A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

March 30, 2019

He Came To Set The Captives Free

     I recently gave a talk on "Freedom In Christ", and as sometimes happens, all my careful planning went out the window when it came time to speak. The Holy Spirit did exactly as I had prayed ... let my words be His words, and my speech was an abbreviated version of the original manuscript. Here is what I planned on saying, in its entirety. I hope some or all of it will speak to you.

     So what IS “FREEDOM IN CHRIST” and HOW do we achieve it?  In John 8:31-32, Jesus says to His followers, If you continue in My Word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. I will tell you that when I decided to get serious about studying the Word, the Lord began teaching my spirit and unfolding His truth at an exhilarating pace!     We’ve all been taught the Truth that “in Him is Life”, and that Life was the Light to Men, and the Way to the Father. And we know the Truth that Jesus came to die for our sins and deliver us from the penalty of eternal Death.  That’s the ultimate Freedom! But in between this moment (right now!) and when we die, we have a lot of living to do. So how do we walk out, [for the rest of our lives], the Freedom that He died to give us?
     Because God desires that we glorify Him with our lives, He gives us different freedoms:
     1.  We have the freedom to make our own choices in this life – and among the most important is whether to sin or not.  And I will tell you that before I knew Jesus, I made a lot of bad choices; choices I’m not proud of.  And I will tell you that it is by the grace of God that I escaped those years unscathed. And it is by His grace that we can learn from the choices we make, and allow God to train us up in righteousness. WE ARE NOT ROBOTS … we all have choices in our lives to do right or wrong … So we need to use that freedom of choice wisely.
     2.  We have the freedom to change as we grow in the understanding of our Identity and how to participate with God in bringing Him glory in our lives. We don’t have to stay the same person as we start out as – or that we were yesterday! The freedom to change is God’s Grace, and while Grace is certainly “unmerited favor” … it is also the power of the Holy Spirit [in you] to help you do something you can’t do on your own. I used to have such a spirit of Worry about finances. My husband is a professional artist and we are self-employed. When he decided to pursue an art career, we went from two paychecks to one. Five years later he told me if he was going to advance in his career, he needed me to handle the business side, so I gave up my paycheck to work with him. I’m going to be honest… it was a struggle to trust the Lord for His provision, but 25 years later, He continues to prove His faithfulness. But I want you know that you have the Freedom to change, too, because your Relationship with the Lord is a Journey! It’s a Process!  It’s a lifetime of being purified by the Holy Spirit as we are brought into full freedom in Christ.
     3. We have freedom from the consequences of sin. We know that the ultimate freedom in Christ comes from His sacrificial death on the Cross. We are no longer subject to an eternal Death, separated from our God, but are brought into a relationship that promises Eternal Life with our Father in Heaven. So we definitely have freedom in Christ through our Salvation. But there is so much more to this concept of Freedom in Christ! It is more than just knowing you are Saved and going to heaven! And finally ....
     4. We have freedom from the harassment and torment of Satan. When Jesus begins His earthly ministry, He stands up in the Temple and opens the scrolls of the ancient prophet Isaiah, and reads from them. He proclaims, in Luke 4:18, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, and He has anointed Me to be hope for the poor, freedom for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ “  He literally says, I came to set the captives free!!!

      We don’t have to listen to the devil's lies and accusations about all kinds of things that we’ve done in the past or that were done to us. We are free to exercise our power and authority [in Christ] to resist the devil and crush him under our feetI have seen this Freedom come to a group of men in my living room, who surrendered the pain of childhood molestation to their Savior, covered by His blood. And I have witnessed a drug addict of 35 years [the last 5 years on Meth] be instantly freed from the sins of his past that had kept him in bondage to the drugs. I wept with him as he wept, thanking Jesus for his freedom. That man is now witnessing to other drug users – and his own drug dealers – that Jesus set him free! 
      So the truth of the Bible is that Jesus came to set the captives free. But also note what Paul says in Galatians 5:1 ...“Let me be clear, Jesus, [the Anointed One] has set us free—not partially, but completely and wonderfully free!” It has been accomplished! It’s a Done Deal! Paul goes on to say, “We must always cherish this truth and stubbornly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past.  He’s warning us to not stay stuck in the sins of our past! So, here is Paul talking about another Truth … the truth that Jesus has already set us wonderfully and completely free! What does that look like? Here are some Truths that will set our spirits free:
     1.  He forgives our sins and covers them. (Psalm 32:1, How happy and fulfilled are those
whose rebellion has been forgiven, those whose sins are covered by blood.
) For me, there is Freedom and Joy in knowing that my rebellious past is covered by His blood.
     2.  He not only covers our sins, but He doesn’t count our sins against us and removes them from us. (Psalm 103:12, As far as the east is from the west, that’s how far You’ve removed our guilt from us).  Don’t you love that picture of Freedom in Christ? Again, it’s finished!
     3.  He washes away our guilt and cleanses us from our sin. (1 John 1:9, But if we freely admit our sins [when His light uncovers them], He will be faithful to forgive us every time. God is just  to forgive our sins [because of Christ], and He will continue to cleanse us from all unrighteousness).
     4.  He remembers our sins no more. (Hebrews 8:12, For I will demonstrate my mercy to them
 and will forgive their evil deeds, and never remember again their sins
). I praise Jesus for the Freedom He has given me in both of these last two Truths!
     So, I have a question for you …. If Jesus has done all that for us, and as Paul says, “He has set us free”, why do so many of us still not feel free? Let me give you a clue …. Jesus, Himself, tells us in John 10:10 that we are subjected to bondage by an Enemy called the devil who comes to steal, kill and destroy. But if we are free in Christ through accepting Him as our Savior and Deliverer from Death, and all our sins are covered by His blood and forgotten forever, then how can we still be in bondage to the devil? Do you see that part of Galatians 5:1 that says to stubbornly refuse to go back into the bondage of our past? 
     Our Enemy, the devil, comes to steal, kill, and destroy not only our peace and our joy, but our confidence in our Identity and who we are; the closeness of our relationship with God; and our freedom in Christ. He does that by getting us to focus on our sins of the past, or the sins that have been committed against us – by enticing us to look back at the bondage of our past – exactly what Paul warns us against! How does he do that? By causing us to entertain (for example) spirits of Anger, Fear, Unforgiveness, Worry or Anxiety, Doubt or Unbelief, Shame, Guilt, Rejection, Abandonment, Lust, Pride, and a whole host of other kinds of spiritual pain that the Bible tells us are sins  …. He also torments our minds with Lies and Deceptions that Jesus couldn’t really forgive us for that, whatever it might be.  The devil tries to convince us that we aren’t really cleansed by the blood of the Lamb and that we will never really be free, because deep down inside we think we are unlovable and unforgiveable and unworthy. 
     But I’m here to tell you that THAT is a Lie from the pit of hell! Jesus died for our Freedom AND He has nailed our sins to the Cross! Scripture tells us that our past sins are forgiven, never counted against us, forgotten by God, and that we are cleansed from them! HIS DEATH SET US FREE! 
      But remember what Jesus chose to say in His first public ministry? He came to HEAL the brokenhearted and SET THE CAPTIVES FREE! He has made HEALING available in our Freedom!!! Yes, we have been set free from the penalty of Death for our sins, but as a mentor and teacher of mine, Dr. Charles Kraft, taught me, “Our churches are filled with wonderfully saved Christians, many of whom are still in spiritual torment and bondage to the devil”. BUT THEY DON’T HAVE TO REMAIN THERE! They can be completely and wonderfully free as Galatians 5 tells us we should be! The first step in our journey with Jesus IS  Salvation – and this is the beginning of that process of life I talked about -- but the next part of our journey is to receive our Freedom in Him!
     You see, we must remember that there is a spiritual nature to our Christian faith. We are a three-part being: body, soul and spirit. We have an Invisible Enemy [in the spirit] that comes to steal, kill and destroy our joy and peace; our identity in Christ and our relationship with Him. And he can do it if we allow him to whisper his lies about our past sins, or the sins committed against us. For example…
     • If we hang on to anger we might have towards our parents or our spouse … then we are not  Wonderfully and Completely free.
     • If we keep focusing on some sin we did in our past – or a sin that was committed against us … then we are not Wonderfully and Completely free.
     • If we are unable to forgive ourselves, someone who has hurt us, or even God Himself for something in our past … then we are not Wonderfully and Completely free.
     • FINALLY, If we continue to believe the negative thoughts that tell us we’re a failure or unlovable or not as smart as others -- (whatever it is that steals your peace and joy, and your truth about your identity as a child of God and your intimate Relationship with our Father in Heaven) … then you are not Wonderfully and Completely free.
     But Jesus didn’t leave us defenseless against the attacks of the Enemy. THERE IS FREEDOM IN CHRIST!  If you’ve been carrying something around in your spiritual backpack that is weighing you down and keeping you from being wonderfully and completely free, you can release it to the Father and be cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. We have an Invisible, Spiritual Helper that works with our spirit. He lives inside us and intercedes, along with Jesus on His Throne, to help us defeat those strategies of the devil. The Lord has provided a way for us to enter that Complete Freedom He died for! 
     I have been so blessed to be called [by the Lord] into a ministry with my husband that allows me to participate with the Holy Spirit and Jesus; to work with Them to heal the broken-hearted and to help the children of God to walk in freedom. So, right now – in this moment -- I want you to hear me …. the Healing that leads to Freedom is found, not in the absence of pain (through drugs or alcohol or sex or food or whatever your choice of pain-killer is, or even by simply trying to ignore it. But Freedom is found in the presence of Jesus, … Immanuel … (God With Us). And I can authoritatively tell you … Jesus is with you right now and right where you are! He wants you free! Freedom In Christ is real!
     We need to understand and embrace that God has called us ALL to freedom in Christ! For whatever reason you decided to read this blog today today, I want you to know that Jesus didn’t die so that you could hang on to Unforgiveness or Anger or Fear or Worry – none of the things that robs you of your Freedom in Him. He didn’t die so the Enemy could destroy your relationship with God, and your identity as His Child and as a Daughter or Son of the King!
     Yes, Freedom in Christ gives us the freedom of choice, the freedom to change, freedom from the consequences of sin, and freedom from Eternal Death. There is Freedom in knowing our sins are covered by His blood and forgotten forever.  But He wants us to walk in COMPLETE  Freedom! HE CAME TO SET THE CAPTIVES FREE and He finished His assignment! You are meant to live in the FREEDOM AND VICTORY He accomplished on the Cross!!! You see, the Cross not only represents our Salvation in Christ, but our FREEDOM in Christ!  Now it’s time to walk in our Freedom!

