With great interest, I read of a fight in which a group of black Ministers are engaged with the Smithsonian Institute. The Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery has denied their request to have the bust of Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, removed from the museum’s “Struggle for Justice exhibit.”
The Ministers are members of STAND, which is a non-profit organization that reaches across racial and cultural lines to bring people together around the foundational principles that made America great. Part of their mission statement is to promote educational choice, and to strengthen families -- both of which Sanger and the organization she founded are sadly lacking.
I must say that I agree with the minister's request that the Sanger bust be removed from any exhibit that suggests she believed in equal Justice. Back in May of 2012, I wrote an exposé revealing many of the vile beliefs that Sanger espoused. She was a firm believer in eugenics (controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics); sterilization and race purification (which, in effect called for the eradication of blacks and other minorities); and the elimination of "inferior" populations. Why has no one ever questioned why Planned Parenthood facilities are mostly located in poor, black and minority neighborhoods? Why has no one been able to see that abortion was the method most often suggested for helping disadvantaged mothers "plan their families"?
Finally the curtain has been pulled aside, and thanks to the brave work of principled filmmakers, the truth of PP's agenda has now been made public. But how does the congressionally funded National Portrait Gallery respond when it is pointed out that Sanger's bust does not deserve to be displayed alongside portraits of Dr. Martin Luther King, Frederick Douglass, Thurgood Marshall, or Rosa Parks, to name just a few of the deserving honorees? "There is no ‘moral test’ for people to be accepted into the National Portrait Gallery ... [Sanger's] association with the eugenics movement shadowed her achievements in sex education and contraception, making her a figure of controversy, one whose complexities and contradictions mirror her times," National Portrait Gallery director Kim Sajet told the pastors in a letter. "“Sanger is included because, as founder of the American Birth Control League (which would later become Planned Parenthood), she strived to bring medical advice and affordable birth control to disadvantaged women at a time when even providing literature on women’s health infringed on ‘obscenity’ laws,” Sajet wrote. “Sanger wanted to give couples the ability to control the size of their families.”
No, actually, she wanted to give her organization the ability to control the size of their families -- by encouraging and promoting abortion. If the goal was to provide women with sex education and the means to make educated decisions on the size of their families, why have there been 55 million babies aborted in this country? Obviously her organization did a poor job in educating women on birth control, wouldn't you say? Yet she still deserves to be honored as some kind of women's heroine and advocate?
Sure looks like it from these additional remarks by Sajet, the Gallery director: "Removing those people from the Portrait Gallery who have been less than perfect would deprive future generations of valuable lessons concerning personal ambition and achievement on one hand, and human imperfection and fallibility on the other." You've got to be kidding me! "Less than perfect"? Sanger was a monster! "Personal Ambition and Achievement"? If you call inspiring Hitler and Dr. Mengele with their plan for extinction of the Jews worthy of commendation, then I guess I would have to say that you have a distorted view of meritorious service to your fellow man!
Bishop E.W. Jackson, president and founder of Ministers Taking a Stand, told CNS News that the group of pastors would continue their fight to have Sanger removed from the museum and said Sajet’s letter avoided the issues his group had brought up. “If they must recognize her ‘historical significance,’ place her with busts of Pharaoh, Herod, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Goebbels, Pol Pot and Dr. Mengele,” Jackson said. “This would put her in her proper historical context with the infamous and evil figures who committed genocide.” Well said, Pastor! And I will be praying for your success to remove the influence of this barbaric and demonically indoctrinated woman from our social conscious.
Genesis 9:5-6 And for your lifeblood I will require a reckoning: from every beast I will require it and from man. From his fellow man I will require a reckoning for the life of man. Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.
A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth
Showing posts with label Social Commentary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Commentary. Show all posts
August 26, 2015
The Dual Identities of Margaret Sanger!
August 20, 2015
What Were They Thinking?
I'm sure the readers of this blog were just as astonished as I was when I heard that the Tennessee Administrative Office of the Courts made changes to their permanent parenting plan form. Very quickly after the Supreme Court decision legalizing gay marriage, the AOC revised their forms to replace "Mother" and "Father", with parental designations "Parent 1" and "Parent 2". WHAT?!?!? I thought to myself, "isn't it enough that this wicked generation desires to expunge gender from marriage ... now they want to rid parenthood of gender, too?"
As appalled as I was at that decision, I was equally elated to hear of the adverse reaction to that insane decision. Apparently, the AOC received so much criticism for this amendment, that they have reversed their decision, and once again will legitimately recognize a mother and a father as parents of a child ... for now.
I understand that we are likely to see our society rush towards similar changes in an attempt to recognize the "different types of families" that now dot our cultural landscape. But that doesn't mean that we have to approve of it, or go along with such changes. How have we come so far, so fast, that we think the terms "mother" and "father" should become obsolete?
And if, in this politically correct world, this kind of controversial decision is supposed to signal equality by removing the gender qualification for a parent, I must ask this question ... doesn't the designation of "Parent 1" indicate that this parent is somehow superior to "Parent 2"? And by removing "mother" and "father" from these forms, isn't that, in effect, violating the rights of heterosexual parents who embrace these titles? Why must we be forced, or reduced, to a lesser classification? Isn't that what the fight for gay marriage was all about... the right to call your relationship as you see fit?
But this particular form is just the tip of the iceberg, and it is not the end of Satan's battle to eradicate our Biblical identities. In 2011 the State Department removed the words mother and father from U.S. passport applications. Of course, they had a culturally acceptable explanation ready to explain that decision: “We find that with changes in medical science and reproductive technology that we are confronting situations now that we would not have anticipated 10 or 15 years ago.” So, is there anyone else besides me that doesn't necessarily approve of where medical science and reproductive technology have taken us ... that think perhaps we've abandoned or corrupted God's design for our bodies, our marriages, and now our families?
Of course, I understand that the basis for that last statement is a fundamental belief that God exists. Without that core component, there is no justification for my argument. But here's what I don't get .... the understanding of distinct genders among the human race; the concept of marriage as between a man and woman, and who makes up the individual parts of a family, have been consistent and unchanging for thousands of years. How in the world, in the last couple of decades, do we think that we're so evolved that we've got a better plan than our Creator? I suggest that these social progressives stop for just a moment and tell me what is wrong with the following logic:
• Mother is the term that the One who created us gave to a woman who bears a child in pregnancy. Only a woman can do that ... the gender-neutral term "Parent" does not designate if you are the person in whose body that fetus grew into a full-term baby. The role of a mother is to be taken seriously; her job, as defined in the Bible, is to be available morning, noon, and night; to interact, discuss and help her child process life; to teach her child a Biblical worldview and to love the Scriptures; to train a child in developing their spiritual gifts and strengths; and finally to nurture her child --- a term that has always had a distinctive feminine connotation. So, tell me, can you identify if it is Parent 1 or Parent 2 that has delivered the fruit of the womb?
• Secondly, Father is the term that God used to indicate the person who would instruct and discipline those borne by the mother. The Father is the instrument by whom God shows His ultimate authority. The human father models God as the teacher and ruler of his family. It is the responsibility of the Father to provide Christian discipline that will enable children to grow up with reverence for God, respect for parental authority, knowledge of Christian standards, and habits of self-control. Chastening, discipline, and counsel by the Word of God, giving both reproof and encouragement, is at the core of a father's duty. There is a distinct countenance of leadership that distinguishes a father from a mother --- that is true no matter how hard the feminists and progressives try to convince us that their advanced social agenda is better for the development of a confident, secure individual.
And here's what really concerns me ... by using the designations "Parent 1" and "Parent 2" are they paving the way for "Parent 3, 4, or 12"? If you take away the male and female identification of a parent, what is to stop us from saying multiple parents are necessary to birth and raise a child? And by denying gender roles in parenthood, is Satan trying to signal that he has a plan to introduce a way to create a child without male and female interaction? Can we truly say that we are that far off? All you have to do is browse the internet to find all the freaky experimentation being done in the name of .... oh, yeah, medical science and reproductive technology.
In the end, I guess I shouldn't be that surprised that this renaming of parental roles has come so quickly. It seems as if the goal is to confuse and control the next generation. If Satan, through his representatives in this realm, can remove the distinctive and unique characteristics that make us who we are in the eyes of God, then he will be able to convince mankind -- no, wait! I can't use that term. How about human race? Nope! Reproductive technology is combining human and animal DNA, and also trying to create a hybrid human robot ... so, I guess I'm going to have to settle for the fact that Satan will successfully disassociate whatever form of existence the next generation becomes from the Source of Life who created them. There will be no need for terms like man, woman, wife, husband, mother, father, son, daughter, sister, brother, him or her. We will be reduced to a life form that is generic, nonspecific, bewildered, and debased. Unfortunately, I'm afraid we are taking the first steps toward that reality. Sweden has even gone so far as to adopt a gender-neutral pronoun ... hen. Really?!?! Please, God, save us from ourselves! Preserve us in Your image, just as You created us!
Proverbs 1:8-9 "Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck."
July 13, 2015
Which Kind Of Exile Are You?
