A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

March 22, 2021

The Power of Jesus's Outstretched Arm


I'm inviting you along for the ride as the Lord schools me on a bigger picture of His redeeming power. I'm not sure what the Holy Spirit is going to reveal during my "thinking out loud in the spirit". But, as I write this post, it is my prayer that His revelation will be a blessing to us all.

I'm in the middle of reading a really interesting book, titled Redeeming Your Timeline, by Pastor Troy Brewer of OpenDoor Church in Burleson, Texas. He presents an interesting concept of Jesus as a Time Traveler, being able to move in and out of the timelines of our lives, healing us in the past, the present, and the future. This book intrigued me because it fits so nicely with what I have experienced with the Lord in the Inner Healing and Deliverance ministry He has brought Mark and I. It has been my privilege to witness Jesus appearing in the memories of a person's wounded past to liberate them from the spirits of shame, guilt, unworthiness, etc, and then speaking to them [in the present] of their new identity as a valuable [and much loved] child of God. It's always a beautiful picture of what "being supernaturally redeemed" looks like.  

Pastor Brewer takes this idea of supernatural redemption a little further, explaining that Jesus can not only heal our past wounds, but can relieve our fears about the future, and help us to remain calm in the present. In fact, when He delivers us from the captivity of our past, it actually changes our now and our future! Our entire timeline can be redeemed! 

Before I go any further, I think we need to come to a mutual understanding of what "redeemed" or "redemption" actually means. I know, for myself, that I have sometimes been confused about the significance of such Scriptural words because they were never fully explained to me. So, I want to make sure we are all on the same page. I would venture to say that most Christians think of redemption as a New Testament concept; that it exemplifies Jesus's sacrificial death on the Cross. And it certainly does point to the fact that Jesus brings us deliverance from the guilt and power of sin through His death. But when researching deeper and accurate meanings of the words "redeem" or "redemption" in Strong's Concordance, I found that those words actually appeared far more often in the Old Testament! And the meanings have so much relevance for us today!

These are the meanings assigned to the words redeem, redeemed, Redeemer: 1) deliverance from captivity; 2) preserving the integrity, life, property, and family name of a close relative; and 3) complete sovereign freedom to liberate human beings. And we see these understandings in passages like Exodus 6:6, which says, "Therefore, say to the children of Israel, ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will free you from their bondage. I will redeem and rescue you with an outstretched (vigorous, powerful) arm and with great acts of judgment [against Egypt]". Then there is Psalm 77:15, which reads, "You have with Your [great] arm redeemed Your people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph".  This concept of Jesus as redeeming with an outstretched arm will broaden our understanding of how He heals in the timelines of our lives.

But first, I want to point out Job, which is considered by many theologians to be the oldest book in the Bible. Job is quoted as saying, "For I know that my Redeemer and Vindicator lives, and at the last He will take His stand upon the earth" (Job 19:25). That is a picture of Jesus being in the past, thousands of years before He was actually born, as well as a prophesy about what He will do in a future we haven't experienced yet! In Isaiah 48:17, Jesus speaks to the prophet Isaiah, identifying Himself as "your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel". And in Isaiah 48:12 Jesus calls Himself "the First and the Last", which coincides with His identity as "the Alpha and Omega" in Revelation 1:8. So, here we once again see Jesus in the past and the future. The point I want to get across is this: Scripture tells us Jesus is the One who is, who was, and who is to come. But we must not see that truth through an impersonal lens, as if it is a nice theological concept, but somewhat distant in relevance to our own lives. On the contrary, Jesus can actually enter into the timelines of our lives -- past, present, and future -- and redeem them. And here is what is even more amazing ... when Jesus heals that wound in your past, it is actually re-written in your Book of life, which creates a new present and a new future!

Take for example, the man with leprosy that Jesus healed in Mark 1:40-45. Scripture says, Moved with compassion [for his suffering], Jesus reached out with His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Once again, there is that act of reaching out His hand in power.  In the Greek, that act is the word "ekkteino".  Ek means "coming out of place, time, or cause". Kteino means "to put to death". So, we can understand that, in the power that was in Him, Jesus entered into the timeline of the man with leprosy [to the place, time, and cause of his disease] and healed him [put to death what the Enemy had sent against him]. In effect, that changed the man's identity, which transformed his life in the present, and into his future. 

And guess what? He can do the same for me and you! He can actually redeem us through His outstretched arm [just as He did for the Israelites in the aforementioned passages in Exodus and Psalms]. He can travel through the times of our lives [past, present, and future] and free us from the effects of sin, transgression, and iniquity; and in the process, give us a new destiny, transforming our lives to reconcile with what He wrote in our Book of Life before He even created the world! The question becomes if we will allow Him to do that. Can we see how inviting Him into our past can profoundly change our present and lead us into a glorious future? We must understand that Jesus created Time, so it is an environment that He has sovereignty over, and He can change what happens there. He has the power to confront our past and redeem it; delivering us from the captivity and bondage of sin, preserving our integrity and who He designed us to be, and propelling us into a future that glorifies Him and His Kingdom! That portion of time that contained the sin has been cleansed and a new portion of time has been established. And we can operate in this new timeline knowing our Lord, our Redeemer, has sanctified us to walk out our purpose. No looking back -- let Him stretch out His powerful arm and receive your redemption!

Isaiah 46:10     Declaring the end and the result from the beginning, And from ancient times the things which have not [yet] been done, Saying, ‘My purpose will be established, And I will do all that pleases Me and fulfills My purpose,’

March 14, 2021

Release the Artificial Dam and Let the Blessings Flow!

This post is going to fall into the category of personal, but I believe it is meant to bring freedom to so many other people. This is my story alone, but I have no doubt that many of you will identify with it. For some time now, I have been crying out and seeking for more intimacy with my Father in Heaven. And to be honest, I couldn't quite describe what I was lacking, I just discerned my relationship with Him wasn't all I wanted or needed it to be. Something was missing and it was coming from me, not Him.

I thought I was in a real relationship with Him -- I was able to talk to Abba Father about all He was doing in mine and Mark's ministry and praise Him for allowing us to work with Him to help others. And I had no problem praying for others, or asking for blessings in their lives, or for resources they needed to move into the greater purpose of who they were created to be. I was able to partner with Jesus to see them receive a level of intimacy with their Savior that they had never experienced before, and I often found myself in tears of joy and awe as I watched it transform their lives. 

I did know a level of intimacy that was way more than before I asked Jesus to be my Savior. Yet, why couldn't I experience the full measure of intimacy that I knew was just out of reach? God began to unravel my confusion in a series of "reveals" that began as I took part in a study on the portions of our spirit (see email link at the end of this post to embark on your own "Spirit Bootcamp"). My spirit recognized and was in harmony with the portions Prophet, Servant, Exhorter, and Teacher. But when we got to Giver, I struggled with understanding how it related to the others and to God. When I learned it is the portion of my spirit that grants access to God, I knew I was going to need to deal with this question of intimacy. After all, if there was something hindering access to Father, how could I expect to experience intimacy? Then I also discovered that it also is involved in releasing the Father's blessings on others while receiving the blessings and resources He has for us. Ouch! That hit a tender spot in my spirit. But why?

