A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Defeating Evil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Defeating Evil. Show all posts

November 19, 2024

Don't Let Your Guard Down! The Enemy Doesn't Give Up That Easy!

It's been interesting to watch the reactions of people, especially Christians, at the end of the long election process for the 47th President of the United States. Depending on which party you support, there were either demonstrations of ecstatic joy, or bouts of crying, depression, and rage. As one who clearly sees that this election was as much a spiritual battle as a political one, I couldn't help but see a bigger picture. 

You see, I've always realized that at a much deeper level, this election was about a war between the spiritual forces of Good and Evil, involving the rulers and authorities in the spiritual realms and their proxies here on earth. From the time the Fallen Angels rebelled in Heaven and came to Earth, Satan has been able to beguile men to become his surrogates; promising them wealth, power, fame, and status if they would carry out his mandates and agendas to usurp the dominion of man on this planet. 

If you have eyes to see, you can discern the battle through the ages, and clearly perceive it in our lifetime. We have seen the devil use men and women to achieve his goals of removing God's influence and commandments from our schools, our government, our homes, and our families. Our secular leaders, who many unbelievers worship as if they were gods [as do many professing Christians], have been successful in advancing an Anti-Christ spirit(s) across our land. The term Anti-Christ simply means "against Christ"; refusing to believe that Jesus was sent in the flesh from the Father and these spirits represent everything that is hostile against God. 

And, yes, I said "spirits", because just as Jesus experienced when He walked on the earth, there have been diverse spirits at work in the world. And the same holds true for today. These spirits sow confusion and deception about God's Truth, resulting in people entertaining countless views regarding what constitutes their truth. So, you can see how easy it is for men [who seek power and control and wealth via Satan's promises to them] to speak of what is good for the population in order to deceive the masses into following a satanic form of society. 

But I want to suggest that we proceed with caution. At the moment, it looks like freedom-loving supporters of a constitutional system of law and order have won the day, and stand victorious on the battlefield of self-determination and autonomy. But you can't forget who is at work behind the scenes in the spiritual realms. The humans who have made a decision to resist God, are [knowingly or unknowingly] following the orders of Satan, the one who personifies "resisting God". Remember, he is always on the lookout for those who will be receptive to his temptations of pride and self-reliance on their own "truths". They worship their own power and authority in this life, and whoever stands in their way becomes an enemy to all they seek for themselves. 

According to Satan, a nation who makes a choice to follow a leader who promises peace, prosperity, security, justice, and the freedom to become all you were meant to be according to God, is seen as a perpetual opponent and enemy to be defeated and conquered. While we are resistant to his temptations and seduction, he will continue to strategize to foment his innate spirit of rebellion into earthly men to see that his agendas are carried out. We must not forget that he is still the primary authority over all the rebels of the earth, and he aims to keep his power and influence.

That is why we must continue to overcome his strategies and persevere to the end! Right now Satan is on the defensive. He's mad and riled up. He is gathering his demonic troops for an assault against any spiritual door that he can open. He came so close to being able to demand that men bow down and worship him. He knows that Godly, righteous people are emboldened to fight to get our kids back; to restore Biblical values and identities in our children and our society; to remove all the evilness and wickedness that have denigrated men, corrupted families, and tried to redefine our schools, churches, and government institutions. He sees his power diminishing, and he will come out fighting. But he doesn't understand this one important thing ... 

We are not afraid! We are not cowering behind a political victory, hoping he will leave us alone to enjoy our temporary success. I pray and urge us all to fortify ourselves in the strength of our God; to trust in Him implicitly and with total commitment. We know that Jesus Christ, our Savior, Redeemer, and spiritual General has gone before us and we will be obedient and confident to follow Him to the end and He will bring us through the battle, whatever lies before us. As members of the Kingdom of God, we know our battle positions in the spirit, and we are disciplined and vigilant to stand guard over our territories in the natural world. We aggressively storm the gates of Hell while following our orders from Heaven on high. We serve the God of Peace who assures us of our eternal victory and we will glorify Him as we stand firm in our faith. God Bless you all and stay alert!

Psalm 37:12-13    The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes his teeth at him, but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for He sees that his day is coming.

April 26, 2023

Our Choice is Clear: Fear or Fortitude

It should come as no surprise that we are battling for not only the soul of this nation, but our very existence. Since the beginning of our colonial history, the Framers of the Constitution fought to avoid the political and social divisions that ripped England apart in their bloody civil wars. It was a tenuous time as they desperately tried to start our new nation on solid ground. Less than 100 years later, that ground was shattered and bloody from our own civil war. And I'm not sure we ever fully recovered, politically or socially, from those fractures. But somehow the fabric of the nation held, we bound up our wounds, and have managed to survive through two world wars, and multiple foreign wars [all of which made international bankers and champions of the war machines wealthy], at the cost of millions of lives.

So, here we are, nearly two-and-a-half centuries later, and our survival as a nation seems to be just as tenuous. Actually, the world, itself, seems to be on the verge of destruction! I mean, how many people in the world sense that unprecedented Evil is about to come upon the peoples of this planet?  Both Christians and nonbelievers have a heightened awareness that there is danger and darkness in the offing; and how many of you have heard the warnings and prophecies forecasting that 2025 is the culmination of the final age of man?  I've heard everything from world-wide economic collapse, to serious natural disasters, and of course, the beginning of WWIII... all guaranteed to strike fear in the hearts of men and women.

How could it not? There doesn't seem to be much good news to look forward to, right? But we have a choice in how we will confront the possibilities. Will we allow a spirit of fear to render us silent and cowering in a corner; submitting to the forces of evil who wish to eradicate us? Or we will we approach the uncertain and scary future with fortitude; with courage, resilience, moral fiber, strength of mind and character, and steadfast spirit? Those choices couldn't be further apart, but are most likely what it will come down to for each individual. There is no middle ground.

And there is no middle ground in this spiritual war between the God we serve and the Enemy of all mankind. Because of how much evil is being brought against God's creation, His anger is mounting and I believe His cup of wrath will soon be filled to the brim. And the Lord's sheep are sensing it and becoming full of worry and apprehension. How are we to prepare for what's coming? What should we be expecting from ourselves? We all hope we will face the future with confidence in the Lord, and with the courage and fortitude of Christ. And since we look to Him as our model in all human circumstances, let us consider how He responded in His hour of fear and uncertainty...

Could anything we face compare to the anxiety and dread that our Lord must have felt in the Garden of Gethsemane?  If I may paraphrase one of my favorite Bible commentators, Matthew Henry, "Jesus had an awful sense of the wrath of God, of the weight of sin. His human nature was ready to sink under that heavy load, and would have sunk, had He been forsaken of help and comfort from God; but He was heard in His prayers, He was supported through the agonies of death."

This understanding, along with the example Jesus gives us on how to approach God in our times of distress and agony of soul, is something that I wish us all to embrace. Yes, we have examples of Jesus praying throughout the gospels, including His rising early in the morning to pray (Mark 1:35), praying all night (Luke 6:12), and praying while fasting 40 days (Matthew 4:2).  In fact, the disciples saw how important prayer was to Jesus and asked Him to teach them how to pray (Luke 11:1).

But in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus's prayer was not casual or routine; it was intense and passionate. Let's look at what is involved in His prayers during this time of apprehension and foreboding. The most common component of many of our prayers is tears, which Jesus also exhibited during His time of intense prayer. Tears are often a sign of pain in our soul. Jesus had a heart full of compassion for His creation and could feel in His heart the sickness, suffering, and coming death of mankind. Our "lostness" pained His heart. Our pain was His pain. He wept for us as He prayed.

