A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

November 30, 2016

Thoughts on Heroism, Discipleship, and Loyalty To God

Desmond Doss
     My last post focused on Desmond Doss, an Army Medic and real-life hero of WWII, who vowed to serve both his country and his God, no matter the cost.  As he told a military tribunal who tried to court martial him for his refusal to carry a weapon, "With the world so set on tearing itself apart, it don't [sic] seem like such a bad thing to me to put a little bit of it back together."
     As I stated in the prior post, Doss single-handedly saved at least 75 men during one of the most horrific battles of the War, on the island of Okinawa.  At times, it may seem as if those kinds of heroes are vanishing, as we lose the last of the Greatest Generation.  But what Desmond Doss stood for will never be lost as long as there is one man or one woman willing to take a stand for their freedom of conscience... the right to follow our own beliefs in matters of religion and morality.
     As Stephen Greydanus, a writer at the National Catholic Register, expressed, "Desmond Doss is a hero for our own troubled times".  And as fellow writer Eric Metaxes expounds, it isn't only in the arena of war where freedom of conscience needs to play a part ... "Times in which florists and bakers are being hauled before civil rights commissions, being fined, losing their businesses; times in which pharmacists in Washington State can lose their licenses for refusing to dispense abortion pills; times in which churches in Massachusetts can run afoul of "public accommodation" laws requiring gender neutral bathrooms — we do indeed have a model in Desmond Doss".
     And Metaxes, as a writer, is very familiar with another hero of that time, Lutheran Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  In his masterful book, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, Metaxas tells us of the challenges Bonhoeffer faced in reconciling his faith, his moral ethics, and the politics of the day, which were quite diabolical in Nazi Germany. How does a committed Christian deal with the prospect of conflict with the Enemy on the battlefield?  While Doss and Bonhoeffer ultimately made different decisions on how they would be obedient to God, they both followed their consciences according to what they discerned was their instruction in the Bible.
     Doss determined that he would serve his fellow man by putting him first; willing to endanger, and even sacrifice, his own life in order to save another's.  He would save lives, rather than take them, choosing to live out, Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.  Bonhoeffer, however, was faced with how to stop the demonic actions of Adolph Hitler, the anti-Christ of his times. Like Doss, Dietrich knew the 6th Commandment, Thou shalt not kill.  But he faced the moral dilemma of doing nothing to stop the murder of 6,000,000 Jews.  He finally came to the conclusion that he trusted God to understand his motives in becoming involved in an assassination attempt on Hitler.  To Bonhoeffer, it had come down to God's admonition to Hate evil, love good, And establish justice in the gate! Both men exercised their freedom of conscience, and they took their accountability to God not only seriously, but solemnly.
     So, are we all capable of being as heroic as Doss or Bonhoeffer?  We may not find ourselves in the midst of a gruesome battlefield, or at the immediate center of a moral and ethical dilemma, but, as Christians, we are all in a battle with our culture, and the increasingly compromising positions of our Churches and governmental officials.  And like Doss and Bonhoeffer, we must decide how we are to act, as we find ourselves inside the collective drama.  We cannot, and must not, separate ourselves from the world.  But it is going to take courage to be and maintain the image of Christ, while all around us, the darkest impulses of the human will try to overwhelm and defeat us.
     If we are true to our faith, we know where our citizenship lies.  In fact, we are already there with Jesus, in spirit.  We just have to conform our mind, emotions, will, and these temporary bodies to the heavenly conviction of our spirit, and then let our actions show who we are.  It is not enough to pray... although we should not abandon sending our petitions heavenward.  We must be totally committed to our Biblical morals and completely loyal to God; acting on our faith, not just believing.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer
     And it will cost us.  Discipleship in the Name of Jesus will not be a road easily traveled.  We can look at the lives of all the Apostles and see what it cost them. And in the cases of Doss and Bonhoeffer, we can see how loyalty to their God resulted in very different outcomes -- one's actions led to a hero's medal; the other to execution by hanging. I know that there will be those who say that Bonhoeffer's path was wrong and can never be accepted nor forgiven by God.  But my thoughts turn to King David, and his actions in having Uriah killed so that he could lie with Bathsheba.
     As theologian and Hebrew scholar, Michael Heiser, so eloquently writes in his fantastic book, The Unseen Realm, "King David was guilty of the worst of crimes against humanity in the incident with Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite.  He was clearly in violation of the law and deserving of death.  Neverthless, his belief in who Yahweh was among all the gods never wavered.  God was merciful to him, sparing him from death, though his sin had consequences the rest of his life."  The lesson here, is that personal failure, even the worst kind, as exhibited by Bonhoeffer, will not separate you from God's mercy. Although Bonhoeffer was not spared from death [as King David was], he never disavowed his loyalty to God, nor doubted YHWH's loyalty to him.
     In the final minutes of his life, before being led to the gallows, he led a short service for fellow prisoners, praying, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By His great mercy we have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." Then he asked that a message be delivered to Bishop Bell in London; the message reading that "this was the end, but for him also the beginning of life, and that the ultimate victory of their cause – a universal Christian brotherhood rising above all national interest – was certain".
     The prison doctor, who witnessed the execution recorded this impression: "Through the half-open door in one room of the huts I saw Pastor Bonhoeffer, before taking off his prison garb, kneeling on the floor praying fervently to his God. I was most deeply moved by the way this lovable man prayed, so devout and so certain that God heard his prayer. At the place of execution, he again said a short prayer and then climbed the steps to the gallows, brave and composed. His death ensued after a few seconds. In almost fifty years that I worked as a doctor, I have hardly ever seen a man die so entirely submissive to the will of God".
     So, how will we, as modern day Christians, exhibit our loyalty and discipleship to our Lord?  We have seen in the examples of Desmond Doss and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the very picture of heroism -- two entirely different men, but both committed to acting out their faith. Neither set out to become a hero, and I wage that neither welcomed the mantle. Each man simply followed his heart; a heart set on being obedient to the will of God. Not a simple thing to do in this world.  But ultimately, I believe that we can all be heroes to someone in need of the image of Christ in their life... a bright light in the midst of the darkest time in their life. And I know in my spirit that God will honor our actions on His behalf. He's just looking for willing participants.

Isaiah 50:7-8:  "But the Lord God helps me; therefore I have not been disgraced; therefore I have set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be put to shame. He who vindicates me is near..."