I then embarked on some deep conversations with my spirit, requiring it to be vulnerable and honest with how I relate to my Heavenly Father. Of course, that took me to a place where I had to open the spiritual vaults to my relationship with my earthly father, which was more complicated than I wanted to admit. As a little girl, I remember a warm and loving daddy, who was nurturing, supportive, affectionate, had no problem saying he loved me, and championed all my activities in school. He was strict but never abusive. As the oldest and a girl, I realized as I grew older, that my brothers garnered more of his time and enjoyed more freedom. He was protective of his daughters as was usual for that time growing up in the 60's and 70's. But our relationship changed as I went off to college and became my own person, with my own ideas and dreams, which didn't always meet with the support I had known as a little girl. He still easily told me he loved me, but my spirit began to acknowledge the times I expressed my dreams and goals and was met with a dismissal or disapproval ... girls couldn't possibly travel the world like Hemingway and be a writer; how would you pay your bills? You need to get "a real job". All I wanted was acknowledgment that he approved of my passion to write, and believed in me as a writer. Subsequently, it would be 36 years before I gave myself permission to write just for the joy of it. I don't want to list a litany of the wounds that my spirit shared with me because I don't want to dishonor the memory of my father. But this was my spirit sharing memories from its perspective, so that gave them some credibility. 

So, as I wept before the Lord that I had been unaware that my spirit had been hurting from the words and actions of my earthly father, I forgave my dad again because I knew he didn't deliberately cause me pain. And I asked my Heavenly Father to forgive me for transferring my image of my earthly father onto Him. After all, I was well aware that this is a common deception that the devil whispers to us humans (both men and women alike), and I intellectually rejected that possibility for myself -- I knew the love of the Father and didn't compare it to my dad's ... or did I? And then I remembered what I had learned about the Giver portion of my spirit ... it is responsible for granting access to Father God and receiving the blessings and resources that He has destined for me! Here I was fervently praying for intimacy and all the resources I knew were mine and asking God to reveal what was blocking them so I could partner with Him in the Spirit to see them released --- and it was looking like I was the one blocking access! 

When my dad could not [or would not; for whatever reason] give me his blessings that I longed for, I was subconsciously applying that denial to Father God. My hopes and desires for blessings and resources had been dammed up by my dad's refusal and I couldn't separate that from my Father's heart. I didn't need to do anything to win His approval or change what I was asking for (feeling as if maybe I wasn't somehow worthy); I just needed to open myself to receive what He has had predestined for me from the foundations of the world and that are written in my Book of Life! That dam holding back access and blessings had been erected over years in my childhood and young adulthood, and I had failed to recognize that it didn't exist in my Father's heavenly realm. It was an unnatural, artificial spiritual dam that I had allowed to exist, keeping me from accepting and receiving all that Father God wanted to give me! The problem was, I had been asking with the wrong heart and eventually hesitated to even ask, feeling somehow guilty for asking. After all, didn't the Bible tell me I was supposed to be content in whatever situation I found myself? It was now time to deal with this once and for all. So, I submitted everything to my Abba Father, and allowed Him to heal me.

I experienced such a profound emotional connection between my spirit and my Heavenly Father, casting off the rejection my spirit had been feeling [and I was unaware of]. I knew the blessings and resources were real and they could now be released in the spiritual realms and manifest in the natural! They are real and they are mine and they are on their way! I hadn't realized that my spirit was keeping me distanced from the love, affection and intimacy with Father God because it was afraid of being disappointed. But now I know that it is His heart to give His children all that is good... Do you know of any parent who would give his hungry child, who asked for food, a plate of rocks instead? Or when asked for a piece of fish, what parent would offer his child a snake instead?  If you, imperfect as you are, know how to lovingly take care of your children and give them what’s best, how much more ready is your heavenly Father to give wonderful gifts to those who ask Him?” (Matthew 7:9-11).

I now am able to give myself what I have partnered with Jesus to give to others. I no longer dwell on past experiences or allow the Enemy to start building another spiritual dam to stop the flow of blessings and resources. I am no longer tentative about approaching Father with my joys, my sorrows, my desires or disappointments. I know He desires me to be all He made me to be; never holding back His blessings, or denying me the resources that He has stored up for me in Heaven. As I've told so many who have come to our table for ministry... this journey to wholeness is a process. And I'm not too proud to admit that I'm still in the midst of my own sanctifying process. I am thankful for the letting go, and I rejoice in the receiving.  I rush into my Abba's arms, sharing my dreams and goals and needs and He listens! If what I ask for does not align with His will, He makes my spirit aware that He has something better in mind; there's no judgment or condemnation... and nothing hurts. 

So, here's the good news ... because I am confident in my intimacy with Him, I have been able to share my healing with other women, who are reporting that they are dealing with this same issue and He is healing us all! As one good friend related, the Lord told her, "You know me as God, but I've been hindered as [your] Father". How many of us --  whether men or women -- have subconsciously colored our vision of Abba with our memories of our fathers [even though we know better]? How many of us have allowed Satan to hand us the bricks that we've then used to build our own dam to hold back intimacy and blessings? Join with me and let's tear those obstructions down! And then let's run into the arms of Father God who delights in us and our dreams and desires! He is removing all obstacles as He prepares to take us into a demanding, arduous [yet fruitful] season of defending the Kingdom. We thank you, Father, for your faithfulness to perfect us in Your image. And we bless You, the One from whom all blessings flow! Amen!

Contact Sharonvanhorn@gmail.com to receive information about the next opportunity to partake in a "Spirit Bootcamp". 

1 John 5:14-15   This is the [remarkable degree of] confidence which we [as believers are entitled to] have before Him: that if we ask anything according to His will, [that is, consistent with His plan and purpose] He hears us. And if we know [for a fact, as indeed we do] that He hears and listens to us in whatever we ask, we [also] know [with settled and absolute knowledge] that we have [granted to us] the requests which we have asked from Him.

March 11, 2021

A Call To The Ekklesia: Stand Against False Gods & Fallen Angels!

There is a stark reality we must face in our nation. We are all aware that for 60 years or more, we have been pushing God out of our national identity -- culturally, socially, and legally. But if we create a vacancy, it is the law of nature, that something will fill that space. Do you remember in 2015, when the powers that be in New York gave permission to an art exhibition called "Projecting Change" to impose the image of Hindu demon goddess Kali on the side of the Empire State Building? Kali is the goddess of Destruction and Dissolution in Hinduism and is known for destroying ignorance. Her name means "The Black One". The meaning of Dissolution, by the way, is termination, demise, extinction. And just five years later, in 2020, we now witness the State of New York updating the number of nursing home deaths from Covid-19 to an astounding 15,000!

