A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Jesus in Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus in Politics. Show all posts

August 9, 2024

Is It Really Wise To "Be Unburdened By What Has Been"?

Let me be clear right from the start that this blog post is not meant to be political. Because, you see, I don't think politics is our answer to the problems in our nation or the world. I'm going to borrow from a Social Media post by ridinghighministries.org .... Make no mistake, I am a born-and-bred, red, white and blue daughter of a member of the Greatest Generation who was willing to die for his country at the young age of 17, and I'm proud of my heritage. But I can't say what I want you to hear any better than what Todd Pierce of Riding High Ministries said in his video ... "America is not my god; and it's not my hope. I'm not waiting for government to get things figured out before I know what it's like to live in the land of the free. Because freedom doesn't have anything to do with the fact that we live in the greatest nation in the world. Freedom has everything to do with the fact that I'm not bound up inside of myself. I don't have to repeat the patterns that have plagued my family for generations. I'm free from those chains."

American Christians have to decide which is more important ... our commission with Jesus or our national pride; serving His Kingdom or playing politics. Politics and politicians are all about telling us how they are going to make America a better place for us to live in, prosper, and raise our families. But what do they really offer us? In most of the political cycles of my lifetime, it's been a bunch of rhetoric and catchy phrases that offer us a picture of what could be, but they never deliver. And they tell us how bad it's been under the leadership of the other party, and how we need to eradicate the mistakes and tragedies of our history to make way for a new definition of what America stands for.

Lately, I've been hearing some new gaslighting terminology which says we need to [here it is again] "look at what can be", [but there's a caveat this time] "unburdened by what has been". I'm assuming the secret message in that confusing jargon is that in order to consider a drastic change in our current system of ideas and ideals which form the basis of our economic, cultural and political identity, we should separate ourselves from our past [including our beliefs, principles, convictions, opinions, ethics, and morals]. The idea is that if only we could forget who we've been for the last 248 years and adopt a new paradigm that fundamentally transforms everything we've ever been, we would become a better nation. Let's stop being who we've been [and are]; leave that burden behind to imagine a new idea of who we can be.  

I find no problem in looking at what can be. We should always be working towards making things better for all our citizens. But how do we learn to do that if we aren't willing to look at what has been? Spanish philosopher George Santayana penned the famous quote, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". We've done a pretty good job in the last generation of wiping out some of the pillars of our American foundation. Our public school system has removed Civics from its class curriculum, which has resulted in a large percentage of kids who graduate high school and don't know the three branches of our government, what the Emancipation Proclamation accomplished, one right or freedom from the First Amendment to the Constitution, or the first three words of that noble document [which by the way, is We the People]. 

Yes, we've not been a perfect country -- and most certainly are not now -- but if we manage to wipe out our history [including the good with the bad], what's to keep us from repeating the bad, which got us here in the first place? Our history shows us what led to such a divided nation that we fought a Civil War; brother against brother; father against son. Do we really want to descend into that national hell again? There are lots of lessons to learn from that horrendous time in our history, including wisdom from men on both sides of that conflict. We can also learn from their struggles how they rebuilt a united nation; we can learn from both their failures and their victories. But if we only look at "what can be" and ignore [or erase] "what has been", how do we guarantee that some future generation won't be tempted to repeat the same mistakes?

REMEMBER: Jesus said "As it was in the days of Noah". He wanted us to learn from the past; to see the errors mankind was led to make [all to their shame and destruction]. He also said, "Those who look back from the plow aren't fit for the Kingdom". But that presupposes you are plowing up fertile ground, and planting good seed -- not seeking to destroy the foundations of what was constructed for your individual well-being. Each of us has a unique and separate purpose that we are to fulfill in this short time we are on the earth. Jesus died to deliver us from Evil and the temptation to sin; to give us the freedom to pursue that purpose in holiness and righteousness. And one of the founding pillars of this nation is that our Government was instituted to give men the right to secure the freedom to pursue their individual blessings of Life, Liberty and Happiness. 

Personally, I don't want to be "unburdened" from our centuries of history that shows me "what can be" when we are governed by a system that derives it's just powers from the consent of the governed. But the essential word in that last sentence is "just"; the kind of powers that are honorable, upright, decent, honest, righteous, ethical, moral, virtuous, principled, full of integrity, trustworthy, and incorruptible. Anything less is undesirable for a safe, secure, free, and independent people. And perhaps it is this ideology that we should really be re-considering [and deliberately thinking about] in terms of "what can be".

And the ultimate goal of my rumination on this subject is to reiterate that while America is not my god, I know that my God wants to bless this land with the fullness of the Freedom that my Lord died to give us all. A government made by men cannot do that, but Heaven's righteous government, which Jesus came to bring us, most certainly can. His Freedom unburdens us from the chains of oppression that can have us in bondage to Satan. Let us pray that whatever form of government our politics gives us in November, it will be one that delivers us from Evil into the Kingdom, Power, and Glory of Jesus Christ!

