A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query women teaching in the Church. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query women teaching in the Church. Sort by date Show all posts

November 17, 2019

A Historical and Biblical Argument In Favor of Women

Once more, it seems as if Beth Moore has found herself the target of religious men. This time it is Reformed Baptist pastor John MacArthur who has her square in his sights. Although MacArthur lists his church as non-denominational, his doctrine of salvation is clearly founded upon Calvinist theology. [It has been my experience in a church I attended for 20 years that many Baptist churches move to a "non-denominational" designation to appeal to a wider audience]. But let me be clear, this post is not about my views on any particular belief system, but about the good Pastor's recent statements regarding the place of women [such as Beth Moore] in the the leadership of "the Church".
     During a panel discussion among male preachers, MacArthur was asked his opinion about including Beth Moore as part of the Church's circle of leadership. He responded that he would tell her to "Go Home", and then followed that comment with, “There is no case that can be made biblically for a woman preacher. Period. Paragraph. End of discussion.” According to The Christian Post, MacArthur argued that 1 Corinthians 14:34, which reads: “Women should remain silent in the churches,” shouldn’t be “hard to understand.” “You don’t say anything,” he stressed, later adding: “Women need to get themselves under control and realize they are not to speak in a church.” But MacArthur wasn't through. He went on to say, “When women take over a culture, men become weak; when men become weak, they can be conquered. When all the men have been slaughtered, you [women] can sit there with all your jewelry and junk. You’ve been conquered, because you overpowered your protectors.”
     Okay, Pastor, I think I have presented your argument fairly. Now, let me bring another point of view to this little controversy you've stirred up. In fact, I am borrowing from a post that I originally wrote over four years ago. I still stand by it. So, let me first share another Scripture that is often used to substantiate Pastor MacArthur's position: A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet (1 Timothy 2:11-12). By the way, although both verses in 1 Corinthians and 1 Timothy refer to women remaining silent, the latter verse is the only I could find in the Bible that refers specifically to women's authority in the Church. So, without a confirming witness, I decided to take a deeper look at this conflict and see within what context the Apostle Paul made this statement.
     As always, I find that our English translations of the Bible leave something to be desired when comparing them to the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.  Such is the case with the central word in the argument against women leading men in instruction ... it's the word, authority.  It seems that a study of Paul’s letters shows that he regularly used a form of the Greek word “exousia” when referring to the use of authority in the church.  But in this particular verse, Paul used the word "authentein".  This unusual Greek verb is found only once in scripture and rarely in extrabiblical texts, where it is usually associated with aggression.  Authentein is translated as “domineer” in the Latin Vulgate and New English Bible and as “usurp authority” in the Geneva and King James Bibles.
     So if Paul used the word exousia when talking about the use of authority in the church in 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Colossians, 2nd Thessalonians, and Romans; why would he choose to use authentein to refer to the same thing in 1 Timothy?  Could he have been referring to something else?
      This is where the context of this passage is so important!  In the case of 1 Timothy, Paul was writing a personal letter instructing Timothy about how to deal with heresy being spread by false teachers in Ephesus. This is spelled out at the beginning of the letter: "As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer or to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies…".
     On the surface, there are a few things to consider when correlating this warning with the suggestion that Paul meant women had no authority in the church.  1)  Could it be that most of the teachers of false doctrine in Ephesus were men, and that women might have had little training in theology; making them subject to repeating these false doctrines?  It would seem to me that Paul might have been warning the Ephesians that any interest in these false doctrines by women might become dangerous to the Church.  If that is the case, then this warning in 1 Timothy is specific to that church in Ephesus, at that time -- not meant to be a permanent restriction on all women for all time.
     2)  Keeping the context of this letter and these verses in view, remember that Paul was writing to the Church in Ephesus; a city known for its worship of goddesses, as well as heretical Gnostic teachings.  Some of the Gnostic texts of the time sometimes described Eve as Adam’s teacher. She is also depicted as superior to Adam, as preceding him, and as giving life to him in some way (part of the goddess obsession).  His admonition that women should not assume authority over a man might have been in answer to these Gnostic teachings.  (The Gnostic teachings on Eve could be what Paul is referring to in 1 Timothy 2:13-14 when he pointedly explains that Adam is the superior one, not Eve.  Reading these verses out of context to what was going on in Ephesus gives a completely different meaning).
     3)  Then there is the contradiction between other examples of Paul's writings where he provides instructions for women praying and prophesying in church (1 Corinthians).  When Paul mentions the spiritual gifts, he does not state that women are restricted from receiving any of the leadership gifts.  And it is interesting to note that he takes special care to record commendations to a number of women serving in leadership positions (Romans 16).  Can we agree that Paul is generally supportive of women’s participation, which contradicts the idea that women must be silent? 
     But I keep coming back to that word authentein.  The mystery of why Paul used that particular word instead of his more common use of exousia drove me to dig deeper.  Why did he include this passage about women and authority in a letter that began by warning against false doctrines and myths?  As expected, the uncertainty of 1 Timothy 2:11-12, has resulted in much historical study of the times.
The goddess Cybele and her consort, Attis
     It seems that in Timothy’s time and locale, the goddess Cybele (called Artemis by the Greeks) was worshipped through violent rituals against men that symbolized the murder/suicide of a false god named Attis.  In his letter to Timothy, Paul repeatedly warns against false doctrines, mythology and extreme forms of self-denial (1 Timothy 1:3-7, 4:1-5, 6:20-21), even referring to the false teaching and related practices as “demonic”.  The violent act symbolizing the death of Attis was indeed an extreme form of self-denial.  Male priests of Cybele and Attis renounced all sexual feeling, irrevocably, through ritual castration.
     When the 5th Century Christian theologian Jerome translated 1 Timothy for the Latin translation of the Bible, he forever changed the meaning of our contested verses.  Let me explain.  He translated the key verb authentein as "to exercise authority", and rendered it more in terms of “having dominion over” or “dominating” a man.  Prior to Jerome's translation, the word more commonly referred to the instigation or commission of an act of violence, suicide or murder.  In the Greek Septuagint, for example, a noun form of the word (authentas) refers to those who engaged in ritual violence in the worship of a false god.
      Are you starting to see the connection between Paul's initial warning against false doctrines and false gods or myths, and the more accurate interpretation of giving his prohibition against women teaching or instigating ritual violence against men?  It's all in the context of what was going on in Ephesus!  The nature of Paul’s concerns, the most common meanings of the verb “authentein,” and the religious and cultural context in which these verses were written are all lost in Jerome’s Latin translation of 1 Timothy 2:12-15.  Subsequent translations into German and English followed Jerome's misleading example.  Concerns about women becoming involved in false teaching and violent rituals were replaced with warnings against leadership and teaching roles for women in the Church.  It seems very possible that Paul's true counsel was lost in translation!
     I recognize that this new understanding I have projected is only a theory; and I also discern that it will likely not change the 1600 years of bias against women as having a place in the Church's ministry as teachers ... or in the case of John MacArthur .. as preachers. Believe me, I am no feminist looking to usurp the leadership of men -- I am simply trying to put forth the argument that the Lord has bestowed the spiritual gifts of teaching and prophesying and wisdom upon women as well as men.  Why would any man deny himself the benefit of learning from a woman whom the Lord had blessed?  Certainly, Priscilla played a major role in furthering Apollo's education on the full gospel of Jesus (Acts 18).  And then there is Phoebe, whom Paul commends in Romans 16 as a "servant of the church". I find it interesting that the word servant is translated from the Greek word, diakonos, from which our English word deacon comes from. At the very least, it does seem that Paul intends us to understand Phoebe as in some sense an official representative of the church at Cenchreae.
     And again, it's ironic that in a time when women could not be legal witnesses, Jesus Christ chose women as the first witnesses of His resurrection. So, Pastor MacArthur, I believe that women can still be witnesses of His glory today, to all who will listen. I pray that you receive divine revelation on this matter.
It seems that in Timothy’s time and locale, the goddess Cybele (called Artemis by the Greeks) was worshipped through violent rituals against men that symbolized the murder/suicide of a false god named Attis.  In his letter to Timothy, Paul repeatedly warns against false doctrines, mythology and extreme forms of self-denial (1 Timothy 1:3-7, 4:1-5, 6:20-21), even referring to the false teaching and related practices as “demonic”.  The violent act symbolizing the death of Attis was indeed an extreme form of self-denial.  Male priests of Cybele and Attis renounced all sexual feeling, irrevocably, through ritual castration.