When a nation removes God from His central and foundational position, then other "little g" gods are only too willing to take His place. And there are dangerous consequences when we let that happen. I want to make you aware of a new and menacing threat to the Christian underpinning of our country. An article on The Gateway Pundit website on March 10, reported that the state of California has proposed an "ethnic studies" curriculum that calls for the "decolonization" of American society and a "counter-genocide" of white Christians. Now, if we want to, we can just chalk that up to another generation discovering their ethnic roots and wanting to throw off the shackles of "American imperialism". But a more in-depth look at this issue finds a curriculum that includes the worship of Aztec gods and chants that call for human sacrifice and cannibalism.

If you are spiritually attuned to Satan's agenda, his goal is to corrupt and destroy human relationship with the Most High God, and substitute the worship of his company of false gods and fallen angels. It's been his plan since he was expelled from El Elyon's heavenly throne room. And the human race has been so easily tempted to abandon righteousness for wickedness. Beginning with the Book of Genesis, the Bible clearly shows us this precept, and the world's history backs it up. 

The curriculum materials will tell you that the goal is "name, speak to, resist, and transform America's cultural identity of dominance through white European neo-colonial policies". The suggestion is to see a transformation towards "social justice" through ethnic resistance. How is that accomplished? Would you believe that the curriculum teaches that students can become "warriors" of social justice by appealing to the Aztec gods to release a spirit of "revolution"? The problem is, these gods are real!!!  We don't even have to approach the obvious conversation -- that this form of "education" doesn't seek to reconcile and unite the various ethnic groups in our rich American heritage, but rather, to alienate and estrange us from each other.

This is the kind of Anti-Christ agenda that, as the Ekklesia, we must determine to see defeated. This Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum [as it is known] instructs teachers to help students challenge "racist, bigoted, discriminatory, imperial/colonial beliefs" and recommends that they lead their students in a series of indigenous songs, chants, and affirmations, including what is known as the "In Lak Ech Affirmation" which appeals directly to the Aztec gods. Students first chant and clap to the god Tezcatlipoca, whom the Aztecs traditionally worshiped with human sacrifice and cannibalism. Often considered as the supreme god, he took on a bewildering array of names and manifestations depending on where and by whom he was worshiped. Invisible and omnipotent, he was known as a Creator god, the god of sustenance, a patron of warriors and as the bringer of both good and evil, he was the very embodiment of change through conflict. He was seen as a god of war, and in one of the special ceremonies honoring him, a prisoner of war was sacrificed and his heart removed to honor this god.

But Tezcatlipoca is not the only false god to be summoned during this Ethnic Studies curriculum. Students are also taught to chant to Tezcatlipoca's brothers, the gods Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtili, and Xipe Totek. These gods are all supreme deities in the pantheon of Mesoamerican creator gods. All are associated with death, war and human sacrifices, whose blood would feed and strengthen the gods. I ask you, do you see any redeeming value to teaching students to chant and summon these fallen angels-turned into false gods? The chanting comes to a climax when students declare "liberation, transformation, and decolonization" as they are convinced they need to pursue "critical consciousness" of their oppressed state in society. 

But here's what is even more concerning ... this curriculum is not only suggested for college-age students, but also for primary and secondary schools, serving a population of 6 million students! With the ever-increasing number of refugees from Central America [the very countries these gods had influence over], California could see racial tensions and gross social upheaval in its population -- which is exactly what Satan has in mind! It is imperative the Ekklesia stand guard against the gates of Hades who would impose this evil curriculum in our nation's schools! Lest you think these gods are just harmless mythological characters, I will tell you that, as Inner Healing Ministers, the Lord has shown Mark and I their very real presence in the iniquity we find in generational bloodlines of Hispanic Beloveds. 

We have seen tremendous freedom come when we expose the covenants made with these fallen heavenly powers by ancestors, and then stamp them with the blood of Jesus and command the altars be destroyed.  Most people don't know the origin of their bloodlines, so we cover the major ancient civilizations by cleansing their bloodlines with Living Water, and renouncing and returning every form of counterfeit inheritance from the Aztec god Queztalcoatl; the Mayan gods Ah Puch and Kul Kul Kan; and the Incan god Viracocha. As I said earlier, the influence of these gods is still in the world, and their wickedness can be summoned through chants, dance, sacrifice and other forms of worship -- even if you call it "education" or "social justice". Ekklesia, this is a call to fulfill our mandate: to stand in the gates of righteous government for the Kingdom, and to prevail [triumph, overcome, rule] against the forces of evil that would come against God's desire for this nation. This agenda will not succeed!

Isaiah 59:7-8    Their feet run to evil, and they rush to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity, desolation and destruction are in their highways. The way of peace they do not know, and there is no justice in their paths. Their roads they have made crooked; no one who walks in them knows peace. 

March 8, 2021

Do You Identify As The Ekklesia Or The Church? It Makes A Difference!

Do you know the difference between the Ekklesia and the Church? Can you tell the difference? About two years ago I heard a teaching by Pastor Dutch Sheets that put into words what my spirit has been discerning for some time, but was struggling to put into perspective. He was able to clarify the two ways that the Body of Christ operates... as both a Family and a Kingdom government. 

For example, as the Family of God, the Church sees Jesus as the Good Shepherd, the Bridegroom, and the First-born Heir (as the Son of God). In God's Kingdom government, Jesus is King, Lord, and Master. In our Church Families, we are part of Jesus's flock. According to God's Kingdom government on earth, we are the Lord's army. In the Church Family, we are healers and have rights and privileges. In the Kingdom government, we have responsibilities to be destroyers by tearing down strongholds and principalities. As the Church, we are to grow the Family of God until Jesus comes again. As the Ekklesia, we are to grow and extend God's Kingdom and its culture until Jesus returns. As the Family, we worship. As the Ekklesia, we govern. Starting to get the picture?

For awhile now, I have discerned that we have been operating solely as the Family of God [in our capacity as the Church]. It is past time that we mature and grow into our responsibilities as the Ekklesia. All we have to do is look at the state of our nation and the world to understand that God doesn't want [or need] a Church that is willing to compromise with the world. Look at where that's gotten us! The Church has remained fairly silent about ungodly strongholds of abortion, gay marriage, child trafficking, racism, human slavery, corrupt politicians and governments, etc. Oh, we speak up within the four walls of our buildings, but we have little effect on the morality of our culture outside our four walls. Take a look at our nation's laws... do they show the fruit of the Church's representation of Heaven's laws?

I believe that in this age and season, God wants [and needs] an Ekklesia that is taking down strongholds in the spiritual realms and reclaiming territory from Satan's kingdom of darkness on the earth. Since the Book of Acts, the Church has been given great power and authority to act on behalf of God's Kingdom. But to be honest, they don't know they've been entrusted with doing the works Jesus did to destroy the works of the devil. Far too many pastors and teachers don't train or equip their flocks to battle in the spirit, which is where Satan does most of his work! In recent centuries, the knowledge of the Church's power and authority has been eliminated from their identity; they no longer know how to walk in it. Instead they minister to each other, and Satan keeps the Family of God satisfied in the building, and ineffective in the world. Meanwhile the souls outside the building are spiritually dying.

