A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Inner Healing Ministry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inner Healing Ministry. Show all posts

October 22, 2024

My Personal Assessment (& A Piece of Advice) For Those Called To Ministry

I find myself in a quandary today. Ever since my husband, Mark, and I were called out of our lackluster relationship [and service] to the Lord in order to receive a God-ordained ministry, we have been blessed by His faithfulness [and the Holy Spirit's wisdom and counsel] to be connected to people who have ignited, activated, encouraged, and walked beside us to see His will done in lives on the earth. 

Our spiritual journey really began over 15 years ago, and to be honest, we were simply a couple living a normal, commonplace life who faithfully went to Church, loved our Sunday School group, and thought of ourselves as good Christians. But one day, we just looked at each other and said, "I need more; I'm not being fed, and I want more of who God is." Long story short, it all began with my husband receiving an unexpected [and rare] vision from God that let us know He was calling us to something bigger than ourselves. 

At the time, we were seen as rebels within the Church we attended. After all, we were no longer coloring inside the lines of traditional Religious practices. We were attending conferences and training workshops with people who professed to also have heard from the Lord that He wanted to work with His followers to help continue the work He started ... preaching the Good News of His Kingdom; proclaiming that they could have freedom from their bondage to Satan [through the ministry of Inner Healing]; and working with Jesus to free individuals from the oppression of demons, illnesses, and the traumas and tragedies of life. 

We literally spent three years in the Word; studying every morning for at least two hours, and examining our denominational theology to make sure it aligned with God's Holy Word. After that dedicated time we were rewarded with His sanctified calling on our lives to a ministry in which we partnered with Jesus to set the captives free. We did not advertise it, call ourselves by a fancy title or ministry name. We just took advantage of every opportunity God brought to us to speak to anyone whom He helped us discern needed to be set free in order to pursue their purpose on this earth. One by one, they found their way to us, as God ordained their steps. At the beginning, we were met with a lot of skepticism, doubt, and unbelief. And we understood. The Church had their own form of "normalcy bias" ... and the message we were sharing [that Jesus can still set captives free like He did in the Bible] did not fit the modern model. The results of our form of ministry testified to the truth we professed, and lives were rescued from the Enemy and gloriously changed.

As the years progressed, we were thrilled to see more and more people awakening to our testimonies and Jesus's command to Seek the Kingdom first and righteousness. And we counted it a blessing when a few, who were themselves set free, experienced the calling on their lives to set others free -- just as Jesus called His disciples to do. By this time, the number of people finding their way to Jesus's Healing Table in our home had grown exponentially. We hoped that because of the freedom they received, they would want to become disciples of Jesus, following His model of bringing inner healing to those who have experienced trauma and oppression, all by the devil's design to keep them from discovering their assignment for the Kingdom. We began receiving requests to convene small conferences to teach and train others what we had been taught.

We were excited that people seemed interested in continuing Jesus's practice of setting the captives free. We naively thought that once they had experienced their own freedom, they would glorify Him by unselfishly setting others free. Over the next year or two, we saw people embrace the ministry from many different perspectives. We saw those who began having dreams and clearly hearing their instruction to plant and grow a ministry for the Lord. They were ready to take the ball and run with it! But then I also began to discern those who loved the idea of emulating Jesus's ministry and became impassioned with the possibilities of what they could accomplish for God's Kingdom. And I also began discerning that some were approaching this ministry out of their soul, rather than hearing God's voice in their spirit. They seemed to be getting out ahead of God's plan and schedule, devising their own program of ministry, fueled by their own zeal and enthusiasm.

In truth, not every dream, or thought that comes into our minds is always from God. Sometimes they are our own thoughts, prompted by our desire to serve the Kingdom [or, even our need for validation]. They can seem like God is speaking directly to our spirits, when in reality it is our soul [our mind, emotions, and free will] generating the dreams and thoughts. And that is an important distinction because it is the difference between God HONORING or BLESSING our ministry. And we have to ask ourselves an honest question ... is the condition of our heart to grow our ministry, OR is to advance the Kingdom? Granted, you can advance the Kingdom if your ministry is growing, and God will certainly honor those efforts; He will recognize, appreciate, and value your ministry. And a byproduct may be that people will also recognize the validity of your ministry.

