A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Faith. Show all posts

December 17, 2020

From Fruitless Faith to Miraculous Manifestations

During 2020, I've done a lot of thinking and praying about the future of our nation. For many people, it has been difficult to be a witness to the division and the disparity among our fellow Americans. And it has been troublesome to see the loss of hope and peace in the lives of so many. It has been a battle for Christians to stay focused on fighting in the spirit when they see so much defeat in the physical world. Our younger generation is fearful that the "American Dream" is going to be gone before they have a chance to experience it, while our older generation mourns the loss of their "golden years". We tell ourselves that this can't be happening; that this is not what America is all about; and surely the Lord will deliver us from this assault upon our Christian nation.

The truth is that we are not the first prosperous nation in the history of the world [who has built an empire for itself] to then find itself sliding into decline and destruction. I discovered a 2010 article, titled The Decline and Fall of the American Empire, written by Alfred W. McCoy, an American historian and educator who specializes in the history of the Philippines, foreign policy of the United States, European colonization of Southeast Asia, illegal drug trade, and Central Intelligence Agency covert operations. 

Mr. McCoy knows whereof he writes, and this particular article was so prophetic in nature, I wanted to share its premise with you. Here is some of what Mr. McCoy wrote: "Despite the aura of omnipotence most empires project, a look at their history should remind us that they are fragile organisms. So delicate is their ecology of power that, when things start to go truly bad, empires regularly unravel with unholy speed: just a year for Portugal, two years for the Soviet Union, eight years for France, 11 years for the Ottomans, 17 years for Great Britain, and, in all likelihood, 22 years for the United States, counting from the crucial year 2003. Future historians are likely to identify the Bush administration’s rash invasion of Iraq in that year as the start of America’s downfall. However, instead of the bloodshed that marked the end of so many past empires, with cities burning and civilians slaughtered, this twenty-first century imperial collapse could come relatively quietly through the invisible tendrils of economic collapse or cyberwarfare."

I won't go any further into Mr. McCoy's prognostications for the future of America, because to be frank, it's predictions are dismal and disheartening. He saw it coming 10 years ago, and it appears to be unraveling before our eyes. Instead, I would rather address what Jesus has to say about how our faith could be the key to avoiding our inevitable decline. You will find His advice in Matthew 21:18-22. In this passage, Jesus happens upon a fig tree by the wayside. Scripture says He went to it and found nothing on it but only leaves. And He said to it, May no fruit ever come from you again! And the fig tree withered at once. 

It was common knowledge in Jesus's time that if you saw leaves on a fig tree, you could expect fruit, unless the tree was barren. The evidence of leaves tells us that the fig tree should have been bearing fruit. As the Creator of the fig tree, Jesus expected it to be producing fruit. And as its Creator, He was justified in condemning it and cursing it to never bear fruit again. This was not only a declaration against the fig tree, but also against the Jews, who had become spiritually barren before the Lord. Just as the tree should have been bearing fruit, so should the people be bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God. The tree had the form of a fig tree, but not the reality -- it bore no figs! So it was with the Jews. They had the form of religion, but not the reality of faith. They knew the right words to say, but their hearts were far from God and they bore no fruit for Him.

The disciples are astounded! How could the tree wither so quickly and at once? But instead of answering that question, Jesus points them to the matter of their faith. He tells them if they have faith, and do not doubt, they will not only be able to do what He did to the fig tree, but they could tell a mountain to be moved and thrown into the sea, and it would happen. You see, they did not remember that God had once given man dominion over the earth and everything on it, in it, and under it, and that Adam and Eve had surrendered it to Satan. But now Jesus was there to reclaim it and restore it to His creation called man. They were to rule His creation according to His governing principles and to rule in His absence. In essence, He was telling them that if they had true faith, they could pray and receive the mind and thoughts of God [to do to the fig tree what Jesus did, as well as tell the mountain to move, and it would]. That means they were to have no doubt that by praying and submitting to God's will, they would hear His desires and receive the means [and the power] to achieve it. And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

So, I ask you ... do you have that kind of faith? Or do you doubt? Do you believe that when Jesus came to earth He took back the dominion of the earth from Satan and handed it over to us? Because it's going to take that kind of faith to overcome the predicament we find ourselves in today! I believe that like the fig tree, for a long time we Americans -- and that includes Christians -- have practiced a fruitless faith. We have portrayed the form of a righteous nation and a religious people, but we have not borne the fruit of true faith. We have not believed in our power and authority to represent God's Kingdom government in our nation. So, we have stood by and watched as fig trees full of leaves grew among us, and did not demand that they bear fruit or be cut down. We did not have the faith to believe that we could have the mind of God and do anything about it. Even when we discerned our Enemy's plan to destroy us, I'm not sure we even believed our faith could guarantee us a victory.

But true faith knows how to win because it is borne in the mind of God and transferred to us when we pray. True faith has never lost a battle, because we discern God's strategy to defeat the devil and we follow that plan in obedience. Moses and the nation of Israel faced the Red Sea with the Egyptian army at their back. David, on the run, defeated Saul's plan to defeat him and take his life. Daniel faced a pride of lions in their den and didn't back down. And they were all able to be victorious in their battles because they walked in true faith and believed that their prayers could manifest the divine purpose of God. 

It now appears to the world that our precious nation is on the precipice of defeat. Many of you may feel it looks hopeless. But don't listen to the lies of the devil that tell us we can't overcome these obstacles. Our faith is more than just a formula to get what we want. It must become active in believing that we are who Jesus says we are ... citizens of Heaven placed here in this place and this time to manifest God's divine purpose for this nation. Our God is the same God that divided the Red Sea; the same God that delivered David from the long arm of Saul; and the same God that rescued Daniel from the jaws of the lions. He is the same God who won our infant nation's victory against the British Empire and who is returning the Jews to the Holy Land. And in all these examples, victory was won through persistent prayers of faith -- faith in God alone to see His sovereign will be done. That kind of faith is not limited to history. It is real and it is possible for us today. That kind of faith will fight for you because it is in divine relationship with God. Let us overcome our faith-killing doubt and pray sincerely, fervently, and persistently as we await the miraculous manifestations of deliverance that I truly believe is God's will for our nation!

1 John 5:14-15     This is the [remarkable degree of] confidence which we [as believers are entitled to] have before Him: that if we ask anything according to His will, [that is, consistent with His plan and purpose] He hears us. And if we know [for a fact, as indeed we do] that He hears and listens to us in whatever we ask, we [also] know [with settled and absolute knowledge] that we have [granted to us] the requests which we have asked from Him. 

September 3, 2020

And Now For "The GOOD NEWS"...


I know I have probably said this before, but I can often identify with Jeremiah, the man who would become the messenger of some of God's most disturbing warnings for the people of Judah. Please don't misunderstand -- I do not equate myself with the strength or compassion or importance of Jeremiah and his prophecies; rather, I know what it feels like to appear as one who only has bad news to deliver.

I could easily "soft-sell" what I am discerning, but I never want to discount the truth of what God's Word says we will face, nor misrepresent the reality of what I see in my spirit or what God reveals to those who are on the wall and awake. I earnestly try to be, as Paul says in 2 Corinthians 2:17, one who is "not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as a woman of sincerity, as commissioned by God, and in the sight of God, [to] speak in Christ". And I am very mindful of Ezekiel's warning to the watchmen that if they see "the sword" coming and warn the people of impending danger and they do not heed his words, then their blood will be on their own hands. But if the watchmen see the danger and do not sound the trumpet, then the blood of the people is on his or her hands. And there has certainly been a lot of things to warn about in 2020.