Notice also that He prayed with great shouting. Have you ever shouted out loud to God during your most private conversations with Him? Shouting is often a sign of resistance. In times of spiritual warfare -- and believe me, there was a war going on in the spiritual realm as Jesus faced His crucifixion -- we all face the forces of sin and Satan. While shouting and praying, Jesus was fighting in the spiritual realm against the moral darkness of the world.  He was opposing evil and overcame it. In His fervent prayer, He was fighting energetically [and vehemently] on our behalf. And I believe He is doing the same today -- and boy, do we need it!

The political and spiritual forces have aligned to try to strike fear in our hearts and render us silent, powerless, and impotent. For a Biblical example, we only have to look back at the Biblical story of Joshua and Caleb, who were part of the contingent of 12 spies sent into the Promised Land to determine if it could be conquered. But ten of the spies came back and reported that they were defeated before they ever began. They were filled with fear and let that fear completely vanquish them. But it was Caleb who said, "But my brothers who went up with me made the heart of the people melt; yet I wholly followed the Lord my God". 

Caleb was free from fear, and he used his trust in God to try to help the people of Israel overcome their fears. And those of us who are like Caleb, and surrender to the will of God, have something to say to people who are afraid. Our surrender to God is the only answer to the problem of fear. It doesn't mean we ignore the facts, or we stick our head in the sand, and pretend that there will be no difficulties; we cannot and should not persuade others to escape reality. That is a disservice to others. But all people would be well-served to remember Caleb's words. He didn't deny the giants existed, or that it wouldn't be difficult to overcome them. Instead, he said, "We are well able". This does not mean that he had confidence only in himself.  Nor did he put undue emphasis on the military strength of Israel, either.  No.  He was emphasizing where their power really came from. It came from firm confidence in God’s power.

We are well able! We are able to overcome our differences and work together for the good of the country and the world -- if we are willing to follow the One who offers us hope. We are well able to join forces with the Heavenly Host to battle the Enemy's demonic partners who seek to destroy us physically, spiritually, and socially. We are well able to survive whatever is coming -- our ancestors made it through the Depression; the Jews overcame the Holocaust, and survived the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek, and Roman empires. Millions of people throughout the ages have suffered in genocides, plagues, slavery, and totalitarianism. None of it was pretty or easy. In fact, it was diabolical. 

The truth is, none of us know what the future holds for us, and I'm sure many of us are consumed with fear over the possibilities. I also know that most of you are joining me in solemn and dedicated prayer, asking God for mercy and forgiveness in His coming judgment (that we so thoroughly deserve). Let us strive for an attitude of fortitude -- the same kind of courage Jesus showed in His adversity on the eve of His most frightening and devastating experience. It's OK to cry out to the Lord and shout to Heaven in our moments of agony, fright, and doubt. But if we approach our Father with godly fear and reverence, He will hear us and will provide the means for us to be carried through whatever awaits us. I truly believe that!

Just as Matthew Henry wrote, I am convinced that, like Jesus, we will not be forsaken in our moment of need. We will be helped and comforted by God, who will hear our prayers, and we will be supported, even unto death. We must follow Christ's example, devoting ourselves to Him, denying ourselves (and our natural human fears); and take up our cross, follow Him unto death, [if it is God's will], proclaiming our victory over Evil. Praise the Lord for the standard He has set before us! Praise Him for His fortitude, and for showing us that God's mercy is sufficient, and enough to see us through anything the Enemy can bring against us.  God will bring order out of this chaos! He's done it before and His Word says He will do it again. Please pray that mankind rejects the lies and temptations of the Evil One before we've gone too far. The Man of Lawlessness is ready to take the stage, but God, in His Sovereignty, will determine the time of His appearance. 

Father, we pray for Your protection from the shaking that we deserve! Destroy the plans of everyone whose heart is aligned with the Enemy, and may Your Holy Spirit guide us away from a spirit of fear. You are our Hope and Strength and Refuge! Fill us with the Godly fortitude of Jesus!

Jeremiah 10:10     But the Lord is the true God; He is the living God and the everlasting King. At His wrath the earth quakes, and the nations cannot endure His indignation.



July 29, 2022

Sodom And Gomorrah & Lawlessness in America

I know that sounds like a sensational and overdramatized title for today's post, but let me share some information with you and see if you might not agree that it is appropriate. Our little Home Church group has been studying Genesis and considering all the resources throughout history that give us a broader picture of what was going on in this pivotal Book of the Bible. 

So much history of the world [and man's relationship with God] is packed into these 50 chapters and sadly, much of it is ignored, skipped over, or disavowed by the modern [and make that Western] Church, that I fear we don't see the comparisons with our current generation. Not only is the average citizen unaware that Satan planned to corrupt mankind's God-created DNA in Genesis 6, but they don't see that that perversion mirrors all the present-day scientific experiments with vaccines, gene editing, DNA sequencing, and human-animal hybrid experiments -- and neither do Christians see it!

So, our little Home Church just finished getting into the story of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 18 and 19. To be honest with you, the Bible gives very little detail about what made these two cities so evil in the eyes of the Lord. What we do know from Scripture is this: The Lord Jesus, accompanied by two "men" appears to Abraham, sitting outside his tent. Abraham runs to them and bows down to the ground, indicating that these are no ordinary men, but actually this is Jesus and two of His angels. who have come to announce to Abraham the promise of an heir from God. Remember, Abraham is familiar with God's voice. If you are a student of ancient texts such as the Book of Jasher, then you know that Abram studied at the feet of his Eight-Times Great-Grandfather Noah, so he knew all about YHWH, and heard His voice call him out of the land of Ur to go to Canaan. So by the time Abraham is 99 years old in Genesis 18, he's pretty familiar with the Lord!

After this amazing promise of an heir, Genesis says the Lord and His angels "got up and looked towards Sodom". It seems that their visitation to earth had a two-fold purpose. The Lord says that the outcry of the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was so great, and their sin so grave that He was going to see for Himself if they had acted as vile and wicked as the cries coming to Him indicated (Genesis 18:20-21).  It is hard for us to imagine just how wicked because there is little detail given in Scripture to describe the lengths that the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah went to in their rebellion and perversion.

But, the ancient Book of Jasher (referenced in Joshua 10:13; 2 Samuel 1:18; and 2 Timothy 3:8) leaves no doubt as to why the Lord and His angels came in answer to the cries that had ascended to Heaven! For those who shy away from this historical reference material because it was not included in the Canon, the fact that God chose to reference it in the Bible tells me that it carries some credibility with Him. I use it for historical perspective and have found that it aligns with Scripture; it just gives us more details that expand our understanding of what the Bible reveals. 

That being said, here is just a portion of what was understood by the ancient Israelites regarding the abominations of wickedness in Sodom and Gomorrah:  And by desire of their four judges the people of Sodom and Gomorrah had beds erected in the streets of the cities, and if a man came to these places they laid hold of him and brought him to one of their beds, and by force made him to lie in them. And as he lay down, three men would stand at his head and three at his feet, and measure him by the length of the bed, and if the man was less than the bed these six men would stretch him at each end, and when he cried out to them they would not answer him. And if he was longer than the bed they would draw together the two sides of the bed at each end, until the man had reached the gates of death. (Jasher 19:3-5)

And when a poor man came to their land they would give him silver and gold, and cause a proclamation in the whole city not to give him a morsel of bread to eat, and if the stranger should remain there some days, and die from hunger, not having been able to obtain a morsel of bread, then at his death all the people of the city would come and take their silver and gold which they had given to him. (Jasher 19:8)

Then the Book of Jasher reveals that Lot, who lived in the city of Sodom, is blessed with a daughter named Paltith. Her soul was moved with pity for a man who lay in the center of town, starving from hunger... she fed him secretly with bread for many days, and the soul of this man was revived. For when she went forth to fetch water she would put the bread in the water pitcher, and when she came to the place where the poor man was, she took the bread from the pitcher and gave it him to eat; so she did many days. And all the people of Sodom and Gomorrah wondered how this man could bear starvation for so many days (Jasher 19:27-29). It wasn't long before the townspeople became suspicious. Why wasn't this man dying? So three men hid to watch and see who was feeding the stranger in their midst. They discovered it was Paltith and took her before the judges and asked what her punishment should be. Jasher 19:35 reveals her fate: And the people of Sodom and Gomorrah assembled and kindled a fire in the street of the city, and they took the woman and cast her into the fire and she was burned to ashes. 

