A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Satan's Deception. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satan's Deception. Show all posts

November 25, 2024

Beware of Biblical Manipulators; Know the Truth About Jesus!

We live in a world of social manipulation. The advent of Computer Technology, Social Media, and Artificial Intelligence has led to a trifecta of attempted control and influence over our minds and spirits. And I fear the ultimate goal is to convince true Christians that their belief system is not valid. The world will tell us that not only does our faith not represent Jesus's message of "love thy neighbor", but they will try to convince us that our message of impending judgment for our sins does not ring true to God's Word.

True, without a full understanding of the complete message from God in the Bible -- which involves the dual concepts of both Love and Judgment -- it's easy to see how the unenlightened could be confused, misguided, and influenced to fall for distorted and exploited lies. Which is why it is immensely important that Christians know and understand the fullness and complete counsel of God's Word. And there you have one of the most effective tactics of God's Enemy, who is the Father of Lies. Satan has been practicing this tactic, which we now know as Gaslighting, for the last 2000 years, but it seems to me that he has been able to advance his agenda exponentially in the last 50 years or so.

Just in my lifetime, I have discerned that he was able to convince the American public [and our governing officials] that God's Word can be offensive to others who 1) don't believe in Him; 2) don't want to to believe in Him; or 3) are unduly judged because they don't follow Him, or they follow another god. Then Satan convinced his proxies to carefully plant the idea that we Christians are misrepresenting Jesus by not "loving others as we love ourselves". In other words, we are painted as being hypocritical, holier-than-thou, possessing hollow faith, and being two-faced. We are labeled sanctimonious and insincere Believers; intolerant, and exclusive.

Consequently, we are presently inundated with social engineering tactics as a means to influence and control society's attitudes and behaviors. We are told that Jesus would be a proponent of DEI policies  -- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion -- as well as a champion of "Social Justice". But any student of the Bible knows that Jesus did not come to promote a social agenda. He came to teach [and personify] God's will in the hearts of men. Yes, He met people's physical needs, but it was always people who were either following Him, or seeking Him, or people whom the Father sent Him to who were in need of a relationship with Him. He never advocated for the local government to provide what the people needed. He didn't call for taxes to be raised or the prosperous to be divested of their wealth. And yes, Jesus preached that it should it be a priority to take care of the poor and needy within the community. BUT, He spoke that this was the responsibility of each individual or local groups within that community, not a governing body imposing their will on all the people. 

You see, Jesus didn't really trust the government to fix the world's problems; that's why He was sent. And the answers to fixing those problems would be taught [and carried on] by those who follow Him. And He showed us by example. It is a heart-to-heart solution; one individual who exemplifies the Father's love [for each of us] to another. When you know and understand that foundational Truth of the Word, you will not fall for the psychological deception of the world that tries to convince us we are mistaken in our theology. Do not be manipulated into agreeing with the parts of godless society who say we are hard-hearted and judgmental; do not fall for the deceptive compromise of Satan's spokesmen.

And remember this! While we should always maintain a solid and loving relationship with God and seek to share His love with our fellow man, we must also recognize that God has given us a total plan for our reconciliation with Him and for our redemption. His commandments stretch from the Law and the Prophets in the Old Testament to the New Covenant in the New Testament. They represent the totality of God's Word to us, and are still in full effect today. The Biblical manipulators of today will try to convince you that the Judgment exhibited by God in the first half of the Bible has been replaced by His Mercy in the second half of the Book. And they will spread the misconception that anyone who holds true to righteous judgment is legalistic and misrepresenting Jesus's command to love others.

But this just shows their lack of knowledge of God and His full counsel. Yes, Jesus taught us of God's Grace, but the glory of that Gospel is that the true expression of our love for our neighbor involves sharing the full truth of God's Word -- that He promises the certainty of His judgment if we disobey or rebel against His righteousness. We are due His judgment [and yes, even His wrath] should we continue in our sin. That promise of righteous judgment makes room for His mercy when we acknowledge our sins and repent. You see, He makes a way for us to return to a justified and acceptable relationship with Him.

Of this, we can be sure ... there will be a day of Judgment and it is because of His love and sacrifice for each of us that we can choose to love our neighbor as ourself; to love them enough to share the Good News that Jesus loves them, too; so as to spare them the consequences of His holy judgment. So, I want to leave you with these thoughts .... because we stand firm in our Biblically-endorsed theology, we must expect to be judged [and even persecuted] ourselves. But do not let that possibility lead us into the temptation to compromise with the world and "go along to get along". By standing solidly on the Word, we can also expect to reap an inheritance of eternal blessings. Hold fast to your beliefs and faith; God will not abandon us to the opponents of His Word. In reality, we will be given the mind of Christ and the counsel of the Holy Spirit, that we might be approved to show the authentic love of Christ to everyone so that God might grant them repentance and a place in Eternity with Him. We will not be manipulated, confused, or misguided!

