A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

October 4, 2020

End Times Revival: Does The Bible Prophecy It?


I must admit I have wrestled with this question for quite awhile. And what I am going to present to you is my evolving position on this subject. This is where I am today. I am well aware of the modern-day "prophets" who preach that an awakening in the spirits of men will lead to a worldwide revival before the awesome Day of the Lord. I never want to discourage anyone or be perceived as against a revival, but I honestly do not see a Biblical interpretation of an End Times Revival.

And please hear me .... that is not to say that revival isn't real or does not happen. I do not have any authority to declare that. Throughout history, Revivals have occurred in times of need -- the Protestant Reformation in the 17th Century; the 18th Century Revivals led by John Wesley and George Whitefield; the three Great Awakenings in America (18th-19th Centuries); and the Asuza Street Revival and the Toronto Blessing in the 20th Century, to name a few. And I know the heart of "the Church" is to see Revival. But it doesn't take a very discerning spirit to recognize that there has been no revival in the Church that has defeated the wickedness in the world. In fact, the Church that resides in the building has been more about maintaining their position of compromise and accommodation in order to try and remain relevant to modern society [and to keep their status within man's law]. But this position has only seen wickedness and lawlessness rise while abdicating any power and authority they might once have held to change the world. That has left the Body of Christ sitting on the fence in a Laodicean, lukewarm posture.

That being said, I do see revival in the midst of small groups who recognize that the Holy Spirit has left the Church building, and who are willing to be true Disciples of the Lord and take His Gospel of the Kingdom outside the building, wherever they are led. This Body is the Ekklesia, the representatives of God's government on earth; those willing to go on the offensive and take God's Truth of who we were created to be, in spite of opposition, whether from unbelievers or believers. And when discerning that Truth [in all things, including today's prophecies of a worldwide revival], I go to the Bible to see what Jesus prophesied.

Nowhere do I see Jesus telling us to look for such a revival before the end of the Church Age. In Matthew 24, His Disciples ask Him for signs that will signify the end of this Age and His Coming. He warns not to be lead astray by those saying they are coming in His Name. That includes false prophets and teachers, which are not necessarily men who are seeking to deceive others, but may be deceived themselves into thinking they are hearing from God. Jesus goes on to say that we will hear of wars and rumors of wars; nations and kingdoms rising up against each other; famines and earthquakes. Then comes tribulation and martyrdom; being hated by all those who hate Him. Then a great falling away will occur, meaning there will be those who stumble in their faith and will betray their fellow believers in order to save themselves from persecution. The lawlessness will cause hearts to grow cold, and love will escape them. Jesus says the one who endures [and perseveres in their faith to survive the persecution] will be saved [delivered; rescued]. 

Jesus doesn't sugarcoat it. It's going to be difficult to live on this earth as we get closer to His Return. Nowhere do I see Him say that we can expect a Revival to ease our suffering and usher Him in. In fact, rebellion comes first, which results in the falling away and hearts growing cold. Again, I pray for revival and rejuvenation and renewed strength among those who are willing to contend in fervent prayer [as the Ekklesia] in order to hold up the appearance of the Man of Lawlessness, who will set things in motion for Jesus's eventual Return. I recognize the purpose of the cycle of Revival throughout the history of the world because it snatches victory out of the hands of the Enemy every time someone repents and receives Christ as their Savior. Revivals please the Lord because the Father doesn't want to lose even one of His creation. Revivals are real and we can most definitely pray for them to happen because that is how the Gospel of Salvation has advanced across the globe. And now I see the revival in the Ekklesia advancing the Gospel of the Kingdom, which is what Jesus came preaching, and what I think is spurring the Enemy to advance his kingdom of wickedness and lawlessness.  

Even as the Church grows "cold", there will always be pockets of Believers who remain "hot" to share the Gospel of the Kingdom; leading people to repentance, then salvation, and on towards entering the Kingdom of God on earth. And I believe the number of people who exemplify that kind of "revival" will be relatively small in number. You see, those I hear prophesying today of a great worldwide revival resulting in millions of people becoming part of "the Church" doesn't seem to correspond to Scripture. If that were so, wouldn't the Bible reveal an expanding and extension of the Church Age instead of it growing cold? I don't see the Word telling us that the Church will be purified in the Last Days. Instead it will "fall away".

I hear modern-day prophets using Scripture such as Psalm 22:27-28 to justify that this worldwide Revival is going to happen: All the ends of the earth shall remember and return to the Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before You. For kingship belongs to the Lord, and He rules over the nations. But when read in context, I believe this is referring to the Millennial Kingdom, the 1000-year reign of Christ after His return. And I also witness many today who like to take such snippets of Scripture as Joel 2:23 to point to a Revival in our time: Be glad, O children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given the early rain for your vindication; he has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and the latter rain, as before. I, too hope for vindication as we pray that Father God will forgive our complacency, our contentment, and our self-satisfaction in our selfish deeds. 

