A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label National Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Security. Show all posts

September 15, 2012

Saturday Morning Commentary: Where Is The Outrage?

     Yesterday, tears streamed down my face as I watched the caskets of our four slain American brothers being carried from the transport plane into the hangar at Andrews Air Force Base.  I mourned not only the loss of precious lives, but the lack of pride I felt in the leaders of our nation as they paid respects to the fallen.
     Their speeches were short, emotionless and uninspiring.  I believe the words "vapid" and "tepid" come to mind and accurately express the substance of their words.  Amid the endless thanks to all the government officials present, this is what I heard:  too many empty examples of a few people in Libya who carried small signs that supported the memory of Ambassador Chris Stevens; too many words like "friends", "diplomacy", and "the interests of all".
     As the representatives of us, the people of the United States, I wanted to hear how the perpetrators of these unjustified, evil acts would be pursued.  I wanted to hear how the acts against the Ambassador were deplorable and despicable.  I wanted to hear how the dignity and the sovereignty of the United States would be defended.  I wanted to hear that this is part of the same hate that struck us eleven years ago.  I didn't hear any of that.

     What I did hear was that America cares about the interests of the people in the Middle East as much as our own.  I heard that every person deserves respect, no matter what their religion.  I heard that we need to seek justice for all.  I would like to remind our Commander-in-Chief that he is President of THE UNITED STATES, not THE WORLD!  Frankly, I'm just not concerned about helping these countries of the "Arab Spring", who have accepted our economic and military aid, and then repaid our assistance with this barbarity!  If we can't even identify Egypt as an ally or a foe, then why in the world are we making excuses for them and giving $1.5 billion of our tax-payer money?  And all supposedly in the name of Freedom?!?!?
     How about helping us to fight for our Freedom?  Because I'm not feeling too secure when all of our embassies in the Middle East are under attack and crowds are chanting "Death to America!" I'm not feeling too confident when I hear U.S. Intelligence personnel report that the conditions on the ground in Libya were considered "hot" and "actionable" days, and even weeks, before the attack in Benghazi, yet our Administration did nothing to upgrade security!  Even I, a simple woman without any degree of State Department experience, can see what the environment is in that part of the world.  And yet you want me to believe that there was insufficient intelligence to effectively assess the situation?  You really want me to believe this is all about some silly movie and "freedom of speech"?  It seems to me that any reasonably intelligent person (let alone POTUS), given the temperature of the region and the chatter by Al Zawahiri, could figure out that it just might be smart to beef up security on the anniversary of 9/11.
     It is certainly plain to me that the hatred and the violence against us is ratcheting up.  I'm tired of apologizing for who we are, and I'm tired of turning a blind eye to the rage and the evil.  As I watched the violence spread to Sudan, Tunisia, and Lebanon, it's clear that North Africa and the Middle East are not interested in conciliatory gestures.  They don't respect us or fear us.  Whether our national leaders want to admit it or not, we are at WAR with a culture that has been co-opted by an ideology of hate and intolerance for anyone who doesn't believe the same as they do.  We can not deal with them as we would our own.  So, please quit with the pacifying and placating.  We saw the results of that in the photos that emerged from the Benghazi attacks and the solemn ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base yesterday.  How many more such scenes will we have to endure before YOU grow a spine?

Nehemiah 4:14      "After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes."