For a more comprehensive look at the ancient Gnostic teachings, false doctrines, and translation errors that contributed to our confused understanding of 1 Timothy 2, please click here.  My thanks to Bob Edwards for his outstanding research and commentary.

Acts 2:17-18    And it shall come to pass in the last days, God declares, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels] and your young men shall see visions (divinely granted appearances), and your old men shall dream [divinely suggested] dreams. Yes, and on My menservants also, and on My maidservants, in those days I will pour out of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels and predicting future events pertaining especially to God’s kingdom].

April 11, 2015

Do You Doubt My Authority?

     Today my husband and I will be celebrating the last Sabbath of the Passover with a faithful group of Believers.  We will be presenting a historical view of the Exodus, and reading the Bible's account of the first Passover and its past, present, and future significance, both to practicing Jews and faithful Christians.  I say, "we", because I want to comment on a divisive issue within the Church and among some denominations.  I will be presenting a lesson prior to our Passover meal, while my husband will lead our group through a more formal ceremony of eating and prayer.  Together, we will lead our worship and observance.
     I understand that to some, the fact that a woman has a leading role in such religious ceremonies, is troublesome.  Those who object will most likely refer to 1 Timothy 2:11-12:  A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.  Because men were part of our gathering, some would find my role objectionable.
     By the way, this is the only verse within the entire Bible that I can find that speaks to a woman not having the authority to teach men.  So, without a confirming witness, I decided to take a deeper look at this conflict and see within what context the Apostle Paul made this statement.
     As always, I find that our English translations of the Bible leave something to be desired when comparing them to the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.  Such is the case with the central word in the argument against women leading men in instruction ... it's the word, authority.  It seems that a study of Paul’s letters shows that he regularly used a form of the Greek word “exousia” when referring to the use of authority in the church.  But in this particular verse, Paul used the word "authentein".  This unusual Greek verb is found only once in scripture and rarely in extrabiblical texts, where it is usually associated with aggression.  Authentein is translated as “domineer” in the Latin Vulgate and New English Bible and as “usurp authority” in the Geneva and King James Bibles.
     So if Paul used the word exousia when talking about the use of authority in the church in 1st and 2nd Corinthians, Colossians, 2nd Thessalonians, and Romans; why would he choose to use authentein to refer to the same thing in 1 Timothy?  Could he have been referring to something else?
      This is where the context of this passage is so important!  In the case of 1 Timothy, Paul was writing a personal letter instructing Timothy about how to deal with heresy being spread by false teachers in Ephesus. This is spelled out at the beginning of the letter: "As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain people not to teach false doctrines any longer or to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies…".
      On the surface, there are a few things to consider when correlating this warning with the suggestion that Paul meant women had no authority in the church.  1)  Could it be that most of the teachers of false doctrine in Ephesus were men, and that women might have had little training in theology; making them subject to repeating these false doctrines?  It would seem to me that Paul might have been warning the Ephesians that any interest in these false doctrines by women might become dangerous to the Church.  If that is the case, then this warning in 1 Timothy is specific to that church in Ephesus, at that time -- not meant to be a permanent restriction on all women for all time.
     2)  Keeping the context of this letter and these verses in view, remember that Paul was writing to the Church in Ephesus; a city known for its worship of goddesses, as well as heretical Gnostic teachings.  Some of the Gnostic texts of the time sometimes described Eve as Adam’s teacher. She is also depicted as superior to Adam, as preceding him, and as giving life to him in some way (part of the goddess obsession).  His admonition that women should not assume authority over a man might have been in answer to these Gnostic teachings.  (The Gnostic teachings on Eve could be what Paul is referring to in 1 Timothy 2:13-14 when he pointedly explains that Adam is the superior one, not Eve.  Reading these verses out of context to what was going on in Ephesus gives a completely different meaning).
     3)  Then there is the contradiction between other examples of Paul's writings where he provides instructions for women praying and prophesying in church (1 Corinthians).  When Paul mentions the spiritual gifts, he does not state that women are restricted from receiving any of the leadership gifts.  And it is interesting to note that he takes special care to record commendations to a number of women serving in leadership positions (Romans 16).  Can we agree that Paul is generally supportive of women’s participation, which contradicts the idea that women must be silent?
     But I keep coming back to that word authentein.  The mystery of why Paul used that particular word instead of his more common use of exousia drove me to dig deeper.  Why did he include this passage about women and authority in a letter that began by warning against false doctrines and myths?  As expected, the uncertainty of 1 Timothy 2:11-12, has resulted in much historical study of the times.
The goddess Cybele and her consort, Attis
     It seems that in Timothy’s time and locale, the goddess Cybele (called Artemis by the Greeks) was worshipped through violent rituals against men that symbolized the murder/suicide of a false god named Attis.  In his letter to Timothy, Paul repeatedly warns against false doctrines, mythology and extreme forms of self-denial (1 Timothy 1:3-7, 4:1-5, 6:20-21), even referring to the false teaching and related practices as “demonic”.  The violent act symbolizing the death of Attis was indeed an extreme form of self-denial.  Male priests of Cybele and Attis renounced all sexual feeling, irrevocably, through ritual castration.
     When the 5th Century Christian theologian Jerome translated 1 Timothy for the Latin translation of the Bible, he forever changed the meaning of our contested verses.  Let me explain.  He translated the key verb authentein as "to exercise authority", and rendered it more in terms of “having dominion over” or “dominating” a man.  Prior to Jerome's translation, the word more commonly referred to the instigation or commission of an act of violence, suicide or murder.  In the Greek Septuagint, for example, a noun form of the word (authentas) refers to those who engaged in ritual violence in the worship of a false god.
      Are you starting to see the connection between Paul's initial warning against false doctrines and false gods or myths, and the more accurate interpretation of giving his prohibition against women teaching or instigating ritual violence against men?  It's all in the context of what was going on in Ephesus!  The nature of Paul’s concerns, the most common meanings of the verb “authentein,” and the religious and cultural context in which these verses were written are all lost in Jerome’s Latin translation of 1 Timothy 2:12-15.  Subsequent translations into German and English followed Jerome's misleading example.  Concerns about women becoming involved in false teaching and violent rituals were replaced with warnings against leadership and teaching roles for women in the Church.  It seems very possible that Paul's true counsel was lost in translation!
     I recognize that this new understanding I have projected is only a theory; and I also discern that it will likely not change the 1600 years of bias against women as having a place in the Church's ministry as teachers.  (Note that I said "teachers", not pastors -- this is NOT an argument for women Pastors or Preachers).  Believe me, I am no feminist looking to usurp the leadership of men -- I am simply trying to put forth the argument that the Lord has bestowed the spiritual gifts of teaching and prophesying and wisdom upon women as well as men.  Why would any man deny himself the benefit of learning from a woman whom the Lord had blessed?  Certainly, Priscilla played a major role in furthering Apollo's education on the full gospel of Jesus (Acts 18).  Again, it's ironic that in a time when women could not be legal witnesses, Jesus Christ chose women as the first witnesses of his resurrection.  We can still be witnesses of His glory today, to all who will listen.

For a more comprehensive look at the ancient Gnostic teachings, false doctrines, and translation errors that contributed to our confused understanding of 1 Timothy 2, please click here.  My thanks to Bob Edwards for his outstanding research and commentary.