     Finally, here’s what Jesus wants you to know: If you know Him as your Savior, your Salvation is secure. But He wants you to experience Freedom until you leave this earth. By knowing your Identity [and your power and authority to defeat the devil], and then participating with Jesus and the Holy Spirit in a consistent and real spiritual Relationship with Them, you can stand firm against the schemes and tactics of the Enemy to keep you from your Freedom and your joy and your peace. Don’t we all want to live like that?  He wants to heal us all from our pain and loss and torment! He is with us now, and the Bible tells us in John 8:36,  So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!
      So, I want to finish by saying, It’s really this simple …. If you are Saved, then you are called to Freedom. Walk in the Freedom that is your inheritance as a child of God. Get free and then work with Jesus to set someone else free. Take it from me … once you’ve experienced that freedom yourself, and witnessed others having an encounter with Jesus and being set free, you want to share it. And I will tell you this … THE HARVEST IS GREAT AND THE LABORERS ARE FEW! And there is much fruit to be had in sharing the Gospel of Freedom in Christ! So it is my prayer that each of you experience the complete fullness of Freedom in Christ in your lives.

John 10:10     The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.


March 27, 2019

Our Authority In The Spiritual Realm

     It has been my experience that the question of our Authority on earth to wage spiritual warfare has been one of the biggest hangups for Christians.  In fact, that is usually the first comment I get whenever I try to broach the topic.  I will hear something like this:  "Yes, the Apostles were able to cast out demons, and heal the sick, but all that ended with their deaths."  This is pretty much the basis for a theological position called Cessationism.  
     In strict theological terms, this refers, in Christianity, to a doctrine that says "spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues, prophecy and healing ceased with the original twelve apostles".  Notice that, in this definition, casting out demons is not even mentioned!  Yet, the apostles did that work, too.  So, in the intervening centuries, the Church has simply glossed over these facts and no longer even knows how to address it.
     And, now that Believers are awakening to the Truth of John 14:12, we are having to determine just how we regard this important part of our commission as workers in the Kingdom.   (Please take the time to click on the link and see these important words from our Savior).
     With that counsel from our Lord, I have seen two distinct disciplines:  Healing and Deliverance. In my opinion, Healing is using the authority and power from Jesus and the Holy Spirit to bring the healing of physical ailments to suffering Christians.  The ministry of Deliverance finds us using our authority and Their power to help heal the spiritual wounds caused by the Enemy's attack on their flesh and soul.  Very often, both of these disciplines work together because there is interaction between the spiritual and physical realms, and they affect both the spiritual and physical parts of us.  In other words, Jesus asks us to work with Him and the Holy Spirit to help "set the captives free" from demonic oppression -- this is one of the "things He did", as mentioned in John 14:12, and to which He wishes us to do in even greater "outreach and extent".
     This concept that there is interaction between the spiritual and physical realms is also a difficult position for Christians to accept.  That's why I said in the previous post, that we modern Christians "don't see the unseen world from the same point of view as the ancient Biblical writers."  They were familiar with the invisible world of the spiritual realm.  They interacted with it!  Let me give you these few examples from various passages in the Bible:
     •  In Genesis 28, Jacob was given a clear vision of interaction between the physical and spiritual realms.  He dreamed that there was a ladder (stairway) placed on the earth, and the top of it reached [out of sight] toward heaven; and [he saw] the angels of God ascending and descending on it [going to and from heaven].  Jacob may not have fully understood what he was seeing in his dream, but he awoke with the realization that "Without any doubt the Lord is in this place, and I did not realize it." He knew that God had interacted with him, and that his physical world had been affected by the presence of God coming to him from the spiritual realm.
     •  Moses certainly experienced the interaction of the spiritual with the physical, when he witnessed the burning bush and the voice of God in its midst.
     •  The prophets in the Old Testament continually gave witness as intermediaries between the spiritual and physical worlds for people who could not see. False prophets spoke from their own minds and imaginations.  God opened the eyes of His prophets so they could see into the spiritual realm and explain what they saw to the people.  Ezekiel saw wheels moving in unison.  Isaiah saw "the Lord, high and exalted seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple."  He also saw the angels that surrounded that majestic throne.  Elisha was able to assist his servant to see into the spiritual realm during a frightening episode when their city was surrounded by an army of horses and chariots.  Elisha prayed, "Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha (2 Kings 6:17).
     •  But it wasn't only the Old Testament Prophets and Patriarchs who had knowledge and experience of this interaction.  Stephen described what he saw in the spiritual realm, just as he was about to be stoned to death:   "Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God" (Acts 7:54-56).   Peter was released from prison by a spiritual intervention:  "Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. "Quick, get up!" he said, and the chains fell off Peter's wrists" (Acts 12:7).
     Even Jesus, as fully man, encountered the spiritual realm while on earth.  His baptism saw an intrusion of the Holy Spirit (in the form of a dove) from the spiritual realms, and the voice of God confirmed it.  And I sometimes think we Christians forget that Jesus's ministry on earth always originated in the spiritual realm of Heaven.  Jesus continually tells us that He only did what His Father had shown Him.  How could that be, if He wasn't being shown things in the spiritual realm?   And how can we dismiss what happened at the Transfiguration? Jesus parted the curtain between the physical and spiritual realms, so Peter and John could see that Moses and Elijah were living with God!
     While all these examples show us that there were many good and glorifying experiences of interaction between the physical and spiritual realms, we must not ignore that the Enemy also has used this ability to interact with this world.  When he tempted Jesus in the desert, he was able to show Him, in the spiritual dimensions, all the things of power and fame he could give Him, if Jesus would  only bow down and worship him.
     And I find another interesting episode of interaction in the storm which arose when Jesus accompanied the apostles on their boat.  The Greek translation says that "a great storm arose in the sea, an earthquake of the sea, its waters stirred to their depths".  This suggests to me that the forces of darkness understood that Jesus was a risk to them.  He was casting out demons, and they were powerless.  He was healing the people they had inflicted with sickness. They knew that they had to deal with him, before He really got going. So they stirred up the sea and the wind in an effort to kill Him.  That's why He rebuked the wind in the same way as He rebuked the evil spirits He was casting out in people.
     Can you see how both God and the devil -- both Good and Evil -- are able to interact with us through the overlapping dimensions of our physical world with the spiritual realm?  There are many more examples in the Bible of such experiences, and if Christians throughout the centuries (after the inspired Word of God had ended) were to write down their testimonies of spiritual interactions, it would fill untold numbers of manuscripts!  And guess what?  It is still happening, whether we recognize it or not!
     So, it is imperative, if we are to serve our Lord as He purposed us to do, that we recognize and acknowledge that there is an invisible world just as real as this physical one, and it comprises the spiritual realm.  It was created just as certainly as this rock we live on.  These two realms overlap and the forces that aligned with Satan have access to our realm, but we are not powerless to withstand them!  We need to understand that we have access to Jesus and the power of God -- the same power that He used in His ministry on earth to deal with those collaborators with the Enemy.  And He has given us His permission to call upon those powers (it is His Name that activates them!) to resist the devil and his schemes to oppress us.  That is our Authority!
     We desperately need to understand and get this concept!  We need to know --- I mean really know, deep in our spirit -- that we are involved in a visible and invisible world that intersect, and there is a war going on, a cosmic conflict that has eternal implications.  The souls of every man, woman, and child on this earth depends on us knowing that!  And we need to know that the Enemy seeks to blind us, and convince us that this is not Scriptural.  And he has been winning on that front for quite awhile now.  The state of misery that so many Christians are living in is proof of that.
     So I can imagine that he is none too happy that more of us are waking up to the Biblical Truth that Spiritual Warfare is part of our commission as the Body of Christ.  Our eternal Victory has been won on the Cross for those of us who call Jesus our Savior.  But there are millions of lost souls who are in the cross hairs of the Enemy, and it is our calling to share our salvation story.  With that, we can expect skirmishes, battles, and sometimes all-out war with the Adversary.  And that means that we need to be more vigilant than ever to put on our full spiritual armor, as Paul advises in Ephesians 6.  We need not be afraid or timid, or go searching for the fight.  We just need to stand firm in the knowledge that there is power in the Name of Jesus, and we have access to it and the authority to use it.  With that recognition comes the victories that will allow us to fulfill our purpose on earth.  And that is what God and Jesus desire for us!