I know the American Church sincerely desires a Great Revival because we can no longer ignore the immoral state of our nation. We are awakened to how we have failed as the Church in living up to the covenant made with God when those first faithful servants stepped foot on this ground. We've always been a prosperous and blessed nation, and we see that identity in jeopardy. We're more divided than ever along racial lines; the Freedoms enshrined in our Constitution seem to be slipping away; and more people are leaving the Church building because they are not being fed in the Word. They intuitively know that there is more to walking in the footsteps of the Lord than church attendance, and their spirits are hungry for a true encounter with Jesus to discover their purpose on this earth. 

These are the people seeking personal revival and they will be the ones who advance the Kingdom of God -- right up until the moment of the corporate revival of the Jews. This is the promise of Revival in the Bible! This was made so clear to me some years ago when a dear friend opened up the Lord's revelation through Romans 11. For the first time, I saw that the Remnant of Israel [those who choose to call on the Name of the Lord], will receive their salvation and reclaim their original status as the nation who will lead the world to the knowledge of God. And the fullness of saved Israel will bring about the Glory of God on the earth, as Jesus returns and defeats Evil. Then all those who are saved will enter into the Millennial Kingdom. 

So, we can take heart that revival is real! It will happen as it has always happened -- in small pockets and in cycles. And we should pray for those revivals, because as Gentiles grafted into the cultivated olive tree that is God's Chosen People, it is our faithfulness to expand the Gospel of Christ [in both Salvation and Kingdom messages] that will provoke Israel to jealousy in the coming End Times, and they will want the security we have in Christ. While revival might not look like what we hear being prophesied throughout the modern Church, it will look like whatever God intends to use to redeem the world. Pray about what your part in that revival looks like, and how you can become part of God's Promise to Israel and the world!

Jeremiah 30:17     For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord, because they have called you an outcast: ‘It is Zion, for whom no one cares!’



  1. Excellent and Biblical assessment of "revival". There are so many people out there today declaring this and that will happen on this date and people are passing those "prophecies" around like hot cakes. What happens to those false prophets that make such bold claims? People just seem to overlook their failure and listen to the next nonsense that they claim. All I want is God's Will to be done in His timing. Patience is what we need not more false prophesy. God bless you.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to comment, and I apologize for responding so late. I agree with you! What I want to remind Christians today is this: Revival in the Bible often came AFTER persecution and trials/tribulations. Yes, it is God's heart for revival to take place among Believers, but the Body of Christ is often not seeking revival when they are in the midst of "peace and comfort". We are now starting to come out of that season in this country, and refusal to look at what Scripture tells us is "coming upon the earth", while looking for a prophesied revival, will leave many Christians unprepared to endure and persist. I am much more inclined to listen to a "prophet" who aligns with what the Bible tells me has been prophesied by Jesus.

    2. I just this morning told a friend that I'm not so sure a "end time revival" is mentioned in the bible. She replied with, "What about Joel 2?"

      I, too, have thought a worldwide revival would be the result of such an outpouring of God's Spirit. It is what I've been taught, and what a majority of the Church believes; today, I am questioning that belief. (my belief must match with the truth of God's Word). I have been prodded by the Holy Spirit to search the Scriptures concerning a end time revival.

      I appreciate your honesty in sharing your thoughts on this subject!

    3. Barbara, I could give a loooong response, but I will spare you (Ha Ha), so let me just give you this to think about ... read Isaiah 13, Revelation 9, and Joel 2 ... most of those Scriptures (I believe) are talking about a demonic army that comes against the Sovereignty and Majesty of the Lord. There is definitely encouragement for "personal revival", or community revival, but I do not see that there is a worldwide revival mentioned. It is imperative that we all really study the Bible and let the Holy Spirit reveal the comprehensive Truth of God's plans, connecting the dots and showing us what our responsibility is during these End Times. Bless you with your heart for the Word!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for your encouragement! And may we all hear clearly from the Lord about what our assignment is in the coming days, months, and years. I just want to be steadfast in my faith and be able to speak God's truth into those who are struggling (both Believer and non-Believer). Bless you!

  3. I wish I could tell you in person how refreshing it is to hear someone correctly discern what the Spirit says instead of what their soul yearns for! I do not debate that our Victory lies in Christ, but not matter how much our flesh desires it, we will not escape persecution and attacks from the kingdom of darkness. Jesus says we can expect it if we are to follow Him and grow into a mature faith. That means just what you said ... be spiritually prepared to endure and suffer for the Name of Christ if we sincerely wish to grow into His image. And we are to be ready in all seasons to encourage others to become strengthened in their faith for the day they will be called upon to defend their faith. For those of us "with eyes to see", that day is not far off. I bless you, Patsy, for remaining steadfast in the truth of the Word and I know you will be a beacon of Light to those who are tempted to fall away. Stay strong, Sister!