Psalms 22:28     Because the right to rule belongs to the LORD, He rules all the nations. (CEB)


April 28, 2024

Politics or Jesus? Man's Government or God's?

The other day I listened to a short 3-minute soundbite from a sermon delivered by Pastor Loran Livingston, of Charlotte, NC. Although I'm not a fan of the "hellfire and brimstone" manner of speech of some Southern preachers, I was definitely in agreement with his message. He lamented that the Church is lacking in their practice of praying and reading the Bible, which can "directly affect a believer's mindset and interaction with the world". I agree wholeheartedly! And I would like to dive into this discussion, with the understanding that I do so with a heart that has nothing but love and respect for my fellow Christians, even though we might disagree on some aspects of this conversation.

To begin, Pastor Livingston's main focus was how much faith and reliance believer's seem to be putting in politics as the answer to our country's woes. I found it interesting that he said, "Some of you bring politics into the church. You think politics is spiritual stuff. Don't be talking to me about my spiritual responsibility to vote! I don't have a spiritual responsibility to vote. I have a civic privilege"! 

What he is describing is a tension fomenting within the Body of Christ, between those believers with a particular attitude or philosophy that gives credence to the idea that if we just elect good Christian men, they will pass laws that provide for the welfare of the American citizens; and those believers who feel that politics will never be the answer to our problems precisely because it relies on men making laws to change our world.

The part of the church that believes the right men in office can turn things around also thinks that if more good Christian men and women got involved in getting these righteous people elected [by voting], then we could count on our representatives in government to stand up for our rights and do the moral and ethical thing ... i.e., stop abortion, stop human trafficking, protect parents' rights, rid our school libraries of pornographic reading material for middle schoolers, ban drag queen story time, decide how to reduce our taxes, and which wars are the justifiable and/or moral ones. Those would certainly be issues God would approve of! But have they fulfilled their oaths of office and promises to us? 

In other words, some of our fellow brethren believe that getting engaged in elections and voting is our civic duty [obligation or responsibility] -- if we call ourselves a Christian and a representative of the Kingdom of God. Perhaps they hold that position, believing that there is hope for change in the culture of a nation that has lost its way. That by electing Godly men as officials of the government, they will defend and promote Biblical truth and Christian principles and values. That would be wonderful if it was true! But sadly, I do not believe that any man or woman who goes to Washington D.C. sees themselves as the savior of the Biblical worldview and a moral culture warrior!

I believe elected officials know how the process works ... they know they will be part of the activities, actions, and policies [that men and women] use to gain and hold power in order to influence the decisions of the government/governing bodies. That in itself is not a bad thing. That is the purpose of a government in the world! But what's the first thing you see these newly elected officials do? They jockey for those coveted seats on the prestigious Committees in Congress. They know they are entering into a power struggle among men to assert rival interests. That is called "politics". And it is of this world! Yet, somehow, Christians have come to believe that by voting or getting involved in the voting process -- or championing one person running for office versus another -- we can bring God's Kingdom into that activity. Oh, how I wish that were so!

But, let me present a couple of questions. Doesn't the mere fact that these elected officials are called "representatives of the people" point to whom they serve? This governmental body openly declares that its job is to serve people. They don't say they are elected to serve God! That indicates [to me, at least] that they are laboring for things of this world. Yes, we are called to do the work of the Kingdom wherever we find ourselves in order to transform this world into Kingdom territory. But that is the job of the Church, not elected officials! 

Don't get me wrong -- I desperately want Godly men and women to serve in our government bodies. But the work they do there is work in the world. They write and pass man-made laws; they are to see to the welfare of their states and constituents; they answer to their political party; and too often, their allegiance is to themselves and the power the worldly government has given them.  The idea of Heaven's government is a totally different construct.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 16 that the form of government He brings from Heaven is called the Ekklesia, NOT the Church [which is a common mistranslation in our modern Bibles]. And listen to what He says ... On this rock [foundation and cornerstone] I will build My Ekklesia; and the gates of Hades (death) will not overpower it. I will give you the keys (authority) of the Kingdom of Heaven; and whatever you bind [forbid, declare to be improper and unlawful] on earth will have (already) been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose [permit, declare lawful] on earth will have (already) been loosed in Heaven. 

So, let's do a quick dissection of this passage ... The word EKKLESIA is translated from Greek to mean a "called out assembly"; a group separated from others, whose purpose is determined by the context in which Jesus uses it. Here, He contrasts it to GATES. The first mention of a gate in Scripture is found in Genesis 19:1. The gate was central to community action; where courts were convened; important civic business was conducted, and the governing of men decided. KEYS is used in Scripture as a symbol of authority and power; signifying the intrusting to someone with an important charge. And the charge of the Ekklesia is to "bind and loose" what has already been established in Heaven -- in other words to bind [to restrict, constrain] what is UNLAWFUL [according to Heaven's government] in the earth, and loose [release, deliver] what is LAWFUL in Heaven into the earth. If the men and women we elect would see themselves as, and act as, the representatives of Heaven, rather than of men on earth, perhaps we would have better choices to vote for.      