Acts 2:17-18    And it shall come to pass in the last days, God declares, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels] and your young men shall see visions (divinely granted appearances), and your old men shall dream [divinely suggested] dreams. Yes, and on My menservants also, and on My maidservants, in those days I will pour out of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels and predicting future events pertaining especially to God’s kingdom].


February 22, 2019

God Is Moving In The Hearts of Men and Women In The Kingdom!

     Even as I am writing this, the Holy Spirit is informing me of the Father's will in the matter of obedience to the calling upon the lives of men and women in the Body of Christ. And I want to be careful to present this revelation in His truth; not mine, nor the world's perception.
     For awhile now, I have been fortunate to be in the company of mighty women of God; women who have answered the call of God to seek Him more deeply and to walk unconventional paths as they share the Kingdom message. We women have not hesitated to step out boldly and confidently to declare Kingdom living to an oftentimes skeptical Christian audience.
     As I review my own path, I see that the Lord inspired and called me to know more of Him before He did my husband. That is not saying that I was more important to the will of God, or that I was called to have more influence in presenting the Gospel of the Kingdom. But rather, I think that perhaps women are more sensitive to hearing from God. Why? Scientifically speaking, the 2008 Pew U.S. Religious Landscape Survey found that two-thirds of all women surveyed pray daily, while less than half of all men surveyed prayed as often.  One of the reasons women pray more could be that they are more comfortable with using their imaginations to perceive God. After all, the Bible tells us in Romans 12:2 that by testing and renewing our minds, we can discern the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.  And men, on the other hand, tend to be more concrete thinkers and God has to reach them in different ways.
     My husband's path to seek the voice of God may have been slower than mine, but in no way, has his path resulted in less impact for the Kingdom. As I began to walk out the leading of the Lord and teach in our Home Church, Mark was comfortable in supporting me and encouraging that position. When we both learned of the authority and power our Lord gave us to continue His work in defeating the works of the devil, he was just as interested in attending conferences to learn more about it. He arranged for me to attend a training session with a noted Deliverance Minister, while he cheered from the sidelines, so to speak. We agreed on the importance of teaching and training and ministering, and he supported my involvement with opportunities to seek more. I appeared to be leading the charge. But all that is changing...
     And I will tell you that this is a pattern I see happening in many other couples whom I see the Lord calling and using -- the wife answers the knock at the door first, with the husband seemingly in the background in a supportive role. I can think, right off the bat, of six other wives whom I consider mighty women of God, whose histories with the Lord (and their husbands) resembles mine. They each stepped out in obedience to the call of God, and boldly followed where He led.  The six corresponding husbands began in various stages of knowledge and relationship with the Lord, but I see all of them now turning to walk in the path and purpose God has on their lives. And I am going to say something that might be construed as controversial among liberal theologians, but .... I believe the Lord is showing me that each of these men will surpass the leadership position of their wives and step into their anointing from God.
     I see it happening in my own life. Mark is now becoming the focal point upon which our ministry and teaching is based. He leads the discussions more often; he is beginning to do more teaching; and he takes the lead in determining our ministry path. I see it happening in the other couples' lives, too. Husbands are stepping into uncharted waters, trusting the Lord to train them up and point the way. They are joining us in retreats, leading worship, partnering in ministries, and daring to walk the distinctive and personal path God has designed specifically for them. It's as if they have cut the bonds that tie them to this earthly system of religion and identity. They are hearing from God and no longer fear men or the traditions that have defined a limited role in establishing the Kingdom of God on earth. They now have the freedom to do as the Bible commands ... act like men; be strong and courageous; to keep the charge of the Lord on their lives... to step into their anointing with integrity, dignity, and boldness.
     But here is the strong word I am getting from the Lord: we wives must be willing to step aside, if need be, to let them step into that new identity. The Holy Spirit is showing me that the transformation in our lives [and the roles we have played in presenting the Gospel message] served a dual purpose. Our hearts and spirits were charged with obeying the Lord to present the concept of Kingdom living. But we were also charged with plowing the field for the harvest of our husband's anointing and purpose. This in no way diminishes our own harvest for the Kingdom, but I am seeing that perhaps God is initiating a new season in our lives. It will be a season where the Lord will accomplish much in our husbands' walks of faith, and their testimonies will be at the forefront.
     I truly believe this is the meaning of Scripture that tells us wives to "submit" to our husbands. It is not a command to be "submissive", or meekly obedient and passive. But, rather, it is a command to share in a mission with our husbands -- that our roles as wives is a sub-mission to the mission of representing Christ. I also believe that the world in which we live is so confining to men. There is such pressure to perform, and to succeed; yet our culture denounces men who are seen as too powerful and oppressive. The Enemy has done a good job of reducing the role of men in society, while building a sound barrier between our men and the voice of God.
     So, maybe ... just maybe ... God has to use us to reach them. When we are obedient to the call of God on our lives, and we will not be deterred, then it is applying pressure to the Enemy's agenda to keep the men in our lives behind that sound barrier.  Our obedience causes a shift in what our husband's hear ... there is a change as we outrun all the pressure and sound waves in front of the devil's agenda, and it is heard in our husband's heart as an explosion, or sonic boom. It may take years, but eventually, that barrier is broken and they can hear the Lord calling them, loud and clear!
     Now, I have a question for each of you women reading this blog. Are you praying for your husbands to hear the voice of God and to receive their calling and purpose for the Kingdom? If you are currently the "leader" in your family dynamic, are you willing to let the Lord bring your husband into His purpose, even if it means you take a back seat in the world [and in the Body of Christ]? Do you have a spirit of Pride that supersedes the will of God? To you men -- are you confident enough in your manhood to take a look at what your wife is sowing? Are you open to hearing from God, or do you think you're doing your part by supporting the family while she hears from God? And, finally, are you courageous enough to answer that knock at the door and let Jesus in, no matter the cost?
     We all were designed, by God, with His purpose in mind. I do not believe that He thinks leadership is the sole domain of men. Women were important in the ministry of Christ on earth, and women held important leadership positions in the Early Church. But the devil has been playing havoc with the roles of men and women in our society for decades now. It is time we stopped looking in the Culture Mirror and saw ourselves in the Kingdom Mirror. Quit listening to what and who the world tells you you should be, and begin to break down the devil's sound barriers. Then open the door to Jesus. Walk in the path and the role He sets before you. Don't judge either [your path or your role] by the world's standards. Be equally yoked and watch how the God of the Universe uses you both!

1 John 2:27     But the wonderful anointing you have received from God now lives in you. There’s no need for anyone to keep teaching you. His anointing teaches you all that you need to know, for it will lead you into truth, not a counterfeit. So just as the anointing has taught you, remain in Him. 

August 24, 2023

The Different Mysteries Hidden in God Until Paul Revealed Them!

For the last several posts, I have dived into the various mysteries of God and of the Kingdom of Heaven. As we discovered, both Jesus and the Apostle Paul referred to these mysteries often, and from different perspectives. Their respective audiences and their purpose for preaching and teaching on these mysteries was all part of God's "mysterious" plans to re-establish His relationship with His creation. I invite you to read Parts 1, 2, and 3 of this discourse to fully understand what I'm presenting today.

I want to stress that these mysteries revealed to Paul [by the Holy Spirit] are best viewed as "sacred secrets", hidden throughout history by God until He determined the time was right to reveal them and set His final plan of redemption in motion. Daniel, Chapter 12, tells us that as the time nears for the earth's final tribulations and turmoil to take place, that the mysteries [kept hidden] will be revealed and Many will go back and forth and search anxiously [through the scroll], and knowledge [of the purpose of God as revealed by His prophets] will [greatly] increase. The Bible will yield its secrets through revelation by the Holy Spirit, and we will walk in the knowledge that ushers in the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God!

