A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Satan's Dominion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satan's Dominion. Show all posts

May 2, 2020

A Page From Satan's Playbook

     I feel like it's déja vu all over again. Yet, I shouldn't be surprised because Satan just uses the same old playbook over and over, because it works! Let me explain ... I am blessed to have friendships with people of all generations. And lately, the thirty-somethings are beginning to awaken to what's going on behind the curtain with this virus pandemic. They are sending me links to papers by the Global Business Network, subsidized by the Rockefeller Foundation, and with chapter titles like this: LOCK STEP: A World of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback. 
     As Americans are beginning to protest government control of their lives it's hard to ignore the reality that this plague has affected millions. We are now being warned of food shortages, and the drums of war are being hinted at. Let me see.... in just the last few months we have experienced a global plague. Famine is becoming a very real threat [and not just to third-world countries] -- meat is being rationed in our country, even as I write, and dairy cows have been slaughtered, along with millions of pigs and chickens. And wars and rumors of war are whispered among "those in the know". Where have I  heard that before? Oh, yeah, they are the beginnings of birth pangs that Jesus talks about in Matthew 24. These world events pretty much resemble the four horsemen of the apocalypse in Revelation 6, too -- the red horse symbolizing war and bloodshed; the black horse is famine; and the pale horse is pestilence and death.
     But, I'm not writing to say that we should get ready for the Tribulation, or that the End of the World is here. To be honest, I'm not interested in predicting when that time will come -- no one knows except our Father, not even Jesus, Himself. So, I'm more focused on being alert to what the Enemy's agenda and playbook are, so that I can endure to the end [whenever it is] and be an overcomer. And that means I want to help others be able to see what is happening in the world from a non-political standpoint. We must be able to see in the spirit, and see what is going on behind the dirty veil that the devil is so good at presenting to the general population.
     At the beginning of this post, I mentioned that it feels like déja vu. I say that because beginning in 2014, I was writing about the undermining of our nation's Constitution, our republic, and our basic civil rights; that we were seriously eroding the truth that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." I remember having to memorize this paragraph from the Declaration of Independence in my elementary Social Studies classes, but now I see that "new Government" as being the Kingdom of God, with the faithful acting as the Ekklesia [governing body of Believers acting as representatives of the Heavenly government of the Father]. But there is a spiritual force that doesn't want to see that happen.
     Back in 2014, I made mention of a political activist and theorist named Saul Alinsky. He wrote a book in 1971 titled Rules for Radicals in which he subscribed to 12 rules about how to successfully run a movement for change. That little book has greatly influenced our social and political climate for the last 50 years. And I find it most notable for the dedication of the book, in which Alinsky writes, "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical ... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom -- Lucifer".
     There you have it .... the allusion of the kingdom of darkness versus the Kingdom of God. And the rules which Alinsky promoted certainly mimic Satan's agenda and methodology. To begin with, there is rule #3, which states "Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of your Enemy. Look for ways to increase insecurity, anxiety, and uncertainty". The way in which the so-called "experts" have disseminated [dis]information about this virus has resulted in the loss of freedoms that we have taken for granted. This falls right in line with Satan as the Father of Lies whose modus operandi is Deception and false accusations. 
    Another rule of the social and political radicals, as well as the first radical, Lucifer, is "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself". That's certainly true of the Covid-19 scare. The original estimation of deaths in America was 2.2 million or more. As of this date, the number is just shy of 64,000. Please understand that I am not making light of that number. Any death is significant, but you can see how this strategy parallels Satan's strategy of getting us to worry about things that haven't even happened yet, or that are far less devastating than he has given us to imagine. Satan's goal is to demoralize Christians into a state of passivity, resulting in his kingdom continuing to dominate the earth. 
     Rule #12 of Rules for Radicals is "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it". That's pretty much what Satan did to Job, isn't it? He cut off Job's support network, and isolated him from sympathy. He attempted to get Job to turn against the very One who believed in him and had blessed him, and would be there to restore him. 
     These are just a few of Alinsky's rules for instituting social change, and it's not hard to see them at work in our current situation, and see them as similar to Satan's tactics. But let's not forget another diabolical tactic known as the Hegelian Dialect. In short, here's how it works .... Step number one looks like this: Our Enemy knows that, instinctively, people won't go for restricted freedoms, so they cause a problem [that didn't naturally occur] which is step number two, which causes panic and conflict. Then they come up with step number three: a solution to solve the manufactured problem, which turns out to be their original goal [i.e., restricted freedoms]. The people will embrace it because they just want the panic and conflict to go away. 
     For example, we can see this scenario in the world ... a man-made virus being unleashed on the world, causing death, panic, destroyed economies, and loss of jobs. With the threat of an on-going pandemic, the masses will clamor for a solution and agree to mandatory vaccines. In the Spirit, we see that Satan desires men to doubt God in the midst of this pandemic; sending spirits of fear and abandonment to invade our isolation, and causing us to seek solutions in our own power instead of pressing into the power of God in us to help us endure. He wants us to trust ourselves, or human leaders, more than we trust our Father and Savior. It's all about perpetuating Satan's kingdom of darkness and stopping the advance of God's Kingdom on the earth.
     But, we must cling to the truth that we exist in Christ, who is a safe realm that we can step into and be protected during this storm. And we need to walk in our identity in the Kingdom. Our authentic citizenship is in Heaven, seated next to Christ, the King of all Creation -- we are temporary [and secondarily] citizens of this world. We must not get distracted from anything that Satan aligns with in order to divert us from our purpose in this life. We have a destiny that surpasses whatever we may experience during our short lifetime in this realm called earth. 
     We were made for eternity, but we have a job to do while we're here in our temporary home. So, Satan and his minions can develop all the rules and radical ideas they can imagine. But they will never defeat God's sovereign plan for His people or this planet. He will rule and reign as King, and Satan's radicals will pay the price for their rebellion unless they choose to be redeemed. So, don't get discouraged! It may seem like dark days are ahead of us, and we wonder when this nightmare will end. But this is our opportunity to persevere for the Kingdom of God; spreading the Good News that the Light of Heaven has brought a promise of our deliverance into the realm of the Kingdom of God. Let us be about our Father's business until our Lord returns!

Isaiah 9:2      The people who walked in darkness have seen a great Light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has Light shone.