I've always been fascinated by ancient history; both that of our country and the world. As a kid in school, History was one of my favorite subjects and I find it sad that kids today do not seem to understand the need to study it. They are too conditioned by this technological world to only take interest in the immediate trends or current events. Any history further back than last year does not concern them. So, sadly they will not learn the important lessons that history can teach us.
Right now, we are seeing our country undergoing a rapid cultural shift. There are many who will tell us that this is a good thing, and it's about time. But for many of us Christians, it is beginning to feel like we are living as exiles in our own land. In fact, I'm sure you have heard our situation likened to the Jewish captives who were exiled in Babylon.
I can certainly relate to that analogy; especially when you compare the story of King Hezekiah, who played his part in causing the exile. He paid tribute to Judah's enemy, Sennacherib, the king of Assyria; showing deference and submission, in the hope it would decrease the chances of attack. Can you see the picture of our current negotiations with Iran? In addition, Hezekiah opened the doors of the Temple treasury to show his enemy how great was the wealth that his people enjoyed; it only served to ensure the covetousness of an enemy that wished to capture that wealth and destroy the nation of Judah. Have we not opened the economic doors to foreign investors through our trade policies, and left ourselves vulnerable to foreign takeover and ruination?
And just like the Jewish captives who were forcibly taken into captivity in Babylon, we Christians are now finding ourselves being forced to live in a strange and foreign culture that little resembles our Christian values. We now have an activist Supreme Court who votes with the secular culture; a rush to erase our national history and traditions; and a growing movement to force the Church to ascribe to, and consent to, a secular moral relativism. In other words, the culture is telling the Church to perform as the culture does (and ignore God's commandments); or be stripped of the protection from the State (by losing tax-exempt status). This will result in forced assimilation. Christians will no longer be allowed to separate themselves from the culture; we will have to resemble the culture, resulting in our faith becoming severely compromised.
How is that any different from the choices given to the exiled Jews in Babylon? We often think that their existence must have been horrific; after all, slavery is an institution that is abhorred by all rational men. What must it have been like to be denied access to their Temple, which was at the center of Jewish everyday life? The culture would have been different; as would be the customs; the religious practices; the loss of their homes and their unique language.
We have read the stories in the Bible of Daniel being thrown in the lion's den for refusing to abandon the practices of his faith. And who can forget the fiery trial of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego for refusing to bow to the statue of the pagan god? We know, that for the faithful, it was a difficult time. Yet they never gave up their hope.
But then let's not forget that when, through God's grace and mercies, King Cyrus granted the Jews permission to return to Jerusalem to rebuild their temple and re-establish their homes, that a good many of the Jews chose to stay in Babylon. They had all but forgotten their native language, and now spoke Aramaic, which was a general language and understood by most everyone. They had become comfortable and prosperous; so much so, that a Jewish community has lasted there continuously until modern times, a period of more than 2,500 years. Remember, they had been in Babylon for 70 years. The old generation of faithful Jewish believers had died off; a new generation only knows the current culture. Sound familiar? Only if the faith in YHWH had been faithfully taught, and they refused to bow to the culture, could we expect them not to lose their identity.
So, can you see how we are similar to those Jewish exiles? If we want to maintain the true heart of Christianity, we better prepare ourselves to stand against the pressure like Daniel and his friends. We better form a strategy to pass on God's Truth to the next generation if we don't want to lose them to the culture. And we better keep our eyes on the future; never giving up hope that this exile will one day end and we can return to worshipping God as He deserves -- whether it be in this world or the eternal one.
But can you also fathom that there will be Christians in our land that will make themselves quite comfortable in this land of exile? That they will be willing to adopt this new reality as their home; agreeable to giving up some of the contentious aspects of their faith in order to blend in and be accepted? Which kind of exile are you? What about your family and friends? Because I can guarantee you that how we answer that question will determine if the Enemy wins his battle to exterminate Christianity. He is committed and unyielding. Are you?
Psalm 137:1 "By the rivers of Babylon, there we [captives] sat down, yes, we wept when we [earnestly] remembered Zion [the city of our God imprinted on our hearts]."
June 16, 2015
Everywhere You Look, It's Double-Mindedness
Does anyone really know who they are anymore? Is there anyone who is confident in their identity; or who is committed and unwavering in their individual selfhood? Or has the whole society decided to let themselves be blown about by whatever the culture is fixated on?
I mean, just look at all the people who are now doubting their gender, and don't want to identify as the one they were born with (preferring to be called transgender) ... or they don't want to be labeled with any gender, for that matter! We have a whole new lexicon that just appeared out of nowhere; did you know that you were not simply born a man or a woman? Now you're referred to as "cis-gender". The official definition is "denoting or relating to a person whose self-identity conforms with the gender that corresponds to their biological sex." But the important qualifier to that translation is the addition of the phrase "not transgender" -- as if THAT is either the norm, or equal to it!
In fact, in our increasingly perverted culture, the word cis-gender actually exists to serve as an equal to transgender. Think of it as a parallel to the use of the words homosexual and heterosexual. It used to be that people were single-minded in their identities. They were uncompromising and sure about who they were. But now it is permissible -- no, even encouraged -- to doubt oneself, or to adopt multiple identities. So much so, that there are now over 10 ways to identify yourself on Facebook, gender-wise that is. I kid you not! Among these designations are the following: you can either be bigender (identifying as two different genders); cis-gender (which I would label normal); FTM (Female to Male) indicating you were assigned female at birth, but are transitioning to male; gender fluid (flowing between gender identities; however you feel that day); non-binary (meaning you don't want to assign either femaleness or maleness to yourself, indicating there might even be another gender assignment out there); and two-spirit (describing someone who embodies both the spirits of a man and a woman) -- that is truly frightening! These are just a few; you can check out all the various options here, if you dare.
But don't think that the "trans" or "cis" identifiers are just for the question of gender. Now, it seems that you can be transracial or cis-racial. Take the incredibly bizarre story of Rachel Dolezal, the Spokane, Washington, NAACP president, who claimed to be Black, but whose parents outed her as a white woman. Does it seem to you that there should be no question as to her true identity? Not so, to MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry, who wondered aloud on her show, if Dolezal “might actually be black.” According to Harris-Perry, "There is a useful language in "trans" and "cis", which is just to say [that] some of us are born cis-gendered, some of us are born trans-gendered. But I wonder ... can it be that one would be cis-black and trans-black; that there is actually a different category of blackness, about the achievement of blackness, despite one’s parentage?”
But listen to the authenticity of Dolezel's parents statement: “Rachel has wanted to be somebody she’s not,” Ruthanne Dolezal, Rachel’s mother, told a local TV station. “She’s chosen not to just be herself, but to represent herself as an African-American woman or a biracial person. And that’s simply not true.”
And there you have it ... our culture is becoming one that is not interested in the Truth. Whether that truth lies in who they are racially or who they were born to be -- they don't want to be held to any standards and want to be free to follow their base inclinations and desires. Little do they know that it leads to a life of profound instability, and what the Bible calls Double-mindedness.
A double-minded person is restless and confused in his thoughts, his actions, and his behavior. Such a person is always in conflict with himself. One torn by such inner conflict can never lean with confidence on God and His gracious promises, which is where the real Truth lies. Take for instance, those teachers in Pennsylvania who spent a one-day tax-payer funded workshop attending a mosque and learning the ins and outs of Islamism, including the call to prayer and bowing to Allah. (Can you imagine the screams of "separation of church and state" if the teachers had attended a workshop on Christianity and participated in a baptism?!?)
All of this compromise and doubting and acceptance of multiple choices leads to instability and a half-hearted commitment. As the website GotQuestions.org points out, "We cannot be both certain and doubting, as is the double-minded person. One part of his mind is sure of something, while the other part doubts. It brings to mind the “pushmi-pullyu” of the Dr. Doolittle stories, an animal with a head at either end of its body and which was constantly trying to walk in two directions at once. Such is the double-minded man."
Mankind needs to come to the rapid realization that God will not grant His blessings upon those who are double-minded. As Jesus pointedly declared, “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” That applies to the current issues of gender, race, and faith. We would do well to remember that God is a jealous God. He is single-minded in His demand for loyalty and obedience. He will not accept a mind and heart that He has to share with Satan.
James 1:8 "[For being as he is] a man of two minds (hesitating, dubious, irresolute), [he is] unstable and unreliable and uncertain about everything [he thinks, feels, decides]."
May 16, 2015
Dear God: Please Forgive Us and Restore Us!
First of all, consider that we humans have decided that God has made mistakes in creating some of us, and we are denying the specific gender to which He assigned us. As simple as it sounds, one can change their gender by simply declaring it. Jane now becomes Jack; Bob should be allowed to share a restroom with gender-defined women because he "feels" like a girl; and Jamie is neither gender because, um, (it) has decided to remain uncommitted.
To top it all off, there is a new designation added to the titles we give ourselves. There are the gender-specific Miss, Mr. and now Mx, for those who identify as binary (meaning having an overlap of genders, having two or more genders, having no gender, or moving between genders). I kid you not! There are actually terms such as polygender, pangender, and trigender! Is it any wonder that God is disappointed in us?