So, let's take a look at some of these mysteries/secrets that were revealed to Paul, and in turn, revealed to us through Scripture. Keep in mind, that some of them are clearly visible to us today, while others are in sight [yet not fully realized], and some may be a total surprise for the future. The first mystery that is revealed through Paul's writings is "The Mystery of the Incarnation". 1 Timothy 3:16 tells us, And great, we confess, is the mystery [the hidden truth] of godlinessHe (Jesus Christ) who was revealed in human flesh, Was justified and vindicated in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the nations, Believed on in the world, Taken up in glory. Understand that the mystery here is the godliness (God's sovereign will) associated with Jesus's incarnation as a man. Although Jesus is a man, salvation and righteousness can only be found in Him. What was hidden in the past [of God's plan] has now been revealed ... Jesus came to earth from Heaven to manifest [display] God to mankind. 1 Timothy 3:16 plainly says that Jesus Christ [God] came to a sinful world [in the flesh] in order to save us from our sin, and has now returned to Heaven, glorified in both realms. The saints in the Old Testament did not see this mystery played out, but Paul fully reveals it.

The next mystery we'll consider is "The Mystery of Israel's Blindness". I will admit that until I began my own deep dive study of the Word 20 years ago, I did not understand this mystery -- it had never been satisfactorily taught in my church. But Romans 11:25-26 says it so that we have no doubts: I do not want you, believers, to be unaware of this mystery [God’s previously hidden plan]—so that you will not be wise in your own opinion—that a partial hardening has [temporarily] happened to Israel [to last] until the full number of the Gentiles has come in; and so [at that time] all Israel [that is, all Jews who have a personal faith in Jesus as Messiah] will be saved; just as it is written [in Scripture], The Deliverer (Messiah) will come from ZionHe will remove ungodliness from Jacob.” We know that the Old Testament tells us that Israel was God's chosen people through whom He would bless the world. But they failed and rejected Jesus as their Messiah, so God temporarily blinded them to His Truth, so that He might have mercy on the rest of the world. But Paul reveals that God uses the Gentiles to complete His plan of presenting Jesus to the world as their Savior. Once that full number of Gentiles are saved, then believing Israel will resume their leadership role. This truth has been hidden until recent history, when Israel once again became a recognized nation in the world. We are still in the process of fulfilling God's plan in the fullest sense. Stay tuned!

The third mystery is this, " The Mystery of the Church". Hidden in the past, but revealed through the Holy Spirit to Paul is what Ephesians 3:1-10 tells us. Read all the verses, but at the heart of its content is the revelation in verse 6, that the Gentiles are now joint heirs [with the Jews] and members of the same body, and joint partakers [sharing] in the [same divine] promise in Christ Jesus through [their faith in] the good news [of salvation]. Paul actually says in verse 5 that this "is the mystery of Christ". The wisdom of God's plan, and His design to keep it hidden until He determined it was time, is found in verses 9-10: to make plain [to everyone] the plan of the mystery [regarding the uniting of believing Jews and Gentiles into one body] which [until now] was kept hidden through the ages in [the mind of] God who created all things. So now through the church the multifaceted wisdom of God [in all its countless aspects] might now be made known [revealing the mystery] to the [angelic] rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. Note that God expects the church to declare [and display]  to the "angelic rulers and authorities" that His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven; that means the rulers and authorities of both God's army of angels and Satan's!  

Sadly, too many churches are still blind to the revelation of this mystery. For those churches who preach false Replacement Theology -- the theological conviction that the Christian Church has superseded/replaced Israel as God's chosen vessel to reveal Him to the world -- they are among those who have still not received righteous revelation as to the purpose of the church. Time is running out! Perhaps they should read Revelation 2-3 to see what Jesus reveals happens to those churches!

One of the most important mysteries to be revealed is "The Mystery of the Indwelling Christ". I believe this mystery is very much in the process of being revealed. By that I mean, a good portion of the Western Church does not yet fully understand this secret of their life in Christ. Paul writes in Colossians 1:24-28, about "the mystery which was hidden [from angels and mankind] for ages and generations, but has now been revealed to His saints (God’s people). God [in His eternal plan] chose to make known to them how great for the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in and among you, the hope and guarantee of [realizing the] glory"

In order for us to carry out our purpose on the earth, it is vital that we understand and know that we are now the temple in which God and the Holy Spirit reside. Ephesians 2:22 implicitly states this: In Him [and in fellowship with one another] you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. I believe the "fellowship" in this verse refers both to believing Jews and Gentiles, as well as the church itself. Together we have the power of the Holy Spirit in us to participate in seeing God's plan come to fruition, and indeed, to do our part in seeing this happen.

The next mystery revealed is "The Mystery of the Headship of Christ". In Ephesians 5:22-32, Paul uses the example of marriage to give us an image of Christ's position as head of the church. I have personally seen this passage misused to define the nature of marriage between men and women. Its real purpose is to describe the relationship between Jesus and His believing followers (the church). The word "submission" has been used to indicate a wife's duty to capitulate to, or surrender to, her husband. In reality, Paul is telling us that, together, man and woman's primary mission is to serve the Lord, in all His ways. Therefore, we have a sub-mission, or secondary mission, to honor each other -- the wife honoring her husband as protector and head of the home, respecting his responsibility and accountability to God; just as the Church honors and respects Jesus as the head and protector of the church. Likewise, the husband's secondary mission is to his wife -- to seek the highest good for her, surrounding her with a caring and unselfish love; so that he honors her by nourishing her, protecting her, and cherishing her, just as Christ does the church. Scripture tells us,  For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall be joined [and be faithfully devoted] to is wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery [of two becoming one] is great; but I am speaking with reference to [the relationship of] Christ and the church. Oh, how it saddens me to see how this beautiful passage has been corrupted!

The next mystery is a difficult one for many believers: "The Mystery of the Translation [or Resurrection] of the Church". Because Satan has been able to introduce confusion, doubt and unbelief in the midst of this mystery, many in the Body of Christ have differing doctrinal beliefs on this issue. But if the Body would just study the Word, which has been provided to us for revelation of God's heart and mind, and for the truth regarding these mysteries, they would find answers in 1 Corinthians 15:50-58. Scripture says, flesh and blood cannot inherit nor be part of the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable (mortal) inherit the imperishable (immortal). Listen very carefully, I tell you a mystery [a secret truth decreed by God and previously hidden, but now revealed]; we will not all sleep [in death], but we will all be [completely] changed [wondrously transformed]... For this perishable [part of us] must put on the imperishable [nature], and this mortal [part of us that is capable of dying] must put on immortality [which is freedom from death]. And when this perishable puts on the imperishable, and this mortal puts on immortality, then the Scripture will be fulfilled that says, “Death is swallowed up in victory (vanquished forever). 

Of course, this is referring to what has been called The Rapture. Again, Satan has sown confusion as to the timing, but I think it is more important to receive the knowledge that this mystery reveals, i.e., all true believers will be changed and transformed from mortal bodies of flesh and blood to immortal, imperishable bodies and be transported from earth to Heaven to dwell with the Lord forever. I am personally concentrating on that glorious promise, rather than getting caught up trying to figure out "when". I'm looking forward to that event and being reunited with my loved ones. 

The last mystery I'm going to look at is staring us right in the face ... "The Mystery of Lawlessness". Once again, the Enemy has used this mystery to stir up controversy and doubt by over-emphasizing the "when" of "the Rapture". But 2 Thessalonians 2:1-9 tells us not to be guessing when that celebrated event will take place. Scripture clearly tell us Let no one in any way deceive or entrap you, for that day will not come unless the apostasy comes first [that is, the great rebellion, the abandonment of the faith by professed Christians], and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction [the Antichrist, the one who is destined to be destroyed], who opposes and exalts himself [so proudly and so insolently] above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he [actually enters and] takes his seat in the temple of God, publicly proclaiming that he himself is God ... For the mystery of lawlessness [rebellion against divine authority and the coming reign of lawlessness] is already at work; [but it is restrained] only until he who now restrains it is taken out of the way.    