November 28, 2016

Movie Recommendation: Hacksaw Ridge

     I was intrigued by the movie trailer of Mel Gibson's new movie, Hacksaw Ridge.  As Director, how would he incorporate God into a story of the hell that is War? His movie, Passion of the Christ, had moved me over a decade before, depicting both the tragic human story and the glorious divinity of my Savior, Jesus Christ.  As it turned out, he stayed true to the real-life account of his movie's hero, and this man's story is enough to inspire all of us who love the Lord.
     I have to admit that while watching the carnage of the battle to capture the Maeda Escarpment, an imposing rock face the soldiers called Hacksaw Ridge, tears streamed down my face, as I thought, "How much God must be grieved by war; to see the brutality that His creation can heap upon one another."  But I can say that there were an equal number of tears at the depiction of the man who unfailingly and ceaselessly displayed Christ in the midst of that hell on earth which was Okinawa in World War II.
     Hacksaw Ridge is the story of Desmond Doss, an Army medic who, as a Seventh-Day Adventist, served in WWII as a conscientious objector... and won the Medal of Honor!  That's right ... Doss was awarded the Medal of Honor, which is the United States of America's highest military honor, awarded for personal acts of valor above and beyond the call of duty.  And he did it without ever carrying a weapon or firing a shot!  
     Doss was certainly heroic on the battlefield, dodging a barrage of gunfire and explosions, as he crawled on the ground from wounded soldier to wounded soldier. He dragged severely injured men [who had been abandoned as the Americans retreated] to the edge of the ridge, tied a rope around their bodies and lowered them down to other medics below. And then he returned to the battlefield again... and again ... and again. He repeatedly ran into the heat of battle to treat a fallen comrade and carry him back to safety; all within a 12-hour period. In his customary modesty, Doss estimated that he saved 50 soldiers.  The Army estimated 100; so the official record settled on 75.  In Doss's own words, he says: "I was praying the whole time. I just kept praying, 'Lord, please help me get one more.' "
     While his performance on the battlefield defied the odds -- one veteran of Hacksaw Ridge said, "It's as if God had his hand on [Doss'] shoulder. It's the only explanation I can give" -- it was how he conducted himself prior to going into battle that inspires me and causes me to take the measure of my own commitment to my faith.  Desmond took the teachings of the Bible seriously and literally. He fervently believed in the 6th Commandment ... Thou shalt not kill ... and was convinced that he could meet the moral obligation he felt to serve his country [defending not only freedom, but religious liberty] by becoming a medic, and as he put it, “be like Christ: saving life instead of taking life.”
     The movie realistically portrays the physical, emotional, and psychological abuse Desmond faced at the hands of his comrades and military superiors.  At each step of his very real persecution, he never disavowed his faith or his determination to serve his God.  At one poignant moment in the film, as the slaughter of American GI's surrounds him, he kneels and asks, "God, what would you have me do"?  And at that moment, in the midst of fleeing and retreating soldiers, he hears the cry of the wounded left behind, and he never hesitates.  He charges into the face of hell, willing to die so that another might live.  There is no higher calling for a Christian than to give his life for another, and Desmond Doss fit that profile, perfectly.
     His official biography reads [partially] as follows: "Eventually, the Americans took Hacksaw Ridge. Okinawa was captured inch by bloody inch. Several days later, during an unsuccessful night raid, Desmond was severely wounded. Hiding in a shell hole with two riflemen, a Japanese grenade landed at his feet. The explosion sent him flying. The shrapnel tore into his leg and up to his hip. He treated his own wounds as best he could. While attempting to reach safety, he was hit by a sniper's bullet that shattered his arm. His brave actions as a combat medic were done. But not before insisting that his litter-bearers take another man first before rescuing him. Wounded, in pain, and losing blood, he still put others ahead of his own safety. He would choose to die so another could live. After all, that's what he read in his Bible. Such was the character demonstrated by Jesus Christ".
     As one magazine article characterized him, "Private Desmond Doss walked into the bloodiest battle of World War II’s Pacific theater with nothing to protect himself save for his Bible and his faith in God".  And I think it was his confidence and trust and unwavering belief in the God of the Bible that so moved me.  He took the assaults on his physical body and his character as a badge of honor; to suffer for Jesus was his due.  He took the words of the Bible in 1 Peter 2:20-21 seriously and personally:  But if when you do what is right and patiently bear [undeserved] suffering, this finds favor with God.  For [as a believer] you have been called for this purpose, since Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you may follow in His footsteps.    
     From the time he was a child and gazed upon a large framed picture of the Ten Commandments in his home, he felt God telling him, "If you love Me, you will not kill".  He stayed true to that conviction through brutal and sadistic hazing in Boot Camp; through attempts by the Military Command to prove him mentally unstable (due to his faith); and through the courage he displayed as he charged into certain death to save another man ... this latter description depicting the simple truth of Jesus Christ.
    While there are some who are criticizing this movie as American war propaganda, it is obvious they do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ.  The movie certainly depicts the ugliness and terror of war; spotlighting the blood and guts and gore that can be inflicted upon the human body.  But at the heart of this movie is one man's love for, and obedience to, his God.  It is about unfaltering, relentless, and unquestioning faith in the face of human injustice and diabolical brutality.  The simple, sincere way in which Desmond Doss practices that steadfast faith is beautiful to watch on screen.  If you are a Christian, he will make you jealous of such ardent and passionate faith.  Desmond Doss will move you to tears, and make your heart swell with respect and admiration for him and for the film.  To watch a movie that doesn't shy away from promoting such fierce faith -- and to make it authentic and honest as the central storyline, without pandering for the "Faith Dollar at the Box Office" -- is both encouraging and heartening.  The young actor, Andrew Garfield, who played Desmond Doss, is outstanding and portrayed Doss's sacrificial faith with a genuineness that cannot be faked.
     I highly recommend that you see this movie.  It glorifies the life of a true Christian hero.  But more than that, it is a film that displays what the power of Jesus Christ in one man can do to change the lives of so many others.  I have no doubt that Desmond Doss received crowns in heaven, and this film is a crowning accomplishment for Mel Gibson as its Director. I could watch it again and again -- it's that inspiring.

Isaiah 40:31   "But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] will gain new strength and renew their power; They will lift up their wings [and rise up close to God] like eagles [rising toward the sun]; They will run and not become weary, They will walk and not grow tired". 

November 27, 2016

Isaiah 12

And on that day you will say, “I will give thanks to You, O Lord; For though You were angry with me, 
Your anger has turned away, And You comfort me.

“Behold, God, my salvation! I will trust and not be afraid, For the Lord God is my strength and song;
Yes, He has become my salvation.”

Therefore with joy you will draw water from the springs of salvation.

And in that day you will say, “Give thanks to the Lord, call on His name [in prayer]. Make His deeds known among the peoples [of the earth]; Proclaim [to them] that His name is exalted!”

Sing praises to the Lord, for He has done excellent                                                                                      and glorious things; Let this be known throughout                                                                                    the earth.

