A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Biblical Revelation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Biblical Revelation. Show all posts

December 24, 2024

Our Need to Rediscover God's Biblical Truth

For some time now, I have recognized that the path that I have been on to discover Biblical Truth for myself is somewhat distinct from other Christians that I have encountered. I didn't grow up in the Church, and in fact, did not come to my salvation until my early 30s. Perhaps that plays a part in distinguishing my walk with the Lord. And, furthermore, perhaps that is why I have not fallen for the deception that I see infiltrating the organized Church. I'm going to be honest and forthcoming here ... my heart grieves for what I can only describe as "religion that is false"; a system of faith and worship that lacks the underpinnings of absolute trust in Jesus/God, a complete understanding of His plan of redemption for mankind, and an infallible knowledge of His Word and Character.

Instead, as I minister and interact with my fellow Christians, [whom I continue to love and serve with] I see too many people graduating from online religious "universities" with fancy-titled degrees, but yet have no simple recognition of the Scriptures I quote. I see too many people who constantly seek prayer for everything they do, whether out of fear or uncertainty in their walk. I see too many people willing to put their eternal future in the hands of a self-proclaimed "prophet" who teaches and preaches words that tickle their ears. It seems that Christians today are more interested in finding ways to convince God to make their lives more comfortable and happier, than they are in seeking ways to know Him deeper, serve Him more faithfully, and die to themselves, that they might gain true life in Him

I have heard other authors refer to this scenario as "religious humanism", but I'm even suspect of this form of terminology because it still focuses on man, not God! Religious humanism is explained as centering on "human needs, interests, and abilities", within the framework of organized religion or congregational traditions. But that is exactly why I'm concerned about the state of the Church! Just like secular humanism, it's belief system is centered on man, not God! Why aren't our religious institutions instructing their members about God's needs, interests, and abilities?!? Have we forgotten that we are subject to Him, not the other way around? 

How did we get so far off track from what Jesus taught and what the Church in the Book of Acts knew -- That His Holiness, His Sovereignty, His Righteousness, and His Justice, are just as important as His Love, Mercy, and Grace? I am seeing far too many people living out of their souls, rather than connecting to God through their spirits. And I am constantly amazed that far too many Christians are unaware that they are a three-part being; body, soul, and spirit. Because our soul consists of our mind [our thoughts and opinions], our emotions [feelings and responses of our flesh], and our free will [the ability to make decisions based on those thoughts and feelings], we often smother our spirit, who is our true identity, made in the image of God, and our direct link to Him. 

If your soul is smothering your spirit, you cannot hear or receive the voice of our Creator, who through the Holy Spirit is always ready to give us His wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge and fear of the Lord. If you can't hear Him, you can't receive those gifts and will most likely fall prey to human or demonic influences, which are far less rewarding than anything God wants to give you. 

I can remember a specific night when, while watching a documentary about a ministry that introduced the mighty love of Christ to people who desperately wanted a relationship with Him, that I was suddenly overcome with the weight and reality of my sinful nature, and I found myself weeping uncontrollably as I asked Jesus to forgive me and accept my repentance for all the ways I had sinned and hurt Him. One minute I was sitting on my couch moved by the testimonies of others, and the next minute, I felt the overwhelming pain of what my sins cost Him. I realized then, that although I had previously asked Him into my heart and been baptized, that that experience now seemed like a superficial human act of compliance to the traditions of the Church. This ... this was a supernatural experience in which I understood, for the first time, just what my life was worth to my Savior -- that He loved me so much that He would suffer so greatly for me, so that I could be redeemed and we could begin a deeper relationship as I entered into a lifetime of service to Him. 

I cannot stress enough how important it is to open your Bible and begin an earnest study of God's Word. It is there that you can begin to meet Him and grow in your understanding and commitment. It is where you will find the depth of His commitment to us; and what He expects back from us in this mutual relationship. It is where you will find His promises that extend far beyond anything the world offers. We often hear of the "mysteries of God", but there are no mysteries when you seek Him in His Word. I have quoted this verse often (it is my husband's favorite) ... Proverbs 25:2 says, It is the Glory of God to conceal a matter, and the glory of kings to search it out. Our Father in Heaven loves it when we search for the clues He leaves us to answer our questions. And it is definitely true that the Holy Spirit will reveal more as you seek more. 

Our God is so much bigger than we've ever been taught. But when all you hear is that God is love and grace and mercy (which He is!), and you don't hear that He is also righteous and just, then you don't really need to be concerned about the consequences of your actions ... He's going to always love you, right? And there is a huge void in the Church regarding those attributes, which has greatly affected our culture and societal morals. It then becomes all about us, and our needs, and our desires. If you aren't conscious that God is Holy and Righteous, above all else, then you aren't going to worry about what He thinks about killing your unborn child. As a society, we are focused on the conditions of our lifestyle, instead of the conditions of our heart and spirit, where Jesus resides. 

