A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Thirsting for God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thirsting for God. Show all posts

July 26, 2024

The Fate of America Lies in Who and What It Chooses to Follow

My husband and I are often looked upon with suspicion and a skeptical eye when it becomes known that we don't attend a church building for our worship of God. Note that I did not say we don't worship God, nor did I say we have abandoned community with others who do worship Him. Rather, we have chosen to worship along with a faithful group of Christians who meet in our home to study the Word, to discuss the history and context of God's Word, and to search and seek the fullness of His Word as it pertains to how we are to live out our time on this earth. 

Why? That is probably the biggest [and most unspoken] question about our choice. And the reasons are deeply personal and based on what the Lord has done in our lives. And let it be known that our choice does not mean we judge those who choose to attend a church building in which they are happy. Our choice is a result of experiencing the power of our relationship with God [in His presence]. And that's different from being a part of the communities we experienced in our previous 20 years of Church attendance. Don't get me wrong -- the Word was preached beautifully, and we loved the people who became our "Church family"; people who undoubtedly loved the Lord. But there came a time when we began to be hungry for more.

It wasn't enough to be [and feel] close to a large community of people who all loved the Lord. We wanted to feel closer to God; to feel as if He truly abided in us every day, not just on Sunday. And with that realization came a desire to remove ourselves further from what our society and culture valued -- because all of that seemed to be valued more than God was valued. We saw good friends, both inside and outside the Church, both saved and lost, clinging to the temptations the world offered -- wealth, big homes, positions in the world, and lavish lifestyles. Granted, those inside the church buildings still loved God, but sometimes seemed content with where they were in their relationship with Him. It seemed as if God was opening our eyes to see both from a new perspective -- of how anemic was the view of God within the building, and how the multitudes were worshipping the "little g" gods of our culture. My husband and I were starving for our true identities, and we needed the genuine presence of God in our lives. And we found ourselves heartsick -- to the point that our spirits became saddened and we no longer felt we belonged in either group.

And please understand this ... I write all this to point to our own faith journey and how God ruined us for this world; not to disparage the journey and experiences of anyone else. Only God knows where any one person is on his timeline of maturing faith. I write because I know the agony I felt in my spirit and soul as I fought to overcome all the roadblocks the Enemy put in front of me to keep me from having an encounter with the living God. 

As my husband and I cried out to Him from our season of famine and drought, He began to answer us with powerful signs, experiences, and encounters ... in dreams of being rescued from a literal tsunami of world events; of being in the throne room and reaching out to touch the hem of His robe; of prophetic dreams showing the strategies of the Enemy to thwart our purpose; to weeping in deep repentance for my sins against Him; and one very powerful encounter my husband had in which the Lord gave him our marching orders for how we are to serve the Kingdom of God. 

I know there are others who have had similar [and a far greater number of] spiritual occurrences like these, but I'm not interested in comparisons. I just want to testify of the glory of God that washed over me when I experienced the power of His presence. And I will also testify that I once thought I was where I was supposed to be in my relationship with Him. I loved being part of my church building which housed such beautiful worship and dynamic sermons, along with loving people who espoused their loyalty to Jesus. But were we changing Satan's forward progress in our nation? Were we really making a difference? It wasn't until God crossed mine and my husband's path with Believers who were operating outside that religious system that God opened our eyes to our own hunger and thirst for His empowering presence in our own lives.

So, I feel strongly that God is calling those of us who have experienced His exhilarating and powerful presence to stand up and testify to it. I understand there will be ridicule, persecution, and distrust because we don't walk in the traditional religious model. And for those of you who are testifying within the church buildings, I thank you and bless you! For until the presence of the Lord is walking in the midst of Church buildings, all their efforts will be man-glorifying. It is only when the Glory of Almighty God fills the temples that the Light of Christ will burn in our hearts and the world will be changed. And I'm talking of temples made of brick and mortar as well as our fleshly temples.

Until that fire is lit in the hearts of all Believers, and we testify of it and exhibit it, the Body will continue to be hindered by this world and all it offers. We must break free of the bonds of this earth, resolve to not turn back towards its temptations, but live in the fullness of God. As long as we are focused on the things of this world as our Savior, we will be disqualified for serving in the Kingdom of God. Our answers do not lie in politics, or persuasive leaders, or war, or our own efforts. We must become desperate enough to quench our thirst and feed our hunger by partaking of the Living Water and the Bread of Life! 

