Consider this... Only those who choose to be blinded can ignore what is coming upon the earth. And it is hard for me to pretend that anything else is on my radar. Not only is Covid rearing its ugly head again in my community, but there is now a report that a man in New Mexico has died of Bubonic plague. The growing threat of Isis is back in Afghanistan. We see the explosion of crime and hatred across our country every night on TV. Nations are rising against nation; and the earth is being robbed of peace and stability. And that isn't even considering all the things that are happening in the earth, including floods, unprecedented and unusual weather events; plus volcanoes, earthquakes, and strange objects in the skies.
NOTE: The above paragraph is reminiscent of a blog post I wrote in 2014! Here we are ten years later, and I have to ask ... are you more or less aware than you were then? And I'm primarily talking to Christians because it is our responsibility as representatives of Heaven [here on earth] to not only defend the faith in Jesus Christ, but to expand it and spread the Good News. And what is that News? It is this: Salvation [and eternal life] is available through faith in Jesus, but also the Good News that entrance into His Kingdom [which He brought with Him] brings power and authority to defeat the wickedness and evil that is in the kingdom of darkness that Satan controls here on earth. We need to understand that Salvation is the first step, and there's more for us to do!
That "doing" requires that we be aware of what we are facing! So, let me ask you another question or two ... are you the kind of Christian that just reads the Psalms that proclaim the love, mercy, grace, and victory that are part of our relationship with the Lord? Nothing wrong with that! We should be aware of His heart towards us, so that we can model that to others. That, too, is part of our purpose as His representatives; to help others come to their faith and salvation. But once they're saved, we need to encourage them that there is more.
I would submit to you that Matthew 23 and 24 are well-known to faithful Christians. In these important chapters at the end of the Book of Matthew, Jesus begins warning His followers of what is to come. He warns against the distortion [of His Father's will] that Religion can bring, and the judgment that will come to the "self-righteous religious leaders and hypocrites, because they shut off the kingdom of heaven in front of people; for they do not enter themselves, nor do they allow those who are [in the process of] entering to do so" (Matthew 23:13).
Jesus then continues delivering the remainder of His eight Woes against that generation of religious leaders for being fools and spiritually blind guides; for being prideful in their positions and not revealing the full counsel of God -- both His Mercy and His Judgment. At that time in history, He is lamenting over Jerusalem, who will be ransacked and left desolate; abandoned by God and destitute of His protection because the leaders of the Jewish faith have not carried out their purpose of equipping the people to walk in the full knowledge of God and their purpose, according to His will (Matthew 23:37-39).
So, just think how He must be lamenting over us! Our political leaders and our religious leaders have fallen down on their duties to us. And we have fallen in our responsibilities and duties as Christians to the Kingdom of God! Jesus very clearly tells His followers in that first century -- and us in the 21st! -- that He has a warning of "perilous times" times that will come upon the world; especially those who believe in Him. We are all familiar with the signs of the End Times in Matthew 24. And I know that there are many Christians who are suffering emotional overload with the ceaseless warnings of doomsday prophets; and many live in fear, so they just can't look at it.
But as Christians we can't ignore what Jesus wants us to know. And I would like to share this quote from an article I read in the Wisconsin Christian News, titled There's Bo Excuse For Being Clueless: "Christians, especially, should never be ignorant of the devil's devices, and should always be the most informed and well-equipped of all, in order to be able to explain to others all that is really going on, along with the real hope we have in Christ". And here's my thoughts on this subject ... those who ignore the signs of the End Times do so at their own peril ... remember "My people perish [are destroyed] for the lack of knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). Refusing to look at the signs or be aware of them is exactly what the devil wants you to do! And guess what? You'll never see the devil's destruction coming!
But don't take my word for how important it is to be aware and knowledgeable about what is going on in our world. Let Jesus tell you, Himself, from John, Chapter 16 ... I have told you these things so that you will not stumble or be caught off guard and fall away (John 16:1) ... I have told you these things [now], so that when their time comes, you will remember that I told you about them (John 16:4) ... I have told you these things in figurative language (veiled language, proverbs); the hour is now coming when I will no longer speak to you in figures of speech, but I will tell you plainly about the Father (John 16:25) ... I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have (perfect) peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous (be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy); I have overcome the world. (My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding).
I think it goes without saying that we are living in times that many of us are not prepared for. But we can't say that we've had no warning. Jesus clearly told those "with ears to hear and eyes to see" that these times would one day come. If you are among those who have chosen to ignore the warnings or chosen not to see because of doubt and unbelief, or fear, then I want to encourage you to revisit your Bible and receive Jesus's instructions on how we should live out these days; what to do in the face of spiritual and physical warfare; how to lead others to Him; and how to overcome our Enemy for the sake of God's Kingdom. Rest and rely on the wisdom of Jesus and the Helper He has sent us to be victorious.
Jesus told His disciples in those days, I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear [to hear] them now. I believe that time has now come ... that we must learn to bear it, because I believe He is now beginning to reveal to His true Remnant what is coming. We are beginning to see clearly what He foretold 2000 years ago, and we are feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth. Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will guide us into the full and complete truth of God, disclosing to us what is to come [in the future]. And I bear witness to the dreams and visions that His Remnant are experiencing and they mirror the warnings given by our Lord in Matthew 24 and John 16.
So, it is time that we all come out of our slumbering ignorance, get past our fears, and prepare for what is coming. I can tell you that hiding out in Religion is not going to spare you from what Jesus told you is going to happen in the world. Jesus told His disciples that the time would come when they would all scatter and leave Him alone. He knew that He was going to suffer, but He declared, And yet, I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. Do you know -- really know -- that holds true for us, too? Are you prepared to believe Him and all His promises?
John 16:15 All things that the Father has are Mine. Because of this I said that He [the Holy Spirit] will take from what is Mine and reveal it to you.