A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth
May 17, 2014
Saturday Morning's Random Thoughts
There are some days that I just don't get a clear direction of what to write about. There's so much in the news; most of it unsettling, so what takes precedence? Rather than grasping at something that is not in focus, I will share some thoughts that have occupied my mind this last week.
• First of all, I enjoyed a visit from my niece (also God-daughter), her husband, and their beautiful nine-month old daughter. I'm always fascinated at God's craftsmanship in creating us. This child, even at this young age, shows tremendous curiosity, persistence, stubbornness and ingenuity. She has unlimited potential because she is made in God's image. Let's hope that mankind does not stifle His purpose for her.
That's why I had to hold my tongue when her mother informed me that the baby had acid-reflux and her pediatrician has prescribed Nexium for this child. If I'm to have any influence on my niece, I know it will be by staying calm; even though everything in me wanted to scream, "Run from that doctor!" When I checked a reputable online site for any information in treating gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in infants, I found that it had recently been approved for short-term use in children aged 1-11. Then there was this warning: The most common adverse reactions in children treated with Nexium were headache, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, gas, constipation, dry mouth and sleepiness. The safety and efficacy of Nexium has not been established in children less than one year of age. My great-niece is nine months old! What is this doctor thinking? And I hate our culture's fixation with always looking for a magic pill! And I hate, even more, the thought that this beautiful child is being directed down a path of life-long dependency on Big Pharma.
• I have also been confounded by the astounding number of people that I have been asked to pray for who are the quintessential picture of perfect health one day, and within 24 hours find themselves gravely ill. Tests are run and it is determined they have acute liver and kidney failure, or brain tumors, or their body is riddled with cancer. How could there have been no prior signs that something was wrong? Aren't these kinds of serious health issues usually preceded by some clues that something is beginning to deteriorate? Yet these people are all seemingly blind-sided by their diagnoses. Is it, as PLW is beginning to think, that God is taking out (early) His people who will find it difficult to endure what we will shortly suffer through? That He knows who will be able to withstand the coming persecution and so stand for Him? That in His mercy, He is delivering the less strong?
I know people get sick every day, but I am sometimes overwhelmed by the magnitude of the number of Believing individuals who are experiencing life-threatening situations; and how quickly the afflictions are manifested. God, in his infinite wisdom, knows the reasons why. All I can do is pray for them.
• Finally, there seems to be no end to the barrage of global happenings of critical consequence. There is the increase in violent storms, earthquakes and warnings of collisions with meteorites and other heavenly objects. "Nuclear war" is now in the headlines of every major news outlet. Radical Islam has no fear of retribution in forcing conversions, even on innocent school girls. Over 36,000 violent criminals were released on the streets of America -- just before they were scheduled for deportation. Iran claims to have cloned one of our drones. The third case of MERS is announced in the U.S. And here's one of my favorites: Trans-humanists predict that, very soon, our emergence with robots will allow us to become our own gods.
Is it any wonder that there are days I sit dumbfounded at the world in which I find myself? It is difficult to imagine what life will be like in the next year or two, let alone 5 or 10 more, should the Lord decide I am to remain on this planet. Honestly, I feel like everything is spinning out of control, yet I must continue to hang on to the only thing that will help me survive ... my faith. It is so clear in these present days that money, stature and things are not the rewards I wish to seek. There is nothing in this physical world that means anything. I only care about what I receive from my relationships with others; those whom God has put in my path and who help me realize that love is the most cherished possession I have. Let me grow in this precious commodity!
2 Timothy 3:1 "But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty."
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Although I rarely comment, I read your words every day. It is like coming out of a desert of insanity into an oasis of peace, love and faith. You help me to stay focused on what is important - remaining true to my belief and faith God. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, on the day's that I feel like I am not contributing to God's Kingdom, He sends me people like you and let's me know that we are not alone ... that He can use each one of us to encourage each other and to strengthen our faith. I want to THANK YOU and praise God for His love and mercy.