1 Corinthians 2:13     "We also speak of these things, not in words taught or supplied by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining and interpreting spiritual thoughts with spiritual words [for those being guided by the Holy Spirit]."

March 24, 2019

Understanding the Spiritual Realm!

     I wrote a post about three years ago on the importance of recognizing and understanding the spiritual realm and how it affects us Christians. I want to revisit that thought because nothing has really changed and it is my hope that the Body of Christ will discern the Kingdom aspects of this view.
     To begin, I guess various reactions are to be expected when we Christians become bold enough to speak publicly about "Spiritual Warfare" and "Spiritual Realms" and doing battle with "Spiritual Beings".  There will be those who do not share my faith, and are either agnostic or atheistic, and see these subjects as contrary to their scientific mindset, and those who believe in rationalism, a theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief.
     But we should also expect that our fellow Christians may have differences of opinion with us; especially over terminology and just how far we are to go in waging our battle.  We must remember that, as 21st Century Christians, the theology of spiritual warfare is largely unrecognized and we are essentially, still trying to come to terms with what it all means. 
     I happen to believe that the Christian "Church", or Body of Christ if you prefer, is largely uncomfortable with the idea that we live in a supernatural world, and that the Bible is a supernatural Book.  Oh, you will hear Christians agreeing that the Bible is a supernatural book, but then they are so clearly skeptical when you try to point out the supernatural implications of Scripture.  I'm not sure what it is ... if certain charismatic denominations, and individuals, have given a bad name to the spiritual and supernatural side of our faith; or if we have just closed our minds to the possibilities of the supernatural in our faith, so that we keep it at arm's length, and only refer to it in whispers.
     Because of these two distortions, Christians suffer from a fundamental problem:  they don't see the unseen world from the same point of view as the ancient Biblical writers.  One group assigns the spiritual and supernatural to the periphery of theological discussions; while the other group is so obsessed with experiencing the supernatural, that they are indifferent to whether their theology is Scriptural or not.
     That's why I think it is important for us to examine and recover a Biblical context when discussing spiritual warfare, and we must not dismiss, ignore, or wrongly interpret what the Bible is telling us.  I find it interesting that most people, whether devout in their faith or not, will agree that God exists.  Yet how do they see Him?  If forced to define Him, I suppose most would agree that He is not flesh and blood like us, but is a Spirit.  So they can conceive of God, the Creator of the Universe, as a Spirit, but these same people can't agree that there are evil spirits, or that Satan is real.
      I think that it all comes down to a fundamental lack of knowledge about what occurred in the Garden of Eden.  Let's start at the beginning:  The Bible reveals to us that God and the Word (Jesus) have existed eternally.  That's what John 1:1-2 plainly says.  As Genesis tells us, They created everything .... the earth and all things on it; the first and second heavens (our sky, and the heavenly realm beyond our atmosphere); and all the plant and animal life.  God also created angels to help Him create, govern and manage His creation. Angels are ministers, agents and helpers in God’s creation. They are servants of God, playing a critical role in fulfilling His eternal purpose.
     Lucifer was created to hold a special office:  one of just two cherubs covering and protecting God's throne.  Ezekiel, Chapter 28 gives us a good vision of how God saw this angel He created, whom He refers to as the prince of Tyre.  He describes Lucifer as having "the full measure of perfection and the finishing touch [of completeness]; Full of wisdom and perfect in beauty."  God created and educated Lucifer for his assignment on Earth’s throne, which was placed in the Garden of Eden—before human beings were even created! Lucifer received this special training from the “holy mountain of God,” God’s throne!  Yes, God had great plans for Lucifer to manage His creation of Earth for Him.... that is until we get to Ezekiel 28, verse 15:  "You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created until unrighteousness and evil were found in you."
     We all know the rest of the story.  Lucifer, in his pride and arrogance, sought to usurp God's throne, and when God (and Jesus) created man to have dominion over the earth and manage their creation, Lucifer became known as Satan and plotted to steal back what he believes is rightfully his.  Through Satan's tempting scheme, mankind experienced The Fall, and we have been in battle ever since with Satan and the angels that chose to follow him.
     But here is what we need to know!  When God created the earth and "the heavens",  He created a spiritual world that exists in parallel to the physical world. God created a multi-dimensional universe.  We can only see the three dimensions of our existence ... height, width, and depth ... along with the dimension of time.  The website called, The Kingdom Watcher, really explains the bigger picture well.  "The physical realms consist of the earth, the sea and the sky. It includes people and the things they have made.  The Bible refers to the "heavenlies" as a label for the spiritual realms that exist alongside the physical world. The spiritual realms are just as real as the physical world that we can see. These two realms overlap and interact with each other.  We live in a multi-dimensional universe in which the spiritual dimensions exist in parallel to our three-dimensional physical world. The spiritual realms operate in continuity with the physical/natural world that we observe. Most humans cannot see into the spiritual dimensions, so we can only observe the physical side of existence. However, events in our physical world are shaped by activities in the spiritual realm. When we look at the physical world in isolation, we miss much of what is happening in the universe."
     Here's what we need to understand ... God operates in the spiritual dimensions of our reality, but He also created and sustains the physical world.  The sad fact is that the ancient Biblical writers understood this concept, and up until about 300 years ago, so did modern man.  But then a European intellectual movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries, called the Enlightenment, emphasized reason and individualism over accepted traditional thought. Combine that with modern education, and we all but wiped out our awareness of the spiritual world.
      But there's another important concept to understand when it comes to recognizing the overlapping of the spiritual and physical worlds.  It is the concept of AUTHORITY.  God had authority over all the angels in heaven.  At some point, when Lucifer rebelled, one-third of the angels decided to follow him and he was allowed to set up an alternative kingdom, under some semblance of his authority.  (Remember:  nothing happens without God allowing it, even though we may not understand His Sovereign choices).  God created the earth and placed humans in it. He gave authority over the earth to the people He created, but kept authority in heaven for Himself.  Satan wrestled authority from Adam and Eve by persuading them to believe a lie. This gave his spiritual forces of wickedness a place in heaven and authority over the earth, but it was stolen authority. The devil also devised a place in the spiritual realms by acting as accuser /prosecutor of God's people before the presence of God.  (We see that played out in the Book of Job).  And now, all this is being played out in our lives, and upon the earth and the heavenly realms.
     This is what it looks like:  Sin and The Fall destroyed the unity that had existed in the spiritual realms. God still dominates the spiritual realms, and two-thirds of the angels remain loyal to Him. However, Satan drew together the angels that had rebelled with him and squeezed them into an alternative power structure within the spiritual world.  This division in the spiritual realm results in struggles here on earth between the Kingdom of God and the forces of wickedness.  That is why Paul tells us "we do not struggle/wrestle with flesh and blood" -- there is an overlapping and interaction between our physical world and the spiritual realm.
     I realize that this leads to all kinds of questions ... questions that we will consider in the coming days and months.  A question that naturally occurs at this point is, God is Sovereign.  Why doesn't He just stop Satan (or people) from carrying out their wicked plots and schemes?  That is a tough question, and I do not claim to know the mind or counsel of God.  But perhaps He plays by His own rules and His immutability (His unchanging Character).  When He gave authority over the earth to man, it is not in His character to take it back, even when man so carelessly gave it away.  Or perhaps, once man handed over his authority to Satan, God planned a way for us to get it back, but it would involve making a choice on our part to believe in His Co-Creator, Jesus.  I'm not sure we are capable of answering that question, or that it even matters.
     I believe, however, that prior to The Fall, Adam and Eve could see into the spiritual world. They were able to walk with God in the cool of the evenings and speak directly to Him. They were even able to see the devil, when he came to tempt them. But after they disobeyed God, they were blinded and could no longer see into the spiritual realm.  I believe that this is the state in which most of us find ourselves today.  I also believe, that at His discretion, God is able to restore sight to those Christians who can forego their doubt and unbelief and accept His direction.
     But I also believe that Authority will come into play as we near the final struggle for dominion over this earth. God is revealing exactly what we're dealing with, so that we can prepare ourselves for the battle that Satan and his wicked partners plan to bring against us.  They know that Jesus is readying Himself and His army to stop the reign of the Lawless One and take back Authority over His creation.  Until then, He has given us a measure of His authority, and that's what I want to explore with you on my next post.  That is where it gets exciting for me, and I can't wait to share with you what that can look like!