We have witnessed human beings coming into agreement with the devil to accomplish his goals of division, chaos, and destruction on the earth. We have seen the Enemy build spiritual structures that entrap people in his false systems of ideas, philosophies, and movements in order to gain promised power, money, fame, and change. He does this by sending his spirits to infiltrate educational institutions, governments, social movements, churches, and the media. These structures become strongholds that the devil owns and through which he can manipulate the masses for the purposes of his kingdom of darkness. BUT HERE'S THE GOOD NEWS ... These power structures collapse when we live our lives connected to God; when we obey Him and walk in our power and authority!

Have you noticed how often we are hearing about "a global reset" in our national dialogue? It seems it's become the media's new mantra across the entire spectrum of political ideologies. And that's because the powerful banking and business leaders, government officials, and social activists around the planet are seeking to reset and transform all aspects of our societies and economies. They have become willing accomplices with Satan's dark forces to propagate massive deception. Promote the deception hard enough and long enough and a spiritual stronghold becomes a habitual pattern of thought in the lives of individuals, communities, and nations. Spiritual strongholds can even dominate churches! Among the culture of the United States and Western mindset, in general, Satan has been able to build a stronghold that convinces people (whether Believers or not) that the supernatural does not exist in this Age. (Unfortunately, Satan's followers believe in this truth all too well!) Therefore, there is a denial of the influence of demonic spirits in the lives of many Christian peoples and nations. When disbelieving Christians don't accept the reality of spiritual strongholds and demonic forces, Satan's kingdom of darkness is free to continue operating in the world.

BUT HERE'S THE GOOD NEWS ... Just as Joshua and the Israelites took back territory from the Canaanites in the land the Lord had given them, Jesus came to give us His power and authority to take back territory from Satan's kingdom on earth. We are here on this earth to get in the fight and invade and conquer Satan's territory to take it back in the individual's life, in the life of communities, and in the life of our nation -- and we are to occupy that territory until He returns! 

How do we do that? First, we can be obedient to the Great Commission the Lord gave us in Matthew 28 and Mark 16: to heal both physically and spiritually; to lead people to the knowledge of salvation through faith in Jesus; to deliver them from the torment and oppression of the Evil One; to disciple nations by teaching them to enter into and expand the Kingdom of God on earth -- to proclaim and observe [follow] all that He commanded His followers; yes, to do even greater things than He did (John 14:12). 

Secondly, I cannot emphasize enough the power of intercessory prayer in engaging with the Holy Spirit. Both the power of prayer and the Holy Spirit are spiritual weapons used by God to thwart the goals of Satan and his demonic forces who are seeking to gain control over individuals, societies, and nations. Prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit can bring down strongholds. And Lord knows we need to defeat the strongholds of Abortion, Sex Trafficking, Socialism/Communism, and yes, even stagnant Religion! By the fervent prayers of individuals and prayer warriors joining their voices in unity, we can transform the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light so that individuals and nations can receive the knowledge of all they were meant to be. As obedient followers of Christ, we can break the bondage of demonic strongholds over individuals, cities, and nations. 

Jesus says that the primary purpose of His ministry was to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. It should be the predominant purpose of our personal and corporate ministries, as well. But in pursuing these ministries, we should expect to encounter Satanic strongholds of habitual thought patterns, as well as demonic strategies to inhibit our progress. After all, as we advance the Gospel of the Kingdom, it is a direct threat to the survival of Satan's kingdom of darkness. Our goal is not to engage with the demons, but rather to share the Good News of Jesus, His Kingdom on earth, and our restored dominion over the earth as men and women created in the image of God. But when we do encounter an offensive strategy from the Enemy, by promoting the concept and understanding of the Kingdom of God, we will serve to save, heal, deliver, teach and transform lives -- engaging in a very real spiritual war that delivers people out of the power of demons and darkness. 

Earlier, I mentioned the "global reset". I believe God is doing His own "reset" by identifying those who have spiritual eyes to see the battle strategy of the Enemy; placing His obedient remnant in positions of spiritual power; and strengthening the prayer muscles of His intercessors. He is delegating His authority in this critical time in our history. Jesus showed us [as a man] that we can speak for God and we have His permission to take the spiritually legal steps to make Earth look like Heaven. He's just waiting for us to step into the battle.

SO, HERE'S THE GOOD NEWS I WANT YOU TO REST ON ... We are here at this moment in history because we have been sent by God and commissioned to represent Him! We are to be the carnal representation of the One who sent us! Jesus has commissioned us, authorized us to act on His behalf, and empowered us with His Holy Spirit to accomplish our assignment. Yes, Jesus has already won the battle, but He has commissioned us to enforce the victory! Until we realize that we have an active role to play in establishing the Kingdom of God here on earth, then we will continue to lose territory to Satan in our souls, our cities, our states and ultimately, our nation. The battle is raging now -- we see it on the nightly news. Are you ready to walk in Heavenly realms and transfer the power of Heaven to Earth? We have unlimited potential to tear down Satan's strongholds. Let us join together to take Jesus's victory to the Enemy!

2 Corinthians 2:14-15     God always makes His grace visible in Christ, who includes us as partners of His endless triumph. Through our yielded lives He spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere we go. We have become the unmistakable aroma of the victory of the Anointed One to God—a perfume of life to those being saved and the odor of death to those who are perishing.


August 9, 2020

Don't Be Like King Asa!


     Before, I get to the points I want to make in today's blog, I want us to revisit a brief passage in 2 Chronicles 16 about Asa, the fifth king of the Kingdom of Judah. The Bible says that "in the 36th year of his reign, he developed a disease in his feet". It says that although "this disease was severe, yet even in his illness he did not seek the Lord, but [relied only] on the physicians". The demise of Asa is mentioned in a very short verse immediately following his diagnosis: "So Asa slept with his fathers [in death] the 41st year of his reign." What can we learn from this brief history?

     I am increasingly finding myself on the fringe of society; even among my fellow Christians. As we continue to swirl around in this "Covid stew of confusion", I am amazed at how easily led some people are to the spirit of fear. Charisma Magazine ran an article that really spoke to my heart, and I think shows us how some of us could identify with King Asa. The article was reflecting on the various comments on Facebook regarding how best to traverse the contradictory information we receive from the media on how to defeat the pervasive Coronavirus.

     One commenter said, "Show me the verse in Scripture that says God heals everything except Coronavirus". That got me to thinking about what Christians believe when it comes to how best to react during this pandemic. Depending on where you live, local authorities across the country have differing opinions as to what our behavior should be. Responses range from mandating we shut everything down, to more lenient policies of opening up businesses while maintaining common sense precautions. When is it okay to go without a mask? Is it really necessary to wear one while driving by oneself in a car? Even the Doctors and Scientists can't agree on the optimum solutions to Covid!

     Some advocate six more months of shutdown and quarantine, with schools closed and everyone locked away in their homes; while others say we must adopt a "herd immunity" mentality, whereby everyone eventually becomes exposed to the disease and the virus dies out, so to speak, as people get the virus and recover. But even that solution is not universally agreed upon. Do you attain herd immunity through vaccinations which have been rushed into existence, or do you achieve it through natural infection? You can see why there is so much stress and anxiety in the population. But we Christians are not supposed to resemble the general population.

     So, why do so many Believers turn to Science and Doctors for deliverance from this virus, rather than God? Perhaps the answer lies in Matthew 13:58, "And [Jesus] did not do many miracles there, because of their unbelief." As Christians, do we turn to the Doctor for a magic pill or procedure [or vaccination] to cure us before we turn to Jesus, who showed us that the power of God to heal is in us? How many, who call ourselves Believers, are afraid to walk among the general population without a mask? I'm not talking about being foolish and subjecting yourself to the company of someone obviously infected and suffering from Covid, or any other communicable disease, for that matter. I'm talking about being so paranoid that you avoid people all together or refuse to attend church or family outings because you can't "safely distance yourself"? What happened to our faith in believing our God is who He says He is? When did our unbelief begin to shake the very foundations of our faith? And when did the so-called "facts" from the so-called "experts" exceed our confidence in God's power?