2 Corinthians 10:5    We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ 

August 30, 2024

Inhumanity, Dehumanization, and Extermination: Satan's Tools for Destruction

I know this may appear to be a dark subject matter, but my spirit has increasingly become aware that our Enemy is launching what may be his final campaign against humanity, and especially against those whom God loves. As a daughter of a WW2 veteran, and a student of history, I have long been interested in how seamlessly Satan was able to convince Hitler and his Nazi regime to sign on to his demonic agenda to exterminate the Jewish people. But that agenda hasn't just focused on the Jews in that war. In our century alone, the world has seen genocides in Sudan; Cambodia; Rwanda; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Armenia; the afore-mentioned Holocaust in Germany; Poland and Czechoslavia; the pogroms in Russia; and now the attempts at mutual annihilation in Israel and Palestine. 

We, here in the U.S., have been largely sheltered from the effects of a State policy of intentional destruction of a people. Yes, we are not without our sins towards humanity, and we may yet suffer the consequences of our various forms of inhumanity. For instance, consider our nation's hot-button topics of human trafficking and abortion. And the way I see it is that we begin with inhumanity, move into dehumanization, and it all ends in extermination [or elimination] ... none of which is in alignment with God's Spirit or His heart and intentions for mankind. So, Let me break down my theory of this spiritual disintegration. 

Let's look at human trafficking. The victims of this horrid practice are initially seen as a product of convenience, to be sold and profited from. This "business" becomes inhumane when they are subjected to cruel and brutal behavior; treated unkindly and without feeling. The practice moves into dehumanization when the process begins defining the victims as no longer possessing human qualities or a human nature; making them less than human and therefore not worthy of humane treatment. The final stage is the most grave sin [or crime] against humanity; the deliberate and systematic destruction of a person or people group. A heartless decision is made to toss the human[s] onto the trash pile of history.

The same system applies to the topic of abortion. God's creation is initially seen as nothing but "a clump of cells" or a non-human. And like the "business of human trafficking", the fetus becomes a commodity to be sold for profit; inhumanity instigated by humans against another unborn human. The dehumanization began simultaneously with the inhumanity -- the fetus was not credited with human qualities, which allows for its easy extermination. But I have never understood why some people will mourn a miscarriage of what they will call their "child", [which qualifies as the same "clump of cells" or "fetus"], yet maintain that it should readily be dismissed as a child and aborted.

I have set this discourse up in order to bring you a testimony that will tie it all together. It is the story of Eda Edl, an 89-year-old survivor of a Communist concentration camp following World War 2. You can read more about her story here. She was only six when the Nazi's invaded her homeland of Yugoslavia after a coup of their king weakened the country and led to a civil war. For a little while her family was safe from the rampage of the Nazi's, but after her father was kidnapped to fight in the Nazi rampage across Europe, he managed to get a letter to them, urging them to flee ... the Red Army was coming, and they would be brutal. They did not get out in time. The Soviet Union sought vengeance against their former Nazi allies in Germany [who had deliberately starved 3.3 million Soviet prisoners of war, and millions of civilians].

The Soviet Union, backed by the weapons and moral authority of the U.S. and Great Britain, brought its inhumanity in the form of Stalin's hatred and reign of terror against Germany and its conquered lands. Eva and her family were Yugoslavian by birth, but German by heritage and language. The new communist government then dehumanized her people by enacting laws that barred them from voting and took away their voice in domestic affairs. Her mother was kidnapped to dig trenches for the war effort, and her two older siblings were led by bayonet to a forced labor camp. Eva and her grandmother were put on a train bound for a concentration camp. While the free world was celebrating victory over Nazi Germany and the U.S. nuclear bombs at Nagasaki and Hiroshima elevated America to the pinnacle of world power, Eva and her people were targeted for elimination. 

Although the Nazi concentration camps ended at the end of the Second World War, the Communist death camps did not; they were just getting started. But there, in the darkest depth of hell on earth, Eva found Jesus! She was miraculously rescued from the genocide and destruction of her people and eventually emigrated to the United States. Because of her own experience of witnessing inhumanity, dehumanization and extermination, she recognized the same litany of godless laws and funding by the government that resulted in a million unborn babies being killed in what she saw as American death camps. That number has grown to over 60 million since those days.

Eva soon felt the call of God to lay down her life to rescue unborn children, just as others laid down their lives to rescue her. She became -- and still is -- a vital member of the Christian community who have become voices for life and justice. She has been arrested 46 times for interfering with abortion clinics, trying to save babies from death by abortion. The 89-year-old activist now faces a possible 4-year prison sentence for her latest protest of a clinic. But she has decided to live her life by the dictates of Proverbs 24:11-12 ... Rescue those who are being taken away to death, and those who stagger to the slaughter, Oh hold them back [from their doom]! If you [claim ignorance and] say, "See, we did not know this," does He not consider it who weighs and examines the heart and their motives? And does He not know it who guards your life and keeps your soul? And will He not repay [you and] every man according to his works?   