  4. Pam I do not consider myself to me a prophet. However, today I was watching a utube video where someone was declaring a world wide revival in 2023. It didn't sit well with me. So I googled the question, "Does the Bible mention an end time revival?" and I came across your post. As I read it I was so encouraged because what you wrote here is what I have heard the Holy Spirit saying to me! The vision that you gave of the church going underground, in smaller home cells where the Spirit of God is free to move is what I'm seeing. Personal vs. Corporate revival is exactly what I'm sensing we may be moving toward. Reaching out to our immediate community and getting back to what God intended us to be. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    1. And I am encouraged by your comment! I feel Jesus is moving many of us out of false religion and speaking to us independently about His plans for the Remnant. And I am thankful that you stumbled upon my blog and found confirmation of what your spirit is receiving! When we come into agreement with the Holy Spirit (instead of what popular religion is declaring), it strengthens our faith and helps us to remain steadfast in our path to that narrow gate. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts!

  5. Was it not the five wise virgins that sought personal rather than corporate refilling? It was a time of separation that was happening. Midnight was the point where one day ended and a new day started. A threshold was crossed and the door was shut. I say amen to your opinion and have held to that truth concerning corporate and personal revival. The last days started at Pentecost but the combine is making its last pass through the field just before the end of the day. I Bookmarked your page.

    1. I love your comment and thank you so much for taking the time to reach out. And your image of the combine is spot on ... the harvest is nearly complete and the grain will be separated from the chaff on the threshing floor. I pray that I can help others to see the Truth before the door to the barn shuts.

  6. There is one very important event that you didn’t mention so I have to assume that you don’t believe all the Scriptures of reassurance for all believers to be removed from Earth before The Tribulation. For those of us who believe every Scripture which assures us we’ll be spared from God’s Wrath, there are those who get angry at the mention of it.
    Personally, I don’t care if anyone refutes what is clearly taught. I’m just looking forward to being removed from this sinful world and returning with Christ to watch Him destroy the Enemy and end the Gog/Magog war.

    1. If you're talking about Pre-Tribulation Rapture theology, you're right, I do not believe Scripture points to that. Rather, I agree with you that we "are not appointed to wrath" as Scripture says in 1 Thessalonians 5:9. Therefore, I believe that God needs us on the earth through the Tribulation to encourage those Christians who will be disappointed, disillusioned, and fearful when they are not "raptured" BEFORE the Tribulation. Also, it will be important for us to be on the earth to help bring the lost to Salvation during these turbulent times, because "God is not willing for any to perish" as 2 Peter 3:9 tells us. Therefore, I believe Scripture is telling us that those whom God has assigned to minister to the world during the Tribulation meet Jesus in the air right before He returns to defeat Evil forever. We may disagree and that's ok with me.

    2. The 144,000 jews will be evangelizing.

    3. Did you read the entire article? I wrote this: "These are the people seeking personal revival and they will be the ones who advance the Kingdom of God -- right up until the moment of the corporate revival of the Jews. This is the promise of Revival in the Bible! This was made so clear to me some years ago when a dear friend opened up the Lord's revelation through Romans 11. For the first time, I saw that the Remnant of Israel [those who choose to call on the Name of the Lord], will receive their salvation and reclaim their original status as the nation who will lead the world to the knowledge of God. And the fullness of saved Israel will bring about the Glory of God on the earth, as Jesus returns and defeats Evil. Then all those who are saved will enter into the Millennial Kingdom." Those with ears to hear, knew what I was talk about. The primary focus of this post was to address Christians in America who don't see the full counsel of God. So, yes, the 144,000 Jews will bring revival to the rest of the world.

  7. Excellent! My thoughts exactly and much of what you just wrote even the wording are what I just shared with my husband this morning. Afterward I prayed and asked Abba Father to confirm or correct what I was saying....I believe you just did! In 2015-2019 I went through an amazing but sometimes confusing Holy Spirit bootcamp as HE lead and guided me into TRUTH and corrected my false ideas, doctrines, religion and many other things. Of course I'm still learning but HE doesn't have to use such blatant tactics to get my attention anymore. One of the things I would receive while waking up was a white board before my face with black letters which would include scriptures, chapters of the bible or unfamiliar phrases or subject matters. I called this my "marching orders" and it changed my life. One thing HE gave me was KUNDALINI and that rabbit trail is HUGE! However, in my research I found that all the large and highly publisized revivals are counterfeit. HE showed me how to identify this false revival and to never let anyone lay hands on me again. Apparently, they were passing around this filthy distructive spirit in the church I was attending at the time. That is a testimony in itself! My husband and I experienced this first hand. This is so much bigger than most people realize and it is a big part of why the great falling away is unfolding and increasing rapidly. This thing has it's tenticles branched out all over the earth and it is spreading like wildfire.