But I think we have to ask ourselves a very important question -- are we more driven to develop and grow our ministry; or are we more focused on representing God's Kingdom and taking back territory from the Enemy? Is the focus of our ministry centered on us and our reputation, or is it about declaring, "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven?" If it is the latter, then the ministry God has called us to will be blessed; there will be bountiful fruit that is borne from it.

I'm going to be honest here ... the Lord has blessed the ministry that He called Mark and I to. It is so encouraging [and gratifying] to see people who have been set free through our obedience to Christ, then answer His call on their lives, and begin to work with Jesus to help set others free! I find it uncomfortable when someone makes an appointment and tells us that they have been hearing about us. No! I want them to be hearing about what Jesus is doing through us! For us, it's always been about Jesus; about being obedient to His teachings and commands, fulfilling the same assignments as the Twelve Disciples were given. I want it to be said of us as it was said of them ... And they went out and preached [the Gospel of the Kingdom] everywhere, while the Lord was working with them and confirming the Word by the signs that followed.

And what did Jesus say would be the signs of those who believe in Him and were baptized into salvation? In My Name they will cast out demons, they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them [these are cultural idioms for engaging with evil people and poisonous words]; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will get well. That is some fruit that cannot be ignored!

Sadly, it is has become my opinion over the last few years that the true motives for ministry have [for a growing number of Christians] become all about chasing the Gifts, Titles, and Positions. If we are going to see these ministries truly model the ministry of Jesus Christ, we need to be honest with ourselves and ask if we are not elevating ourselves and our ministries above what God is trying to do in getting people free. If we do not become poor in spirit [recognizing that we have no spiritual "assets"; we are truly poor and must be willing to beg God for His resources that are necessary to do ministry], we will never receive the rewards of the Kingdom of Heaven. If we are relying on our own abilities and resources, instead of God's will and instruction, then we will never receive as much from Him as we could have. And we are denying the person we're ministering to the full measure of what God wants for them, and it becomes all about us.

I do not want to condemn or judge, because I believe these ministers love the Lord and have a heart to help people, but I have become increasingly disappointed in some of them as I watch them chasing what I can only call "Performance Ministry", seeking validation from their actions and what is put on display for all to see. I read an article back in 2019 by Deliverance Minister, Kathy DeGraw in Charisma Magazine that has stuck with me. She asked this pointed question: Are we doing ministry for ourselves so we can release our anointing and preach, pray, and prophesy ... or are we genuinely in love with God, desiring to release the Spirit of God within us? That answer is important because one draws attention from others to us; the other focuses on the intentions of our heart towards the Father. One is an honor; the other a blessing which can result in changed lives for the Kingdom, which is synonymous with fruit. 

I don't want to paint a broad brush across all ministries, but I do want to share these cautionary words if you are being called to ministry ... let your heart be cleansed of all self-promotion and centered on the will of God, for there you will find blessings that far outweigh the praise of men. 

2 Timothy 2:15    Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the Word of Truth.

March 15, 2023

Don't Let Religion Limit the Freedom That Is Available in "Deliverance Ministries"

This is a very delicate subject, and I am going to try to be very careful as to how I express my opinion. I know that the use of a wrong word, or my failure to fully explain my experiences, or what I believe regarding Scripture can further the misunderstanding and debate over Deliverance Ministries. And it is very easy for the Body of Christ to become religious and divided over the terminology. I'd like to share what I find in the Bible on this subject, and to give a testament of my experiences in this realm of Christian ministry.

First of all, I want to say that there is so much opinion as to what constitutes "Deliverance." [I will speak to the controversy as to whether it is a biblical ministry in a moment]. The word Deliverance has different meanings to different people, and it can actually look and be understood differently, even by those who serve in this manner. Of course, it is probably most identified with casting demons or spirits out of a person, such as Jesus did with the Gadarene madman/demoniac. Let me be clear by saying that sanctified Christians will not be "possessed" by demons who have taken over their bodies -- unless they fall away from their faith and agree to that possession. Unsaved people can certainly become possessed, and are in need of having demons cast out, which can be an effective way to introduce them to the power of Jesus [in us] to set them free. Notice I said it is Jesus's power in us! I do not claim that any man can do it on his own.