April 22, 2020

Look Behind The Curtain: How Covid-19 and Abortion Are Connected

     While the majority of us are experiencing a slow-down in every area of our lives, Satan is working overtime to advance his agenda while we are distracted with Covid-19. And I want to show you how he is using this virus to interject himself into the pharmaceutical and abortion industries, and how it all intersects.
     I was greatly surprised to find that the celebrated medical journal, Lancet, featured a paper declaring that a “sexual and reproductive health and justice policy agenda must be at the heart of the COVID-19 response.” In an article on the website LifeSite, the paper is also quoted as stating, "Global responses to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic are converging with pervasive, existing sexual and reproductive health and justice inequities to disproportionately impact the health, well-being, and economic stability of women, girls, and vulnerable populations".
    My spirit became stirred up at the language in just these two sentences ... "health and justice policy agenda" and "pervasive, existing sexual and reproductive health and justice inequities" and "vulnerable populations". They don't exactly sound like they fit with my Biblical worldview. In fact the word pervasive refers to an unwelcome influence or physical effect -- you can interpret that to mean a live birth -- and justice inequities points to any governmental policy that bans abortion. But I didn't want to judge based on any false preconceptions I might have, so I decided to look into the medical and educational backgrounds of some of the nine women credited with the paper.
     The first was Kelli Stidham Hall, an Associate Professor in the Departments of Behavioral Sciences and Health Education, Epidemiology, and Obstetrics and Gynecology at Emory University. Her long bio expresses her interests in the social, behavioral, reproductive, and physical health models of young women, which falls under a term I was not familiar with, "medical demography". But buried deep within her extensive and impressive credentials, the first clue to the purpose of this paper became clear -- She currently serves on the Executive Committee of the National Medical Committee of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
     OK, let's move on to the next contributor to the paper, Goleen Samari. Here, we find a few more clues. Ms. Samari is also a public health demographer, whose research focuses on social inequities and health. Her bio says she largely focuses on "sexual and reproductive health and rights" and "her work also aims to bridge the gap between research and policy." Are you starting to pick up on the code words for abortion ... social inequities and health; reproductive health and rights; research and policy?
     Now, I want to make sure I'm not being unfair to these brilliant young women and researchers, so I looked at the next two contributors, Samantha Garbers and Sara Casey. Ms. Garbers's bio says she works with the "Latina and Black communities, and individuals with limited health literacy" and she "directed the development and testing of a low-literacy, computer-based contraceptive decision-making tool". She also is credited with "evaluating innovative interventions to improve public health for diverse populations including sexual and gender minority youth and adults, adolescent males and women seeking reproductive health care". Now, all that is impressive but rather vague and the repeated use of the word "intervention" in the remainder of her bio again made my spirit sit up and take notice. So I asked the question, "What does the word intervention mean in the medical field"? The answer: "The act of intervening, interfering or interceding with the intent of modifying the outcome. In medicine, an intervention is usually undertaken to help treat or cure a condition." And just what do you think is the condition she might want to "cure and modify"? Pregnancy! 
     That leaves Ms. Casey. She doesn't even hide her agenda. Her bio reads, "Sara Casey, DrPH, is Assistant Professor and Director of the Reproductive Health Access, Information and Services in Emergencies (RAISE) Initiative. In this role, she collaborates with program partners to identify and respond to challenges to improve contraceptive and abortion-related services in countries whose health systems have been weakened by war or natural disaster." I think it's safe to say that the remaining five women are going to share the same agenda. 
     At the heart of this paper is a  policy agenda that condemns the Trump administration’s ban on foreign aid to abortion groups, and also calls for expanding “telemedicine” abortions (dispensing abortion pills after communicating with a doctor via webcam), and eliminating “legal and policy restrictions to sexual and reproductive health service provision.” In other words, this paper, and therefore this medical journal, have gone beyond the scope of medicine and are promoting a social policy agenda [under the guise of reproductive health] for young people, disadvantaged youth, minorities, and war-torn countries and advocating abortion as a policy objective.
     And in May, 2019, the Lancet chose to abandon its veneer of scientific objectivity in favor of endorsing legal abortion in strikingly partisan terms, declaring abortion a “settled, inviolable right that is central to achieving not only reproductive health goals but women's freedom over their own bodies”; and degrading pro-life legislation as “regressive, religious, and repressive law-making” that’s somehow inconsistent with being “advocates for women.”  Their intentions, along with the research of these young women, are clear. But to take advantage of this Covid-19 pandemic to push this unBiblical social agenda is appalling to me. In essence, they lament that medical treatment for Covid-19 patients is limiting access to abortion, and they demand that the termination of a fetus should have as much priority as saving the live of a victim of the virus. How do they sleep at night?
     As if this pandemic is not being co-opted enough, another article on LifeSite, reported that "Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director of Children of God for Life, a prolife organization whose mission is to end the use of aborted fetal material in vaccines and medicines" discovered that Moderna, the company that has been recently touted in news headlines for its development of the mRNA-1273 vaccine to fight the virus, uses aborted fetal cell lines.
     In short, Moderna is promoting its development of the Spike (S) protein in its bid for a patent and to be among the first to develop an anti-Covid vaccine. Of course, there's big money to be made there, right? Wikipedia reports that in April 2020, the Moderna share price rose on news of imminent phase 2 human trials for its potential COVID-19 vaccine. That means that French businessman and CEO of Moderna, Stéphane Bancel's, stake of about 9% makes his net worth now over $1 billion. And all that money will be made at the expense of aborted babies.
     Obviously referencing the Lancet paper, Ms. Vinnedge countered the accusation that the ban on the use of aborted fetal tissue was blocking important research and treatments for Covid-19 virus. “That accusation is laughable at best and nothing more than a political maneuver,” stated Vinnedge. “In fact, we have morally produced treatments for patients who are already infected, notably Hydroxychloroquine or Plaquenil. And there are more promising treatments on the way to prevent infection entirely... It is deplorable that anyone would want to exploit the remains of aborted babies for financial profit especially when so many people will refuse to use those products because of their deeply held religious, moral and pro-life convictions” she added. “We applaud the efforts of companies [such as Sanofi Pasteur] who are providing morally acceptable options!”
     So, there you have it! Satan never wastes a good opportunity! And neither do those who can't see the heart of God for His creation. I know there will be those who shout for women's rights over their own bodies, but those fetuses are part of their bodies, created by God. And how do they rationalize that the created have any right to question or destroy what the Creator has made? It continues to sadden me that so many are confused over this issue of the rights of the unborn. And many are women who have children of their own that I know they love dearly. Can they not see that the social policy of abortion denies that their precious child was once the fetal cells that they now declare as disposable and expendable? Would they be willing to give up one of their children for the development of a vaccine? Because, in essence, that is what they are approving of by supporting this agenda.
     Lord, the prophets are declaring that we will come out of this with a revival; a refreshed and renewed spirit will sweep the world. I pray that the Ecclesia rises up and governs from the perspective of Heaven's Kingdom and defeats this abhorrent practice once and for all. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done!