I pray that those with spiritual eyes to see, and ears to hear, might understand that Jesus intends us to discern that He is pointing to the affairs of men in this world, and it is "the Most High who is sovereign over the kingdoms of men and gives them to anyone He wishes". It is God who determines our leaders. YES, we have a voice in the election of our leaders, and we can [and some argue should] exercise that right by voting for those whom we think best demonstrate our Christian values. But is Jesus calling the Church [as the entire Body of Christ] to do this, or is this the commandment to the Ekklesia -- those called with this particular mission of governing?  

NOW, think on this for a moment ... Do you see anywhere in the Bible that Jesus or His disciples spend time teaching new believers how to reform the pagan world of their evil, corrupt governments? Do you see them call for what is known as "civil disobedience" towards the Roman Empire's immoral and violent rule? Certainly, there were valid reasons to do so! Instead, we read about Jesus commanding us [as He taught His disciples ] to proclaim the gospel to everyone, and to live our lives so that they are testimonies of the transforming power of God in the earth. That is the primary purpose of the entire Body of Christ [the church]!

Please hear me when I say I honor the hearts of my God-fearing Christian friends who seek to return God to our halls of government. I see the time and energy they put into this mission. The Good Lord knows we need that! And I do not question the hearts of Christian men and women in our governmental bodies who are serving the people out of hearts that love God. But ultimately, don't we have to ask the questions, Where is the fruit of that service? Have we seen government take back territory from the kingdom of darkness? Is the culture of our nation more moral than it's ever been? 

PERSONAL NOTE: As much as I hate to say it, I have seen Christians rally around elected officials who openly and dramatically espouse their faith and their intention to put that at the forefront of their time in Congress. The recent newly elected Speaker of the House is a good example. And then when the time comes to stand on that testimony for the betterment of the people they say they came to serve, they cave to the pressures of this world. I am beginning to understand why the Remnant in the body of Christ are no longer willing to put their faith in men and our current process of governing. Jesus is our only answer! 

So, I think that, as Christians, we have to offer grace to each other as to how we choose [or not] to devote our time and energy  -- whether to social reform and activism in local and national government; or to do the work that Jesus did: heal the [physically, emotionally and spiritually] sick; cast out demons; cleanse the lepers [social outcasts]; raise the dead; and spread the Good News that the Kingdom of God is reclaiming the earth! Whether you're called to one or the other [or praise God, both!] is your decision, and I honor your heart to serve others. 

For me, the bottom line is this ... We have to ask ourselves, what is God's purpose for us, as the body of believers in Jesus Christ? How do we incorporate our civic privileges and responsibilities in the world with our Heavenly mandate to bring Heaven's redemption to mankind? Our situation in this country, in this century, is no different than the history of countless nations that have come and gone since God established nations in Deuteronomy. Ungodly governments and faithless cultures have always existed among us. Yet history shows that faithful people in the One True God not only survived them, but flourished under them. And sometimes evil governments were part of God's plan to refine and cleanse a nation of its evil ways. Just a thought ... Remember how it turned out when the people of Israel decided on their own leader, rather than waiting on God to anoint him? They got Saul instead of David! 

Regardless of who we get as the next leader of our nation, we are taught by the Bible to honor, respect, obey and pray for all leaders because they are there at the discretion of God's will. It is also our instruction that they are not the source of our provision or our preservation from judgment or destruction. Only Jesus is our Deliverer!

I would like to leave you with this quote from a Christian website, called Got Questions. It is not a judgment against anyone, but a statement on which I believe the Body of Christ can find common ground ... "Political entities are not the savior of the world. The salvation for all mankind has been manifested in Jesus Christ. God knew that our world needed saving long before any national government was ever founded. He demonstrated to the world that redemption could not be accomplished through the power of man, economic strength, military might, or politics. Peace of mind, contentment, hope and joy -- and the salvation of mankind -- are provided only through Jesus's death and resurrection". 

And I would like to add to that my own postscript ... and because Jesus came to reclaim the earth for His Father's Kingdom, He not only died for my sins, but gave me the power and authority to speak into the world to change hearts; and thus, truly change the culture of our nation. Whether I choose to cast a vote or not in this world, it will not change my heavenly mandate as a citizen of Heaven to be the light of Jesus and show my true Source of hope. I am trusting in God; that His will be done on earth [in everything] as it is in Heaven! Let there be fruit in my life for Your Kingdom, Lord! 

Daniel 4:17     "This sentence is by the decree of the angelic watchers and the decision is a command of the holy ones, so that the living may know [without any doubt] that the Most High [God] rules over the kingdom of mankind and He bestows it on whomever He desires and sets over it the humblest and the lowliest of men".