Next, we have somehow allowed our children to be taught that there is no absolute moral right and wrong. Conservative radio talk show host and author, Dennis Prager, recently wrote that our children have come to believe that every valid value of human conduct is an opinion -- even extending that idea to the most evil of behaviors. For instance, he cites the following as an example: Since the Nazis thought killing Jews was right, there is no way to know for sure whether it was wrong; it's the Nazis' opinion, against that of the Jews and anyone else who objects. What matters is how you feel.
How will God view our failed efforts to maintain His values and standards? If every action can be summed up as "an opinion", then there is no guideline for good and evil; for moral or immoral. Everything becomes subject to personal perspectives. And we are seeing that now in the growing friction between society and law enforcement.
Perhaps the biggest indicator of how God must be scrutinizing us is the recent Pew research results that atheists and agnostics are growing in America, while those who call themselves Christian or "religious" are declining. From the first days of this country, the Bible has guided how we lived as a civil society, how we governed ourselves, and our we conducted our individual lives and those of our families. Not any more. We may call ourselves "a Christian nation", but our actions convey our true nature.
God is being driven out of our government, our military, and our schools. We worship the false idols of immorality (celebrities) and we persecute righteousness (Christian businesses who stand for biblical marriage). Those who sit in churches across our land cheat on their spouses, are addicted to pornography, and covet their neighbors wealth. Are we even studying the Word of God anymore, to see how HE says we should live our lives?
To be honest, it is becoming difficult to find anything to celebrate in this sinful world! I find that I am increasingly insulating myself from the influences that are not God-pleasing. I am blessed to have a small group of faithful Believers with whom I can worship my Lord. I am over-joyed to share this life with a man who is as passionate about God as I am, and who loves to share the Gospel Message with new seekers that the Father brings our way. I am less concerned about the latest headlines, or with being "socially relevant", or increasing my storehouse; and find that I am preparing in a new way ... for the spiritual battles that are ahead.
But at the end of the day, as I am on my knees, I pause to reflect on just how far we, as a nation, have veered off that narrow path. We used to know that faith in Jesus Christ was the source of our life, our treasure, and our success in this world. Now we look to ourselves, or to other men. We have worshipped at the altar of our own desires, and look where it has taken us. Our only chance of survival and escape from God's justice is to ask for forgiveness and restoration. Will this nation humble itself... or will God humble us?
Isaiah 13:11 "And I, the Lord, will punish the world for its evil, and the wicked for their guilt and iniquity; I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible and the boasting of the violent and ruthless."
May 2, 2015
I Grow Weary ... But My Spirit Is Strong!
Like many of you, I look around and there is not much to lift my spirits. I hardly recognize my country, or the world, for that matter. I often feel as if I am the only sane person left. I'm on the outside, looking in at the insane asylum!
Where I once felt a part of a community of people with common social values and responsibilities, I now find myself marginalized, along with those who reason as I do. I haven't changed ... the world has! So how am I (we) to cope? What are our options? Do we give in to the cultural war against moral conservatism? Or do we continue to stand for our beliefs, strengthening those concepts against the rising tide of public opposition and antagonism?
Let's face it. It appears as if we are on the losing side in the world's march towards libertine tendencies. Everything from our politics, to the way we are educating our children, to how we entertain ourselves -- the world is promoting sex without moral principles and responsibilities, while roundly rejecting accepted religious opinions. What can I -- one person who expresses herself daily to a small readership -- possibly do to counter the trend towards normalizing immorality? I don't really think that I am going to be able to change the steamroller that is crushing the foundations of righteous conduct, do I?
And I will admit that there are days that I feel the weight of trying to fight "the system" and the culture. I want to retreat and shelter in the shadow of my God and ask Him to just cover me and my loved ones until this all rights itself, or until His Son comes to dispense His Judgment on the wicked ... either one will be fine; I am just tired of being confronted with all the negative headlines and seeing no way out.
Yet I know that I could never do that. I am not the only person in the history of the world who was demoralized by what they saw happening around them. All ancient civilizations have ended up at this point; they lost their moral compass and fractured internally, leaving them vulnerable to dangerous and lethal influences. It's just my time and my turn.
So, back to the fundamental question ... what is our strategy to keep from being defeated? I think we have to come to terms with the fact that we are facing an uphill battle. Popular sentiment is against us; the courts are certainly against us; and our Churches are not providing much leadership or guidance. It is up to each and every one of us to strengthen ourselves through the promises that we have been given by our Savior. We must realize that this life is temporary and our future in this world is compromised at best.
And if you count yourself as a follower of Jesus, as I do, then why are we surprised, and what do we actually hope to accomplish? In my mind, it is futile to think we can change things. Our Holy Book, the Bible, tells us how this is going to play out, and that we are not the winners -- at least as far as this life defines winning. But Victory is still ours! And, as the Apostle Paul said, [we are to] "press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward." You see, it really is "onward and upward" ... and we must stay in the fight, if for no other reason than to encourage fellow Christians who are fearful; or to point the way to the Savior for the blind, the sick of heart, and the lost. If I can play a part in snatching one soul out of the clutches of Satan, then whatever the future in this world has in store for me will be time and energy well-spent. I may be weary, but I'm not defeated!
Isaiah 40:29 "He gives power to the faint and weary, and to him who has no might He increases strength [causing it to multiply and making it to abound]."
April 29, 2015
These Are The Days of Destruction
I don't believe that anyone can watch the bedlam that is Baltimore and not grieve our human condition. To demolish and shatter property and lives for the pure "joy" of destroying them is a picture of a society without a moral code. While the gangs and hoodlums who roamed the streets of Baltimore, burning and looting, may know the difference between right and wrong, it is abundantly clear that they weren't concerned about choosing wisely, or displaying good or bad behavior; nor did they hold any high principles for proper conduct.
I am not willing to cut them any slack due to the death of Freddie Gray. Those who were drawn to the impulse to destroy did not even know Mr. Gray. They didn't attend his funeral, nor seek to engage in constructive protest of police actions. Instead they responded to social media provocations to riot and rampage. Let's be clear ... they were determined to destroy, and complete devastation and ruination was the goal. The lack of authoritative control on the part of government officials, law enforcement, or parents shows the degree to which we are sliding into corruption, abomination, and wickedness. The Enemy of God and mankind chortles with glee and satisfaction.
The figures are devastating: More than 4,600 people dead. Over 9,000 injured. Eight million affected across Nepal. One million children urgently in need of help. (Statistics from CNN). And those numbers are nowhere near the final toll. Landslides, avalanches, and torrential rain have added to the grief we feel for the humanity of man after the 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the Himalayan country.
The capital city of Kathmandu is also known as the City of Temples. An ancient poet once said, "there are as many temples as head of people can be seen". Wikipedia lists nearly 200 temples in an area equal in size to two counties in Texas! While I disparage the anguish of the millions of people affected by the destructive earthquake, my biblical worldview and spirit cannot help but wonder if the price of worshipping foreign gods has not come due on the people of Nepal. The First Book of Corinthians, Chapter 10, contains a strong warning about the price to be paid for idolizing false gods and provoking God to jealousy. Is the God of Creation announcing that His final judgment upon this earth is about to occur?
The Bible also tells us that there will be "distress of nations" on the earth due to signs in the sun, moon and stars. The blood red moons and the solar disturbances give credence to that prophecy. Our own nation sits on edge with prognostications of major earthquakes in California and along the New Madrid Fault in the Midwest. And volcanoes along the Pacific Ocean Ring of Fire are making themselves known ... it sure seems as if the earth and the works that are done on it are being exposed [with the result being our own destruction]. The Ruler of this world and of Darkness waits in anticipation to make his final moves.
And we cannot discuss the destruction of these days without considering the effects of the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage. My opinion will come as no surprise to anyone, I believe that if the definition of marriage is redefined, it will mean the destruction of the family as God intended it. In fact, even the term "family" is being redefined as any two people who live together, regardless of their sex.
But this is what I find interesting ... For the last 50 years or more, Sociologists have pointed to the lack of fathers in the black community as a vital reason for the destruction of the Black Family. So why is that correlation not continued across the spectrum of all families? If it is essential for a healthy family to consist of a father and mother, then doesn't it make sense that the union of the two people who create that family be defined as a man and woman? Doesn't it seem that simple?
Yet our very churches no longer seek to encourage the family unit. They increasingly model themselves to the whims of society, with no regard as to the morality or sinfulness of societal self-indulgence. Humanism has become the new religion of this Age; the human perspective has become more important than the Divine. Human beings know what they want and what is good for them; there is no need to subject the desires of the flesh to the standards of a diminished God.
And this summer the highest court in the land will determine the standard by which future marriages and families in the entire country will be defined. Sadly, I do not have great hope that their decision will be pleasing to the God I serve. Compromise has become the byword, and unfortunately, that concession will seal our destruction, both as a nation, and as Christ's Church. Score one more for Satan in his cosmic battle to control this realm.
