A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label The Most High God; God's Ways; Primordial history; Pre-Adamic history. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Most High God; God's Ways; Primordial history; Pre-Adamic history. Show all posts

September 7, 2024

What the Bible Says About Jesus, Man, and the Morning Stars!

I rose in the early hours of the morning, sliding out of bed so as not to disturb my husband's sleep. I nestled into my comfortable recliner to spend some personal time with Jesus. Both my husband and I are experiencing a profound desire to let the Holy Spirit put our lives into perspective when it comes to God's plan from the beginning of time. We are hungry for more heart and spiritual knowledge about the God of all Creation. We know what the Bible says about us and God's love for us. We know what He desires of us, and our responsibilities as sons and daughters of the King and His kingdom. We know about our lost dominion in this earth and our authority to reclaim it. And we know about the power given to us, by Jesus Himself, to defeat the powers of hell. But we also know that there is much more to God's story, and we're just a small [but important] part of it. In all significant respects, it's not about us, but all about Him. 

I'm reading a fascinating book by Timothy Alberino, entitled Birthright. I've just begun, but it is so in line with the thoughts, questions, and direction that my spirit is headed, that I am grateful to the Holy Spirit for affirming that I'm on the path I should be. It's not actually a new path, but one that is ever-evolving as I take my next step and season in the Lord. I think I really began coming out of my Christian "normalcy bias" about 12 years ago when I did a Bible study called Behold Your God. I think it was probably the first time that I began to recognize the box I had put Him in; a box that had been carefully constructed for thousands of years by men's ideas of who He was and what His Word meant for us. And it was all designed to make us the center of His purpose. [In retrospect, although that study was just barely scratching the surface, it went far beyond anything the Church had taught me and it ignited a spark of interest that has continued to burn].

Now, as I've grown older and matured in my faith, I am able to see beyond the barriers that have been erected to keep us [and our knowledge of God] at a distance, and which consequently results in us reflecting upon ourselves and making us the center of all God's works. For instance... [and please bear with me as I attempt to connect the dots of my thoughts with what God is showing me] ... Here we are in the 21st Century, at a critical juncture in our history. We can be hyper-focused and look at everything from politics, to education, to impending wars, to our upside-down morals, to disease and dying, and surmise that it all looks like the beginning of the end for us. Our Christian tunnel vision will tell us we're in bad shape and we need to pray more. We ask, "Where are you, God"? And we think the state of the world has never seemed worse. And we make it all about us.

But I, in my early morning time with Jesus, am able to contemplate that there have been billions and billions and billions of people who have existed over God's timeline that have experienced this and worse. The devil whispers that from the 50,000 foot view, I don't even register on God's radar. But my faith and trust in Jesus knows without a doubt that He cares about each one of us, and knows our fears and troubles; we are not insignificant to Him! At the same time, I also recognize that many Christians interpret the Bible as saying we are the center of Jesus's focus and purpose for appearing on the earth... that what is happening to us now will have the most impact on the destiny of man. It's as if nothing that came before us really matters in God's mind or plan.

I mean, just consider the opposing views of Young Earth and Old Earth. There are those who believe the earth was created 6000 years ago, while others believe that it is anywhere between 4.5 and 14 billion years old. The Young Earth-ers will contend that the earth and the universe came into existence approximately the same time as man was created ... "as if the universe were made for the earth and the earth for man" [Alberino]. But the Bible doesn't support that. As Paul tells us in Colossians 1:15-17, "He [Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, in Him all things consist"

Jesus is the preeminent [primary, superior, first] focus of all creation! He is worthy of all praise and honor! As aforementioned, the universe was not made for the earth, and the earth was not made for man. It was all made for Jesus, the firstborn and beloved Son of the Father. As mankind, we need to understand that there is a proper position for us within the order of creation. We were not there at the beginning of the universe [and not even at the beginning of the earth] and we weren't the first sentient species created. I know that's not the story manufactured under the umbrella of religious concepts, but like I said, if we truly want to behold God in His fullness, we have to take Him out of the box.

Have you ever wondered about what was going on in the pre-Adamic history of the universe? What about some of the other groups mentioned in the Bible as having significance in the Creation story? What is your Christian understanding of the Morning Stars, mentioned in Job 38:4-7? What about the Watchers -- both the holy [Daniel 4:13,16] and the unholy ones [1 Enoch 6:1-2, Genesis 6:1-4], as well as the Nephilim [Genesis 6:4]? Are you willing to dismiss their existence because they aren't talked about in Church? Or do you disregard 1 Enoch because it's not included in our canon [although it was completely preserved in an Ethiopic translation from Greek], as well as several instances of the Bible [Jude 1:4, 1:14-15, and 2 peter 2:4-9] paralleling 1 Enoch's text? If so, I hope you will reconsider their significance in our understanding of how big our God is. If you're like me, I want to know all there is to know about who and for what purpose all beings were created, and I want to know all the ways that God communicated His Truth.

I truly believe that God is opening up our minds and spirits to more depth of knowledge. Of course, the Enemy is always willing to contradict or corrupt our understanding to cloud the Truth. We've seen this happening in ways like the pseudo-scientific/historical TV series called Ancient Aliens. I've always marveled at the ability of the writers of this popular series to get about 90% of the Biblical paradigm correct. But let me ask you this ... Do extraterrestrials and/or aliens exist? And do they have a place within the context of the Bible? I say, "Absolutely"! When you understand that the term extraterrestrial simply means a being who comes from someplace other than earth, and an alien, which is a foreign being from an extraterrestrial world, we see them represented in the ancient book of Job.

"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? To what were its foundations fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?" I love this passage! It is a challenge that God has presented before prideful man throughout the millennia! Who are we to declare all that God has done or that we are the preeminent creation of the universe? 

Obviously the morning stars were sentient beings [endowed with feelings and consciousness; able to think and act]. After all, they sang and they are older than the earth itself, since they were there to see it formed; thereby making them older than human beings. And the sons of God were created before us, too! It is not all about us! But, here is the magnificent truth: we humans are destined to be sons of God together with them in the Kingdom of God.

These are just a few of the pearls and hidden treasures that have surfaced as I've mined the Word for God's Truth. Maybe some will think that I'm wasting my time ... isn't my salvation enough, they will ask? But I recall Jesus saying [after He was resurrected] that He would send a Helper to be our Counsellor and Guide in all things that come from the Father. Please understand, I know these thoughts will be considered heretical among many religious denominations and teachers. But I challenge you to do your own research and question the religious traditions we've taken for granted. The Bible is not a closed system of instruction and knowledge. It is called "the Living Bible" for a reason. It is "Living and Active" [Hebrews 4:12], ever able to give us more wisdom, understanding, counsel, and knowledge from our Father in Heaven, and our Creator and Savior. 

Bottom line: don't be afraid to go deeper in the Word. The Word is not written to be restrictive. Let Scripture reveal who God is; even knowledge that seems outside the orthodoxy of Religion can be instructive to help you know more about God. AND ALWAYS ... take what you're curious about to Jesus and ask Him if what you are discerning is correct. Trust Him! The devil has long used misguided men to suppress our understanding of just how big our God is. Do we really think that 66 Books of the Bible are all there is in revealing the fullness of Him? NOTE: I'm not blaspheming Scripture! I'm merely saying that He can plant pearls and treasure within His inspired Word that will lead you to greater truth as He reveals more and more of Himself and all He's done throughout time. It's all of inestimable value to those who love Him!

 Isaiah 55:8-9    For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.