A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Biblical knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biblical knowledge. Show all posts

August 26, 2024

Why "Blurry Creatures" Sharpens Understanding of Our Supernatural Bible

Get ready for a highly interesting and fascinating discussion on the part of our faith that is rarely studied and only occasionally discussed. Unfortunately, Religion has stifled or suppressed this vital part of our faith experience, and the Body of Christ has been left to experience it in silence, and oftentimes, fear. I'm talking about the supernatural and its close companion, the paranormal.

You may be asking, "Why is this necessary? I know I am washed in the Blood of Jesus, I am Saved and Redeemed and looking forward to Eternity with my Lord in Heaven. Why do I need to consider these fringe topics?" To begin, Father God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit are supernatural! They are above, beyond, and far greater than anything that is called natural; they are immortal and invisible; they are super-natural. Secondly, the Bible records supernatural beings throughout its history: Behemoth, Leviathan, Angels, Demons, Nephilim, the Repha'im, the cherubim, Ezekiel's wheel, etc. In addition, the Bible tells us of the future supernatural beings that will appear at the end of the ages: the demonic scorpion-like locusts in Chapter 9 of the Book of Revelation, and the Red Dragon in Chapter 12. 

If you call yourself a true Christian, then you know the Bible is not just a storybook. It is the Word of Truth and Spirit. It verifies that the Supernatural plays an important part in our faith. Our culture will say that the Supernatural is essentially all phenomena that are based on religious perspectives. They will say that the Paranormal is almost any other phenomena that is not explained by science. So can you see that there is an attempt to distract us by creating an argument pitting religion against science? But if you have a personal relationship with Jesus [a heart vs head connection], then you know that the supernatural is real; you have experienced it and no amount of intellectual obfuscation will convince you otherwise.

I find it regrettable that "the Church" has stifled any curiosity or scrutiny into the supernatural history of the Bible -- which could serve to provide more testimony and confirmation of the greatness of our God. How much more powerful could our influence in the world be if we knew the fullness of Whose image we are made in? And that brings me to one of the first times I realized how this constraint has harmed our recent generations who have grown up in the "technological age." My husband, Mark, and I served at the Fisher House [a comfort home at Fort Sam Houston for military veterans and their families, while they are recovering in the hospital]. The Army Chaplain shared that the young soldiers began to disappear from his Bible study teachings. When he asked them why, they said that Odinism [the worship of Odin, Thor, and the Nordic "warrior" gods], and the Islam and Wicca religions were more exciting and adventurous than the Bible. Christianity had white-washed its history, rendering it "boring" to these young men and women in our military! In truth, it is anything but boring! 

But, now there is a new podcast that is beginning to change that dynamic, and it is exciting the hearts and minds of both our young and more mature generations. It's called "Blurry Creatures", and is the genius of Nathan Henry and Lukas Rodgers, who in their own words "explore the mysteries surrounding creatures on the fringe. [They] look into the depth of the unknown through a biblical lens. This takes them  down the trail of Bigfoot, Ancient Giants, the Nephilim, alternative history, and the sightings of beings that haven't yet been proven to exist. [They] are out to find better answers for the questions surrounding these." 

They ask the questions and let the experts tell them their opinions. Some of their guests have included the late Dr. Michael Heiser, an Old Testament scholar with training in ancient history, Semitic languages, and the Hebrew Bible; Gary Wayne, author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy;  and Dr. Douglas Hamp, researcher and pastor, with an M.A. in "the Bible and its World" from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Some of the titles of episodes include The 12 Stones/Urim and Thummin by Dr. Doug Bookman; The Book of Enoch with Timothy Alverino; The Tower of Babel with Dr. Judd Burton; and Territorial Spirits with Dr. Joel Muddamalle.  

As you can see, the podcast explores topics and questions outside the range of our modern Western Churches. One of the most interesting episodes I listened to recently shared the history and the treasure-trove of documents left by the Essene sect of Judaism in the caves of Qumran, around 100 BC. These documents have become known as the Dead Sea Scrolls. I listened, transfixed by what was being revealed about the Essenes, the scrolls, and the reasons those documents were hidden. I've always said that everything in the Bible is true and points to Jesus... but everything about Biblical history and our God is not in the Bible; it would be so many volumes that there aren't enough libraries to hold all that history. So, anytime I can read or listen to learned men and women who authentically love the Lord and want to share more of His character, Spirit, nature, and supernatural accomplishments, I'm all in. 

