A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

November 17, 2023

Understanding the AntiChrist and What the Bible Reveals About Him

In my last post, I wrote about the warning signs that the Lord has given us to prepare for the tribulation and the appearance of the Antichrist on the earth. Who is the Antichrist and does the Bible mention him? First of all the word simply means "against Christ". The primary attributes are "one who denies the Father and the Son; who does not acknowledge Jesus as the Son of God; and denies that Jesus (as the Son of God) came in the flesh". There are several references, both in the Old and New Testaments, although he's not always called antichrist. Here are just a few of the credentials the Bible ascribes to him...

2 Thessalonians 2:3    Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and #the man of lawlessness is revealed, #the son of destruction.

Matthew 24:23-24    Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. For #false christs and #false prophets will arise and perform great #signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.

1 John 2:22    Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is #the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.

1 John 4:2-3    By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is #the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already.

As I hope you can discern, the Bible is not talking about some supernatural, apocalyptic creature, but most likely a man who is demonized by Satan to carry out his directives against mankind in order to win the battle between the Kingdom of God and Satan's kingdom of darkness. In fact, the #little horn" in Daniel 7, and "#the Beast" and "the false prophet" of Revelation 13, are representative descriptions of the Antichrist. When the Beast is described as coming up out of #"the sea", that is a euphemism for coming out of the people. 

Look what Revelation 13:18 tells us: This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast [the Antichrist and his False Prophet], for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666. Have you ever wondered what the significance of that number is: Consider the footnote for this Scripture, which says, "Regardless of the earthly power of the two beasts (the demonically controlled Antichrist/dictator and his false prophet) described in this verse, they and their mentor, Satan, fall far short of the power, perfection, and majesty of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, whose perfection is represented biblically by the number 7, thus rendering their combined number as 777. Man's number falls short and the Beast, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet are represented as #666.

So, why is it important to know and understand the references to this prophesied man who will do Satan's bidding in #the End Times?  I'd like to share the revelations of the late #Russ Dizdar, a relentless pastor for the Lord; a man who came out of Satanic cults to boldly expound on and dissect Satan's strategies. He was a victim of the Covid pandemic, but will long be remembered for shining God's Light on how Satan operated. In 2015, I heard his podcast on what he called  "The Six Points of Satanic Synchronization", or the ways in which Satan is setting the stage for the appearance of the Anti-Christ.  You may or may not agree with his ministry or his theory, but you cannot deny that the following points make a whole lot of sense.

Point One - Destablization of the World.  Chaos seems to happen no matter how hard we humans try to stop it; it just keeps coming. For the last year we have seen it in the Russia/Ukraine war, and are now seeing it in the Israel/Hamas War, and the threats of global involvement. Race relations in this country do not have to keep being pushed and prodded. What is the purpose of releasing the latest video of police shootings one year after the crimes?  Situations keep arising, as if bidden from some controlling dark force, and our society continues to fall apart, no matter how much we throw at trying to solve the problems. We see it happening in the border crisis, which is spilling over into our own communities and throughout the nations.

Point Two - Instigation.  This is an extension of Point One.  The purpose is to create chaos, disharmony, friction, division, and war.  If it is not happening in the natural world, then spiritual forces will initiate and launch an attack on behalf of the Enemy. Think of the jab. Think of Hamas. 

Point Three - Dismantle.  The goal is to dismantle current systems -- militarily, politically, economically, and spiritually; to tear them apart; to tear them down; and to replace them with satanically-influenced substitutes. Sadly, that includes Religion and the Church. Can you deny that it is all happening?

Point Four - Crisis upon Crisis.  This tactic is like chopping down a tree... continually striking until the world system comes down; defeating it blow by blow until Point Five occurs. 

Point Five - Weaken.  After the world suffers continual destabilization, instigation, dismantling, crisis upon crisis, it will become weakened. The will and resolve of the peoples of the world will be devastated and they will turn to drugs, alcohol, and any other method to numb the pain. Hopelessness is the ultimate goal. I would say that we're in the midst of this process, and we have to be blind not to see it. 

Point Six - The Final Result is Diminished Capacity.  Mankind will be unable to resist the onslaught of the Anti-Christ and his forces -- unless we call upon the strength and the power of Jesus Christ! We must come to the conclusion that we cannot think or build our way out of this mess on our own; and Politics is not the answer. The Savior and The Cross are the only way out.

And that is the ultimate message we must take away from this understanding and knowledge.  The Antichrist will be the visible manifestation of the dark side and he will need to utilize all the strategies that Satan shows him.  But we must remember that the power of Christ in us is greater than anything Satan and the Antichrist can throw at us. And we can call on the Lord to give us a visible manifestation of His authority and power on the earth, and that will give us the Hope and Endurance that will be necessary to battle in the Spirit and persevere in our victory!

That word, Antichrist, can strike terror in the hearts of men, but we must remember that at his core he is a deceiver; a godless man who has allied himself with Satan to receive all the false promises with which the devil tempted Jesus ... that he would control everything on the earth; that his demonic forces would protect him; and that  Satan would give him the glory, magnificence, splendor, and excellence of all the kingdoms of the world -- IF he [the Antichrist; the man who denied Jesus as the Son of God] would fall down and worship him, the devil. 

We must understand that there have been many Antichrists [unholy, ungodly, blasphemous men] that Satan has used throughout the history of the world to promote and advance his kingdom of darkness. I invite you to read the Amplified version of #Daniel 11 to see who God reveals in the Bible as some of these historic figures. And within modern times, men like #Hitler, #Pol Pot, and #Mao have met the qualifications of Satan's right-hand man. 

In summary, I do not pretend to know when this Biblical figure will appear, or who he might be. But I believe everything the Word reveals about him. And I do not live in fear of what he will bring on the earth. The Bible tells us what to expect and I am making myself ready to discern [in my spirit] when it's time to awaken to the reality of the Antichrist, and step into the realm that is Jesus and the battle plan He has prepared for us. Remember: the Name of the Lord is a strong tower; the Righteous run into it [Him!] and are safe! And in the proper time, He will go before us into battle and His victory!!

#manoflawlessness #sonofdestruction #antichrist #antichristspirit #falsechrists #falseprophets #signsandwonders #thebeast #thelittehorn #666 #theendtimes #biblicalprophecies #thebible #daniel11 #revelation13 #satansstrategies #therebellion

Daniel 8:25.  And through his shrewdness he will cause deceit to succeed by his hand (influence); he will magnify himself in his mind, he will corrupt and destroy many who enjoy a false sense of security. He will also stand up and oppose the Prince of princes, but he will be broken, and that by no human hand [but by the hand of God].


November 14, 2023

For the Sake of The Elect

You can feel it. The fear and anxiety are palpable, as millions of people in America and around the world are beginning to take off their blinders and are discerning the truth of #Biblical prophecy. We all see the storm clouds on the horizon, and it's not hard to recognize that chaos and disorder are on the brink of erupting in all areas of our lives. From the economy to the education of our children; from the instability and destruction at our borders, to the unreliability and quagmire in the halls of Congress, we are a nation [and world] in deep conflict. And we don't just feel the threat from domestic sources. We can sense the anticipation of our foreign enemies as they seek to take advantage of our internal turmoil. We are on the verge of #lawlessness and collapse. 