The definition of Destruction is as follows: a) the action or process of causing so much damage to something that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired; b) the action or process of killing or being killed; c) a cause of someone's ruin. Look carefully at each of these three meanings ... you will find Baltimore described in the first; Nepal in the second; and our nation in the third. Is it as apparent to you, as it is to me, that these are the Days of Destruction? Pray for God's mercy to keep us from destroying ourselves! Lord knows we are due His Destructive Hand!
Matthew 10:28 "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
March 31, 2015
We No Longer Resemble Ourselves!
In one of my more contemplative moments these past few days, I've wondered how we have come to be in a state of such fruitlessness. Let me clarify a bit ... by "we", I mean we Americans; since that is the only context in which I feel competent to comment on. By "fruitlessness", I mean it in the sense of being productive, and active, and involved in the undertaking of a rewarding life. And perhaps I have figured out a small portion of the problem.
First, let me say that there is no mistaking that the United States of America has led the way in advancing humanity's standard of living. In these areas, you could say that we have been "fruitful". Just think of the areas of technology, science, and medicine. I'll grant that we deserve accolades for those accomplishments. But I'm really thinking about the individual life of a single person. How is it that we have become a society of entitled, lazy, and content people?
As a Baby Boomer, I represent the generation of children who were born to the GI's coming home from WWII. We are the offspring of parents and grandparents who knew the pre-War value of hard, physical work to support their families. We are also the recipients of the post-War explosion of prosperity, and that is the genesis of our current state of fruitlessness.
After the victory of WWII, Americans enjoyed the benefits of new industries and a new status as one of the world's leading powers. There followed a burst of innovation and manufacturing brilliance that soon provided every family with unprecedented comfort, ease, and convenience. It is my deduction that this very period of industriousness would become the source of our downfall. Let me explain.
Up until this point in our nation's history, the average woman did her own housecleaning; cared for her own children; and cooked meals from food she grew and canned herself, or at least made from scratch. The men of the family mowed their own lawns; changed the oil and did repairs to their automobiles themselves; and was active in physical activities with his children.
With the prosperity that followed the war years, our perspective changed. People wanted to escape the harsh memories of war and celebrate the country's newfound affluence and security. So, somehow it made us feel better about ourselves if we could say we had a maid to care for our homes; a nanny or daycare to watch our children (so we could take advantage of the exciting workplace); and we were happy to sacrifice the health benefits of real food for the convenience of processed meals.
The men in our prosperous society hired out the care taking of their lawns; paid someone else to maintain their vehicles; and shipped their kids off to "summer camps", surrendering that mentorship and guidance to strangers posing as "counselors".
You can probably tell that I am not a fan of the degeneracy and decadence that comes with prosperity. As America grew more prosperous, the desires for more "stuff" changed the dynamics of our families. Women were just as bad as the men -- they wanted the luxuries that could only be theirs by earning more money. That meant choosing to work outside the home. The result was that women no longer desired to watch over the affairs of their household, or had the time to provide faithful instruction to their children.
Men abdicated their roles as the head of the household and father figures to become workaholics in order to maintain the lavish lifestyle that our culture craved. And our children became latch-key kids; spoiled and coddled from the "hard life" of previous generations. There are always exceptions to the rules ... there are stories of single moms who worked several jobs while instilling a sense of pride and a desire to accomplish great things in their children. But those are the anomalies.
All it has taken is two generations to make the transition from a society of people who knew and understood the value of the possessions they worked for, and who enjoyed fulfilling the traditional roles that had sustained this country for over two centuries.
We now see the damage done by trading those roles for material wealth. Our children no longer appreciate the values of their grandparents, and we are a throw-away society who is on the verge of accepting alterations to our bodies that will make us less than human. The sad thing is I don't believe we can turn this ship around.
We are establishing new definitions of what constitutes a family; new ideas of gender identification; new reward systems for those who refuse to work for their "entitlements"; and new concepts of how to create immortal life. In all of our innovation and progress, we have lost our way. And the path we are following only leads to our destruction. I don't think I want to see what the next generation will bring.
Proverbs 14:26 "In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge."
March 24, 2015
Smartphones, Our Children, and Their Mental Health
What does the year 2010 and the increase in mental health issues of children have in common? You can probably guess from the title of this blog that it is Smartphones. In an article on the website for U.K.'s The Telegraph, one of the country's foremost psychotherapists explains that in 2010, "I saw my work increase by a mad amount and so did others I work with. Suddenly everything got much more dangerous, much more immediate, much more painful."
Dr. Julie Lynn Evans explained that in the 1990s she might have one or two suicide attempts a year. Now that number has increased to around four per month. She reports that the access to the internet that comes with Smartphones has opened up a world of danger to our kids. These phones, in effect, allow predators easy access to impressionable young minds. Just consider that anything -- anything -- is available on the internet. Add to that, the reality that parental approval or supervision is unnecessary and rarely asked for, we are left with an unsupervised generation that is easily exploited.
We've all seen them ... the adult chat rooms, the pornography sites, the virtual reality rooms where anyone can disguise their real identity. Children wander into these sites, and spend unlimited amounts of time there, being sucked into dark places they are too inexperienced and unprepared to handle.
But it is not only pernicious sexual situations that are harming our kids. Dr. Evans says, "My clients are cutting their arms, thighs, shoulders and stomachs; they are exhibiting signs of seriously disordered eating, they are medicating fast and furiously, they are refusing to go to school, they are sleepless and scared. Some are depressed and anxious, some have conduct disorder and problems with authority, and some are simply terrified. My consulting room, and those of my colleagues, are full of children who are more dramatically unhappy than they were a decade ago."
As if that's not enough, kids are not developing healthy relationships because Smartphones don't encourage kindness, compassion, or ethics. Everything is instantaneous and no thought is given to consequences from an unkind or cruel remark. Bullying has become a constant companion for far too many kids. And parents are too busy on their Smartphones to notice the warning signs.
I have spent far too many instances with people who can't stay off their phones long enough to have a complete conversation or share a meal. Meanwhile, their kids are becoming zombies; glued to their phones and unable to communicate in any other meaningful way. That has to be affecting their brains, as well as their social skills and ability to solve problems on their own.
Once again, I find myself lamenting the rapid advancement of technology. Has it really improved our lives for the better? Sure, it has brought progress in medicine; helped us to organize our lives better; and expanded our knowledge base. We can find the answer to almost any question we have on the internet. But have the negative side effects outweighed the advantages? Have Facebook and Google advanced our culture, or just taken our attention away from real person-to-person dialogue? And have we given up our privacy and freedom from intrusion in our daily lives? Has it been worth it? Are we a healthier nation -- both mentally and physically?
I am just afraid that Smartphones have become an unnatural and abnormal lifeline for the youth of this nation. The devices provide a parent-free, unsupervised world in which they are losing their humanity. We were not created to live such isolated lives; and Smartphones cannot express human feelings, grant forgiveness, or experience the joy of human contact. What a perfect way for the Devil to entice our children into a life that lacks God's love. Yes, technology has made our lives easier, but are our kids paying the price?
To read more about the mental health issues conveyed by Dr. Julie Lynn Evans, please click here or here.
1 John 4:4 "Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
Dr. Julie Lynn Evans explained that in the 1990s she might have one or two suicide attempts a year. Now that number has increased to around four per month. She reports that the access to the internet that comes with Smartphones has opened up a world of danger to our kids. These phones, in effect, allow predators easy access to impressionable young minds. Just consider that anything -- anything -- is available on the internet. Add to that, the reality that parental approval or supervision is unnecessary and rarely asked for, we are left with an unsupervised generation that is easily exploited.
We've all seen them ... the adult chat rooms, the pornography sites, the virtual reality rooms where anyone can disguise their real identity. Children wander into these sites, and spend unlimited amounts of time there, being sucked into dark places they are too inexperienced and unprepared to handle.
But it is not only pernicious sexual situations that are harming our kids. Dr. Evans says, "My clients are cutting their arms, thighs, shoulders and stomachs; they are exhibiting signs of seriously disordered eating, they are medicating fast and furiously, they are refusing to go to school, they are sleepless and scared. Some are depressed and anxious, some have conduct disorder and problems with authority, and some are simply terrified. My consulting room, and those of my colleagues, are full of children who are more dramatically unhappy than they were a decade ago."
As if that's not enough, kids are not developing healthy relationships because Smartphones don't encourage kindness, compassion, or ethics. Everything is instantaneous and no thought is given to consequences from an unkind or cruel remark. Bullying has become a constant companion for far too many kids. And parents are too busy on their Smartphones to notice the warning signs.
I have spent far too many instances with people who can't stay off their phones long enough to have a complete conversation or share a meal. Meanwhile, their kids are becoming zombies; glued to their phones and unable to communicate in any other meaningful way. That has to be affecting their brains, as well as their social skills and ability to solve problems on their own.