Luke 17:2    It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

March 2, 2020

Faith In The Midst Of The Corona Virus

     My heart and my spirit are burdened today with a task from the Lord. I'm not burdened in the sense of anything negative or too heavy to carry; but rather with a serious responsibility to deliver a specific message to a specific group. And I don't want to fail my assignment.
      But I first need you to understand that I don't write this blog to gain notoriety or applause. In fact, I have come to realize that this website is inconsequential in a world where internet popularity is the goal. A couple of years ago, the numbers of people checking in to read the various posts plummeted drastically. I guess Google isn't interested in promoting the Gospel of the Kingdom. And at one point I asked God if it was time to quit; if my usefulness to Him had reached its conclusion. But I clearly heard, "If one person seeks Me through the words you are inspired to write, then there is still work to be done". Okay, God, I'll keep writing if You will keep telling me what You want Your people to hear.
     And that brings me to my task for today. I usually don't bother checking numbers of readers or the their countries of origin. But every once in awhile, I like to see if my message has gotten beyond the internet censors and what topics might be speaking the loudest. The last week or so I have been stunned to see the numbers rise steeply, with the predominate number coming from Hong Kong, which has outdistanced American readers by far! The only factor I could discern that would cause this effect would be the Corona virus.
     The purpose of this blog post is not to discuss the various theories or conspiracies regarding the virus. I personally believe that it is a far more serious threat to the population of the world than we are being told. Mind you, I pay little attention to the mainstream media or the information they provide. And I am aware of all the speculation and questions regarding the virus being weaponized, or manipulated to make millions off of a vaccine, or unleashed on the United States to take down our economy. [NOTE: if you are interested in considering the technicalities/theory of how this virus attacks our bodies, listen to this video from QuantumCommand.net].
     Could any [or all] of these premises be true? I think so, and I also believe the ultimate purpose of this Corona virus could be to become a potential demonic device of Biblical proportions. BUT, I also know that what the devil means for evil, our God means for His good (Genesis 50:20). 
     That is not simply a trite hyperbole intended to gloss over this serious situation. These are the words spoken by Joseph, the son of Jacob, to his brothers who had sold him into slavery in Egypt. They fear retribution from their brother, who has found favor in the midst of his captivity, but what does Joseph say instead? "Don’t be afraid of me. Am I God, that I can punish you?  You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people [my emphasis]". And regardless of the origin and/or intent of this deadly virus, that is the message I want to convey.
     You see, the word "Corona" is derived from the Ancient Greek word koroné, meaning "garland or wreath", and it means "crown" in Latin. Can you perceive that whatever the circumstances of the Corona virus's origin, that Satan seeks to corrupt God's purpose in all things? That he seeks to usurp Jesus's crown of Sonship and King, and use anything at his disposal to steal, kill, or destroy the spread of Faith in Jesus Christ across the globe? 
     And that brings me back to readers in Hong Kong. I am fully aware of what the prophets in the Church of America are saying ... that the Corona virus is Satan's answer to the global revival that is about to come upon the earth; and that no matter how Satan tries to engineer this virus for destruction, that God will have an antidote of His own, so to speak, that will drastically reduce the strength or effectiveness of the virus. And I do not discount either of these prophecies. Their accuracy remains to be seen.
     But what I do see, right now, within the community of Christians in China, is incredible faith in the midst of a rising death toll, and it is these followers of Jesus that I wish to encourage. It is well-known that the Christian faith is under extreme persecution in Communist China. In effect, the Church has been forced to go "underground", and the Home Church movement has exploded as Christianity has become the fastest growing religion in China. The Los Angeles Times reports that "Fenggang Yang, founding director of the Center on Religion and Chinese Society at Purdue University, predicts that by 2030 China will have more Christians than any other country." Is it any wonder that Satan might target this nation of nearly 1.4 billion people?
      However, as the Corona virus continues to spread across mainland China, it is the Christians who are continuing to do the work of Jesus. As donations from across the world have poured into China, it is the Christian ministries -- not the government -- who have brought hope to the epidemic-ravaged city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the disease, and at great risk to themselves. Although street preaching and public evangelism have ceased, the leaders in the Christian community are coordinating online sermons to combat the fear, frustration, stress, and trauma of the disease. They have also implemented a system of communication for those needing assistance and supplies.
     So, I want to encourage everyone reading this post to stop and take a moment to pray in the Spirit; to go before the throne of God and ask Him for compassion and mercy upon the people of China. Pray for Divine Hope to overcome despair; for the healing power of Jehovah Rapha to sweep over every city, village, and home. Let us come together in voices a million strong to demand that this virus be conquered in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ! Above all else, let us fast and pray that the deadly purpose of this virus be consumed by the increase of Faith, Love, and Hope exhibited by Christians around the world -- that not only will the Good News of Salvation in Jesus Christ come to millions, but the message will be expanded to declare the Gospel of the Kingdom.
     Jesus says in Matthew 24:14 that "this gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come". This is an opportunity for the Church in China to become the spearhead for the Kingdom message. Just as Joseph was brought to his position of Vizier, the second most powerful man in Egypt next to Pharaoh, so can the Christians of China be placed by God to take the lead in expanding His Kingdom gospel across the globe. 
     To that end, I bless the underground Churches in China, the Home Churches, and the individual Believers across Asia with Hope. And I remind you that theologian C.S. Lewis called Hope one of the virtues of a faithful Christian. And Dan Duval of Bride Ministries notes that the characteristics of "virtue" include strength and power that come from the Lord. So, I praise the Faith of all Chinese Christians as they bear witness of their Trust in the Lord to see them through this time of suffering, and I charge you with the desire to grow your message of Salvation to include the coming Kingdom of God upon the earth. 
     I am not a prophet. I cannot see what Satan plans to do with this virus. But I know my God. And He will not waver from His plan to see His Kingdom dominate and defeat the kingdom of darkness. God will see His plan for mankind fulfilled. He will see His Kingdom established upon the earth. And the ultimate goal of His plan is to see Himself glorified. So by His Mighty Presence in the hearts of Believers, may Hope reign in China and the Glory of the Lord shine bright for all to see!

Deuteronomy 31:6    So be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid and do not panic before them. For the Lord your God will personally go ahead of you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you. 


February 12, 2020

What Are You Afraid Of?

     I have had that thought running around in my mind for several days now. I think it is coming in response to what I'm seeing in the Body of Christ as we face increasing battles in the spiritual realms. This is not meant to scare anyone, but hopefully to get Christians to come out of a place of complacency and normalcy bias that threatens to leave them defenseless from a very real Enemy who is always working in the background to maintain his kingdom of darkness.
     I continue to be amazed at fellow Believers who are unaware of the spiritual battles being waged against mankind; and who don't have any idea of what the battlefield looks like, nor anything of the Enemy's tactics, let alone that they are to be engaged in the battle! "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge" is not just an Old Testament warning from God through the prophet Hosea for the people of Israel. The consequences of a lack of knowledge of God, His nature, His battles, and His enemy is not confined to a particular time period. 
     And yes, I know that God is Sovereign, and Jesus is all-powerful -- He won the victory over Death on the Cross; and in the end, we are victorious. But have we forgotten all the Scripture in the New Testament -- specifically in the Book of Revelation, which encourages us to remain steadfast in our faith [as over-comers and conquerors] as we face the onslaught of evil trying to defeat God's plan for restoration of His Heavenly Kingdom on earth? Here's just a few for you to contemplate ...
     Revelation 2:7, He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To the one who conquers I will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God.’
     Revelation 2:26, The one who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations,
     Revelation 3:5, The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels.
     Revelation 3:21, The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with Me on My throne, as I also conquered and sat down with My Father on His throne.
     Revelation 21:7, The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son.
      These are just a few of the verses that make it clear that our Salvation alone does not make us immune to torment nor battle. But the idea that there are spiritual realms where battles are being waged over mankind seems to have eluded so many of my fellow Christians. In fact, to many, anything spoken of in "spiritual terms" is looked upon with skepticism and doubt. I venture to say that most Christians are content to stay safely tucked away within the sphere of their "Church families", keeping a blind eye towards anything that threatens to upset their naively optimistic view of the world. It's just too scary to look behind the veil...
     And really, it is no different than the fear that kept the Israelites from entering the Promised Land on God's timeline. In Numbers 13, God told Moses He planned on giving the land of Canaan to the sons of Israel, but He first wanted them to go spy on the land so they would know what they were facing. Moses told the spies to check out what the land was like; whether the people who lived there were weak or strong; whether they were few or many; was the land good or bad; were the cities unprotected or fortified -- in other words, what would they need to know to be prepared to conquer the land and receive their inheritance from God. When the spies returned, ten of them reported that the people were too strong and they would be devoured if they tried to conquer the land. Only Caleb and Joshua declared that, "We should by all means go up and take possession of it, for we will surely overcome it.". 
     At least the Israelite spies agreed to go into the land to analyze and evaluate it! So many modern Christians refuse to even look at the areas that God wishes us to conquer, let alone try to engage in battle to plant the flag of His Kingdom. They refuse to look upon the evil machinations of men who partner with Satan's demonic agendas of de-population; of the manipulation of the human genome and DNA that mirrors what Satan tried to accomplish through the Nephilim in Genesis 6; of the robbing of souls that energizes demonic structures and strongholds via sex-trafficking and trade. There is so much that could be written, but I'm afraid it would only paralyze the Body of Christ even more than they already are.
     I'm not writing this to shock or sensationalize. I sincerely want "the Church" to awaken to the truth of the times we are living in, and what our purpose is, as children of God, ambassadors of the Kingdom, and members of Yeshua's army on earth. As Christians, we can no longer be satisfied to live out our days in a benign state of uninvolvement. Plans are being made to destroy individual lives as well as enslave all mankind by those who align themselves with the kingdom of darkness. Jesus did not die to give us salvation and eternal life, so that we could simply wait for Him to come back to defeat evil on His own. We have been given power and authority in ways we don't even comprehend!
     The apostles were given the spiritual knowledge that they needed in the first century to establish the Church; the Body of Christ who would evangelize the world, spreading the Good News that God's Kingdom was being restored to the earth, even as they defeated the devil's tactics of using sickness, demons, and death to conquer men. But the Church today doesn't even employ those spiritual weapons to battle our enemy! And through the centuries, Satan has corrupted so much more --  infiltrating technology, genetics, science, government, entertainment, the land, etc. with demonic interfaces and assignments -- and we think we can pray it all away, if we're even aware of it.
     So, I just want you to think about starting to look beyond your sphere of comfort and become engaged with this cosmic war that is going on in the heavenly realms. We can no longer afford to stick our heads in the sand and think we can avoid our scriptural mandate to be conquerors and overcomers. Look beyond the veil of the nightly news and let your spirit contemplate the power it has to partner with Jesus and His Heavenly Host to defeat the works of the devil. We have all been given a purpose and a race to run. It is a race to the finish line, and Satan is counting on us Christians sitting out the race we've been called to. Don't let fear of the unknown stop you. The words God spoke to Joshua [as He commanded him to take the territory of Canaan] are meant for you, too: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” 