We, who are discerning correctly, know the time that is at hand and what we are seeing; we recognize the times and seasons we are experiencing. But the truth is that the #Antichrist doesn't want us to know the times and seasons as attested to in Daniel 7:25, "He will speak words against the Most High [God] and wear down the saints of the Most High, and he will intend to change the times and the law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, [two] times, and half a time [three and one-half years]".

We all recognize this familiar Scripture as describing the #Tribulation, which according to the Bible, will be a seven-year period in which the hand of God is removed from a world that has rejected Him for so long -- which results in the Anti-Christ and his agenda of evil which will reign down on the just and the unjust. [NOTE: Remember, we still have hope ... "And if those days [of tribulation] had not been cut short, no human life would be saved; but for the sake of the elect (God’s chosen ones) those days will be shortened".] Our God is a righteous Judge, and in the end, Evil will be defeated and His people will be victorious.

But, unfortunately, the Church has not prepared Christ's flock to recognize the tactics of Satan's subordinates so that we might discern #the beginning of sorrows that Jesus spoke about in Matthew 24. For too long, we have been deceived into believing that we will escape the "sorrows". So, that has led the Church to tolerate evil; choosing not take a stand against it; and allowed false teachers and false theology into our midst in the #spirit of compromise and reconciliation. Jesus never taught that! Furthermore, He gave us the actual "signs" to look for, that we might perceive the wickedness that Satan and his Antichrist were preparing in order to keep the restoration of the earth and the reign of Christ, the Messiah, from occurring. 

Jesus told His apostles (and us) that there would be significant signs that those birth pangs, or sorrows, were beginning.  We are to watch for them, so that we will know His return is imminent and we can prepare to endure as we earnestly go about our business of helping the Holy Spirit save as many souls as possible. I know I don't need to remind the faithful of what those signs are, but how many of you have been paying attention to their appearance? Are you seeing them? The first thing Jesus tells His apostles is, "Be careful that no one misleads you [deceiving you and leading you into error]."  I don't know about you, but I feel as though we are seeing Deception on Steroids!  There is cultural deception in sexual identity issues; economic deception among our financial institutions; political deception on all levels by both parties; and spiritual deception in the growth of cult religions, demonic possession and oppression, and false teachings about what we can expect to suffer.   

Secondly, the Lord says that there will be "wars and rumors of wars". I think we can agree that we are past the rumors, at this point. The whole world is about to go over that cliff. He also warns that there will be extreme famine, pestilence, and earthquakes. It is quite apparent that the world's food supply is diminishing. Millions have died from pestilence and disease over the last three years [with more deadly viruses declared for this winter]. And just today, the headlines are full of the news of earthquakes erupting across the globe. Experts warn that volcanic eruptions in Iceland could last for weeks; with 2800 tremors detected in 24 hours. There are warnings that Italy's Mount Etna is on the verge of intense activity, as well as Mt. Fuji in the Pacific. All this points to the warning that when the major volcanos of the world start going active at the same time, the amount of volcanic ash in the atmosphere has serious consequences for the planet's weather conditions. If the sun is blocked out, famine is not far behind. Does anyone else think of Revelation 8:7 ... The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the Lord comes. 

 So why is it important for us to be able to recognize these signs?  If we believe that God is sovereign and there will truly be tribulation before Christ's return, what is the purpose for us to have this knowledge?  I believe it is as Jesus says in John 13:19... From now on I am telling you [what will happen] before it occurs, so that when it does take place you may believe that I am He [who I say I am—the Christ, the Anointed, the Messiah].  I also believe it is so that we may prepare to endure what is coming; be able to witness to those who may fall for the deception; and to speak God's Truth into the Satanic coordination and strategy for End Times events.  What does that look like militarily, politically, and economically -- especially if we think that we are at the beginning of those "sorrows"?

I fear that too many Christians have received an incomplete education within our Western religious institutions. Too many have no knowledge of the period of time in which the Antichrist reigns on the earth, and how that will affect mankind. We've been taught to just wait for the trumpets to sound from Heaven, indicating that Jesus will soon appear in the sky to take us all home. We will escape all "the bad stuff". After all, we've inherited the "Good News" of the Gospel, right? But that is not the whole counsel of God, which is apparent if you are a true student of the Bible. 

So, in my next post, I'd like to share what the Lord has brought to my attention about how Satan is setting the stage for the appearance of the Antichrist. I do not do this to scare you, but to complement what Scripture tells us, so that we might all be able to stand in our #power and authority [without fear] and encourage and exhort all men and women -- both #the Elect and those we will minister to for Salvation and the Kingdom. We need not cower in submission to the Enemy, but be strengthened in the Might of the Lord!

#biblicalprophecy #manoflawlessness #thetribulation #antichrist #endtimes #beginningofsorrows #jacobstrouble #signsoftheendtimes #theendtimes #powerandauthority #theelect #warsandrumorsofwar #thefailureofthechurch #earthquakesinthebible #famineinthebible #wholecounselofgod  

2 Timothy 3:1    But understand this, that in the last days dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come [difficult days that will be hard to bear].        

November 11, 2023

"A Generation Which Ignores History Has No Past and No Future"

The title of this post is a quote by one of the most celebrated and prolific science-fiction writers of our time, Robert Heinlein. Here's what Wikipedia says about him: "Within the framework of his science-fiction stories, Heinlein repeatedly addressed certain social themes: the importance of individual liberty and self-reliance, the nature of sexual relationships, the obligation individuals owe to their societies, the influence of organized religion on culture and government, and the tendency of society to repress nonconformist thought". I agree with his line of reasoning. But to that theme, I would add the importance of knowing and understanding history.

I remember being in total shock after a conversation with a friend who has been a middle school teacher for many years. She was bemoaning the lack of funding for education, and then dropped the bombshell .... when forced to make cuts, her school had mandated the elimination of American history classes from the curriculum. That was in 2012, folks! At the time I thought that money was at the root of this disastrous decision. I was well aware of the 2001 No Child Left Behind (NCLB) legislation that tied student performance to federal funding. The states began evaluating schools through similar federal/state accountability systems that focused on reading and mathematics. Schools with student test scores that did not meet goals established under these systems risked losing federal funds and autonomy. The result was that administrators eliminated history from their curriculum entirely, or reduced it to as little as 30 minutes per week!

It didn't take me long to surmise the real purpose. Under the guise of funding issues, there was a deliberate effort to eliminate the importance of knowing the history of colonial America, the Revolutionary War, the expansion and industrialization of the 19th century, and the Civil War. Since these subjects were generally taught in the lower grades, the only comprehensive history lessons would take place in junior high and high school, where history is concentrated on 20th century history. This was the real agenda! These new educational standards gave the American education system the opportunity to ignore the portion of American history that taught American idealism and values. 

And here's how I experienced that up close and personal... I clearly remember sitting in my freshman history class at a big state university [in 1972], when the teaching assistant [translation: young graduate student] told our class of impressionable college freshmen that he could not, in good conscience, teach anything about American history before 1945 because America was "imperialistic" and "greedy". I remember thinking, "But I love American history; especially early American history". My naive and inexperienced mind couldn't recognize what I can now see as the Progressive mindset of that professor. I can also recall other tirades from his position of influence that broadcast his hatred for capitalism and American greatness. 