But deliverance can also look like the tearing down of strongholds in one's life [or the demolishing of  deceptive thoughts/arguments/practices that the devil has convinced us to receive through our own sin, or through the sins committed against us]. In this case, we can partner with Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help and aid [minister to] the person to have an encounter with Jesus to refute those lies [that keep them "oppressed"] and hear His truth about who we are in Him. Once those strongholds are torn down and Jesus's Light can pour into the darkness we've been carrying around in our minds and souls, then we can cast out spirits of anger, shame, guilt, unworthiness etc. that we've been holding on to. These are very real low-level spirits/demons who are weakened when Jesus defeats the devil in our lives. This form of deliverance ministry is more often known as Inner Healing, and is what the Lord has so graciously given me and my husband as an assignment to serve His Kingdom. We are able to bring a fuller measure of freedom by destroying the strongholds, and then casting out the demons whose ability to oppress the person has been greatly reduced. 

So, I hope you can see just how confusing the term "Deliverance Ministry" can be, even within the ranks of those who have been called to serve in this manner. And I hope I've made it clear that there is a very distinctive difference between being "possessed" and being "oppressed". Now I want to address the Christians who will say that the use of the term "Deliverance Ministry" is not biblical. They will claim that Ephesians 4:11 gives a clear description of the ministries of the Church; namely, apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. Period. But that is not exactly what the Bible says. That is only part of a long sentence in which Paul teaches a bigger concept that we need to know regarding our service to our King. 

Paul relates that Jesus ascended into Heaven so that His Presence might fill the whole universe with the knowledge of Him. Then Paul talks about the purpose of the various offices [apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers] ... "to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes". [Boldface emphasis is obviously mine]. The fullness of the purposes of those offices actually covers Ephesians 4:11-14! I believe it is deceptive to limit this important concept to just one verse.

I hope you will consider this thought: the Amplified version of Scripture actually tells us that it is Jesus, Himself, who "appoints" these important offices [or assignments] within the Body of Christ, and He has done so with a specific purpose: that they might "equip the saints for the work of ministry". After looking up the origins of the words "equip" and "ministry", this is what I am discerning ... Jesus places a calling on one's life in one of those five positions. Then the job of those offices is to equip [or perfect a person fully] to minister [or do works of service; to administer works of relief or aid in service to the Body of Christ]. So, the idea that Deliverance Ministry is not mentioned as a Jesus-appointed office does not negate the concept that we are all to become fully perfected [made complete] to provide relief or aid to our fellow Christians [and nonbelievers, too] from the spiritual attacks of the Enemy [or the "craftiness in deceitful schemes" that the devil loves to employ]. 

Furthermore, Jesus lists the casting out of demons as part of His Great Commission in Matthew 28. He tells the disciples to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you". And what did He command them to do? In Matthew 10, He says, "As you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons". Jesus clearly states in John 14:12, "I assure you and most solemnly say to you, anyone who believes in Me [as Savior] will also do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these [in extent and outreach], because I am going to the Father". I believe that Jesus intends us to do the works of ministry that He did. And it is the assignment of those He has appointed within the Body of Christ to equip all saints to the ministry of these works. 

I would like to close this expository with the conclusion about Deliverance Ministry that was written on the Crosswalk website. The writer ended their article with this summation: "Are deliverance ministries biblical? I believe they are not. I do believe that we are in a spiritual battle daily, but there is no ministry or person who can “cure” us. Christians have the spirit of God in them, which leaves no room for demons to take up residence. God’s Word specifically tells us that He alone can save us from our sins. When we accept Him, we are free from our sin. Our sin may haunt us, but it can never control us because we are children of God".  

Let me respond to this opinion [which the writer is entitled to]. I consider my husband and myself to be "Inner Healing" ministers, which I would say is a form of Deliverance ministry. We would never say we could "cure" anyone of the spiritual issues that are part of their daily walk. And as previously stated in this post, if someone has received Jesus as their Savior, then they are sanctified by the Holy Spirit, and they cannot be "possessed", which is what I think the writer means when she says, there is "no room for demons to take up residence". But people can be "oppressed", or tormented by the lies, thoughts, and accusations [they hear in their minds] that the devil will try to get them to receive as their identity. We make it clear that we are not their Savior. Jesus is! 