September 14, 2012

Differing World Views Lead To World Chaos

     As it is becoming quite clear, the violence in the Middle East the past few days has been systematically coordinated to incite the flames of anti-Western sentiment.  If you look behind the curtain  you will find that the internet played a huge part in fanning those flames.  Just as we in America are experiencing "flash mobs", social media (via cell phones and email) is being used by radical jihadists to coordinate angry groups into violent protests.  Groups like Al Queda search the internet for any perceived insult they can use to spread their hate and further their cause.  The Youtube video played right into their hands.  A few well-placed tweets and text messages help to manipulate the anger, and the hate goes viral.
     The point of my post today is not to point out the obvious --- that the relations between the West and the Middle East are at an all-time low; but to show the differing world views among all the players and how these dissimilar philosophies and conceptions of the world create such conflict.
      First of all, we must define what a world view is.  The best definition I've seen is by author David Noebel:  "A world view is the framework from which we view reality and make sense of life and the world. [It's] any ideology, philosophy, theology, movement or religion that provides an overarching approach to understanding God, the world, and man's relations to God and the world."  OK, so in layman's terms, and for the purpose of my post, we'll agree that world view is a combination of all that we believe is true; and this system of beliefs influences everything you think, feel and do.  It also affects your response to everything around you; from your personal affairs to world events.  So let's take a look at the different world views we can identify.
     Christian World View -  Ideally, this should be synonymous with a Biblical world view.  Unfortunately, the two are often world's apart, but that's another post for another day.  However, for this Christian, they are one and the same, and so I will give you my world view based on the Bible.  This is how I relate to the world.  My faith is at the center of how I live my life and these factors affect all of my decisions and actions.  I believe in the One True God, Jehovah, and the following principles: 1) There are absolute moral truths that exist, i.e. I believe that there is Good and Evil in the world.  2)  I define what is Good and Evil based on what the Bible has revealed to me.  3)  I look to Jesus Christ as my example of the perfect sinless life; I try to live my life by following His principles (failing miserably, but continually making the effort.  4)  I view what happens in my life and the world from the perspective that God is the Creator of the Universe and still in control of it.  5)  I believe there is more to my existence than this earthly life; in accepting Jesus as my personal savior and knowing that he died for my sins, I know that eternal life is possible.  So I do not live my life focused on the ways of this world.  6)  I believe that pure Evil exists in the form of Satan.  No ifs, ands or buts.  He is the Enemy.   7)  I have a responsibility to my fellow man to share the Good News of my faith and to give everyone the opportunity to know the Grace I have received.  7)  I believe in the Truth of all the teachings in the Bible, and it is my guidebook.  My world view gives me the freedom to be all I can be, accomplish anything I desire, and live in harmony with my fellow man.  I want to stress that what I've expressed in this world view is an ideal representation.  It can be distorted, perverted and misused, as can each of them.
     Islamic World View - Like Christianity, the Islamic faith believes in one God, Allah.  The pillars of their faith include:  1) confession of faith,  2) prayer,  3) fasting during their holy days of Ramadan,  4) charity to others,  5) a pilgrimage, at least once in their lifetime, to the holy city of Mecca.  The Islamic worldview, like the Biblical, believes in the absolute moral truths of Good and Evil, that God creates the world, and a form of existence of the "soul" after the death of the body.  Islam believes in the importance of the family and the worship of God.  Some would include a sixth pillar of faith,  jihad, which can mean either  a) the battle against temptation and sin for the sake of self-control, or b) the battle against any and all who oppose Islam.  Those that have the Islamic world view find both of these definitions applicable.  And it is the latter that has become radicalized and dangerous to any other world view.  One aspect of this world view that contributes to the authority of Islam is the lack of separation between the social aspects of the faith and governmental control.  The law of the land is religious law, applied to the public and private lives of Muslims within Islamic states. Shari’ah law governs many aspects of day-to-day life—politics, economics, banking, business, contracts, social issues, etc.  So when you combine radical, hate-filled Islam with Shari'ah law, you get a combination that is lethal to any other faith or philosophy of life.  It's their way, period!
     Humanism World View -  A humanist's world view is difficult to pin down.  It can be as simple as a system of thought in which human values, interests and dignity are considered particularly important.  Heck, who doesn't agree with that viewpoint?  But taken to a more defined position, it follows these principles:  1)  Science and Reason should apply to all areas of life.  No beliefs should be considered off-limits, all should be considered rationally.  2)  Humanists are usually atheist or agnostic.  Their rational scrutiny makes it difficult for them to believe that a god or gods exist; and they are skeptical about angels, demons or spiritual beings.   3)  There is no heaven or hell; this life is it.  Once again, rational scrutiny has found these considerations lacking.  4)  They believe in moral Good, but do not think you have to know God in order to discern what is right and wrong.  Man is capable of defining that just fine on his own.  5)  We are individually responsible for making our own moral judgments.  We don't need an outside authority to guide us or set boundaries.  6)  Our lives have meaning without it being bestowed by a God above.  Your life can be rich and significant without any relationship with God.  7)  While humanists are very careful to make sure governments do not support forms of religion, they are not so concerned about governments who coerce their peoples into atheism (such as Stalin or Mao).  Most importantly, Humanism world view is for freedom of thought and expression and an open society.  This is why Humanists are often accused of being for everything, while not standing for anything.
    So you can see that while these world views have some things in common at their core, they are often at bitter odds with each other.  So is it possible for us to find some level on which to co-exist?  Is it possible for individual men to find common ground and respect the beliefs of each other; at the same time not compromising the tenets of their own ideals?  It is easy to see that religious or ideological fundamentalism can quickly become all about power.  It can be used by fanatics or extremists of any group to gain political and economic control.  Once that happens, it is nearly impossible to put the genie back in the bottle.  And all it takes is one group to tilt the balance of harmony towards hostility and man's true nature takes over.
   And that is what we are seeing across the globe today.  There are those who see the opportunity to establish a united Islamic caliphate across the Middle East; a return to a fundamentalist religious control of society and state.  Any other world view cannot and will not be tolerated.  Is it too late to turn the tide?  Can cooler heads apply the brakes?   Unless the ideas or influence of more moderate leaders prevail, then I fear that we will see more images like those coming out of Cairo and Benghazi.  And I don't see anyone like that on the world stage.  Stay alert and be vigilant!