                                                                             Rejoice and shout for joy, O inhabitant of Zion,
                                                                             For great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.

     The Amplified version of the Bible calls Isaiah, Chapter 12, "Thanksgiving Expressed", and I found it so suitable as we end a week of Thanksgiving festivities.  So let's break it down, and see exactly how the Prophet expressed his thankfulness.
     In the previous chapter, the Prophet Isaiah spoke powerfully of the reign of the Messiah as King over all the earth. Chapter 12 expresses his praise that comes from the heart of one who has surrendered to the Messiah as King, and enjoys the benefits of His reign.
     How many of us can say that we still praise God, even when we sense His anger or disappointment with us?  And how many of you believe that under the New Covenant, God no longer gets angry, but is simply a God of Mercy and Grace?  True, we might feel that all the anger and wrath of God against us was poured out upon His Son on the cross. In this sense, there is no more anger from God towards us, because His anger has been “exhausted.” But I think there is also a sense in which we receive chastening or discipline from the LORD, which certainly feels like His anger.
     While we can acknowledge this anger, and it certainly feels unpleasant, it really shows the fatherly love of God instead of His hatred. So how dear and wonderful is that comfort that comes after the discipline?  Especially when we know the chastening will come to an end?
     I love the passion with which Isaiah expresses, "Behold, God is my salvation"!  He feels this so deeply that he says it twice in the same verse.  To say God is my salvation is also to say, “I am not my salvation. My good works, my good intentions, my good thoughts do not save me. God is my salvation.” 
   "I will trust and not be afraid" ... The place of peace and trust and “no fear” comes only from seeing our salvation in God, and not in ourselves. Here, Isaiah is not just experiencing feelings of trust, he is deciding to trust God.  That is an entirely different scenario.
     "The Lord God is my strength and my song" ... When the LORD is our strength, it means that He is our resource, He is our refuge. We look to Him for our needs, and are never unsatisfied.  When the LORD is our song, it means that He is our joy, He is our happiness. We find our purpose and life in Him, and He never disappoints.
    "Therefore with joy you will draw water from the springs of salvation" ... This means there is something for us to do: You will draw water from the fountain that provides everlasting life. God doesn’t meet our needs as we sit in passive inactivity. We must reach out and draw forth what He has provided. At the same time, it is His water, His well, His rope, and His bucket that we draw with!
     Isaiah then encourages the worshipper to give thanks to the Lord, praise the Name of Jesus, and to make His deeds known; to proclaim Him!  If you have received salvation and drunk from the waters that provide everlasting life, then you won't be able to stop talking about God’s greatness and the great things He has done.
     In addition, the Prophet exhorts us to sing praises to the Lord, and to rejoice and shout.  First, the LORD was the song of Isaiah, in verse two. Now, he sings this song of the LORD to whoever will listen! It's as if he is saying, if the LORD has become your song, then sing it!  The invitation to rejoice and shout our praise indicates that our worship of the Lord should never be mechanical.  It should be spirited and excited praise for all He has done in your life!
     Finally, Isaiah reminds us ... For great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel. This gives two reasons for great praise. First, because of who God is: the Holy One of Israel. Second, because of where God is: in your midst. Each of these gives everyone reason to praise God and express our thanksgiving!

Thank you to StudyLight.org for providing quality Bible resources for this post on Isaiah, Chapter 12.


November 25, 2016

Thanksgiving Week: My Personal Thoughts

      It's the day after Thanksgiving, and I find myself in a reflective mood.  As for most of us, this is a sentimental time of year.  We have fond and emotional memories of celebrating the holiday season with friends and family; childhood memories that stir something in our souls and provide a connection to those we love.
     But as the Lord has drawn me closer to Him, I find myself looking for significance and meaning in those celebrations that point to Him.  I no longer am satisfied with the sentiments that thrill my flesh. I want to celebrate these "holidays" as true "holy days", and I want to be consciously seeking my Lord as my spirit is renewed.  That doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy the bountiful blessings of spending time with my family yesterday, or marvel at the provision the Good Lord has given us.  It's just that I wanted Thanksgiving to be more than family fun, mouth-watering food, football games, and going to an afternoon movie.
     Since Thanksgiving is a particularly American holiday, I wanted to know more than I'd been taught in school about the origins of that historical event.  Surely, there's a deeper message in the Thanksgiving story than Squanto, corn and succotash, and the fall harvest.  Turns out there might be...
     Thanksgiving became associated through the centuries with giving thanks to God for the harvests of the land. Thanksgiving has always been a time of people coming together, so thanks has also been offered for that gift of fellowship between us all. Surprisingly, I found that the true nature of Thanksgiving has less to do with the part history/part myth story that developed around the Pilgrim's and America's "First Thanksgiving", than it does with the Biblical Feast of Tabernacles, or as it is also known, The Feast of Ingathering, or Sukkot.
     It is interesting to note that, prior to making their way to the New World, the Pilgrims, themselves the victims of religious persecution, spent several years among Sephardic Jews in Holland.  Perhaps the Biblical perspective of the Feast of Tabernacles was the root for their own expression of thanksgiving after that first harsh winter.  Whether this is true or not, I couldn't help but think that Jews celebrate Sukkot by recalling God’s providence toward Israel during the forty years of wandering in the desert.  And it commemorates a future time when the harvest of souls will bring about peace and harmony upon the earth.  Simply put, it is a time to feast and a time to pray.
     It was at that moment that I realized that I could do that -- that I could enjoy the gathering of my family, and honor the Lord who is protecting us and providing for us each day.  I could be prayerful throughout the day, praising Him as the Holy Spirit brought impressions to my mind, among them ... How grateful I am that my extended family is healthy and thriving; that I could pray for the safety of my nephew serving in Iraq, while enjoying the laughter of his wife and two small children who are living here in Texas while he is deployed.
     I can trust the Lord with the safekeeping of three other nephews who are serving their communities as law enforcement officers.  I am thankful that He has given them hearts to love their neighbor, and that I know He hears my prayers concerning their safety each night.  I am also so appreciative that He has restored a connection to more distant family members, who like myself, went their own ways after college.  It is amazing to see how He brought us together after 30 years, through the seemingly random transfer of their son to a college here in Texas.  I am astonished at the spiritual connection that my husband and I have with this young man, and how quickly he integrated into our family and accepted our love.  This is the second Thanksgiving he has spent with us, and that very fact is evidence of what an amazing God we serve.  I will be forever thankful for the renewal and restoration of old family ties, and the creation of new family relationships.
     In fact, I see Him growing all my relationships, and our common love for the Lord is translating into unselfish love for each other. Neighbors are dearer to my heart; our Home Church is growing in relationship and faith; we are seeing friends come to a life-changing faith in Jesus, and being baptized.  This world is fading away and I am seeing glimpses of His Kingdom coming!
     But perhaps the greatest reason for my thankfulness is the journey that God has taken my husband and me on this year.  I have so much gratitude for how He is growing my husband into a spiritual leader who has so much passion to know Jesus and to obey His every command.  He has a heart that bursts with a desire to see others reborn, and his heart grieves when he sees the suffering of those in bondage to satan.  He has been on a transformative and healing journey of his own, and he is making it his mission to see others freed by the Power of Jesus, just as he has been.  No wife could be prouder or made more humble by the evidence of compassion and mercy in her husband, than I.
     Yes, this Thanksgiving was truly a season of gratitude; of adoration and praise to a merciful and gracious God.  And it is my prayer that I will continue to express my indebtedness to the Almighty God of the Universe each and every day.  I know that difficult days are forecast, but I also know that His love endures forever.  That is the thought that I will take captive and nurture in my heart.  I hope your Thanksgiving Week has brought you closer to the God who created you, and it is my prayer that all your days be full of thanksgiving and praise!