But what we can do is help them to know who they are in Christ by inviting Jesus and Holy Spirit to be present and counter those lies with the truth about who Jesus says they are. I have been blessed to witness -- countless times -- the presence of Jesus who appears to a person's spirit to wash the effects of sin from their mind and emotions, and they hear [in their innermost parts] His voice tell them they are "loved", or call them "my Son or Daughter", or "you are clean"... any number of personal encounters with the only One who can set them free. We ALWAYS make it clear that it is His power that accomplishes their freedom from oppression. We are just His obedient servants to work with Him to make it possible for someone to walk away from their bondage.

Lastly, I want to address the comment, "When we accept Him, we are free from our sins. Our sin may haunt us, but it can never control us because we are children of God". How many wonderfully saved Christians are filling the Church pews, but are struggling with spiritual oppression? How many come to Church on Sunday filled with guilt or shame or anger because they are not living in freedom from molestation, adultery, pornography, addiction? Yes, they are haunted, but I also have seen many who are controlled by such spiritual attacks through their anger, bitterness, self-rejection and fear. 

Just because we have accepted Jesus as our Savior does not mean we are necessarily free of the oppression from the lies that Satan continues to whisper, and which steal our joy and peace He died to bring us. I believe Jesus wants us all, as His disciples, to be equipped to minister to our fellow Christians. And, just as He did, we can reach nonbelievers when we can introduce them to the healing power of Jesus that is in us. We just have to be willing to say, "Yes" to His invitation to minister as He did. As He said in John 14:12, we can do the things He did precisely because we have the same power in us that He did -- the Holy Spirit! And since He has gone to the Father, He is no longer here on the earth to do these freeing acts of service, so He needs us to work with Him [from Heaven] just as He worked with His Father [who was in Heaven].

I believe Jesus wants [and needs] us to fulfill this ministry as we get closer to His return. Satan and his demons know their time is short, and as many Christians as he can sideline and get off the battlefield, the more chance he has to cause destruction and chaos in the lives of Believers and nonbelievers, alike. Jesus died to set us free and give us life abundantly. Far too many people are open to oppression and torment as the days get darker. If we can become equipped by men and women whom Jesus has appointed to help us attain the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, then why would we deny this much-needed ministry to those who need it? Aren't we to grow up "in every way in Him"? 

I am so encouraged by the spiritual awakening and spirit of revival that is beginning to be manifested in the world. But I believe that Deliverance is an important adjunct to receiving the fullness of revival. When revival comes, the demons may rise up in opposition at the command of their leader to squelch the movement. It has been so since the beginning of time. Deliverance by qualified servants of Christ -- who have been trained and equipped for just such an assignment -- will allow the power of revival to flow unhindered and unrestrained; allowing it to reach its full potential. 

Without the option to receive Deliverance [if needed], the spiritual high of revival might become diminished by the spirit of bondage that still remains at the core of the person. As Pastor Greg Locke is quoted as saying on The Christian Post, "If you think back, every type of revival we had except one, there's never been a revival of deliverance," he continued. "As a matter of fact, you look at Azusa Street, the birthplace of the Pentecostal movement, it stopped, historically, because when deliverance began to break out, people didn't understand it. So they shut it down. You look at the Jesus Revolution, you look at Lonnie Frisbee, they didn't want to go into deliverance, and so [they] shut it down. It allowed him not to be able to fight his own demons and then not be able to move into deliverance."

Let us, as the Body of Christ, be willing to cast off the cloak of Religion and the spirit of fear to understand that whether Jesus was casting out a powerful demon in Gadara, or ministering to the woman at the well, the blind or the lame, He was portraying His ministry of Deliverance from the bondage of Satan. I want to do the things that He did! I want to work with Him to bring freedom to the lives of those who love Him! Let us not diminish His work in these times. We need His ministry in its fullness ... now more than ever! 

#deliverance #deliveranceministry #innerhealing #theministryofjesus  

Psalm 34:4  I sought the Lord [on the authority of His word], and He answered me, And delivered me from all my fears.


June 4, 2022

Validation: The Longing of Every Soul


As you know if you are familiar with my blog, my husband, Mark, and I have been appointed by Jesus to bring His healing to those who are suffering from trauma and torment brought on by the Enemy's attacks on their lives. Trauma and torment are common tactics used by the devil and his agents to keep people from knowing their true identity. And identity defines our self-worth, so what makes a better target for the Enemy than how we perceive our value?