Paltith wasn't the only one who suffered because of her righteousness. A young woman in the nearby sister city of Admah also defied the wickedness of her city and gave bread and water to a sojourner. When it was discovered that she transgressed their law, the judges also sentenced her to death ... The people of those cities assembled and brought out the young woman, and anointed her with honey from head to foot, as the judge had decreed, and they placed her before a swarm of bees which were then in their hives, and the bees flew upon her and stung her that her whole body was swelled. And the young woman cried out on account of the bees, but no one took notice of her or pitied her, and her cries ascended to heaven. And the Lord was provoked at this and at all the works of the cities of Sodom, for they had abundance of food, and had tranquility amongst them, and still would not sustain the poor and the needy, and in those days their evil doings and sins became great before the Lord.  (Jasher 19:36-44)

The rest of Jasher 19 coincides with what the Bible reveals ... the Lord sends the two angels to Sodom to destroy it because not one is found righteous among all the inhabitants. Not only have they been starving the poor and oppressed, but they demand that Lot send the angels out so that they might have sex with them (Genesis 19:4-5). Haven't heard that in your Church? Here is what the Amplified version of the Bible says: "the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both young and old, surrounded the house, all the men from every quarter; and they called out to Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we may know them [intimately].” The Complete Jewish Bible (an English translation of the Hebrew Tanakh) actually says, "Bring them out to us. We want to have sex with them"! So, here we have a suggestion of sex between angels and men that mirrors what happened in Genesis 6 when Fallen Angels came down and had sex with earthly women. We saw how that ended! God chose to flood the world!

 As if all this is not enough to show us just how evil and wicked Sodom and Gomorrah had become, Jasher also reveals this ... In those days all the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, and of the whole five cities, were exceedingly wicked and sinful against the Lord and they provoked the Lord with their abominations, and they strengthened in aging abominably and scornfully before the Lord, and their wickedness and crimes were in those days great before the Lord. And they had in their land a very extensive valley, about half a day's walk, and in it there were fountains of water and a great deal of herbage surrounding the water. And all the people of Sodom and Gomorrah went there four times in the year, with their wives and children and all belonging to them, and they rejoiced there with timbrels and dances. And in the time of rejoicing they would all rise and lay hold of their neighbor's wives, and some, the virgin daughters of their neighbors, and they enjoyed them, and each man saw his wife and daughter in the hands of his neighbor and did not say a word. And they did so from morning to night, and they afterward returned home each man to his house and each woman to her tent; so they always did four times in the year.

I share all this with you to ask you to pray for our nation. If the events I have described in ancient Sodom and Gomorrah resulted in the Lord deciding to destroy it, what can we expect from the rising lawlessness in America? Although we have slowed down the abortion rate, it is still allowed in some states. I do not doubt that the cries of the victims of Child pornography and human trafficking have reached the heart of Jesus in Heaven. And everyday, there is another horrifying video on the nightly news of some wickedness done against an innocent person ... a mother pushing her child in a baby carriage is run over by a hit and run driver; a celebrated athlete is nearly blinded by a pipe thrown at her head by a homeless man as she simply walks down the street; a pedestrian is run over by a car, and the passengers jump out and rob the victim as he lies motionless on the street; our highest judges in the land receive death threats, while our government leaders appear to line their own pockets as they sell us down the river to foreign entities. And I don't know if you remember actress Lucy Lui appearing on Oprah and sharing that she has sex with angels. Sure looks to me as if Sodom and Gomorah have nothing on us! It is now becoming commonplace to see articles like the one written by Nick Burns, titled Savagery in America is a Symptom of an Increasingly Disordered World, and another one by Abraham Blondeau, in which he states, "Violent Crime is Consuming America."

So, as our Home Church discussed the evilness in the Bible of Sodom and Gomorrah, it was mentioned by someone, "I sure hope we aren't that bad, yet". I'm not so sure. The way we are headed certainly seems as evil to me. Abraham asked God to relent from His plan to destroy the wicked cities if He was able to identify 5 righteous people. I think God readily agreed because He already knew that no one was righteous and He would be carrying through on His threat. Now, I know we still have righteous people in our nation and we are all certainly praying and repenting. But there are times it seems that the wickedness is outrunning us. So, I just want to keep encouraging everyone that we walk as the Ekklesia and we must never acquiesce or concede our role! The world may know and embrace lawlessness, but we know the Law of Heaven and the Judge of Righteousness! We will never bow or yield to anyone but Him!

2 Peter 2:8 ...  (for that just man, while living among them, felt his righteous soul tormented day after day by what he saw and heard of their lawless acts),        


March 11, 2021

A Call To The Ekklesia: Stand Against False Gods & Fallen Angels!

There is a stark reality we must face in our nation. We are all aware that for 60 years or more, we have been pushing God out of our national identity -- culturally, socially, and legally. But if we create a vacancy, it is the law of nature, that something will fill that space. Do you remember in 2015, when the powers that be in New York gave permission to an art exhibition called "Projecting Change" to impose the image of Hindu demon goddess Kali on the side of the Empire State Building? Kali is the goddess of Destruction and Dissolution in Hinduism and is known for destroying ignorance. Her name means "The Black One". The meaning of Dissolution, by the way, is termination, demise, extinction. And just five years later, in 2020, we now witness the State of New York updating the number of nursing home deaths from Covid-19 to an astounding 15,000!

When a nation removes God from His central and foundational position, then other "little g" gods are only too willing to take His place. And there are dangerous consequences when we let that happen. I want to make you aware of a new and menacing threat to the Christian underpinning of our country. An article on The Gateway Pundit website on March 10, reported that the state of California has proposed an "ethnic studies" curriculum that calls for the "decolonization" of American society and a "counter-genocide" of white Christians. Now, if we want to, we can just chalk that up to another generation discovering their ethnic roots and wanting to throw off the shackles of "American imperialism". But a more in-depth look at this issue finds a curriculum that includes the worship of Aztec gods and chants that call for human sacrifice and cannibalism.

If you are spiritually attuned to Satan's agenda, his goal is to corrupt and destroy human relationship with the Most High God, and substitute the worship of his company of false gods and fallen angels. It's been his plan since he was expelled from El Elyon's heavenly throne room. And the human race has been so easily tempted to abandon righteousness for wickedness. Beginning with the Book of Genesis, the Bible clearly shows us this precept, and the world's history backs it up. 

The curriculum materials will tell you that the goal is "name, speak to, resist, and transform America's cultural identity of dominance through white European neo-colonial policies". The suggestion is to see a transformation towards "social justice" through ethnic resistance. How is that accomplished? Would you believe that the curriculum teaches that students can become "warriors" of social justice by appealing to the Aztec gods to release a spirit of "revolution"? The problem is, these gods are real!!!  We don't even have to approach the obvious conversation -- that this form of "education" doesn't seek to reconcile and unite the various ethnic groups in our rich American heritage, but rather, to alienate and estrange us from each other.

This is the kind of Anti-Christ agenda that, as the Ekklesia, we must determine to see defeated. This Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum [as it is known] instructs teachers to help students challenge "racist, bigoted, discriminatory, imperial/colonial beliefs" and recommends that they lead their students in a series of indigenous songs, chants, and affirmations, including what is known as the "In Lak Ech Affirmation" which appeals directly to the Aztec gods. Students first chant and clap to the god Tezcatlipoca, whom the Aztecs traditionally worshiped with human sacrifice and cannibalism. Often considered as the supreme god, he took on a bewildering array of names and manifestations depending on where and by whom he was worshiped. Invisible and omnipotent, he was known as a Creator god, the god of sustenance, a patron of warriors and as the bringer of both good and evil, he was the very embodiment of change through conflict. He was seen as a god of war, and in one of the special ceremonies honoring him, a prisoner of war was sacrificed and his heart removed to honor this god.