Psalm 27:1   The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?  

January 23, 2020

Understanding Dominion and Free Will

     Last weekend Mark and I hosted a mini-conference on Inner Healing. We invited approximately 40 or so people who, having been through a deliverance session and received freedom in Christ, had answered our invitation to now learn how to extend that same freedom to others. In fact, these precious people were an answer to our prayers for the last couple of years. We have been praying for "laborers to come into the harvest"; there is an abundant harvest of people who need to be set free from their bondage to Satan, and learn to walk in their power and authority as redeemed believers and ambassadors of the Kingdom of God. Inner Healing and the Harvest go in hand-in-hand!
     You see, we believe that the ministry of Inner Healing mirrors Jesus's command in Matthew 10:7-8, And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give. Notice that proclaiming the Kingdom of God on earth is coupled with doing those acts toward our fellow man. Furthermore, the disciples are told that they have received this training/teaching from Jesus for free, and should therefore offer it freely to others. FACT: It is incumbent upon us to share the freedom that we freely receive.
     But before we gave the attendees of our conference the step-by-step instructions of how they could begin to do Inner Healing sessions for others, we needed to establish an understanding of what it meant that the Kingdom of Heaven "is at hand". NOTE: Other translations might read "the Kingdom has come near". In essence, they both are saying that the Kingdom of God is present on the earth. 
     This understanding of the presence of the Kingdom of God on earth must necessarily include an understanding of DOMINION -- what it is; who has it; and how it relates to Inner Healing. So, we always begin any discussion on why Inner Healing is necessary by going back to Genesis 1:26-28, and establishing that God gave Man dominion over the earth: Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”   
     Other translations substitute the word dominion in place of rule. It is important to know that the word dominion encompasses the broad concept of power, authority, rulership, and government. God designed us to rule the earth [and have power and authority over "every living thing that moves on the earth"], just as He rules Heaven. Got that? So, dominion was given to us to rule the earth, "as it is in Heaven". 
     BUT, God also gave us Free Will. Adam and Eve were told not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil: 15 The Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to tend and watch over it. 16 But the Lord God warned him, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden— 17 except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.” Tend and watch over it -- meaning to cultivate it, and to guard, protect, and preserve it. But also notice this -- God didn't make them robots and force them not to eat of this forbidden tree. In fact, He tells them they can "freely" eat of every tree in the garden except this one. But because He gave them Free Will, they were able to choose, on their own, whether to obey Him or to choose and eat of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. 
    I am making a point of this concept of Free Will interacting with Dominion because it became a sticking point for one of my dear friends who attended our conference. I had explained that Man was  given dominion over the earth, but Adam and Eve gave it up to Satan when they disobeyed God, and now Satan has dominion over the earth, resulting in mankind's bondage to him [and the need for Inner Healing to be set free from this bondage]. Jesus came to earth as the Son of God to re-establish the dominion of the earth for God's Heavenly Kingdom and to reinstate us in our original role -- to dominate, rule, and govern the earth. But I didn't go far enough in my explanation and incorporate how Free Will plays a part in whether we walk in that identity or not, and it resulted in confusion for my friend, and perhaps for others that attended. [That's why we encouraged people to ask questions, and how I hate that she didn't, because it grieves me that she left not fully understanding what we presented. It was also my fault for not taking the teaching to its final conclusion.] That is why I am presenting it here. I want everyone to see the "big picture"!
     Her confusion arose from her understanding that Jesus and God are all-powerful, so could Satan have dominion over the earth? I explained that Satan has power, but he's not all-powerful. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have dominion in our lives and on the earth. That's where our Free Will comes in. When Jesus came to earth and proclaimed the Good News that the Kingdom of God had arrived, He brought the power and authority of Heaven [with Him] to begin the transfer of the earth from Satan's dark kingdom back to God's Kingdom. And when He died and rose from the grave, He transferred that power and authority to us to continue His work of reclaiming earth [and lives] for Heaven. But here's the thing.... Jesus doesn't impose that power and authority upon us. We have to choose to accept it and walk in it. If we don't, then Satan can become all powerful in the life of someone who chooses to sadistically murder a child because that person has given Satan authority in his life. There is no evidence of the power of Jesus in that individual. BUT, he doesn't have to stay under the authority of Satan if he chooses to repent, renew his mind, and turn to Jesus as his Savior.
     You see, there is a BATTLE FOR DOMINION between Satan and Jesus -- between Satan's kingdom [where we see his authority and rulership in sex trafficking, child porn, the abortion industry, Hollywood, etc], and the Kingdom of God and Jesus's authority and rulership in the lives of Saved people. There would be no question that Jesus is "All-Powerful" and Satan has no power, if we all walked in the power and authority [to rule our lives and this earth] that Jesus gave us and as God planned for us to do. But the truth is, we don't! Jesus is not all-powerful in my life if I should choose to dishonor my parents, or abandon my husband in his time of need. The FULLNESS of the Kingdom is only a reality when Jesus returns, defeats the Enemies of God, and establishes His full Sovereignty in the Millennial Kingdom.
     That's why Jesus called Satan "the ruler of this dark world" (John 14:30) -- ruler, meaning "one who has authority, dominion" -- because he still rules/has dominion in some people's lives. And that's why Paul called the devil "the god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4) -- because people have given him power and authority in their lives. 
     I make this distinction because it is important for us to understand that, yes, Jesus is more powerful than Satan, and Satan has no claim on Him. But because of Free Will, given to us by the Father, we can choose to relinquish our power and authority as a co-heir with Christ and an ambassador of the Kingdom, opening ourselves up to Satan taking over areas of our lives and ruling them. That's when Shame, Guilt, Anger, Depression, Lust, Pride, for example, take up the territory that Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control should occupy. Those gifts are the fruit of walking in our power and authority to let Jesus have dominion in our lives. 
     But because we are human, and Satan is battling to gain some of that dominion for his kingdom, we may "miss the mark" and find ourselves in bondage to him. Inner Healing is what Jesus commanded in order to re-take that territory and restore our lives [and the lives of others] under the rulership (dominion) of God, the Father, and His Kingdom. Yes, Jesus is ALL-POWERFUL, but only if we use our Free Will to choose to walk in the power and authority He gave us, and if we choose Him! 

