I will admit that I didn't pay much attention to the recent celebration of International Women's Day (referred to as IWD) ... it's just never been on my radar, even though it has apparently been celebrated for over 100 years. That may have been because my spirit didn't identify with the socialist roots of its creation, nor the message of gender bias that have become woven into its modern commemoration. Don't get me wrong! I believe in the value of women and embrace my gender in all its strength, power and wisdom. I am proud to stand for the rights of women because I believe that our spiritual enemy, Satan, seeks to destroy our importance in God's redemptive plan for mankind. And my self-worth comes from who my Creator has revealed that I am to Him.
But before I talk about my concerns regarding what I see as the attempt to eradicate the divine purpose of women, let me share a quick revelation that I just received this morning as I sat down to write this blog post. As you may or may not know, my husband and I have been anointed by God to offer an Inner Healing ministry to those who have spiritual wounds that keep them from achieving their purpose in life. More than once, someone has asked me if I knew there was a "huge angel" standing guard over me. They obviously could see in the spirit, what I could not. Although I couldn't see him, my spirit recognized the truth of what was revealed, and I have been confident that I truly do have a guardian angel because of the importance of helping people to be set free from their bondage.
I then decided that I wanted to acknowledge this heavenly protector and asked Holy Spirit to reveal a name, so I could relate to him in a more personal way. The name I received was Ezer, knowing it meant "strength and power" in Hebrew. That seemed a fitting name for a guardian angel, right? And I was happy to accept that as the fullness of who he was. Well today, as I was meditating on what to write and doing research on the current state of the war against women, I ran across this statement on a website called The Herald: "Genesis 2 says Eve was made to be a helper, or an ezer in the original Hebrew language. Ezer shows up 21 times in the Old Testament, including 16 times as a description of God, Himself. Those references are strong and kind --- they are in relation to war, overcoming oppression, and defending and rescuing God's people". Because our ministry involves spiritual warfare in the lives of all people (Believer and nonbeliever, alike), I am grateful that God has assigned Ezer to me.
That being said, I am discerning that we need legions of guardian angels to protect the divine creation of women. There is a worldwide agenda that is seeking to redefine what it is to be a woman. And they are starting with our children. The website, Christianconcern.com, recently published an article that reported parents of a 4-year-old child enrolled in a Church of England primary school withdrew their child after the school promoted a book, titled "My Shadow is Pink". Parents were told [without consultation] that the book would be used as "a stimulus for the day", encouraging children to change what they wear as an expression of their inner gender identity that is their true self [the shadows]. The book is promoted by an extreme education group, who undertake training in schools with the aim of "smashing heretonormativity" [which is the Biblical model of men and women, and the alignment of biological sex, sexuality, gender identity and gender roles].
There are increasing testimonies from parents who are confronting school official wjp are departing from traditional and Biblical teachings on sexual identity. The education system and curriculum are being weaponized against parents in order to cause confusion among our children as to their gender identity and to further the transgender ideology. Parents who believe that we are born either male or female are being silenced. There is a concerted effort to erase the biological differences between boys and girls, and it seems to me this confusion is heavily biased against women.
Consider the emergence of "drag queen story hours" in our schools and public libraries, where males dress provocatively as women, seductively encouraging children of all ages [from toddlers to middle school] to engage with them. That is biological men disparaging women. And there are a growing number of transgender men competing as women in the arena of sports. Biologically, they are not equal in strength or endurance. Once again, women are being disparaged. And the effort to disparage women [or regard or represent them as having little worth] has risen all the way to the Supreme Court, where the newly elected Justice, Kentanji Brown, refused to identify what a woman is, claiming she couldn't because "she's not a biologist".
The problem is that once God was removed from our schools, it left a vacuum that our age-old enemy, the devil, was only glad to fill with his lies and deception. Encyclopedia.com defines masculinity and femininity as "socially constructed concepts" that convey values and social status. Therefore, it doesn't matter what sex you were identified as at birth, just adopt the values you want to be. The Wall Street Journal featured an opinion piece in which they stated, "The clear message of gender ideology is that, if you’re a female who doesn’t “identify with” the social roles and stereotypes of femininity, then you’re not a woman; if you’re a male who similarly rejects the social roles and stereotypes of masculinity, then you’re not a man. Instead, you’re considered either transgender or nonbinary, and Planned Parenthood assures you that “there are medical treatments you can use to help your body better reflect who you are.” According to this line of thinking, certain personalities, behaviors and preferences are incompatible with certain types of anatomy". See the confusion this ideology would cause in an impressionable child?
So, while this ideology doesn't focus exclusively on changing the identity of females [only], it certainly seems to target the transformation of God's divine creation of the female species. And why? Think about it from a Biblical perspective. From the beginning, God's enemy targeted the woman. He didn't tempt Adam; he directed his attack towards Eve. Again, I ask why? Could it be because it has been a matter of the Seed War that God proclaimed in Genesis 3:15 ... And I will put enmity (open hostility)between you and the woman, And between your seed (offspring) and her Seed; He shall [fatally] bruise your head, and you shall [only] bruise His heel. It would be a woman who could biologically give birth to the One who would defeat the devil at the end of the ages.
Now, as his time grows ever shorter, the devil must make sure that he destroys women's ability to give birth. Gender confusion leads to powerful drugs that inhibit our God-given ability to pro-create. He's already limited the population by convincing women it is their right to kill the fruit of their womb. And what better way to sow confusion into the next generation than trying to convince them men can have babies? But would it surprise you to know that this gender confusion existed 3000 years before Christ!?!
In 2016, the United Church of God published an article on their website, Beyond Today, in which they quoted Rivkah Harris, author of Gender and Aging in Mesopotamia: The Gilgamesh Epic and Other Ancient Literature. Harris wrote that the pagan goddess Ishtar [also known as Inanna] was "androgynous, marginal, ambiguous . . . She is betwixt and between . . . Central to the goddess as paradox is her well-attested psychological and physiological androgyny. Inanna-Ishtar is both female and male . . . [in one place stating] ‘Though I am a woman I am a noble young man’”. Perhaps it was to discourage the influence of Ishtar worship that God gave the Israelites this command in Deuteronomy 22:5 ... A woman shall not wear a man’s clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman’s clothing; for whoever does these things is utterly repulsive to the Lord your God. I'm pretty sure this is alluding to more than just clothing.
Since time immemorial, women have had an Enemy that has been seeking to destroy our place in the world; our divinely created identity. He wants to bring about the ultimate in cancel culture. That is to eradicate the worthiness of women. And it has to start with the children; to confuse them, and ultimately to groom them to deny the unique and sanctified role that gender plays in the human race. I implore all women and men to rise up against this gender ideology! Step back and look at the big picture. This is not about being "phobic" against any group of people. It is about preserving the important physiological, biological, and spiritual identity of what defines a woman, and what defines a man.
In my Biblical worldview, God does not make mistakes. He created each one of us unique and precious in His sight. It's time that we speak up and eradicate this dangerous ideology from our educational system. Let it be known that I identify as a biological woman, and I am vital to this world -- just as I was created, and just as each of you are. Let us not forsake the Designer's blueprint for humanity. The designed can never outdo the Designer.
#Goddesignedwomen #genderideology #genderconfusion #biblicalwomanhood #biologicalgender #Goddoesntmakeamistake
Genesis 5:1-2 When God created man, He made him in the likeness of God [not physical, but a spiritual personality and moral likeness]. He created them male and female, and blessed them and named them Mankind at the time they were created.
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