Romans 3:15-17        "Their feet are swift to shed blood; ruin and misery mark their ways, and the way of peace they do not know. "  

September 13, 2012

It's Time To Stop Apologizing!

     This morning my emotions are running the full gamut; they range from extreme sadness to righteous anger to mind-blowing frustration.  We all witnessed the defilement of our flag at the embassy in Cairo, Egypt, and the raising of the black banners of jihad.  News sources are beginning to uncover the facts; that this protest was planned in advance to occur on the anniversary of September 11th, a date that is celebrated among radical Islamists.
      Then hours later, in Libya, America was attacked, and Americans murdered, by enemies that hate everything we stand for.  While, the attacks did not happen here in the homeland, they nevertheless happened on what was supposed to be safe and protected ground.  Diplomatic delegations, such as the one in Libya led by slain Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, are guests of the host country and are supposed to receive special protection from that country's security forces.  We are supposed to believe that the attack on his safe house and the deaths of four American diplomats was the result of a protest that got out of hand, rather than a complex, coordinated terror attack.  Whether or not this proves to be true over the coming days, it is hard to believe that this tragedy is solely the result of some third-rate Youtube video that offended the religious sensibilities of faithful Muslims.
     For the time being, this is exactly the approach that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is taking.  This is the statement they released:  "We strongly condemn the deadly attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi, Libya and the tragic loss of lives. We urge restraint as people peacefully protest and express anger."  In other words, we are sorry people died, but it was simply the result of our justifiable anger.  They are calling for further protests on Friday.  Then, to add further insult to this heinous tragedy, the Deputy Interior Minister of Libya, in his official statement, appeared to be blaming the American consulate for not taking necessary security measures!
     But questions remain.  How did the mob know exactly where Ambassador Stevens was located?  How did they know the exact rooms within the safe house compound he could be found?  And this attack was far more sophisticated than the Cairo embassy protest; since when are RPGs present at citizen protests?  Today we mourn the loss of American citizens; people who served this country and lost their lives for the simple reason that they are Americans.  The hate that led to their deaths is hard for us to understand.  We can't even contemplate the depth of such hostility and hatred.  It is not in our nature. We can't grasp the mindset.  And it makes us vulnerable and susceptible to attacks such as these.  This is what prompts my incredible sorrow.  The world no longer responds to diplomacy, discussion, or  debate.  We are quickly spiraling into a state of chaos and disorder, where it is "kill or be killed."  And still our leaders apologize for who we are!  I'm sure you all are aware of the statement released by our embassy in Cairo, Egypt.
     Whether they released this statement with or without the approval of the White House, this is what leads to my exasperation and anger.  Where is the outrage from our Commander in Chief?  When do we defend the interests of the United States and stop trying to be a champion of global conciliation?  Stop apologizing!  Until we acknowledge that we are hated and are targets of radical fundamentalists ---  and until we start STANDING UP for who we are and the freedom we represent, and quit ignoring that our appeasement is viewed as weakness --- until then, these attacks will increase in number and ferocity.  The fact that we continue to give millions of dollars in foreign aid to Libya (and $1.5 billion to Egypt!) adds to my exasperation.
      But I think it is the treatment of the leader of our strategic ally in the Middle East, Benjamin Netanyahu, that is the most vexing and frustrating.  Can we be any more disrespectful?  Iran is continuing with its deadly threats, and everyone knows the Middle East is a powder keg, with no one in the region on the side of Israel.   Netanyahu asks for a meeting with his most powerful ally in the world, and he is refused!  What message does that send to Israel's enemies?  It's not hard to see that opponents of freedom would declare open season on Israel.  The United States, Israel's strongest and historical ally refuses to support her.   That would seem to give Iran the green light to proceed with their nuclear weapons development, wouldn't it?  And it is irrefutable that we are viewed as weak and spineless in the Arab world.
     I cannot finish this post without pointing out what seems to me to be the fast approaching fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 and 39.  All the players are being put into motion to come against Israel.  Iran, Egypt, Libya, Turkey; they all would like to see Israel's sovereignty eliminated.  The remaining player, Russia, is behind the scenes, manipulating the others and playing both ends against the middle.  We may not see their influence until the flashpoint.
     Finally, I want to point you to my post of July 5th.  Titled America and Israel: Destinies Intertwined, I pointed out the historical natural and political disasters that occurred whenever America took a stand against Israel's national interests.  Within 48-72 hours of these instances, our nation suffered consequences.  Could it have happened again?  Could the attacks on the embassies in Egypt and Libya be the result of turning our back on Israel?
     I know that many will ridicule this opinion, but none can deny the facts.  We insulted Israel and appear to be denying her our support.  Hours later, our embassies are attacked and Americans are dead.  This is all coming together according to Biblical prophecy.  While tremendously disturbing, I know that my God is in control, and that gives me hope.  These things must happen.  I pray for endurance, courage and increased faith.  I invite you to do the same.