Ephesians 3:10    "So that through the church the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places."

March 21, 2019

Correctly Reading The Bible In Context

     On a recent trip across country, my husband and I listened to a podcast by Dr. Michael Heiser, who has a PhD in the Hebrew Bible and Semitic Languages, and is the scholar-in-residence for Faithlife, the makers of Logos Bible Software. So, to say that he is well-educated and immersed in the Bible is an understatement. I find his writings and interviews illuminating, although I don't always agree with his conclusions. But that's OK .... God conceals the revelation of His word in the hiding place of His glory. But the honor of kings is revealed by how they thoroughly search out the deeper meaning of all that God says (Proverbs 25:2, The Passion Translation). And that truth applies to me, you, and Dr. Heiser.
     This particular podcast centered around a question he asked .... Are we willing to be serious about interpreting the Bible in context? And I would take it a step further .... are we willing to accept the context from which the New Testament writers wrote? Or are we only willing to shine a light on the set of beliefs that our churches have taught us (our doctrines), while ignoring the substance of material that informed the writers in what they wrote?

     I think, if we are going to be serious students of the Bible, it is important to understand the culture, issues, and historical background of the times in which the Bible was written; and it is important to try to understand the purpose behind why the author was writing.... in other words, the context. 
      It is important to recognize that the books of the New Testament, which is considered the authoritative canon (measuring stick) of the Bible were formed very late; scholars think around the 4th Century. But in the 2nd and 3rd Centuries, there were already many Christian documents being written and circulated. So although the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are part of our Biblical canon, they were all written in the 1st Century, long before the New Testament canon was established. The same is true of Paul's writings, which were also written in the 1st Century, and were circulating in the 2nd and 3rd Centuries, most likely as packets among the churches, but not yet as New Testament canon --- there was no New Testament at the time!
     It is important that we understand that during the time that the Apostles were writing in the 1st Century, there were other Christians writing prayers, poetry, and revelatory texts written by others who received information from Jesus as His disciples. It is not emphasized in the Church, but there were more than just the 12 Disciples that were true followers of Christ. History hasn't given us the exact number, but it is surmised that many thousands followed Him at the height of His ministry. How many were true disciples? We know that 120 true followers gathered in the Upper Room; that He appeared to at least 500 true believers after His resurrection; and that given the response on the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, we can assume that the number of real disciples was in the thousands. We may not know the accurate number, but I think it also realistic to assume that many of them made their testimonies available in those years that Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul were doing their own writing.
     And while those writings might not have been established as official Canon by the time the various church councils established the New Testament in the 4th-5th Centuries, they are amazing and valuable texts for teaching us about what early Christians believed. So that brings me back to the question by Dr. Heiser, Are we willing to be serious about interpreting the Bible in context? And, are we interested in looking at what those New Testament writers were reading in order to better understand the context from which they wrote? Or are we satisfied in imposing our own limited context [and our denominational doctrine and theology] on the Bible?
     Those are tough questions! After all, we are cautioned against being deceived! But can you just step back for a moment and consider this .... The New Testament writers had 400 years of Inter-Testamental writings that we don't have.  In other words, are we willing to read what they were reading to understand where they were coming from? Yes, the Bible is the inspired Word of God; He inspired those men to write from the revelations He gave them. But if the Book of Jasher, for instance, is mentioned in Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18 and also referenced in 2 Timothy 3:8, shouldn't we consider that God inspired those writers to mention Jasher; and might we benefit in knowing more about what those writers were reading? For instance, 2 Timothy 3:8 is a fascinating verse. It reference Moses and the history of the Exodus, but Jannes and Jambres are never mentioned by name in Exodus. It simply mentions the sorcerers who wanted to compete with Moses and his authority. These two names are, however, mentioned by Origen, one of the church fathers, who makes reference to the Book of Jannes and Jambres, but no complete copies of these books have ever been found. The honor of kings is revealed by how they thoroughly search out the deeper meaning of all that God says...
     Another fascinating Book that helps us to understand the context of the Bible is the Book of Enoch. The first part of this ancient book describes the fall of the Watchers, the angels who fathered the Nephilim. The remainder of the book describes Enoch's visits to heaven in the form of travels, visions and dreams, and his revelations. Considering that Enoch was Noah's great-grandfather, it is interesting that this Book offers unique information regarding the origins of supernatural demons and giants, why some angels fell from heaven, details explaining why the Great Flood was morally necessary, and prophetic exposition of the thousand-year reign of the Messiah --- giving us historical relevance for the mysterious and difficult-to-interpret-and-understand passage in Genesis 6:1-4; which I have seen many a pastor skip because they don't want to take it literally.
     But if they believe the Bible is inspired by God, then God wanted us to know this and isn't it at least plausible that we should look at what was read and believed at the time? Furthermore, at least one of the authors of the New Testament was familiar with some of the content of the story. A short section of 1 Enoch (1:9) is cited in the New Testament, in Jude 1:14–15, and is attributed there to "Enoch the Seventh from Adam". Jude actually quotes from the Book of Enoch: “Look, the Lord came with myriads of His holy ones to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all the ungodly deeds they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh and cruel things ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.” 