I want to be clear ... God isn't finished with His Family! But He wants His children to change the atmosphere in their homes, their towns, their schools, their nations, and the world. He wants them to be willing to speak prophecy of His promises in the Bible to the dying, the hurt and the wounded. He wants them to do prophetic acts as representatives of the Kingdom of God on earth. The Church should look like the Church did in the First Century -- healing the sick; raising the dead; declaring prophecy over government leaders; baptizing and making disciples; carrying the Gospels of Salvation and the Kingdom to the far corners of the earth. 

The Church [as Family] should know the powerful tool of prophecy and understand how it works in the spiritual realms, because it can have a profound effect upon the works of the devil. But I'm not even sure we know what a prophetic act is or how it works. A prophetic word is when the Holy Spirit enables one to hear directly from God and you receive a message that is to be spoken to an individual, or a congregation, or even a nation and the world. The key is to discern that what you are hearing is actually from the Holy Spirit. And that requires a maturity that comes from experience with the Holy Spirit and being filled with Him. When that rightly discerned word is spoken, it actually opens up a portal over a region so that God can see His word manifested -- in His timing and His sovereignty.

Thankfully, I believe the Ekklesia is beginning to grow and mature into its identity and function [to see God's justice done on the earth]. We are beginning to show the Family of God that He is more than Love, Mercy and Grace (as powerful as those attributes are in their own right). But, as His Word tells us, God's cup of wrath will one day soon be filled up and He will tell Jesus to mount up on His white horse and dispense His Righteous Judgment upon the earth's wicked and evil. At that time the Church will have finished its mandate to reproduce and grow the Family of God; the number of those who will receive Jesus as King has been reached. It will be time to bring the fullness of the restoration of God's Kingdom on earth that He began in Genesis. Mankind will step into its dominion role and the Kingdom will truly "come on earth, as it is in Heaven". We will see reformation come upon the earth, as we leave the Church age behind, and enter the age of the Millennial Kingdom. That transformation and reformation is beginning now. 

That's why it's important to know how you identify yourself. Because I will tell you that Satan and the citizens of his kingdom of darkness will not easily give up the reign they have enjoyed these thousands of years. And frankly, as the Family, the Church is not equipped to defeat him or his minions. How can they expect to, if they are not walking in their power and authority? But the Good News is that, as we are growing into our identity as the Ekklesia, we are beginning to come together as powerful cohesive groups. And it is amazing to see what a remnant can do when they are equipped with 1) God's Divine strategies; 2) the weapons of our warfare [the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit, the prophetic word of how to bring down strongholds, and the authority to call on the Heavenly Host to assist us, among others]; and 3) the keys to the Kingdom [forgiveness, prayer, fasting, binding/loosing, etc]. 

But perhaps the most powerful thing we, as the Ekklesia, have going for us is our righteous zeal -- our tireless devotion and determination to see the cause of Jesus and His Kingdom firmly and irrevocably established on the earth. That my brothers and sisters, should be the heart of both the Church and the Ekklesia. But the Church has not taken the necessary risks to see the Kingdom established. Instead, they have reconciled and compromised with the world. Their 501(C)3 status has kept them largely on the sidelines as our families, schools, and nation have abandoned Godly principles. Yes, Jesus is our Savior, the Lamb of God, and our Advocate. But it is time we see Him in His identity as the Lord, King, and Judge of the earth. I honor the Church and all it has accomplished throughout time. But I am excited to welcome the remnant within its walls that sees the truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom and is willing to become the Ekklesia. The world will not welcome us, and our mission will be arduous and not without conflict. But may our faithfulness and fortitude (courage in the midst of pain and adversity) usher in the glorious return of the King of Heaven and Earth!

Isaiah 40:10      Look, the Sovereign Lord comes as a victorious warrior; His military power establishes His rule. Look, His reward is with Him; His prize goes before Him.

March 4, 2021

Gates and Paths; Narrow and Wide


Earlier in the week, I took part in a discussion on the portions of the Human Spirit, and at one point, the conversation centered on the narrow gate and wide gate mentioned in Matthew 7:13-14. The seventh Chapter of Matthew is full of nuggets to live by, according to God's moral and legal standards. And we, in the 21st Century Western Church often forget those characteristics of our Father in Heaven. We don't like to think of God as legalistic. We will say we are under His Grace and Mercy and no longer under the Law. But we forget that He is a legalist. He sets standards, guidelines, and codes of honor, morals, principles and ethics to live by. There are requirements to being considered righteous, and it's not a sliding scale! 

That brings me back to Matthew 7:13-14, Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow and difficult to travel is the path that leads the way to [everlasting] life, and there are few who find it. 

I would also venture to say that, from our modern perspective, we tend to see those that enter the wide gate as non-Believers. It's just taken for granted that we, who are Saved, are those referred to as entering the narrow gate on the way to everlasting life. If you believe in Jesus, then you are perceived as automatically going through the narrow gate. Have you ever thought that? I know that's how I interpreted it for years. I think this avenue of thought comes from our lack of understanding about the significance of "gates". 

In the Old Testament a gate [like today] was an entry point into an enclosed area; a door or opening. But unlike today, gates were the place where local courts convened, and justice was executed. Similarly, the New Testament asserts that gates stood for those who held government and administered justice there. And metaphorically speaking, according to Matthew 7:13-14, God has placed gates at the entrances of the ways [paths] that lead to either life or destruction; heaven or hell. A gate can be as thin as a curtain, such as in Matthew 27:51 when the veil in the Temple is torn at Jesus's Resurrection. It opened the way for man to once again have access to God. Or a gate can be synonymous with great power, as in Matthew 16:18 when Jesus refers to the "gates of Hades"; the power of death. So, you can see that the narrow gate has great significance and whether you enter into it or not, has great consequences.

Soooo... what if it's not as simple as all those destined to go to Heaven will go through the narrow gate, and all those going to Hell will seek the path to the wide gate? I agree that this particular scenario is absolutely relevant. But note that Scripture says the path to the narrow gate is difficult to travel, while the path to destruction and death is broad and easy to travel. Could it be that a choice between both paths could be possible for Christians? Here's why I ask that question ...

We know it is the desire of God's heart that all men be Saved. But, in His Sovereignty, He gave us Free will; we have to make a choice -- accept Him or reject Him. There is no middle ground. On top of that, we must accept ALL of Him! Again, there is no middle ground -- there is no area of His righteousness in which He is willing to compromise. He will never relax the rules of His moral law. Yet, look at the state of the Church and Body of Christ today. We have compromised with the world and accepted no-contest divorce, and gay marriage (even in our church leaders)! We have stood by and watched abortion, transgenderism, lawlessness in the streets, and the righteousness of our God mocked across our land. It has been a difficult path to walk in this culture and nation for a Christian! Satan has made sure the path has been wide and easy to travel for us. "Just stay silent; don't rock the boat," he whispers. "Did you see the loss of business that Christian baker suffered when he held to God's principles and refused to cater a gay wedding? It's okay to go to Church on Sunday and pray for the baker. You don't have to really stand up and proclaim God's Truth! He understands how difficult that would be for you and the trouble it would cause you. That's right, just keep praying that He do something about it!"