Matthew 24:12-13     "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. "    

August 17, 2012

Stop The Leaks! Our National Security Is At Risk!

     Earlier this week, a group of retired Special Operations and military intelligence officials took a stand against what they see as a serious erosion of our national security interests.  This non-partisan, non-political group of ex-CIA Officers, Navy Seals, Delta Force, Generals, Lt. Colonels and one disguised operative are speaking out about the grandstanding this Administration has done, and they argue that, not only is it putting our intelligence community at risk and endangering the lives of our active duty personnel, but it is a critical threat to our national security..
     In a video just released, called Dishonorable Disclosure: How Leaks and Politics Threaten National Security, they lay it on the line.  The group calls itself Special Operations OPSEC Educational Fund (OPSEC, for short) and seeks to educate the American public about the importance of military intelligence and why our government's disclosures to the world at large have put this nation and those who defend it at so much risk.

     They say it loud and clear.  Military operations depend on good intelligence.  Our military needs intelligence to identify targets that want to harm us; to determine the capability of our enemies, and how we are going to take the fight to our enemies.  In the words of one of the men, "It is the foundation of everything.  Good intelligence is the difference between wasting lives on a mission or getting a mission accomplished as ordered."
     They revealed that techniques and technology may have changed throughout the years, but two things remained constant:  1) Human intelligence --- penetrating the enemy with real people, not equipment.  It's the only kind of intelligence that can provide us with how the enemy's leadership thinks.  2)  Operational security --- never let your enemy know your intentions or your operations.  It is the difference between success and failure.  When opsec is violated, our enemies gain the upper hand.
     So when our Leadership grabs for glory with a press conference, and claims a victory for killing Osama Bin Laden, (just hours after the raid), it undermines our military and the men and women who really pulled it off.  It took the American military years of hard work, dedicated service and the sacrifice of lives to accomplish this mission.  It was not one man and not one administration!
     OPSEC and this film want to make one thing perfectly clear:  POLITICS SHOULD NEVER COME BEFORE NATIONAL SECURITY!  They want to see politicians stop capitalizing on national security operations and military secrets to enhance their personal reputations.
     The Bin Laden news conferences dealt a severe blow to our intelligence community.  In this video you will learn that these series of news conference revealed 25 years of military secrets, including the actual name of the special mission unit, the cover name of the unit, the location of the special mission unit .... even the name of the dog that accompanied the operatives on the mission!  The tactics, the techniques and the procedures of the mission were compromised; and all for a moment's glory.  The Bin Laden raid may have been broadcast as a victory for the nation, but it was an intelligence nightmare.
     The early announcement defeated our ability to exploit any intelligence that might have been gathered at OBL's compound, such as computer files, paper files, and human intelligence.  As one of the OPSEC spokesman explained, "the rats immediately scurried into hiding."
     Further leaks exposed how we got there, how many people we used, the tactics of the mission itself, what we did after, and who helped us.  As a result a Pakistani doctor, who was instrumental in supplying intel is now serving 33 years in a Pakistani jail!  This will obviously hinder future operations and future sources of intel.
Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson and other Hollywood elites
     But the sabotage of our military didn't stop there.  Just days after the raid, Hollywood producers and actors were invited to the White House so they could receive a briefing on exactly how the raid took place!  For the life of me, I can't imagine any sound reasoning behind that move!  To make the next blockbuster propaganda movie?  Really?  As a result, the military and Special Operations forces feel as if they have become a political weapon.  They are adamant that they ARE NOT!
     "Our job is to be silent professionals.  We do not seek recognition.  We do not seek popularity," states Ben Smith, Navy Seal.  Simon, (not his real name) goes even, further:  "Seal Team Six was identified as the unit.  Now our enemies are trying to identify who they are.  This places them and their families at risk.  Anyone who thinks it hasn't, is being naive."
     The leaks didn't stop with the OBL raid.  One recent leak exposed a joint intelligence operation between the US and Israel, involving the Stuxnet Worm, a very powerful internet program capable of shutting down sophisticated computer systems.  It has been used against the Iranians and their nuclear weapons program, setting them and their nuclear capabilities back years.  When this administration leaked the existence of Stuxnet, many in the halls of Congress and the military community wondered, "Why?"  What will be the cost of trading national secrets for political gain?
     So the obvious question is, "Why would Israel (or anyone) trust us after this betrayal?"  Now our enemies know exactly what we are capable of.  And through leaks such as these, the men and women who lay their lives on the line to protect us, have been compromised.
     Our active duty Special Operations forces are prohibited from speaking out against the government. That's why these retired personnel are talking; being up front, open and honest.  They have formed this coalition to lend their voices to active duty men and women who are overseas fighting for you and me.
Duty ... Honor ... Country --- these are the values fought for by our heroes; without thoughts of glory or recognition.  Too bad that those in national leadership, who are supposed to have their backs, don't possess the same moral code.  I applaud OPSEC for speaking out and standing up for our brave warriors.
Amos 5:13      "Therefore the prudent keep quiet in such times, for the times are evil." 

August 14, 2012

Is Egypt The Key?