     I am willing to agree that the Book of Enoch may not have been accepted by the Nicene Council in the 3rd Century, but if God inspired Jude to quote from it, why would it not be important for us to consider it as part of the context in which the Bible was written? For me, it becomes a matter of either wanting to understand the Bible from the perspective of the author who composed it, and the audience he was writing to, and the reason he was writing it -- or I just want to limit the context of the Bible to fit my theology, which is 2000 years or more after the writers wrote what they did.
     A good example of this is the writings of Paul. I think we can all agree that Paul helped establish a number of churches across a broad area of the known world shortly after Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection. His mode of communication with all these churches included circular letters, a word by messenger, and an occasional visit when it was convenient. It is easy to read the Bible and think because it is the inspired Word of God that Paul served as God's authoritative voice to establish Biblical doctrines and practices that all future Christians should observe. 
     But when considering his writings from a historical and cultural perspective, can you reflect on the possibility that, as a mentor to those churches he established, Paul is addressing specific issues that arose in those particular congregations? For instance, he wrote to the Church in Ephesus, Masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him.  This does not mean he is advocating slavery, anymore than he is promoting the practice of all women in the church remaining silent in 1 Timothy. (For an interesting take on this topic, read my blog post on women in the church). He is addressing a particular situation in Ephesus that, frankly, we don't have a definitive idea as to what it's about. Paul is writing to a particular group of people, at a particular time in history, about a particular subject. Is it inspired that we might glean some 21st Century truth for our own walk of faith? I believe that answer is "Yes". But I think it is important to recognize the context in which it was written -- to 1st Century believers about particular issues. 
     It is a difficult thing to navigate the Bible. Some Books were in the original Canon of the Bible and removed in 1684, such as 1 and 2 Esdras, 1 and 2 Maccabees, the Book of Judith, Bel and the Dragon, the History of Susana, and seven more. And then there is the Book of Revelation which was rejected by many more orthodox-leaning Christians and is absent from early canon lists, but is now considered canonical in virtually all modern Christian denominations.
     To sum it all up, if we call ourselves Christians, the Bible is the only authoritative book we have on our faith. I believe it IS the inspired Word of God, but I also see that man, down through the centuries, has tried to shape the Bible (and its understanding) for his own purposes. But I believe that God can still speak to us in Truth from the Bible through the revelation of the Holy Spirit. And if ancient sacred texts such as the Book of Enoch or the Book of Jasher are endorsed by Scripture, and can add to the illumination of the Holy Spirit, and the original inspiration given to the writers, then I want to know what they say.
     And here's a final thought.... if we ignore the context of the Biblical writings and don't know what inspirational texts they were reading, then it's going to be easy for the modern writers of the History Channel's Ancient Alien series, and the writers of the Marvel Studio movies to control the narrative of these "last days" and distort the Truth of our returning King. Which do you think have more merit ... the writers of the 1st Century who understood the culture and the context of Jesus's message? Or the imaginations of 21st Century writers who have hundreds of years of distortion and falsified information to weave their tales? Something to think about.

Romans 15:4     For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.


March 18, 2019

Do You Have A Proper Fear Of God?

     In light of the last post's examination of the Fear of Man, it only seems logical that we consider the Fear of God and what effect the understanding of it has on our life. Interestingly enough, as I began studying what the Bible reveals about the Fear of God, I found it intertwined with the proper understanding of Grace. Just like my post on Grace, I found that a juxtaposition of the Fear of God in the Old Testament with its understanding in the New Testament was in order.
     We begin this comparison by taking a look at what Scripture in the Old Testament tells us about this enigmatic phrase "Fear of God". There are three Hebrew words used the most when describing what "fear" means as it pertains to God. The first is yir'ah, which is translated as our English word fear [to be afraid], and that's what it means, for example, in Proverbs 1:7, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. We also see that meaning [to be afraid] applied in Psalm 2:11, Serve the LORD with fear and rejoice with trembling; and in Psalm 34:11, Come, O children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.
     The second word translated as our English "fear" in the Old Testament is pachad, and it means "dread". We see this exemplified in Job 23:15, Therefore I am terrified at His presence; when I consider, I am in dread of Him.
      The last word I want to look at in the Old Testament [regarding Fear of God] is the Hebrew word yare', meaning "terror". This understanding is implied in Jeremiah 5:22, Do you not fear me [experience terror]? declares the Lord. Do you not tremble before me? This is in the context of the entire Chapter 5 of Jeremiah in which the Lord proclaims judgment against Israel for forsaking Him and serving foreign gods (verse 18). And God asks just a few verses later, Shall I not punish them for these things? declares the Lord, and shall I not avenge myself on a nation such as this?”
     I think it's pretty clear from the Hebrew meanings in these passages that Fear of God in the Old Testament had a direct correlation to the feelings of "fear", "terror" and "dread". Yet we find many of our teachings in the modern Church transposing a New Testament significance to those Old Testament translations of the word "fear" and implying that it means "respect", "reverence" or "honor", as in the Passion Translation of Jeremiah 5:22, which reads ‘Do you not tremble [in awe] in My presence'? and in the Amplified Translation of Psalm 2:11, Worship the Lord and serve Him with reverence [with awe-inspired fear and submissive wonder]; Rejoice [yet do so] with trembling. When completing an exhaustive study of the true word origins, we realize that the Bible is really telling us that in these Old Testament verses, "fear" means "terror" and "to be afraid", respectively. Yet, the translators have attached New Testament meanings to the word "fear".
    Once we understand that the real meaning of the Fear of God in the Old Testament came from knowing the ways of God and how He felt about obedience to His commandments and experiencing His justice when He was defied. The good news is that that kind of fear of God "is only the beginning of understanding".  We have to keep reading! In the New Testament we find that the Love of God reflected through Jesus Christ in the Scriptures has the power to cast out this kind of  fear and set us free! When that happens we have a healthy fear that is reflected in our "awe" and "reverence".
     We can see this concept best exemplified in 1 John 4:18, There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] punishment, so the one who is afraid [of God’s judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding of God’s love]. Here, we actually see both the Old and New Testament view of the Fear of God. In fact, there is such a big picture presented here, that I'm not sure we Christians take our time to fully comprehend it. 
     You see, we are right to be afraid of God in the sense that He sits in judgment of our sins. Jesus, Himself, said "Don't be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell" (Matthew 10:28). But God loves us so much that He sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins -- Jesus accepted the punishment that our sins [rightfully] deserved. The punishment didn't go away; but it came wrapped up in God's love. As the All About God website explained it, "How can we comprehend the utterly Great News of Jesus Christ if we don’t first appreciate the fear of God? Without total awe, wonder, terror, dread, reverence, and respect for a perfectly holy, righteous, and just Creator, can we truly appreciate what Jesus Christ, the Son of God, did for us on Calvary’s cross?" 
     After all, there will come a day when we will be held accountable and subject to God's judgment, but as Romans 6:23 tells us, the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God [that is, His remarkable, overwhelming gift of grace to believers] is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. 
     Because He is a Righteous and Just God we deserve eternal death, but it is because of His love, and by His Grace, that we are spared that punishment. And remember, Grace is not only unmerited favor, but it is the power of God in us to do the things we cannot do on our own; namely, avoid sin. But His grace is His power in us to carry out His purpose in sanctifying us to Him and growing us into the image of the sinless Christ.  After all, He who is in me is greater that he who is in the world [enticing men to sin].
     Ultimately, it comes down to perspective and position. The Fear [terror, dread, fright] of God is justifiably real -- He is a Holy and Law-abiding God. In Revelation 14:7, an angel from Heaven declares, ""Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come".  He set the rules and He hasn't changed. But He provided a way for you and me to avoid the just punishment we deserve. So when we come to faith in Jesus, our fear of God is eradicated when we enter into His love [through Jesus]. Once we look at the entire picture, we can appreciate both views of God as His Truth.... He is a Righteous God to be feared when we do not abide in Him; but we are the recipients of His amazing, life-giving love. 
     I believe, as Christians, it is healthy to fear God whose nature and characteristic as a Righteous Judge has never changed.  But that terror and dread turns into awe and reverence when we step into His love, and our verdict of "guilty" is stamped "paid".  The Word recognizes that the Fear of God is both His right to judge and the demonstration of His love. Not even poor translations can erase those truths.