Once again, I find myself lamenting the rapid advancement of technology. Has it really improved our lives for the better? Sure, it has brought progress in medicine; helped us to organize our lives better; and expanded our knowledge base. We can find the answer to almost any question we have on the internet. But have the negative side effects outweighed the advantages? Have Facebook and Google advanced our culture, or just taken our attention away from real person-to-person dialogue? And have we given up our privacy and freedom from intrusion in our daily lives? Has it been worth it? Are we a healthier nation -- both mentally and physically?
I am just afraid that Smartphones have become an unnatural and abnormal lifeline for the youth of this nation. The devices provide a parent-free, unsupervised world in which they are losing their humanity. We were not created to live such isolated lives; and Smartphones cannot express human feelings, grant forgiveness, or experience the joy of human contact. What a perfect way for the Devil to entice our children into a life that lacks God's love. Yes, technology has made our lives easier, but are our kids paying the price?
To read more about the mental health issues conveyed by Dr. Julie Lynn Evans, please click here or here.
1 John 4:4 "Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world."
March 19, 2015
Starbucks To Brew Up A Political Storm
At first, I thought this might be a fluffy kind of post, but on deeper reflection the subject really gets my gall. Picture this ... You're in a hurry to get to your job, or an appointment ... or you just want to relax after a hard day by enjoying your favorite flavor of Starbucks coffee. You place your order, and when the barista hands you your cup, there is a handwritten message on it that says, "Race Together".
As you ponder the implications of this personally written note, your server attempts to engage you in a conversation on the oh-so-pleasant-and-agreeable topic of race relations. Unless you have formed a close bond with your local Starbucks barista, how are you going to feel when a veritable stranger asks your opinion of the Ferguson, Missouri fiasco? What's more, how are you going to respond, as those around you wait breathlessly for your answer? And finally, what exactly is the progressive corporation Starbucks hoping to accomplish with this latest social survey?
Are you finding this as offensive, insulting, and invasive as I am? I say "offensive", because I don't need some character from Starbucks issuing me a challenge on race relations in a room full of strangers. I'm thinking it's "insulting" because they obviously think I need to be reminded that we have a race relations problem in this country. "Invasive" comes to mind as I contemplate that this is a serious subject in which I have personal and intimate opinions that I don't want to share with just anyone; there needs to be an atmosphere of mutual trust. That's not going to be the case with someone I just met for the first time that day and who is handing me a Tall Skinny Mocha Latte.
But, yet, this scenario is exactly what Starbucks is launching as their latest gimmick in their "social justice" campaign. As Breitbart.com reported earlier this week, Starbucks has published a full page ad in the New York Times — a stark, black, page with a tiny caption “Shall We Overcome?” in the middle, and the words “RaceTogether” with the company logo, on the bottom right. The ad, along with a similar one in USA Today, is part of an initiative launched this week by the coffee store chain to stimulate conversation and debate about the race in America by getting employees to engage with customers about the perennially hot button subject.
Granted, the servers are not required to engage with customers, but I'm pretty sure that most of their employees are more than eager to ruffle a few feathers in favor of the corporate strategy. Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz maintains that he is not trying to cause friction between his company and the general public, saying "It it is so vitally important to the country, and that the United States is so much better than what the current state of race relations portray it to be". But remember, this is the guy whose opinions on same-sex marriage, abortion, gun control, and the Bible fall on the far left side of the spectrum. So do you think he really has any interest in hearing conservative opinions on any of these topics, let alone race relations?
What happens if someone consents to a conversation with the barista and agrees that race relations were a flash point at Ferguson, but goes on to point out that race turned out not to be the real issue in the death of Michael Brown; it was the actions of Michael Brown, himself. Or how will the barista respond to the customer's question, "Do you think race relations have been politicized in this country"? Is that the kind of conversation that Starbucks is looking for? Or is it all one-sided, and this is just another publicity stunt to taunt the public with the corporation's progressive agenda?
I don't know about you, but I am paying for a warm and cozy experience ... I don't need -- or want -- to be bombarded with social commentary. According to their own mission statement, here is what Starbucks is all about:
• Creating a culture of warmth and belonging, where everyone is welcome.
• Acting with courage, challenging the status quo and finding new ways to grow our company and each other.
• Being present, connecting with transparency, dignity and respect.
• Delivering our very best in all we do, holding ourselves accountable for results.
• We are performance driven, through the lens of humanity.
I guess what really bothers me, is that I know good and well that this company is not interested in the "free flow" of ideas, or in having mutually respectful dialogue. This is just a not-so-subtle way of driving the public discussion in their pre-determined direction.
So, let me just give them a piece of unsolicited advice... all I want from them is the warm, welcoming atmosphere and a good cup of coffee; a place to escape the politicization of our society. I don't need them to "be present" or "to connect". I can go to a political rally for that. As far as their performance, all I want them to do is deliver the best cup of coffee they can; that's what I'm paying for. And I'm willing to bet that this latest social campaign gets dropped before the next buttery caramel sauce can sink to the bottom of a macchiato.
Titus 3:9 "But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless."
March 7, 2015
Cyberbullying: The Evil Behind The Internet
I have long railed against the impersonal and self-centered aspects of the Internet ... Facebook, Tweeting, InstaGram, and all the other self-aggrandizing forms of self-promotion. With the ability to avoid face-to-face contact, the internet has led a whole generation of young people into a world where they feel powerful through their words, but without having to accept the responsibility of harming another.
Well, that's about to change for some college boys who decided to attack the wrong young woman. They weren't counting on crossing paths with her dad ... her famous dad, who knows a thing or two about squaring off against opponents ...... Here's the story:
Baseball legend Curt Schilling penned a scathing column Sunday targeting a group of individuals who sent sexually derogatory tweets to his daughter over the weekend. It started when Schilling tweeted a simple congratulatory message to his 17-year-old daughter Gabby for getting accepted into college. Moments later, Schilling and Gabby’s Twitter accounts were flooded with vulgar, sexually-explicit messages. Not one to let these kinds of things go unanswered, Schilling wrote the following answer to his daughter's bullies on his blog:
If you are a dad this is something you well know already, if you are a dad with a daughter this is likely to get your blood going. If you are a boy, or young man, or husband, and you haven’t experienced children yet, or haven’t had a daughter, it’s next to impossible for you to understand.
My daughter, my one and only daughter, has worked her a** off playing sports the past 9-10 years. She’s loved it, and I’ve loved being able to both watch, and coach along the way. Last week we were told she’d been accepted to college and will begin playing softball there next year. Clearly, an incredibly proud day.
And [then] tweets with the word rape, bloody underwear and pretty much every other vulgar and defiling word you could likely fathom began to follow. Now let me emphasize again. I was a jock my whole life. I played sports my whole life. Baseball since I was 5 until I retired at 41. I know clubhouses. I lived in a dorm. I get it. Guys will be guys. Guys will say dumb crap, often. But I can’t ever remember, drunk, in a clubhouse, with best friends, with anyone, ever speaking like this to someone…
My daughter comes to me beyond upset. She didn’t do anything, she never said anything, yet she’s now receiving personal messages with guys saying things to her, well let’s just say I can’t repeat and I’m getting beyond angry thinking about it. Her boyfriend, a wicked good hockey player who has a fighting streak I absolutely love is going out of his mind to be let off his leash but unlike the athletes tweeting this stuff he understands the potential consequences of his actions and knows the time and place will hopefully come when he can make it right on his own terms.
These boys have yet to understand one of life’s most important lessons. In the real world you get held accountable for the things you say and if you are not careful that can mean some different things...
This is a generation of kids who have grown up behind the monitor and keyboard. The real world has consequences when you do and say things about others. We’re at a point now where you better be sure who you’re going after.
If I was a deranged protective dad I could have been face to face with any of these people in less than 4 hours. I know every one of their names, their parents, where they go to school, what they do, what team they are on, their positions, stats, all of it. I had to do almost nothing to get ANY of that information because it is all public.
What part of talking about a young woman, my daughter or not, makes you even consider the possibility that this is either funny or makes you tough?
.... The ignorance and pathetic lack of morals or of any integrity is astounding. These aren’t thugs, tough guys or bad a**es; these aren’t kids who’ve had it rough; they aren’t homeless or orphans; these are pretty much ALL white, affluent, college attending children, and I mean children.
A mistake is tweeting once and saying “damn, I’m an idiot” and taking it down. These guys? They’re making conscious choices to cyberbully an amazing and beautiful young woman on the internet, that none of them know by the way, because they don’t like her dad or they somehow think saying words you can teach a 5 year old is tough? Cool? Bad a**? Something I am missing? My right hand to God I promise all of you that tweeted this stuff, the friends around you saying “dude that’s hilarious” and “OMG that’s awesome”? Those people? Inside they’re actually thinking “what an a**#$!Q” and “holy crap what a piece of trash”, no matter what they say to your face.
Ladies? If any of these guys is your boyfriend you’re in for a real rude awakening. Lastly? Not one of these gutless clowns would even think of saying a word of ANY of this in person.