Daniel 7:14    And to Him was given Dominion and Glory and a Kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve Him; His Dominion is an everlasting Dominion, which shall not pass away, and His Kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.  

November 20, 2019

A Look At The Big Picture: Satan's kingdom vs The Kingdom of God

     Before we dive into this conversation, we need to ask some questions. The first obvious question is this ... did you know that Satan rules all the kingdoms of the world? He says so in Luke 4:5-6 ... Then the devil took him [Jesus] up and revealed to him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. “I will give you the glory of these kingdoms and authority over them,” the devil said, “because they are mine to give to anyone I please."
     But what is Jesus's ultimate response to this? It's in John 12:31. In this verse, the Lord says, From this moment on, everything in this world is about to change, for the ruler of this dark world will be overthrown. What exactly does that look like? When the Son of God came to the earth the first time, He came to re-establish dominion of the earth, bringing all the power and authority of the Kingdom of God with Him. The earth was designed to be governed like God's Kingdom in Heaven and ruled by man's authority [who was made in the image of God and given dominion over the earth]. But Satan usurped that authority in the Garden of Eden, and set up his own kingdom in opposition to the original design. When Jesus was resurrected and ascended into Heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, He gave all power and authority [to continue the Kingdom of God here on earth] back to man. 
     When He returns at His Second Coming, the Lord will render His final judgment of the world systems which will result in the irrefutable overthrow of Satan's kingdom of darkness. When Jesus announces that everything is about to change, He is foretelling the impact that the Cross will have on this world. Satan's primary weapon to control man -- the reality and fear of death -- was defeated by Christ's sacrifice on the Cross, which delivers mankind into the eternal Kingdom of God.
     The good news is that Satan will not always dominate and rule the earth and its inhabitants. The bad news is that Jesus has yet to return, so the devil still reigns over his kingdom. Yes, if you believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior, you will one day reside in Heaven with Him. But what about the rest of your life while still on earth; or the lives of an unknown number of generations until He does return? The truth is that we are in the midst of a transition from Satan's domination and supremacy over the earth to the future reality of Jesus Christ's sovereign rule. And this transition will be neither easy nor painless. In fact, the closer we get to Christ's return, the more difficult our existence will become because Satan knows his time is short. 
      The prophet Daniel calls those last days "a time of distress", and Jesus, Himself, says, For this will be a time of great misery beyond the magnitude of anything the world has ever seen or ever will see. Unless God limited those days, no one would escape. But because of His love for those chosen to be His, He will shorten that time of trouble.
     This we know: Satan is not going to go easily or willingly. The Bible gives us many warnings that his fury will be focused on the followers of Christ, God's chosen people of Israel, all of humanity to keep them from turning to Christ, and to the returning Jesus, Himself. He will instigate religious persecution, and as hard as it is to fathom, a lot of it will come from "the Church" itself. Sadly, there is a vast number of the Church who are Christian, in self-proclaimed name only, and will easily fall prey to religious deception and false teachings. 
     That may be hard for you to digest, but it is the truth of the Bible. And it is becoming increasingly clear to me how few "Christians" actually read their Bible, let alone take the time to study and understand it. In this day of technology, it is far too easy to listen to a podcast or read an article that declares it is the purveyor of God's Truth. But how many people take that information and measure it against Scripture? For that matter, how many people sitting in churches, whether small or large, simply accept the teachings of those who hold authority over them? 
     As true believers in Christ, we must love the Truth, and our beliefs must be firmly rooted in the Word of God. It is also incumbent upon us to have the strength of character to defend our beliefs, or we, too, could fall prey to satanic deception and false teachings. 
     I do not write this to give you pause, or to cause you to shrink back in fear and anticipation of anxiety, sorrow, or pain. On the contrary, I write this to activate your spirit to get in the fight! The Lord promises that we can look forward to the end of Satan's rule on earth. There will be a new age in which Satan and his demons will be isolated from humanity for 1,000 years and the earth will be under the sovereign rule of our Lord and Savior. The battle for humanity that has raged for thousands of years will be over and we will stand victorious with our King! 
     Yes, Satan will use a human ruler who will "make war with the saints", and there will be a false religious system that will lead many astray. But if you know the truth of all this in the Word, then you can also know the truth of the promise that Christ's kingdom will never end. In the end, it really is a battle between two kingdoms -- Satan's kingdom on earth, and God's Kingdom in Heaven. It is important that we be prepared for what's coming and know how to recognize God's Truth. Your eternal life depends on it!

Daniel 7:27    Then the sovereignty, power, and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven will be given to the holy people of the Most High. His kingdom will last forever, and all rulers will serve and obey Him. 

October 23, 2019

We Need To Pay Careful Attention to Genesis 6:5-7!!