     Many would say we have enough problems at home; what could Egyptian politics possibly have to do with our welfare?  Well, in case you've had a case of the "Rip Van Winkles" lately, let me attempt to explain.  When Mohammed Morsi was elected as Egypt's President recently, there were those who expressed concern that his Islamic leanings were a little on the radical side; they feared an eventual takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood, an increasingly radical organization, whose stated credo is,  "Allah is our objective; the Quran is our law, the Prophet is our leader; Jihad is our way; and death for the sake of Allah is the highest of our aspirations."  Their desire for a global Islamic Caliphate is not a stretch of the imagination.
     "Awww, you're over-reacting," said those who believed that Morsi was more moderate than extremist.  "Besides, the Military, who hung on to considerable authority in Egypt, would be a counterbalance to any radical movement by the Brotherhood."  It was hoped that the new President would work with the Military Council towards establishing democracy in the strife-ridden country. Well, over the weekend, any stability that the Military might have brought to the table is gone.
     On Sunday, Morsi ordered the “retirement” of the country’s top military officials, replacing them with his own appointees.   In addition to this thorough house-cleaning, the president also ordered the "retirement" of the commanders of the navy, air defense, and air force.
     All this came on the heels of increased tension with Israel, as, on the same day, Jihad terrorists stole an armored car, killed 16 Egyptian border guards, and crashed through the Israeli border on the northern Sinai.  Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) quickly destroyed the invaders. Up to 20 terrorists were killed.
     This situation represents a challenge to Egypt's new president.  Morsi openly opposes Israel, but realizes he must maintain basic agreements with Israel (like honoring their peace treaty) for his government to have legitimacy internationally.   In addition, the Jihadists pose a threat to Morsi's sovereignty within his own nation.  It doesn't look good that he's unable to control them.  This crisis in the Sinai gave him the perfect opportunity to rid himself of his rivals in the Military and assert his authority.
     But ridding himself of his political rivals wasn't all Morsi accomplished this weekend.  He also cancelled the military-declared Constitutional addendum (which gave the generals wide powers) and amended another; the results being that he has full executive and legislative authority, as well as the power to set all public policies in Egypt and sign international treaties.  The Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party applauded his actions, calling the moves “the second wave of the revolution.”   They say there was no secret deal between themselves and Morsi, stating that the Egyptian President's recent decisions were autonomous and reflected the power of his civilian office.
     But is the Muslim Brotherhood jsut playing their hand close to the vest; suggesting that perhaps Morsi just staged his coup against the Military Council before they were able to instigate their own?  What is the truth?  It's hard to know and the question still remains.... will true democracy reign in Egypt, or will there by a hardline Islamic theme to the future of Egyptian government?
     One thing that we do know is that only five out of the 36 ministers appointed by the President and his Prime Minister are affiliated with the Brotherhood or its Freedom and Justice Party.  They are the higher education, youth, housing, information and manpower ministers.  So, doesn't seem like much of a threat, right?
     But consider this .... don't think it's as innocent or non-threatening as it appears, warns American University in Cairo political science professor Manar al-Shorbagy.  “This is their goal; they want to start change through education and youth.”  Sound familiar?  It's the same strategy we've seen in our own country.   And what will they offer the youth of Egypt?  Why, hope and change, I'm sure.  It's the easiest path to moving a country in a different direction; begin by educating your idealistic youth of the superiority of a new and better model of government.  It worked for Hitler, it worked for Stalin, and it worked for Mao ---- until those perfect governments enslaved the people and their hope was snuffed out.  Evil cannot allow freedom to exist.  And so it just puts on another disguise and masquerades as a new ideology.
     I can't help it; I picture the Middle East teetering on the edge of a precipice.  Between the battle for power in Egypt, the revolution in Syria, and the hatred for Israel fomented by Iran, there doesn't appear to be any hope for peace in this region of the world.   It's as if it is all spiraling out of control, and there are so many fronts on which hatred and Evil are growing.  You can feel it .... the West is despised; fundamentalist radicals are growing in popularity and power; and our leadership appears weak, impotent and inadequate..... which only emboldens those who seek to exploit our vulnerability.