It's interesting in this passage that Paul was correcting a false teaching that the Day of the Lord [the End Times Judgment] had already come. And we have that same false teaching still in existence today. There are those who will say the Bible is talking about events in the Old Testament (Antiochus Epiphanes) or the the New Testament event of the destruction of the Temple in 70 A.D. But Paul makes it clear that two things need to happen before the Rapture and occur ... the apostasy, or "falling away; rebellion" of the Church, and the revealing of the Man of Lawlessness (the Antichrist). I believe that both are already at work in the world, but are being restrained until the number of Gentiles [that God has determined] have come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. We're close, folks, do don't let your guard down, and stay focused on Jesus!

In conclusion, I want to stress that together, these mysteries are what God revealed to the Apostle Paul because it was time to set the final stages of His plan of redemption in motion. And it is important to know and understand them so that we can participate with God to see His plan fulfilled. We need to be able to identify what He is doing in the world today and what to expect Him to do in the Future. With this knowledge, we can go forth in boldness and faith to experience His glorious promises; not out of fear, but in resolution and conviction to see them take place. I thank my God, my Savior, and the Holy Spirit for allowing me to be a recipient of the knowledge of these mysteries, and I pledge [through my faith] to reveal and share them with others, so that we might all live out our time on earth in the expectation of seeing these divine mysteries carried out. All Praise and Glory to God Almighty!

 Deuteronomy 29:29    The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.

September 14, 2021

The Anti-Christ Spirit in the Church

If you have never contemplated the possibility that the Antichrist Spirit has gained access to the Church on the earth, then I hope you will let me share my thoughts on this subject. I'd like to explain what I perceive the Antichrist spirit to be, and offer up some characteristics and how to identify it. And then let's examine how this pernicious spirit has gained a way to enter our church buildings.

First, I think it is important to understand that there are many Christians, when one brings up the subject of Antichrist, who picture the devil incarnate; an evil, sinister, giant of an individual who strikes fear in the hearts of all men. I cannot say that he won't eventually become that, but I deliberately used the word "pernicious" to describe his spirit because this is how I believe he will actually be able to insinuate himself into the inner sanctums of our places of worship. The word pernicious means "to have a harmful effect, especially in a gradual or subtle way". Which is exactly why the Antichrist spirit has gone so undetected.

We know that Jesus became flesh and blood to do the will of His Father in Heaven. He became a man so He could empathize with all that we, as humans, experience in our everyday lives, and so that He could teach us how to avoid the sin with which this life tempts us. But Jesus was the Christ -- the Anointed One, the Messiah; without sin and undefiled. The name, Antichrist, means exactly what it says; "against Christ". He is Satan's emissary on earth. And since Satan seeks to be like God, He counterfeits everything the True God does. There will soon be a man who makes himself known, who comes to do the will of his father, Satan. And just as Jesus possesses the Spirit of His Father, so will the Antichrist possess a spirit -- although it will be far from the Holy one that is part of our Lord.

If we are going to defeat this spirit, we must come to realize that the Body of Christ is not always cognizant of just how crafty and cunning the Enemy can be! Satan saw, from the beginning of the Christian Church, that God was warning the new Believers to be wary; to test the spirits that entered their meetings and congregations to see if they were of God. Even though it had been just a relatively short time since the witnesses of Jesus's resurrection had begun to give their eyewitness testimonies, there were already spirits influencing men to assert that Jesus was just a man, and not of God. The Bible tells us in 1 John 4:2-3, "By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of Antichrist, which you've heard is coming, and is now already in the world". Well, folks, that spirit has now had 2000 years to become fully entrenched here on earth, and that includes the institutions of the Church. And he has proven himself a formidable foe when it comes to preparing the Church to be battle-worthy when the Antichrist shows up in person.

Remember that I said that Satan is crafty and cunning? He hasn't been so brazen as to send people into the Church that blatantly deny that the Son of God came in the flesh and was resurrected to eternal life. [That assignment was given to spirits in the secular world]. No, instead Satan has sent spirits of pride and deception into the hearts of many of our church leaders and religious organizations. How does this happen? Again, Satan has accomplished this in a pernicious manner -- it's been gradual and subtle, yet no less harmful. You see, this spirit coaxes the Church to forgive the things God calls sin, without actually ceasing from the sin, allowing the Body of Christ to live comfortably without a guilty conscience. 

Take for instance Pastors who have begun preaching that they doubt the existence of hell; or that an eternal hell exists, citing their opinion that what the Bible is really intimating is that this life amounts to separation from God, and is therefore what the Bible intends for us to understand as hell. Another popular teaching is that our God is a loving God, and He would not actually subject someone to eternal torment. But they fail to teach that it is not God who decides to send people to hell -- they choose it by rejecting Jesus. God has made a way for all to receive salvation through faith in Jesus, so there is no excuse. I actually attended a church for 20 years where the Pastor, at the end of his life-long ministry, announced that he no longer believed in hell. What about Revelation 20:14-15, which says, "Then Death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire". The truth of Scripture, whether it makes us uncomfortable or not is that either eternal torment in hell or eternal joy in heaven awaits us all, depending on whether we trust in Christ's payment for our sins on the Cross, or we reject Him and His sacrifice for us.

Then there are those who deny the authority of the Believer and our power in Christ. Jesus clearly says in Luke 10:19, "Now you understand that I have imparted to you My authority to trample over his [Satan's] kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will harm you as you walk in this authority". We are told that only church leaders have authority in the Body of Christ, and we should not venture out from under their covering. These same Pastors will not only deny that spiritual warfare exists, but they will preach it is unnecessary -- leaving their flock unguided and unprotected from the schemes of the Enemy! Jesus taught His Disciples [and modeled for them] how to cast out a demon; how to lay hands on the sick and heal them; how to preach the Good News that it could be "on earth as it is in Heaven". And then He tells us in John 14:12, "I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me [as Savior] will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these [in extent and outreach], because I am going to the Father". 

Jesus taught that we are to be representatives of His Father's Kingdom here on earth. Just as He sought to do His Father's will, so should we. Which is exactly why Satan has worked so diligently to suppress that purpose in the Church. He has sent spirits that whisper "we must keep the people entertained"; "we must protect our finances with the 501(c)3 exemption"; "titles and positions and validation are important in the Church" -- and none of these are requirements established by Jesus. In fact, they go "against Christ" and all that He stood for. And that makes them Antichrist spirits. 

I do not write this today to disparage the Church or Church leaders, in general. Instead, I am incredibly encouraged by the number of Pastors, Ministers, and members of the clergy who step out of the box, aren't controlling, and actually disciple their flock to do the work of Jesus. It stirs my spirit to see leaders of faith -- both inside and out of the traditional building -- break old traditions of orthodoxy in order to walk in the footsteps of the Early Church fathers. Those brave men and women were people who "upset the apple cart", so to speak, and embarked on a journey into new territory blazed by Jesus Christ, Himself. The organized religion of today is just as guilty as the Sadducees and Pharisees of "shutting the kingdom of heaven in people's faces". It is just as true today that there are church leaders who "neither enter themselves nor allow those who would enter to go in". That is evidence of an Antichrist spirit. 

And now, in this time and age, it is evident that the fruit of all the Antichrist spirits that have been operating in the last two thousand years [to delay the return of our Savior], are readying for a man who will be Satan's representative and counterfeit Savior of the world. So, it is time for the Church and the Body of Believers to rise to their true identity; to throw off any trepidation or doubt that the very Power and Authority of Heaven has been given to us to prepare the way for the return of the Messiah and His heavenly host. No more compromise with the world! No more fear or doubt! Our Enemy is revealing Himself and those who have chosen his side. It is time to pray that they will change their allegiance before it's too late. It is time to pray that all Believers will endure in their faith and be strengthened in their spirits. It is the time for courage, commitment, and stepping into the destiny God has written in our Book of Life. May the True Church be all it was meant to be ... pure from the Antichrist spirit, following Jesus's commandments, and preparing to rule and reign with Him! Get ready! Jesus is about to show us how powerless Satan and his Antichrist really are, and we will soon see Yeshua Ha Mashiach ruling the kingdoms of the world!