Psalm 9:1    "I will give thanks to You, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all Your wonderful deeds."

November 23, 2016

Thanksgiving Week: The Giving Kitchen

     For some, the Thanksgiving holiday is all about the food.  For others it is all about family; reminiscing about old memories and creating new ones.  But it is also about inspiration and gratitude. But if you watched CBS Sunday Morning last weekend, you saw a story that combines the best of all these aspects.
     Chef Ryan Hidinger was well known in Atlanta, having worked at some of the premier restaurants in the area. In addition, he and his wife, Jen, had gained quite a reputation for their unique supper club, called Staplehouse.  They ran it for several years, in anticipation of opening their own restaurant with the same name.
     Then out of left field, Ryan received a devastating Gallbladder Cancer diagnosis.  Doctors told him it was stage-four and he was given six months to live.  Needless to say, their dream of opening a restaurant suddenly seemed out of reach.  But friends, those within the Atlanta area, and the restaurant industry came together and held a charity gala that raised $275,000.  That money not only paid the Hidinger's medical bills, but became the seed money for The Giving Kitchen.  
     The Giving Kitchen was formed as a 501(c)(3) to fill the need for a crisis grant program in the restaurant community — as a way to do for others what the community came together to do for Ryan and Jen.  The organization provides emergency assistance grants to cover basic living expenses, care-related travel expenses, and funeral expenses for those who meet defined criteria; to families of chefs, restaurant owners, servers and restaurant staff. The Hidinger's research showed that there are over 200,000 restaurant workers in the City of Atlanta. At any given time, 1-2% are facing unanticipated crisis. The Giving Kitchen is committed to trying to meet as many of those needs as they can. 
     The idea for the Giving Kitchen originated with the compassion shown the Hidinger's during Ryan's illness.  In the business world, it models a unique hybrid structure as a nonprofit with a for-profit subsidiary. The for-profit subsidiary is Ryan and Jen's original dream, Staplehouse — the casual fine- dining restaurant they opened in a turn-of-the century brick building in Atlanta’s Old Fourth Ward. After all the bills are paid, the staff is paid, taxes are paid, etc., 100% of Staplehouse’s net profits are channeled back into its nonprofit parent, The Giving Kitchen, as an ongoing stream of support.
     The testimonials on the website are proof that The Giving Kitchen is meeting the needs of those in the restaurant industry.  Bartenders, servers, and families of restaurant workers who are enduring the anxiety of unexpected medical crises and bills become recipients of Funds set up in their names, and supported by restaurant patrons, other restaurant employees, and profits from Staplehouse -- all donated in the spirit of assisting others who need a helping hand. 
     This is a unique story and so appropriate for this Thanksgiving season.  The CBS presentation didn't reveal whether Faith played any part in the Hidinger's decision to start The Giving Kitchen.  But their motivations are certainly pleasing to God.  For He tells us to share generously with those in need, and to help those in trouble.  He tells us our giving should be motivated by a sincere desire to help others, and that is evident in Ryan and Jen's story.  Ryan died from Gallbladder Cancer in January of 2014.  Since that time, Jen, along with Ryan's sister, Kara, and her husband, Ryan Smith (who now serves as Staplehouse chef), have labored with love to keep Ryan Hidinger's memory and dream alive.
     While Staplehouse has been a project of passion since the beginning, it has become a lasting testament to Ryan and Jen's desire to not only give back to the community who helped them, but to pay it forward.  As the website bon appétit proclaimed, "Staplehouse is about love, and it is about family. It is inspiring, and it is humbling. Staplehouse is an example of what good a community can do. This is why [we named] Staplehouse as the Best New Restaurant in America".  And from the reviews I've read, they did not receive the award out of sympathy -- the service is outstanding, there is a palpable spirit of joy and love, and the restaurant's food is leading the pack towards the next step in modern Southern cooking. 
     But it is the quote from Ryan Hidinger, himself; written on an exposed wooden beam, that sums up the intrinsic nature of this story ... “Anything long-lasting or worthwhile takes time and complete surrender.” That speaks to my experience as a human being and as a Christian.  I think we can say that The Giving Kitchen exemplifies the spirit of Thanksgiving with its story of love and family and giving to others.  And perhaps, most of all, it shows us how to live out Jesus's command to love our neighbor as ourselves. May it continue to prosper and be blessed.

Luke 6:38   "Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you."