     I know there will be those who scoff at my Old Testament reference in the title of this post. And they will say, "That has nothing to do with us". But need I remind you that Malachi 3:6 gives us this quote: "For, I the Lord, do not change...?" Or, that Hebrews 3:8 says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever?"
     I feel led to bring this immutable character of God to your attention, along with the Genesis 6:5-7 warning because of the evil I see man perpetuating on the earth. Before I lay out this depravity for your consideration, let's focus on what the Word of God says in Genesis. This particular passage [in the Amplified version] reads "The Lord saw that the wickedness (depravity) of man was great on the earth, and that every imagination or intent of the thoughts of his heart were only evil continually. The Lord regretted that He had made mankind on the earth, and He was [deeply] grieved in His heart. So the Lord said, “I will destroy (annihilate) mankind whom I have created from the surface of the earth—not only man, but the animals and the crawling things and the birds of the air—because it [deeply] grieves Me [to see mankind’s sin] and I regret that I have made them.” 
     If you are a student of the Bible, then you know that these verses refer to the Fallen Angel incursion of Genesis 6:4, and the subsequent defiling of the human DNA, as created by God. But with the following snippets of news that I read just today, I believe that God may be just as grieved in His heart in 2019 as He was nearly 4400 years ago.
     Let me begin with this headline: The Ghastly, Ghoulish Practices of Planned Parenthood, an article written by Michael Brown for the WorldNetDaily website. And I do not relish reciting the macabre and grisly details of what is revealed, but I also do not want to diminish the evil being committed.
Child Sacrifice to the god, Molech
     In the article, Mat Staver, founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, reports that Planned Parenthood clinics "were taking babies and intentionally aborting them so they could harvest intact organs, some of which were born alive while the hearts were still beating. Hearts were being removed while they were still alive." He continued, "Brains were being removed while the hearts were still beating, and we have evidence where they sliced the baby's face in two with a scalpel and then extracted the brain while the baby was still alive."  
     But that isn't all! This same article reported that companies like Stem Express had full menus on their website where you could make customized choices when ordering your baby parts. "You could actually go on the website and select … that you wanted a certain heart at a certain gestation at a certain size, intact. Then Stem Express would take that to Planned Parenthood that day. They would fulfill that order from those babies that were brought in, never telling the parent, the mom, what was happening with her child in the room next door."
     The Liberty Counsel website carried the headline, Selling Baby Scalps, stating that, "A former board director for the Center for Medical Progress testified during [a] civil trial in the San Francisco Federal District Court that the scalps of babies provided by the abortion industry are being harvested for research in treating baldness."
     Does this sound eerily familiar to the ancient pagan practices of child sacrifice? Apparently Pastor Robert Jeffress of Dallas, Texas thinks so. After he made a similar comparison during a recent interview, referencing Moloch, the ancient god of child sacrifice, this century's pagans responded with sarcastic glee. One tweeted, "ALL HAIL MOLOCH HIS WILL BE DONE." Another wrote, "DON'T MESS WITH OUR GOD, MOLOCH." While, they may have thought they were being clever, they don't realize they are the mouthpiece for the Ruler of this dark world.
     Now, let me take you to another article as presented on TheBlaze.com. This article was titled, Texas Jury Rules Against Father Trying To Protect 7-Year-Old Son From Forced Gender Transition. According to the article, a Texas jury returned a verdict on Monday that will prevent Jeffrey Younger from protecting his 7-year-old son from a forced gender transition by the boy's mom, Dr. Anne Georgulas. Younger had petitioned the court to grant him sole custody of his twin sons, James and Jude. But on Monday, a Dallas jury — by a vote of 11 to 1 — granted Georgulas, his ex-wife, sole custody of the boys, making her the sole decision-maker concerning the medical and psychological care of the children.
     In court, Younger argued that Georgulas was forcing James to undergo gender transition. With the jury's decision, Georgulas is free to give James puberty-blocker medication that results in chemical castration and, ultimately, hormone pills to complete James' female transition to become "Luna."
     As for you, do not pray for this people, or lift up a cry or prayer for them, and do not intercede with me, for I will not hear you. 17 Do you not see what they are doing in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem? 18 The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger. 19 Is it I whom they provoke? declares the Lord. Is it not themselves, to their own shame? 20 Therefore thus says the Lord God: Behold, my anger and my wrath will be poured out on this place, upon man and beast, upon the trees of the field and the fruit of the ground; it will burn and not be quenched (Jeremiah 7:16-20".
The goddess, Luna
     Does anyone else find it curious that this precious child is now going to be named after the Roman moon goddess, Luna, whom the Roman poet Horace called the "two-horned queen of the stars". Along with her consort, the sun god, Sol, this imperial duo represented the magnitude of Roman rule over the world, with the aim of guaranteeing peace. Could she be the infamous "Queen of Heaven" that the Lord speaks to the prophet Jeremiah about? He says, "
     Have we become so depraved in our culture that Feminism has taken mothers to the point where they try to change their sons into daughters?!? How much longer will the Most High God of the Universe suffer His creation to destroy His children?? I'm sorry, but the actions noted in these two articles are not being done by people who are made in His image! They do not have the mind, heart, or Spirit of the Lord in them!
     And consider the Museum of Man in Balboa Park, in San Diego, California, who in 2016 hosted an exhibition entitled Cannibals: Myth & Reality. Built "to inspire human connections by exploring the human experience", the guides didn't describe cannibals as freaks, but as warriors from many cultures, European kings and queens, American and European sailors, American colonists, accident survivors, the sick, and more. In fact, one newspaper review said this: Cannibals: Myth & Reality is a poignant and beautiful experience, the type that you hope to get at a museum. It deftly guides you from one emotional place to another, revealing connections across time and cultures, until you reach a point of deeper understanding. Through history, art, films, interactive displays and games, visitors confront what seems, at first, to be an unthinkable choice. By the end, you might realize that it’s far more nuanced and complicated.”
     I would like to add a postscript to that altruistic review. It is Lamentations 4:10-11, which says, "The hands of compassionate women have boiled their own children; they became their food during the destruction of the daughter of my people. The Lord gave full vent to his wrath; he poured out his hot anger, and he kindled a fire in Zion that consumed its foundations".
     All I have to say about each of these stories is BEWARE! Whether you believe in God or not, there is judgment coming against mankind for these evil acts. Ignorance or lack of knowledge will be no excuse.... we will perish for the lack of it! I used to pray that these depraved people would be able to see the error of their ways and repent, but I'm not so sure that I think that is possible anymore. I believe we may have crossed the spiritual line from which there is no return; only irrevocable commitment and ultimate destruction. Lord, I appeal to the same spirit of justice You rendered to Abraham when he interceded for Sodom ... "I am but dust and ashes; Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked?" I would not blame You, Lord! And my heart, too, is deeply grieved.

Ezra 8:21    Then I proclaimed a fast there at the river Ahava, so that we might humble ourselves before our God to seek from Him a safe journey for us, our children, and all our possessions.

August 3, 2019

Vanity of Vanities!