But Tezcatlipoca is not the only false god to be summoned during this Ethnic Studies curriculum. Students are also taught to chant to Tezcatlipoca's brothers, the gods Quetzalcoatl, Huitzilopochtili, and Xipe Totek. These gods are all supreme deities in the pantheon of Mesoamerican creator gods. All are associated with death, war and human sacrifices, whose blood would feed and strengthen the gods. I ask you, do you see any redeeming value to teaching students to chant and summon these fallen angels-turned into false gods? The chanting comes to a climax when students declare "liberation, transformation, and decolonization" as they are convinced they need to pursue "critical consciousness" of their oppressed state in society. 

But here's what is even more concerning ... this curriculum is not only suggested for college-age students, but also for primary and secondary schools, serving a population of 6 million students! With the ever-increasing number of refugees from Central America [the very countries these gods had influence over], California could see racial tensions and gross social upheaval in its population -- which is exactly what Satan has in mind! It is imperative the Ekklesia stand guard against the gates of Hades who would impose this evil curriculum in our nation's schools! Lest you think these gods are just harmless mythological characters, I will tell you that, as Inner Healing Ministers, the Lord has shown Mark and I their very real presence in the iniquity we find in generational bloodlines of Hispanic Beloveds. 

We have seen tremendous freedom come when we expose the covenants made with these fallen heavenly powers by ancestors, and then stamp them with the blood of Jesus and command the altars be destroyed.  Most people don't know the origin of their bloodlines, so we cover the major ancient civilizations by cleansing their bloodlines with Living Water, and renouncing and returning every form of counterfeit inheritance from the Aztec god Queztalcoatl; the Mayan gods Ah Puch and Kul Kul Kan; and the Incan god Viracocha. As I said earlier, the influence of these gods is still in the world, and their wickedness can be summoned through chants, dance, sacrifice and other forms of worship -- even if you call it "education" or "social justice". Ekklesia, this is a call to fulfill our mandate: to stand in the gates of righteous government for the Kingdom, and to prevail [triumph, overcome, rule] against the forces of evil that would come against God's desire for this nation. This agenda will not succeed!

Isaiah 59:7-8    Their feet run to evil, and they rush to shed innocent blood; their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity, desolation and destruction are in their highways. The way of peace they do not know, and there is no justice in their paths. Their roads they have made crooked; no one who walks in them knows peace. 

February 11, 2021

God Is Exposing Evil To His Light; Not To Scare Us, But To Empower Us!

Ever since we have entered 2021, my spirit has been on hyper-alert --- I'm sure many of you can identify with me. I have written that God has seemed to be silent, yet I am, at the same time, seeing things more clearly. So, I know He is present and still imparting words of knowledge and visions about what He wants us to know in this season of Time. 

While it may seem as if Evil is growing more apparent and powerful [and with no constraints], I assure you that our God is preparing us for what He is soon going to be doing in the earth. And yes, I do believe the Lord is close to returning to deal with all the evil and injustice in the world. Here is the Scripture that keeps resonating in my heart ... “So do not be afraid of them, for nothing is hidden that will not be revealed [at the judgment], or kept secret that will not be made known [at the judgment]. What I say to you in the dark (privately), tell in the light (publicly); and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops [to many people]" (Matthew 10:26-27).


Have you noticed that the lies, corruption, and chaos sowed by the Anti-Christ and his beast system is being rapidly exposed? Take just a moment and look at all that has happened in just the last year. The world [and our nation] have undergone some of the most radical changes in recent memory. And if you step back a century, you can look at how from World War I until today, we have committed all the things which are abominations to God: haughty eyes [an attitude that makes one overestimate oneself and discount others]; a lying tongue; hands that shed innocent blood; a heart that creates wicked plans; feet that are swift to running to mischief; a false witness who breathes out lies [even half-truths]; and one who spreads strife among brothers.


From the outset of World War I through the current wars in the Middle East and Africa, a cabal of international bankers have plotted to make money off wars that have killed over 187 million military personnel, all for profit and self-wealth. And we can just go down the list ... to the countless lies that have been fed to us by corrupt politicians. leaders, and media to advance Satan's kingdom; to the 40-50 million abortions in the world every year; to the wicked hearts that plot with Satan to defeat God's Goodness and promote evil agendas in the world [funding riots and murder, spreading false witness,  manufacturing hostility, conflict and hatred among the brotherhood of man; and corrupting God's divine design of man] ... it all adds up to a conglomeration of iniquity that will bring judgment by our righteous and holy God.


It is in Matthew 10 that Jesus not only shares the incredible insight that evil will be exposed and subsequently judged, but He also gives His disciples power and authority to serve His Kingdom [on earth] while they are in the midst of Satan's dark kingdom. And then He tells them to Listen carefully. He warns them they have a hard road before them because Satan will use evil men to impede their journey, as well as their service to Him and their fellow man. And then He gets serious ... He tells them  that persecution is inevitable and they will be hated by those who hate, despise, and rebel against God. But then comes the passage, Do not be afraid of them....


These are among the reasons that I believe Christ is close to coming. Evil is not diminishing and is accelerating at a rapid pace. BUT, God is also exposing the evil and the result is that Evil will be its own instrument of defeat. It is important that the Body of Christ understands that hard times will precede our victory in Christ. We must prepare in our flesh, souls and spirits to endure the evil that will come against us from men who deny and reject Jesus. And we must understand that Jesus is coming back to judge with a sword before He delivers the world from evil. That does not mean we escape the trials and persecution that is already being fomented against Christians in this country as national security threats. Remember, Jesus tells us in Matthew 10:34, Do not think that I have come to bring peace on the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword [of division between belief and unbelief]; and in Matthew 10:38, he who does not take [up] his cross [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow Me [believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me] is not worthy of Me. 


Those are sobering words to those of us who profess faith in Christ. We must not cower in fear over what is coming [nor deny it!]; but we are to endure, knowing that no matter what happens here on earth, if we conform to His example, we shall share eternal life with Him in victory! We are His disciples! We must not be counted among those men and women whose hearts fail them for fear. Instead we are to nurture and spiritually develop hearts that are rooted in the power of Heaven in us. We must believe that our prayers are powerful and that they are heard! We must be willing to let YHWH display His Power and Might in us [and through us] as He did Moses in his battle with Pharaoh; as did the Maccabees in their war with the Anti-Christ spirit in Antiochus Epiphanes; as did the Disciples and the First Century Church in the face of violent persecution from the Roman Empire. 


Yes, we keep the eyes of our heart focused on Christ and our victory in Him! But we are not to be blindsided by the very things Jesus warns us must come before He judges Evil and delivers us into that victory! We must be obedient to the whole counsel of God, not just to the portion that makes us feel good. We must become unified, courageous, and committed followers of our Lord and Savior, willing to carry out our orders from the Lord of the Heavenly Host. Let us be willing to wait in the silence, while being alert to see what He wants to show us. Hear what He says about the darkness that is coming, pray earnestly for wisdom, and then declare and renounce it in the midst of His Light! We can defeat the power of Evil by shining God's Heavenly Light on it. And let us always have our spiritual armor on, being willing to fight alongside Jehovah Nissi in the spiritual realms, being mindful that He goes before us and never forsakes us, no matter how dark it may get. Let us join together and ask the God of the Universe to keep revealing the Evil so we know how to pray against it. Expose it, Father, and we declare that we will not falter nor lose faith. Here we are! Use us for Your Kingdom!


Luke 21:25-28    And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves,  people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken.  And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  Now when these things begin to take place, straighten up and raise your heads, because your redemption is drawing near. 

January 26, 2021

What Do We Do While We're Waiting On God?