The seeds were planted all those years ago in fertile minds, and I'm sure some of those students, or their kids, went on to serve on Education Boards that ultimately set the course for the K-12 education system we see today. Stop for a minute, and just think how quickly [and stealthily] this anti-American mindset crept into the identity of American children. I want you to understand that I am not naive about the reality of who and what America was, and has become. My years of living and experience have taught me that America is far from perfect, and there have always been dishonest and unprincipled men throughout our history. But I also believe in the goodness of America and am proud of our ingenuity and our compassion for those around the world. The fact that amoral and evil men have taken advantage of those qualities, does not eliminate their truth. 

But taking away instruction in our history robs students of more than their past. It hinders their development of critical thinking when they are criticized and censured for a dissenting opinion. They aren't allowed [or encouraged] to develop analytical abilities to evaluate evidence, understand historical perspectives, or other discipline-specific skills, an opinion promoted by the American Historical Association. 

We are now seeing parents waking up to the over-reaching influence that School Boards and teachers are having on this generation of kids. By removing parental consent from the decision-making of what their children are taught, we have reaped an educational system that no longer represents the ideals of America. And removing our history was the first step in restructuring the heart of this nation. Think about it -- if they can deny our kids the historical perspective of how our country dealt with the ratification of the Constitution (through ballot propositions); the contentious Presidential election of 1860 (by offering candidates); the Boston Tea Party (with grassroots campaigns); or the fur trade (creating new employment opportunities) that swept the country and Europe, then they can persuade them to think and act along socialist, communist, and progressive lines. If they don't learn about the self-determination, enterprise and inventiveness of freedom-loving individuals that was so prized in the first two centuries of our nation's history, then they will fall right in line and become robots for the globalist agenda. 

"A generation that ignores history has no past and no future". We DO have a past and a history. The question is, will we continue to have a future? It's up to us to preserve it for the next generations and teach them, not only to value our unique history, but how to create a future that perpetuates all that is good about us. This battle has been going on for over two generations. And the battle is far from over. We have lost valuable ground in this nation, and I pray that restoration is in our future. 

#americanhistory #history #education #educationsystem #americaneducation #knowingourhistory #criticalthinking #antiamericansentiment #preservingourhistory #nochildleftbehind #historyclasses #progressivethinking #takingbackeducation

Deuteronomy 4:9    Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.         

November 8, 2023

Do We Have Time To Restore Our Birthright?

Within the first two months of beginning this blog (2012), I wrote a post titled, Mothers, Teach Your Children. My purpose in approaching this topic was that I possessed a standard to live by because I was raised on the courage and moral values of my ancestors, but I was becoming concerned that our children and grandchildren were no longer interested in knowing those values or preserving them. 

I was taught many skills that my grandmother took for granted when she was growing up (knitting, canning, baking bread, gardening), and was taught to acknowledge gifts with a hand-written thank you note, and to say thank you, yes sir, and excuse me, when it was appropriate -- the kinds of things that contribute to a civilized society. I'm pretty sure that Generation Z and the newly christened Generation Alpha thinks those abilities are useless and archaic.

As a Baby Boomer, my most prized possession is my Family Bible, dating back to 1814. In it are recorded the births, marriages, and deaths of a long line of people that leads to me. It is not only a reminder that this world is not all about me, but it helps  me to remember who I am and where I came from. You see, I wanted to know their stories and experiences; to learn of the hard work and perseverance that brought them through some of the most difficult times and adversities this country had ever seen. 

I cherished the handed down history of my family from the Civil War (burying the family silverware to keep it from being stolen by General Sherman's advancing army); through the Depression, when my Grandmother did washing and mending of clothes to put food on the table for her five children, after my Grandfather died at the young age of 32; through my Dad getting his parent's permission to sign up, at 17, to go to war, after Pearl Harbor. 

I wanted to think that I could be as brave and determined as they were in the face of those adverse circumstances. When I wrote that post in 2012, I remarked, "I have a feeling, that very soon, I'm going to have the opportunity to prove myself worthy of their legacies". And now, nearly 12 years later, I see what's on the horizon and I'm discerning that my time has come.

And, believe me, I am not claiming that our country is perfect! Not by a long shot! There has always been an underlying element of men [and women] whose loyalties have been attached to nefarious and wicked schemes to benefit themselves and the Luciferian ruler of this world. But our God has always been present, working through Godly men and women to help us stay the course and serve Him, according to His will. Sadly, that knowledge and faithfulness to the God of the Universe is disappearing.  

I'm not so concerned about how I will handle the trouble that's coming. I KNOW who I am, and not only who I came from, but where I'm going. But I do worry about the generations that are following us. Do they know? Because I'm not sure the legacy and birthright of the individuals that built this nation have been taught or inherited by those who are being primed to take over the running of the country. Certainly, those who are relying on TikTok for their news and information have no idea of the truth and spirit of this nation. 

To quote an article from thefp.com, "Never before has a foreign adversary had a direct line to feed agitprop [agitating propaganda] into the youth of their enemy, and that's what China has done with TikTok, the viral video app managed by (call me crazy), the Chinese Communist Party...Basically, China realized that our army is strong, but our minds are soft and weak and those minds need videos of people with pet ducks, and we will accept an interlude of straight Ham*s disinformation, then [watch] nurses doing the slide, then [finish with] an interlude about how America is the world's devil, so long as right after, there's pile of happy kittens! [Excuse me, but] our kingdom for a fart joke".

The author of that quote perfectly captures just how Tik Tok is hypnotizing the minds of our generations with brainless entertainment, and mixing in a few propaganda messages about why they should hate our evil country. Very few have the knowledge or the truth to refute the indoctrination, nor are they willing to make the effort -- as long as the laughing babies and cute puppy dog videos stream nonstop. There is no real journalistic news being presented; only what the Chinese government wants to feed us.

But it's really no different than how Israel, in the Old Testament, strayed from their inheritance and privilege when they turned from God in favor of the pleasures of the  world. And it's no different than when Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of soup. Biblical Israel switched its loyalties to new gods, abandoned the commandments YHWH had taught them, and became increasingly rebellious and wicked. Many, many times, God reminded Israel that they had forgotten who they were, and in doing so, had forgotten Him.

Can't we say the same thing about ourselves? Haven't we rejected our birthright -- the inheritance our ancestors paid such a huge price to pass on to us? By definition, birthright means "a right, privilege, or possession to which a person is entitled by birth". Are we so willing to sacrifice the freedom that is our birthright? And for what? Another captivating video? It certainly seems to me that we are on the verge of losing our birthright and inheritance, and I'm not sure that our youth even understand the consequences of that loss.

So, please join me in praying for our generations, before it is too late! And please take the time to teach your children and grandchildren of the rich history of courage, resiliency, fortitude, and the love and power of God that is able to deliver us from the world's tribulations. Teach them how to think for themselves. Teach them to be grateful for the birthright they have inherited, and which can still be theirs -- if they will embrace it. Teach them all it has meant to be a child of God and of the riches He has given this country. Teach them before it all becomes just a memory.

#birthright; #americanbirthright; #americanlegacy; #americanhistory; #familyhistory; #americanresiliency; #americanfortitude; #americancourage; #americanfreedom #inheritance; #dangersoftiktok: #agitprop; #restoration; #birthrightoffreedom; #teachyourchildren; #Godismyinheritance 

Deuteronomy 4:9     Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children's children—      

November 5, 2023

What It's Like To Be A Watchman On The Wall -- Part Two

As I shared in my last post, the Lord has decided that He can trust my husband and me to be Watchmen on the Wall; to discern what is going on in our culture and the world, and then engage with the culture to warn of the Lord's coming judgment if we do not wake up, repent, and turn back to Him. But as I testified, that has often been a frustrating and oftentimes unappreciated assignment because we were shown what was "to come" -- future events and circumstances that people were unable to accept or receive. And, in reality, we were running up against a Christian bias that just wasn't willing to consider 1) that our faith was going to be challenged as we warned, or that 2) what the Bible clearly prophesied [and which our warning corroborated] would actually happen.