You see, Satan has been witness to the power and the authority in the Believer, and if he can convince us to stay silent or inactive in the Word, then he knows that he's got the edge in this spiritual battle on earth and in the heavens. We can no longer afford to say we love the Lord, yet remain rebellious towards His Word. That makes us a liar according to John 14:23-24, If anyone [really] loves Me, he will keep [obey] My word. That doesn't mean just the commandments that are easy to follow, or that we like and agree with. It means even those hard statutes and moral laws that make us unpopular with just about everyone in our compromised culture. James 4:4 makes it pretty clear that friendship with the world makes us an enemy of God. So how many Christians today will find themselves caught up in the surge of people being shoved down that broad path to the wide gate because they didn't anchor themselves on that difficult path to the narrow gate; they allowed themselves to make concessions to please the world and chose to take the easy route than to persevere on the road towards holiness? 

I'm not saying the path to the narrow gate will be a breeze. Your faith will be tested, and you will be persecuted. Just get that in your head now! But that narrow path is the only way to access the Father and His Kingdom! And it's going to cost us. We won't be able to arrive at that narrow gate by "pretending" to act like a Christian. Jesus makes that clear in Matthew 7:21-23. Although followers prophesied in His Name and cast out demons in His Name, Jesus told them He didn't know them! What if that narrow path is found within the boundaries of the wide path? Would it be possible to think you're on the right path to the narrow gate, while being seduced by the culture of to embrace the wide path that is all around you? I see it all the time .... professed Christians who embezzle money; self-proclaimed Believers who are still steeped in the iniquities of their family bloodlines; and people who I know love Jesus, but are lying to their spouses about secret addictions. 

It is hard to be holy! And speaking for myself, I have to rely on Jesus for every ounce of righteousness I possess! But Father is strict about entrance into that narrow gate! That gate is the doorway into His sanctified Kingdom in Heaven. Jesus tells us in John 3:1-5 that Salvation is the first necessary step to get into that narrow gate. We can't see or perceive the Kingdom without being Saved; and we certainly can't enter the narrow gate into the Kingdom unless we're Saved. But everyone and everything in the Kingdom of God in Heaven is up to His standards. I believe that Salvation alone does not guarantee that much-desired entrance. Jesus wants to see a changed life! He wants to see evidence that you are seeking the Kingdom first [having a heart that has been circumcised and cleansed] and also seeking righteousness! We can't play at being a Christian, while continuing in our sin. His blood was too costly to be sold at a reduced rate. So take some time and contemplate where you are on your path. Are you focused on staying on the narrow, more difficult path -- or are you prone to wander out into the masses who are on the more easily traveled wide path? The Body of Christ needs to become convicted of the importance of entering the right gate ... the narrow gate that leads to eternal life in the Kingdom of God in Heaven. Anything less could lead to an unwanted and unplanned detour. It might make your journey more comfortable in the short run, but will it be worth sacrificing your eternity with Jesus?

Isaiah 35:8     A highway will be there, and a roadway; And it will be called the Holy Way. The unclean will not travel on it, but it will be for those who walk on the way [the redeemed]; And fools will not wander on it. 






February 25, 2021

My Responsibility To Speak of the Fullness of God

In 2008, when it was prophesied over me that I was to "be the pen and not the blank piece of paper", I clearly understood that I was to use my gift of expression and writing to please God, the One who created me to write. I started small and privately; committing to write for two hours each day, while sharpening and improving my skills. At the end of two-and-a-half years, I had a novel of fiction. The sole purpose of that exercise was that I learned to hear the voice of God as He steered me through character development, plot, and direction of the book. There were days when I sat down to write and had no idea where my storyline was going, and two hours later I had written pages that just seemed to flow from somewhere inside me. To this day, that is the same process (and joy) I get from writing ... being able to share what God's Spirit speaks to my spirit.

Today, 13 years later, that's still how it works. But now, instead of a make-believe narrative, He speaks to me of more serious matters; subjects that align with His heart and that affect the lives of millions like me, who seek His counsel on how to navigate the perilous times in which we live. This blog is just one of the tools He has given me. This weekend my husband Mark and I will be leading a little mini-conference for a remnant of God's faithful who are willing to hear what so many cannot bear to look at. 

As I've written recently, Revival is on the tongue of nearly every modern-day prophet. And I wholeheartedly agree that God desires heartfelt revival among His people on earth; and it should be our desire, too! But we cannot ignore that historically, revival has often come, after a season of persecution and tribulation. And what Mark and I have been hearing from the Lord is, "Prepare the people". Prepare them for what? As I have struggled to make sure I am representing His commandment correctly and clearly, what I have discerned is this: God wants to prepare people for the "fullness" of Jesus's righteousness. Well, what does that look like?

The Church today likes to equate the righteousness of the Lord with His grace and mercy and sacrificial love -- all true and Scriptural characteristics. Jesus's righteousness is exemplified in His purity, His goodness, and His blameless nature. But there's another side to His righteousness that proclaims the Father's redemptive plan for mankind ... The Son of God appeared for this purpose, to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8). Just as we are to partner with the Father and the Son to speak of [and to walk out] their love, mercy and compassion in order to speak of the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ, we are also to speak out that God desires our partnership in expanding the Kingdom of God on earth and defeating Satan's kingdom of darkness!

Yes, it is true that God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16) and we put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness (Ephesians 4:24). It is my responsibility to share and express those truths as a recipient of God's love. But it is equally true this same Jesus who came as the Suffering Servant and Friend of mankind, will return as a Conquering King, intent on making war. It is equally my responsibility to speak of this facet of His nature [to the world], as well.

Revelation 19:11-16 describes Him like this: And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who was riding it is called Faithful and True (trustworthy, loyal, incorruptible, steady), and in righteousness He judges and wages war [on the rebellious nations]His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many royal crowns; and He has a name inscribed [on Him] which no one knows or understands except Himself.  He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of GodAnd the armies of heaven, dressed in fine linen, [dazzling] white and clean, followed Him on white horses. From His mouth comes a sharp sword (His word) with which He may strike down the nations, and He will rule them with a rod of iron; and He will tread the wine press of the fierce wrath of God, the Almighty [in judgment of the rebellious world].  And on His robe and on His thigh He has a name inscribed, “KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.”

It is important for the Body of Christ to understand the totality of Jesus -- He is both Savior and Lord! As Savior, Jesus shed His own blood for the redemption of mankind; for me and you and all those who choose to receive Him as Master of our lives. As Lord, He will shed the blood of the wicked and evil for the judgment of mankind. Can you see both manifestations of His nature? Do you hear both sides of His nature expressed from the pulpit [or podcast]? If not, then I submit to you that we are not carrying out our full responsibilities to represent Him as children of God and ambassadors of His Kingdom.