     So while what goes on in Egypt alone will not change the future and the fortune of our great nation, it is just one more brick in a wall that is becoming a solid barrier to world peace.  We better pay attention or that wall could easily surround us.   The United States has been a defender of man's Liberty and Freedom since its inception.  And we can't let our guard down now!
2 Peter 3:17-18       "Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position.  But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever!"

August 6, 2012

DVD Recommendation: "Behold A Pale Horse"

     Rarely do I come across a presentation of any kind that I recommend as highly as this DVD.  Behold A Pale Horse: America's Last Chance unveils the stealth with which the sovereignty of this country has been eroded, and it does it in a bold, captivating manner.  This movie/documentary is the first of a planned three-part series, and it combines historical perspective, Biblical principles, and an outspoken disclosure of the forces aligning themselves against America; the last stronghold of individual freedom and liberty.
     You will hear the voices of retired military experts, noted economists, political commentators, Privacy experts, best-selling authors, medical experts, grassroots activists and one plain-spoken country western performer named Charlie Daniels ---- all sounding the alarm against the organized and intentional takeover of America.
     What you hear goes beyond the watered down warnings we've received from other news outlets.  These people know what they are talking about, know what is at risk, and know that the wolf is at the door.
     You will learn that what has occurred in our country over the last couple of decades has been a systematic eradication of the American Constitution, and that it has followed the classic pattern of Marxism.  The steps toward Marxism are clearly delineated:  1)  The Leadership nationalizes major sectors of the economy (they accomplished that with the 2008 Bailouts of the auto and banking industries)  2)  Redistribution of Wealth (accomplished through multiple - and as yet unrevealed to the public - segments of Obamacare legislation)  3)  Discredit the Opposition - they can't let the Tea Party gain any traction; only the elites know what is best for the common man  4)  Censor the Pastors -  Keep the pastors from talking about moral and social issues through threats of pulling their 501(c)3 status and the passing of Hate Crimes legislation  5)  UN Small Arms Treaty is just one of the backdoor methods to erode our Second Amendment rights.  We are the last nation on earth who has not surrendered our arms.  Do you really trust our government not to try to take away that right by means of the UN?  And last but not least, 6)  The Leadership establishes a constabulary force, designed to control the people.  Does anyone remember our President stating that he is establishing a "civilian national security force" that reports directly to him during times of national emergency?  Can you honestly look at these hallmarks of Marxism and not see the writing on the wall?
     This DVD goes on to bring expert after expert to educate us about the disastrous effects of "Sustainable Development", the chief goal of the UN and its Agenda 21 program.  Bottom line?  It is a program to restructure the world .... countries and boundaries will be abolished, private property confiscated, and the population of the world will be dramatically limited.  Did you know that it is part of the Agenda 21 plan to restrict the world's population by 85%!?!?  And how will they do that?  It would be easy through war, diseases and famine.  Just read Revelation 6:8 .... it's all there.
     But this DVD doesn't just point a spotlight on all the underhanded schemes of the forces against America.  It also calls on each and every American to return to our heritage.  The movie showcases a credible and heartfelt performance by Mark Collins as General George Washington, who exhorts us to defend the country he gave us.  He tells us to put on "the full armor of God" as we fight this spiritual battle for the the soul of America.
     How did we go from a nation of craftsmen, entrepreneurs, manufacturers and inventors to a country of clerks, cashiers and home health aid workers?  I agree wholeheartedly with Charlie Daniels, who challenges all Patriots .... "Let's ride, boys!.... We need a thousand Paul Reveres."  Spread the word about this DVD! And it won't just be this country that will be saved.  It will be the world!  Because you see, the rest of the world needs America to stand up against this Evil.   Our freedom depends on it.... and so does the world's.  We are the last chance.
     I have given you just a small portion of the valuable information that is within this presentation.  I consider myself pretty informed on what the country is up against, but I have never seen such a scholarly, knowledgeable and significant production.  So I would urge not only Americans, but freedom lovers throughout the world to buy this DVD.  The curtain has been pulled back and you will clearly see what is at hand.  And if Parts 2 and 3 of this series are as good as Part 1, this film series should sweep the land!

