A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

December 20, 2014

The Failure Of The Ten Commandments

     Don't worry ... I'm not talking about the REAL Ten Commandments; the only ones that can truly result in righteous living.  I want to draw your attention to the secular Ten Commandments that atheists have determined will modernize Judeo-Christian values.  By organizing an online "rethink" and "reimagination" of the Biblical Ten Commandments, Lex Bayer and John Figdor, authors of the book “Atheist Mind, Human Heart,” hope to create a more inclusive set of rules to live by; ones that will allow people to live "a more reasonable, ethical, and happy life without God."
Atheists/Humanists developed their Ten Commandments by popular opinion
     One of the author's, John Figdor, is a self-described "humanist chaplain", who believes that atheists don't need God to give them a clear set of constructive principles to live by; that, on their own, they can live a meaningful life, thereby establishing atheism as a positive worldview.  OK, I was intrigued.  Just what is a "humanist chaplain", I wondered.
     Here's the official description, as described by the Humanist Chaplaincy Network: Humanism is the belief that you can lead a good life without god. It is the belief that we only have one life and that we should make the most of it, for ourselves and for our fellow human beings. Humanists make sense of the world by means of reason and evidence while rejecting superstition. Humanists have a positive outlook on life, guided by rational thought and focus on the importance of human cooperation and compassion for solving problems.
     In fact, "positive" is a good adjective to describe the Ten Commandments that the Humanist/Atheists have adopted.  So, let's take a look at how they would have you live your life, if you don't faith in God, or have need of Him in your life:
1.    Be open-minded and be willing to alter your beliefs with new evidence.
2.    Strive to understand what is most likely to be true, not to believe what you wish to be true.
3.    The scientific method is the most reliable way of understanding the natural world.
4.    Every person has the right to control have over their body.
5.    God is not necessary to be a good person or to live a full and meaningful life.
6.    Be mindful of the consequences of all your actions and recognize that you must take responsibility for them.
7.    Treat others as you would want them to treat you, and can reasonably expect them to want to be treated. Think about their perspective.
8.    We have the responsibility to consider others, including future generations.
9.    There is no one right way to live.
10.  Leave the world a better place than you found it.
     Not a bad group of general rules to live by ... compassionate, empathetic, nonjudgmental ... like I said, "positive".  But my first question is this: do they really believe that all the world can act in this manner?  How do they reconcile evil in the world?  They surely can't deny it exists!  If they believe that "there is no one right way to live", then do they give the same weight to their compassionate values as ISIS murderers do to theirs?  Don't there need to be some standards by which the world lives?  And who is going to determine what those guidelines will be?  Remember ... if you want everyone to be "open-minded" and alter their beliefs with new evidence, how will you decide whose "new evidence" has more importance or authority?  Won't this lead to conflict in a multitude of spheres?
     Of course, every atheist/humanist loves to elevate the scientific world over the natural.  But I would like to submit that we actually live in a supernatural world; one which was created by supernatural means and by a Supernatural Being.  As a created being, my focus is on the One who created me; of being found acceptable in His sight and in a harmonic relationship with Him.
     As evidenced by their 10 Commandments, atheists are focused on themselves and their own desires... it's pretty much a philosophy of "self", with a principle or two for "others" thrown in.  But, I guess that's understandable when, in their blindness, they cannot see our lives are more than the few short years we occupy this earth.  Do they never wonder what it is like the second after this body dies?  And what do they mean by "making the most of this one life we have?"  Is it material wealth?  Power? Having fun?  What if another person's idea of making the most of this life is to enslave others to serve him?  Obviously that would violate their 10th Commandment, which is to leave the world a better place than you found it.  Are there no consequences if you leave the world a worse place?  And if not, then why follow all the other 9 Commandments?
     I know that the Biblical Ten Commandments don't have the "warm, fuzzy" feelings of the atheist version.  And I also know that I will never convince them that there is a reason my Ten Commandments have stood the test of time.  Because they cannot conceive of my God, they cannot understand that He established these rules so that we could get a better picture of who He is; how big He is; and to demonstrate our devotion to Him.  God demands that we have no other gods before Him; or make idols to worship; or take His name in vain; and to keep His holy day separate -- all so that we could keep our focus on Him, and not make gods or idols of our self and and our stuff.  He also gave us commandments on how we are to treat each other:  honoring our parents; not physically harming each other; being devoted and faithful to our spouses; being honest and truthful with each other; and being content with our lot in life -- all which I maintain, would lead to a better, more stable world than the one the atheist rules propose.  At least, there's not as much "wiggle room" in determining how we are to act; it's pretty plain and simple.
     But, here's the ironic thing ... I think the world has pretty much been following their rules instead of my Biblical ones for quite awhile, and how's that working for us?
     Both sides can discuss the pros and cons between the sets of Commandments and never agree.  We all know that.  While the authors of the book want us to think that both sets are closely linked, there is one very important element that cannot be compromised or abandoned ... as a Believer in YHWH, I wish to live my life to please Him, and I choose to follow His rules.   The atheist or humanist is committed to following a set of rules that are personal and subjective, and therefore have no universal validity.  The bottom line is this:  they promote open-mindedness, truth, and loving others ... as long as my Truth and Love don't point to God.  That's when they don't want to  hear "my evidence".

Exodus 20:1-2     And God spoke all these words, saying, "I am the LORD your God, who has brought you out of the land of Egypt; out of the house of bondage."

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