Like Jeremiah, we attempted to share what God was showing us within the Church, but were often looked upon with derision and scorn, and more than once, asked to discontinue our "heretical" assertions, and even encouraged to leave. At the minimum, we were ignored. The Bible tells us that Jeremiah preached his warnings in the court of the Temple, but Pashur, the chief governor of the House of the Lord was angry because of the message(s) Jeremiah was delivering. We can identify. 

But that didn't deter us. When prompted by the Lord, we continued to study the Word, listen to the Holy Spirit's counsel and present small and focused teaching conferences to try and draw attention to what we unquestioningly understood God wanted Believers to know. It seemed so clear to us! But as we are seeing now, those warnings were too far in advance of their fulfillment, and although the storm clouds were on the horizon, just like in Jeremiah's day, the people still felt they could safely ignore them. Life was too good to consider our warnings. 

You see, once the Lord begins to shine His Light on you and activate your spirit, you are changed. We found that we could no longer choose to simply exist in a worldly manner. We began to see that He wanted us to see things from His perspective; to see the world and our lives from a position of righteousness. So, we began to see everything differently! Social media, the entertainment industry, education, cultural morals [or lack thereof], society ... and yes, even organized Religion were seen through a Heavenly lens. That's not to say we became judgmental, because we also began seeing and understanding the Bible differently, too. We can't judge someone's heart, because we don't know the condition of it. But we can judge the fruit of their actions and words according to God's standards. And that includes ourselves!

So, as I said, we began seeing the external world and all of its components in a different light -- Jesus's Light. But the Lord didn't just reveal His truth of what our eyes could see and our ears could hear. He began giving us dreams of "things to come". And I will admit that we haven't always understood their meaning or how to interpret them because they were for the future. I have to believe that He gives them to us in advance so that we will be more astute at recognizing when the dream is manifesting into our physical existence, and can then identify it as His warning and see its meaning beyond what it looks like in this realm.

For instance, I have shared [several times] a dream I had in 2012 or 2013 about being lulled into complacency during a ride on a ferris wheel, only to be presented with unspeakable fear as I descended into a deep lagoon, and then the release back into contentment as the ferris wheel took me to the top again. But it was the experience of watching a small wave far out in the ocean develop into a giant tsunami that I knew was going to plummet me to my death in the depths of the ocean that shook me to my core. And as the waves were tumbling me over and over, I see a bright light and a huge hand reach into what I knew was a watery grave and rescue me, declaring, "Don't worry! I've got you"! I believed then, and still do, that Jesus was showing me what was to come in our future -- the ups and downs of our economy; the powers of darkness formulating their plans and strategies to covertly sneak into our culture, our politics, and our country; all as we remain in place, content in accepting the world. But I have been blessed that God revealed that my Savior will be with me, when our future comes crashing in on us.

Then there is the more recent dream I had where I am on a leisurely walk with a guide up a gently sloping hill. I begin to have a growing sense of trepidation, but my guide tells me there is no need to be afraid. A short while later, I catch sight of a huge bear that is ambling in our direction, and then he catches our scent. Though the bear is not acting aggressively, my guide, in a calm voice, instructs me to get behind a huge oak tree, as the bear begins to circle the tree. I just keep moving around the tree, staying out of his grasp, and he eventually moves on. But as I come out from behind the tree, I see a gigantic lion at the top of the hill, who upon seeing me, roars and charges me! I don't have time to be afraid, and soon find myself knocked to the ground and fighting for my life! I know the lion is intent on killing me, and seems to be focused at biting my feet, disabling my escape. At that moment, I remember that I have a pistol on my right side for protection, pull it and fire into the brain of the crazed lion, and the attack is over. During the entire dream, I am aware that my guide is still there, but seems to be watching and assessing how I'm handling this attack, ready to jump in if I need him. And then I woke up.

It was one of those dreams where you know it is more than the result of eating a bowl of ice cream before you went to bed. I knew it was spiritual and I knew it was for my benefit. God wasn't being silent, and I needed to figure out what He was telling me. I knew right away that the "guide" in my dream was the Holy Spirit, sent to "guide my steps and guide me into all Truth". I knew the bear was a threat, and a natural enemy, but I was able to stay hidden and outmaneuver him. The lion, on the other hand, was aggressive and quite intent on killing me, or at least rendering my walk with God more difficult. At the time, I knew the dream was revealing something for that time and my place in that part of my timeline as a representative of God and His Kingdom. But how to unravel the mystery of it? 

There was a recognition that the dream was personal in that in the midst of my battle with the "roaring lion who seeks someone to devour", that I hadn't called out to Jesus for help. I discerned that the dream was showing me that I was stepping into my power and authority, given to me by Christ. I believe it was a confirmation that I was growing in that area. 

But I also discerned that there might be a connection to Babylon's King Belshazzar and his vision of the four beasts, with the bear and lion being two of them. Did that have any significance? Both represented empires, with the bear often interpreted as Russia. So, in my dream, the bear is a threat, but at this point, not aggressive. The lion in Belshazzar's dream was the empire of Babylon; ruthless and strong. The ancient Babylon certainly fits that description, but so does the daughter of Babylon in the End Times, as depicted in Revelation 18. It's hard not to read that chapter and recognize our own empire, and especially the city of New York.

As the years have advanced, I'm now beginning to see this dream as prophetic for our current time. The bear, who was not yet threatening at the time of the dream, was actually the Persian empire, of which modern-day Iran is a representative. This was a warning to keep an eye on it for the future. The roaring lion was pointing to ancient Babylon, and my entanglement with it was showing me that it is my assignment to fight against the resurgence of spiritual Babylon in my sphere of influence by speaking, teaching, and writing God's Truth, with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, who leads me into all truth.  This would include my fight against the pagan gods and power structures in this age, which are resurging through social media and all the false prophets. That dream was multi-faceted and spoke warnings and knowledge of both that time, and the future in which we now find ourselves.  

So, by now, I hope I've given you a pretty good picture of what a modern-day Watchman on the Wall can look like. My husband's promptings and dreams are just as strong [and oftentimes more so] than mine. Like, Jeremiah, we are often astounded at what the Lord brings us, and we can certainly understand Jeremiah's reticence to share them with those we know aren't ready [or don't want to hear them]. And I want to be clear that we always ask for confirmation to make sure what we are hearing or seeing is truly from the Lord. So, if anything, we are probably more guarded than Jesus might sometimes like us to be. And as the times grow increasingly close to Jesus's return, I anticipate that His warnings will become increasingly urgent. I pray that the Lord will find us worthy of carrying His advance warning so that as many as possible will pay attention and get ready for the spiritual battle that is to come. 

In conclusion, my husband and I do not see ourselves as Prophets or needing any title. We are simply obedient followers of Jesus, who are grateful to the Lord for trusting us and using us to further His Kingdom. We do not peddle God's word for profit, but seek to be sincere in our commission to bring His warning and counsel before the people, and always in His sight. May He forever be praised for His Love and Righteousness! Amen!