Over the past couple of weeks my husband and I have had many conversations with people who are, frankly, perplexed and deeply concerned about our present circumstances. And their state of confusion is not necessarily coming as disappointment from a political or social perspective. These are people from all walks of life; all economic and social backgrounds; and they are all worried. They all recognize that we've never seen such division and discord in this nation in our lifetimes, and there is a deep sense something dark is hanging over the land.

I will be honest and tell you that for those who do not have God as their anchor, it is difficult for me to offer any solace or suggestion to ease their anxiety. There is no "quick fix" for the mess we're in, and I'm afraid their normalcy bias keeps them from seeing the truth of what our future may look like.

Even the Believers are struggling; some because they just don't have a template for what happens when God doesn't automatically restore us or rescue us from our troubles. They're beginning to get a picture that doesn't fit the narrative they've been told about our exceptionalism, or match the visions and dreams of the modern-day "prophets". There are others who have discerned [and accepted] that our disobedience and rebellion against God calls for repentance and humility and yes, even discipline. For them it is a matter of dealing with God's silence. And I will tell you that it has been somewhat comforting to know that I am not alone in my eagerness to hear from Him.

I am not fearful, nor am I deluded. I am not trying to convince myself that things will be back to normal soon, or that nothing is going to happen. I am a watchman on the wall and I see the darkness coming. But along with many others whom the Lord has designated watchmen, I have been determining what my role is while we are waiting for God to speak into this realm. I am trying to be patient as I wait on the Lord. I know that this waiting has a purpose -- to strengthen my resolve to complete my Kingdom assignment; to seek more knowledge and wisdom in Him; to seek His face and rest in Him; to focus on the hope that is in Him. So it's been mostly me talking and praying to Him in the early, early morning hours; and waiting for instructions.

Then yesterday, the Holy Spirit prompted me with His wisdom and counsel.  His advice went something like this: "You know, don't you, that even in His silence, the Father is busy and working behind the scenes in the events of the world? So, while you're waiting, you can still use your spiritual giftings and Teach, Equip, and Train, and Encourage. The Father has given you those assignments and the ability to do them, in and out of season, in good times and bad. You don't think the Enemy is going to just sit back and wait for you to hear the Father's voice, do you? While you're on that wall, you're seeing things that the Body of Christ is unprepared for. Why don't you use your gifts and your calling to help them see the things coming on the earth more clearly; then teach them the spiritual tools they will need to press into the Father; to train them to seek their own gifts; to encourage them to go to a higher level of intimacy and power with God, so that our nation does not have to descend into further darkness?  

Just because our Father is silent in this moment of time doesn't mean that I have to be -- or that you need to be! We all have been given gifts that can be used to educate, empower, and encourage ourselves [and each other] to assist God and His angels in defending His Kingdom here on earth. Those gifts work, in conjunction with the keys of the Kingdom, to make us "living stones" that are responsive and reactive to the Spirit within us to become more and more like the foundational stone of our lives, Jesus Christ. 

Jesus walked in all the gifts. He is our model, and He expects us to use our gifts in these troubled times. "As the Father has sent me, I also send you" (John 20:21). So while I am waiting on God and the Lord to reveal their next move, I will move to teach and equip and train and encourage Christians to persevere in the coming years and to walk in the power and authority as Kingdom ambassadors, citizens, and priests. I call on my brothers and sisters in Christ to join me in sharing their gifts. I ask those who have been called to intercede in prayer and fasting to teach and encourage others to follow them. I ask those who have been called to lead others to seek the Face of the Lord in intimacy and spirit  to help others experience that encounter with God. I ask those who have been called to worship to bring their talents, and change the atmosphere with voices full of joy and reverence. I ask those who have been called to give Words of Knowledge to reveal the Lord's prophecies over lives and watch as the plans of the Evil One to destroy those lives are stopped in their tracks. And I ask those who have been called to bring healing to the broken-hearted to help the wounded overcome their pain and to both give and receive forgiveness, the biggest stumbling block to our freedom in Christ.

In summary, I know many of you are also experiencing God's silence right now. You are not receiving answers to your questions or prayers. But this is where the rubber of our faith hits the proverbial road, and we must not submit to Evil, but rather stand in our identity, our assignments, and our callings. There is much we can and should and must be doing while we wait. Do not cower in fear. Do not retreat into numbness. And do not look back. We go forward in boldness and with the spiritual insight and knowledge that God goes with us. He is still a God of miracles and hope; and we steward that hope, even when things seem hopeless. So, let us engage with Him and in our gifts and callings, and let's transform lives, nations, and the world!

Psalm 37:7-9    Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices! Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil. For the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land.

December 31, 2020

"There's Nothing New Under The Sun ... As It Was In The Days of Noah"

I know I am mixing Scripture references, Bible timelines and messengers. But I hope to show you how it all connects and why it is important for us to know at this precise time in our history. The first reference comes from the Book of Ecclesiastes and was written by King Solomon, a man who was known for his [human] wisdom, wealth, and power. In Chapter One of Ecclesiastes, Solomon is ruminating on the futility of natural man's efforts, because no matter what man tries to accomplish on his own, whether good or evil, has been tried or done before. And the earth still keeps spinning, the sun still rises and sets; and the winds still circle the planet. Without God's wisdom and guidance, man's endeavors are futile and meaningless. Verse nine is the apt summary of this exposition ... That which has been is that which will be [again], and that which has been done is that which will be done again. So there is nothing new under the sun.

Nearly one thousand years later, the Lord Jesus is teaching His disciples about the signs of His return, the perilous times that will come upon the earth preceding His return, and what mankind can expect the earth and its inhabitants to experience when His glorious return is imminent. We find Jesus's statements in Chapter 24 of Matthew. He warns that no man knows the exact day or hour this will all occur, but He gives us a clue in verses 37-39 ... For the coming of the Son of Man (the Messiah) will be just like the days of Noah. For as in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the [very] day when Noah entered the ark, and they did not know or understand until the flood came and swept them all away; so will the coming of the Son of Man be [unexpected judgment]. 

If, as saved men and women, we are tuned in to our spirits, which are seated with Jesus in Heaven, then we should be able to discern the connection between these two passages and what Biblical history has shown us, and what we are about to see again. And let me share with you what my spirit has detected. I recently was drawn to a series of posts that I wrote in 2014. At the time, I wrote, "There are days I wake up and wonder, 'How much longer can this world survive?' And, what will our lives be like when everything is torn asunder? ... The world is groaning and the time is near ...". That was six years ago, and those thoughts are even more acute today.

At the time, I saw the earth and humanity in turmoil -- scientists at NASA were warning about powerful coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from the sun that could potentially destroy earth. The Ring of Fire was active, producing an area where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions were occurring in the basin of the Pacific Ocean. The TV show Ancient Aliens was programming the minds of millions by actually presenting the hypothesis that aliens will show up one day, claiming to be our creators. And they will have only our best interests at heart; they will rescue us from the wars and destruction of earthly humans. All we have to do is become one with them. This is a deception coming against the human race; one that is eerily similar to the satanic deception presented to mankind in Genesis 6:1-4, where fallen angels came to earth to mate with human woman to create a super race that would dominate and rule the earth, with the ultimate goal of defeating God's dominion and kingdom on earth.

Well, nothing has changed since Genesis 6. Satan has been running that plan throughout history, and mankind is still buying into the lie that we can rule earth without a relationship with God. That theory was still alive and well in 2014 and was being sold on the History Channel. And now, I'm here to tell you that this past Sunday morning I heard this plan once again laid out on a morning news show. It happened during Fox Channel's Maria Bartiromo's interview with Director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe. During their discussion regarding China's impact on our national security, there was a brief exchange regarding China and this exact topic that I am presenting to you today. Here is what I want you to understand...

RATCLIFFE: China is not a good actor internationally. We need to call them out for what they are, not what they pretend to be. They're intent on dominating the entire world, not just the United States.