1 John 2:18-25      Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour... This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son... Let what you heard from the beginning abide in you. If what you heard from the beginning abides in you, then you, too, will abide in the Son and in the Father. And this is the promise that He made to us—eternal life.


December 22, 2015

Do You Recognize The Church?

     I'm sure many of you have had the same experience that my husband and I have shared.  Early in our marriage we had decided to throw off the lethargy of our youth and seek a church that met our goal of growing in our faith.  We wanted a church rooted in the Bible, and a place in which we could immerse ourselves in a Sunday School class or small group for more intimate and deeper study.  We thought the answer was a church that made us "feel comfortable", and one in which we could set a taproot for life-long relationships with fellow Christians.
     Then the Holy Spirit intervened and showed us that faith in our Savior must be anything but "comfortable".  In fact, the more He drew us to Jesus, the less contented we became in feeling comfortable.  Our desire for more of Him made us question what we believed and why; and we soon realized that it wasn't about identifying with our fellow Church members, as much as it was about seeking to live a righteous and consecrated life in relationship with Jesus.
     At about that same time, our church changed "management", so to speak, and the Search Committee assured the congregation that they had found just the right man to take over the helm of our Church.  The committee was made up of people I knew to be Bible-believing and faithful Christians; men and women who took their task very seriously.  When they introduced him that first Sunday, he actually stood at the front of the Church holding a Bible, reading from it and centering his sermon on the Word.  We thought, "Surely, God has a calling for this man to lead us."
     But within a few months of assuming his role as Shepherd of God's flock, the tell-tale signs were there.  There was definitely a new agenda and plan for our spiritual future.  It seemed the pastor was not as he had seemed at first.  And it seems that our church has not been alone in this pattern of change.
     Now The End Begins, a website that I would classify as "on the fringe", yet oftentimes uncannily correct, recently ran an article suggesting that there is a "Purpose Driven Plan to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ."  Now, you might recognize that phraseology as being associated with Rick Warren, the popular pastor from California, who wrote a blockbuster book, called The Purpose Driven Life, which had profound influence on the modern church.  Since that book was first published in 1997, Dr. Warren has become a controversial figure, and openly advocates for change in how we Christians approach church growth and evangelizing, saying, "When you reveal the [new] vision to the church, the old pillars are going to leave. But let them leave… they only hold things up.”
      Here's what I've observed about Dr. Warren's philosophy regarding the "Purpose-Driven Church"... it seems to be based more on a business model than a faith model.  It seems to promote the idea that believers must move away from their moral absolutism (and resistance to change), so that the church can welcome more unbelievers in a spirit of compromise, and therefore grow their numbers, and plant new churches.  You can see that if all members of the church stand firm on the Word of God, and it’s final authority in all doctrine and tradition, then the church cannot and will not change.  Dr. Warren has suggested that this is why the Church has grown stagnant, and change must occur.
     I agree that the Church is in danger of becoming lukewarm in its outreach, its desire to "keep God in a box", and its inclination to contain the Gospel Message inside its own four walls.  But I allege that what Dr. Warren is promoting has very little semblance to what Jesus had in mind when He gave us the Great Commission.  I see more about how to attract a crowd with slick marketing and contemporary music, than how to reach a crowd with the Spirit-led Word of God.  It seems to be all about taking that wide, easy path through a gate that lets everyone in, instead of requiring a response to the Gospel Message, and teaching and preaching about confession of personal sin, repentance, and our need for the Cross.
     So, if you are like me and my husband, we began to see the ways in our church was changing -- the change in music to a contemporary rock style; repetitive singing of praise lyrics instead of Scriptural-based hymns; dressing down to casual and informal attire; the name “Sunday School” is dropped and classes are given new "culturally attractive" names;  there is no need to bring your Bible to church because only specific verses are flashed on a screen or referenced during regular services; there was an emphasis on more fun and party sessions for the youth, rather than teaching the Word; the elimination of such words as “unsaved”, “lost”, “sin”, “Hell”, “Heaven” and other Gospel truths from the pastor’s messages; and in our case, open hostility to members, like us, who did not openly embrace the new program, or who may have left for another church.
     Here is the bottom line for me... Because of this movement toward compromise, "feel good" sermons, inclusiveness of all opinions on God, and variety in the Gospel Message, it has been difficult for me to affiliate myself with any church.  Please don't misunderstand.  There are still small churches who have not succumbed to these marketing techniques, and who earnestly desire to stay true to The Word.  But oftentimes, the Holy Spirit is absent in their buildings, or they deny the full extent of what Jesus has charged us to do in bringing in His Kingdom.  Their hearts and spirits are in the right place, but they are not very effective outside their own buildings.
     This is a time for God's Truth ... ALL of His Truth; and for boldness in declaring it!  And I am seeing more and more of His people who are no longer satisfied to sit comfortably in the building each Sunday -- either doing the same things and bearing little fruit; or embracing what their spirits are clearly telling them is not Biblical nor pleasing to God!  So, a remnant is awakening and committing themselves to discerning (and doing) His will and following the promptings of the Holy Spirit in these daunting days.  We recognize that His ways are not our ways, and it is time to step out, and to be courageous and strong in our faith.  We are ready to present ourselves to the Lord; workers who are not ashamed of our love for Him and our passion to serve His Kingdom, rightly handling the Word of Truth.  We abide in Him, and He in us ... we are His Church.

John 15:16    "You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in My name, He may give it to you."

June 11, 2023

Perilous Times Call For Plain-Spoken Truth and Persistent Perseverance

 It has become unquestionably clear to me that Evil has pervaded our culture in every sphere of our existence. What does that look like? It can be encapsulated in 2 Timothy 3:1-8 ... "But understand this, that in the last days dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come [difficult days that will be hard to bear]. 2 For people will be lovers of self [narcissistic, self-focused], lovers of money [impelled by greed], boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane, 3 [and they will be] unloving [devoid of natural human affection, calloused and inhumane], irreconcilable, malicious gossips, devoid of self-control [intemperate, immoral], brutal, haters of good, 4 traitors, reckless, conceited, lovers of [sensual] pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 holding to a form of [outward] godliness (religion), although they have denied its power [for their conduct nullifies their claim of faith]. Avoid such people and keep far away from them. 6 For among them are those who worm their way into homes and captivate morally weak and spiritually-dwarfed women weighed down by [the burden of their] sins, easily swayed by various impulses, 7 always learning and listening to anybody who will teach them, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres [the court magicians of Egypt] opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, unqualified and worthless [as teachers] in regard to the faith". 

I hope you didn't skip over this familiar and important passage of the Bible. Paul knows he is facing his impending death, and he writes to Timothy, a "baby Christian" to encourage him to stand strong in his faith; to endure in the face of everything the Enemy will throw at him to confound and confute his faith. Paul goes on to describe all the characteristics of people who are lovers of self, rather than lovers of God. And make no mistake ... within that vast group of sinners, the Church is not found innocent. Now read that passage again with intention. Increasingly, we can see that "difficult days that will be hard to bear" are upon us. We see the arrogance and greed extend from our government at the highest levels to the corporate titans to the scammers who take advantage of the vulnerable on the internet. We see the actions of those who are "devoid of natural human affection" as the numbers of innocent people who are killed or injured in our cities rises to alarming statistics. We see immorality intensify to obscene, blasphemous, and debased levels -- children sold for sexual pleasure; the government [through our education system] seeking to claim our children for themselves and lead them into a debauched culture of men claiming to be women, and women denying their role in creation; thereby stealing and corrupting the innocence of childhood.