#watchman on the wall; #hearing god's voice; #biblical prophet; #biblical prophecy; #Ezekiel 33; #kingdom of god: #for everything there is a season; #spiritual warfare; #rumors of war; #knowledge from God; #war is a racket; #world events; #rebuilding nations; #international bankers; #God's will on earth  

Isaiah 62:6    On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the Lord in remembrance, take no rest,             

November 2, 2023

What It's Like To Be A Watchman On The Wall -- Part One

Although I have understood since around 2012 that the Lord was calling my husband and me to be Watchmen on the Wall, I have just recently come to know the effects of that assignment. I have never thought of myself as particularly gifted in prophecy, or that the Lord chooses to reveal to me what is to come in the future, but I have come to realize that He is currently reminding me [through other people and conduits] of what He has shown me in the past. 

By that, I mean that dreams I have had [or articles I have written; or conferences at which we've taught] weren't necessarily for that particular time in history. But I am now finding them to be of significance now, years later. And, people are coming to me and sharing their newfound understandings of what God is showing them and I am struck by the fact that I was sharing that several years ago, but it had no validity to them at the time -- they couldn't see the significance for them, and therefore didn't hear me. In other words, I believe God has been revealing things to me; things "to come", and although I understood them to be warnings and wake-up calls, the timing of this "knowledge" was not in sync with the world --- yet.

Like Jeremiah, both Mark and I could clearly discern that what we were seeing and hearing came from the Lord, and we knew it was the truth and it would be fulfilled. But no one was yet ready to receive it. Therefore a lot of it was forgotten or dismissed. And believe me, that is frustrating to a Watchman on the Wall. We are well aware of God's admonition to Ezekiel about the responsibilities of being a Watchman. We know that it is incumbent upon us to share the warning and information we receive from God -- if we do not, and evil comes upon people, their blood is upon our heads. But if we share God's warning and they ignore it, then they are responsible for whatever befalls them. It is just so hard when it's people you love and care about that reject what God has told you.

There have been times when I knew the message was from God and was of utmost importance to share, even if I did not fully understand the purpose for the warning. But now, as I am seeing the news and podcasts and websites broadcasting what we were shown years ago, I am discerning with even deeper conviction that God was asking us to warn of what was "to come". 

With the world's spotlight on the war in Israel and the possibility of it becoming a World War, God has drawn my attention to current internet sites that point back to what He was showing me several years ago. For instance, a well-known radio host and author featured an article on his website that mirrors a couple of conferences Mark and I presented in 2020 and 2021. This current article, by Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge, declared that "War Is a Racket", which also aligned with an article by Dr. Stephen E. Jones, titled "Sliding Toward World War 3 and What You Need to Know" on the godskingdom.org website. Both of these articles are well-written and timely for today. But, God showed us the truth of what they are saying three years ago and no one was ready or willing to hear it! That is frustrating! But I thank the Lord that people with bigger platforms than ours are now also sharing these truths. 

Here is what we spoke about in early 2020, three-and-a-half years ago ... As we spoke to the group, we were honest about it all being Spirit-led; we did not claim that we had come to the knowledge by ourselves. Our presentation was the result of 5 years of listening to the Holy Spirit and going where He told us to study, until the Lord finally said, "It's time to share what you've learned". So, we gave our presentation, and called it Freemasonry, the NWO, and the Anti-Christ Spirit

It's hard to summarize a 7-hour talk into a few sentences, but suffice it to say that we covered the objectives of Freemasonry, as stated by Albert Pike, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, in his handbook titled "Morals and Dogma [of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite] of Freemasonry". Here is what he said: Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve to be misled; to conceal the Truth from them [which it calls the Light] and to draw them away from it. 

The Lord revealed that the titans of industry, the political and military leaders of the world, and even the giants of entertainment were all members of this powerful ring of wealthy men, who saw themselves more important in the world than God. And in cooperation with the Anti-Christ Spirit, their goal is to manipulate the masses through Politics, Education, Marxism, Satanism, Transhumanism, AI, Protest movements, Violence in society, and War. The Illuminati, founded by Amschel Rothschild, is a partner, and this group pools their corporate resources to form a secretive worldwide dictatorship of the banking families and a banking system that backs wars for profit. 

As we wrote in our presentation Global Reset vs The Kingdom of God, "The route to this dictatorship is paved by manipulated strife, instability, chaos, confusion, perpetual bloodshed at an increasing and horrific scale, world wars, depressions, homelessness, famine, devastation of countries and their "rebuilding", bondage of debt, spying and the end of personal privacy as well as free thought". Maybe people couldn't hear it or receive it three years ago, but I bet this is striking a chord now!

And to coincide with today's article, "War Is a Racket", we shared then that Historian Alan Burger had pointed out that for every soldier who died in battle in World War One, the international bankers made a profit of $10,000 [from their part in financing the war machine]. Over 9 million military personnel died in that horrific war. That is a profit of over $9 Billion in 1918 dollars!!!  And look at the wars the world has suffered since then; all the lives lost -- and all the profit that was made at the expense of our nation's future generations. 

I know that many of you saw, and are now seeing, what I've pointed out in this article. And believe me, I do not think the Lord has shown us any more than anyone else could have seen. He just asked us to vocally warn others so that men and women could come together in prayer and spiritual warfare to try and prevent [or at least forestall and minimize] the Biblical prophecies of famine, war, plagues and persecution by returning to the Lord. Again, I do not see myself or my husband as being any smarter, any more faithful, or special in God's eyes. Perhaps it's simply that we were willing to turn away from what the world wanted us to focus on so that we could hear His voice and be obedient to become those Watchmen on the Wall. 

I am extremely happy and praising the Lord that people are waking up and beginning to take notice of the implications of world events. And if I can repoint them to what the Lord shared with me in the past, then I'm more than happy to do that so that we can join spiritual forces to see God's will done on the earth. The messages He gives to His Watchmen are for all men, for all time, but they seem to be exceptionally timely in these days and hours. I pray that you will be receptive to the Forerunners; to correctly consider their words in relation to Scripture; and to always be open to hearing from the Lord yourself. He needs people to share His heart, His warnings, and His strategies for what's "coming". It's not the time for fear or doubt. Rather, for everything there is a season, a time for every matter under heaven. It's vitally important that we all know the season we're in!

#watchman on the wall; #hearing god's voice; #biblical prophet; #biblical prophecy; #Ezekiel 33; #kingdom of god: #for everything there is a season; #spiritual warfare; #rumors of war; #knowledge from God; #war is a racket; #world events; #rebuilding nations; #international bankers; #God's will on earth  

2 Peter 1:21    For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.     


October 30, 2023

"Whoever Controls the Schools Controls the World"

Like the rest of the world, we here in America find ourselves in a state of worry, fear, and anxiety over a possible global war. It's centered in the land of Israel; the Promised Land, as confirmed by God in His covenant with Abraham. In my Biblical worldview, God chose Israel to reconcile the rest of the nations to Him -- He chose one nation out of many, so that many nations could be blessed. 

At this point in historical time, that doesn't appear to be happening, does it? And there are lots of reasons that is so; some of which I have articulated in recent posts. The truth of God's desired reconciliation with mankind seems to have gotten bound up in sectarian and religious hate, becoming much broader than the Israel/Palestinian debate. It threatens to draw the entire world into the conflict, and protests are arising across the globe. 