     I choose to believe the Word when it says that I abide in Christ and He abides in me. To me, that means that I have a life-giving connection with Him; He lives in me, and I live in Him. So when I leave my home, I picture myself stepping inside the realm that is Christ, where Covid cannot touch me. And while I trust in the medical advice that Zinc, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C are powerful fighters against the virus, I also see God's Living Water continually flowing through my lungs, washing away anything that might try to attach itself. Plus, I anoint my lungs with holy oil so that the virus is unable to become lodged in my lungs. And, of course, I always keep my spiritual armor on, and my shield of faith in position, along with the Sword of the Spirit at constant readiness. 

     I know there are some, even among the Christian community, who would claim I am hopelessly naive, at the least, or insensitive and careless of others, at worst. But I identify more with the Canaanite woman who approached Jesus to get healing for her daughter, than I do King Asa. That woman was willing to accept the bread crumbs from the Master's table, believing that even the smallest portion of what the Lord offers is enough to receive a miracle for her daughter. And yet, do you know how much that offended Jesus's disciples? It's no different today! I know that my belief in Jesus has offended the unbelief in the Doubters. I know that my confident faith in Jesus is seen as foolish and potentially threatening to those who walk in fear. I know, because I have seen the looks of disgust as I remove my mask immediately after exiting the grocery store; or when I have to pull it down to take a breath of fresh air instead of feeling confined by a piece of cloth that has not been proven to stop the spread of the virus anyway.

     Personally, I have chosen to wage war against this virus in the Spirit, refusing to give in to Satan's spirit of fear, and instead, opting to walk in the promises of Jesus. Throughout the Book of Matthew, Jesus shows us time and again that He healed everyone who came in faith and believed that He could heal them. It was their unbelief that caused them to doubt if healing was possible, and ultimately kept them from seeking Him. 

     I choose to live like the Canaanite woman, employing a supernatural faith that miracles and wonders still exist today. No weapon formed against me can prosper and no plague shall befall me as I live in the secret place of the Most High God and abide under His Shadow! I will trust in His protection and His provision. That doesn't mean that I will ignore safety measures or put anyone else needlessly in harm's way. I will continue to do the smart things that ward off all infectious disease. But I will also not give in to another's fear or worry that comes from their faithless unbelief. Neither will I be deceived by faithless Science or faulty human wisdom. I serve a supernatural God from whom all blessings flow, and I live in His Kingdom system, not the world's. Unlike King Asa, I turn to the Lord first, instead of putting my faith in man. Anything less does not honor the One who has defeated Death.

Psalm 73:28  But as for me, it is good for me to draw near to God;
I have made the Lord God my refuge and placed my trust in Him,
That I may tell of all Your works.



July 25, 2020

It's Time To Get Firmly Settled In Your Land of Goshen

     Almost exactly six years ago to the day, I wrote a blog post titled, Are You In Your Land of Goshen? There were increasing signs that our nation was undergoing radical changes philosophically, politically, and culturally. We were struggling with the societal and religious issue of same-sex marriage; protests over a police shooting in Ferguson, MO were turning violent in the streets of major cities; the Federal Government and ranchers were at a dangerous standoff in Nevada; the CIA admitted it was spying on citizens; Slender Man (a demonic entity geared towards kids) made his presence known on the internet; an Ebola outbreak terrified the world; Isis posted beheadings of an American aid worker and journalist; and much more that signaled we were undergoing a "fundamental transformation".
     Those issues seem like a cake walk to where we find ourselves today. Not only has marriage been redefined, but so has gender, to the point that biology is being dismissed, and gender is being declared as "variable" and "inconstant". Switching genders is at the whim of a person's desire. Riots and protests show no sign of decreasing. Mayors and Governors ignore attempts by the President to bring law and order to the streets of our nation, and Civil War seems to be on the lips of anyone who is paying attention to the nightly news. Covid-19 makes Ebola seem like a case of the sniffles, and death is coming to innocent Americans by home-grown terrorists. And all that doesn't even touch on the precariousness of our economy and state of mind.
     Now, you may be thinking that I'm promoting a defeatist attitude. On the contrary! I'm here to help you declare and establish you and your family's Land of Goshen. Do you recall the story of Joseph in the Bible? He was sold into slavery in Egypt by his jealous brothers, only to overcome lies and deception and rise to the office of Vizier, the second most powerful man in Egypt, next to Pharaoh. Because Joseph found favor with God (and Pharaoh), he was able to store up food during seven years of abundance, which allowed the Egyptians to survive a seven-year famine. His Israelite brothers journeyed to Egypt to buy goods during the famine, and Joseph invited them to remain and live in Egyptian territory. Discovering that they were shepherds, Pharaoh told Joseph to "Settle your father and your brothers in the best of the land. Let them settle in the land of Goshen."
     It is important to know that not only was Goshen the best land in Egypt, suitable for both crops and livestock, but it was spared plagues brought by Moses. It has come to be exemplified by the prospects of "comfort and plenty". Additionally, in Hebrew, Goshen means "drawing near".  If you will read Genesis 45:7-11, you will find that God had a plan: for Joseph to bring his family out of the famine in Canaan to a place where they would find shelter and security.  We see that Joseph desires to have his family near him; to protect them from the famine that will threaten others; and to provide for their needs. That's what God wants to do for us in whatever is going to happen in this nation.
     Mark and I have declared and proclaimed our property and home as the Land of Goshen.  I have said this before: that I know without a doubt that God maneuvered and positioned us in this exact spot, both physically and spiritually, in 2008.  For the past 12 years, He has protected us from the deteriorating economy and provided for our needs -- even when everything in this world pointed to the unlikelihood of our survival.  Just as in the Bible, when God sent the ten plagues against Egypt --- they hit every part of the country, but the land of Goshen.
     I believe that we have avoided the disastrous consequences of the physical and spiritual poverty of our country because we have drawn nearer to God, here in this spot that He placed us, than at any other time in our lives. When we draw near to Him, He draws nearer to us.  He keeps revealing more; He introduced us to His precepts of spiritual warfare and then His Kingdom realm. And I know in my soul and spirit that He will be present with us as the growing persecution comes against us. And while I recognize the threats of Satan and his anti-Christ in this world -- transhumanism, 21st century plagues, the New World Order, the annihilation of Israel, and the collapse of our own country -- are ever-constant, I have faith that I am in the exact place God wants me to be in order to receive His protection and provision. 
      If you have not been called to move or change locations, then accept that you are in your personal land of Goshen.  There's no need to flee in fear or doubt.  Stay where you are; knowing that you are firmly rooted in your faith and the knowledge that God is drawing you near. The storms will rage all around you, but your experiences will be different than the world's. Put on your spiritual armor and enter into the Kingdom of God and the realm that is Jesus. We are engaged in a spiritual battle, and when the forces of darkness see that you have drawn nearer to God, they will flee for greener pastures.    
     I believe in the power and authority of our God to proclaim as many Land of Goshens as He desires.  So take a look around ... maybe what you have taken for granted these last few years is really a safe haven from the wiles of the devil. Say a blessing over your home and your small plot of land.  Dedicate them and your family to drawing nearer to God so that you might escape the devestations coming our way. Be thankful for your refuge and your shelter, and rest in your Goshen.

Psalm 73:28    But as for me, it is good for me to draw near to God; I have made the Lord God my refuge and placed my trust in Him, that I may tell of all Your works.   


February 7, 2019

What Do You Make Of Your Christian Influence?

     In the last two posts I proposed an interpretation of Matthew 25:31-46, in which I identified the "sheep nations" as unbelieving people groups (or nations) who helped the saints during the Tribulation [by feeding them, clothing them, visiting them in prison, etc]; in other words, supporting "the agenda of the Brethren". They fed persecuted Christians, sheltered them, cared for them when they were sick, and ministered to them when the forces of the Anti-Christ imprisoned them. Their actions have been credited to them [imputed] as righteousness by God and Jesus, and they are allowed to enter the Millennial Kingdom as citizens who will be under the rule and reign of Christ and Christian saints. 