     I was going to title this blog post "Nothing New Under The Sun", a quote from Ecclesiastes 1:9-11, in which the author bemoans, "That which has been is that which will be [again], And that which has been done is that which will be done again. So there is nothing new under the sun ... There is no remembrance of earlier things, Nor also of the later things that are to come; There will be for them no remembrance by generations who will come after them." Then I recalled that I had already used that title in a post from June, 2013. But once again, the headlines have made it relevant.
     As I see God moving among His remnant, and see the Gospel of the Kingdom being rediscovered among Christ's followers, I hear the Holy Spirit and our Lord warning me not to become so immersed in teaching the Good News of the Kingdom that I am unaware of what the Enemy is doing in response to our obedience. They are saying "Don't stay focused on the world, but be mindful of [and informed about] what is going on. That is the duty of a 'watcher on the wall'. And when necessary, give My Sheep the knowledge to overcome". And that is the purpose of today's post.
     If you've paid any attention at all to the news cycle in recent days -- and believe me, I do not obsess over them -- then you cannot escape the evil machinations of Jeffrey Epstein, the politically, financially, and socially well-connected financier, who also happens to be a registered sex offender, and has now been charged with sex trafficking and conspiracy to traffic minors for sex. As abominable as these charges are, they are not the purpose of this post. An article in The New York Times this week revealed that Epstein had plans to repeat one of Satan's strategies that is as old as the Bible. Let me explain...
     The article's headline reads like this: Jeffrey Epstein Hoped To Seed The Human Race With His DNA. A sensational headline? For Sure. But as a Christian, this plan should sound familiar. If it doesn't, then Ecclesiastes 1:9-11 should enlighten you ... There will be no remembrance [of earlier things] by generations who will come after them. So, why should this news about Epstein strike a chord with Believers? God is trying to show us that what the fallen angel, Lucifer, tried to do to prohibit God's plan to redeem mankind is still very much on the Enemy's radar. Those of us who have ears to hear, will know what I am implying.  It's as if, in recent years, God has removed the mystery of Genesis 6:4 to modern-day Christians.  Where once, we just read this passage ("there were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them") as meaning earthly kings married women against their will and produced giants. 
     But as our desire to understand the Hebrew origins and words of the Bible has intensified, we have come to understand that the Hebrew word translated as "giants" in the King James Bible, is actually the word "Nephilim", which in the Hebrew means "to fall; fallen; cast down."  So are you beginning to see where I'm headed?  These "men" who bore children to earthly women were part of Satan's contingent of fallen angels, and part of the spiritual battle to corrupt the DNA of God's creation.  If Satan could pollute man's holy genetic code, (which produces a body worthy of housing a spirit made in the image of God), then he could prevent God's Son (who is perfect) from being born and becoming King of this world; which in turn made it possible for the Kingdom of God to be reinstated upon the earth, thereby defeating Satan's kingdom.
     Satan failed in that plot, and King Jesus was not only born, but He has commissioned us as His ambassadors to overcome the ruler [and god] of this dark world, and to reclaim our dominion over the earth on behalf of our Creator, restoring His will "on earth, as it is in Heaven". But that isn't the only time Satan tried this same strategy. History has recorded that he attempted it through his human agents as recently as the last 90 years or so. In fact, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Adolph Hitler was interested in the occult, magic, and the paganism of his Germanic roots.  He is said to have marked extensive passages in a 1923 book, titled Magic: History, Theory, and Practice, including one that reads, "He who does not have the demonic seed within himself will never give birth to a magical world". Can you see the same ideology as Genesis 6:4?
     Put simply, our DNA is a highly prized target of the Enemy. It plays a critical role in controlling how cells, organs and other tissues behave. When writing this blog five years ago, I ran across an article in which scientists claimed that beginning 5 to 20 years ago, our DNA began changing. Supposedly, the scientific explanation was this:  "It is a mutation of our species into something for which the end result is not yet known."  One doctor reported that "people are changing at the cellular level. I am working with three children right now who have three DNA helixes (we normally have one double helix)."  What was especially alarming was the scientist's response when asked what characteristics these children displayed:  "These are children who can move objects across the room just by concentrating on them, or they can fill glasses of water just by looking at them. They’re telepathic. You would almost think by knowing these children that they are half angelic or superhuman, but they’re not. I think they are what we are growing into during the next few decades."
     That should be a huge warning to us, but it is amazing how quickly our culture will embrace any kind of technology that promises we can escape the deterioration of the human body. Just a few posts back, I wrote about Elon Musk's company Neuralink that is ready to "begin outfitting human brains with faster input and output by next year", all done with a chip to "achieve a sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence".
     But Satan isn't only relying on new technology to change our DNA. He is still willing to engage in his old plan of a "seed war", as exemplified by Jeffrey Epstein's diabolical story. As The New York Times article alleges, "Mr. Epstein, over the years, confided to scientists and others about his scheme ... [his] vision reflected his longstanding fascination with what has become known as transhumanism: the science of improving the human population through technologies like genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. Critics have likened transhumanism to a modern-day version of eugenics, the discredited field of improving the human race through controlled breeding." But breeding with whom? Or what? Certainly, Genesis 6:4 shows us one view of demonic breeders; Hitler had another plan with his perversion of eugenics; and apparently science now has a way to alter or mutate our DNA through genetic engineering by, of, and possibly with artificial intelligence.
     With his millions of dollars, and his fascination with "perfecting the human genome", Mr. Epstein attracted scientists such as George M. Church, a molecular engineer who has worked to identify genes that could be altered to create superior humans; and Stephen Jay Gould, a paleontologist and evolutionary biologist. Add these scientific connections to Epstein's desire to inseminate multiple women with his sperm to give birth to his babies; and his desire to have his brain and penis frozen through cryonics, and you just have to wonder if this is Satan's latest plot to corrupt humankind's DNA.
     But I just want to go on record as quoting Dr. Fritz Albert Popp, a noted German biophysicist, who said, "We know today that man, essentially, is a being of light ... We are still on the threshold of fully understanding the complex relationship between light and life, but we can now say emphatically, that the function of our entire metabolism is dependent on light."
     Too bad that the world of Science doesn't recognize that it is the Light, with a capital L, that sustains our bodies and our spirits.  If our DNA is mutating, it is by diabolical means in an all-out spiritual battle.  (See this recent post about the ability of AI to bend light in our bodies). Remember, Jesus tells us in Matthew 24:37, "When the Son of Man returns, it will be like it was in the days of Noah".  Spiritual warfare, and polluted and corrupt DNA is what He is talking about.
     Five years ago, almost to the day, I wrote "We're almost there!" But then, the evidence of Satan's schemes were mostly undercover in the scientific community. Today, the inventions of Elon Musk and the depraved sinfulness of Jeffrey Epstein are freely proclaimed; out in the open, visible and undisguised.  
     "Vanity of vanities" is how Ecclesiastes, chapter one begins. The Hebrew word for "vanity" is Hebel, meaning "something worthless or purposeless: signifying an idol, which is unsubstantial, worthless, and vain".  All these efforts to defeat man's design are part of Satan's schemes, and they are all in vain. And man's vanishing pleasures and empty satisfactions, as terrifying as they may seem, are fleeting. All the answers to life are found in God. Those in opposition to the Holy Spirit and spiritual men will only find that which is futile and temporary; all this has been tried before -- there is truly nothing new under the sun. What has been tried in ages past, will be tried again ... and God will always be Sovereign. But it is incumbent upon us to remember, and watch, and warn. Keep your spiritual eyes open!

Romans 2:5     But because of your calloused heart and refusal to change direction, you are piling up wrath for yourself in the day of wrath, when God’s righteous judgment is revealed. 