At our mini-conference this weekend, Mark and I, along with other faithful representatives of the Kingdom of God, will attempt to bring the fullness of our God to this mighty and faithful remnant. We will share what we have heard as "watchmen on the wall", speaking what the Lord has revealed to us in our spirits, as well as what His Word clearly testifies of -- the good, the bad, the ugly, and yes, the scary. But the conference will conclude with how we as the Ekklesia here on earth can partake in the battle for righteousness on the earth; how we can use our giftings and the keys to the Kingdom that the Lord has given us. We will warn and we will encourage. We will speak of the manifestations of evil we can expect; and we will all speak of the power of Inner Healing, Forgiveness, Intercessory Prayer and Fasting; the power of meeting God face-to-face, and receiving a Word of Knowledge concerning our strategies and battle plans. 

World events seem to be careening out of control, and fear among men is increasing. But if we will hold fast to our covenant with the Lord and be prepared to speak His WHOLE truth, then we can be effective in our duty to proclaim Victory in Christ! The world needs us to walk upright in truth and spirit; rightly discerning the Word of God so that we might share it with all who will desperately need it. We should expect to be hated and must not shy away from proclaiming the full nature of our God and all that it will require of us. We need to speak of hope and love and joy in the Lord; but not remain silent regarding the efforts of the Enemy who will come to kill, steal and destroy those beautiful fruits of our faith. Let us be suited up in our spiritual armor and step on the battlefield.  As His Ekklesia we can war in the spirit, bind and loose on earth as it is in Heaven, and pray and fast for heavenly strategies to defeat the works of the devil. Let us be prepared! Our King and Commander is getting ready to mount for His ride!

 Revelation 1:7      Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes (nations) of the earth will mourn over Him [realizing their sin and guilt, and anticipating the coming wrath]. So it is to be. Amen.


February 19, 2021

A Time Of Great Discernment

I have had plenty of time this last week to think carefully over the future of my state of Texas, my country, and the world. When a huge weather system halts normal life, and the frantic pace of life comes to a standstill, one is given the opportunity to step back and witness the world from God's perspective -- if one chooses to. But in doing that, I believe it is vitally important to let Scripture be the foundation of our discernment. And in that vein, both the promises of God's judgment and His Glory must be considered according to what His Word reveals.

In these days where anyone can become a self-appointed prophet by creating an online personality and following, I believe it is important to discern the accuracy of Biblical precepts and Scripture when determining if prophecies are legitimately from God, or coming from the desires of our souls. Please, I am not saying that authentic or sanctified prophets do not exist today! And my spirit clearly identifies the validity of what they reveal. But I also recognize that the role of "prophet" has become a wildly popular position within the modern Church; and can become a lucrative business, especially when the prophet consistently "hears" what the people want to hear. 

Again, I am not discounting that God can and does speak through prophets today. He can speak through whomever He chooses. But I am also aware that Scripture says "when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously". Again, Scripture says, "Thus says the Lord of hosts: 'Do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes. They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of the Lord' ". I am aware that both of those Scriptures come from the Old Testament, but it is the same God of today, who has not changed. And He instructs His prophets in the same righteous way as He has throughout time.

So, I am intensely interested to hear what the prophets are receiving from the "whole counsel of God". As I look upon the disaster that was the response of Texas leaders to this catastrophic winter storm that hit us this week, I'm reflecting on God's perspective. I have no doubt that God heard millions of righteous Christian prayers, and there will come testimonies of divine blessings in the coming days. [Mark and I have only praise for our God who heard our prayers]. And I am hearing the sharp and valid criticisms over the mis-handling of the crisis, and hearing the prophets warning that "as Texas goes, so goes the nation; and as the nation goes, so goes the world". They are calling for an accounting, both politically and spiritually, and a cleansing of all unrighteousness, even as they are declaring that a revival of God's glory on the earth will begin here in Texas.

I pray they are correct! No doubt that a righteous revival is needed! But I find myself wondering, have any of the prophets heard God speak of righteous judgment? After all, Texas is the birthplace of legal abortion [Roe v Wade]. Also, there are more than 300,000 victims of human trafficking in Texas, including almost 79,000 minors and youth victims of sex trafficking and nearly 234,000 adult victims of labor trafficking. Minor and youth sex trafficking costs the state of Texas approximately $6.6 billion annually, and traffickers exploit approximately $600 million from victims of labor trafficking in Texas. And Texas politics has a rich history of corruption, from the lowest to the highest echelons of public office. And we cannot deny that Texas was founded as a Freemason Republic, and the iniquity and wickedness that lies in this secret society goes unnoticed. 

Again, I ask, are all the prophets only hearing God say that revival will sweep the land? I know you can find Scripture that backs up that principle. Isaiah, one of the most moral and outspoken prophets of the Bible records what God told him ... Say to the righteous that it will go well with them (Isaiah 3:10). But in the very next verse, he prophesies the fullness of what God said to him: Woe (judgment is coming) to the wicked! It shall go badly with him, For what his hand has done shall be done to him (Isaiah 3:11). 

While I have no doubt that God desires that revival flow forth from the heart of Texas, I wonder if there are any of the prophets that are hearing more than that? We can and should pray for revival! But we cannot ignore the sins and transgressions and iniquity that are in our midst; nor the consequences of the wickedness that have been allowed to continue. The Church cannot ignore their complicity, collusion, and cooperation in the ongoing existence of abortion, human trafficking, corruption, greed, secret societies and compromise with the world. 

In summary, I whole-heartedly believe in the victory of the Lord in these situations. And I yearn for revival and the Glory of the Lord to be seen across our great state and nation. But I am also wise enough to hear God's warnings in His Word. He will not be mocked! So, I pray for discernment in hearing correctly in my spirit; to acknowledge the prophets who are truly hearing His Majestic voice from those who speak visions of their own minds and fill us with vain hopes. May we all hear in Spirit and Truth, and let the Word be our guide! 

Jeremiah 28:8-9  "The prophets who preceded you and me from ancient times prophesied war, famine, and pestilence against many countries and great kingdoms. As for the prophet who prophesies peace, when the word of that prophet comes to pass, then it will be known that the Lord has truly sent the prophet."  


February 13, 2021

Prayer For Winter Storm 2021

Our nation is in the grips of an unprecedented winter storm that will break decades-old records. I'm pretty secure in saying that we are all going to be challenged during the next few days in caring for our homes, family members, pets, livestock, and all the things the Lord has put under our stewardship. And I would ask you to pray for our police officers, firefighters, EMTs, Paramedics, doctors, nurses, Electric workers, City workers, Postal workers, hospital and emergency personnel, National guardsmen and anyone else I may not have mentioned. 

I  have already been personally touched by this storm as temperatures plummeted here in Southeast Texas and I found myself driving Mark to the emergency room after a fall on the ice in which he thought he might have broken his wrist. So, I was awakened in the early morning hours with a deep desire to pray and seek the face of my Lord. But for a few minutes I struggled with all that was surging through my mind, and then the words began to flow, and I knew they were being guided by the Holy Spirit and could possibly be important for other people to pray for their situations. I immediately got out of bed and transcribed the following prayer that poured out from the Spirit to my spirit in about 5 minutes.