It is time to understand that the Lord is getting ready to invite guests to His Wedding Feast. Do you call yourself His servant? If so, will you be too busy or distracted with the things of this world? Remember, He will have all of us, or He will have none of us. Or are you willing to lay it all down and walk away from it; to sacrifice your life for the advancement of His Word and His Kingdom? It's not enough to "profess" your faith -- you must live it! The true remnant counts the cost of our faith and picks up our cross, trading the treasures of this world for the opportunity to exist in the Light of Heaven for all eternity. Are you thirsty and hungry for that experience? So, the question is this: how desperate are you to be quenched and fed? Now is the time to take stock of your spiritual condition. God will soon enter the Valley of Decision in which He will hand down His decision of judgment upon the nations. Will America survive and enter the Wedding Feast before the doors close?

Psalm 63:1     O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land where there is no water.    




March 2, 2023

REVIVAL: Understanding It in Scripture and Our Culture (Part 2)

In light of the fact that we are continuing to see God's Presence moving among our college campuses and across our land, I want to take a look at Revival from a more personal perspective in people's lives and our culture. In Part 1 of this topic, I took a basic approach towards Revival from a Scriptural viewpoint in the Old and New Testaments, as well as how theologians describe it, and even the cynicism of modern Believers and non-Believers alike. As I stated in the previous post, I don't really care if people call what we are seeing a "Revival" or an "Awakening" or even a "Movement of God" -- it is my prayer that it persists and is sustained as God proceeds in doing whatever it is that He has planned for it. Let His Spirit work in the hearts of men as the message of His love and power to change lives -- and the world! -- permeates this land.

There is no question in my mind that I am witnessing a movement of God in our culture. And I use that terminology in a deliberate way. By now, I am sure most of you have heard of the movie Jesus Revolution, whose popularity is widely touted by the Christian community. I was introduced to a video by John Ruttkay [a participant in the Jesus Movement in the 70's]. He was a witness to the Jesus Movement, the Shepherding Movement, and the Vineyard Movement, all which lasted well into the 90s. None of these movements resembled the traditional, orthodox Church of that time period. And I invite you to click on the links and do your own research on what these revivals looked like. But the point I want to make is this: Mr. Ruttkay made a statement that I think is central to how we must view Asbury and all the other colleges and places where revival has broken out. He said, "If something is called a movement, it's because God is moving in that time and space". A very simple statement, but perhaps it can keep us from getting hung up on whether any of these spiritual activities "qualify" to be called a revival. 

Yes, we have the Biblical concepts of Revival as 1) bringing back to life what [of God] was dead and lost, as well as 2) being awakened to whatever has been appointed by God for men to understand, and then being stirred into action through obedience to reveal it to others. And I recognize those definitions as being true. But I think we can sometimes become too rigid ... and I'll say it, "religious" ... about setting standards for what qualifies as a revival. There are multiple websites on the internet that proclaim the 8 or 10 or 12 "certifications" for genuine revival. But I think Revival looks like whatever God wants it to look like in the circumstances in order to give birth to, or arouse the spirits of men and women to testify to His Glory.

Now, that can be in a corporate model, as we see at Asbury University and Cedarville Unviersity, as well as college campuses in Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Texas. Even a Tennessee Middle School is experiencing the movement of God. But Revival can be individual and personal, too. Bottom line, it doesn't need to fit a cookie cutter mold. As a dear Sister in Christ commented on Part 1, "When I experienced revival, I knew I was changed. When I began to share my testimony, the naysayers were the first to tell me that my transformation was not real. The naysayers did not know my whole life story, so how could they make an assumption that nothing really happened to me? By my outward appearance, they were right, but if I had listened to their words, I would have been discouraged and been as dry as the naysayers have become. I am thankful for that moment in time in my life that I experienced, so that I can rejoice with those who have also experienced Jesus. Their transformation may not happen in an instant. Mine didn't either. It took time, so I am anticipating those who rise above the naysayers and thankful that Christians are truly experiencing Jesus, to repent, to be set free". I know her well and can attest to the evidence that she experienced true revival in her life.

Then there is another woman, who has become a new friend, who shared with me her experience of being part of the Jesus Movement in Texas. She has seen the movie, The Jesus Revolution, and says it is pretty accurate to what that movement was like. She said the hippies from California [which is where the movement began] showed up at their South Texas Church and showed the congregation that they could have a personal relationship with Jesus, which was a new paradigm for them. The people inside that Church were spiritually transformed, and then came to understand that they had made their building the Church, but it couldn't contain the whole picture of God. He was much bigger than that confined space, and His message needed to go out into the streets and spread across the land.