But, lest there any of us who claim security in our faith, we need to understand that Paul doesn't hold the Church guiltless either. And I want to make myself clear -- I do not disparage all members of the Church! I understand that it is the institution of the Church that has not lived up to the commission Jesus called His followers to. I am fully aware that individual followers are committed to being devout and obedient servants of His Kingdom here on earth. It is not up to me [or anyone else] to judge their hearts or measure the worth of their faith. That, Jesus will do at the Judgment Seat. But each of us can judge the fruit of the institution, and those who walk in religion, seeking to control and dictate belief systems through misleading and false teachings, or deceptive, man-made doctrine. Following Jesus is easy; we have His Word to guide us, and it is the Holy Spirit who counsels and reveals God's will for the faithful. The institutionalized Church, if not careful, can switch the focus of Jesus's teachings from His truth to their own interpretation, resulting in people losing sight of Him as they seek to please the leadership and themselves.     

A man I greatly admire, Victor Marx, recently posted a meme that stated, "Too many Christians want a seat at the table that Jesus would have flipped over". "The table" he is talking about is the seat of power and reputation/recognition that the Church has become for far too many who claim their faith in Jesus. The Lord flipped the tables of the moneychangers in the Temple because they were profiting off the poor; requiring inflated payment for the poor to have access to the sacrificial animals and entry into the House of His Father. The Temple was to be open and available to all; it is the Father's will that all have access to His love and to His Presence.

But is it really any different today? I have personally seen the 10 Ways the Enemy Has Infiltrated the Church, from a powerful article written by Evangelist Chuck Lawless. I have seen 1) Rivalry in the Church, 2) Immaturity among believers, 3) Tolerating sin in the congregation, 4) Believers turning on believers, 5) Sexual immorality in the church, 6) Misuse of Christian liberty [to condemn others], 7) Idolatry in the church, 8) Competition over spiritual gifts, 9) Unwillingness to forgive a repentant believer, and 10) False teaching in the church. I do not point these out from a superior attitude -- it is always my heart for God to purify anything He finds unholy in my heart. My intention is to call ourselves to account for the ways we might be limiting access to God for anyone seeking Him. 

I mean, are we really glorifying our Lord if we are fighting over ministry turf; allowing internal strife between members; tolerating sexual sin; promoting someone or a ministry above our holy God [worshiping the gods of our heart]; competing over whose spiritual gift is greater; being unwilling to forgive a repentant brother or sister in Christ; or being unable to discern a false teaching from the grace of Jesus to allow for a difference of opinion that doesn't contradict the Gospel and the Father's will? 

For instance, does it really matter if we baptize in the Name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit -- or we simply baptize in the Name of Jesus? Isn't that make Baptism into a religious ritual rather than a pronouncement of our allegiance to Heaven? Didn't Jesus say He and the Father are One, and if we've seen Him, we've seen the Father? Isn't the purpose of declaring a name is that you know who you are declaring your spiritual allegiance to -- the Light or the dark side? Jesus allowed His followers to eat from the wheat fields on the Sabbath, breaking a strict religious rule. When He declared that “The Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath”, He is proclaiming that He exercises authority over the Sabbath. He also exercises authority over baptism, and if we choose to be baptized, He knows the condition of our heart, and that we understand the significance of this action. He never desired that our faith be difficult, once we choose to believe. Why do we make it so?

Finally, I think there can be no disagreement that we are seeing the brutality of mankind on the earth. And when the Rule of Law is no longer operating, then the message the masses receive is that there are no rules; or the rules are made to be broken; or it's ok to make your own rules and just do what makes you feel good about yourself -- none of which were ever taught by the Creator and Redeemer of all mankind. Therefore those men [and women] will come to despise the One who made the rules to guide us all to a peaceful and harmonious life. And they will deny His power and authority to guide their lives because it comes in conflict with their own self-interests. 

It is evident from the threats of war, famine, disease/plagues, and persecution from those who love power and those who hate God, that we are indeed in perilous times. Is the glorious return of our Lord imminent, or will He give us a reprieve by some miracle of His mercy and grace? No one can say for sure, but this I do know ... it is time to receive HIS TRUTH, not the truth of the world, and most certainly time to discern if you are hearing the truth in your place of worship. It is not time "to tolerate unsound doctrine and inaccurate instruction [that does not challenge them with God’s truth]; but wanting to have their ears tickled [with something pleasing], they will accumulate for themselves [many] teachers [one after another, chosen] to satisfy their own desires and to support the errors they hold." It is perilous enough that you need to know what you believe and why! Don't rely on another's faith -- own your own. And remember what Jesus said to His disciples in those ancient times ... Listen carefully, I have told you in advance. So go and find out what HE said because His words "will not pass away". For it is most assuredly the time to determine that we will stand in persistent perseverance. And He will stand with us! Praise Him, above all Names, for He is worthy to be praised! 

Luke 21:28    Now when these things begin to occur, stand tall and lift up your heads [in joy], because [suffering ends as] your redemption is drawing near.”

