Those who fear You shall see me and rejoice,
because I have hoped in Your Word.
As we face these frightening times, it is my humble desire to be a source of hope for those who are fearful. And I mean that word "fearful" in dual terms. First, for those who "fear" our God in awe of His Sovereignty and His Power and His love for us, I want to bring my testimony of what He has shown me in His Word about these times. I want to be available as a source of encouragement, and to show less experienced Believers who we are to be in the world. I want to show them that we can be glad -- that we can rejoice -- even in the midst of our burdens and concerns over world events.
And for those who "fear" the Lord out of lack of knowledge of Him, I desperately want to introduce their Savior to them! I want them to see me bold and confident; to witness my peace and contentment; and to notice that I am able to take control and responsibility --- all because God's Word has given me hope. I want to make it perfectly clear to them that His Gospel Message is the reason that I do not fear, as they do. And because of my testimony to this group of "fearful" people, I will take great delight in seeing them "rejoice".
Like me, I'm sure you have run into both groups during these last few turbulent years. It is incumbent upon us, as Christians, to minister to both. Each new encounter affords us the opportunity to either renew the strength of a fellow sojourner, or to introduce expectation and desire for God to someone who doesn't know Him. Either way, I want both to see the mercy and Truth of God in me. And it may sound like a simple statement, but "hopeful men bring gladness with them."
Our witness of hope in the Word can mean the difference between eternal salvation and everlasting damnation... it is that important for every person we come in contact with! When I can tell others that my hope is a product of my embracing the Word, and that it has seen me through troubles, temptations and trials -- and that it has never disappointed me -- then I have given them reason to rejoice. Don't be afraid to tell people of your struggles, as well as your triumphs. They need to see that God is present in everything!
I want them to know that I am always careful to please Him, and always mindful of offending Him. And the way to do both is presented in the Bible. His Word offers the hope and the knowledge and the grace to follow God's commandments. It's all there ... my reason to rejoice, as well as theirs. Therefore, I must always be vigilant to present that hope, and guard against the despair and negativity of the Enemy. I must always put on the whole armor of God -- displaying the Righteousness of Christ, the Truth of the One True God, the Peace of the Gospel Message, the grace of Salvation, the confidence in my Faith, and the Power of His Word.
When anyone sees me, I want them to share in my experience; to want what I have. I am God's representative and I welcome all who "fear" Him to take this journey with me ... let's delight and rejoice in the Lord!
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