Ephesians 6:13     "Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand."

June 28, 2012

Fires Are Latest Method of Terrorist Attack

     I'm sure I'm going to be accused of being a conspiracy theorist, but I've had my suspicions for quite some time now.  And this last week, when the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security issued reports stating that for more than a decade “international terrorist groups and associated individuals have expressed interest in using fire as a tactic against the Homeland to cause economic loss, fear, resource depletion, and humanitarian hardship,” it tends to make me sit up and take notice.
     You should know that different law enforcement agencies have long suspected that fire could be used as a weapon, because it is inexpensive and you don't need a lot of technical expertise to light a match.  Combine that with the EPA's reluctance to clear brush and undergrowth, and you've got a formula for disaster.

     But the real clincher that finally has the alphabet agencies paying attention is a slick online publication called Inspire.  This online magazine is reportedly produced by Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.  The most recent issue of Inspire featured multiple articles on the use of wildfire as a weapon in jihad, including a complete guide on creating an “ember bomb” that would likely have a “high failure rate when manufactured and utilized by untrained or inexperienced personnel” according to the DHS report.  Is that supposed to make us feel better?
    The FBI has also separately warned about the latest issue of Inspire, which “instructs the audience to look for two necessary factors for a successful wildfire, which are dryness and high winds to help spread the fire. Specific fire conditions that are likely to spread fire quickly are Pinewood, crownfires (where the trees and branches are close together), and steep slope fires (fire spreads faster going up a slope).”  California and Montana are specifically listed in Inspire as potential targets.
     I don't know about you, but this scenario sounds totally reasonable.  About 2.9 million acres burned each year in the U.S. between 1985 and 1995, but since then, the average has jumped to more than 6 million acres annually, including at least 5.9 million that burned nationwide in 2009.  There has to be a reason for the dramatic jump, don't you think?
     And since these FBI and DHS reports state the threat has existed for more than a decade, it didn't surprise me to read this statement by Rick Ochoa, the fire weather program manager at the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho:  "We are seeing a significant trend.  Over the last 10, 12 years, fire activity has been much higher than normal."  Hmmm, let's see .... when did Al-Queda strike the Twin Towers?  Oh, yeah.  Almost 11 years ago.  Coincidental?
     And this last week was no exception.  Fires raged across Colorado and New Mexico.  I know that there could be other reasons for these fires.  U.S. fire departments reported over 24,000 fires caused by lightening strikes in 2004-2008.  I find it a little less believable that global warming is the reason for the increase in the last decade, although I'm sure the EPA would like us to buy into that theory.
     Nevertheless, I believe this is a very real threat and present danger to our nation.  I'm not sure what we as individuals can do to stop it, except be vigilant and alert.  The continuing drought across the nation is not helping either.  As for me, I will pray for rain and for the Lord to confound and confuse.  We face enough threat of fire from Nature; we don't need a terrorist campaign by fire.