Of course, it is incumbent upon us all to discern the spirits of those who bring us the information. Admittedly, some of it is for entertainment, and is not trying to be declared Biblical, but I have found that everything on this podcast is meant to seek answers that enlarge and expand our desire for more knowledge about this supernatural world we live in; whether we can attribute it to the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of darkness. And I have been delighted to see middle age men receive a curiosity about things of the Bible; things they never would have considered before this podcast ... for example, how the apocryphal books [many of which were once included in the Bible] are answering some of their questions that have long gone unanswered by their Church. It's like watching a child get excited about learning for the first time! And it's opening up discussions about the vastness and greatness of God's character; it's growing their faith and their understanding of the majesty and glory of God. They are realizing they don't have to rely on the Vatican or the Smithsonian to give them their interpretation of the answers. They can actually begin to do their own research by going to the Bible themselves. This podcast is creating a fountain of love for the Word in hearts that were dry and thirsty.  

Then there is the 16-year-old home-schooled young man who wants to go on to study history, majoring in Biblical history. Blurry Creatures can ignite some areas he may want to investigate and explore. I think the real value of this podcast lies in the demeanor of the hosts who created it ... by "letting the Bible say what it says", or letting the Book of Enoch "say what it says" -- without putting their personal slant on it, they are encouraging people to search out their own answers in the best resource possible ... their Bibles. The podcast gives people a place to go; people who know there is more than what their denominational theology has taught. They can listen to an unbiased rendition of facts, and then take that back to their Bible to let the Book and the Holy Spirit reveal more of God's Truth. 

The popularity of Blurry Creatures exposed the huge vacuum of unanswered questions that Church-goers had. Imagine if Church leaders had invited this forum into their churches to present some of these topics. Think how they could have taken advantage of the curiosity and the questions that would arise and led their memberships back to the Bible for the answers. And yes, there are topics out there on the periphery that qualify as "fringe"; topics about exorcisms, gray aliens, reptilians, and the hive mind. But these are all topics that people, young and old, are talking about. And Blurry Creatures brings in the experts to examine them and you'd be surprised how many of them are actually alluded to in the Bible.

My final comment on this topic is that I'm sure there will be those who will not consider this blog as appropriate for Christian consideration. It will probably be seen as blasphemous by more than a few. But, just like Jesus, I'm not afraid to confront those biases, and I am grateful for the free will that God has given everyone to decide for themselves. If it's not for you, that's fine; there is absolutely no judgment or pressure on my part. But if you decide to give it a listen, all I can say is Welcome to the Blurryverse! I hope that you find answers to some of your questions and if you do, I give all the glory to God!

Proverbs 25:2     It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, and the glory of kings to search it out. 

April 9, 2024

It's Darkest Just Before the Dawn ... The Thoughts of a Modern Watchman

This is somewhat of a personal post. I hesitate to even share my thoughts because they come from my position as one of God's Watchmen on the Wall. Actually, both my husband and I have been called to that position -- and it is not one that comes with any kind of accolades or acclaim. In reality, it is not an enviable calling because first of all, many Christians do not recognize the need nor the responsibilities -- and let me be honest -- the burden of being a Watchman on the Wall. Secondly, a Watchman is not commonly understood in the Western Church today. For most, it has an Old Testament connotation. And just like those Old Testament Watchmen, we modern ones are just as much ignored and misunderstood. But, without any rancor or spite, I would like to say that what God shows us as we look out into the darkness is just as important and significant today as it was thousands of years ago. 

Most people have seen enough movies or read enough historical books to have an idea of what a Watchman is all about. Whether on the walls of Fort Carson in the Old West, the tower of a castle in Medieval Europe, or the high barrier walls of King David's Palace, there was a Watchman stationed on the wall. His job was to stand guard and look out upon the land, watching for messengers, any hint of danger or movement by an enemy, and then to warn those within his sphere. The Hebrew word for "watchman" is tsaphah, and it means to overlay [serve as a covering], to observe, to spy, to keep watch, and ultimately to give warning of what they see.

The Biblical importance of being called to be a Watchman for God is not without consequences, and should not be taken lightly. The primary Scripture that everyone thinks of is Ezekiel 33 from the Old Testament, but make no mistake, it applies to every Watchman in every age. It reads: So you, son of man, I have made a watchman for the house of Israel. Whenever you hear a word from My mouth, you shall give them warning from Me.  If I say to the wicked, O wicked one, you shall surely die, and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his way, that wicked person shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.  But if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, that person shall die in his iniquity, but you will have delivered your soul (Ezekiel 33: 7-9). So, I hope you understand ... I HAVE to share what my spirit is shown.

