A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

October 2, 2024

The Return of Jesus: Awaken To The Call of The Shofar!

Just a couple of days ago, I spoke to a friend who asked me the age-old question, "Do you think we'll see Jesus coming back in our lifetime"? He quickly followed up that inquiry with, "I know that no man knows the day or hour, but just what is your opinion [based on what you're seeing in the world]? I mean, I know Israel is back in their homeland, but what else are you looking for"? 

I understand there are lots of Christians who are asking those questions out of their concerns and fears [as they sense the instability in the world]. But I also think it is as much a result of the lack of depth in their understanding of the Bible and of God, Himself. I don't mean to offend anyone in particular, but over the 12 years of writing this blog, I have discovered that the desire to seek God's Truth through knowing Him in a real relationship, or through study of His Word, is lacking in a large portion of "the modern Church".

I used to say that we all have a worldview, or a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world. But I find that there is a separation in belief systems that leaves so many without any solid ground to stand on. Maybe you are still mired in a normalcy bias, choosing to not look at what is going on in the world; or your senses are highly alert to the drums of war that are sounding across the globe and you instinctively discern that we are on the edge of a dramatic course of events; or whether, like me, you have a Biblical worldview, which is my framework of ideas and beliefs through which I interpret the world and how I choose to interact with it.

So, rather than give my friend a direct Yes or No as to whether I expect to see Jesus in my lifetime, I explained that throughout history people have lived during destructive times that looked like what Jesus told us it would when He returned. And, yes, I recognize that Israel is back in the Holy Land, given to them by YHWH. But there is more that I wanted him to understand. It's not hard to see that the current situation in Israel is affecting the entire world, so yes, it would be easy to say "God's Zion" is under attack and on the verge of destruction, so surely Jesus will soon be coming back! 

So, before I am called a "Zionist Christian" or ridiculed for my "pro-Feast, Jewish tendencies", I want to make this simple statement ... I see the nation of Israel as that land promised to God's Chosen People in the Bible. And I recognize that there is a distinction between the future prophetic restoration of that land, and the existence of the current state of Israel. My Biblical worldview tells me that Jesus will not return again until God turns the focus of His saving mercies on Israel again, and Israel responds to God through Jesus Christ, their Messiah. That hasn't yet happened in a national sense.

Yet, the circumstances there right now should be waking a lot of Israelites up! The spiritual and temporal attacks against them should be driving them to search what their ancient prophets have revealed regarding their salvation, deliverance, preservation and redemption! As I explained to my friend, the question is not really about whether Jesus will come back during my lifetime, but how God sees the state of the world and how He measures Israel's continued rebellion against Him. 

In Biblical language, Zion refers to God's spiritual kingdom. But, in this modern century, the word Zion and Zionist have taken on negative connotations because the love of Zion [from its establishment as a Jewish state in 1948] has become a nationalistic and political movement, rather than a religious/spiritual or cultural identity. Zionism, today, continues primarily to advocate on behalf of the nation of Israel and address the threats to its continued existence and security. It has little to do with God's spiritual view of Zion

Let me be clear in explaining my sensitive position, and please read this paragraph in its entirety before you pass judgment ... the state of Israel, as it exists today in the Middle East, does not represent the Israel that will say, "Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord."  They are largely a secular and political state, with no religious connection to Yeshua, their Messiah at all.They are true political Zionists. However, the population also includes a sizable number of religious Orthodox Jews who remain blinded to their future, and most probably view themselves as Zionists from a historical, Old Testament perspective. But I also want to point out that there is a growing population of Messianic Jews, who know and believe in Yeshua as the Biblical Messiah, and are evangelizing "in the Name of the Lord." And I praise God for this remnant that is returning to its true identity in the land.  

BUT, as I continued to share with my friend, it is not only Israel that God has His eye on. The Bible tells us that Jesus will return when all the nations have drunk from the cup of wine of God's wrath [Jeremiah 25:15-17]. "They will drink and stagger and go mad because of the sword [Jesus, the Word] that I will send among them." I have no doubt that our own nation has drunk from this cup, and God abhors our rebellion against Him as much as He does Israel's. We have squandered His favor and goodness towards us -- being responsible for killing 60+ million innocent babies; supporting, promoting, and exporting child trafficking and pornography; for turning our humility into endless greed; and if that's not enough, we have sought to remove His influence in every sector of our society, while much of "the Church" maintained their self-promoting identity in the shelter of their extravagant buildings. 

My friend had to acknowledge that we deserve God's judgment and have surely drunk the cup of wine of His wrath. If God did not spare the fallen angels, the ancient and wicked civilizations in Noah's day, or Sodom and Gomorrah, how much more will He bring certain judgment upon those of us who have knowledge of the Good News of His Salvation and Kingdom?!? As I explained further, Jesus has told us the times will get worse until He returns, and I do not believe we are destined to be raptured out of this wicked earth. God does not want to lose even one soul, and we need to be present to speak into the unsaved, the skeptical, and the wicked themselves who have yet to sear their minds against God's love for them. So, we will have work to do right up to the moment that we hear the trumpets sounding the Lord's return!

And let us not forget that we are entering the season and rehearsal of the Lord's Fall Feasts... As you read this blog post, the Feast of Trumpets is upon us, which has us looking heavenward, anticipating the blowing of the shofars announcing His return as we repent and celebrate renewal in the Lord. If He doesn't come this year, what would I advise my friend and all Christians? Let us live in patience and with purpose! Let us trust in God's timetable as we live out our New Covenant responsibilities. Let us proclaim that all the promises of God in the Bible are possible because of the work of Jesus and the outpouring of the Spirit. Let us not bemoan the delay of His return, but rather seize each day as new, transformed people who bear witness to Jesus, continuing His work to heal the sick, cast out demons, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead and spread the Good News that God's Heavenly Kingdom has broken into our world! And let us never tire of fighting back the power of evil and wickedness, thereby bringing new disciples into His kingdom on earth. I don't know if my Lord and Savior will return in my lifetime ... I'd love to see that! But I will devote however many years I have left to hasten His coming! May the shofars sound soon!

Habakkuk 2:3   For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end -- it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay.         

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