By that, I mean that dreams I have had [or articles I have written; or conferences at which we've taught] weren't necessarily for that particular time in history. But I am now finding them to be of significance now, years later. And, people are coming to me and sharing their newfound understandings of what God is showing them and I am struck by the fact that I was sharing that several years ago, but it had no validity to them at the time -- they couldn't see the significance for them, and therefore didn't hear me. In other words, I believe God has been revealing things to me; things "to come", and although I understood them to be warnings and wake-up calls, the timing of this "knowledge" was not in sync with the world --- yet.
Like Jeremiah, both Mark and I could clearly discern that what we were seeing and hearing came from the Lord, and we knew it was the truth and it would be fulfilled. But no one was yet ready to receive it. Therefore a lot of it was forgotten or dismissed. And believe me, that is frustrating to a Watchman on the Wall. We are well aware of God's admonition to Ezekiel about the responsibilities of being a Watchman. We know that it is incumbent upon us to share the warning and information we receive from God -- if we do not, and evil comes upon people, their blood is upon our heads. But if we share God's warning and they ignore it, then they are responsible for whatever befalls them. It is just so hard when it's people you love and care about that reject what God has told you.
There have been times when I knew the message was from God and was of utmost importance to share, even if I did not fully understand the purpose for the warning. But now, as I am seeing the news and podcasts and websites broadcasting what we were shown years ago, I am discerning with even deeper conviction that God was asking us to warn of what was "to come".
With the world's spotlight on the war in Israel and the possibility of it becoming a World War, God has drawn my attention to current internet sites that point back to what He was showing me several years ago. For instance, a well-known radio host and author featured an article on his website that mirrors a couple of conferences Mark and I presented in 2020 and 2021. This current article, by Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge, declared that "War Is a Racket", which also aligned with an article by Dr. Stephen E. Jones, titled "Sliding Toward World War 3 and What You Need to Know" on the website. Both of these articles are well-written and timely for today. But, God showed us the truth of what they are saying three years ago and no one was ready or willing to hear it! That is frustrating! But I thank the Lord that people with bigger platforms than ours are now also sharing these truths.
Here is what we spoke about in early 2020, three-and-a-half years ago ... As we spoke to the group, we were honest about it all being Spirit-led; we did not claim that we had come to the knowledge by ourselves. Our presentation was the result of 5 years of listening to the Holy Spirit and going where He told us to study, until the Lord finally said, "It's time to share what you've learned". So, we gave our presentation, and called it Freemasonry, the NWO, and the Anti-Christ Spirit.
It's hard to summarize a 7-hour talk into a few sentences, but suffice it to say that we covered the objectives of Freemasonry, as stated by Albert Pike, the Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, in his handbook titled "Morals and Dogma [of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite] of Freemasonry". Here is what he said: Masonry, like all the Religions, all the Mysteries, Hermeticism and Alchemy, conceals its secrets from all except the Adepts and Sages, or the Elect, and uses false explanations and misinterpretations of its symbols to mislead those who deserve to be misled; to conceal the Truth from them [which it calls the Light] and to draw them away from it.
The Lord revealed that the titans of industry, the political and military leaders of the world, and even the giants of entertainment were all members of this powerful ring of wealthy men, who saw themselves more important in the world than God. And in cooperation with the Anti-Christ Spirit, their goal is to manipulate the masses through Politics, Education, Marxism, Satanism, Transhumanism, AI, Protest movements, Violence in society, and War. The Illuminati, founded by Amschel Rothschild, is a partner, and this group pools their corporate resources to form a secretive worldwide dictatorship of the banking families and a banking system that backs wars for profit.
As we wrote in our presentation Global Reset vs The Kingdom of God, "The route to this dictatorship is paved by manipulated strife, instability, chaos, confusion, perpetual bloodshed at an increasing and horrific scale, world wars, depressions, homelessness, famine, devastation of countries and their "rebuilding", bondage of debt, spying and the end of personal privacy as well as free thought". Maybe people couldn't hear it or receive it three years ago, but I bet this is striking a chord now!
And to coincide with today's article, "War Is a Racket", we shared then that Historian Alan Burger had pointed out that for every soldier who died in battle in World War One, the international bankers made a profit of $10,000 [from their part in financing the war machine]. Over 9 million military personnel died in that horrific war. That is a profit of over $9 Billion in 1918 dollars!!! And look at the wars the world has suffered since then; all the lives lost -- and all the profit that was made at the expense of our nation's future generations.
I know that many of you saw, and are now seeing, what I've pointed out in this article. And believe me, I do not think the Lord has shown us any more than anyone else could have seen. He just asked us to vocally warn others so that men and women could come together in prayer and spiritual warfare to try and prevent [or at least forestall and minimize] the Biblical prophecies of famine, war, plagues and persecution by returning to the Lord. Again, I do not see myself or my husband as being any smarter, any more faithful, or special in God's eyes. Perhaps it's simply that we were willing to turn away from what the world wanted us to focus on so that we could hear His voice and be obedient to become those Watchmen on the Wall.
I am extremely happy and praising the Lord that people are waking up and beginning to take notice of the implications of world events. And if I can repoint them to what the Lord shared with me in the past, then I'm more than happy to do that so that we can join spiritual forces to see God's will done on the earth. The messages He gives to His Watchmen are for all men, for all time, but they seem to be exceptionally timely in these days and hours. I pray that you will be receptive to the Forerunners; to correctly consider their words in relation to Scripture; and to always be open to hearing from the Lord yourself. He needs people to share His heart, His warnings, and His strategies for what's "coming". It's not the time for fear or doubt. Rather, for everything there is a season, a time for every matter under heaven. It's vitally important that we all know the season we're in!
#watchman on the wall; #hearing god's voice; #biblical prophet; #biblical prophecy; #Ezekiel 33; #kingdom of god: #for everything there is a season; #spiritual warfare; #rumors of war; #knowledge from God; #war is a racket; #world events; #rebuilding nations; #international bankers; #God's will on earth
2 Peter 1:21 For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.