Jeremiah 23:29       "Is not my word like fire,” declares the LORD, “and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?"

May 19, 2012

Saturday Morning Commentary: Is Anybody Paying Attention?

     As I contemplated today's post, I hesitated about bringing it to you.  My desire is always to enlighten and to encourage.  But I'm afraid that what I have to say today is frightening.  Yet it must be brought to light.  And considering my rant yesterday, I just want to ask all the socialists who consider themselves Sooo compassionate ..... why aren't you speaking out about the death and the violence at our southern border?  How can you, or for that matter, anyone ignore the 49 mutilated, decapitated bodies that were recently dumped on a highway connecting the northern Mexican town of Monterrey to the U.S. border?  Where is the media?  Where is the Administration?
     And this isn't the first occurrence.  Since 2006, nearly 50,000 people have been killed south of our border.  We are all aware that the drug cartels are upping the ante in their attempt to control and grow drug traffic between Mexico and the U.S.  It is a billion-dollar business and innocent lives are an expendable commodity.  But what alarms me is that it's not just the drug cartels we are dealing with here.

     Earlier this year, at a House Foreign Affair's Committee hearing, former Chief of Operations of the DEA, Michael Braun, reported that the Iranian-supported terrorist group Hezbollah has spread its influence all the way to the U.S. border with Mexico.  Braun said Hezbollah and other terrorist groups understand that the Mexican cartels are already operating successfully inside the United States.  And they wish to exploit that vulnerability.
     “If anyone thinks for one moment that these terrorist organizations do not understand that the Mexican drug trafficking cartels now dominate drug trafficking in our country – reportedly in more than 250 cities – than they are very stupid or very naive,” he said.
     “Hezbollah are absolute masters at forming close relationships with existing organized crime groups around the world that helps them facilitate what they need to do to move their agendas forward,” Braun stated. “And if anyone thinks for a moment that they don’t have their eye on the southwest border and ALL of our country, then they couldn’t be more wrong.”
     Remember the plot, recently uncovered by the DEA, involving an Iranian operative who was planning to allegedly assassinate the Saudi ambassador during a trip to Washington, D.C?  There was no need to try to avoid detection coming into U.S. airports.  Our porous southern border makes it easy for these operatives to sneak into the country.   Indeed, government investigators uncovered the connection between Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force and the Zeta drug cartel in the foiled assassination attempt on U.S. soil.
     Braun said Quds Force and Hezbollah work “very, very hard” to develop relationships with criminal groups that already have in place systems for illegal activities, including drug and human trafficking, money laundering and forged document operations.
     “And by developing those relations it provides them with the ability to operate far from home in our neighborhood and – as I said earlier – on our doorstep,” he asserted.
     So does any of this concern anyone else besides me?  Why is this not being reported from every news outlet in the nation?  Should we really be more concerned about Roger Clemens' steroid use? Is this what our Congress finds more important than U.S. Security?  After all, national security is the ONE area the Government is SUPPOSED to undertake on our behalf!
     Is anyone else just a little bit troubled that an increasing number of the nearly 50,000 Mexican dead have been decapitated?  And their hands have been cut off?  I don't want to sound morbid, but this is barbaric and extremely upsetting.
     The combination of ruthless drug cartels and radical terrorists is not a good thing, no matter where it occurs.  But when it is just across our southern border, and we are not receiving any information from our government officials --- no warnings; and no apparent plan to stop it or defend against it --- then I can't help but wonder, what's next?
     When does the violence spill over into the U.S.?  In what other ways have these terrorist groups infiltrated our country?  What is their agenda?  How many more innocent victims have to die before this situation is addressed --- openly and transparently by the media and the Government?
     We can no longer ignore the facts.  We ARE vulnerable, and without any semblance of a Border fence, what's to stop these terrorists (and the killings) from continuing?  How long before American citizens become the next victims?  The final words of Michael Braun haunt me .... "I think there’s going to be hell to pay in the not too distant future,” he said.   May God protect us!

Psalm 140:1     "Rescue me, LORD, from evildoers; protect me from the violent."