BARTIROMO: U.S. intelligence shows that China's conducting human testing on members of the People's Liberation Army, in hopes of developing soldiers with biologically enhanced capabilities. In other words, they want to create new humans that can handle extreme weather, handle chemical attacks. Is that right?

RATCLIFFE:  So, one of the things I did in this op-ed piece [in the Wall Street Journal] was to work hard to try and get information declassified to a level that I could talk about. And one of the things you just mentioned, it's called gene editing. It's altering DNA. And it's one of the things our intelligence shows that China is doing. They have got a -- the PRC, the People's Republic of China, has two million strong in its military. And it's trying to make them stronger through gene editing. And that's just one of the ways that China is trying to essentially dominate the planet and set the rules and the world order.

Now, I will tell you that I was astounded that this kind of information was actually being allowed to be presented to the American public --- for those with ears to hear. Can you see that this is the Anti-Christ spirit acting through the Communist political system to carry out the plans of Satan that have existed for millennia? Can't see that or understand this premise? Can we agree that from the beginning of Creation in Genesis One, that Everything God created was originally good. You don't have to be a Believer to comprehend this fact, because those with even the simplest understanding of the Scriptures know that things were perfect here on planet Earth until Satan infiltrated the Garden and set into motion a war for all ages. I am just so concerned that Christians don't fully understand how that war has been waged. And it is vitally important that we understand it NOW!

When Satan tempted Eve to disobey God, the judgment was swift and prophetic by the Creator of the Universe:  "I will put enmity (hostility, friction, hate) between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her Offspring [or between your seed and her seed]." That statement has not been fully understood for centuries of Christians and Church leaders. 

Satan has known God's plan from the beginning: to dwell among His creation in personal relationship.  And it has been the Devil's desire to disrupt that relationship at all costs.  He knew God would eventually have to send His Son to redeem us from the ways that he, Satan, would introduce.  If he could corrupt the gene pool and eventual birth of God's perfect Offspring with his own corrupt line, then the world and its inhabitants would worship him, Satan.  That's where Genesis 6:1-4 comes in.  The fallen angels, who followed Satan, came to earth and corrupted the daughters of men, introducing the unholy DNA into the human line.  They are the "giants" (or in the Hebrew, Nephilim) we see in verse 4.  But God protected a line of men from His destruction of mankind (Noah and his descendants), and through their line, He sent His perfect Son to reclaim us.  But Satan has not forsaken his plan, and that's why Jesus says in Matthew 24:37, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man."

And now we see Satan partnering with China and their Godless regime to once again defile the DNA that God has created. Satan intends to work through China's demonic-altered army in his attempt to dominate the world. Just as God proclaimed back in Genesis, there has been an all-out war throughout time between God's children and Satan's children.  It is now at the boiling point, and it affects all of God's creation; from mankind, to the ecological and geophysical systems, to the stars in the heavens.  Satan's plan to deceive mankind and infect them with a corrupted gene pool has been known by every civilization throughout history.  Genesis records the Giants in the land of Canaan, while Babylonian, Greek and Roman mythology refer to the "Titans" and the "Olympians", who were "children of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth)." It hasn't been that long ago that Hitler gave Dr. Josef Mengele free reign to do his ghastly [and satanic] experiments against the Jewish people. This was just another example of Satan perverting God's design.

Now, we find ourselves at another juncture in human history, and it looks as if the plan is still in operation. The bottom line is that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is Satan's final downfall and defeat.  He is going to do everything he can in the short time he has remaining to convince humanity that we want to become one with him... up to and including taking his Mark. What will that look like? Is it a coincidence that the Covid disease originated in China, and that now the world is being presented with a rapidly developed vaccine with alleged components that are offensive to God and could potentially corrupt our divinely created flesh? Those are questions that I can't answer for you, and you must take them to the Lord to hear clearly from Him. But, if nothing else, I hope today's post has you seeking the Lord and discerning the signs of the times. 

Satan's game plan hasn't changed ... it's as old as the Creation. I just want you to be ready to stand against the lies of the Enemy and seek the Lord's Truth. If not now ... then when?  The devil's deception permeates every sci-fi movie and TV show, whether it be tempting the impressionable to welcome the Ancient Aliens, commune with Vampires, or rush to alter our DNA through advanced and "life-saving" alternatives.  If we cannot see that there is nothing new in what is being presented to us, then we will be condemning ourselves to live in a world that is the same as it was in the days of Noah. We must do our part to defeat the lies! We do not want to be like the generation in Noah's time, who did not know or understand until it was too late. We must do everything we can to illuminate God's Truth or His unexpected judgment will be our destiny.

John 8:44      You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.


December 20, 2020

We Will Need The Faith That Moves Mountains

I discern the Holy Spirit telling me it is time for me to be honest. I don't know how anyone, Christian or not, can see and hear what the Enemy is heaping upon our country and not be aware that we are in the fight of our lives; a spiritual war for our way of life, our freedoms, and quite possibly our very survival. I know this might seem dramatic, but if you've been able to let go of your normalcy bias and pay attention to the massive corruption going on at the highest levels of our government; the revelations of foreign spy networks in our country, and the recent cyber warfare against our national defense systems, then you must be aware that we are under demonic attack. 

This blog post is not written to send you diving under the covers or to cause you to tremble in fear. Rather it is to awaken your spirit to the power of your faith. Remember [in the previous post] what Jesus reveals after He curses the fig tree and it dies ... if we have faith, and do not doubt, we will not only be able to do what He did to the fig tree, but we could tell a mountain to be moved and thrown into the sea, and it would happen. I would say that the battles before us form a whole mountain range that we need to move with our faith!

For those of you who have found your security in your job, or your bank account, or even your family, let me suggest that those foundations could easily crumble and fall in the face of what the Enemy has planned for us. But the foundation of faith in Jesus will withstand any storm or onslaught coming from the devil and his evil forces. Sadly, I am concerned that far too many people have built their faith on a foundation of shifting sand. It is important that we remember what Jesus taught in His parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders ... Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”

Our "house" could be compared to the life we've built; our physical and spiritual existence. If we hear what Jesus reveals about Himself and actually believe it and apply it [without doubting], then we have a solid foundation from which to withstand anything the Enemy uses to come against us. As the Bible says, it's because we built it on "the rock". And Who is the Rock? It is Jesus! 

One of my "go to" Bible passages is Psalm 18:1-3, and this is what it says: I love you, O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies. This passage has calmed my fears in times of doubt and confusion; strengthened my faith when I felt weak; and emboldened me when I needed to take a stand against the forces bombarding me. The Lord strengthens me through His power that is in me. I am bonded to Him in love and all that He is becomes mine! As the Passion Translation renders this passage, Jesus becomes as real to me "as bedrock beneath my feet, like a castle on a cliff, my forever firm fortress, my mountain of hiding, my pathway of escape, and my tower of rescue where none can reach me." My spirit is freed from the deception that the Enemy whispers as he tries to drag me into bondage. No longer do I receive his lies that "the great empire of the United States is doomed to expire, as all the great empires have done when I overcame them". 

My spirit knows the truth that "the Name of the Lord is a strong tower, and the righteous runs into it and is safe".  And we must believe to the depths of our souls that this tower is one of rescue "where none can reach me". My spirit has found refuge in Him as I enter a strong tower with 6 foot thick walls of stone, where He awaits me next to a warm, blazing fire and I sit at His feet, receiving comfort and strength for the battles I will face. Outside, the forces of the Enemy storm as they rage in violent, uncontrollable anger that I am protected and safe. In those times, Jesus is my mountain that rises far above the forces of evil, and where I am able to escape and hear His strategies for victory in my life.