This is a prayer that Holy Spirit counseled for me and my circumstances. But if you or a family member have need of healing [as Mark does] you can adapt this prayer to speak into your particular needs. And I reminded the Lord of our petition to protect [in the Spirit] the boundaries of our property by establishing a wall of fire around, above and below the physical land. You, too, can adapt this prayer to a personal petition of how you see your property protected in the Spirit. But I want to invite you to feel free to repeat this prayer or adapt it to your specific needs and petitions. The Lord will hear you and respond; I am sure of it! 

Father God, I begin by praising Your Name which is above all Names, our Great God who is our provider and protector. I praise you for assigning Your angels to protect Mark yesterday from his icy fall. Father, I praise you for delivering him from a broken wrist and more serious injuries. I ask You, Jehovah Rapha, to accelerate his healing and bring all ligaments, tendons, muscles and bones into alignment supernaturally and immediately. I praise You that he has no injuries in Heaven, where his spirit is seated with Christ, and I ask that we see that manifested in him here on the earth. And I thank you, Lord Jesus, that he is healed even now, by the stripes You suffered on his behalf. Thank You, Father, for what You are doing, even now, to restore him to full health.


And, Father, we thank you for trusting this piece of property … Your land … into our care. We thank you for establishing it as Your Open Heaven and sanctifying it [and us] under Your Name of El Shaddai. Father, we ask that You assign ministering angels to keep stoking the fiery boundaries we called into exsistence to surround and protect this property --- both above and below the ground into all the dimensions of Heaven and Earth. We declare and decree that these fires will warm this earthly atmosphere [and ground] to keep our pipes from bursting and we will suffer no damage from this winter storm. Furthermore, we declare and decree that these blessings will overflow from us to cover the homes of our families here in Texas and Illinois. Thank you, Father!


And, Father, we also declare that this property is the Land of Goshen, where we reside in peace and comfort and safety, protected from the plans and schemes of the Enemy. Just as the Israelites were delivered from the famine in Egypt, we will be delivered from any harm or lack during this winter storm. We will live safely and securely in Your holy abundance and by Your Grace.


And finally, we ask that this property and the nation be delivered from the curse spoken by government officials that we would enter into a dark and bleak winter. We join with Your Heavenly host in shattering the altars built to that curse, and we declare blessings upon this property and our country, which are now being transferred into Your supernatural Kingdom realm. We declare to [and in] all the spiritual dimensions, both on earth and in the heavens, that we dwell in the shelter of the Most High, where we will remain secure and rest in the shadow of the Almighty, the One True God, whose power no enemy can withstand.


You are our refuge and our fortress and You are our strength; our God in whom we trust. You are our stronghold and we praise You, for You are worthy to be praised! Your enduring and everlasting faithfulness is both a shield and a wall that protects and surrounds us. We will not fear as we go forth through these next few days and into the future, for we dwell in You and with You. We thank You for all You have done in our lives and we trust You to protect, defend, and provide for us. In awe of Your Holiness, we declare that You are our God and we belong to You. We declare that we are Your obedient servants, sent here to take back and expand the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. We will not falter in our assignment! Lastly, we declare that we are in agreement over these declarations and petitions, all of which are made in the Mighty and Powerful Name of our Savior, Yeshua HaMashiach. AMEN! 

Psalm 91:1-2: When you sit enthroned under the shadow of Shaddai, you are hidden in the strength of God Most High. He’s the hope that holds me and the Stronghold to shelter me, the only God for me, and my great confidence. (The Passion Translation)



February 11, 2021

God Is Exposing Evil To His Light; Not To Scare Us, But To Empower Us!

Ever since we have entered 2021, my spirit has been on hyper-alert --- I'm sure many of you can identify with me. I have written that God has seemed to be silent, yet I am, at the same time, seeing things more clearly. So, I know He is present and still imparting words of knowledge and visions about what He wants us to know in this season of Time. 

While it may seem as if Evil is growing more apparent and powerful [and with no constraints], I assure you that our God is preparing us for what He is soon going to be doing in the earth. And yes, I do believe the Lord is close to returning to deal with all the evil and injustice in the world. Here is the Scripture that keeps resonating in my heart ... “So do not be afraid of them, for nothing is hidden that will not be revealed [at the judgment], or kept secret that will not be made known [at the judgment]. What I say to you in the dark (privately), tell in the light (publicly); and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops [to many people]" (Matthew 10:26-27).


Have you noticed that the lies, corruption, and chaos sowed by the Anti-Christ and his beast system is being rapidly exposed? Take just a moment and look at all that has happened in just the last year. The world [and our nation] have undergone some of the most radical changes in recent memory. And if you step back a century, you can look at how from World War I until today, we have committed all the things which are abominations to God: haughty eyes [an attitude that makes one overestimate oneself and discount others]; a lying tongue; hands that shed innocent blood; a heart that creates wicked plans; feet that are swift to running to mischief; a false witness who breathes out lies [even half-truths]; and one who spreads strife among brothers.


From the outset of World War I through the current wars in the Middle East and Africa, a cabal of international bankers have plotted to make money off wars that have killed over 187 million military personnel, all for profit and self-wealth. And we can just go down the list ... to the countless lies that have been fed to us by corrupt politicians. leaders, and media to advance Satan's kingdom; to the 40-50 million abortions in the world every year; to the wicked hearts that plot with Satan to defeat God's Goodness and promote evil agendas in the world [funding riots and murder, spreading false witness,  manufacturing hostility, conflict and hatred among the brotherhood of man; and corrupting God's divine design of man] ... it all adds up to a conglomeration of iniquity that will bring judgment by our righteous and holy God.


It is in Matthew 10 that Jesus not only shares the incredible insight that evil will be exposed and subsequently judged, but He also gives His disciples power and authority to serve His Kingdom [on earth] while they are in the midst of Satan's dark kingdom. And then He tells them to Listen carefully. He warns them they have a hard road before them because Satan will use evil men to impede their journey, as well as their service to Him and their fellow man. And then He gets serious ... He tells them  that persecution is inevitable and they will be hated by those who hate, despise, and rebel against God. But then comes the passage, Do not be afraid of them....


These are among the reasons that I believe Christ is close to coming. Evil is not diminishing and is accelerating at a rapid pace. BUT, God is also exposing the evil and the result is that Evil will be its own instrument of defeat. It is important that the Body of Christ understands that hard times will precede our victory in Christ. We must prepare in our flesh, souls and spirits to endure the evil that will come against us from men who deny and reject Jesus. And we must understand that Jesus is coming back to judge with a sword before He delivers the world from evil. That does not mean we escape the trials and persecution that is already being fomented against Christians in this country as national security threats. Remember, Jesus tells us in Matthew 10:34, Do not think that I have come to bring peace on the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword [of division between belief and unbelief]; and in Matthew 10:38, he who does not take [up] his cross [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow Me [believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me] is not worthy of Me. 