Now, the rest of the story is that both men were identified by name; one lost his job as a ticket seller at Yankee Stadium over the incident. The other, a college student, was suspended from school and denounced by his fraternity. Was this enough to teach them, or anyone else of the "internet generation", a lesson? Probably not. You see, our kids have grown up in a cyber world, where nothing seems for real, and they think they are anonymous. Therefore, the consequences of their actions are never realized. They don't have to face the person on the other side of the computer screen. As a result, they are in danger of never developing compassion for their fellow humans. They don't see the tears, or the shame or humiliation. They aren't aware of the hurt that is generated from their cruel and ugly remarks.
When a society is no longer able to perceive the condition of being human, or to sympathize with another human being, then you will see more and more cases like this ... a pack of rabid wolves scouring the internet for their next victim to devour. Kudos to Curt Schilling for reversing the tables, and pulling the masks off these bullies. I just wish there were more like him to come to the rescue!
Ephesians 4:29 "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."
Well, that's about to change for some college boys who decided to attack the wrong young woman. They weren't counting on crossing paths with her dad ... her famous dad, who knows a thing or two about squaring off against opponents ...... Here's the story:
Baseball legend Curt Schilling penned a scathing column Sunday targeting a group of individuals who sent sexually derogatory tweets to his daughter over the weekend. It started when Schilling tweeted a simple congratulatory message to his 17-year-old daughter Gabby for getting accepted into college. Moments later, Schilling and Gabby’s Twitter accounts were flooded with vulgar, sexually-explicit messages. Not one to let these kinds of things go unanswered, Schilling wrote the following answer to his daughter's bullies on his blog:
If you are a dad this is something you well know already, if you are a dad with a daughter this is likely to get your blood going. If you are a boy, or young man, or husband, and you haven’t experienced children yet, or haven’t had a daughter, it’s next to impossible for you to understand.
My daughter, my one and only daughter, has worked her a** off playing sports the past 9-10 years. She’s loved it, and I’ve loved being able to both watch, and coach along the way. Last week we were told she’d been accepted to college and will begin playing softball there next year. Clearly, an incredibly proud day.
And [then] tweets with the word rape, bloody underwear and pretty much every other vulgar and defiling word you could likely fathom began to follow. Now let me emphasize again. I was a jock my whole life. I played sports my whole life. Baseball since I was 5 until I retired at 41. I know clubhouses. I lived in a dorm. I get it. Guys will be guys. Guys will say dumb crap, often. But I can’t ever remember, drunk, in a clubhouse, with best friends, with anyone, ever speaking like this to someone…
My daughter comes to me beyond upset. She didn’t do anything, she never said anything, yet she’s now receiving personal messages with guys saying things to her, well let’s just say I can’t repeat and I’m getting beyond angry thinking about it. Her boyfriend, a wicked good hockey player who has a fighting streak I absolutely love is going out of his mind to be let off his leash but unlike the athletes tweeting this stuff he understands the potential consequences of his actions and knows the time and place will hopefully come when he can make it right on his own terms.
These boys have yet to understand one of life’s most important lessons. In the real world you get held accountable for the things you say and if you are not careful that can mean some different things...
This is a generation of kids who have grown up behind the monitor and keyboard. The real world has consequences when you do and say things about others. We’re at a point now where you better be sure who you’re going after.
If I was a deranged protective dad I could have been face to face with any of these people in less than 4 hours. I know every one of their names, their parents, where they go to school, what they do, what team they are on, their positions, stats, all of it. I had to do almost nothing to get ANY of that information because it is all public.
What part of talking about a young woman, my daughter or not, makes you even consider the possibility that this is either funny or makes you tough?
.... The ignorance and pathetic lack of morals or of any integrity is astounding. These aren’t thugs, tough guys or bad a**es; these aren’t kids who’ve had it rough; they aren’t homeless or orphans; these are pretty much ALL white, affluent, college attending children, and I mean children.
A mistake is tweeting once and saying “damn, I’m an idiot” and taking it down. These guys? They’re making conscious choices to cyberbully an amazing and beautiful young woman on the internet, that none of them know by the way, because they don’t like her dad or they somehow think saying words you can teach a 5 year old is tough? Cool? Bad a**? Something I am missing? My right hand to God I promise all of you that tweeted this stuff, the friends around you saying “dude that’s hilarious” and “OMG that’s awesome”? Those people? Inside they’re actually thinking “what an a**#$!Q” and “holy crap what a piece of trash”, no matter what they say to your face.
Ladies? If any of these guys is your boyfriend you’re in for a real rude awakening. Lastly? Not one of these gutless clowns would even think of saying a word of ANY of this in person.
Now, the rest of the story is that both men were identified by name; one lost his job as a ticket seller at Yankee Stadium over the incident. The other, a college student, was suspended from school and denounced by his fraternity. Was this enough to teach them, or anyone else of the "internet generation", a lesson? Probably not. You see, our kids have grown up in a cyber world, where nothing seems for real, and they think they are anonymous. Therefore, the consequences of their actions are never realized. They don't have to face the person on the other side of the computer screen. As a result, they are in danger of never developing compassion for their fellow humans. They don't see the tears, or the shame or humiliation. They aren't aware of the hurt that is generated from their cruel and ugly remarks.
When a society is no longer able to perceive the condition of being human, or to sympathize with another human being, then you will see more and more cases like this ... a pack of rabid wolves scouring the internet for their next victim to devour. Kudos to Curt Schilling for reversing the tables, and pulling the masks off these bullies. I just wish there were more like him to come to the rescue!
Ephesians 4:29 "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."
February 20, 2015
The Human Spirit Will Prevail
They cannot defeat us. As I have recently mentioned, there are so many headlines pointing to the disintegration of peace on earth, the sanctity of human life, and a technological future that defies my understanding. All the events taking place today are designed to undermine our faith in God and in each other. But today, I'm going to share some uplifting stories. They will prove that no matter what darkness Evil wishes to impart upon the world, the part of us that is connected to our Creator will always shine His light into the shadows. These stories are of simple acts of kindness; stories that are sincere examples of the "fruit of the Spirit" ... and yes, evidence of the Holy Spirit working in the lives of 21st Century Christians is still evident. Enjoy these testimonies and celebrate!
From WTVR, Virginia: The weather has hovered around 16 degrees in Nottoway County, Virginia for the last few days, and the snow has been piling up, with more expected in the coming week. Teresa Adams was driving her son, Tommy, to high school where he is a Senior, when he suddenly asked her to stop the car. At first she was frightened, not knowing what was going on or what he had seen. It happened to be an elderly gentleman who was out in the snow, with his walker, trying to clear the piles of snow from his driveway that had been deposited by a county snowplow.
Tommy asked the elderly man to give him the snow shovel and he proceeded to spend the next 15 minutes shoveling the deep snow from his driveway. “He said ‘God bless you, the world needs more people like you,'” Tommy recalled. But Tommy's motivation was simple: he saw a need and reached out to help. “I try to do good for the elderly because one day I may need help, too,” he said.
In this age, most kids Tommy's age are glued to their cell phones, and they are not cognizant of anything that does not impact their immediate domain. But Tommy's simple act of kindness speaks volumes; it suggests that our human spirits still respond to the needs of others. How proud Mrs. Adams must be of her son!
From WTHR, Bloomington, Indiana: This is a story of an elderly woman, Caroline Senour, who was literally stuck in her home due to the heavy snows and below-freezing weather. She felt physically trapped in her small apartment; the 80-year-old has a history of falls and feared that venturing outside her apartment on the icy sidewalks to get to her snow-covered car presented a clear danger to her health. The trouble is, she was beginning to run out of her store of food.
Then came the knock on the door. Andy Scherle, the property manager at Woodbridge Apartments, has a heart for caring about his elderly tenants. He made a huge pot of chili and enlisted the aid of the apartment complex housekeeping staff to check on the elderly and deliver them bowls of the hot chili. "I like to check up on them and see how they're doing, especially when it gets this cold," Scherle said. "I don't want to wait for a health check from family members if we can be the ones to go check first. Showing up at their front door, putting a smile on their face, it lets them know you actually do care and you're not there just to collect rent and see them on the first."
The simple act of kindness was not lost on Caroline. "It almost brought tears to my eyes," she said. "I was just so surprised at the generosity and thoughtfulness. It feels like you're not stuck here and you're not all alone. You just don't see that quite often, do you?" No, Caroline, you don't. But it is more evidence that the spirits of human beings have not been completely desensitized by the culture, and our elderly are still honored and respected. Good job, Andy Scherle!
Finally, From WKMG, St. Cloud, Florida: Glenn Buratti is a 6-year-old little boy with Autism. It was his birthday and his mother had invited all 16 of his classmates to his birthday party -- but no one showed up. "To see the look on his face killed me inside," said his mother, Ashlee Buratti. Glenn was so devastated that no one was coming to his party that he refused to smile. Her heart breaking, Ashlee wrote a post on her Facebook page, describing how much it hurt to see her son so disappointed. What happened next shows that the human race is still ... well, human.