Indeed, we find our college universities smoldering with anger and hate as so-called "politically woke" students take to the campuses in opposition to U.S. policy in the Middle East. They demonstrate against what they see as social injustice, racial inequality, and genocide against the Palestinians. Yet they are unable to see the same argument for American Jewish students, who say they feel unsafe in their own country and find themselves told to barricade in campus libraries, while Orthodox Jewish communities in Brooklyn are told to stay inside and avoid the area. But where did these ideas originate?

It seems to me, that a vocal [and dare I say less-than-compassionate] group of publicly-educated students have taken over social media and corporate news to declare that their viewpoint is the only one that matters. That brings me to a quote by Pastor Voddie Baucham, Jr., in a video from 2002, who says, "Don't be surprised when you send your kids off to Caesar, that they come back as Romans". Wow! What a profound statement!

This American pastor, author, and educator [who currently serves as Dean of Theology at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia] released a video 20 years ago on YouTube, titled "The Children of Caesar". He proceeds to speak about what God intended regarding the education of our children. He notes that American Christians can become divided over which version of the Bible we should be reading; or which denomination God prefers ... but 90% of American parents will agree on the same method of educating their children ... the public school system, which has, sadly, become a state-controlled propaganda machine, often teaching our children anti-God and anti-American philosophies.

And here's the point Pastor Baucham made that struck the deepest ... of the 90% of Christian parents who chose this method of educating their children, "no one can point to the chapter and verse in the Bible that justifies it".  Today, in 2023, the Barna Group (an Evangelical polling group) reports that anywhere from 70-80% of high school students who enter college as professing Christians will leave with little or no faith. But why should we be surprised? Look at who the teachers are, and look at their worldview. How many have a Biblical worldview, versus a secular or radical worldview? 

If as vigilant Christian parents, we had been paying attention to what God says on this subject, we would be able to discern what Luke 6:40 says: "A pupil is not above his teacher; but everyone, after he has been fully trained, will be like his teacher". We are certainly seeing that borne out today. It used to be only college graduates who portrayed their radical professors' points of view. Now, students in elementary school are being trained in the sexual and gender ideology of their teachers ... and we are seeing them become "like their teachers"!

I highly recommend that you take the time to listen to Pastor Voddie Baucham's presentation on "The Children of Caesar". He makes the very erudite statement that you can't separate education from discipleship and "whoever is teaching your children is discipling them". But here's what we've lost in this country ... Did you know that Christians in America initially fought against compulsory government education? Up until 1900, two-thirds of high school children were educated at home or in the Church. Why? Because Americans used to know that God has given us clear commands and principles for how He wants us to educate our children!

Consider Deuteronomy 6:6-7 ... And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. We are to be the teachers of our children! And when? All the time! Right now, government schooling involves 11 hours [of classroom time; to/from school time; and homework]. If you add in 8 hours for sleeping, 2 hours of eating/bathing, and at least 2 hours of social media, you're at 23 hours out of the day! Are we obeying Deuteronomy 6 from our God?

What about Romans 12:2 ... Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Our children's minds are not being renewed; they are not taught critical thinking -- they are being corrupted and programmed, unable to discern God's will because God has been removed from the education system.

Then there's 1 Timothy 6:20-21 ... Guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed and in so doing have departed from the faith. Again, we are to be the guardians of our children, NOT the State! Their education has been entrusted to us; we are to be their teachers, disciplers, and mentors. And what they are taught in the schools is certainly not God-based!

And, I'll leave you with Colossians 2:8 ... Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments [basic principles] of the world, and not after Christ. When you remove God and His Truth from the education of your children, you create a vacuum, and something  will replace Him. In this case, parents have allowed themselves to be hoodwinked by vain men who profess to know what's best for your children, and who convince you that you should leave their education up to "the professionals".

Well, we can see where that's led us! We've allowed a government-controlled curriculum to educate our children instead of who God gave that assignment to! Back in 2013, I wrote a post warning parents about the subterfuge that was the Common Core education initiative. I wrote: "Common Core is designed to push an education agenda that conforms to a Progressive ideology, and limits the individuality of our children's learning processes, but seeks to determine exactly what they are taught". I think the State has pretty much accomplished that goal; even moving from Progressive to Marxist ideology. 

Thankfully, we are beginning to see parents waking up to the reality that, as a country, we have relegated the education of our children to the government and teachers unions. And, therefore our government-controlled schools are incapable of training our children in those very things God commands. It is HIS principles that He wants US to train our children up in. Our kids were never meant to be given over to the power and influence of Caesar's educators. I pray it is not too late to transform and renew their minds to God's education system. I fear we're going to go through a difficult period of paying a heavy price for the re-education of our children away from godly principles. In recent years, participation in Home-schooling and Private Christian schools is on the increase, and with God's help, and our fervent prayers, we may yet save the futures of our nation's precious children. But the battle is on, and we have no time to waste! Get involved in educating your children!

Deuteronomy 4:6    Keep them and do them, for that will be your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples, who, when they hear all these statutes, will say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.’  

October 27, 2023

The Idols of the Heart and The Kingdom of God

I never get tired of writing about the Kingdom of God, and it is the desire of my heart that Christians seek it first above all else, as Jesus instructs us in Matthew 6:33. But, in the Bible, we are also told to seek Him with our whole heart [in Psalm 119:2 and Jeremiah 29:13]. So, I hope to show you that our heart is not only important in establishing our faith and relationship with God and Jesus, but it is important in the matter of receiving the Kingdom of God.

In the Old Testament, the hearts of the Israelites were often in conflict; their hearts being divided between idolatry and their allegiance to YHWH. [For the sake of this article, I will define idolatry as anything that we build an altar to in our heart, or that sits on the throne of our heart.] And through careful study, it has become clear to me that God will speak to us according to what sits on that throne.

Just take a look at what God says to the idolatrous elders of Israel [through the prophet Ezekiel]: "these men have set up [and honored] their idols in their hearts and have put right before their faces the [vile] stumbling block of their wickedness and guilt; should I [permit Myself to] be consulted by them at all? Therefore speak to them and say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord God, “Any man of the house of Israel who takes his idols [of rebellion] into his heart, and puts the [vile] stumbling block of his wickedness and guilt [images of silver and gold] before his face, and yet comes to the prophet [to ask of him], I the Lord will answer him, [but I will answer him] in accordance with the number of his idols in order that I may take hold of the heart (mind) of the house of Israel who are all estranged from Me because of their idols" (Ezekiel 14:3-5). 

In other words, men may seek guidance from pastors or prophets in the Church about their circumstances, while secretly holding worldly idols in their heart, expecting to get an answer from God. But this scripture in Ezekiel shows us that the Lord knows our hearts and He will answer the person according to what those idols areSo, it is clear to me that God may not always speak His Truth to us, if our hearts aren't right with Him, but will speak according to what we are idolizing in our heart. Therefore, we have a responsibility to safeguard our hearts from any form of idolatry. 