I write this post today because I discern that we are facing battles that we've never encountered in our lifetimes. Whether God has determined to deliver this nation or to discipline it, each one of us is still precious to Him and we have been given our free will to seek a personal relationship with Him that is separate and autonomous from the fate of the United States. That word autonomous means self-governing, self-determining, independent, and free. Now is the time to embrace the Scripture that says even though we may be walking in the valley of the shadow of death of our nation, we do not have to fear Evil. The rod and the staff that the Father has given Jesus can comfort us. We can know that the rod is His power and authority; it not only produced water from a rock, and caused the Red Sea to part, but it can become an iron rod that breaks the power of the Enemy from before us.  His staff guides us, corrects us to stay on the path, aids in defending us against predators, and helps us to stay balanced in Him.  

I also write this post because it is time that we face our reality. We are about to enter a new year, and we may not return to what "normal" used to look like. As this fact begins to dawn on people, I am seeing fear and panic rising up in my Christian community. I see them becoming paralyzed and incapable of movement. But that is the exact strategy of the Enemy: to bring not only our nation, but our very lives to a standstill by causing disruption and chaos and fear. We must stand up in our true identities! At our core, we are spirit beings, made in the image of our Creator! If we say we have faith, then we must believe that we have His power and His authority embedded in us! We must believe, without a doubt, that we can move those mountains of fear and panic, and they will be thrown into the sea. Then we can join the Heavenly Host in fighting in the spiritual realms for our nation and for our families -- for our very lives.

Do we, as a nation, and as individuals, deserve God's rod of discipline? Who can deny that? But His rod gives us wisdom (Psalm 29:15), and we need it to lift ourselves and others up out of this quagmire we find ourselves in; to be the beacon of hope and courage and strength that we find in Jesus Christ to overcome our Enemy. Although it may appear that we are facing inevitable chaos, this is a glorious opportunity to spread the Gospel of the Kingdom of God -- to share the Good News that Jesus is mankind's Savior and Deliverer, and to invite people to enter His Kingdom's government on earth and help Him rule the nations. We can demonstrate His power and authority in us to move mountains and show them what it is like to sit down to a meal where we dine on His peace and joy and comfort, even as we are sit in the midst of our enemies. We all need to have the faith to believe that those words He spoke were real and true. Our families and our communities are going to need to see our faith on display. And even if that faith is as small as a mustard seed, I believe Jesus will sustain it and grow it and strengthen it to become a resilient tree; a place of refuge for those seeking shelter.  

So, I am writing this post today to encourage you ... ask the Lord to help you face whatever may come, and you will find that He has been waiting to share His power and authority with you. He wants to equip you with the strength to endure; the wisdom to guide others; the knowledge of His winning strategies; the power to defeat the Enemy at every turn; and the ability to love others into their own glorious relationship with Him. He has known you as His created spirit being since He formed the foundations of the world, and He chose to send you to the earth for this time and in this place. We all have an assignment to complete. Will you represent Him well? Will you show the evil forces in this present darkness that our true freedom lies in who we are in Christ? Yes, in the coming days [and years] we will need the faith that moves mountains. But if we abide in the One who created the mountains, we have access to everything we need to tell those mountains to move, and they will tremble at our voices! Praise Him for He is worthy to be praised, and we will be saved from our enemies!

Revelation 2:26-27   The one who conquers and who keeps My works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, even as I myself have received authority from My Father.


December 17, 2020

From Fruitless Faith to Miraculous Manifestations

During 2020, I've done a lot of thinking and praying about the future of our nation. For many people, it has been difficult to be a witness to the division and the disparity among our fellow Americans. And it has been troublesome to see the loss of hope and peace in the lives of so many. It has been a battle for Christians to stay focused on fighting in the spirit when they see so much defeat in the physical world. Our younger generation is fearful that the "American Dream" is going to be gone before they have a chance to experience it, while our older generation mourns the loss of their "golden years". We tell ourselves that this can't be happening; that this is not what America is all about; and surely the Lord will deliver us from this assault upon our Christian nation.

The truth is that we are not the first prosperous nation in the history of the world [who has built an empire for itself] to then find itself sliding into decline and destruction. I discovered a 2010 article, titled The Decline and Fall of the American Empire, written by Alfred W. McCoy, an American historian and educator who specializes in the history of the Philippines, foreign policy of the United States, European colonization of Southeast Asia, illegal drug trade, and Central Intelligence Agency covert operations. 

Mr. McCoy knows whereof he writes, and this particular article was so prophetic in nature, I wanted to share its premise with you. Here is some of what Mr. McCoy wrote: "Despite the aura of omnipotence most empires project, a look at their history should remind us that they are fragile organisms. So delicate is their ecology of power that, when things start to go truly bad, empires regularly unravel with unholy speed: just a year for Portugal, two years for the Soviet Union, eight years for France, 11 years for the Ottomans, 17 years for Great Britain, and, in all likelihood, 22 years for the United States, counting from the crucial year 2003. Future historians are likely to identify the Bush administration’s rash invasion of Iraq in that year as the start of America’s downfall. However, instead of the bloodshed that marked the end of so many past empires, with cities burning and civilians slaughtered, this twenty-first century imperial collapse could come relatively quietly through the invisible tendrils of economic collapse or cyberwarfare."

I won't go any further into Mr. McCoy's prognostications for the future of America, because to be frank, it's predictions are dismal and disheartening. He saw it coming 10 years ago, and it appears to be unraveling before our eyes. Instead, I would rather address what Jesus has to say about how our faith could be the key to avoiding our inevitable decline. You will find His advice in Matthew 21:18-22. In this passage, Jesus happens upon a fig tree by the wayside. Scripture says He went to it and found nothing on it but only leaves. And He said to it, May no fruit ever come from you again! And the fig tree withered at once. 

It was common knowledge in Jesus's time that if you saw leaves on a fig tree, you could expect fruit, unless the tree was barren. The evidence of leaves tells us that the fig tree should have been bearing fruit. As the Creator of the fig tree, Jesus expected it to be producing fruit. And as its Creator, He was justified in condemning it and cursing it to never bear fruit again. This was not only a declaration against the fig tree, but also against the Jews, who had become spiritually barren before the Lord. Just as the tree should have been bearing fruit, so should the people be bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God. The tree had the form of a fig tree, but not the reality -- it bore no figs! So it was with the Jews. They had the form of religion, but not the reality of faith. They knew the right words to say, but their hearts were far from God and they bore no fruit for Him.

The disciples are astounded! How could the tree wither so quickly and at once? But instead of answering that question, Jesus points them to the matter of their faith. He tells them if they have faith, and do not doubt, they will not only be able to do what He did to the fig tree, but they could tell a mountain to be moved and thrown into the sea, and it would happen. You see, they did not remember that God had once given man dominion over the earth and everything on it, in it, and under it, and that Adam and Eve had surrendered it to Satan. But now Jesus was there to reclaim it and restore it to His creation called man. They were to rule His creation according to His governing principles and to rule in His absence. In essence, He was telling them that if they had true faith, they could pray and receive the mind and thoughts of God [to do to the fig tree what Jesus did, as well as tell the mountain to move, and it would]. That means they were to have no doubt that by praying and submitting to God's will, they would hear His desires and receive the means [and the power] to achieve it. And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

So, I ask you ... do you have that kind of faith? Or do you doubt? Do you believe that when Jesus came to earth He took back the dominion of the earth from Satan and handed it over to us? Because it's going to take that kind of faith to overcome the predicament we find ourselves in today! I believe that like the fig tree, for a long time we Americans -- and that includes Christians -- have practiced a fruitless faith. We have portrayed the form of a righteous nation and a religious people, but we have not borne the fruit of true faith. We have not believed in our power and authority to represent God's Kingdom government in our nation. So, we have stood by and watched as fig trees full of leaves grew among us, and did not demand that they bear fruit or be cut down. We did not have the faith to believe that we could have the mind of God and do anything about it. Even when we discerned our Enemy's plan to destroy us, I'm not sure we even believed our faith could guarantee us a victory.

