Mordecai has gotten wind that there is a plot to kill all the Jews in the kingdom, and while Esther, herself, is a Jew, it's been kept secret from her husband, the king. Mordecai implores Esther to go before the king and plead his favor, asking him to spare her people. But Esther reminds Mordecai that it is the law of the land that if anyone goes before the king unbidden, death is the penalty. Mordecai then tells his daughter that, as a Jew, she cannot expect to escape the destruction coming against all Jews, and that if she chooses to not help, that God will send His relief and deliverance from another source, and her father's house will perish. Then he speaks the words that I believe apply to us in this generation ... "Who knows if you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" Esther's response ... to gather all the Jews together and ask them to fast on her behalf as she approaches the king, even though it is against the law. "If I perish, I perish" are her words that echo across the centuries.
As the fears that accompany the spread of COVID-19 cross our land, we must contemplate if we are facing destruction of Biblical proportions. I will admit to you that it is hard to know what to believe. Can we believe the media reports that this is a true pandemic? Is the whole situation politically motivated to bring down the President's economy? Are all the shutdowns of businesses that result in loss of paychecks and jobs really necessary? Is the vaccine safe? I'm not sure we will ever know the unvarnished truth about these concerns, but no one can deny the effects this virus has had on our nation and the world. Frankly, I'm not sure we have seen such fear and panic over the future since the Great Depression and WWII.
But if you are a Kingdom-believing Christian, where does all this leave you? Can we truly live in a "Kingdom mindset", not letting the affairs of the world shake our faith and trust in our Father and King? I can't explain it, but I actually find myself calmer than I have been in other "near collapses" in our recent past. It's as if my spirit has been waiting for "the big one", and it's actually a relief.
You see, I can understand that God has been preparing me for such a time as this -- a time in which nothing of this world is secure. Money to pay bills, buy food, or take care of loved ones is not guaranteed. Our health is at stake. For most of us, our homes and possessions may well be threatened as our economy teeters on the brink of crashing. We have never faced a more uncertain future in our lifetimes. And that uncertainty can breed doubt and fear. Where is God in all this? Is He hearing our prayers?
I can assure you that our Father in Heaven hears our voices. And He is not absent in this situation. But as we face increased isolation in our society, we Christians have to decide what our response is going to be. I cannot answer for others, but I can tell you that I have always felt that there would one day be a tremendous trial come upon the world, and I would have the opportunity to not only experience it, but stand for the Lord. Notice, I did not say that I would be tested. That infers that God has given His approval for the trials the world is experiencing.
Instead, I recognize that much of the panic and hysteria that people are encountering comes from their lack of relationship with God, and their misplaced worship of the conveniences that the world offers them. Many Christians are guilty of this! We have fallen into step with society and the culture and worship our status, our wealth, our power, and our comfort. Many of us spend more time with our Facebook friends than we do with our Father in Heaven. We have not sought His will in how we should live our lives, but instead have chased after our own desires and yearnings. We have not fed on the Word of God, but have indulged in our appetites of unrighteousness and greed.
And now that may all come to a halt. There is talk of mandatory shutdown of the nation for an undetermined amount of time in the hopes that the spread of COVID-19 can be curbed. Everything in our world will change. There will be people who cannot afford food if they aren't receiving a paycheck. Our medical system, transportation system, banking system, food distribution system, utilities system, political system, and yes, even our religious system will be challenged -- especially our religious system.
Will people blame God? Will they curse Him in the midst of their despair? Will they try to bargain with Him? Or will they fast for strength and wisdom, and then humble themselves, and pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways? Will the Church rise up and see this for the opportunity it is? For this is a time when not only can the world reset, and begin to look more like it was created to be, but Believers can begin to walk in their true Kingdom identities and take back Kingdom authority over those worldly systems that have gone so far astray.
This is the time to reclaim the earth for the Kingdom of God! It is a time, in the words of the late Dr. Myles Munroe, to "establish the governing influence of our King over the territory called Earth, impacting it with His will, His purpose, and His intent, producing a citizenship of people who reflect the King's culture, nature, values, and morals". Doesn't the world need that? Doesn't our nation? And don't you want to be a part of that?
I am watching people expressing their fears over what the future holds while I am calm and filled with anticipation and expectation. I believe the Lord is about to do a great work in the lives of millions of people. And as always, everyone has a free will choice how they will receive His invitation. Satan has had his way for far too long and is, even now, trying to wield his power as ruler of this dark world to destroy peoples and nations with this virus and ruined economies. The battle over mankind is intensifying. But what the devil means for evil, God will use for His good. We can see ourselves as being born for this time and join with God to glorify Him in the midst of the coming trials. This is an amazing time to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom and to see God sow into the hearts of people.
It is an exciting time to be on the earth. It is a favorable time to be a worker in the Kingdom. It is also a dangerous time. The rulers in the spiritual realms, along with the authorities, the cosmic powers over this present darkness, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places are all going to fight back against the Kingdom of God. We can expect to be embattled and we must prepare for casualties; yes, even martyrdom. I know that's not an idea that brings comfort, but just like Queen Esther, we must stand firm, declaring, "If I perish, I perish". Nothing is secure in this new world we find ourselves -- not even our lives. But there is one thing we can count on for sure... Jesus has paid for our victory! And just as Mordecai exhorted Esther, we can choose to be a part of that victory or not, but we can be assured that if it is not you or me, "God will send His relief and deliverance from another source". I want to be part of that source! I was born for such a time as this, and you are, too! Our Father in Heaven, use me to help bring Your Kingdom to earth and heal our land!
Isaiah 43:18-19 "Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."
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