     As I said previously, this is my understanding at this particular season of my walk with Christ in His Word. You may have a different interpretation, and that's okay. But even if we differ on our rendering of this particular Scripture, I think we can agree that our influence upon the unredeemed will have profound effects when the persecution begins -- and the Bible clearly states, Christians will be persecuted. That is why I ended yesterday's post with the statement, "And that, my dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, is why it is so important for us to be influencing communities, cultures, and countries for Christ. There is a time when the world will be at war with Christ and Christians, and how we impact nations and peoples now will bring the Church into its final destination. It is exciting and a profoundly significant responsibility for the Body of Christ. Are you ready and willing?"
     And that brings me to the question I have asked in the title of today's blog ... What do you make of your Christian influence? First of all, do you even think you have any? Influence, that is. Perhaps you think you have to hold a religious office, or be a well-known Christian author or philosopher. Perhaps you think only Pastors or teachers have any real influence. Do you think you have nothing to offer, and look at others impacting or transforming people for Jesus, and try to pattern your life after theirs?  
     If any of these thoughts ring true for you, I want you to stop and think about this... Bronnie Ware is an Australian author, songwriter and motivational speaker best-known for her writings about the top deathbed regrets she had heard during her time as a palliative care-giver for the terminally ill. In an article she wrote in 2009, Ms. Ware revealed that the top regret for those who were dying was this: "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me". In other words they weren't their truest self; the person Jesus designed them to be, and they felt they didn't fulfill the purpose for which they had been born. 
     Here's the thing ... we are each individually created and designed for the glory of God. And when our unique design is impacted by the power of the Holy Spirit, we have been equipped to influence the world! Listen to the beautiful poem King David wrote to describe God's design of every person:

Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
    you formed me in my mother’s womb.
I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking!
    Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
    I worship in adoration—what a creation!
You know me inside and out,
    you know every bone in my body;
You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
    how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
    all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
The days of my life all prepared
    before I’d even lived one day. 
(Psalm 139:13-16)

    You were created and designed to be exactly as you are! There was a purpose for your life written "before you'd even lived one day". You were born to have influence in the lives of those who do not know your Creator. Yet, you may be chasing after someone else's gifts and talents because you are believing Satan's lies that yours aren't good enough! Here's what you need to understand and believe -- there is a calling and a purpose on your life that is as distinctive and individual as you are, and it can only be fully reached through your uniqueness. You were made by God for God. You were made to influence others for His Kingdom. 
     And whether or not we are destined to be among the persecuted Christians that are ministered to by the "sheep nations" at Jesus's return, it doesn't change our responsibility or privilege to influence those in our communities, cultures or countries now. By doing so, we could be creating an environment that will result in a legacy of future Christians who will touch the hearts of those sheep nations in Matthew 25. 
     You were created with a distinct purpose in mind; to have life-giving influence in whatever situations you have been placed; to impart the life-giving knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world -- and your influence is connected to who you were designed to be. Embrace and accept yourself as He made you. You have the capacity and the power to shape and influence someone's life for Christ. You truly do! We all do! When you know this Truth, it becomes important how you steward that influence in impacting the lives and faith of others.  Your own faith journey will take on new significance and you will be among the men and women God is raising up in this generation to impact the world for His Kingdom. You will find that your life and faith and purpose and influence are all for Him!

Ephesians 2:10    For we are the product of His hand, heaven’s poetry etched on lives, created in the Anointed, Jesus, to accomplish the good works God arranged long ago.


January 26, 2019

Faith Includes Risk, Persistence, and Rewards

     I received a phone call today from a woman who had heard through the grapevine that my husband and I had a Deliverance Ministry. One of the first questions she asked was, "Who did you train under?" My spirit's response was "Jesus", but I knew that this world demands some kind of human accreditation or authorization. I had never really thought about having to give justification for the journey Mark and I have been on in order to give credence to our walk with the Lord, but I realized that He had actually orchestrated a pretty good resumé for us -- studying and training under Dr. Charles Kraft (a student of John Wimber, and the Vineyard Movement); training under Luke 4:18 Ministries, and Dan Duval and Bride Ministries. But most of all, I would say that the greatest training and guidance has come from the Holy Spirit. And the effectiveness of our ministry has come because we are simply willing to be obedient, risking it all for the Kingdom -- our reputations, our livelihood, and our faith.
     You see, we are interested in presenting the manifest presence of God to the world. By that, I mean that we want this world to experience an encounter with the Father, with Jesus, and with the Holy Spirit -- to know They are real, They are alive, and They care about whatever it is a person is going through or has experienced in their lives. Certainly, that can happen inside the Church walls, but for us, Jesus has called us to take Him to those who need more than just hearing or reading about Him. They need to actually experience or encounter Him in a very real spiritual way. That may come from physical healing in their body; from hearing a Spirit-led word that was prophesied over their life; or from being set free from spiritual bondage -- all ways that will transform a person's life in Christ, but are not universally accepted by the Church.
     That's where the risk and persistence comes in; and the rewards are inestimable -- too great to number. And it is not easy to "go against the flow", so to speak. What would you do if someone walked in to your Bible study who was obviously struggling with an inner battle? Someone who acted erratic and interrupted the structure of the class? How would you react when this person acted out of control and out of character of what a "Christian" is supposed to look like in church? Would you quietly ignore her, whisper that she didn't belong here, or wish she would just leave? Or would you get up, embrace her and whisper in her ear that Jesus loves her, hugging her while she wept? Would you have the courage to speak in tongues over her as she huddled in a corner, rocking in the fetal position, unworried about what the other attendees were thinking or doing? Because that is having the willingness to take a risk for Jesus and the Kingdom of God! That's what a dear Sister of mine did as she ministered to a lost soul who "invaded" the sanctuary of the Bible class she was attending. That's what all the church is supposed to be doing!
     We are supposed to walk in the power and authority Jesus gave us to continue His work. Yes, Jesus came to represent God's love for us, and we are to love one another as He loves us. But there's more for us to do than just loving our fellow man. Jesus also declared that He came to destroy the works of the devil. And physical infirmities, inner soul wounds, and spiritual torment are not manifestations of God's love -- they are evidence of the works of the devil! Loving our fellow man also includes doing what Jesus did to show the Father's love -- healing, deliverance from demonic torment, and letting the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in us to manifest in another person's life.
     Will we always be successful? No. Even Jesus had to heal the blind man twice before he saw with clarity. But it is our persistence that builds our "faith muscles". We learn a little bit more about the Father's heart each time we try. And even if we fail, we know it is still God's purpose for that person to be healed or delivered, and so the event is wrapped up in trusting God's sovereign desire to see His purpose done, as we continue to live in a world ruled by Satan.
     But here's how I look at it... even if the world sees my intervention as a failure, God sees it as a success because I was obedient. I was willing to try and He will always take that over someone who refuses to even contemplate that He can still intervene in the affairs of men; or one who believes that all He wants from us is blind worship with no action. The world demands perfection -- if the heart attack victim is not healed, then we are wrong to pursue healing; God no longer works miracles. But to God, our persistence and willingness to go is seen as success. We went just because He said to go. And we will continue to go, no matter how many times the world or the religious Church says its wrong -- just because we know it pleases our Father.
     Here is what I pray for the Body of Christ.... Recognize that opportunities abound for the Kingdom of God to break into our existence -- both inside the Church walls and outside. It doesn't matter where you minister. Take it from me, there are enough hurting people in this world to share the healing power of Jesus with -- both Believers and Non-Believers!  Ask the Holy Spirit to bring your spirit into communion with Him so you can identify those who need an encounter with Jesus. They may be sitting in the pew next to you in Church, or they may be the person you meet in the Wal-Mart parking lot. The point is, Jesus died to set all men free, and He gave us His power and authority to continue His work. I can promise you that it is rewarding to sow into the Kingdom by partnering with Him to free men and women and children from their bondage in this world. But it doesn't even compare to the rewards you will reap in Heaven when your Father says, "Well done, good and faithful Servant!"