August 22, 2015

It's Time The Church Stepped Outside The Box

     Before you think that I'm about to counsel that we abandon our Biblically-endorsed doctrines or compromise with the culture on any matter that is not found in, authorized by, or based on the Bible, I think you know me better than that.  But I would like to ask you to consider stepping outside of the box of our man-made suppositions on how the Church or the Body of Christ is to fulfill our commission to the unsaved of the world.
     Perhaps it is just me ... I have always been unconventional in my thinking, and I have a natural propensity for looking at alternative ways to accomplish the same goal.  I tend to look at things from a different perspective than the majority of people, and when it comes to the Church, I feel that the Holy Spirit is telling me we need to throw off our biases of how Church is to be conducted, and be bold in our efforts to reach those who desperately need Christ's saving grace in these last days... before it is too late!
     That is not to say that we give in to changing attitudes on the divinity of Christ, or the authority of the Holy Bible, or question if only followers of Jesus Christ can be saved.  That might sound like a ridiculous assumption, but believe it or not, many churches and denominations are doing just that!  For instance, a 2011 survey of pastors in the Presbyterian Church revealed that 41% said they agreed or strongly agreed with the statement that Jesus was the only way to salvation, while 45% said they disagreed or strongly disagreed.  This was the opinion of PASTORS!  That is defying the core of Christian faith and doctrine!  All you have to do is open the door to other ways to salvation, and that reasoning leads you to acceptance of all kinds of biblical sin within the church.  Once you've compromised on that core principle, it is easy to accept anything that the Enemy presents.
     So, this leads me to the conclusion that something is terribly wrong in how the Church is conducting its mission.  Even if you are reading this and thinking, "That's not my Church.  We're sound in our teaching and preaching of the Gospel Message.  We know that salvation comes through the Word, and the Word is Jesus", let me ask you this ... Is that enough?  If so, why are there so many people within your church walls that are unhappy and confused and unfulfilled?  If that model holds true, shouldn't everyone who proclaims themselves saved by the blood of Jesus be able to overcome their fleshly sin at some point and share that message of salvation with others? But do they?  How many are continuing to fight their own battles, over and over, and never get to the task of saving others?
     Let me take it a step further ... if "doing Church" as we've been doing it was accomplishing Christ's goal for reaching the world and saving them from the Adversary and their own fleshly nature, would we have 55,000,000 dead fetuses; or would we be seeing the destruction of God's model for marriage and the family; or would a website that advocates infidelity make $55 million per year?  Shouldn't we have made a bigger impression on the culture than we have?  After all, look at the impact that only 12 disciples made on the Middle East, parts of Asia and even into Europe!  Yet a Pew Research survey in 2014 revealed that 70.6% of Americans identified themselves as Christians -- that's over 225,000,000 "professed disciples of Christ", folks!  I think you would agree with me that based on the state of our society, we haven't done a very good job.
     Can we agree that in order to minister to and rescue lost souls we need to be doing more than preaching and teaching the Word of God from within the four walls of a church building?  And can we agree that preaching and teaching are not enough?  Oh, the Church is good at telling us who God is, but I think we have failed to tell our fellow Christians about who Satan is; and how he can not only fool and deceive the world into following after him and his servants (just look at our culture!), but he can also oppress Christians with false messages about our limited role in defeating him.
     When Jesus gave the Disciples their commission to share the Kingdom of God, He was very specific about the tools He was giving them to accomplish that job ... preaching and teaching the gospel; healing the sick; and casting out demons.  Until we realize that Satan wants to keep us from recognizing that Authority and Power, we will never be able to deliver non-believers from their broken state.  And until we deliver ourselves from this false understanding, we will be ineffective in  delivering and feeding others.
     But here's the catch ... because we have kept to the same old model of the Church, we have been indoctrinated into thinking that as long as we are associated with a Church denomination or sit in a pew every Sunday, then we are doing the right thing; and there is nothing wrong with how we see ourselves as the Church.  But all the letters Jesus wrote in the Book of Revelation were to the Church, and they were mostly about what needed to be corrected!
     I believe that all we have to do is take an honest look at the state of this country -- our schools, our entertainment, our government, our communities and families -- and we will see that maybe it is OK to step outside the box (and exchange Church ritual for unconventional methods) in order to reach all the lost souls.  It isn't hard to realize that the majority of lost souls are outside the church walls.  The personal experience of my husband and myself has taught us that principle.  The Holy Spirit has brought us into touch in recent weeks with two young women who have both led lives plagued by the Enemy. They have been oppressed in varying degrees, and one is desperately seeking to know all she can about God, spending many hours reading the Word and asking countless questions in her journey towards deliverance and salvation.  I am in awe of her desire and her commitment.
     The other's struggle is even more difficult.  She has huge trust issues, and while she says she wants to pursue God and be rid of the overwhelming oppression in her life, she is struggling against forces that physically won't allow her to open her Bible.  Every time she makes the effort to read the Word of God, she feels a weight on her body that keeps her from being able to turn a physical page.  The Enemy is trying to convince her that she is not worth our trouble.  Of course, that is a false and damaging message!
     I can honestly tell you that these are two young ladies whose souls need to be snatched out of the hand of the Enemy, and through God's sovereign means, they have been brought into our lives.  I can further tell you that we would never have encountered them inside the church.  I truly feel that, as The Church and the Body of Christ, we are running out of time to fulfill our commission; we have but a short time to win souls and claim victory over Sin.  It's time to step out of the pew, engage the lost, and start winning souls!  With the help of our Lord and Savior, we can be assured victory!

Matthew 10:7-8    And proclaim as you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying; give without pay.


May 31, 2015

Romans 16:6 ... A Life Well-Lived

Greet Mary, who has worked so hard among you

    Today's Scripture might seem unexceptionable, but I chose it for a specific reason.  It has been a year-and-a-half since our little home church began the study of the Book of Romans; what I consider Paul's greatest work.  Throughout that time, we have reveled in Paul's systematic approach to the Gospel message.
     He showed us God’s redemptive plan for all mankind – both the Jews and the Gentiles – and showed us how a life of righteousness should be lived.  Most of all he showed us in Romans 3:24 the heart of his message:  We are [all] justified freely by God’s grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
     As I got to the last chapter of Romans I contemplated, for just a moment, that it might be anti-climatic.  After all, it appeared to be only a simple letter in which Paul thanked an assortment of people.  After the magnificence of the rest of the Book, would this have any significance to our small group of Believers?  How dare I shortchange the Bible!
     As I dived into who these people were, and why Paul felt moved to mention them, they came alive to me.  I'd like to share their stories with you...  
     First of all, there are 33 people named; 25 men and 8 women.  The first to be mentioned is Phoebe, a prominent businesswoman, who carried that letter all the way from Corinth to Rome … a distance of 616 miles!!!  
     Paul commends her as a faithful servant and a deacon[ess].  That does not mean that she held some governmental office in that church; (we sometimes read present-day meanings into these words).  It means that she had assumed a ministry on behalf of the church.  She represented them in some labor, and whether it was material, physical, or spiritual, she was very faithful in it.  There is strong evidence here that Phoebe was a teacher or an evangelist -- a laborer for the gospel with Paul.  We don’t know much else about her, but she was obviously important, and she is mentioned first.
     Next we meet Priscilla and Aquila, a famous husband-wife team.  Luke tells us they were Jews, tentmakers by trade, who were driven out of Rome by the decree of the Emperor Claudius.  They shared the trade of tent-making with Paul, and also ministered in the synagogue.  They were valuable teachers of the faith, and Priscilla's name is often mentioned before her husband's, indicating that she had the gift of teaching, rather than him.  But wherever they are mentioned in the Bible, there is a church in their home.
     Epaenetus was someone Paul would never forget … he was the first person Paul led to Christ when he journeyed to Asia.  We do not know what Epaenetus was doing in Rome, but he was cherished because he was the first to exercise faith in Asia.  
     Associated with him is Mary, whom Paul calls "Mary the worker", and who is featured in today's verse of Scripture.  We don't know anything else about her, except that she is one of the group of unknown women in the Gospels who had the gift of helps. She could not teach or preach or evangelize, but she could work, and she did. I would suppose that Mary had a heart for serving, and that is why Paul makes the effort to single her out.
     Paul then goes on to mention a series of friends and relatives -- all serving the Church in faithfulness.  There are Andronicus and Junia(s), relatives who came to Christ before Paul did; possibly through an encounter with Stephen.  Other mentioned relatives are Lucius, Jason and Sosipator.  
     Ampliatus and Narcissus are thought to have been slaves in a Roman household, as were Quartus and Tertius, to whom Paul dictated the letter to the Romans; while Tryphaena and Tryphosa, along with Herodian, were of the aristocratic class.  It is thought that Asyncritus, Phlegon, Hermes, Patrobas, Hermas were perhaps a group of Greek businessmen who formed a group of faithful servants to the Church in Rome.  And we must not think of the "Church in Rome" as we do today.  It did not resemble the wealthy Vatican and Catholic Church of modern times, but consisted in various house churches as that conducted by four others mentioned in the 16th Chapter of Romans, Philologus, Julia, Nereus and his sister, and Olympas.  
     Paul also mentions Rufus, whom historians believe to be the son of Simon of Cyrene, who helped our Lord carry His cross on the way to Calvary.  How many times do you think he asked his father to relate how that experience helped him to believe in our Lord?  And what a witness, he would have been for the Church! Also included are the names of Persis, Urbanus and Stachys, all noted as "fellow workers in Christ".
     Paul ends his letter by mentioning Timothy, his "beloved son in the Faith"; Gaius, who hosted a home church in Corinth; and Erastus, the city treasurer of Corinth, along with others I've already named; all helping him to do the Lord's work and encouraging the Church. 
     As you can see, we have slaves, prominent business people, and members of aristocratic families, proving that the Gospel message had infiltrated the ranks of Roman society and brought them all together as members of Christ’s body, the Church.  (What an excellent example that the Church is not the building; it's the people!)
     The point of this post is that we often skip over these names of people in the Bible.  But we should take note of their steady, tested commitment, and their faithfulness to the gospel.  We should be especially aware that they labored for the Gospel ... it was their life's work!  Today we Christians give in so easily to the world's philosophy of life -- live for your own pleasure, focus on retiring at the end of your life and discontinuing your work. The early Christians did not believe that!  They worked tirelessly their entire lives to spread the Gospel message.  Instead of skipping over these names, we should honor them for their selfless service to our Lord, and seek to imitate the example of Mary, "who has worked so hard among you".