Almost immediately, strangers began arriving with their children and gifts. The Osceloa County Sheriff's department saw Ashlee's Facebook post and dispatched their helicopter to do a fly-over of Glenn's impromptu party. The deputies also pooled their money and bought the little boy birthday gifts. As for the heartsick mother, she says the response from her one post on Facebook has almost been overwhelming, but has restored her faith in a higher power and the human spirit. "The amazingness of everybody coming together for someone that they didn't even know," she said. "A kid that didn't have anybody come to his birthday party ... It warmed my heart."
Now, these stories are not earth-shattering, nor are they likely to change the course of our human nature. I am not trying to present a rosy picture of life or lessen the technological threat about which I will continue to warn you. I truly feel that the rapid advancement and integration of computers into our lives has served to isolate us and detach our feelings from our fellow man; and where we are headed truly frightens me.
But I wanted to relate these human stories to show that no matter how "technologically advanced" or "unified" we become with our computerized culture, our spirits are made to respond to each other's needs. That's the part of Himself that God implanted in our DNA when He created us. The futurists can try to deny that concept as they forge ahead with their plans, but anytime that a human being recognizes the needs of another, he is showing us a picture of God -- something that no computerized being can replicate. Yes, it may only be a shovelful of snow, a bowl of chili, or wishing a little boy "Happy Birthday" -- but I hope these stories put a smile on your face. The world needs a little picture of kindness, don't you think?
Micah 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
From WTVR, Virginia: The weather has hovered around 16 degrees in Nottoway County, Virginia for the last few days, and the snow has been piling up, with more expected in the coming week. Teresa Adams was driving her son, Tommy, to high school where he is a Senior, when he suddenly asked her to stop the car. At first she was frightened, not knowing what was going on or what he had seen. It happened to be an elderly gentleman who was out in the snow, with his walker, trying to clear the piles of snow from his driveway that had been deposited by a county snowplow.
Tommy asked the elderly man to give him the snow shovel and he proceeded to spend the next 15 minutes shoveling the deep snow from his driveway. “He said ‘God bless you, the world needs more people like you,'” Tommy recalled. But Tommy's motivation was simple: he saw a need and reached out to help. “I try to do good for the elderly because one day I may need help, too,” he said.
In this age, most kids Tommy's age are glued to their cell phones, and they are not cognizant of anything that does not impact their immediate domain. But Tommy's simple act of kindness speaks volumes; it suggests that our human spirits still respond to the needs of others. How proud Mrs. Adams must be of her son!
From WTHR, Bloomington, Indiana: This is a story of an elderly woman, Caroline Senour, who was literally stuck in her home due to the heavy snows and below-freezing weather. She felt physically trapped in her small apartment; the 80-year-old has a history of falls and feared that venturing outside her apartment on the icy sidewalks to get to her snow-covered car presented a clear danger to her health. The trouble is, she was beginning to run out of her store of food.
Then came the knock on the door. Andy Scherle, the property manager at Woodbridge Apartments, has a heart for caring about his elderly tenants. He made a huge pot of chili and enlisted the aid of the apartment complex housekeeping staff to check on the elderly and deliver them bowls of the hot chili. "I like to check up on them and see how they're doing, especially when it gets this cold," Scherle said. "I don't want to wait for a health check from family members if we can be the ones to go check first. Showing up at their front door, putting a smile on their face, it lets them know you actually do care and you're not there just to collect rent and see them on the first."
The simple act of kindness was not lost on Caroline. "It almost brought tears to my eyes," she said. "I was just so surprised at the generosity and thoughtfulness. It feels like you're not stuck here and you're not all alone. You just don't see that quite often, do you?" No, Caroline, you don't. But it is more evidence that the spirits of human beings have not been completely desensitized by the culture, and our elderly are still honored and respected. Good job, Andy Scherle!
Finally, From WKMG, St. Cloud, Florida: Glenn Buratti is a 6-year-old little boy with Autism. It was his birthday and his mother had invited all 16 of his classmates to his birthday party -- but no one showed up. "To see the look on his face killed me inside," said his mother, Ashlee Buratti. Glenn was so devastated that no one was coming to his party that he refused to smile. Her heart breaking, Ashlee wrote a post on her Facebook page, describing how much it hurt to see her son so disappointed. What happened next shows that the human race is still ... well, human.
Almost immediately, strangers began arriving with their children and gifts. The Osceloa County Sheriff's department saw Ashlee's Facebook post and dispatched their helicopter to do a fly-over of Glenn's impromptu party. The deputies also pooled their money and bought the little boy birthday gifts. As for the heartsick mother, she says the response from her one post on Facebook has almost been overwhelming, but has restored her faith in a higher power and the human spirit. "The amazingness of everybody coming together for someone that they didn't even know," she said. "A kid that didn't have anybody come to his birthday party ... It warmed my heart."
Now, these stories are not earth-shattering, nor are they likely to change the course of our human nature. I am not trying to present a rosy picture of life or lessen the technological threat about which I will continue to warn you. I truly feel that the rapid advancement and integration of computers into our lives has served to isolate us and detach our feelings from our fellow man; and where we are headed truly frightens me.
But I wanted to relate these human stories to show that no matter how "technologically advanced" or "unified" we become with our computerized culture, our spirits are made to respond to each other's needs. That's the part of Himself that God implanted in our DNA when He created us. The futurists can try to deny that concept as they forge ahead with their plans, but anytime that a human being recognizes the needs of another, he is showing us a picture of God -- something that no computerized being can replicate. Yes, it may only be a shovelful of snow, a bowl of chili, or wishing a little boy "Happy Birthday" -- but I hope these stories put a smile on your face. The world needs a little picture of kindness, don't you think?
Micah 6:8 "He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?"
February 13, 2015
What Happened To America's Pride?
The word "PRIDE" is defined as "a feeling or deep pleasure or satisfaction derived from one's own achievements, the achievements of those with whom one is closely associated, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired; the consciousness of one's own dignity." In this sense, "pride" is a good thing; it insinuates a common theme of respect, esteem, and worthiness.
Do you remember when our country and countrymen used to be proud of who we were; that our traditions and institutions were worthy of honor and respect? When what we stood for, and our appearance, mattered?
Maybe I'm just too old, but I remember store owners sweeping out front of their entrances; streets and roadways clean of litter; and community parks and byways mowed and manicured. I remember when it was a matter of pride to be selected to raise and lower the flag in the school courtyard; when people dressed up to worship in God's House; and when immorality was not tolerated in our public officials.
I don't know about where you live, but gang graffiti is written across every bridge overpass and on the sides of every train car. Unsightly litter is strewn everywhere; the streets of my little rural town have potholes you could swim in; and the right-of-ways have weeds and grass growing to your knees.
Even big metropolitan cities are pictures of "urban decay"... both spiritual and physical. Flags in front of Federal buildings are often faded, tattered and torn. The trendy, popular mega-churches are filled with worshippers dressed in t-shirts and flip-flops; or they look as if they just threw on last night's party clothes. And the immorality that is tolerated! It seems that moral standards and principles of behavior no longer apply --- from the pastors of our Churches; to the administrators of our Schools; to the bureaucrats elected to represent us and oversee justice in the land.
I know that there are those who would say those are old-fashioned and intolerant opinions. That we have "progressed" to a more open and permissive society; one that allows for "relativity" and "diversity" in our shared communities. They would tell us that we have evolved from a White, Protestant culture to a multi-colored, multi-cultured society; therefore, there is no longer a set of absolute standards or the need (or desire) for a universal pattern to follow.
I agree that we have been enriched from the ever-changing dynamics of the American population. I believe that God designed this nation to be the melting pot of all those He created; that the blessings of this nation have grown as we adopted the noble and worthy attributes of all those who found their way to our shores. I believe all that ... as long as we continue to build on, and maintain, the original foundation of this national venture; to take pride in mutual ownership, so to speak.
It seems that "America", itself, has gotten lost in the national dialogue. Those who celebrate the idea of a "Progressive America" are so consumed with allowing for our cultural differences, that the common denominator of who and where we have fallen on the timeline of history is no longer on our national conscience. Pride has taken a back seat to affirmation... every cultural nuance must be given equal status and support, with no consideration to what binds us together. Where are the "widely admired qualities" of what it means to live in America? Or, in other words, do we even possess a common standard in which we can view each other as fellow Americans? Are we invested in our joint occupation of this blessed land?
I'm afraid I don't see it anymore. Faith has become a lightening rod. We can't even agree on the definition of Marriage or Family. The Constitution used to guarantee us certain freedoms and rights, but even that venerable document has become a wedge between us.
The way I see it, throughout our history Pride has been the glue in the fabric of this nation's consciousness. Each new cultural group, through struggle and perseverance, melded into the formation that is America. They brought the best of their values and principles to the composition of this nation, and the fabric was made stronger in a renewed covenant as Americans. But with the deterioration of Pride in identifying oneself as American, the fabric has begun to fray and disintegrate.
I began this post talking about how the outward appearance of Pride in America is disappearing. However, I think that is just a manifestation of the lack of internal pride in who we are as a nation and a people. "Relative standards" cannot bind a people together; they can only serve to separate and divide.