Isaiah 40:5   And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.”

November 20, 2018

This Is No Time For Fear

    It has been nearly seven years since I began writing this blog, and I am beginning to sense the same spiritual unease among people that I experienced then. True, there is a disparity in how the economy of our nation was functioning compared to today; people seem more confident in their economic future. But the civil unrest and disrespect towards our fellow man, although beginning to rear its ugly head in 2011, is now on full display. Then there is the uncertainty of the corruption/hostility within our government, the overwhelming numbers of people trying to cross our borders, and the raging fires and devastating hurricanes -- and it all translates to both anxiety and confusion about the future. In Biblical terms, people are beginning to experience fear.
     That word "fear" means more than just being afraid or scared. It has connotations of sorrow and grief and dread ... concerning people, things, and events. But it is exactly at these times, when everything around us screams "End Times" that we must remain clear about the overall message of the Word .... we can be assured of God's final victory over the Anti-Christ forces in the world, and His faithfulness to see us be overcomers of this ungodly system. In these times of difficulties, there's a truth that we can cling to. In Isaiah 43, God declares that He is the Savior of Israel, to whom we have been grafted into. His words to His beloved people are true for us, too: Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you [from captivity]. I have called you by name; you are Mine!  
     Throughout the Bible, God tells us to "fear not" because He knows the Enemy uses fear to decrease hope and limit our victories in Him. But we must never forget that we are a child of an all-powerful, all-knowing, never-changing Father who cares deeply about our life and wants us to walk in the victory His Son died to give us. Remember, He has redeemed us; He knows our name; and He declares to the universe that we are His! Does that mean we won't face trials from an Enemy who wants to defeat us? No. Even Jesus expressed great sorrow and grief and dread as He prayed three times for the cup of agony to be removed, if it was the Father's will. His emotional condition was so severe our Lord sweated blood in the Garden of Gethsemane before His crucifixion. But in that moment, as the gospel of Luke, Chapter 22, tell us, Then an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened Him.
     In that moment of grief and dread -- and yes, we call it fear -- Jesus felt the powerful presence of God with Him. There was a purpose for Jesus's life and it extended far beyond what was about to happen in this world. It was the power of God's love and presence that transcended what was about to happen in the physical. And it allowed Jesus to endure the evil perpetrated against Him. We must follow in His footsteps.
     There are incontrovertible truths that we can adhere to that will help us endure our own times of sorrow, grief, dread, and fear. First of all, we know that we are chosen and nothing can separate us from God. We are covered by the blood of Jesus and wrapped in the Grace of God, which empowers us to overcome all that is from Satan. Jesus is our Good Shepherd and will not allow us to endure more than we can stand. We are being prepared to rule with Him in the age to come.
     If you are suffering the torment of Satan's fiery dart of fear, then you must remind yourself that God's judgments against the world are ultimately to wipe out evil, not harm the saints. Just as He did in the wilderness of Egypt, God will supernaturally protect and provide for us. Our faith demands that we trust Him in this! When the difficulties in this world increase, so will God's guidance and leadership. And should this world result in our physical death, there is no greater joy than knowing that the very next instant we will be in His glorious presence forever!
     But perhaps you still cannot defeat those demons of fear that have crept into your life. Let me give you some advice that will help you rise above the lies the Enemy is whispering to you. You need to understand that you have a choice ... you can give in to those lies, cowering in fear and powerlessness -- or you can stand and declare that you are walking in your inheritance as a co-heir with Christ, and you are covered by the authority of God who has made Jesus "Far above all principality, and power, and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in that which is to come: And He put all things [in every realm] in subjection under Christ’s feet, and appointed Him as [supreme and authoritative] head over all things in the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills and completes all things in all [believers]". We are quite able and capable of rising to our spiritual potential and strength!
     When we know what we believe about God and ourselves, then we have the confidence and faith to stand firm and follow Jesus's model of dignity and strength in our hour of need. We will not be afraid to voice our allegiance to Him or to choose to follow Him, no matter the cost. Here's the thing, Jesus never taught on "feelings"; He always commanded obedience. We must truly believe He is our Rock, our Fortress, and our Deliverer; that He is our Strength, our God in whom we can trust. He is our Shield, and our horn (Power) of Salvation. He is our Stronghold and we must praise His Name, for He is worthy to be praised. And we will be saved from our enemies! This is a passage from Psalm 18, and it is a Scripture that is never far from my heart or my lips. I believe these words with all that is in me!
     So, I encourage you to face your fears and begin to declare the Truth of Scripture -- and believe it! Jesus tells us that we are not given a spirit of fear, but we have the Holy Spirit, who gives us mighty power, love [of God] and self-control. When we recognize the power that is in us, we do not fear anything [or anyone] else. And we have the ability to control our carnal emotions and fleshly behavior, as we walk in our spiritual identity. Fear has no place in the life of a Believer. Trust in God's power inside you and watch Him deliver you of all sorrow, grief, dread, and fear. Then declare that you are ready to walk in the glory of God for the remaining days of your life.

It is my prayer that this Thanksgiving, you will find increased faith in the power of our Lord to deliver you from the concerns of this world. Give thanks to our ever-faithful God who never takes His eyes off you. Praise Him for His enduring love!

Psalm 34:4   I sought the Lord [on the authority of His word], and He answered me, And delivered me from all my fears.


October 6, 2018

John 20:21-23 ... The Authority to Forgive Sins

     My husband and I will be traveling for the next couple of weeks, and it will be difficult for me to get an internet signal to upload new posts for you. So I have decided to take a look at several Scriptural passages that I have talked about before and present them to you again. I have chosen those I feel are the most relevant to us leading our lives in Spirit and Truth. 
     Repeating the Word is never a bad idea, and these particular passages are speaking to my spirit, even as I see them particularly appropriate for some issues my fellow Christians are dealing with today. So even though I may not be writing in a current time-frame, I think you will still find value in what the Bible speaks to us through these powerful words. So, if this is the first time you've read this post, or the second, I pray it will bless you.

Then Jesus said to them again, Peace to you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you [as My representatives]. And when He said this, He breathed on them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of anyone they are forgiven [because of their faith]; if you retain the sins of anyone, they are retained [and remain unforgiven because of their unbelief].

