In reference to this blog title, I have to admit that there are signs within the mainstream Christian Church that are discouraging! And because of this, you will find me covering a wide range of topics today; things that my spirit just wants to get out in the open as we approach this Holy weekend.
As we get ready to celebrate our Lord and Savior's Resurrection from Death into Eternal Life, I was flabbergasted to read on the End Times Headlines website, that Elevation Church (a megachurch in North Carolina, led by popular evangelical pastor Steven Furtick) has decided to avoid mentioning the words Calvary, Resurrection, and "Blood of Jesus" to promote their Easter Sunday services. WHAT?!?!?
According to the digital content creator for Elevation Church, she is not "going to say any of these words that makes someone feel like an outsider" ... instead wanting them to feel "super chill" about attending. And I have no proof, but I would be willing to bet they have no problem promoting Easter egg hunts, the Easter bunny, or the festive meals that accompany the traditions of Easter. In fact, their invitation to attend reads like this: "Hey, do you have plans for Easter Sunday? I'm heading to Easter at Elevation. Would you like to join? The music and the message are always incredible. It's honestly one of my favorite ways to celebrate the holiday. I'd love to have you as my guest this year"!
With no mention of the crucifixion of Jesus; or His Blood shed for us [that we might escape the wrath of God that is due us for our sins]; or His glorious Resurrection that is our hope, it just becomes another holiday to soothe our senses, right? And that is what so many who declare themselves a Christian desire. Not only is that offensive to God, but there's nothing that will make you more of a true outsider in Heaven, than to ignore what God's Son has done for us.
Don't get me wrong, on Easter Sunday there will be millions of Believers who acknowledge the price it cost Jesus to deliver us from God's wrath and the fire of Hell; and who will praise Him and the Father for their plan to redeem us. But there will be millions more who don't see that the Church is teetering on the precipice of Heresy, Apostasy and Idolatry, and who willingly participate in them. Just so we're clear, I want to make sure you understand my definitions ... Biblical heresy is the rejection of one or more Christian doctrines by someone who [otherwise] maintains an overall adherence to Jesus. Apostasy comes into play when a professed Christian publicly rejects the foundational beliefs of Christianity. Idolatry is their heart's affection above their loyalty to God.
But I promise you that churches like Elevation think they are doing God's work ... making Him more palatable and acceptable to mainstream Americans. After all, they have to fill those seats in their megachurch and afford all the stage lighting to provide an entertaining show to keep people in those seats. Instead of worshiping God, many fall prey to the temptation to worship what a particular church offers them, instead of worshiping the One who died to save them. That is called idolatry, because it robs God of the glory that He deserves. The Bible tells us that God alone is worthy of worship.
The prophet Isaiah continually called Israel to account for their idolatry. In his time, idolatry looked like bowing down to a stone or wood statue or carving, as if it were God. Today, it looks like putting more value on something [or someone] than we put on God. Today's secular world is full of idols that men worship above God: their own identity; money; entertainment; sex; comfortable lifestyles; and, of course, our phones. And, sadly, social media, which encompasses all these, has become the biggest idol of all. And in the world of religion, a big idol today is Revival. Believers put more faith [and time and effort] into praying for Revival than they do in praying for the Body of Christ to come to repentance. The truth is they don't really understand what they're asking for when they pray for Revival. let me explain ...
In the American Church we tend to think of Revival as prosperity; as a time of great numbers coming to the Lord because of our evangelical efforts; and as a time of returning to our first love of Christ. We build an image of comfort and joy in worshiping the Lord as the rest of the world spirals towards The End. But what does Jesus say? In Matthew 24:14, He shares the good news that the gospel of the Kingdom will be preached throughout the world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end of the [Church] age will come. I'll agree that that sounds a lot like Revival ... the gospel will be preached to all the nations. But what does He say right before that?
This is the place in the Bible where He talks about wars and rumors of wars; nation against nation, famines, earthquakes, persecution; tribulation; and false prophets. He says that because of the lawlessness and wickedness, the love of most people will grow cold. The only words of hope come when He says, "But the one who endures and bears up [under suffering] to the end will be saved". So, it appears to me that the Western Church is a little confused as to the timeline of any possible worldwide Revival! Read Matthew 24:4-14 yourself! Before there is any chance of the whole world coming to Jesus by the spread of the Gospel, there will be tremendous pain, suffering and persecution!! IS THE CHURCH READY FOR THAT?!?
Somehow, the Western Church skips over those verses and pretends they don't apply to us, and just wants to embrace the message of a Revival because it makes the End Times more appealing. And if you need further convincing that an End Times Revival for the whole world is not in the Bible, the Apostle Paul seems to agree with Jesus. In the Timothy epistles, he writes, "The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron". He also wrote, "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days". Rather than repenting in a worldwide revival, "people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money... without self-control, brutal, treacherous...". You know the rest.
Unlike the Church in other parts of the world, who understand that Revival is preceded by persecution, the American Church doesn't know what it's asking for. Revival can happen... but it's going to come with a great price, and if you aren't ready or prepared to pay that price, you might want to reconsider praying for Revival. Remember, Jesus also asked, "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth"? So, that sure doesn't seem like He's coming into the midst of a worldwide Revival, does it? To me, it seems like He comes when the world is torn apart by evil and a crisis of faith.
So, I've spent a lot of time in this post talking about the things to be discouraged about. So, I want to end this discourse with the truth that the Authority of the Lord over all the wickedness, chaos, and confusion is still established. He has not changed! I would love nothing more than to see a great worldwide revival of all people and nations, but I just don't see it in the Bible, or hear it in Jesus's words. That won't stop me for praying for it, but I'm a realist. The Bible tells me the End Times will be a distressing and troubled time in the world. But I cling to the promise of the Lord that He has overcome this world. I will keep my eyes and heart focused on Him, and share of His Glory, Mercy, Justice and Love to all who will receive. There is a Millennial Kingdom in our future; one in which "the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the Sea". Now that's a Revival I can believe in! Until then, I will pray for the strength and endurance to proclaim His Name until I enter that glorious Kingdom. Come, Lord Jesus!
Jeremiah 31:34. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, "Know the LORD", for they shall all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
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