As we long as we "do not forsake the gathering together" in our church houses on Sunday, we can convince ourselves that we are good Christians. But the rest of that passage exhorts us to meet for instruction and to encourage each other to no longer sin [after receiving the knowledge of the truth] so that we can avoid divine judgment, should we continue to willfully and deliberately sin. Just meeting together on a Sunday doesn't atone for our continuance in sin. The Church should be equipping us for the spiritual war that is waging all around us in the spiritual realms right now! We desperately need to understand that, just as the saints in the Book of Acts did. We have a spiritual responsibility to go into the world and not only expose the darkness in our midst, but instruct and train and disciple our fellow man to serve the One True God and His Kingdom here on earth! Sadly, America and her churches have failed in this duty. And please don't try to convince me that we are primarily a Christian nation. Does our society and culture bear the fruit of that label?  

I do not write this post to discourage or malign. I write to pour out the frustration and sadness of my heart as I see that we have fallen far short of the honor and praise that is due our Messiah and Savior. I love this nation. It is still the best place on earth to live. But for how long? I sincerely worry that our shallow demonstrations of covenant with our God are deteriorating, and that a false representation of what Jesus modeled for us has no imperishable foundation. Our churches pray for revival, but why would God trust us to defend and fight for how He would want to revive us? We've allowed His marriage covenant to be perverted; His sanctity of life to be rejected; and the bodies of our children to be corrupted, modified, and altered beyond His design. We need the bold and courageous spirit of Jesus's followers in the First Century to be sown into our spiritual lives. We need to rediscover the truth of the Bible and the perfect, immutable, power of His Word to awaken in our land. I know this is not my eternal home, but I pray that we can make it as close to Heaven as we can. 

Psalm 119:160     The sum of Your Word is Truth (the full meaning of all Your precepts), and every one of Your righteous ordinances endures forever.

December 20, 2023

The Word of God Is Worth Dying For!

I know ... that's a pretty extreme statement, but let me give you the context in which I am making it. As I have stated numerous times, how we interpret the Bible is important to receiving the true revelation of God. Jesus tells us in Matthew 4:4 that we are to live by every word that comes from the mouth of God, and we know that Jesus only said [and did] what the Father told Him. So, it must be inferred that the words Jesus used had great significance and were spoken with purpose. 

And that's why I have continually persisted in making an issue of words like "Ekklesia" and "Kingdom", and have challenged the modern Church's understandings and teachings. Please indulge me a moment as I reiterate just how important our understanding is, and the value of it. 

That word ... ekklesia ... had tremendous import when Jesus used it in Matthew 16:18. Most Bible translations tell us that He said, "on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it". Only He didn't say "Church", He said "Ekklesia". It is important that you know that this word has been used over 100 times in the New Testament and has always meant an assembly of God’s People. That is how it is understood in the Greek language; it is a Greek word. It means that men assembled at the main gate of the city, where government business was discussed and decisions were made on how to run the affairs of the people. It is a word describing government -- not to be used in regards to religion. 

The word "Church" comes from the Greek word kyriake, or kyriakon, meaning "gathering place, assembly dedicated to the Lord" -- in other words, a building; a place. Jesus was very deliberate in using the word Ekklesia, because He knew what its specific meaning was: ek, meaning "out of", and klesis, meaning "a calling". Therefore, I think we can establish that Jesus came to build a government of His Father's Kingdom on earth, not a religion.   

But I don't want to belabor the differences between the two words; I have covered that ground multiple times. Instead, I ask you to think about this: If the word was deliberately told to Jesus by the Father, and Jesus specifically used it during His ministry, shouldn't we hold to their precise use of the word that describes how we are to conduct the affairs of the Kingdom of God on the earth? And shouldn't it be so important to us that we guard its use fervently and with prejudice?

I deliberately used the title for this blog because I want you to perceive how lax we have become in interpreting the Word of God. Jeremiah 2:11-13 comes to mind ... My people have exchanged their Glory (the true God) for that [man-made idol] which does not benefit [them]. Be appalled, O heavens, at this; Be shocked and shudder with horror [at the behavior of the people],” says the Lord. For My people have committed two evils: They have abandoned (rejected) Me, the Fountain of Living Water, and they have carved out their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water. 

This begs the question ... If we do not see that Jesus never intended to build a Church, but rather an Ekklesia -- have we established church buildings as religious idols that are broken and unable to hold the weight and substance of God's Truth? Unless we receive a revelation and re-establish exactly what Jesus intended to build in Matthew 16, we are in danger of building upon the wrong foundation; one that will not withstand what is prophesied to come in the Word. It will not only fail to hold water, but it will crumble at the first onslaught of the kingdom of darkness. 