     This is an interesting passage, whereby the risen Jesus is appearing to the Apostles, who are hiding out in an undisclosed room in Jerusalem, fearing retribution from the Jewish religious leaders and the Roman government because of their association with the crucified Christ.  Although they had spent nearly three years with Him, and Jesus had tried to prepare them for this time, you can imagine their confusion, dashed hopes, and fear of what the future might mean for them.
     But in these verses, Jesus appears to them to calm them, bring them peace, and remind them of their mission to co-labor with Him on behalf of the Kingdom of God.  He then breathed the Holy Spirit on them, and gave them a very important and precious gift: the authority to forgive sins.
     I know that is a foreign idea to us 21st Century Christians, and it certainly is not taught in the Church as a matter of our authority.  And I can hear the naysayers now ... Where do you get the idea that we have the authority to forgive sins? Isn't God the only One who can forgive us our sins? That second question sounds exactly like the Pharisees in Mark, Chapter 2, who, upon hearing Jesus tell the paralytic that his sins were forgiven, asked, “Why does this man speak that way? He is blaspheming; who can forgive sins but God alone?” I am sure there are some within the Body of Christ who would assign the same doubt to my statement that we can forgive sins. But let me see if I can explain my understanding of these verses in John...
     It is very important that we have a clear understanding when it comes to the dynamics of the relationship between the Father, the Son, and us.  Over and over, Jesus declares in the Bible. I only do what the Father tells Me ... I only do what pleases the Father ... I only do what I see the Father doing ... I only say what I hear the Father saying ... If you've seen Me, you've seen the Father.  Therefore, Jesus is an exact representation of the Father.  And here, in John 20, He is telling the apostles, Now, you're MY representatives; meaning by extension, they are representing the Father, too, just as Jesus did.  Furthermore, Jesus tells the Apostles that all authority on Heaven and earth has been given to Him and their Commission is now to teach all the nations what He has taught and commanded them to do -- i.e., we now represent Jesus!
     But there is another aspect of our relationship with Christ and how we represent Him.  In 1 Peter 2:9, the Bible calls us a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that we may proclaim the excellencies [the wonderful deeds and power] of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.  Remember, God instituted the priesthood in the Old Testament as the means by which His chosen people could be forgiven their sins.  The priests served a particularly important function in the sacrificial system that brought the sins of the Israelites before God to be forgiven.  But in the New Testament, Jesus became our High Priest and the ultimate, once-for-all sacrifice, so that system is no longer needed.  However, as it is revealed in 1 Peter 2 and Revelation 5,  we are to still serve God as priests of His Kingdom, bringing people "out of darkness and into His marvelous Light (Jesus)".
     That is what I believe Jesus is telling us here in John 20... He is our High Priest, and as His representatives here on earth, we serve the Father's Kingdom as His priests.  So how does that work, and what are our duties as priests?  Have you ever known someone who has given their life to Christ, and declared Him their Savior, yet cannot seem to receive His forgiveness of their sins, even after they have confessed and repented?  Even though their salvation is certain, there is some area of their life that satan still holds in bondage, and they are mired in self-condemnation? 
     Even though the Bible tells us that Jesus has forgotten their sins, as far as the east is from the west, they still feel He is distant and they don't feel forgiven.  I believe John 20:23 declares our position as the royal priesthood and Jesus is giving us permission to declare to that tortured Christian that if they have faith, their sins are forgiven.  On the other hand, we must take our holy priesthood very seriously (as the representative of Christ), and when it is clear that a sinful lifestyle has not been confessed or repented for, and Jesus has been rejected, then we have no authority or duty to forgive anyone's sin.  Very simply, for me, John 20:21-23 is Jesus defining a priestly duty, and since we are called to be a royal priesthood of God's Kingdom on earth, it is part of our allegiance to our High Priest.  
     But, here's the thing ... the powerless Church, today, is all too eager to call themselves priests of the Kingdom, but only in the sense of a noun, and not as a verb -- meaning there is an obligation to act out our identities as priests, (and representatives of our High Priest) and to be willing to take the sins of a fellow Christian and wash them in the blood of Jesus, pronouncing those sins forgiven.  If that sounds anti-Biblical, think on this.... Are we not in Christ, and Christ in us?  Did He not take all sin upon Himself, and by His Blood we are forgiven and healed?  If Christ is in us, we can take those sins and present them to Him, being confident of His mercy and grace upon all who believe in Him.
     Personally, in our deliverance ministry, my husband and I have often reminded someone being oppressed by spirits of unworthiness, inadequacy, self-condemnation, shame, or guilt that their faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior, and their confession of their sins allows us, as His representative, to speak Jesus's forgiveness into their life.  In that, we serve both our God and our fellow man.  That's why God sent Jesus, and that's why He sends us.  

Current Note: This Scripture has particular significance to me today because my heart is broken for the number of marriages that I see the Enemy attacking. I truly believe this Scripture is telling us that forgiveness is the key to the restoration of relationships, and this is especially important when it comes to the restoration of a marriage. If you are unable to forgive your spouse, then I think it is important that you remit their sins to Christ -- hand them over [or release] the sins to Jesus and let Him deal with them. You have a choice -- forgiveness or remittance. Either way, unforgiveness will not be a stumbling block to you.


September 30, 2018

Scripture Is The Truth ... But Not Always The Answer!

     Before you think I am being heretical, I want to ask you to please read the entire post, so you understand where I'm coming from. And I can't take credit for the wisdom behind this title. That goes to my friend, and fellow spiritual warrior, Tami. We were having a discussion about when it is appropriate to hammer home Scripture when counseling a fellow Believer.
     I'm sure you've known people in your social or church culture who are strong and faithful Believers; people who you would have no problem going to when confronted with a spiritual crisis. They are centered in Jesus and knowledgeable in the Word -- you respect their counsel and can always count on them to have a strong foundation in what God's will is for the life of a Christian. They are steadfast in their faith; trustworthy and sensible in their advice.
     You know that they will be able to offer guidance from a Biblical perspective and back it up with the appropriate Scriptures. If you are grounded in your faith and solid in your relationship with Jesus, and need Scriptural support to help you make the right decision, then they're the go-to guys. They will supply you with multiple Scriptural references that will show you a clear path to the right resolution for your situation.
      But what if you're struggling with your faith? You know you love Jesus and He loves you, but you're at a point in your life where your foundation is being shaken; you feel like you're drowning and you just need someone to throw you a life-preserver. Perhaps you're in conflict with God and you know that you haven't made a choice He would approve of; but there are extenuating circumstances that are at the root of your crisis, and they are a barrier between you and the Father. What is the appropriate way to lead this Believer so that they clearly hear from God?
     That's where the title of this blog comes into play. Scripture will always give one God's truth on a matter.  But depending on the state of the Beloved's mind, heart, and spirit, they may not be ready [or able] to receive God's Biblical instructions at that time. Correcting with Scripture may not be the answer to their problems at this particular stage of their faith walk. That's where our mercy and patience must come to bear.
     Yes, the Bible says that All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, but if one is on the verge of brokenness, is rebuking or attempting to train through the Word what they need right then? At those times they just need to hear and feel and see Jesus.
     The Word is never to be read out of relationship with the Father. But what if you feel you are out of relationship with Him? That you can't find Him and are having serious doubts about your connection to Him?  Remember that the Bible also says, Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your lifethen God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will make the answers known to you through Jesus Christ. So  keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God, praising him always. That is a multi-layered picture of residing with Father God!
     Here's another thing to think about ... I think that it is important to understand where your spirit is seated when you read the Word, or it is being quoted to you. Are you seated in a spirit of fear, or anger, or rejection, or brokenness, or vengeance? Do you think that might make a difference how you receive [or respond to] the Word?  Your spirit must be in right relationship with the Father in order to recognize the supremacy of the Word.
     The Word is ALWAYS a doorway to a personal relationship with the Father. If you are stable in your life and faith, then the more you hear the Word, the more you hunger for it because it is life-sustaining. But sometimes our Brothers and Sisters are simply in need of the Presence of the Father before the Scripture means anything to them. Sometimes they need to be encouraged to spend some time at His feet to learn that their crisis comes from operating out of their own power instead of seeking His power in their lives. And sometimes they need to be brought to their knees before His throne in repentance before we can participate in their restoration. And that's why their time with the Father is so important. Relationship must come before the Word can mean anything; and when that relationship has become broken or fractured, the use of Scripture can be to no effect -- like putting a band-aid on the crisis or situation.
     Please know that I am not down-playing the Word of God! It is vitally important and the Bread of Life to all Christians. I am simply saying that we need to be sensitive to the spiritual state of our brethren before deciding if the timing is right to introduce a litany of Scripture as the answer to their problems. Let me be clear ... there will be an opportune time when Scripture will be important to back up what they've heard from the Father -- it will be their lifeline and their continual support in their journey with Him. But it is important when helping a Believer [to transcend a crisis] that we let Scripture be the Light to their spirit and not a weight that pulls them further from the Father. 