April 10, 2019

Today's Ancient Sign of Rebellion

     As happens more and more today, my husband strikes up a conversation with an individual about a tattoo.  In fact, Mark has garnered a reputation for noticing anyone with interesting tattoos, and asking them what their ink means and why they picked that particular symbol to put on their body.  It actually became a joke between me and my nephew, who has tattoos himself (depicting Bible verses and various associations to his faith; and one for his mom, of course!) -- whenever we were all together and ran into a waitress or waiter, or someone out in public, we would look at each other, waiting expectantly for that question ... "So, what does your tattoo mean"?
Satanic Pentagram with Baphomet  
     But this particular day, Mark didn't need to ask the couple behind us in the checkout line.  The man had a huge encircled pentagram on his bicep, among other occultic symbols, and the woman had creepy bats flying up the length of her arm.  We didn't need to wonder what kind of statement they were trying to make; it was obvious.
     Now, I know that tattoos are the rage today among anyone below the age of 35, and you may think they are just a fad, or this generation's nod to distinguishing themselves from their parents -- kind of like long hair, miniskirts, tie-dye T-shirts, and love beads were to my generation.  But I think it goes beyond that... for the most part, tattoos are permanent statements that people are willing to make for the rest of their lives.  And I would venture that most of them are designed as a method of rebelling against authority and control in their lives; or at least of going against conventional society.  (The problem is, so many are doing it today, that in an effort to distinguish themselves from others, they are beginning to all look alike).
     But, perhaps at the heart of this trend, it's a way of saying, "I don't feel like I can control a lot in my life at the moment, but I can control how I feel; and express who or what I am willing to give authority to by the indelible design I put on my body.  It's a way I can make a statement of who I am and how I want the world to see me".
     I am not making a statement that all tattoos are done out of a sense of insubordination, disobedience, or defiance.  In fact, we have heard heartwarming stories, such as when a waitress shared the reason behind a small tattoo on her wrist -- it was a personal reminder of her grandmother who had taught her about Jesus.  Or the young man who had the date of his twin brother's death in a car crash tattooed on his forearm. We often hear stories that honor our humanity and the love that can exist between people.
     I found it quite interesting when I ran across the Top Ten reasons people get tattooed in Inked Magazine:  In memory of someone; some really love the pain; it's addictive; to express creativity; to feel whole; to overcome or represent obstacles they've faced in their lives; they simply love the art; to spread a specific message; it's trendy; to be spontaneous.  Some of these reasons seem innocuous; others are a little more disturbing.
     But sadly, there are an abundance of kids who carry permanent symbols of pagan gods, anti-christ icons, and undisguised associations with the devil.  The man with the huge pentagram knew exactly what he was doing when he had that mark put on his body.  In fact, some of the kids my husband has approached with his innocent question have boldly told him, "It means I am a satanist".  The pride with which that statement was made both saddened and alarmed us.
     So, as with anything, when pride and rebellion are combined, we see the influence of the original Rebellious One, himself ... Lucifer.  And, in case you haven't noticed, the symbol of the encircled pentagram is becoming a popular emblem; appearing in movies, TV, tattoos, jewelry, music videos,  horror films, thrillers, and crime dramas ... all reinforcing the symbol’s association with neo-paganism, black magic, and occultism.
     Of course, those who see nothing wrong with this ancient symbol will tell you that each of the five points on the star just represent an element: earth, air, fire, and water; with the upward point of the star representative of the spirit.  They will tell you, "All these things contribute to life and are a part of each of us".  That may be a modern interpretation, but it is always important to know the origins of words, signs, and symbols to see how the Prince of this world may be distorting or counterfeiting them.  So, let's step back into history...
     As explained on GotQuestions.org, a Christian website, the pentagram has been used as a religious symbol throughout the world from the beginning of recorded history. The most basic pentagram is simply a five-point star drawn with one continuous line broken into five line segments and with one point of the star facing up. The pentagram was used in ancient Chinese and Japanese religions to symbolize the five elements of life. In Japanese culture the symbol was also considered magical. Ancient Babylonian culture was also using the pentagram to represent various gods and religious beliefs of their own.
     But would it surprise you to know that the pentagram was also a part of early Christian symbology?  The basic pentagram (without a circle) was originally used to represent the five wounds of Jesus Christ. It was soon supplanted by the symbol of the cross, but the pentagram was still recognizable as a Christian symbol for a few hundred years after Jesus’ resurrection. Some say that the continuous line was also considered symbolic of the Alpha and Omega. Plus, it is important to note that, during the European Age of Enlightenment, the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras’ interest in the pentagram was re-discovered. Pythagoras’ study went beyond mathematics, though, as he assigned the five ancient elements to the five points of the star: earth, water, air, and fire on the four lower points; and spirit on the topmost point. Depending on the mythology, this arrangement usually indicated the correct ordering of the world, with material things subject to spirit. The popularity of this ancient symbol has continued down through the centuries with the Freemasons (who glorify Baphomet) and the Eastern Star Organization also using this Pythagorean pentagram, often adding their own symbols as well.  And now, in this modern era, it's relevancy ranges from being a fashion statement to a symbol of rebellion against the authority of Jesus ... and everything in-between.
     There is another angle that I want to explore, too.  It is my opinion that Lucifer, being perfect in his beauty and ways "since the day he was created" (Ezekiel 28:15), and being puffed up with pride at his station and importance in the Kingdom of Heaven, simply could not stand being Number Two to God/Jesus.  His wisdom became corrupted by his free will, and out of selfish ambition and pride, he decided to rebel and issued his five "I will's", which I think are represented by the five-pointed star of the pentagram:  ""I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High" (Isaiah 14:12-14).
     The fact that the pentagram has been incorporated into the symbolism of modern "religions" such as Wicca, Witchcraft, and The Church of Satan are evidence (in my opinion) that Lucifer, as Prince and controller of this world, is making sure that his ancient declarations remain in play, whether the followers of these religions realize they are mimicking his rebellion against God, or not.  These religions will tell you that they make a distinction between whether the pentagram is inverted or upright -- distinguishing between good and evil intent -- but make no mistake; this symbol represents the god of this world and his fingerprints are all over the pentagram, no matter which way it is pointed.
     So, when someone sports a circled pentagram tattoo and tells you that it is a passive form "implying spiritual containment of the magic circle, in keeping with the traditional secrecy of witchcraft, and the personal, individual nature of the pagan religious path, and of its non-proselytizing character" ... you can bet that satan is using it to send a subliminal and spiritual message to everyone who wears it or looks upon it ... I still believe that I will be like the most High!
The Wiccan Pentagram 
     Although, as a Christian, you may think that this symbol will never become acceptable to believers of Jesus Christ, but I found numerous websites -- even the Christian GotQuestions.org -- who say there is nothing to fear.  They say, "Of course, there’s nothing wrong with a star, and the pentagram itself contains no inherent power. It has been used in many ways by many different cultures, including Christianity. It should not be feared in and of itself, although we should be aware of what other people are communicating through it."
     I would like to dispute that claim!  It does contain power!  The power of demonic suggestions and lies; coming down through centuries of use by those in rebellion to the One True God.  And we are seeing that today ... Wicca is America's fastest growing religion, and it is anticipated by some Christian religious experts that it will become the third largest religion in the United State in this century, behind only Christianity and Islam.  And the pentagram (or pentacle) plays a major role in the symbolism of this pagan religion.
     Finally, the deception of satan is clearly understood in the following statement from the paganspath.com website:  "As society becomes more informed and misconceptions become corrected, all pagans hope these old stereotypes will fall by the wayside and acceptance will be granted to everyone regardless of their beliefs."  That just sounds like the Church will be pressured to compromise, and to accept the concept of "universalism" (acceptance and unity among all the world's religions). We are already well on the way to this compromise!
     I guess I just don't get it ... no one wants to give any credence to the ancient meanings and significance of religious symbols and traditions.  It's all about "what it means to me today" -- yet all these new religions are willing to accept and assign spiritual power to their "new" philosophies, without recognizing that the same ancient spiritual associations are bound to those symbols and are now being perpetuated in their rituals.  
     So don't be surprised when you see someone wearing a pentagram necklace or a small tattoo on their wrist, and they have no idea that they are communicating and representing the ongoing rebellion of the enemy of God.  This is why it is so important for us to stay informed and cognizant of the devil's schemes and strategies ... to stay on guard against his deceptive messages.  It is not OK to overlook the Luciferian connotations of the pentagram; and it is not OK for Christians to dismiss the implications of satan's power, or to be ignorant of his devices and schemes.  As the Word of God says, "we are to give no opportunity to the devil". And it has never more important to recognize that God's people "perish for the lack of knowledge".  Our next generations are being tempted by our complacency and indifference.... let us not fail them!

John 8:44   "You are of your father the devil, and it is your will to practice the desires [which are characteristic] of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks what is natural to him, for he is a liar and the father of lies and half-truths."