With the birth of this holy child, God came to be with the world. And in His Name the world had reason to hope. So, on the day that Jesus's birth is celebrated, I wish to bless you with this prayer:
Heavenly Father,
I come before Your throne with a grateful heart for the immense love you have shown for each of us. I thank You that You chose to humble Yourself and walk among us; coming as an innocent child, but with a Light that shone into the world's darkness.
This year, Father, I am praying for that Light to shine into the hearts of every person on earth. To those who love You, let the Light reveal the areas of their lives that still keep them in bondage. Let them develop a hunger for the freedom this baby came to bring them. Let them be dissatisfied with anything that is not pleasing in Your sight, and may they resolve to unlock the shackles of oppression.
And, Father, may the Body of Christ remove the scales from their eyes, and step into their Divine Commission. It is my prayer that each of us say, "Yes, Lord!" to living the life of power that we were designed to walk in. Let the lame and sick be healed; and let the demons quake and flee when we speak because they recognize our authority. And, Father, I ask, in the Name of Jesus, that the Spirit of Religion be removed from the Body. Help us to shake off the attachments of Unbelief and Doubt that accompany this Spirit. And let us realize that each time we hesitate to answer Your call or invitation to partner with You, that we are signaling the Enemy that we have more faith in his ability to deceive us than we do in Your ability to rightly communicate with us and lead us into righteous works for the Kingdom.
Father, for those who are hurting and poor in spirit this season, let me be the vessel You use to show them You are still with us. I surrender my own selfish desires, my pride, and my self-worth to become Your conduit from Heaven. Let them see only You in me. Cleanse me of anything that interrupts the flow of Your love to those who desperately need to know their identity as a child of God. And, if they doubt Your existence, give me the words to convince them, or a way to supernaturally touch their life in an exhibition of Your Truth.
But, Father, for those who stubbornly reject You, let me react by praising You, displaying my belief and trust in the midst of their unbelief. And I will praise You because I know that, ultimately, it is You who will reveal Yourself and Your Son to the unbeliever, not me. So, I will continue to pray that their heart of stone will be transformed and they will come to know You, receiving the joy that this relationship brings to the spirit of every man.
Father, over 2,000 years ago, You set Your plan in motion to reconcile with us, and I believe that You are releasing revival and restoration to Your remnant in these days. Oh, Father, how I pray that we will receive it and walk in greater power and strength in the coming days and years! I rejoice at seeing the Body of Christ awaken to its assignment, and I pray that our numbers grow; just as I pray that those healed and set free will be rightly discipled and join Your army on earth.
Father, I pray that more of the Holy Spirit and the fullness of You will be transferred to me and my fellow believers. Just as Your Holy Child grew into His assignment on earth, let us continue to grow and mature and walk in higher power and authority. I don't want any aspect of my life to be less than pleasing to You!
So, on this day that we celebrate Immanuel's birth, I am focusing on the work You have done in my life, and asking for more, Father. Keep challenging me to accept Your next invitation, always looking expectantly and eagerly for the next encounter with You. I promise to fight the efforts of the spirits of weariness, complacency, and procrastination that endeavor to keep me from moving forward in my journey with You. The Christ Child was born to give me unrestricted access to You and the possibility to partner with You in redeeming the world. I want to take advantage of every opportunity!
Lastly, Father, I am grateful and thank you for the people you have brought into my life. For those who mentor and encourage Mark and I in our ministry; for those who are willing to risk ridicule and censoring as we walk together in search of more of our God; for those who have the courage to listen to their hearts rather than the voice of the crowd; and for those whose own transformation and conversions are an amazing inspiration to us. Father, make me ever mindful to speak love and encouragement to them. But perhaps, most importantly, Father, I thank you for the wonderful and Godly husband you have given me. You have given him much wisdom and a hunger to live a righteous life. I stand in awe of his boldness for the Kingdom and look forward to where You will take us in the coming year. I am so blessed, Father! And it's all because "Unto us, a child was born". THANK YOU! Amen.
Today I honor the life of one of our "spiritual children", Ben Breedlove, who died on Christmas Day, 2011. (If you would like to read what I wrote about Ben, please click here). Ben, you filled our lives with such joy, and I thank the Lord for recently showing me a glimpse of you in heaven. And that last month of your life here on earth showed us all that our hope for eternal life is real, and it is so much better than anything we can experience in the flesh. You have left us deeply inspired to reach the world for Christ, just as you did. I can't wait to see you again and behold your beautiful smile. Mark and I still love you and miss you every day!
John 1:14 And the Word
(Christ - the Anointed One) became flesh, and lived among us; and we [actually] saw His
glory, glory as belongs to the [One and] only begotten Son of the
Father, [the Son who is truly unique, the only One of His kind, who is]
full of grace and truth (absolutely free of deception).
Thank you for sharing this prayer. Beautiful. Think of you often Pam and I hope you have a wonderful day. Keep up the good work of our Father. May God bless you and your husband always.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Lisa! I humbly accept your prayers that I may always be able to hear what the Father desires me to say in this blog. And wishing you and your family all the blessings of Heaven!