Psalm 23:4    Lord, even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! You remain close to me and lead me through it all the way. Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near.


June 19, 2018

How The Announcement Of The Kingdom Impacts The Harvest

     I have recently joined a group of women for a Bible Study taught by Pastor Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in Redding, California. I believe that Pastor Johnson walks in an anointing from God to preach to the Body of Christ that God's Kingdom in Heaven has invaded this earth, and how that should decisively effect our Christian walk.
     The Bible Study is called "God Is Good: He's Better Than You Think".  We are only at Week Three, but we are already being presented with some deep questions that have me examining my ambassadorship for the Kingdom of God. Here's a question that illustrates my point: How does the announcement of God's Kingdom have a direct impact on the size of the harvest of people who respond to it?
     Note that the question posed is actually multi-faceted. We must not only consider what the direct impact is upon the harvest of souls, but how it effects the size of the harvest.  First of all, it is important to recognize that there is a direct correlation between the announcement of God's Kingdom and the Gospel of the Kingdom. It should go without saying that both are announcing the "Good News" that God's Kingdom (the actual realm where He resides) has now made itself known here on earth. This announcement would soon make the Kingdom a reality; becoming apparent by the evidence shown in Jesus's life.  And Jesus would inaugurate the Kingdom message when He began His ministry, preaching "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand".
     The good news of this Gospel Message about the Kingdom coming to earth is that mankind now had a way to be acceptable before God. Prior to Jesus's appearance, man had lived in a state of hopelessness due to how God viewed sin. The Bible makes His holy opinion easy to understand: The soul who sins shall die (Ezekiel 18:20). But with the emergence of Jesus, mankind now had a Savior who would provide a way out of this eternal death, which was the consequence for our sins against a Holy God.
     All the prophets had foretold of this Savior that would take away the sins of the world and restore man's relationship with God as it had been in the Garden of Eden. Remember: God's Kingdom is where God resides; the realm in which He rules. Between the time man fell into sin in the Garden and the time of this announcement, that kingdom realm had existed only in Heaven. Now, here comes John the Baptist foretelling that this Kingdom is near, rapidly followed by Jesus's appearance and the beginning of His ministry to announce that God's Kingdom was now here! So it's not too difficult to see the immense impact that this announcement would have on God's harvest of souls.
     No longer would man be subject to Laws that were incapable of delivering us from Death. But man would now be able to stand before God in righteousness through believing in the sacrifice He would make of Himself [as His Son, Jesus Christ] on our behalf. By following Jesus's example of living according to the Father's will, the impact on the harvest would become nothing short of miraculous and astounding. Those who would accept and respond to His announcement and ministry would begin to change the world. The realm of Satan here on the earth would come into direct conflict with the people who walked in their authority as members of God's Kingdom on earth. The citizens of Satan's kingdom would diminish, as the citizens of God's Kingdom rose. 
     But if we are going to resemble Christ's image here on earth, then we have to announce more than the deliverance from eternal Death; although, that in itself is worthy of our acclamation and enthusiastic approval. You see, that deliverance isn't realized until the end of our life. So, while that good news of our salvation from Death is responsible for a magnificent number coming into the harvest, I believe we gain staggering numbers when we reveal ALL of the good news that the announcement of the Kingdom generates.
     Think about it: a person recognizes their need of a Savior and accepts Jesus into their heart, repenting for their sins and asking forgiveness. Is that news worthy of sharing? Absolutely! But if the newly saved Christian takes that message to the person who sees the penalty of sin [and their resulting death] as a far-off event, the message may have no immediate relevance. But let's say that we add to that message of salvation. Let's say we share that the reality of the Kingdom of God being present today ALSO gives you access to the power of the Holy Spirit to heal persistent physical/health problems, or to set one free from the bondage of shame, guilt, anger, and unforgiveness, to name just a few of the attacks from the devil. Can you see that we now offer an immediate benefit from our announcement of the Kingdom at hand? Can you perceive that this full Gospel message of the Kingdom might result in a greater number in the harvest -- in other words, the impact on the size of the harvest might be more considerable if we share the complete picture of the Kingdom of God, on earth as it is in heaven. 
     Who doesn't have a health issue they are dealing with in these perishable bodies? It doesn't matter if it is a simple headache or stage 4 cancer. We want it to go away! And I defy us to find anyone within the Body of Christ who has not suffered at least one attack or violation from the Enemy on their character, their identity, their relationships with others, or the privacy of their body. We may know Jesus as our Savior and rely on our ultimate deliverance from Death, but who wouldn't want to be liberated from the oppressive thoughts and emotions that we carry around with us because of these assaults on our spirits and flesh?  What would happen if Christians could praise Jesus for how He healed them from sexual molestation; loss of self-respect and self-esteem; bullying; abusive parents; or promiscuity and drug/alcohol abuse? Do you think more people would identify with those victories, or a victory over their future death? 
     I'm not saying that the good news of our salvation from eternal death is not an important message to share... it's the ultimate reward! But there is more to Jesus's victory and what that victory looks like in the here-and-now. I am so grateful that the Holy Spirit has revealed to my heart the need of my Savior. I look forward to my glorious resurrection and dwelling forever with the Lord when the new Heaven and new Earth appear. But I am equally grateful that He has set me free NOW to praise Him for delivering me from the bad choices I have made in my life; from the attempts of the devil to kill, steal, and destroy this Kingdom life in the present; and for giving me the opportunity to share this restored life, made in His image. It is my responsibility [and my joy] as the recipient of Jesus's authority and the power of the Holy Spirit to invite others to partake of God's goodness to those who believe in Him. When we share all that we have received from Heaven's invasion of earth, then we can expect to see an impact of righteousness and growing numbers of ambassadors. Let the "Good News of the Kingdom" be realized across the face of this planet, and let all the people shout "Hallelujah!" as our voices join in worship and rejoicing.

Mark 1:15    His message was this: “At last the fulfillment of the age has come! It is time for the realm of God’s kingdom to be experienced in its fullness! Turn your lives back to God and put your trust in the hope-filled Gospel!”