Furthermore, God warns against receiving a false prophetic word in verses 9-11: "But if the prophet [who speaks without My authority] is enticed to speak a word [of his own], it is I the Lord who have caused that prophet [to speak falsely to please the inquirer, thus allowing himself to be a party to the inquirer’s sin], and I will stretch out My hand against him and destroy him from among My people Israel.  They [both] will bear the punishment of their wickedness; the sin of the [counterfeit] prophet will be the same as the sin of the [hypocritical] inquirer, so that the house of Israel may no longer drift away from Me and no longer defile themselves with all their transgressions, but they will be My people, and I will be their God,”’ says the Lord God.” 

[NOTE: I hope it is clear to you that it is always God's desire that people recognize their sin, and return to Him. And because God is the same today as He was in Ezekiel's time, my spirit is sensitive to warning the Body of Christ to correctly discern a hypocritical inquirer/seeker and a counterfeit prophet. Neither benefit the Kingdom of God]. 

Further evidence that God will speak according to what sits on the throne of our heart is found in 1 Kings 22. This is the account of King Ahab and the false prophets. Ahab's heart had turned from God to wickedness and he idolized all that his status as king had provided him. When he seeks an answer from his prophets as to whether he should go to battle against the Syrians, God gives permission to a lying spirit to speak to the prophets of Jezebel to deceive Ahab because God knows the king will receive their prophecy according to the idolatrous state of his heart. 

Just as Ahab found out, [because God has given free will to mankind], there are consequences to having an idolatrous heart! And those consequences don't apply just in the Old Testament. We New Testament Believers are just as susceptible to idolatry [in our hearts] and its consequences. If our hearts aren't right with God, the word we think we are receiving may not be right, either. It is imperative that our hearts be pure and that we submit to the righteous Word of God, and then we will hear and receive His truth! That should give all of us pause ... are we hearing from a heart that is pure and righteous?

In addition, it is vitally important that we guard our hearts against all idolatry, because Proverbs 4:23 tells us everything we do flows from the heart. And sometimes I think we Christians get careless about idolatry in our hearts. We tend to think it is the obvious things of the world, like wealth or power or material things that can become idols in our heart. We think as long as we are Saved, there is no one but Jesus that occupies the throne of our heart. 

But Jesus came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom, not just the Gospel of Salvation. He says that is why He was sent (Luke 4:43). And that Good News of the Kingdom of God didn't sit very well with the religious leaders of Israel, the very people He came to deliver. Why? Because Religion always responds according to the idolatry of the heart. Even today, in the 21st Century, try to speak to some Christians about the rule and reign of God's Kingdom government on earth, and what it looks like, and you will meet the same kind of opposition Jesus did.  

Religion idolizes its own traditions, rituals, denominational teachings, movements, and self-righteousness. They can all influence our heart. Kingdom is what Jesus did... setting people free; impacting everything and everyone on earth with the power and authority and love of God until it becomes "as it is in heaven". Just because we know the grace of God in our Salvation, it does not mean our hearts are pure and free of idolatry. It does not mean that we have received the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus stressed throughout His ministry, nor that He alone sits on the throne of our heart.

Please know that I do not write from a sense that I have a heart that is exceptionally pure and free of any form of idolatry. I do not hold myself up as the standard-bearer. Only Jesus meets that criteria. But as I grow and mature in my faith, I am becoming aware that I can't ignore idolatry when it tries to take root in my heart. The Holy Spirit is making it impossible for me to ignore the temptation of making anything or anyone an idol, and I find myself in a state of unrest [with no peace], until I discover what is trying to grow in rebellion to God. 

The New Testament tells us in Ephesians 3:14-19, that through the power of the Holy Spirit in us, Christ can dwell in your heart. Furthermore, as the Word, Jesus is living and active, discerning the thoughts and intentions of our heart (Hebrews 4:12). Other translations say He "exposes and judges the very intentions and thoughts of our heart", or that He "interprets and reveals the true thoughts and secret motives of our hearts". In other words the hidden aspects of our hearts are known by Him and any idolatry is uncovered.

We can see a picture of this concept in Jesus's exchange with Nicodemus, a Pharisee and member of the Sanhedrin, the council of religious rulers in Israel.  In John 2:23-3:5, Nicodemus comes to Jesus by night. He has seen the signs of the Kingdom of God that Jesus has performed, but his religious heart is still skeptical. But notice what Scripture says just before Nicodemus speaks. ... Many people identified with Jesus because they had seen the miracles, but Jesus didn't trust them because He knew how fickle human hearts can be, and because He knew what was in each man's heart -- exactly what Hebrews 4:12 says.

But also notice this ... when Nicodemus says to Jesus, "Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with Him", Scripture says, "Jesus answered him, 'I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a person is born again [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, sanctified], he cannot [ever] see and experience the kingdom of God.'" Wait a minute! Nicodemus didn't ask a question, yet Jesus answered him according to what was in his heart and what he needed! You see, Nicodemus is seeking truth but he is still steeped in religion as a member of the Sanhedrin, so he doesn't even know what to ask. The same holds true today -- Religion doesn't know the question nor the answer! But Jesus answers Nicodemus according to what Nicodemus needs -- the Kingdom Gospel! And the Kingdom will always answer the questions of your heart according to your need and not your idolatry

Think about it -- Jesus never offered a Sinner's prayer to anyone -- that's Religion! He offered all who came to Him what they needed ... physical healing, spiritual healing through casting out of demons, and the hope of transformation and rebirth into a heavenly system; not a man-made system of religion. And it's important that we recognize that Jesus did not pray, heal, or cast out demons for everyone -- only those who were drawn to Him. He knew who wanted Kingdom because He could discern the state of their heart and the presence of idolatry, if it was there. And those who wanted what He offered couldn't resist Him!

Jesus's ministry of the Kingdom on earth began as a small mustard seed in the backwaters of the Roman Empire, but it was planned and designed [from Heaven] to expand across the earth. And whether a person's heart is free of the idolatry of wealth, status, power -- and yes, even religion -- and is ready to receive the Kingdom is exemplified in the Parable of the Sower ... "When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart". 

I can tell you that my husband and I have often seen this in our ministry. I have to be careful to discern who really wants Kingdom and who wants Religion, because the Kingdom message does not mix with any other belief system, nor will it compromise. Those who try to divide the throne of their heart between Kingdom and Religion will find themselves indecisive, unstable in their thoughts, and wavering between different opinions and actions. To truly experience the Kingdom of God that Jesus came to establish, the Kingdom must occupy the throne of one's heart, along with one possessing a desire to align one's life with the government of God on earth -- a Kingdom where there is no sickness and no poverty; where one is ready to consider God's perspective in all we say and do; to "Kingdom-ize" everything!!!

So, I want to make it clear that I did not write this post to condemn anyone or to question anyone's faith. My only objective was to point out that the Word of God shows us the dangers of idolatry in our heart, and how it can distort our own discernment. And as the parable of the Sower indicates ... if, as followers of Christ, we are not preaching "the word of the Kingdom", we are not providing good seed to be sown in the hearts of men. It's one thing to not understand it; it's another to never have heard it. May we all purge our hearts of idolatry of every kind and share what Jesus preached -- the Gospel of the Kingdom!

Hebrews 4:13      And not a creature exists that is concealed from His sight, but all things are open and exposed, and revealed to the eyes of Him with whom we have to give account.

