A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

October 22, 2024

My Personal Assessment (& A Piece of Advice) For Those Called To Ministry

I find myself in a quandary today. Ever since my husband, Mark, and I were called out of our lackluster relationship [and service] to the Lord in order to receive a God-ordained ministry, we have been blessed by His faithfulness [and the Holy Spirit's wisdom and counsel] to be connected to people who have ignited, activated, encouraged, and walked beside us to see His will done in lives on the earth. 

Our spiritual journey really began over 15 years ago, and to be honest, we were simply a couple living a normal, commonplace life who faithfully went to Church, loved our Sunday School group, and thought of ourselves as good Christians. But one day, we just looked at each other and said, "I need more; I'm not being fed, and I want more of who God is." Long story short, it all began with my husband receiving an unexpected [and rare] vision from God that let us know He was calling us to something bigger than ourselves. 

At the time, we were seen as rebels within the Church we attended. After all, we were no longer coloring inside the lines of traditional Religious practices. We were attending conferences and training workshops with people who professed to also have heard from the Lord that He wanted to work with His followers to help continue the work He started ... preaching the Good News of His Kingdom; proclaiming that they could have freedom from their bondage to Satan [through the ministry of Inner Healing]; and working with Jesus to free individuals from the oppression of demons, illnesses, and the traumas and tragedies of life. 

We literally spent three years in the Word; studying every morning for at least two hours, and examining our denominational theology to make sure it aligned with God's Holy Word. After that dedicated time we were rewarded with His sanctified calling on our lives to a ministry in which we partnered with Jesus to set the captives free. We did not advertise it, call ourselves by a fancy title or ministry name. We just took advantage of every opportunity God brought to us to speak to anyone whom He helped us discern needed to be set free in order to pursue their purpose on this earth. One by one, they found their way to us, as God ordained their steps. At the beginning, we were met with a lot of skepticism, doubt, and unbelief. And we understood. The Church had their own form of "normalcy bias" ... and the message we were sharing [that Jesus can still set captives free like He did in the Bible] did not fit the modern model. The results of our form of ministry testified to the truth we professed, and lives were rescued from the Enemy and gloriously changed.

As the years progressed, we were thrilled to see more and more people awakening to our testimonies and Jesus's command to Seek the Kingdom first and righteousness. And we counted it a blessing when a few, who were themselves set free, experienced the calling on their lives to set others free -- just as Jesus called His disciples to do. By this time, the number of people finding their way to Jesus's Healing Table in our home had grown exponentially. We hoped that because of the freedom they received, they would want to become disciples of Jesus, following His model of bringing inner healing to those who have experienced trauma and oppression, all by the devil's design to keep them from discovering their assignment for the Kingdom. We began receiving requests to convene small conferences to teach and train others what we had been taught.

We were excited that people seemed interested in continuing Jesus's practice of setting the captives free. We naively thought that once they had experienced their own freedom, they would glorify Him by unselfishly setting others free. Over the next year or two, we saw people embrace the ministry from many different perspectives. We saw those who began having dreams and clearly hearing their instruction to plant and grow a ministry for the Lord. They were ready to take the ball and run with it! But then I also began to discern those who loved the idea of emulating Jesus's ministry and became impassioned with the possibilities of what they could accomplish for God's Kingdom. And I also began discerning that some were approaching this ministry out of their soul, rather than hearing God's voice in their spirit. They seemed to be getting out ahead of God's plan and schedule, devising their own program of ministry, fueled by their own zeal and enthusiasm.

In truth, not every dream, or thought that comes into our minds is always from God. Sometimes they are our own thoughts, prompted by our desire to serve the Kingdom [or, even our need for validation]. They can seem like God is speaking directly to our spirits, when in reality it is our soul [our mind, emotions, and free will] generating the dreams and thoughts. And that is an important distinction because it is the difference between God HONORING or BLESSING our ministry. And we have to ask ourselves an honest question ... is the condition of our heart to grow our ministry, OR is to advance the Kingdom? Granted, you can advance the Kingdom if your ministry is growing, and God will certainly honor those efforts; He will recognize, appreciate, and value your ministry. And a byproduct may be that people will also recognize the validity of your ministry.

But I think we have to ask ourselves a very important question -- are we more driven to develop and grow our ministry; or are we more focused on representing God's Kingdom and taking back territory from the Enemy? Is the focus of our ministry centered on us and our reputation, or is it about declaring, "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven?" If it is the latter, then the ministry God has called us to will be blessed; there will be bountiful fruit that is borne from it.

I'm going to be honest here ... the Lord has blessed the ministry that He called Mark and I to. It is so encouraging [and gratifying] to see people who have been set free through our obedience to Christ, then answer His call on their lives, and begin to work with Jesus to help set others free! I find it uncomfortable when someone makes an appointment and tells us that they have been hearing about us. No! I want them to be hearing about what Jesus is doing through us! For us, it's always been about Jesus; about being obedient to His teachings and commands, fulfilling the same assignments as the Twelve Disciples were given. I want it to be said of us as it was said of them ... And they went out and preached [the Gospel of the Kingdom] everywhere, while the Lord was working with them and confirming the Word by the signs that followed.

And what did Jesus say would be the signs of those who believe in Him and were baptized into salvation? In My Name they will cast out demons, they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them [these are cultural idioms for engaging with evil people and poisonous words]; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will get well. That is some fruit that cannot be ignored!

Sadly, it is has become my opinion over the last few years that the true motives for ministry have [for a growing number of Christians] become all about chasing the Gifts, Titles, and Positions. If we are going to see these ministries truly model the ministry of Jesus Christ, we need to be honest with ourselves and ask if we are not elevating ourselves and our ministries above what God is trying to do in getting people free. If we do not become poor in spirit [recognizing that we have no spiritual "assets"; we are truly poor and must be willing to beg God for His resources that are necessary to do ministry], we will never receive the rewards of the Kingdom of Heaven. If we are relying on our own abilities and resources, instead of God's will and instruction, then we will never receive as much from Him as we could have. And we are denying the person we're ministering to the full measure of what God wants for them, and it becomes all about us.

I do not want to condemn or judge, because I believe these ministers love the Lord and have a heart to help people, but I have become increasingly disappointed in some of them as I watch them chasing what I can only call "Performance Ministry", seeking validation from their actions and what is put on display for all to see. I read an article back in 2019 by Deliverance Minister, Kathy DeGraw in Charisma Magazine that has stuck with me. She asked this pointed question: Are we doing ministry for ourselves so we can release our anointing and preach, pray, and prophesy ... or are we genuinely in love with God, desiring to release the Spirit of God within us? That answer is important because one draws attention from others to us; the other focuses on the intentions of our heart towards the Father. One is an honor; the other a blessing which can result in changed lives for the Kingdom, which is synonymous with fruit. 

I don't want to paint a broad brush across all ministries, but I do want to share these cautionary words if you are being called to ministry ... let your heart be cleansed of all self-promotion and centered on the will of God, for there you will find blessings that far outweigh the praise of men. 

2 Timothy 2:15    Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the Word of Truth.

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