I love explaining to people that the Scripture tells us that God chose us [in Him] before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4); that He knew us before we were conceived in our mother's womb (Jeremiah 1:5); and the most amazing Scripture to me ... that we had glory with Him before the world existed (John 17:5)! You see, I believe that being made in the image of God, we are spirit beings as He is Spirit. And I also believe that we existed in Heaven [with God] before He and Jesus even formed the world. Furthermore, I believe Scripture tells us that God chooses us, sets us apart, and calls us to a specific purpose for Him. In other words, He decides when to send our spirit being here to earth, in these bodies of flesh, to walk out the assignment we are given to reveal His Kingdom here on earth. We have a divine purpose for being here!

But here's the caveat: our Most High God wants our embedded spirit to choose to serve Him and carry out our purpose to share the Good News that salvation from sin and death is available to all mankind. And the next step in our calling is to declare that we have the power and authority of Christ to restore the earth to the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Heaven -- to remove the influence that Satan's kingdom of darkness has over the world. But that doesn't automatically happen, as is easily discerned by observing the current state of the planet.  

God's gift of Free Will puts the onus on us. We must make a decision to follow Jesus, receive our salvation, and then walk out our assignment as an ambassador of Heaven. BUT, we have an Enemy whose sole goal is to keep us from knowing our value and worth, so that we never discover that divine purpose that is written on our pages in God's Book of Life. If we don't understand at the deepest level of our soul and spirit who we are -- that we are made in the very image of God! -- then it is so easy for the devil to send attacks against our bodies, our souls, and yes, our spirits, to cause trauma and pain. Molestation, drugs, sex, and even a lack of nurturing [being ignored, neglected, rejected, and never heard] can destroy that connection to God that every human being is born with. 

We all crave validation. We have an innate desire to be wanted; to be cherished and loved; to have a sense that others value us and we have worth to the human race. But again, none of that is automatic in a sinful world. If we haven't chosen Jesus as our Savior, we look for our value and worth from people, and they are poor substitutes for the One who created us, loves us, died for us, and who sent us here with a divine purpose for our lives. So, we look for validation [which is confirmation and approval that we have value] from people and things which the devil uses to manipulate us, torment us, and lead us down paths of unrighteousness. We also look for our worth on Social Media -- which, I'm sorry, folks, promulgates so much fake, dishonest, and false identity. Or we numb the pain of unworthiness with drugs or meaningless sex.

What really grieves the Lord, though, is the tool of molestation that is used against children. So many of the Beloveds that Jesus sends to our ministry are adult victims of child molestation; both men and women. And molestation violates not only the body of the child, but destroys the innate self-worth of them as a human being, leaving them open to the lies of the Enemy who easily convinces them they are guilty, dirty, shameful, disgusting, unworthy, and unlovable. That's about as far from the image of God [that is our true identity] that you can get.

But I'm here to tell you that we must recognize these tactics of the Enemy and we must not only seek our own validation from the Lord, but earnestly establish that identity in our children! If this nation and the world are to come out of the darkness that we see in these school shootings, the violence in our major cities, and the rampant drug abuse and homelessness, then we must develop some strategies to restore God-given purpose and identity in our children. That might sound like just more typical Christian talk that no one actually expects to happen, but we've ignored the epidemic of depression, anxiety, fear, anger, insecurity, and loneliness that has led to not only anger and bitterness, but increased violence and suicide among our children. And believe me when I say that the devil doesn't differentiate between adults and children. Every human soul is fair game. The Enemy, working through a pandemic and technology, has managed to isolate millions of Americans, making them vulnerable to his methods of destroying their self-worth and identity. Let's end the trauma and torment for people of all ages, and introduce them to their validation in Christ Jesus. That is the hope of the world and it's time we walk boldly in our purpose for being here.

Galatians 1:10    Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.


March 22, 2021

The Power of Jesus's Outstretched Arm


I'm inviting you along for the ride as the Lord schools me on a bigger picture of His redeeming power. I'm not sure what the Holy Spirit is going to reveal during my "thinking out loud in the spirit". But, as I write this post, it is my prayer that His revelation will be a blessing to us all.