October 24, 2023

More About The Importance of Biblical Prophecy In This Season on Earth

NOTE: I actually posted this exactly one year ago, but it seems even more timely today. So I am repeating it with some updates, in the hopes its message will reach even more people. "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings to search it out". Proverbs 25:2

If you are like me and my husband, you are a Christian who is discerning the current season that the world is experiencing, and you are tuned in to the warning signs that Jesus and the Bible give us about what the world will look like before His return. To be honest, it amazes me that there might be Christians who, out of fear or unwillingness, are unable to consider the Bible's prophecies about the "End Times". Many are concentrating on looking at the Victory that will be ours as this Age comes to an end. And believe me, my hope lies in that glorious event, too! But I also believe it is important to take the whole counsel of God if we are to live out our lives with a Biblical worldview and in our purpose. And the Bible tells us mankind will have to endure some hard times before the King of the Universe appears on the scene. 

That brings me to the premise of this blog post. I do not want any follower of Jesus to live in fear about what may be coming upon us in the near future. Neither do I want them to live in ignorance and be unprepared for the days of darkness that the Bible prophecies. So before we broach the events that we might expect to experience, and why it's important to know what's coming, I would like to establish the importance of prophecy in the Bible. 

The minor prophet, Amos, recorded this from the Lord ... "For the Lord God does nothing without revealing His secret to His servants the prophets". Amos establishes that God uses hand-picked men to deliver His message of warnings of judgment, as well as the message of the hope of victory -- and He does nothing without instructing His prophets to share the news. The words they spoke were inspired by God, therefore we should listen. By warning of God's judgment upon sinful people and their ways, God's goal is that "all should come to repentance", be forgiven, and step into their purpose for His Kingdom on earth. 

Prophecy also gives us the clear message that God always wins in the end. As we contemplate the results of the sin that engulfed the world "in the days of Noah", as well as the defeat of the nations of Israel and Judah, it might not look like those events scored in the win column. But with each prophecy of judgment that God inspired, He also included a message of hope; an encouraging word that pointed to His ultimate victory, according to His plan. And when the will of God changes the direction of a person or a nation [and even the world] from utter destruction, [and the people repent], it is an expression of His love. By paying attention to the Biblical prophecies, we can see the "big picture" of God's heart, and what might be a scary scenario can be seen in a perspective to help us endure and persevere. If God's Judgment results in repentance, [which is changing the way we think from our own selfish desires to God's perspective], we have the opportunity to see His love for us through the entire course of events.

So, now that we have a better understanding of why prophecy is important and its purpose, I want to return to the significance of the prophecies of the End Times in the Bible. Jesus, Himself, tells us in Matthew 24:37-39 that the people were living their lives as normal before God sent the Flood in judgment of their evil ways... "they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man". We know that God promised He would not judge the world with another Flood, but Jesus prophecies that another judgment will come when the world is in the same condition "as it was in the days of Noah", and this will happen at the time of His Return. 

How will we know when the times we live in meet that criteria? According to Genesis 6:5, in the days of Noah, "The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually". The earth was covered with widespread violence, as Genesis 6:11 tells us: Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled with violence. Would you be interested to know that the word "violence" is translated in Hebrew as Hamas? Now, that might seem just a coincidence, but is it? Not only have we seen the violence in the streets of our cities for the past couple of years -- but it's gone from mob violence to personal brutality and savagery. And now that spirit of violence reveals itself to the whole world. 

And it's not just the violence that matches what the prophets warned about. In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, the Apostle Paul says, "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power". Furthermore 1 Timothy 4:1 says, "Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons."  The violence and the above-mentioned sins come from these deceitful spirits who sear the minds of people so that they no longer can receive the thoughts of God. 

These are just some of the prophecies throughout the Bible that foretell the End Times season... there are many, many more! Here are just a few that should have our spirits sitting up and taking notice: 1) "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short" (Matthew 24:21-22). Because of the proliferation of nuclear weapons, chemical weapons, and biological weapons, mankind is capable of wiping out everyone on the face of the earth ... no human being would survive. Those abilities make our generation a candidate for the End Times.

2) "But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase" (Daniel 12:4). Up until about 100 years ago or so, few people traveled beyond their own communities, but now with the advent of automobiles, trains, airplanes, and spacecraft, man can literally travel across the world and even into the universe. And the internet has made the exponential increase of knowledge beyond anything we could have imagined just 50 years ago. 

3) "And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider's name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth" (Revelation 6:8). Who can deny that the last few years have seen unprecedented Death? War and conflict are evident not only in Ukraine and Russia, but threaten to spill over into another World War. Famine is being predicted across the globe as food shortages are our new reality. Pestilence and disease ... do I need to say more? ... with new strains being predicted for this winter. And the wild beasts of the earth are certainly characterized by the random and brutal acts of men who are clearly devoid of any human empathy. Their consciences are seared, making them no different than a beast of the earth.

Then there are the prophecies that are specifically about Israel: 4) "Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Shall a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth in one moment? For as soon as Zion was in labor she brought forth her children" (Isaiah 66:8). Israel became a nation on May, 14, 1948, and Jews, who have been dispersed across the world for over 1500 years, have been regathering in their homeland. 

5) "Thus says the Lord: Behold, I will restore the fortunes of the tents of Jacob and have compassion on his dwellings; the city shall be rebuilt on its mound, and the palace shall stand where it used to be" (Jeremiah 30:18). Since 1948, the ancient city of Jerusalem, and the holy dwelling place of YHWH, has been rebuilt on the old ruins, exactly as foretold. 

6) "... nor did they repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts" (Revelation 9:21). Murders, sexual immorality, and theft are readily seen in the crime wave we are experiencing -- from the streets to the highest offices in the governments of the world; the transgender movement; and the loss of the value of our dollar through inflation. The word "sorceries" is English for the Greek word "pharmakeia ", and the deaths from the fentanyl crisis in this nation alone is astronomical. 

7) "Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons..." (1 Timothy 4:1). There's another aspect to this verse that I want to take a look at. It is quite apparent that witchcraft and the occult have taken a hold on the cultures of the world. Renewed worship of pagan gods has increased, and people reject the sound doctrine of God in search of ways that satisfy their own lusts. 

By now, you should be able to see that it is not just wishful thinking that we are closing in on the triumphant return of Jesus. And that's how I choose to see the End Times, rather than stay focused on the destructive events that precede His Second Coming. But that doesn't mean I ignore them, or the prophetic word that warns us to be awake and vigilant. It is a tough path to walk... many Christians would prefer we don't talk about the "negative", and only focus on the "positive". But the Bible tells us that we have to go through the unsettling days before we get to the joyous days of God's glory. And I do not want anyone to fall away from their faith because these days come upon them unexpectedly!

I know that many, if not all, of these few prophecies I have cited have been happening for centuries. But, I think if you will consider them carefully, we are the only generation that has seen these events come together at the same time. And there are so many more prophecies throughout the Bible [from Genesis to Revelation] that seem to point to our generation. Please don't look upon them with fear, but rather with joy, hope, expectation and strength. We may be about to be reunited with our Heavenly Father, who ordained us for a time "such as this". If you haven't yet, repent of your sins, and place all your trust in the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ! God will never leave us, and we have an eternal home awaiting us. 

Let the prophecies of the Bible enrich your prayer life and hear the voice of God as He warns you and encourages you! And last but not least, I pray that we Believers do not let one moment of this season of time pass away without walking in our purpose -- to take back territory from the kingdom of darkness and transfer it into the Kingdom of God and His Light! Snatch as many of the victories as you can from our Enemy and declare that we represent our King until He returns! God bless you all!

Revelation 1:3   Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near.