Psalm 147:11     "The Lord shows favor to those who fear Him,
to His godly lovers who wait for His tender embrace."

March 15, 2019

Do You Suffer From The Fear Of Man?

     I find as I talk to my fellow Christians, and engage with the people that come to our ministry, that there are many concepts in the Bible that we take for granted. In other words, we assume that we are all on the same page and that we all have a common understanding. But what I've found is that, oftentimes, there is actually a misconception about what the Word actually is speaking to us. The concepts of "Fear of Man" and "Fear of the Lord" are two such concepts.
     Let me begin by discussing the Fear of Man. Many of us have different fears ... fear of public speaking; the fear of heights; the fear of spiders, etc. But I believe that, at least in some small portion, we all have a fear of man.
     The Bible tells us in Proverbs 29:25, The fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in and puts his confidence in the Lord will be exalted and safe. So, if the fear of man can become a trap, we better understand what it is. And here is how I would explain it: the fear of man is an unhealthy concern about what other people may think about you, say about you, or do to you. All of that is another way of saying that the root of the fear of man is insecurity. And insecure people will seek their self-worth from the approval of others. So, it could be said that the fear of man comes from looking to the world for your sense of safety, happiness and confidence. 

     But do you see how absurd that is for a Christian? Why would anyone look for their self-worth or security in human beings who will fail you, or worldly systems that can be taken away? The only secure refuge in this life on earth is found in the Lord Jesus! That verse in Proverbs tells us seeking our security from people and the world is a trap, and it is the one who receives his self-confidence [and worth] from trusting the Lord alone that is the one who is truly safe and exalted! If we are looking to our fellow Christians or the world to tell us how wonderful we are, then our focus is on the wrong person and we are sure to be disappointed. It is the unchanging Word of the Bible that tells us God's faithfulness endures forever.
     So if you find that you have a constant need of approval or acceptance; a need of recognition or honor; you crave the favor, friendship and applause of people; or you have a dread of being ridiculed or persecuted, then you might find yourself caught in some of the following snares:
     1. The Snare of Deceit.  Anyone who is under the spell of the fear of man is double-minded—forever changing directions to suit the circumstance, because he has no confidence in his own worth. Remember when Abraham lied to Abimelech about Sarah being his wife? True, Sarah was his half-sister, but she was also his wife, and when he told the Egyptian king that she was not, it was a total lie. And then we see that same deceit/lie repeating itself in Abraham's son, Isaac, when he lies to the men of Gerar about Rebekah being his wife. Lying becomes contagious and a generational problem when families have a fear of man.
     2. The Snare of Compromise.  Remember when Moses is on Mount Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments? The Israelites became impatient and were willing to settle for a substitute god made in the image of a golden calf. Aaron chose to respond to the demands of the culture around him, rather than remain steadfast in his faith of an uncompromising God. Today, too many of our American churches are accommodating a god of our own imagination instead of the GOD that really exists.
     3. The Snare of Disobedience. God gives King Saul clear instructions to destroy all the Amalekites and their possessions. Instead Saul chooses to disobey those instructions and spare the king and the best of his cattle. It was too easy for him to make excuses for his insubordination. Listen to his actual words, which clearly show his fear of man ... I have sinned: for I have transgressed the commandment of the LORD… because I feared the people, and obeyed their voice”(1 Samuel 15:24). When the approval and acceptance of people becomes our motivation, instead of following God's lead, and being content with His opinion, then we are in bondage to the fear of man.
     4. The Snare of Denying Christ.  The Disciples all abandoned Christ in His hour of need. They all fled in fear, and none more so than, Peter, who denied Him three times. I have heard it declared that no sin has sent more people to hell than the fear of man, and no sin has robbed Christians of the opportunity to witness of Christ than the fear of man. Peter's denial was spoken out loud, but have you denied Christ by your silence? Chosen to remain silent when you had the opportunity to declare yourself a follower of Jesus, because you feared rejection or shunning by others? If so, then you got caught in the snare of fear of man.
     These are just a few of the snares that are lying in wait for us when we tolerate the fear of man. 
We are called to love people, not need them! If you spend your life trying to satisfy and please people, there will always be someone you can't please. And that will become your obsession. So, how do we demolish the fear of man from our lives? The first thing we do is recognize it in ourselves. Be honest, and take your fears to God. Then begin rebuilding your faith through the Word and what the Bible tells you about fearing God, instead of man. 
     We begin by esteeming and valuing God's opinion above that of man. We need to be obedient despite our fears. We need to trust God to give us the power to go through whatever our fear situation is. We begin building new habits of faith -- step-by-step -- refusing to give into fear of criticism or humiliation or rejection. Obviously, Peter overcame his fear of man because he chose to die as a martyr rather than ever deny the Lord again. 
     I am not so naive to think that no one is immune to the fear of man in this life. We all have our flaws and weaknesses. I know I do! But the reason, as a culture, that we have so much fear of man is because we have so little fear of God. And that is another subject that I believe has been misunderstood in the Christian culture, and one that I will be exploring in the next post. Until then, let's pray that we can turn from seeking honor and approval from people to experiencing a life serving the living God.

Psalm 56:11   What harm could man do to me? With God on my side I will not be afraid of what comes. My heart overflows with praise to God and for His promises. I will always trust in Him.

March 12, 2019

Do You Know How To Pray?