But she also testified that if the Holy Spirit was not properly stewarded, and the power and authority did not go out, it became confined in the building and Satan would begin causing disruptions. People with no discernment would "get out of hand" [her words] and stand up and witness, oftentimes out of their own soul. The power of the Holy Spirit was so great, that the building could not contain it. Church leadership struggled with thoughts of "what do we do with this movement of the Spirit"? But she testified that the revival lasted for 5-7 years, with many of the young people involved in street ministry that bore much fruit. And she affirmed that the seeds of that revival are still alive these 50 years later. Many of her good friends from that period of her life are still doing ministry and evangelizing.

Finally, I want to share the testimony of a young man who my husband and I ministered Inner Healing to. His story, and that of his family, is nothing short of miraculous. There has been a revival in his life that encompasses both of the definitions of Revival from Scripture. He came from an abusive childhood, drug addiction, sexual issues, and satanic influence into a life seeking Jesus, having visions of Jesus washing his feet, but he still experienced a constant battle with Satan to keep that relationship with His Savior. Just a few short months ago, we met with him, partnered with Jesus so that he experienced an encounter with the One who died for him, and he was changed forever. He went home to his wife and stepson, and together the family has battled to keep the freedom that would lead them all into God's miraculous favor. The love he had for Jesus was always overshadowed by the power of the Enemy to lie and convince him he could never be free. But when we ministered to him, and he saw Jesus hand him a key to walk out of that prison cell, he left that dead life behind once and for all, and there began a personal revival in his life that stirred up his spirit to lead his family into a Divine freedom. He recently was given a job that he could only have dreamed about five months ago; his wife is free of all her depression and anger from life's struggles; and his stepson has excelled in school beyond kids that are two grades ahead of him. And the most beautiful thing is that he said he felt the spirit of the revival at Asbury University [which is not far from where he lives] infusing his own spirit and igniting his own walk with the Lord.

So, as you can see, Spiritual Revival and Awakening can take many forms. The most obvious is when movements like the Azusa Street Revival, which began at the turn of the century in 1906; the Jesus Movement of the 70s; and today's Asbury Revival give witness to large numbers of people who experience the Presence of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. But personal revival bears great fruit, too; changing the destiny and purpose of families for generations to come. As I said earlier, God will do what He wants to when the people are willing and ready. Our nation has an amazing history of Revivals and Great Awakenings, and I believe we are ripe for another one. Does it mean it will last and bring in the Return of Christ? Only God, the Father knows. 

But we cannot make or fabricate Revival ourselves. It is the Sovereignty and Grace that God extends to us in response to our repentance and prayers that lights the spark. And historically, revivals in America have rarely lasted longer than 10 years. But I know you join me in praying that this spirit of Revival continues and grows until God is once again welcomed back into our society and culture. Let Revival spill forth from our Church buildings and our Home Churches into our individual lives, our homes, our schools, the halls of our government, and across the entire globe. Let us learn the lessons from past revivals and not define nor limit God as to who He can use to change our nation. God, we pray that You use each one of us to bring revival in our spheres of influence and we invite You to reign over our land once again. Amen!

#revival #revivalinamerica #Godsrevival #asburyrevival #whatisrevival

Psalm 69:32   The humble have seen it and are glad; You who seek God [requiring Him as your greatest need], let your heart revive and live.


January 18, 2022

How Hungry and Thirsty Are You?

First things first ... I'm not sure why this website was down yesterday and most of today. And to be honest, after wrestling with it during the last 24 hours, I don't think I'm responsible for it being back up, but I am thankful it is. So, thank you for your patience, and thank You, Lord Jesus, for hearing my prayers!


Now, for today's thoughts ... My husband, Mark, and I are so blessed to lead a small group of Believers, whose common goal is to first, seek the Kingdom of God in our lives, and then to carry out our assignments to bring the world back into relationship with the One who created it [and us]. We are growing in our recognition that we are all created with an assignment for the Kingdom of God. We are responsible to be accountable for what we achieve for our King while on earth. That sounds like a tall order, and all of us know that we are unable to do it through our own abilities. 

We are a diverse group; coming from different religious backgrounds and faith journeys. In fact, we often find ourselves in the midst of deep conversations as we reconcile our belief systems with Scripture, and as we delve into what the Church has often labeled "the mysteries of God, or Christ". Yet, speaking personally, Mark and I have found that God rewards us with increased spiritual insight when we determine to solve those mysteries by understanding His Truth. 