November 21, 2016

Thanksgiving Week: Stories of Prayer, Immigration, and Assimilation

     I'd like to spend this week in a true spirit of giving thanks.  We've just finished a hotly contested and divisive election season; the war in Iraq has been revitalized; world powers are readjusting and realigning, and it's too easy to get caught up in our anxieties and fears about the future.  But this week, let's concentrate on the stories that bring us together; our common humanity and the lessons we can learn from Biblical history.
     This first story comes to us from Erbil, Iraq. Last Friday, November 18th, more than 20,000 persecuted Christians gathered to pray for Iraq and victory against ISIS. The six-hour prayer event marked the end of 50 days of fasting, and for many Christians, hopefully the start of a new life without ISIS. Think about that! In this country that has been torn apart by war for more than thirteen years, this is a remarkable show of faith in the wake of some of the most horrific and wicked persecution the world has ever seen.
     Those that gathered were specific in what they wanted to accomplish.  They prayed for the presence of God’s Spirit to envelop the meeting and that every person would clearly hear what God wanted to say to them.  They prayed that leaders of the event would preach, worship and pray under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  They prayed that those who were Unbelievers would be touched by the Holy Spirit during this time, and come to know His Truth, as Son of God and Lord of all. They prayed that this gathering would be a time of encouragement to those who were struggling to stay steadfast in their faith because of the persecution they had suffered; and a time of breakthrough for those struggling to know Jesus for the first time.  Finally, they prayed that God would indeed hear from Heaven, answer the cries of His people, and bring healing, renewed hope for the future and peace to the people of this region. It is an ancient prayer that people of the Bible have prayed since Genesis.
    While Iraqis are hopeful that the defeat of Isis and the liberation of their towns will continue, they still face violence by local militias, regional conflicts between key players like Turkey, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, as well as the distrust between the different religious and ethnic groups of the Sunnis, Shias, Kurds, and Arabs.  It is the same old world story, but at the heart of it is the continued power of prayer and the hope of God's promises.  I am thankful for this current reminder that God is still sought after as the ultimate answer to the world's chaos.
     This second story has an ancient Biblical connection.  Remember the story in Acts, Chapter 8, when Philip, the Evangelist, encounters the Ethiopian eunuch on his way back from Jerusalem?  Philip overhears the Ethiopian reading the Book of Isaiah; specifically, Chapter 53 [which identifies our Lord as the Suffering Servant], and offers to help the traveling eunuch understand what he is reading. First, we need to understand that it is nearly 1600 miles from modern Ethiopia to Jerusalem!!! This man traveled a long way to gain knowledge, and how did he come to be seeking wisdom about the coming Messiah?
     Well, scholars speculate that Ethiopia was the land where the Queen of Sheba had come from, who saw the glory of Solomon’s kingdom and professed faith in the God of Israel (1 Kings 10:13). It’s possible that pieces of the Jewish faith were passed on through the centuries to men like this servant of the current Queen. And after Philip's instruction, and his confession of faith and baptism, this Ethiopian eunuch most likely returned to his homeland and helped launch the Christian faith in that ancient land. Here's an additional interesting note: The Coptic Christians – greatly persecuted today in Egypt – trace their spiritual heritage back to this Ethiopian official.  So, what does all this history have to do with giving thanks this week?
     Daniel Sahalo is some of the fruit that was borne from that divine appointment between Philip and the Ethiopian. He was born in the farming village of Gaina, Ethiopia. In 1984, when Daniel was 4 years old, his family decided to immigrate to Israel, along with a group of other Jews seeking to flee the famine and political unrest in Ethiopia. For eight weeks, Sahalo and the rest of his group traveled barefoot at night under the eclipse of darkness. They contended with many threats, including robbers, hunger, wild animals, and the bitter cold of the desert nights. Sadly, more than 4,000 members of the Ethiopian Jewish community died on the way to Israel, including Sahalo's 23-year-old sister and 2-year-old niece.
     After waiting nine months at a Red Cross refugee camp near the Sudanese and Egyptian border, the announcement finally came that the group would be flown to Israel. Sahalo would go on to finish high school, enlist in the Israel Defense Forces' (IDF) prestigious Paratroopers 101 battalion, and become the only member of his family to earn an academic degree [in International Relations and Latin American Studies at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem].
     But perhaps his most important accomplishment has become his involvement with the Megemeria Jewelry Collection, as their Sales and Marketing Manager.  You see, the experience of Ethiopian Jews in their new homeland of Israel has o theften been a difficult one.  Most Ethiopian Jews were farmers in their native country and now have trouble finding work and integrating into Israeli society. That's where Yvel comes in; they are a company in Israel that makes and sells fine jewelry.  Founded by Argentinian immigrants to Israel, they started a social business enterprise, called the Megemeria School of Jewelry and the Arts. "Megemeria" means Genesis in Amharic, the native language of Ethiopia.
     The school teaches Ethiopian immigrants to Israel the art and science of jewelry design and manufacturing, along with many other skills, such as math and the Hebrew language. Students study for free, receive a monthly stipend to help with living expenses, and upon graduation from the school, many are hired to work at the Megemeria social business. All jewelry is designed and manufactured entirely by the school's students and graduates, with all sales revenue reinvested in the project. What a beautiful Biblical picture of how God instructed the Israelites to love the "sojourners" and "aliens" in their land, remembering that they were once sojourners themselves.  It also shows the respect of the new citizens of Israel by learning the native language and becoming productive citizens.  This story of Aliya (the immigration of Jews from the diaspora to the Land of Israel) turned from one of struggle to one of thanksgiving.
     In these two stories, we see the history of humanity.  They encompass the stories of refugees, asylum-seekers, the internally displaced, and those moving to other countries as immigrants. They cover the reality of being human as well as being a Christian or a Jew. They remind us that we are all made in the image of God.  We are all representatives of God on earth, and we all have worth in His eyes; each of us was made by God and Christ died for us.
     In this age of war, global politics, and Elitist domination, it is sometimes hard to imagine that God cares about each individual.  But from the beginning of the human race, nothing has changed. Just as God "saw" Abram in Mesopotamia; Ruth in the land of Moab; Daniel in Babylon; and each of the Disciples in their lonely journeys to Asia Minor, India, North Africa, Persia, and beyond, He "sees" each of us. He hears each prayer, as in Erbil, Iraq; and like the Ethiopian Jews, He desires that each person seeking a better life in a strange land would be welcomed, and charity and compassion be dispensed.  The stories presented here mirror these Biblical principles, and are the perfect way to begin our Thanksgiving week.

Thank you to the Christian Broadcasting Network for reporting on these two inspirational stories.

Psalm 103:13   Just as a father loves his children, So the Lord loves those who fear and worship Him [with awe-filled respect and deepest reverence].

November 20, 2016

Acts 20:27

“I did not shrink from declaring to you
 the whole counsel of God.”