But true faith knows how to win because it is borne in the mind of God and transferred to us when we pray. True faith has never lost a battle, because we discern God's strategy to defeat the devil and we follow that plan in obedience. Moses and the nation of Israel faced the Red Sea with the Egyptian army at their back. David, on the run, defeated Saul's plan to defeat him and take his life. Daniel faced a pride of lions in their den and didn't back down. And they were all able to be victorious in their battles because they walked in true faith and believed that their prayers could manifest the divine purpose of God. 

It now appears to the world that our precious nation is on the precipice of defeat. Many of you may feel it looks hopeless. But don't listen to the lies of the devil that tell us we can't overcome these obstacles. Our faith is more than just a formula to get what we want. It must become active in believing that we are who Jesus says we are ... citizens of Heaven placed here in this place and this time to manifest God's divine purpose for this nation. Our God is the same God that divided the Red Sea; the same God that delivered David from the long arm of Saul; and the same God that rescued Daniel from the jaws of the lions. He is the same God who won our infant nation's victory against the British Empire and who is returning the Jews to the Holy Land. And in all these examples, victory was won through persistent prayers of faith -- faith in God alone to see His sovereign will be done. That kind of faith is not limited to history. It is real and it is possible for us today. That kind of faith will fight for you because it is in divine relationship with God. Let us overcome our faith-killing doubt and pray sincerely, fervently, and persistently as we await the miraculous manifestations of deliverance that I truly believe is God's will for our nation!

1 John 5:14-15     This is the [remarkable degree of] confidence which we [as believers are entitled to] have before Him: that if we ask anything according to His will, [that is, consistent with His plan and purpose] He hears us. And if we know [for a fact, as indeed we do] that He hears and listens to us in whatever we ask, we [also] know [with settled and absolute knowledge] that we have [granted to us] the requests which we have asked from Him. 

October 23, 2020

How Spiritually Prepared Are You?


"Brace Yourself" is the prophetic watchword for this specific time in our history.  This warning is coming frequently in dreams and visions and prophetic words to the people of God.  Christians at every level of service to the Body of Christ are spreading the alarm they are receiving in their spirits. If you are at all in harmony with your spirit, then you can discern that Evil is increasing on the earth -- and we can certainly see it on our streets. Men's hearts have grown cold. Lawlessness and sin abound. Love for each other is diminishing; our differences fuel the hate this is increasingly evident. The Enemy of the children of God is getting ready to mount his final campaign against us as he plots to defeat Almighty God.

We know this because the Bible tells us so. When asked by His Disciples what it would look like at the end of the age, Jesus replied, Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.

This pretty much describes our relations with China, Russia, North Korea, Iran and countries around the globe. And if you are unable to see that it illustrates our national crisis, then I'm afraid you're being naive.  I know there are counter voices in the Christian culture that promote the religious message that Revival is on the way. And we should most definitely pray and intercede that recognition of God will reawaken in our land, and impassioned worship will sweep the nation. It is imperative that we do these things. But it is also wise to prepare for what Jesus most emphatically prophecies as our future. And I'm afraid "the Church" doesn't want to hear that message.

We, in America [as products of the Western/Greek mindset] rely on what I call our "religious bias". We are partial to our 21st Century theology which emphasizes God's Grace and Mercy through the sacrificial act of Jesus on the Cross. We have been saved from our sins, we tell ourselves, therefore the doom and gloom Old Testament prophecies of Isaiah and Ezekiel and Jeremiah regarding the End of the World are mitigated by the New Testament Atonement of Christ. 

And the Church points to the Book of Acts as proof of what faithful Christians on fire for the Gospel of Salvation can do in the world. Modern Christians point to the promise of eternal life in Heaven as our destination, and ignore the persecution that each of those founders of the Church suffered in their lives. The Bible tells us that we will be regarded as "sheep to be slaughtered". The early disciples certainly experienced that. They were boiled in oil, crucified upside down, beheaded, stoned and clubbed to death, burned alive, sawed in half, and suffered many other forms of cruel death. Disciples of Christ have been martyred ever since. So, I must ask the difficult question ... are you prepared to suffer such tribulation?

I get it ... none of us want to suffer. And I'm afraid that we American Christians live our lives under the comforting words of the Declaration of Independence --- that we are entitled to "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness", as a right given to us by our Creator. But that document does not supersede either Scripture or the words of our Savior, both of whom promise that suffering is guaranteed in this fallen world; and will increase as we near Christ's return. And as we see the rebellion against God and His principles on the rise, we must expect, as His followers, that we will be treated as His Son was treated. Are you ready for that kind of persecution?

When I first began writing this blog in 2011, my spirit knew changes were coming to our country, and I felt called to warn people to prepare for the physical trouble and hardship that was coming, while clinging to Jesus and growing a deep relationship with Him. Ultimately, I warned, He will be your answer. But we needed to come out of our normalcy bias that "everything would always be okay, because we are America!" Well, here we are nine years later, and everything is not okay. In fact, we are in very real danger of losing what America has been all about. More than just lack of food and shelter, we are now facing threats to our lives because of our political alliances and the color of our skin. We are losing what this nation has always considered our "God-given rights". And we are failing to recognize that an Anti-Christ spirit is invading our land; a spirit that hates God and holds in derision all that He has created -- the unborn child, marriage, gender, race, law and order. And soon this spirit will exhibit his hate for those of us who are called by His Name.

Are you ready for the persecution that will swiftly follow? Are you ready to lose your job; be hated by your family; rejected by society; imprisoned for your faith; and yes, to be martyred? If you think it can't happen, just look at the lives of our fellow Christians around the world. Jesus, Himself, prophecies it! And I worry that far too many Christians will stumble and be unprepared to pay the cost of being a follower of Christ. We must strengthen our faith and prepare to carry our own cross, just as Jesus did. We must be prepared to lose everything!

Sadly, the Church has given lip-service to this concept and shied away from confronting believers with the hard truth that suffering and tribulation will be our temporary circumstances before Jesus's return. We have fallen for the messages of false prophets such as Darby and Scofield, who wrote Bibles promoting a Pre-Tribulation Rapture. This doctrine has certainly led people astray, and it was never spoken of by Jesus. Yet, many in the Church choose to believe this false theology, which is only 200 years old, rather than the Word of God spoken by our Lord and Savior 2000 years ago! 

I am being honest when I say that I fear for my fellow Christians. I don't want them to be surprised or in shock when the promised persecution comes. And it will be far worse than anything we have witnessed to date. I want them to be strengthened to endure and persevere during what is coming, and to keep their eyes and hearts and spirits focused on the One who will ultimately deliver us. I want them to be able to reinforce the faith of our fellow Christians who will falter during the satanic oppression, and at the same time, be prepared to share the Good News of Salvation and God's Kingdom on earth with those who have never heard. I want them to be prepared to declare Jesus Christ even when the sword is at their breast. I want their spirit to rise up in their identity as warriors for the Kingdom, even when their flesh is weak. I want them to be sure of who they are, and just how great is their God, so that even in the midst of persecution like the world has never seen, they will be known for their faith. 

I desire all this for the Body of Christ, and I desire it for myself. I have no great illusions that all Christians will meet this test. But I pray that the Remnant, however large or small it is, is even now preparing itself in all these matters. I pray they see through the dirty veil that the Enemy has placed over the physical eyes of my fellow believers, and that they see clearly [with spiritual eyes] the truth of what Jesus spoke. May God Almighty strengthen us and fortify us to meet the coming tribulation, and may we serve Him with courage and spiritual might, knowing that because we will endure, we will be saved. Thank you, Lord Jesus, that You have given us Your Word of Truth so that we might not be caught unaware; so that we might train and equip ourselves to be ready when the Evil One comes against us at the end of this age. Amen.

Luke 21:36   But keep alert at all times [be attentive and ready], praying that you may have the strength and ability [to be found worthy and] to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand in the presence of the Son of Man [at His coming].