We are familiar with the men called by God in the Old Testament to be Watchmen for His people Israel: Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah come to mind. They were men who had the responsibility to share with the people what they saw coming upon the nation. Sometimes, they were successful in waking the people up to repent for their erring ways, thus avoiding God's judgment through the actions of other men. More often than not, they were ignored and the people suffered greatly for clinging to their iniquity and rebellion. And because of their rebellious ways, God spoke through His Watchmen, and the message they delivered was, more often than not, negative. And believe me, it is not fun to be the one giving those warnings.

Modern Watchmen don't find it any easier than their ancient counterparts. God gives us the Bible to counsel us; to educate us in His ways; to show His Glory; to help us learn from His history; and to "connect the dots", so to speak between what He revealed to generations past and what He is unveiling today. Remember, His Character and His Ways never change -- the purpose of the prophecies He spoke thousands of years ago were warnings to return to Him. The same holds true for us. The names may have changed, but the results of disobedience remain the same. 

So, just as Jeremiah was looking for trouble on the horizon of his day, and warning the people to repent and change their ways, so do those of us who have been given discernment as to our own situation. We try to warn those of faith [and the lost[ that trouble is headed our way. But we often receive the same reaction -- no one wants to hear bad news, and you get a reputation for always being negative. "Why don't you ever talk about the Good News"?, they'll say. "Victory is ours! We win in the end"! Yes, that is true. But we may have some hard times before we get to that promised victory; especially if our leaders and the nation continue in rebelling against God's laws. And just because I am saved and try to live a righteous life, it does not mean that I won't suffer from God's judgment against the nation.

Right now, no one can deny that the whole world sits on the edge of war. So much blood has been spilled -- in battles; ritualistically; and through abortions, trafficking, and violence in the streets. And while it looks pitch black, like the dead of night, from the wall where I stand watch, I want to assure you that I DO SEE THE HOPE OF THE DAWN. The darker it gets, I know the dawn is still on the way! I do see people beginning to stand up and shake off the false sense of security that their normalcy bias affords them, and begin to turn to Scripture for the hope it offers in the midst of this chaos and darkness. Hallelujah!

Yes, we're in the middle of a battle for the future of our nation and the futures of our coming generations. But I know, in the deepest recesses of my soul, that we don't fight alone. The battle is the Lord's and He goes before us. He stands watch over us from Heaven, and if not, then my calling is in vain. But He has given me a part to play; and my job is to keep watch and tell the truth -- no matter how unpleasant and troublesome -- so that my fellow believers will not be caught off-guard and unawares [should the prophecies of the Bible come upon us in this generation. 

And I earnestly pray that what my spirit discerns does not materialize in our lifetimes. Furthermore, part of my position as Watchman is to prepare and encourage people to endure and persevere. So, while Watchmen are often accused of painting a picture of "doom and gloom", if you listen closely, the heart of our warnings is the blessed hope we have of the Lord's return. If we can help anyone avoid the "falling away" that the Bible prophesies, by strengthening their spiritual vision of the world and their faith, and fully living in the truth that this is not our home, then we are fulfilling our mission. Without a doubt, it seems as if things are getting darker -- but that only means that the Light of this world is nearer than He's ever been! Get ready for the appearance of our great God and Savior!

Ezekiel 33:3-4   ... and if he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the people, then if anyone who hears the sound of the trumpet does not take warning, and the sword comes and takes him away, his blood shall be upon his own head. 


February 27, 2024

What Do You Know About the Book of Revelation?

I ask the question above for the simple reason that so many Christians know nothing of this important prophetical Book of the Bible. Actually, they know very little about any of the prophecies that are revealed in it! Throughout my years of Biblical study, I have often  been surprised at how few Christians study this Book, and it has become obvious to me that Satan has closed the eyes, minds, and hearts of the Body of Christ to receive the revelations it contains. 

I have heard so many reasons why it is discounted. But here is a short summary of the four most prominent reasons sited by theologians: 1) The Idealist view believes Revelation is not to be believed as a presentation of actual events that will occur, but rather as symbolically representing the struggles that Christians will have throughout the ages; it simply presents Biblical themes. 2) The Book of Revelation is looking at events in the past. Everything it prophecies took place with the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD, and we are now living in the age of the new heaven and new earth. This is called the Preterist view. 3) The Book of Revelation is a symbolic presentation of the course of history from the Apostle's life through the end of the age. But this view, known as the Historicist view, finds that those who adopt this view usually interpret the Scripture through the lens of their own period in world history, thus resulting in lots of variations, depending on the generation in which you live. 4) Then there is the Futurist view, which teaches that the Book of Revelation reveals prophecies that will occur in the future. This view does not discount the symbolism or spiritual truths presented in the language of the Book, but applies a literal interpretation, based on the meaning of the language at the time of the prophecies. 