So, my question to you is this ... Can you see the inhumanity, dehumanization and destruction in the ideologies of modern factions of society who perceive their fellow man as less than human, whether by the color of the skin, their faith, or their ethnicity? Sadly, it all seems to go hand-in-hand with our current toxic and virulent culture. But it also all makes perfect sense when you consider that so much of society has turned its back on God and is incapable of imitating His love for others, or seeing their unique gifts, purpose, or worth. Morality is now merely relevant to one's own system of values. 

Without God's standards of morality and righteousness, the human spirit becomes narcissistic and self-interested, fomenting indignation and anger against anyone who thinks  differently or is perceived to be their "enemy" and prohibiting their influence and power. This form of dehumanization is essentially incapable of comprehending that ALL men are made in the image of God. This lack of spiritual identity as image-bearers of our Almighty God will lead the world to destruction, if we, His remnant, do not find a way to turn the hearts of hardened men towards those they persecute. In addition, we must cling to the Word which says, "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you".  That's a tall order when we are experiencing hostilities directed specifically at us. But we should expect nothing less from ourselves. 

The inhumanity of man towards his fellow man, plus the dehumanization and ultimate extermination and destruction of the human race leads us to the commands of the God we honor and exalt: "And this we will do so that at the Name of Jesus,"every knew should bow, in heaven and on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father".  It is our duty and responsibility as the image-bearers of the God of all Creation to stand and to speak for those who are being subjected to Satan's brutal agenda to destroy mankind. 

As you read the Scripture at the end of this post, think of the world on the brink of catastrophic war; of the innocent babies in the womb; and of the trafficked children who suffer unspeakable horrors at the hands of wicked and vile men. That chapter of Isaiah prophesies the downfall of ancient Babylon to the Medes. But remember, Revelation, Chapter 18 prophesies of a future Daughter of Babylon [Babylon the Great] who will meet a similar fate because of her greed, pride, immorality, and agreements made with demonic agendas and Evil. Let us pray to God for repentance for this nation, and then let us be in agreement with Him to wage war in the spiritual realms [and through our Godly behavior] to re-establish God's dominion on the face of the Earth.    

Isaiah 13:18.    Their bows will slaughter the young men; they will have no mercy on the fruit of the womb; their eyes will not pity [or show compassion to] the children.

January 10, 2024

Beware Of False Signs & Wonders of This Age: They Are a Web of Deception!

I want to start off by saying that I acknowledge the ways in which technology has helped mankind. Our society has benefitted from its many innovations. But I have also written before about my inherent suspicion of technology as a tool of deception from the Enemy. Those of all ages, who are intrigued by it, will call me old-fashioned and out-of-step with the future implications. But, on the contrary, it is exactly those implications for the future that have set off warning bells in my spirit. 

For more than ten years, I have been following and studying the writings and philosophies of futurists and technology engineers who were bold in their prognostications of how technology would "advance humankind", even to the point of living forever by uploading our brains to the "cloud", and replacing our worn-out body parts. After all, they clearly implied, it won't be necessary to cling to God to have eternal life. 

In 2013, I wrote a post, citing that Ray Kurzweil -- an acclaimed inventor, futurist, and [then] Director of Engineering at Google -- had published an article on CNN.com in which he predicted 5 ways our lives would be dramatically affected in the very near future. Let's see how far down that road we've come in the last ten years. He predicted that ... 

1.  By the early 2020s, we will have the means to program our biology away from disease and aging.  According to Mr. Kurzweil, in 2013, scientists already had "the genome code" and could actually reprogram our body's processes, much like a computer is re-programmed. Here is a direct quote from him: RNA interference, for example, can turn genes off that promote disease and aging. New forms of gene therapy, especially in vitro models that do not trigger the immune system, have the ability to add new genes. 

But as we saw in 2020, with the worldwide pandemic, RNA interference can have the opposite effects on genes, too, resulting in promotion of diseases and death. So, I ask... was this science used for the betterment of mankind? Was it true "Signs and Wonders", or was it "Deception"?

2.  By 2030, solar energy will be able to meet all our needs, revolutionizing the production of food and water.  In 2013, Kurzweil predicted hydroponic production of fruits and vegetables -- so far, so good. But he also predicted "in vitro cloning of muscle tissue for meat".  We saw that rolled out as McDonald's "Impossible Burger", or fake meat. But here is the quote that set my spirit on edge:  "We are also headed towards another agriculture revolution, from horizontal agriculture to vertical agriculture, where we grow very high quality food in Artificial Intelligence controlled buildings [my emphasis, not his]. That's when my warning bells started going off. Our food supply will be controlled by machines?

