I have to say that when God closes one door, He always opens another. In the past, the Boy Scouts of America were upheld as the iconic symbol of strength, character, leadership, and faith. But their recent decision to alter their membership policy and accept gay Scout leaders, goes against the Christian faith of their history.
Now there is an alternative to those who wish to stay true to the God of the Bible in organizations for young men. According to their official website, Trail Life USA, is a Christian adventure, character, and leadership movement for young men. The K-12 program centers on outdoor experiences that build a young man’s skills and allow him to grow on a personal level and as a role model and leader for his peers. "Living the Trail Life" is a journey established on timeless values derived from the Bible.
Their vision is clear: to be the premier national character development organization for young men which produces Godly and responsible husbands, fathers, and citizens. And their Mission Statement is uncomplicated: to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure.
From what I've read, this is no fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants resistance movement to the Boy Scouts. It appears to be a very-well-thought-out and organized group of former Scoutmasters, Eagle scouts, church leaders and parents who are dedicated to resisting the culture of political correctness. The group has already conducted its first Leadership Conference, at which they released this statement: “All boys are welcome to the program regardless of religion, race, national origin or socio-economic status. Our goal is for parents and families of every faith to be able to place their boys in a youth program that endeavors to provide moral consistency and ethical integrity in its adult leaders. However, adult leaders in the program will be Christian and must sign a statement of faith and submit to background checks,” a press release reads. “Both boys and adults will be required to adhere to a code of conduct.” Gasp! You mean they will have Godly standards??? In addition to their stated vision, their ultimate goal is to counter the “moral free-fall” of the nation, and “raise a generation of faithful husbands, fathers, citizens and leaders."
From where I sit, it is refreshing to see Christians taking the initiative and standing for their principles. And now there is an alternative for those who don't want to abandon their faith, while enjoying the outdoors and developing leadership skills. And in case you might think this organization is soft on the faith and values aspect of their organization, get a load of this official Statement which must be signed by all adult leaders in Trail Life USA:
“We believe that there is One Triune God – Father, Jesus Christ His one and only Son, and the Holy Spirit – Creator of the universe and eternally existent. We believe the Holy Scriptures (Old and New Testaments) to be the inspired and authoritative Word of God. We believe each person is created in His image for the purpose of communing with and worshipping God. We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit who enables us to live a Godly life. We believe that each individual is called to love the Lord their God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength; and to love their neighbors as themselves. We believe that each individual is called to live a life of purity, service, stewardship and integrity.”
Purity – Members are called to live a life of holiness, being pure of heart, mind, word and deed, reserving sexual activity for the sanctity of marriage; marriage being a lifelong commitment before God between a man and a woman.
Service – Members are called to become a responsible part of their community and the world through selfless acts, which contribute to the welfare of others.
Stewardship – Members are called to use their God given time, talents, and money wisely.
Integrity – Members are called to live a moral life, demonstrating the inward motivation to do what is right, regardless of the cost
Trail Life USA makes no bones about it; the basis for the program’s ethical and moral standards are found in the Bible. No apologies and no compromising. I like that! I'm so tired of the Bible being soft-peddled to our culture. It's time that Christians stand --- boldly and with no regrets --- and promote the benefits of living a moral life. Just imagine how this kind of message could initiate a dramatic change in our culture! I applaud Trail Life USA for their commitment and their courage, and for wasting no time in offering the young men of America an opportunity to learn the meaning of ethics, morality and integrity. As of this date, more than 30,000 former scoutmasters, Eagle Scouts, parents, and church leaders have contacted the organization about the new program.
I pray for God's blessings on this organization and that we may see a new breed of leaders in this country.
Matthew 5:19 "Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
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