     What exactly is the whole counsel of God?  In this passage of Acts, Chapter 20, the Apostle Paul is declaring his role as a Representative of God's Word.  With a clear conscience, he can say that he has presented the unabridged version, so to speak, of God's teaching.  He has not dodged the difficult questions; nor has he tried to add or subtract from God's Word to make it more acceptable to his listeners.  In fact, he has presented God's Word in order that he might help believers to grasp the whole counsel (purpose and plan) of God, so that they would become better equipped to read their Bibles intelligently and comprehensively.
     But how many of you believe, or have been told, that we are under God's Grace, not the Law; therefore the New Testament is our primary source of God's teaching, and that's the only "counsel of God" we need?  Or, that the Old Testament is a nice bit of history, but it has no real significance to us "New Testament Believers"? As a serious student of the Bible -- the whole Bible -- I find these opinions unsound and inaccurate.  
     First of all, it is important that we understand the original meaning of the word, "counsel".  It comes from the Greek word boulomai, and according to Strong's Concordance, it "expresses strongly the deliberate exercise of the will".  In other words, Paul is saying that he did not shrink from declaring God's deliberate exercise of His will throughout history, and he revealed the whole of God's revelation about His purpose(s) in relationship with His creation, man.
     Keep in mind that the New Testament had not even been written when Paul made this statement, so some may ask, "How can we make it a Law vs. Grace, Old vs. New Testament argument"?  In fact, this is actually what I am saying.... I believe that Paul was given Divine revelation in relating God's plan that covers the entire spectrum of history: Law, Grace, Judgment and Redemption.  The entire Bible is God's counsel! There is history of redemption throughout the Old Testament that points to The Redeemer in the New Testament.  Paul related God's explanation of man's origin, fall, and rescue [in the Old Testament], which leads to a worldview [in the New Testament] and points out the need for a Savior and Deliverer.  There were commandments of old to be obeyed and accepted wisdom to be pursued, and those would be expanded upon in the life of the Incarnate God.  And those commandments and wise counsel were not to be discarded, but rather they spoke of the transforming power to come; of age-old promises to be trusted and hopes to be anticipated.
     But here's kind of a synopsis of what I think Paul was saying ... God's counsel cannot be limited to one concept such as Grace or Law.  Remember, the word "counsel" is speaking of God's deliberate exercise of His will. Can we agree that the "whole counsel of God" centers around the idea of His Sovereignty in all matters?  Can we see that His counsel is bigger than Grace, for example?  After all, Paul certainly experienced the Grace of God, yet he did not limit his teaching to that doctrine.  He did not shy away from explaining how God exercised His deliberate will by punishing the rebelliousness of the ancient Israelites; nor did he neglect to point out God's Judgment against those who refuse to repent. 
     We are in need of the whole counsel of God ... the grace, the law, the discipline, the love, the forgiveness ... The fullness of His Character reveals His Sovereignty; and His whole counsel is for the purpose of establishing Christ's Kingdom on earth.  It may not be a perfect picture... but we need to hear it all!

November 18, 2016

Modern Magic and Mocking God

     It's time to take a break from all the post-election speculation and obsession, don't you think?  And, so it was with cautious curiosity that my husband and I tuned into David Blaine's TV Special, called "Beyond Magic".  Now, for those of you unfamiliar with David Blaine, he is billed as a Magician, Illusionist, and Endurance Artist. To be honest with you, I wasn't all that familiar with him, but the commercial for his special was intriguing, as it appeared that he both disgusted and alarmed celebrities and average folks alike with his displays of mysterious and supernatural magic.
    But the real reason I wanted to watch it is because I am becoming more and more aware of the fascination with the Occult in our forms of entertainment.  In fact, it is becoming more popular and more mainstream.  To be sure, one of the finalists on this season's America's Got Talent, was a couple from Vienna, Austria, who called themselves "The Clairvoyants".  The woman partner in the duo dazzled the judges [and America] with her ability to use what she calls her "unique art of intuition" to reveal random thoughts, objects, and personal facts associated with audience members.  And in case you do not know what a clairvoyant medium is, they are able to see spirits, auras, objects and places that are not perceptible to others. But here is what the fascinated audience did not understand ... Only God can read the minds of men.  When men [or women] claim supernatural power to read the minds of others, they are involved in a form of witchcraft and divination, which is clearly condemned by God.  
     Back to David Blaine... during the opening animation for the show, it was obvious that whatever power he uses to complete his "magic", it is derived from the occult.  Images of demons and the Goat god Baphomet were discreetly portrayed in the cartoon-like introduction.  Was he showing those with discernment just exactly who is behind his success?  And the title, "Beyond Magic"... was that a nod to the supernatural spirits who supply him with the methods to pull off his magic and illusions; and do they provide superhuman abilities to achieve such performances as catching a bullet in his mouth?
     Here is what is becoming obvious to me ... Satan loves to boast and show off what he can do through those who are willing to accept his offer of spiritual power. In so doing, he overplays his cards and shows people exactly who and what is at the core of the game. And this is nothing new!  From the beginning pages of the Bible, God warns against interacting with mediums or familiar spirits; to avoid all forms of the occult, including divination, necromancy, astrology, hypnotism, fortune-telling, magic, etc., so that you might not become defiled by them.
     The Bible gives us plenty of accounts of practicers of the occult:  from Simon the Magician, Elymas the Sorcerer, the girl at Philippi, and the entire city of Ephesus; all within the Book of Acts!  But perhaps none are so well known as the magicians, the astrologers, and the sorcerers who advised King Nebuchadnezzar in the Book of Daniel.  These men made their living on their supposed ability to contact the gods and gain secrets from the spirit realm. Yet they were no match for the power and might of Daniel's God who was able to communicate truth to the prophet.
     And that is my fear about the increasing amount of occultism that is being presented as entertainment and amusement and diversion to a society and culture that is struggling and hurting.  Because it is not amusing, and it is nothing to play around with.  I fear that it has captured the attention of our youth, drawing them into a realm they are unequipped to handle.  And more than anything, I see it as mocking God.  Just take a look at this image of magician and illusionist, Criss Angel.  First, there are the angel wings. Somehow, I sense they are imitating a Fallen Angel, rather than an angel of the Lord.  He also wears a necklace displaying his "A"symbol above a necklace of the Cross, clearly belittling the power of Jesus. Then there is the key, which represents those properties which unlock the mystical "wisdom" of the occult. It also represents the unlocking of "latent physic powers," thereby opening the doors to the world of the supernatural. You can also see the Ace of Spades, which in occultism is the symbol of ancient mysteries and the card that represents transformation. It all adds up to what Satan specializes in—illusion.  And whether Criss Angel is aware he is opening up portals and being used by the Prince of the Air, or truly believes he has unlocked the mysteries of the spirit realm, it doesn't really matter.  His end will be the same.
     But it was David Blaine's "frog trick" that spoke the loudest of Occultic influences.  It was as if he was enacting Revelation 16:13 before my very eyes.  In Chapter 16 of the Book of Revelation, we are told that 7 angels have been instructed to "pour out on the earth the seven bowls of the wrath and indignation of God."  Just before the final bowl of wrath is poured out, we read this passage in verses 13 and 14:  And I saw three loathsome spirits like frogs, leaping from the mouth of the dragon (Satan) and from the mouth of the beast (Antichrist, dictator) and from the mouth of the false prophet; for they are [actually] the spirits of demons, performing [miraculous] signs.
     Not only does the opening animation of "Beyond Magic" depict a frog coming from an open mouth, but Blaine actually references the plague of frogs that came upon Egypt.  But it was the fact that he spits out three frogs from his mouth during the act that convinces me he has acquired powers from the Dark Side.  He is able to perform lying wonders and signs because he has accepted the offer of dark powers from the false god of the air.
     Here is what these magicians and illusionists fail to understand: The powers they have received are a counterfeit substitute for the power of God. Whether or not they acknowledge it, they are occult practitioners who serve gods other than the God of the Bible. What these magicians do not grasp is that the power to do magic only appears to be under their control. They are actually being used by demonic beings with superior intelligence to their own. Real evil spirits are willing to be engaged by these magicians in order to captivate both their soul and the audience. They’ll move an object, give you a revelation, mind read, and more. They will draw you in as needed, and is it all according to what the Bible says in 1 Timothy 4:1: But the [Holy] Spirit explicitly and unmistakably declares that in later times some will turn away from the faith, paying attention instead to deceitful and seductive spirits and doctrines of demons.  That is exactly what this new "Age of Satanism" offers as entertainment to the masses.  It is becoming more blatant and tolerated, and is a sure sign of the increasing power of Satan and his followers.
     In the end, these modern magicians are no different than the wizards that astounded the courts of the ancient kings.  They are "pretenders of the magic arts", receiving limited powers from the demons of false gods.  Little do they know that they are practicing in the realm of deception and rebellion.  Magic is designed to lead us astray, and the Bible tells us that those who practice magic arts are headed to destruction and disaster.  And the world is mesmerized....