Does the modern Church even know the history of how the Word came to the common man? Do we understand that for centuries, the people were not even allowed access to the Word? That it was only for the powerful controlling State? Are you aware of a man named William Tyndale and that he published the first New Testament in the English language, making it available to the common man? If you don't know his name, you should, because he was willing to die to protect the Word. 

In 2017, I wrote a blog post titled, My Passion For the Bible, and related the history of the various versions and interpretations of the Bible that have come down through the centuries. I'm going to share a portion of William Tyndale's story, but if you're interested in a more comprehensive history of the English Bible's timeline, I refer you to this link. But it is Tyndale's testimony that is most relevant to today's post. 

William Tyndale was the first man to ever print the New Testament in the English language. He translated it from the original Greek into English in 1526. Tyndale had been forced to flee England because of the wide-spread rumor that his English New Testament project was underway, causing inquisitors and bounty hunters to be constantly on his trail to arrest him and prevent him from completing his project. Both of the "state" churches -- the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church -- were angry with Tyndale for lots of reasons, but mainly because he translated the Greek word "ekklesia" as an assembly [a governing body of God's Word], which would show the people that they were God's assembly and under His direction, not the State's. 

While the Tyndale Bibles were burned as soon as the Bishop could confiscate them, copies trickled through to the public, and actually ended up in the bedroom of King Henry VIII. The more the King and Bishop resisted its distribution, the more fascinated the public at large became. The church declared it contained thousands of errors as they torched hundreds of New Testaments confiscated by the clergy, while in fact, they burned them because they could find no errors at all. One risked death by burning if caught in mere possession of Tyndale's forbidden books.  

In fact, Tyndale was eventually arrested and imprisoned because he refused to change the translation of ekklesia to anything but a governing assembly. That's how dedicated he was to maintaining the truth and authenticity of God's Word. Today, there are only two known copies left of Tyndale’s 1525-26 First Edition. Any copies printed prior to 1570 are extremely valuable. Tyndale's flight was an inspiration to freedom-loving Englishmen who drew courage from the 11 years that he was hunted. In the end, Tyndale was caught: betrayed by an Englishman that he had befriended. Tyndale was incarcerated for 500 days before he was strangled and burned at the stake in 1536. Tyndale’s last words were, "Oh Lord, open the King of England’s eyes". 

So, you can see why Tyndale's translation, using the word ekklesia in its Greek meaning, would be such a threat to the rulers who controlled the State religions? Jesus claimed He was a King, bringing a government from Heaven that called people to obedience to that system of laws and commandments; encouraging an assembly of Believers to carry out their specific instructions and duties to Heaven. Now, in the 21st Century, as Believers, shouldn't we be asking ourselves if we are still honoring the responsibilities of an ekklesia? Does it even matter to you whether you identify as part of the Ekklesia or the Church? 

Sadly, I am discerning that the word Ekklesia has become one of the latest fashionable icons of Church-y language. But I don't see any change in the actions of the leaders of modern Christianity. The Church still looks like the Church. It is still walking in compromise with the world and the State. It may be using a lot of words to express opposition, but it is not doing anything to oppose the world's approval of abortion; transgender manipulation of children; sex trafficking; crime; corruption; and all the other wicked displays of Satan's presence in our culture. Do you see any William Tyndale's who are willing to give up their lives for the sake of defending the truth or authenticity of the Word?

I believe that we modern Christians sometimes get so caught up in our denominational doctrine that we quote Scripture without really understanding its true meaning, or how it reveals God's heart, or His purpose and plan for us as His representatives. But the Word of God as revealed to man has remained unchanged from generation to generation, no matter how hard the Enemy has tried to corrupt it.  

History shows us that God has always used men who were willing to die to see that His Word stayed verifiable and authentic. He has preserved His Word as a means to know Him and to worship Him. And just as He inspired the original writers to represent Him accurately, He can inspire us, who are sincerely seeking Him, to receive His true revelation.  No matter what translation of the Bible you are reading, I recommend that you compare and contrast versions in your never-ending journey to know the God we serve. The journey His Word has taken to get to us in the 21st Century is nothing less than miraculous. It has survived for over 3400 years, and neither man nor devil has been able to destroy it.  May it forever be a lamp to our feet, and a light to our path!

#bibletranslations #biblicalmeaningofekklesia #ekklesiaversuschurch #godsauthenticrevelation #williamtyndale #wordofgodisworthdyingfor #onthisrockIwillbuildmychurch #onthisrockIwillbuildmyekklesia #churchandstate

Isaiah 40:8   "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the Word of our God will stand forever."