1 Corinthians 1:10 "I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment."
Do you remember when our country and countrymen used to be proud of who we were; that our traditions and institutions were worthy of honor and respect? When what we stood for, and our appearance, mattered?
Maybe I'm just too old, but I remember store owners sweeping out front of their entrances; streets and roadways clean of litter; and community parks and byways mowed and manicured. I remember when it was a matter of pride to be selected to raise and lower the flag in the school courtyard; when people dressed up to worship in God's House; and when immorality was not tolerated in our public officials.
I don't know about where you live, but gang graffiti is written across every bridge overpass and on the sides of every train car. Unsightly litter is strewn everywhere; the streets of my little rural town have potholes you could swim in; and the right-of-ways have weeds and grass growing to your knees.
Even big metropolitan cities are pictures of "urban decay"... both spiritual and physical. Flags in front of Federal buildings are often faded, tattered and torn. The trendy, popular mega-churches are filled with worshippers dressed in t-shirts and flip-flops; or they look as if they just threw on last night's party clothes. And the immorality that is tolerated! It seems that moral standards and principles of behavior no longer apply --- from the pastors of our Churches; to the administrators of our Schools; to the bureaucrats elected to represent us and oversee justice in the land.
I know that there are those who would say those are old-fashioned and intolerant opinions. That we have "progressed" to a more open and permissive society; one that allows for "relativity" and "diversity" in our shared communities. They would tell us that we have evolved from a White, Protestant culture to a multi-colored, multi-cultured society; therefore, there is no longer a set of absolute standards or the need (or desire) for a universal pattern to follow.
I agree that we have been enriched from the ever-changing dynamics of the American population. I believe that God designed this nation to be the melting pot of all those He created; that the blessings of this nation have grown as we adopted the noble and worthy attributes of all those who found their way to our shores. I believe all that ... as long as we continue to build on, and maintain, the original foundation of this national venture; to take pride in mutual ownership, so to speak.
It seems that "America", itself, has gotten lost in the national dialogue. Those who celebrate the idea of a "Progressive America" are so consumed with allowing for our cultural differences, that the common denominator of who and where we have fallen on the timeline of history is no longer on our national conscience. Pride has taken a back seat to affirmation... every cultural nuance must be given equal status and support, with no consideration to what binds us together. Where are the "widely admired qualities" of what it means to live in America? Or, in other words, do we even possess a common standard in which we can view each other as fellow Americans? Are we invested in our joint occupation of this blessed land?
I'm afraid I don't see it anymore. Faith has become a lightening rod. We can't even agree on the definition of Marriage or Family. The Constitution used to guarantee us certain freedoms and rights, but even that venerable document has become a wedge between us.
The way I see it, throughout our history Pride has been the glue in the fabric of this nation's consciousness. Each new cultural group, through struggle and perseverance, melded into the formation that is America. They brought the best of their values and principles to the composition of this nation, and the fabric was made stronger in a renewed covenant as Americans. But with the deterioration of Pride in identifying oneself as American, the fabric has begun to fray and disintegrate.
I began this post talking about how the outward appearance of Pride in America is disappearing. However, I think that is just a manifestation of the lack of internal pride in who we are as a nation and a people. "Relative standards" cannot bind a people together; they can only serve to separate and divide.
1 Corinthians 1:10 "I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment."
February 3, 2015
Propoganda To The Masses
If you wanted to transmit subliminal messages to the world, and get the most bang for your buck, where would you do it? Why, the Super Bowl of course! Millions of viewers tune in each year to watch this media extravaganza that has turned into a no-brainer for capturing the attention of mindless viewers who soak up commercial after commercial. In fact, I would submit that even if people don't have a favorite team to root for, they will watch just to see the commercials!
Remember, we now live in a culture that is desperate to be entertained. We crave anything that appeals to our flesh ... excitement, emotions, or new concepts of how we should live our lives.
You all know that I see things from a Biblical worldview. It is my belief that the world's Culture -- and that's with a capital "C" -- has tempted and seduced mankind towards a false destiny. To Christians, the Culture has become like the Whore of Babylon mentioned in the Book of Revelation. To the Secularist, the Culture is just a new and better way to live in the world; a "new world order", so to speak. And the force behind this false message is none other than Lucifer, himself.
He's done a good job of showing us this "new order" through movies, TV, video games, social media, and the ever-expanding applications available on our computer devices. And he was so clever in making it all addictive. Our minds have been programmed to seek the latest stimulus and to be influenced by its message -- whether it be harmful or beneficial to us.
It is the job of those who are in the service of Satan's system to create the most engaging, captivating and alluring messages to woo us away from God's foundational principles. The Super Bowl commercials do just that, and the massive audience who tunes in make it the best, biggest, and easiest way to push that agenda.
But if you take a serious look at the commercials, you can discern what the "underlying" message is meant to be. Let me share just a few from the 2015 smorgasbord of false and tempting messages meant to inspire us and prepare us for a different destiny.
There was plenty of apocalyptic messages to go around. There was a trailer for the next movie in the successful Terminator franchise, as well as one for Jurassic World. It seems that both "The Singularity" of man and robot, and the Science of genetic manipulations were well represented.
And take the Carnival Cruise Line ad that ran a voice-over by President John F. Kennedy: (Quote): "I don't really know why it is that we are all so committed to the sea ... it is, I think ... because we all came from the sea. We are tied to the ocean, and when we go back to the sea, we are going back from whence we came...". (Closed Quote). The spot ends with the words "Come back to the sea." Keep in mind, that the entire 60 seconds of this spot is showing people of all ages, ethnic backgrounds, and countries; some holding hands, others smiling at each other. "We are all one community", it seems to tell us. Then there is the not-so-subtle message that we evolved from the sea. Oh, and let's make sure that we suggest there is no Sovereign Creator.
The same could be said of the Jeep ad, titled "This Land is Your Land." Great, you might be thinking ... a good old rah-rah American ad. But after the opening lines and stunning images that refer us to California, New York, the redwood forests, and the Gulf Stream waters, the images move to scenes from around the world. We are shown scenes of India, Asia, the Great Wall of China, the statue of Christ of the Andes in Argentina, the Middle East, and Australia. Wait! This was a song written by Woodie Guthrie about America! But in the Super Bowl version, it is obvious that we are to take away the message that "this land" belongs to everyone ... we are all part of this "one world system". In fact, the written message at the end of the ad is this: "The World is a Gift. Play Responsibly. Water is Life. Help Provide It." So we get a little global warming message thrown in, along with the idea that Man -- not God -- is in control of our natural resources.
And Mophie Powerless Batteries ran an ad that featured various doomsday scenarios: ashes falling from heaven; material objects being sucked up into the sky; trees spontaneously combusting; weather stations announcing "blizzards in Africa" and "tsunamis in Paris" while wild hyenas enter the studio. It showed social chaos while meteors showered lawless cities, and the laws of matter and nature being displaced as satellites spun out of control. The camera pans into outer space and we see God (who looks suspiciously like Lionel Richie in his Commodore days) peering at his failing cell phone battery. This version of a gentle God mutters, "Gosh darn it" and we see the message on screen, "When Your Battery Dies, God Knows What Can Happen."
You can decide for yourself what we were supposed to take away from this 60 second mini-movie. Is God a selfish God who is uncaring about the events that take place on earth? Or is it that God is pro-technology; and without technological power, the earth descends into chaos? You can bet that there was a specific reason that the powers-that-be chose to advertise a cell phone battery in this manner.
And speaking of technology and mobile applications, The Game of War was able to combine sex and a prophetic message in its ad. As a meteor comes crashing into her castle, Super-model Kate Upton pronounces "The thing about empires ... is that the bigger you build them, the more your enemies want to knock them down. Let them have their fun. You and I will revisit them soon enough. Do you want to come and play?" In the background, fire abounds and nephilim hybrids battle mankind. But the average person watching is just thinking, "Wow! Cool game!" But I heard and saw something far more ominous in those words and images.
And speaking of ominous sounds ... the ad for SquareSpace, a website builder, featuring actor Jeff Bridges chanting "Ooooom", was downright chilling. "Om" is is a mantra and mystical sound of Hindu origin (geographically India and Nepal). It is sacred and important in various religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. It is used in meditation to empty your mind and gain a realization of "The Highest". There was no mistaking the intent of that commercial!
These are just a few of the ads that aired during the two-plus hours of the Super Bowl. You might think that I am making too much of them; that what harm can be done by watching a 60-second commercial? It is not the time period that is the danger. It is the importance that we have given to endorsing what the Culture promotes, versus the decreased value we have given to God's message. One of these ads by itself may not make an impact. But when taken together -- when they are combined over hours of watching TV and movies, or playing the latest online video game -- and when the entire country can't wait to see what commercials will be shown to our addicted minds ... well, I just wish we were as hungry for God's Word, and His stories, and His content. In the meantime, Lucifer has a winning strategy. Why should he change the playbook?
To see these ads and more, click here. How do you discern their message?
1 John 2:16 "For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world."
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