     I do not ask this question to be facetious or flippant. Praying is an essential part of our Christian life. But I know, for a fact, that there are people who are uncomfortable praying in public because they think they might be doing it wrong. My first thought is, "according to whose standards"? Prayer, at its simplest level, is merely communicating [or talking] to God. If you make a habit of doing that in sincerity, then I'm pretty sure that our Father is pleased with your efforts.
     But I ask this question because it came up in a discussion I recently had with my sister. We were raised in a non-church family, with a Believing mother, and a father who did not profess faith or encourage church attendance. I hesitate to say he did not believe in Jesus because during the last days of his life, while in a nursing home and beginning to suffer from dementia, I tried one last time to approach him about Jesus, who had become my Savior. I knew a complicated theological discussion was not possible, so I simply told him I wanted him to ask Jesus to come into his heart. He patted his heart and mumbled, "I do have Him in my heart"! That's as close as I got to any indication that my father might have opened the door to Jesus's knock.
     My mother, on the other hand, grew up in church, and encouraged us kids to go to Vacation Bible School and Sunday School, and as we got older she began taking us to church. When she became ill during the last years of her life, I flew home to see her in the hospital. As a new Christian, I sensed her spiritual suffering and asked her if she wanted me to pray for her. When she said, yes, I suddenly felt inadequate. As I told my sister, "I didn't even know how to pray"! How was I supposed to talk to God? What were the right words to say? [Determined to develop a prayer life, I no longer struggle with "the right way", and now come to the Lord easily and securely]. But my sister confessed she still feels that she doesn't know how to pray. So, I thought maybe we should take a look at all the aspects of prayer, and seek the Father's heart on the matter.
     To begin with, Jesus taught in Mark 11 that we are to have faith in God, which is supported by the faith of God. When He says, "Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him", He is telling us that words filled with faith act like "bulldozers" to get things done in the spirit realms. If you struggle with thinking your words sound "faithful",  just declare verses of Scripture out loud! When you believe what you are declaring, those words will be received by the Father as a prayer by faith!
     Here's another aspect of how to think of your prayer life ... Jesus not only rose from the dead, but He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father, far above "all rule and authority and power and dominion", where He continually intercedes for us. So from that position of authority, He prays for us. But here's the good part .... He invites us to be seated with Him there, in the heavenly places. So, when we pray, our spirits can pray with Jesus, [interceding for others], and with spiritual authority, [being seated with Him in His authority]. 
     Then here's an aspect of prayer that is always comforting to me: when we don't know what to pray, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us "with groanings too deep for words" (Romans 8:26). I have come to rely on the Holy Spirit to search my heart and express to the Father all that I am incapable of putting into a comprehensible petition. Praying by the Spirit can be some of the most spiritually satisfying times of communion with the Lord. When I am feeling the weight of spiritual oppression, I am sometimes unable to have clear thoughts of what to pray for, but I know I can rely on the Holy Spirit to present my heart-prayer better than I can.
     I will admit that I am moved by forceful and energetic prayer. I know we are capable of praying as forcefully as Elijah, who stopped the rain, or the community of believers in Acts who prayed so hard for Peter to be released from jail that God sent an angel to rescue him from prison. We have the power to do the same kind of things with our bold prayers that seek the Father's will, and not just our own will and what we want. Those kinds of prayers will change the world!
     And of course, when the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, He instructed them to pray for the Father's will to be done, but also for His Kingdom to come. So, I have been trying to become more intentional in my prayer life to incorporate God's plan for instituting His Kingdom here on earth with my personal prayers. Furthermore, I want to be involved with the establishment of His Kingdom by praying for business, cultural, and educational leaders, as well as the leaders in the Body of Christ. This is all part of joining Christ in intercessory prayer until the Kingdom Plan has been completed at the end of the Age. 
     And I believe that one of the most powerful ways to pray is in agreement with others. When prayers of faith are prayed with others whose hearts are in agreement, the power of that prayer can multiply ten-fold, a hundred-fold, and beyond! I have seen this move the heart of God and a child be cured of cancer. I have seen a young mother recover from a devastating diagnosis after a car accident and be restored to perfect health. And I believe we can change the course of our nation when we pray in agreement with God's will. One of the most important prayer partnerships is that of husband and wife. Their prayer time together can affect generations to come.
     And I would be remiss if I did not mention how powerful it is to pray in tongues.  Your particular religious tradition may not incorporate this aspect of prayer, but it can be an amazingly effective tool in our spiritual arsenal. Praying in our own prayer language allows for intercessory prayer beyond our limited understanding and our ability to express words. We can join with Jesus in interceding for others as the Holy Spirit empowers our prayer language to new heights of effectiveness. When I can't seem to find the right words that express the urgency of my heart, I know I can pray in my own personal prayer language and the Holy Spirit will interpret the longings of my heart with more power and meaning.
     Finally, it is important to understand that prayer is an important aspect of our spiritual warfare. And since the Enemy seeks to divide and conquer God's people. we should always seek to be united in prayer and love. Jesus showed us a picture of that "oneness in prayer" through His relationship with the Father. We need to be praying for unity in the Body of Christ! Sadly, I see too much division, and if we aren't praying for unity, then maybe we're unwittingly partnering with the Enemy to weaken the Body. It's time that we pray to come into alignment with each other and with Jesus, our Lord and Savior; the Messiah of the world. When we pray in His Holy Name, we are not just adding a religious formula at the end of our prayer ("in the Name of Jesus). Instead, we are declaring to the spiritual realms and the powers and authorities of the dark side that we stand as His personal representatives on the earth, and as ambassadors of the Kingdom of God!
     As you can see, prayer is vitally important to our relationship with God and Jesus. And it is an essential part of our relationship with the Holy Spirit. It may seem daunting and overwhelming. You might be thinking how can I do all that? How do I even start? I'm going to tell you that the key is to just begin.... just begin having conversations with the Father and Jesus. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you know what to pray and how to pray. Study Scripture and discern which verses make your heart leap with longing for an intimate relationship with God, and then say them to Him out loud. That's praying! And He will respond! Then begin discerning which verses speak of your power and authority and declare those in prayers when you need to fight back against spiritual darkness. And don't forget to talk to Him about the joy and thankfulness you feel over what He is doing in your life. There are wonderful Bible verses for that, too. 
     Just begin.... and before you know it, the words of the Bible will bring energy and depth to your prayer life, and you will be able to comfortably and intimately converse with God about everything. I honestly think that no one is born knowing how to pray. It is a learned behavior that comes from a heart that is seeking God. If you are conscious that your prayer life is lacking, then start by being thankful that the Holy Spirit has brought it to your attention --- then do something about it! We all have to start somewhere, and there is no better time than now and no better place to start than in the Word.

Jeremiah 29:12     Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you.

March 9, 2019

The Momo Challenge: Real, Spiritual, Or A Hoax?

     I don't know if you have heard of the "Momo Challenge", but since it has affected my family, I feel compelled to address the subject. I have done a fair amount of research on this latest social media phenomenon, and here is what I've been able to determine ... ‘Momo’ is a social media account on popular children's platforms that uses an image of a doll with monstrous features, large eyes and a wide mouth to induce curiosity among children. The artwork called Mother Bird by Link Factory is inspired by the work of a Japanese artist Midori Hayashi, who has no association with the challenge, according to officials.
     Here's how the "Momo Challenge" works ... In the middle of a popular children's website or game, an image will pop up of this gruesome figure, meant to entice children to click on it, with messages like "I wanna play with you". Once the child makes that connection they are subjected to gruesome and horrifying images; sometimes messages to commit suicide; and threats that their parents will be killed if they do not comply. Apparently Whatsapp is a common app vehicle for this viral hack, and platforms such as the You Tube Kids app, various Disney apps, and even the popular Peppa Pig app have fallen prey to this hack.
     As with every internet story that spreads like wildfire, you will find those who are quick to dismiss it as a hoax. For instance, Wikipedia posted this: "The "Momo Challenge" is a hoax and urban legend about a nonexistent social media challenge that was spread on Facebook and other media outlets. It was reported that children and adolescents were being enticed by a user named Momo to perform a series of dangerous tasks including violent attacks and suicide." Wikipedia goes on to substantiate so-called "web security experts" (who are never named) that state it is more "likely a case of moral panic; a hoax fueled by parents’ fears in wanting to know what their kids are up to. There’s an inherent fear in what young people are doing with technology."  Yet, other experts willingly admit that 75 to 80 percent of these free apps offer no security and are subject to hacks.
     Of course this smacks of normalcy bias to me among parents and "experts" who don't want to believe it.  It's simpler to explain it away as a fake news story targeting parents who feel guilty about letting technology babysit their kids. But I'm hear to tell you that it should not be so easily ignored.  My brother's 6-year-old granddaughter was suffering from nightmares and panic attacks for over a week, before they were able to track down this unusual pattern in her behavior. She finally cried to her grandmother that "Momo scared me". Further investigation revealed that her Candy Crush app had been hacked with the "Momo Challenge". And her 12-year-old sister was well aware of the hack, had seen it, but wasn't susceptible to it's sick influence.
     And I will say this .... yes, the image existed before the app hack, and it comes from a real sculpture by a real artist. But that doesn't negate the possibility that the challenge exists, or that it is a hoax or a fake. What kind of perverted mind thinks of creating a "challenge" that is so traumatizing and emotionally disturbing to young children? Whether the "challenge" is real or a fake, the result is the same ... it is devastatingly real to children and spiritually damaging. I can't tell you how effective a spirit of Fear can become in a person's life, when instilled at such a young age. 
     In our ministry, my husband and I often encounter a spirit of Fear that entered a person during their childhood and as a result of a nightmare. Our sleep is meant to be sweet and free from fear. The Bible says "You will sleep like a baby, safe and sound—your rest will be sweet and secure" (Proverbs 3:24).  Yet children are not exempt from demonic attacks in their sleep, and it is important to make sure that spiritual doors have not been opened or permission given to a spirit to operate. Something like this image of a Japanese sculpture, which has been demonized and delivered with an evil message, can suddenly appear, unprompted, on your child's tablet. And unless addressed immediately with a renunciation and assertion of Jesus's saving blood and protection, it can become a foothold for the Enemy in a child's life.
      I know that those who find their security in the secular world, and for whom the internet is a benign realm, will scoff at my warning. But, in our ministry, I have multiple testimonies of adults who bear witness to demonic appearances in their dreams as children; and these evil intruders progressed from footholds to strongholds, resulting in adults still in bondage to the spirit of Fear. So, please take this post seriously. Speak to your children and grandchildren, encouraging them to come to you should they ever encounter this devilish character in the middle of Candy Crush or Peppa Pig. Counter the Enemy's attacks on our children with the loving message of Christ as their Protector. Teach them how to put on their spiritual armor and wash away that evil image with Living Water. Technology and the internet are a breeding ground for the spiritually dark. But we have the Spirit of the Lord resting on us. Let's take advantage of His characteristics ... wisdom and understanding; counsel and power; knowledge and the fear of the Lord ... and let's protect our children.