And of course, on top of the various views and interpretations, the different denominations that comprise "The Church" all have their own reasons for ignoring the Book of Revelation. All this disagreement results in a divided and oftentimes hostile environment among Believers, which further separates the Body of Christ from a deeper relationship with God. And Satan is clapping his hands in delight! But, as we increasingly see the prophecies of this amazing Book of the Bible come into view, I'd like to give you just a couple of things to think about.

To begin with, the very first sentence says, The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His servants the things that must soon take place. If we say we believe that the Bible is truth, then we cannot ignore that this is the revelation of Jesus, Himself! Some have mistakenly seen it as the revelation of the Apostle John, as if he might possibly have dreamed it, or the prophecies are of his own making or understanding. But the Bible clearly states that Jesus sent an angel to John to record everything he was about to see, and to write it down in a book and share it with the  specifically-named seven churches that Jesus commands. 

This is where Christians must develop their own Biblical worldview. And that takes time and study. But if it is important to you to fully know our God [who created us] and His Son, through the Holy Spirit, you will be drawn to spend the time and seek Biblical knowledge with all your heart. But, sadly, as it too often appears, our society and culture are all about instant gratification and instant answers. We are too easily distracted by everything that swirls around us, and unfortunately, we oftentimes make God a last priority. This results in our lack of knowledge about Him, the world, and the spiritual reality of a real Enemy who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. And so we are perishing in a self-centered demise of our own making.

And because we don't know that the Book of Revelation is Jesus's prophecies to prepare us for what He knows is coming in this battle between Good and Evil, we don't think it has anything to offer us for today. Furthermore, because of our failure to engage with the Bible and seek revelation through the Holy Spirit, we're afraid we won't understand it ... so why bother. But perhaps the biggest reason Christians ignore this last Book in the Bible is because it scares us. We've heard bits and pieces from other Believers [and also false teachers and prophets] that it predicts horrific persecution and world events, and the world is scary enough right now, in this moment. Even if we stay rooted in our "normalcy bias", there is a part of us that is afraid it might reveal the end of the earth and it's just too much to bear.   

But I would like to offer you a word of encouragement! No matter what your belief system is based on, if you call yourself a Christian and believe He died for your sins and went to Heaven to prepare a place for us, then you believe that He is coming again. The Book of Revelation is the voice of Jesus telling us what to expect regarding that future event. You've more than likely read [or heard] what Jesus has to say about His return in the future in Matthew 23 and 24. If you can believe that, then you should know that Jesus would not lead you astray as He reveals more details about those prophecies. Yes, He tells us the world will be full of evil, famines, wars, plagues, and an Anti-Christ figure that will seek to dominate the whole world under his Beast system.

I agree, all that sounds really scary. But if you know and understand who our God is, and who we are in Him, then you will rejoice at the positive things the Book of Revelation reveals to help us persevere through those trials. There will be a resurrection of the dead [just as Jesus experienced] and we will stand before Him to receive our inheritance for how well we stewarded the Kingdom He left us. We will then live with Him eternally, ruling and reigning with Him. That is why God gave us the promises of eternal life for those who believe in His Son; promises of hope and strength in the Might of the Lord! There is more Good News in the promise that there will be a righteous judgment against those who rejected Him and His ways; a judgment against the ungodly and evil men throughout history. You see, Jesus gave us the Book of Revelation, not only to prepare us, but to reward our faithfulness with a clear picture of His victory over the final attempts of Satan and his fallen angels to defeat us. And His victory will be our victory!

So, now I ask you ... don't you think understanding what Jesus revealed to us in God's Word [for our own benefit and well-being] is worth the time to read? Whether or not we are in those final days, there is much wisdom in the Book of Revelation that will train us up for the battle to come. We need not fear it! And I urge the silent Pastors to do their job and equip and train their flocks to be on the front line to overcome the Man of Lawlessness who is knocking at the door. It is time to remove the dirty veil from before your eyes. Seize the opportunity, while we still have time, to see Jesus's prophecies coming into view, and get prepared. Get excited! Suit up in your spiritual armor, and don your weapons of spiritual warfare! Be bold and share the truth as Jesus connects the dots for you. And be ready, for He will make all things new! 

I don't know about you, but I want to be prepared for that day we see Jesus coming on the clouds, and I want to fulfill my purpose in those last days when Evil will be revealed and defeated before the whole world, and the righteous saints greet our God who will dwell with us forever! Come, Lord Jesus!

Revelation 1:3    Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near".