A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Our Eternal Victory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our Eternal Victory. Show all posts

November 19, 2024

Don't Let Your Guard Down! The Enemy Doesn't Give Up That Easy!

It's been interesting to watch the reactions of people, especially Christians, at the end of the long election process for the 47th President of the United States. Depending on which party you support, there were either demonstrations of ecstatic joy, or bouts of crying, depression, and rage. As one who clearly sees that this election was as much a spiritual battle as a political one, I couldn't help but see a bigger picture. 

You see, I've always realized that at a much deeper level, this election was about a war between the spiritual forces of Good and Evil, involving the rulers and authorities in the spiritual realms and their proxies here on earth. From the time the Fallen Angels rebelled in Heaven and came to Earth, Satan has been able to beguile men to become his surrogates; promising them wealth, power, fame, and status if they would carry out his mandates and agendas to usurp the dominion of man on this planet. 

If you have eyes to see, you can discern the battle through the ages, and clearly perceive it in our lifetime. We have seen the devil use men and women to achieve his goals of removing God's influence and commandments from our schools, our government, our homes, and our families. Our secular leaders, who many unbelievers worship as if they were gods [as do many professing Christians], have been successful in advancing an Anti-Christ spirit(s) across our land. The term Anti-Christ simply means "against Christ"; refusing to believe that Jesus was sent in the flesh from the Father and these spirits represent everything that is hostile against God. 

And, yes, I said "spirits", because just as Jesus experienced when He walked on the earth, there have been diverse spirits at work in the world. And the same holds true for today. These spirits sow confusion and deception about God's Truth, resulting in people entertaining countless views regarding what constitutes their truth. So, you can see how easy it is for men [who seek power and control and wealth via Satan's promises to them] to speak of what is good for the population in order to deceive the masses into following a satanic form of society. 

But I want to suggest that we proceed with caution. At the moment, it looks like freedom-loving supporters of a constitutional system of law and order have won the day, and stand victorious on the battlefield of self-determination and autonomy. But you can't forget who is at work behind the scenes in the spiritual realms. The humans who have made a decision to resist God, are [knowingly or unknowingly] following the orders of Satan, the one who personifies "resisting God". Remember, he is always on the lookout for those who will be receptive to his temptations of pride and self-reliance on their own "truths". They worship their own power and authority in this life, and whoever stands in their way becomes an enemy to all they seek for themselves. 

According to Satan, a nation who makes a choice to follow a leader who promises peace, prosperity, security, justice, and the freedom to become all you were meant to be according to God, is seen as a perpetual opponent and enemy to be defeated and conquered. While we are resistant to his temptations and seduction, he will continue to strategize to foment his innate spirit of rebellion into earthly men to see that his agendas are carried out. We must not forget that he is still the primary authority over all the rebels of the earth, and he aims to keep his power and influence.

That is why we must continue to overcome his strategies and persevere to the end! Right now Satan is on the defensive. He's mad and riled up. He is gathering his demonic troops for an assault against any spiritual door that he can open. He came so close to being able to demand that men bow down and worship him. He knows that Godly, righteous people are emboldened to fight to get our kids back; to restore Biblical values and identities in our children and our society; to remove all the evilness and wickedness that have denigrated men, corrupted families, and tried to redefine our schools, churches, and government institutions. He sees his power diminishing, and he will come out fighting. But he doesn't understand this one important thing ... 

We are not afraid! We are not cowering behind a political victory, hoping he will leave us alone to enjoy our temporary success. I pray and urge us all to fortify ourselves in the strength of our God; to trust in Him implicitly and with total commitment. We know that Jesus Christ, our Savior, Redeemer, and spiritual General has gone before us and we will be obedient and confident to follow Him to the end and He will bring us through the battle, whatever lies before us. As members of the Kingdom of God, we know our battle positions in the spirit, and we are disciplined and vigilant to stand guard over our territories in the natural world. We aggressively storm the gates of Hell while following our orders from Heaven on high. We serve the God of Peace who assures us of our eternal victory and we will glorify Him as we stand firm in our faith. God Bless you all and stay alert!

Psalm 37:12-13    The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes his teeth at him, but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for He sees that his day is coming.