You can watch David Blaine's "Beyond Magic" by clicking on this link.  

2 Thessalonians 2:9    "The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders,"

November 16, 2016

The Challenge For Christians In Our Culture

     How many of you feel that we are not living in a Christian culture?  At the very least, I think we can say that our society and culture continually challenge us to live a Christian life.  If we say, as a Christian, that the Bible is our guidebook or manual for living a life that is pleasing to God, then it is the Source by which we must evaluate our culture.
     First, we must understand that God is not disconnected, or distant from, or even outside our culture ... and He doesn't want us to be either!  After all, He created us, and it is human beings who create the culture.  Furthermore, we are not to shun the culture or fear it when it doesn't represent our Christian values.  In reality, I believe that God wants us to be responsible for our culture; to be stewards of this world He created and to contribute to it and transform it.
     And when you look at our culture today ... the anarchy in the streets; the political and social division; the lack of moral absolutes ... it is easy to see that we have some work cut out for us.  While acknowledging that we Christians have not been good stewards of the culture, I am choosing, at this point, to concentrate on how we begin to influence the culture moving forward.  I know I have addressed this before, but it is easy to say that we are to love one another, and show compassion and mercy, and turn the other cheek -- all actions that imitate our Lord -- but it is sometimes difficult to equate Biblical principles when we hear that the Bible is outdated and it no longer speaks to our generation.  How are we to incorporate the Bible into our responses to the culture?
     To begin with, we would do well to search the Scriptures for answers.  There are good examples for us to follow in the Bible; examples that mirror what we are facing today.  And while there are those who may think that this ancient Book could offer nothing to us modern 21st Century citizens, I want you to consider what Paul had to say about the culture of the city of Corinth, and how Believers were to respond to it.
     Believers in Corinth inhabited a culture which resembles ours in many ways. Like America, it was diverse ethnically, religiously, and philosophically. Like our nation, it set a standard [in the known world] for wealth, literature, and the arts. And it had a notorious reputation for its flagrant display of sexual immorality.  Sounds like a brochure promoting life in America, doesn't it?
    So, how did Paul first reassure, and then instruct, the Believers in this corrupt city on how they were to live within this un-Christian culture?  He really gave them a pretty ingenious plan to follow, and it is contained in 1 Corinthians 9:19-22:  For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them.  To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law.  To those outside the law I became as one outside the law (not being outside the law of God but under the law of Christ) that I might win those outside the law.  To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. 
     Note that Paul expresses the Liberty we have as Christians (I am free from all) to relate to all people. He is not suggesting that we be false in our appearance, but rather to put ourselves in the shoes of all that we meet, so that we might understand where they are coming from.
     Liberty is something that all Americans subscribe to, no matter what side of the political aisle they fall on.  But we must make it clear to our culture that we recognize that our Christian life is one lived in the liberty of God's grace.  The liberty we have is for the purpose of glorifying God.  We must make it clear that a liberty, or a freedom, that condones sin is just another form of slavery.  Although the protestors in our streets have the liberty to do so, we must make it clear that we do not condone violence or destruction of property.  That does not glorify the God who created us all!  On the other hand, while we must be sensitive to the pressing concerns of our fellow citizens, we must maintain the liberty to uphold our Christian standards.
     And speaking of protestors, how are we supposed to make our voice heard above all the dissenters, agitators, and demonstrators in our current culture?  Well, Paul dealt with that, too.  In Acts 17, the Bible says that while Paul awaited Timothy and Silas to join him in Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols.  The idols consisted not only of carved and graven images, but philosophies that had become cultural idols.  Among these philosophies were the teachings of Epicurus (Epicureanism), and Stoicism, the foremost popular philosophy among the educated elite in the Hellenistic world and the Roman Empire.  Do you see the similarities, and would you agree that the so-called "educated Elite" of our day have successfully made idols of themselves?
     Paul found himself being challenged on how to open up a dialogue, or communicate, with these philosophies that were at odds with Christianity.  Epicureanism was embodied in the belief that "pleasure" was the greatest good, and that the way to attain such pleasure was to live modestly, to gain knowledge of the workings of the world, and to limit one's desires.  Followers were religious skeptics, professing doubt in divine intervention or heavenly authority.  Stoics maintained that it is virtuous to live a good life and maintain a will that is in accord with nature; that the way a person lived their life was the best indicator of his goodness... A Stoic would change his will to suit the world and remain, in the words of Epictetus, a Stoic philosopher, "sick and yet happy, in peril and yet happy, dying and yet happy, in exile and happy, in disgrace and happy."
     As one can see, these philosophies put the emphasis on man and his will and efforts.  There was no consideration of the One who created them!  We can likewise see that same idolatrous fixation on the ideologies of Materialism, Individualism, Relativism, and Secularism -- all of which have become idols of behavior in our culture.  It was no different in Paul's day!  But evidently, Paul was able to converse with any segment of the population. Why can't we become like Paul, and as alert, thinking, sensitive, concerned, discerning Christians, challenge ourselves to confront our culture in all of its diversity and pluralism?  I will admit that it is easier to converse with those who are like-minded, but that is not our only responsibility.  We must learn how to coexist with people who are different than us, and accept the challenge that Paul did in the city of Corinth ... that we might win more of them for the Kingdom of God.
     Yes, it is reported that Evangelicals were largely responsible for the shift in direction that our recent Presidential election seems to be indicating for our country and our culture.  But we've got to do more than show up at the ballot box every four years.  That alone will not influence our culture.  Shouldn't we be trying to find the "points of understanding", or the common ground, and build from there?  We must not isolate ourselves out of a spirit of arrogance or repulsion -- or even in orchestrated disapproval -- but insert ourselves into the culture, so that we might imitate Jesus and make Him known among the idolators.  I suspect that just like Paul (in Acts 17:32-34), we will at first be mocked or sneered at; then there will be those who will say "tell us more"; until finally some might join us and believe.
     We must be fully prepared for God to be rejected, but equally prepared to share more of Him when asked; and ultimately we can hope to rejoice when the seeds we've planted fall on fertile soil.  I know that's hard to imagine as we watch the coverage of the angry people in the streets and the continuous bashing of our Christian principles by the idol-worshippers in our land. But in the end, I think it is incumbent upon we Christians to have a change of attitude about our culture.  Instead of viewing it as an enemy that we must battle or defeat, maybe we should see the culture as a means [or a vehicle] to be used by Him and His people for His purposes.
     As we watch the continuing coverage of the animosity and anger in our culture, we see what a challenge there is before us.  But it is no different than the challenge Jesus faced as He confronted the culture in His homeland, or the challenge that Paul and the other Apostles faced as they engaged the cultures of the ancient world.  The question becomes this ... can we have the same impact they did?  We certainly have the advantage of reaching more people, quicker and more creatively, than they did.  But in the end, perhaps it is the simple knowledge of the Power of the Word -- the Word that speaks of true Liberty, Forgiveness and Repentance -- that is the most effective.
     Are we up to the challenge?  Or has our culture convinced us to be silent, insignificant, and powerless?  That is now how Paul and the other Disciples of Jesus dealt with their cultures.  Hear me! There is a profound truth that we must face in our present day and culture ... yes, we are confronted with a daunting challenge, but we know that greater challenges await us in these Last Days!  Now is the time to prepare for those greater challenges, and we need to learn how to trust God and to draw on His strength in this present challenge, in order that we might be strengthened spiritually, mentally, and emotionally for the greater challenges to come.  As the Bible tells us, a perverse culture is going to be the least of our problems!

