This blog post will provide you with what might easily be the most important information you receive in regard to taking care of your family. This book, titled “The Prepared Family Guide to Uncommon Diseases”, was written by Enola Gay, the author of one of my “go-to” blogs , titled Paratus Familia.
Enola Gay is a self-described “homestead type” who tries to live independently, off the grid, and according to her Christian, Conservative values. It became very clear to her, that as caretakers of our families, we could be presented with situations that require us to attend to the medical needs of those we love. Of course, this book is not intended to replace your doctor’s vast medical expertise. It is a safeguard against a time when access to your doctor may not be available.
In her own words….”In a TEOTWAWKI, grid-down or terrorist attack scenario, we may be faced with a resurgence of potentially deadly plagues and diseases.” So she set about writing this book, compiling a list of potential medical threats, along with signs, symptoms, treatments and methods of containment.
Section 1 includes a listing of specific diseases such as Smallpox, Measles, Mumps, Tuberculosis, Chickenpox, Pneumonia, Scarlet Fever, Influenza, Malaria, Hantavirus, Head Lice, and many more. You may be thinking that some of these diseases have been irradicated; we don’t need to worry about them. But in the case of a collapsed infrastructure, these diseases will once again raise their ugly heads. To be forewarned, is to be forearmed.
You receive a description of each disease, its signs or symptoms, how to treat it, how to contain it, the history of the disease, and a section titled “The Doctor Says…”, which is a medical evaluation of the disease by Maurice Masar, MD, LMCC, FRSPH.
Section 2 provides you with recipes to help treat symptoms, such as a Clear Liquid Diet, an Electrolyte Replacer, Saline Solution, and a recipe for Emergency Baby Food Formula. Here’s an example:
Electrolyte Replacer
½ tsp. Table Salt
¼ tsp. Salt Substitute (or Potassium Chloride)
½ tsp. Baking Soda
2 tbsp. Sugar
Mix everything together with 1 quart boiling water. Cool to serve.
You may add 1 package unsweetened kool-aid or 1 packet of Emergen-C to mixture for flavor and added vitamins.
Section 3 provides easy and simple treatment of symptoms such as Cough, Dehydration/Diarrhea, Earache, Fever, Shock, and Sore Throat. They may seem old-fashioned, but these are time-tested remedies that our grandmothers used and they still work!
At the end of the book, Enola Gay even provides a Shopping List of supplies to keep on hand for medical emergencies, including provisions for bandaging, OTC pharmaceuticals, Antibiotics (and what diseases they treat), Vitamins/Supplements, etc.
As she explains in her foreword, “the goal is to equip people with the basic tools they need to fight disease and win.” With this book in your library, you will have the knowledge to care for your family during a medical crisis. The price is a modest $21.94. Go to her website and order today!
Jeremiah 33:6 “Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and let them enjoy abundant peace and security.”
I bought a copy of this as a Chrsitmas gift-a great companion to this would be a similar book on taking care of common injuries and illnesses in a similar situation-burns, serious cuts/broken bones,infections and so on-when no professional medical help is available.