Those are sobering words to those of us who profess faith in Christ. We must not cower in fear over what is coming [nor deny it!]; but we are to endure, knowing that no matter what happens here on earth, if we conform to His example, we shall share eternal life with Him in victory! We are His disciples! We must not be counted among those men and women whose hearts fail them for fear. Instead we are to nurture and spiritually develop hearts that are rooted in the power of Heaven in us. We must believe that our prayers are powerful and that they are heard! We must be willing to let YHWH display His Power and Might in us [and through us] as He did Moses in his battle with Pharaoh; as did the Maccabees in their war with the Anti-Christ spirit in Antiochus Epiphanes; as did the Disciples and the First Century Church in the face of violent persecution from the Roman Empire. 


Yes, we keep the eyes of our heart focused on Christ and our victory in Him! But we are not to be blindsided by the very things Jesus warns us must come before He judges Evil and delivers us into that victory! We must be obedient to the whole counsel of God, not just to the portion that makes us feel good. We must become unified, courageous, and committed followers of our Lord and Savior, willing to carry out our orders from the Lord of the Heavenly Host. Let us be willing to wait in the silence, while being alert to see what He wants to show us. Hear what He says about the darkness that is coming, pray earnestly for wisdom, and then declare and renounce it in the midst of His Light! We can defeat the power of Evil by shining God's Heavenly Light on it. And let us always have our spiritual armor on, being willing to fight alongside Jehovah Nissi in the spiritual realms, being mindful that He goes before us and never forsakes us, no matter how dark it may get. Let us join together and ask the God of the Universe to keep revealing the Evil so we know how to pray against it. Expose it, Father, and we declare that we will not falter nor lose faith. Here we are! Use us for Your Kingdom!


Luke 21:25-28    And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves,  people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken.  And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. 

February 4, 2021

Learning To Trust My Human Spirit's Connection to God's Spirit

I was recently asked to participate in an 8-week exploration of the relationship between my human spirit and God's Spirit. I know, to many of you, that might be an unfamiliar [or even uncomfortable] turn of phrase. If, in your history of being born as a new creation in Christ, you were not taught that we are a three-part being (body, soul, and spirit), then you might be unaware that you even possess a human spirit. I know I did not have that knowledge for many years in my relationship with Christ. In fact, without that knowledge, I would submit to you that it is difficult to have a real relationship with the One who saved us. 

You might have been raised in a church that didn't differentiate between soul or spirit; and you might even believe that they are the same. But Paul tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:23, "May your spirit and soul and body be kept complete and [be found] blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." Here, Scripture makes it clear that they are separate parts of us. And we know that God says we are made in His image, and the actual form of His Being is Spirit. So there is a component of our design that is spirit, and was made to resemble Him. But what does that look like for us? How does that figure into our relationship with our Father in Heaven? And what is the purpose and reason for our human spirit? 

Well, I will tell you that it should be the desire of all humankind to mature and develop in their human spirit so that we can think and act righteously on behalf of our Creator and our Savior. But we can't do it on our own! I'm not a theologian, so excuse my simple explanation, but I believe that when we are conceived in the flesh, there is a spark at conception in which God's Divine Spirit (with a capital "S") is transferred to our mother's fertilized egg and our human spirit becomes part of our DNA and is present as we are born into the world. But because we are born into sin, we don't have any experience or relationship with our human spirit because it is separated from God's Divine Spirit. 

But when we come to faith in Jesus Christ, our human spirit is regenerated/revived/renewed as it mingles with God's Spirit. That is when we are literally "reborn" as a true spirit being, with the potential to grow into an intimate relationship with God as we mature in our faith. Now we are able to hear from Him and experience Him in ways that those who don't have that connection will never know! I want you to take Romans 8:16 to heart and experience how your spirit responds when you read, For the Holy Spirit makes God’s fatherhood real to us as He whispers into our innermost being [spirit], “You are God’s beloved child!” That should encourage and embolden us as we come to the knowledge that we are no longer separated from our Heavenly Father but are now joined to the Lord as one spirit (1 Corinthians 6:17)! 

For me, the revelation that my spirit is now connected to and resides with Jesus's Spirit [as one], comes with the realization that I am not to become lazy, if you will, in my spirit; but I am to exercise it and use it to stay joined to Him in all things. This is a very simplistic way to describe this truth, but it's like exercising our physical muscles. If we don't use them, then we lose our flexibility and our ability to move in our environment with ease and strength; our physical health suffers. If we don't exercise our spirit's union with God's Spirit, then we lose that connection with Him in the spiritual realm, and our power and authority [in being one with Him] becomes weaker and less able to battle against the devil's spiritual attacks. But just like physical exercise, it must become a habit -- such a natural part of our everyday existence that we don't feel alive if we aren't experiencing it.  

I will also tell you that for a long time I tried to compare the experiences of my spirit with the Lord's Spirit to the experiences of other Christians. Please do not fall pray to that temptation from the devil! Somehow, I had believed the lie that the connection between my spirit and the Lord's had to be dramatic and physically impactful and powerfully exhibited. Now, it most certainly can be, but it doesn't have to meet any particular standard or follow a specific pattern. Remember, Jesus is our model, and the Bible never tells us that when Jesus's human spirit was connected to the Father's Spirit, that it was always earth-shattering. In fact, I believe that Jesus simply came to know the Father's heart and was able to communicate, spirit to Spirit, in simple and uncomplicated ways. In fact, it was such a natural part of their relationship, that I believe it became indistinguishable from the simple act of breathing or drinking or eating -- we need it to survive! His Spirit is life-giving to our spirit!

So, once I came to the truth that I simply need to give my spirit permission to experience a connection that can be as easy as calling out His Name, I was able to experience Him responding to my cry and learn to trust that He was always available. And it changed the way I related to Him! He was no longer that somewhat remote, towering, superhuman, unapproachable hero that I felt unworthy to be bothering with my human troubles. He was my brother, my confidante, my protector, my friend, my rescuer, my Savior and my King! He is all I need in this life and eternally.  Whether my spirit prays in my personal time with Him, or I praise Him in a corporate gathering; whether I'm reading His Word out loud as I exalt Him, or singing and dancing in response to the joy my spirit is experiencing in His presence; and whether I'm thanking Him for all He's done in my life, or crying out for more of Him ... I have learned to trust that His Spirit is connected to mine -- even when I don't get an immediate [or any] response. It's simply the knowing that there is a secure and certain connection between my spirit and His Spirit that defines who I am and whose I am. 

So, if you don't think you have that trusted connection, do what I did. Ask for it! Ask to experience what it's like to connect your human spirit with our Lord's Spirit. And the beautiful thing is you get three-for-one! You have access to the Father's Spirit and His Holy Spirit, and you are one with all of them, as they are one with each other. You don't have to go through what the world is experiencing, feeling disconnected and adrift; at the whim of the devil's strategies to keep you separated from the most incredibly Divine relationship that any human being could ever desire. Learn to trust your spirit. The connection was made when you accepted Christ as your Savior. Now experience all that this connection has to offer you! 

Galatians 6:18   Finally my beloved ones—may the wonderful grace of our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, be flowing in your spirit. So shall it be!