Jeremiah 12:5    "If you have raced with runners and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in a peaceful land, what will you do in the thickets of the Jordan?"


November 14, 2016

What Now? How Do We Move Forward?

     It has been nearly a week since our national election and there seems to be a concerted effort to continuously promote division amongst our populace.  It's as if a powerful "force" is determined to create rivalry, bitterness, and hostility between us.  We can point to outside agitators, but we know who that "force" really is, don't we?  And I believe that the animosity we are seeing here in our nation, on earth, is mirroring the hostilities that are occurring in heaven between God and His host, and Satan and his followers.
     So, how are we to react, and what are our responsibilities?  I think I can sum it up by sharing an interesting experience I enjoyed this past weekend.  I have told you that my husband is an artist and part of our business is to exhibit his art at various shows and events.  He is primarily a Western artist, but every once in awhile, he is inspired to paint a different subject matter.
      As to be expected, there is always a cross-section of people who enjoy the arts.  They are not classified by political ideology, race or ethnicity, or whether they share religious beliefs or not.  In fact, we try to receive all people on an identical footing, with the idea that we are disciples of Christ, wherever we find ourselves.
"Yeshua" - My husband's comment on the painting:
"The emotion and impact of the Crucifixion is
stunning and heart-rending. The cut limestone
background and weathered Mexican wood
of the sideboard it rests upon only accentuate
the emotion of this piece.  Dramatic lighting
and the carved stone of the figure of Messiah
are poignant and touch my spirit". 
     That being said, it has been suggested to us, by one of the venues in which we exhibit, that presenting faith-based paintings is probably not a good idea because the public isn't interested in seeing them.  Of course, that doesn't deter my husband, who will not deny the glorification of our Lord because someone doesn't accept Him, or it makes them uncomfortable.  And, often, they are the first paintings to sell, because they strike an emotional chord in someone who loves Him as much as we do.
     Another artist who attended our opening was a photographer who had the same experience.  Likewise, she was advised not to enter a moving photograph in a contest because it featured an image of an open Bible through the window of an old church, with the panes casting a shadow of the cross across the wooden floor.  That photograph was very emotional and she received several orders for it.
     I relate all this to illustrate how easily the Enemy tries to convince us that our message of Christ is unwanted, unwelcome, and uninspiring.  And I believe that is the message that is being encouraged in the wake of this contentious election.  But, I believe just the opposite is true!  Right now, our nation needs the hope that Jesus inspires in those of us who are His disciples.  And it's taken me a bit to get to my point, but here it is .... Now is the time for us to live out what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ.  And exactly what does that mean and how do we do it?
     First of all, a careful study in Strong's Concordance tells me that to be a disciple of Jesus is to follow His teachings.  That means more than to be His student or pupil, but to be an upholder, a defender, and a true believer in Jesus.  In other words, it is our faith accompanied by action; to be an imitator of Christ within our spheres of influence.
      Very simply put, we need to show our nation -- and the world -- that we have faith in Jesus's message; that we live and love according to His holy principles; and above all, to show them what a life abiding in Christ looks like.  We are not nasty, racist, homophobic, misogynist, sexist haters.  In fact, we are honorable and moral people who will accept you even if you don't accept us.  We won't hate you for your sins, because we know what it is to be a sinner.  By exhibiting what it's like to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, we hope to show you Someone greater to believe in than yourself or the shiny temptations of the world.
     Don't get me wrong, we would love nothing more than to create a curiosity in others about the peace we find in the midst of all this discord and disharmony.  We want to share our testimony and tell you how we've been able to endure the difficulties and struggles in our lives; how and why we don't covet money, or prestige, or possessions.  We want to share the Source of why we are moved to paint, or photograph, or write about the One who defines our life.  Yes, I will admit that I want to teach you about Him, so that you might love Him as much as I do.  But I want to do that by showing you what it's like to serve others, to put others first, and to seek  Him above all things worldly.
     Those are attitudes that have been missing in our national discourse, and no elected official is going to be able to legislate Discipleship.  True discipleship comes from being a committed follower of Jesus, imitating Him in how we treat others, and adhering to His commandment to be the Light of the world.  There will be those who will respond to us, and those who will reject us.  We mustn't concern ourselves with the job of convincing people to accept us.  We must live our lives as examples of Christ, and let the Holy Spirit convict those He will.  So, in the intense and impassioned days ahead, do not lose your focus, nor turn aside from your responsibility as a Disciple of Christ.  Let not the world discourage you nor dissuade you from your purpose… because they will certainly try.  Just remember that we are equipped to carry on as His witnesses ... and our nation needs our example.

John 15:8    "By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be My disciples."