February 21, 2018

The Christian Experience: A Time Of Testing

     This message is very personal to me. As I mentioned in the last post, I am sensing [and seeing] a season of growing spiritual attacks upon Christians who are earnestly seeking a more intimate relationship with Jesus, as well as more power of the Holy Spirit in their lives. I am not talking about Christians who are sitting on the sidelines (and accepting the poverty of spirit as their daily penitence), but Christians who are [out of obedience] boldly pursuing the calling on their lives to advance God's Kingdom here on earth.
     I know that many Believers sincerely hold fast to a theology that says, "If I just have enough faith, then I can get through this life without any suffering, or testing, or attacks from Satan that will have me questioning God's presence". But all we have to do is look at the Bible to see that is not true. Abraham, who is called the Father of our faith, endured perhaps the most difficult test any Believer in YHWH has ever faced ... the command by God to sacrifice his beloved son.
     I think it is safe to say that Abraham's faith in that situation would be tough for any one of us to imitate. Yet, because he stood firm in his faith and obedience, we have the opportunity to stand firm in ours. And Satan absolutely detests that kind of faith; the kind of faith that threatens his rule of the earth. So when obedient Christians answer the call of our God, we can expect that the Enemy will try to distract us, or forestall that calling by coming against us. But we must also realize that God tests those He calls. Hebrews 12:6 tells us, For the Lord’s training of your life is the evidence of his faithful love. And when he draws you to himself, it proves you are his delightful child (The Passion Translation). I much prefer this translation to the more common translations that say God "disciplines those He loves and punishes [chastises, scourges] those He accepts". I do not believe those are accurate translations because the Aramaic word for "scourge", which is nagad, can also mean "to attract,” “to draw,” or “tug the heart.” For me, that is a more accurate picture of my Abba, the God I serve. 
      And to take the word analogy one step further, isn't the result of training always a test to see what you've learned? Whether you are a Doctor in your Residency training; or a member of the Military in training at boot camp; or an athlete training for the Olympics or NFL, each one is being trained up in order to pass a test before they advance to the next level of their line of work. Well, as Ambassadors of the Kingdom, I believe that God trains us (and tests us) before He advances us to the next level of our calling.
     So, I would say to any of you that are certain that He has called you into service to the Kingdom, that you can expect times of testing -- both from the Enemy who will try to convince you that you aren't fit for your calling, and by your Father and your King as They train you up to run the race that you are called to. And I can personally say that Mark and I have experienced both this past week.
     Last post, I alluded to the spiritual attacks that were coming against us. My husband, uncharacteristically, was suffering from bouts of anxiety, resulting in rapid heart rate, lack of sleep, etc. Normally, his steadfast faith would identify an attack from the devil and he would bind those spirits, declare the word of God and loose heavenly resources, as is his inheritance as a son of God. But this time was different. None of his usual spiritual battle techniques [in Jesus] worked, and my prayers and battles in the spirit would result in minor victories, but the heaviness continued over us. 
     Mind you, at no time did we every doubt that God was with us or that we would be victorious in Jesus. We spent most of our time trying to figure out the meaning or purpose of what we were experiencing. Our faith was secure; it was just clear it was being tested. I kept asking the Holy Spirit to reveal what was going on in the spiritual realm so that we could take our authority over it and walk in our true identity -- our spirit was clear who we were, but the flesh was not cooperating.  Finally, I got a clue ... we had scheduled a meeting to disciple a young couple in deliverance ministry, and I discerned that this was perhaps an obstacle set in place to diminish the authority and power we had to minister to them, and to defeat their desire to know about this particular service to God. I was partly correct. 
      We approached our meeting with this couple in the mindset that nothing would stop us from sharing what the Lord has revealed to us. We take seriously the Lord's admonition that He needs more workers in His harvest fields, and here were two people willing to join us in bringing in that harvest. No matter what the Enemy was throwing at us physically, or the spiritual confusion we were experiencing as to the "whys", we were determined to glorify all that we had seen Jesus and the Holy Spirit do in the lives of dispirited and oppressed people. 
     What we didn't account for was that these faithful Seekers would bring a friend with them. And it quickly became clear that this friend was the focus of this Divine Appointment. He revealed that he had been delivered a few months earlier, and he knew the value of it and wanted to know more, but hinted that his healing had not been complete. As we continued to answer questions about our experiences, we shared that it is always the desire of the Father's heart that those held in captivity by the Enemy be set free. We related that we had seen that most everyone has spiritual wounds that need to be healed [either from sins they have committed, or sins that have been committed against them], and that Jesus and the Holy Spirit are looking for obedient sons and daughters to partner with Them to bring that inner healing and freedom to all that need it. We mentioned that a common wound we had seen was child molestation.
     At the mention of this sin, the friend became emotional. He stated that he was getting uncomfortable. I gently asked him if this sin had been committed against him, and he confirmed it. We told him Jesus wanted to heal that wound and if he was willing, we'd like to help make that happen. He agreed to accompany me to a private place where we could invite Jesus in, while Mark remained with the Seekers, who by now were beginning to realize that this visit was planned by God and had a bigger purpose than they had anticipated.
     To make a long story short, from the outset, it was apparent to me that this was going to be a spiritual battle of bigger proportions than we have experienced in the past. But I want to stress that there was no fear on my part as I began the session, knowing full well that the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit were greater than anything we would face from the kingdom of darkness. And this young man loved Jesus with a heart and spirit that was so convicted -- but also in great conflict. He admitted to opening doors he knew were wrong and that he had grieved Jesus, and the temptations to sin were overwhelming him. He was literally in a battle for his mind, spirit, and soul. The Enemy had him trapped in the sin of homosexuality and was torturing him! But he wanted free! And as I led him in forgiveness against the man who had sinned against him in childhood, and broke soul ties with whom he had sinned, the Enemy launched a full scale assault.
     I do not want to sensationalize what happened next nor compromise his privacy, so let's just say that it quickly became a physical battle as well as a spiritual battle. While the wife of the seeker couple prayed separately, it took Mark, myself, and the husband to battle the multitude of spirits that tried to prevent their friend from becoming free. But none of us battled from a spirit of fear or doubt! Rather, we stayed calm, but forcefully proclaimed the Truth that He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world, and in the Name of Jesus, the Enemy and his demonic spirits were defeated. They must leave! Needless to say this young man had given legal authority for strongholds to take root in his life, and they weren't leaving easily. But he recognized that, and fought in the spirit, too, and after a long battle, he was victorious in Christ! When we asked Jesus to show him how he appeared to the Lord, through tears, he stated, "I am radiant! Everything looks brighter!" Hallelujah!
     I want to make sure that you understand why I have bothered to relate this episode. It is not to boast about our part in the victory that day, but rather to show you that as you begin to walk in your calling from the Lord, you can expect spiritual attacks such as the one my husband experienced. It may be the Enemy trying to distract you from an assignment, but it may also be God proving to us that our faith is real; that we are truly His children, and that no trial will overcome our faith. 
     As we mature in our Christian walk [and our calling] it will require us to move outside our comfort zones into a larger territory that needs to be conquered for God's Kingdom. In order for us to be overcomers and conquerors in this earthly realm, we need to 1) be obedient to our calling, even when we're under attack; 2) remain patient until a breakthrough occurs, even when it seems as if God is absent; 3) increase our faith when we finally get an answer, and see just how costly [and difficult] the path forward will be in carrying out our calling; and 4) learn to stand firm against the inevitable sin and temptation that the Enemy will use to test our resolve to complete our race and calling.
     When God has a specific call upon your life, you know it. And if you decide to answer that call, you can expect to be tested. The Bible is clear ... Psalm 11:5 says, The LORD tests the righteous and the wicked, [exposing each heart]. But don't get discouraged! And don't let the devil deceive you into thinking you may have messed up that calling or that God is disillusioned with your service. It just may be the exact opposite -- you are hitting the target and advancing to the next level of your service. Even Paul said [in 1 Corinthians 16:9], There’s an amazing door of opportunity standing wide open for me to minister here, even though there are many who oppose and stand against me. You can expect those adversaries to be both in the spirit and in the flesh.        
     So, again, do not be discouraged by times of testing. God might just be training you up for a bigger assignment in your Divine destiny with Him. Remain steadfast in your faith --- and if you stumble, don't worry -- He has not abandoned you. He just may need to refine you more before you receive your breakthrough. I am discerning [in hindsight] that this is what happened during that period of spiritual confusion in our life. God was preparing us for a breakthrough, and we needed to be purified and refined; continuing to walk in obedience and faith to our calling, even when our flesh was weak. By never doubting our mission, God carried us through those dark days and into an experience of greater power and authority in cooperating with Jesus to set a captive free, and bring another worker into His harvest field. Both the Seeker and the Friend witnessed the power of our Almighty God that afternoon, and both want to help bring in His harvest. Each of us was tested that day ... the Seeker and his wife to find out if they were ready to answer this specific call on their lives; the Friend who found out whether he truly desired freedom and a full commitment to his Lord and Savior; and my husband and myself, who were blessed to find that our own faith and commitment are solid and that the Lord is trusting us to take the next step. 
     My final word is this: When you find yourself in trials and times of testing, don't think you are being punished by God. It may just be that He is bringing you to a higher calling on your life. And with that responsibility comes authority/power in the Name of Jesus... and Joy in being found trustworthy to serve the God of the Universe! And remember: there is nothing to be afraid of.... Jesus has already overcome the world!

Psalm 7:9     Once and for all, end the evil tactics of the wicked! Reward and prosper the cause of the righteous, for You are the righteous God, the soul searcher, who looks deep into every heart to examine the thoughts and motives.