Psalm 101:2b-3      I will walk in my house in integrity and with a blameless heart. I will set no worthless or wicked thing before my eyes. I hate the practice of those who fall away [from the right path]; It will not grasp hold of me.  

March 6, 2019

Prayers of Financial Freedom: From Breaking Curses to Celebration

     As I stated in the last post, there are many Christians who are not free from the bondage of fear over finances. As Dr. Mark Virkler pointed out, many of our ideas about money [and the lack of it] come from misquotations of the Bible, as well as wrong attitudes about wealth in our family lines. For myself, it was my father's upbringing during the Depression that led to a life-long worry about money and falling into debt. As the oldest, it was easy for me to adopt those same fears, and it wasn't until I was 40 years old that I realized my deep-seated worry about having enough money to pay my bills came from my dad. I was determined to let go of those fears and begin trusting in the Lord for His provision. I will tell you, it has been a battle to keep from returning to that bondage.
     As the previous Prayer for Repentance [in regards to Financial Freedom] shows us, we must turn away from the sins of our ancestors and their ungodly beliefs about money. We must believe that it is God's desire to give us all we need to prosper, and then we must trust in Him to provide.
     But Dr. Virkler has outlined several other areas in which we must free ourselves from financial bondage, and I'd like to share that information with you, and then summarize with a prayer that defeats all our financial fears. The first thing I learned is that we can actually have curses spoken over us and our bloodlines. These can come in the form of word curses, hexes, incantations and witchcraft prayers from those who are aligned with the Dark Side. And they can result in financial lack and poverty. Within some of the oaths taken by Secret Societies [such as Freemasonry], you will find curses against prosperity and finances. But we can pray the truth that God wishes to bless us, and we can break agreement with any of these curses and cancel their ability to keep us in lack.
     It is important that we also break any ungodly thought patterns, images, attitudes or ideas that we have allowed to keep us in bondage. We can even erase our cellular memory, cleansing it from the emotions of fear, lack, and poverty. Remember, we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind [able to resist the wiles of the devil]. We must ask for forgiveness for doubting the word of God which tells us He knows the plans He has for us; plans to prosper us and not harm us; plans to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).
     We can even do some inner healing ourselves, by communing with the Lord, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal any negative pictures from our past that need to be healed, and then journaling what is revealed. Remember, in the spirit realm, there is no time, so God can heal in the past, present, and the future. As you begin to flow in the spirit, more events and images will appear, and you will see the Lord ministering grace to your ancestors, resulting in new freedom flowing down through your family line, ultimately touching you and your descendants. What a time of joy and excitement to see that freedom raining down!
     Next, we can ask the Lord to reveal the gifts and talents He has created in us that anoint us for financial success. We have been uniquely made for service and to glorify Him through the applications of these talents and passions. And we trust the Lord to guide us each step of the way as we stay tuned in to the flow of the Holy Spirit within us. We can pray for revelations of Spirit-given goals for our lives, believing that we will be successful!
     Finally, we should pray prayers of celebration as we discern our faith rising in response to our financial freedom. We will know that it is God's compassion and grace that sustain us and remove all our fear and doubt about finances. We will continue to praise the Lord for His faithfulness in our finances, knowing that such praise silences the voice of the Accuser. And with our promised prosperity comes renewed minds, revived spirits, and increased fruitfulness.
     It is not easy to overcome financial fears, especially when it becomes a familiar spirit in family bloodlines. But when we submit to the Word of God and declare the Truth about how God wants to bless us in all the areas of our lives -- including our finances -- then it is possible to be Overcomers in this spiritual battle. So, please join me in reciting this prayer [out loud] as we declare our Financial Freedom:

     [Lay your hands on your heart, seeing Christ's hands overlaying yours].... Father God, I break all word curses spoken over me by myself or others concerning money. I bind and rebuke all evil spirits that are connected with these curses and have gained a foothold in my life. Poverty has no place within me. Demonic forces, be gone now in Jesus's Name! I declare that the lack the Enemy envisions for me will not prevail over the ability of Almighty God to bless and prosper me.
     Father, I ask that you forgive me for ever believing the lies of the devil regarding money, for Christ's blood has made me clean from the spirit of fear, and I stand clothed in His righteousness, received by faith in His finished work on the Cross. 
     Lord, I embrace what You have spoken, that money is a blessing and a fruit of following Your voice. I put on the mantle of abundance in Jesus's Name. I receive God's anointing, for it is He who has given me the power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to our fathers.
     I break all ungodly mental strongholds of fear and lack and worry, which say I will never have enough. These are lies of the Enemy! You, God, have promised me more than enough. And I speak to my cellular memory, my RNA and my DNA. Emotions of fear, lack, and poverty, be cleansed and erased from my cellular memories. Images, thoughts, attitudes and ideas that I will never have enough, be swept out in Jesus's Name! [Breathe out deeply a couple of times, seeing Jesus sweeping your cells clean. Feel the release]. Thank You, Jesus!
    Now, Lord, I ask if there are any negative events in my family line concerning money that You want to heal. I forgive everyone involved, including myself, others, God, circumstances, and governments. I choose to honor and release them and bless them, in Jesus's Name. Thank You for Your healing, Jesus!
     And, Lord, I know that Your Spirit releases creativity and faith, encouraging me to step forward and succeed financially. Lord, I know that You have anointed me with gifts, passions, and talents which equip me to serve humanity in a special and unique way. So, what paths do You want me to explore? What doors do You want me to knock on? I step forward into new paths, seeing You at my side. I choose to embrace this process of change and growth with a heart-passion full of love, anticipation and thankfulness that You are leading me to victory. By Your grace, I press on to success!
     So, Father, with a big smile on my face, I celebrate my lifestyle of divine creativity, divine connections, divine anointing, and divine prosperity. I celebrate the new skills and talents I am mastering. They carry me to new places, new victories, new relationships, new abundance. Along with my finances, my service to humanity has expanded, and many will be blessed by my life. I enjoy and celebrate this gift of life which You have given me. Thank You, Lord, for hearing my prayer and for delivering me from this fear of finances. I rejoice in my freedom and my fruitfulness! Amen!

Thanks to Dr. Mark Virkler, who is the author of more than 50 books in the areas of hearing God's voice and spiritual growth. He is the founder of Communion with God Ministries and Christian Leadership University. He has taught on developing intimacy with God and spiritual healing for over 30 years on six continents.

Proverbs 10:22    The blessing of the Lord brings [true] riches,
And He adds no sorrow to it [for it comes as a blessing from God].