the dots. There are 10% who make it this far in their understanding who learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that they are able to do things that were considered science fiction just decades ago. The inventions of Ray Kurzweil and his prediction of "man's singularity with computers" is an example of such advanced technology. But what's interesting is that this technology is actually ancient, and compares to what Nimrod was trying to accomplish at the Tower of Babel; namely to become like God. Are we getting dangerously close to that concept again? Nearly 90% will never get beyond this understanding to the sixth veil.
My New Perspective: To say that technology has surpassed science fiction is putting it mildly. Human-animal hybrids are being created in Great Britain, and a surgeon plans to reanimate human corpses. Books are being written that tell us immortality is accessible to everyone, outside of any religious worldview. Inventors and artists openly admit that they are "channeling" spiritual sources of knowledge. All this is being downloaded from entities in the spiritual realm to control and deceive the human race. We better understand who we're dealing with.

My New Perspective: My how far we've come in these last three-and-a-half years! The growth of the remnant of the Church who understands the truth of Genesis 6 has been astounding! I know that there are "spiritual monsters" and they are called demons. I have encountered them in deliverance sessions, and seen them stare out of the eyes of people who had no idea they were being oppressed by them. Savage and brutal and bizarre attacks upon people are increasing and are evidence that the Enemy is bringing the spiritual battle to our physical world. Although, yes, these demons are real, we should have no fear because He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.
If you have made it this far and can conceive of the concepts behind the sixth veil, then perhaps you can see that what waits for us behind The Seventh Veil = Peace of the Lord. It's hard to imagine, but I can foresee a small group of people whose soul is so evolved that they can exist on this earth, yet be unafraid of the evil that abounds in this realm. The only way I can describe it is to have such peace from God that you are unafraid of death.
My New Perspective: Actually, my perspective has moved in a new direction on this veil. It's not such a small group that sees the evil ascending on the earth from the second heaven, or spiritual realm. These last few years has seen an amazing growth in this knowledge within the Body of Christ. It's as if the Holy Spirit has done a massive data dump upon Christians! We not only know that and discern this spiritual warfare, but we also have been given the knowledge that we have the Authority of Jesus to fight [in this war] through the Power of the Holy Spirit. And that's where our Peace comes from... knowing that we can rebuke the devil and he will flee; knowing that the Lord is our banner in this fight and goes before us; and we know that Jesus will not only never leave us nor forsake us, but He who began a good work in us will complete it. That is called Peace!

My New Perspective: Yes, a personal, intimate relationship is necessary to tap into that Power, but it is incumbent upon each of us to know that it is available to us. We are not to be mindless robots, sitting idly by waiting for God to win this war all by Himself. We are created in His image, exhorted to imitate Christ, and called to an inheritance in Christ. He dwells in us! That energy, authority and life force are not to be squandered, but used to gain ground in defeating the Enemy in our lives!
So, as you can see, with each veil of understanding that is pierced, the number of people "who see" gets exponentially smaller. When I first wrote this blog post over three years ago, I saw mainly through "worldly" eyes. I was focused on "the low information voter", and the gullible citizens who I saw as useful idiots and tools of the state. I actually thought my vote really mattered and changing the politics of the nation would solve the world's problems. I didn't see the spiritual component.
I can honestly say that I believe I am at that Eighth veil, and I so grateful to my Lord and the Holy Spirit for helping me to see through the murkiness of the veils and how they obscured my vision of God's Truth. I see that my existence here on earth is more than just this physical realm, and my victory in this life depends on my readiness to work with Jesus and the Holy Spirit to do battle with the spiritual realm. I now truly know that I do not battle against flesh and blood, but have the Authority and Power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to free myself of spiritual bondage.
I will admit that it's a long road to progress through these veils, and if you are just beginning to awaken to their reality, then I hope you can see that living, breathing and thinking are just the beginning to greater understanding. And there is nothing to fear... we know that victory is ours in the next life. Until then, it an honor to stand for our Lord and represent Him to all we come in contact with, and to help others to push through the veils. As we teach them the meaning of each obstruction, and show them how to move to the next stage, it will be one less obstacle between them and God. That is a goal worthy of effort by every Christian.
2 Corinthians 3:16-17 "Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."
Amen Sister! AMEN! It seems not a day goes by that I don't find yet another deception that I had been 'asleep' to. To say that my perception of reality has changed does not even begin to touch it.
ReplyDelete"We press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus." Phil 3:4
Yes! Our Lord is speaking more loudly and clearly to me in these days, because I believe that I am focusing more on Him than the world. It is hard to wade through these veils that entangle us in deception and pretense, but once we see our way clear of them, the presence of the Lord is so sweet and exhilarating!
DeleteOutstanding! I have experienced the same progression.
ReplyDeleteI'm starting to become more aware of what is happening in the world as well