3.  By the early 2020s we will print out a significant fraction of the products we use including clothing as well as replacement organs. I could see that trend emerging; we were already consuming digital versions of books, movies, and music. In the ten years since, that trend has only grown. But it was his pride in which he announced the following, that once again, had me questioning, "Signs and Wonders" or "Deception"? He said, "We can already experimentally print out organs by printing a biodegradable scaffolding and then populating it with a patient's own stem cells, all with a 3D printer." After all, who needs a Creator God, right?

4.  Within five years, search engines will be based on an understanding of natural language.  Well, we've reached that milestone, and gone beyond. We have surpassed IBM's "Watson" who got its knowledge by reading Wikipedia and other encyclopedias, a total of 200 million pages of natural language documents, and then combining all that knowledge to come up with a system that could engage a person in dialogue to clarify questions and discuss answers that were ambiguous or complex.

Ten years later, we are increasingly encountering, LLMs (Large Language Models), a type of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm that uses deep learning techniques and massively large data sets to understand, summarize, generate and predict new content. In other words, computers are increasingly able to think like humans, and the concern is that they will soon be able to out-think us, as their learning capacity grows.  

5.  By the early 2020s we will be routinely working and playing with each other in full immersion visual-auditory virtual environments. By the 2030s, we will add the tactile sense to full immersion virtual reality. Much like the telephone is virtual reality, in the auditory sense, in that you can meet with someone as if you are together, Kurzweil predicted that we will soon be able to add visual, tactile and what he called "full immersion" virtual reality to our existence. 

 There's only one small hitch ... the full package will require tapping directly into the nervous system.  But it's no big deal, he insists.  "We'll be able to do that in the 2030s with nanobots traveling noninvasively into the brain through the capillaries and augmenting the signals coming from our real senses." 

So, can you see that as far back as ten years ago, the Enemy was sowing seeds of deception into our collective desire to be "plugged in"? But have the advancements in technology and Artificial Intelligence resulted in what the Bible predicts will be false Signs and Wonders for our Age? Consider this statement by Gabe Lyons, an alumnus of Liberty University, and a Christian media expert, who isn't afraid to warn about the coming threats to our world, while encouraging and equipping Christians to strengthen our own culture of faith  ... "I believe Christians ought to be the most thoughtful, the most informed, and the most educated on every single question that our culture is asking,” Lyons said. “We have a responsibility to do that because the Scriptures and the Church (body of Christ) throughout history have always had the best answers to what human beings face … to the questions [this] generation is asking.” 

He warns that the goal of artificial intelligence is to form a singular language so that nothing becomes impossible for man. He referenced Genesis 11, explaining that humans have a desire to lift themselves up rather than submit to God — a temptation [and I submit, a deception] as old as time. “What is the thing that artificial intelligence wants from you?", he asks … "it wants you to stop thinking".

I agree! It is time that we, as Christians, begin seeing the challenge being presented to us. Do we really need this growing dependence on AI and machines? Critical thinking is an important component of our humanity, and we've been given that by our Creator! Do we really need gene editing? Or a neural link in our brain? Or nanobots that supplement and magnify our natural senses and body functions? Do we really need to perfect what God designed, which is in His image? We must ask ourselves if we need to be "enhanced" ... or do we trust God's divine design? 

Unfortunately, what I see happening is that we are being trained to abandon our own critical thinking, and rely more and more on machines. When we do that, we are stepping away from God. We must not be fooled or deceive ourselves! All the benefits of man's "artificial enhancement" are false Signs and Wonders. They will result in future generations that Gabe Lyons says "won't see a God, or believe in Him, and will start to think they're their own god". 

That is why it is essential that we Christians each develop -- through our spirits and critical thinking [from God] -- our own worldview of who we are, why we matter, and why we're here. It must all come through the lens of being divinely created, and through the truth of Christ's redemptive act on the Cross for us.  And here's the critical point ... we must be able to defend it, if we are going to occupy this earth until Christ returns. We must defend the truth of our divinely saved humanity, because I promise you this ... AI, in all its accumulated knowledge, will try to challenge that truth! But remember Scripture, which says Be not deceived. God will not be mocked.

#falsesignsandwonders #satansdeception #mandanmachine #dangersofartificialintelligence #satanslies #biblicalworldview #raykurzweil #criticalthinking #God'sdivinecreationofman #technologyasthedevil'stool #Godwillnotbemocked #benotdeceived

Isaiah 44: 9, 20:    All who fashion idols are nothing, and the things they delight in do not profit. Their witnesses neither see nor know, that they may be put to shame... a deluded heart has led him astray, and he cannot deliver himself or say, “Is there not a lie in my right hand?”