In fact, as we have sought to know both the Logos Word and the Rhema Word, it has stirred a desire in our hearts and spirits that cannot be quenched. [NOTE: The Logos Word of God is the ability of the Bible to communicate the logical, literal meaning of God's general will through Scripture. The Rhema Word is when the Holy Spirit "quickens" Scripture to speak to your spirit and, oftentimes, the result is a deeper revelation that is imparted to activate your faith for a specific purpose or understanding]. That searching for more in the Word has lead to a consistent yearning that can best be described by what Jesus says in Matthew 5:6 ... Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness...

And because of that yearning, I have come to understand righteousness at a deeper level. It is God's standard of purity; the perfect consistency between His nature and His actions. Our God is Holy, therefore He cannot tolerate sin, and His Righteousness demands Judgment. Only through Jesus can we obtain righteousness that is acceptable to God. It is Jesus's purity that God sees in us, when we receive Him and seek more of Him. And the more I seek Him, the more hungry and thirsty I am for Him! I can totally identify with David, when he declared in Psalm 63:1, O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. 

Simply put, just like David, I cannot get enough of God! This world offers nothing to satiate our hunger, nor satisfy our thirst like what Jesus provides. And that is what each of us in our small Ekklesia share. We may be at different stages in that journey, but it is our hunger and thirst to grow closer to God, and to seek His righteousness, that keeps us in community. And also what makes us different from many of our fellow brethren in faith.

Every so often, someone who has become dissatisfied or disappointed with the mainstream Church will hear of us and visit, with a sincere hope that their discontent can be appeased. We have learned to be upfront and honest in explaining that we go places in Scripture that will most likely be new and even controversial. We are not interested in maintaining traditional doctrine, if it means keeping God in a box and diminishing a fuller understanding of Scripture. We are by no means trying to corrupt or alter Scripture, but rather to strip away any man-made deviations that have obscured God's Truth down through the centuries. That means we may seek answers to our questions in historical documents; apocryphal books of the Bible; Books that were removed from the Canon; the cultural context of Jesus's time on earth; writings of early Church fathers; and other Hebrew and Bible scholars who have studied the etymology of the Bible --- all while taking our findings back to the Bible and comparing them with what Scripture declares as truth. 

It is our hope that others, who have the same hunger and thirst to know more of our God, will join us. We are not afraid to discover more of His unlimited nature. We dare to ask the hard questions that are often brushed aside in Western Christianity. And we are brave enough to consider the unconventional answer. We have confidence that the Lord knows our hearts and we trust the Holy Spirit to guide us to a righteous and uncorrupted revelation. If someone who ventures into our group decides such willingness to take bold risks to gain more knowledge of God is outside their comfort zone, we let them know we understand and it is okay. We don't fault them. We know that this remnant is not for everyone. Our goal is not to gain a huge following. It is simply to feed our longing to know God and Christ more. 

Ultimately, I can only speak for myself when it comes to the reality of why I think God has created this hunger in me [and I am blessed it is present in my husband, as well]. We discern that now, and continuing into the very near future, it is going to be imperative that we identify the forces coming against God's people on the earth. I want to know God's heart and His will for His people, because our studies of the Bible and its history have shown us that the battle will come against those who have faithfully sought the Lord and His will; those who are able to perceive and enter the realm of His Kingdom here on earth to receive our marching orders. He will need the righteous to stand against Evil as He fights for us. And when we understand how He has acted and revealed Himself through history, ancient writings, and even disputed theology, we will be better equipped to fulfill our assignments and purpose. I pray that those who have chosen to play it safe will awaken in time to join the ranks of the remnant, who, by their steadfast faith, will not flinch or shrink back from their calling. 

Lord, let me dwell in Your shelter, but when called upon, let me stand on the spiritual shoulders of those who came before me  ... Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, and the prophets; the twelve Disciples; all those who have endured persecution throughout the ages for the sake of declaring mankind's victory in God and His Son, Jesus Christ. While in this life, I hunger and thirst daily for You! Reveal more of Yourself to me so that I may nourish others, and create in them the same yearning for You! Let us quench the needs of our very beings at Your fountain of knowledge and revelation, and come away more convinced than ever of the depths of our God!

Psalm 14:2    The Lord has looked down from heaven upon the children of men to see if there are any who understand (act wisely),
Who [truly] seek after God, [longing for His wisdom and guidance.]