I'm in the middle of reading a really interesting book, titled Redeeming Your Timeline, by Pastor Troy Brewer of OpenDoor Church in Burleson, Texas. He presents an interesting concept of Jesus as a Time Traveler, being able to move in and out of the timelines of our lives, healing us in the past, the present, and the future. This book intrigued me because it fits so nicely with what I have experienced with the Lord in the Inner Healing and Deliverance ministry He has brought Mark and I. It has been my privilege to witness Jesus appearing in the memories of a person's wounded past to liberate them from the spirits of shame, guilt, unworthiness, etc, and then speaking to them [in the present] of their new identity as a valuable [and much loved] child of God. It's always a beautiful picture of what "being supernaturally redeemed" looks like.  

Pastor Brewer takes this idea of supernatural redemption a little further, explaining that Jesus can not only heal our past wounds, but can relieve our fears about the future, and help us to remain calm in the present. In fact, when He delivers us from the captivity of our past, it actually changes our now and our future! Our entire timeline can be redeemed! 

Before I go any further, I think we need to come to a mutual understanding of what "redeemed" or "redemption" actually means. I know, for myself, that I have sometimes been confused about the significance of such Scriptural words because they were never fully explained to me. So, I want to make sure we are all on the same page. I would venture to say that most Christians think of redemption as a New Testament concept; that it exemplifies Jesus's sacrificial death on the Cross. And it certainly does point to the fact that Jesus brings us deliverance from the guilt and power of sin through His death. But when researching deeper and accurate meanings of the words "redeem" or "redemption" in Strong's Concordance, I found that those words actually appeared far more often in the Old Testament! And the meanings have so much relevance for us today!

These are the meanings assigned to the words redeem, redeemed, Redeemer: 1) deliverance from captivity; 2) preserving the integrity, life, property, and family name of a close relative; and 3) complete sovereign freedom to liberate human beings. And we see these understandings in passages like Exodus 6:6, which says, "Therefore, say to the children of Israel, ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will free you from their bondage. I will redeem and rescue you with an outstretched (vigorous, powerful) arm and with great acts of judgment [against Egypt]". Then there is Psalm 77:15, which reads, "You have with Your [great] arm redeemed Your people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph".  This concept of Jesus as redeeming with an outstretched arm will broaden our understanding of how He heals in the timelines of our lives.

But first, I want to point out Job, which is considered by many theologians to be the oldest book in the Bible. Job is quoted as saying, "For I know that my Redeemer and Vindicator lives, and at the last He will take His stand upon the earth" (Job 19:25). That is a picture of Jesus being in the past, thousands of years before He was actually born, as well as a prophesy about what He will do in a future we haven't experienced yet! In Isaiah 48:17, Jesus speaks to the prophet Isaiah, identifying Himself as "your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel". And in Isaiah 48:12 Jesus calls Himself "the First and the Last", which coincides with His identity as "the Alpha and Omega" in Revelation 1:8. So, here we once again see Jesus in the past and the future. The point I want to get across is this: Scripture tells us Jesus is the One who is, who was, and who is to come. But we must not see that truth through an impersonal lens, as if it is a nice theological concept, but somewhat distant in relevance to our own lives. On the contrary, Jesus can actually enter into the timelines of our lives -- past, present, and future -- and redeem them. And here is what is even more amazing ... when Jesus heals that wound in your past, it is actually re-written in your Book of life, which creates a new present and a new future!

Take for example, the man with leprosy that Jesus healed in Mark 1:40-45. Scripture says, Moved with compassion [for his suffering], Jesus reached out with His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed.” Once again, there is that act of reaching out His hand in power.  In the Greek, that act is the word "ekkteino".  Ek means "coming out of place, time, or cause". Kteino means "to put to death". So, we can understand that, in the power that was in Him, Jesus entered into the timeline of the man with leprosy [to the place, time, and cause of his disease] and healed him [put to death what the Enemy had sent against him]. In effect, that changed the man's identity, which transformed his life in the present, and into his future. 

And guess what? He can do the same for me and you! He can actually redeem us through His outstretched arm [just as He did for the Israelites in the aforementioned passages in Exodus and Psalms]. He can travel through the times of our lives [past, present, and future] and free us from the effects of sin, transgression, and iniquity; and in the process, give us a new destiny, transforming our lives to reconcile with what He wrote in our Book of Life before He even created the world! The question becomes if we will allow Him to do that. Can we see how inviting Him into our past can profoundly change our present and lead us into a glorious future? We must understand that Jesus created Time, so it is an environment that He has sovereignty over, and He can change what happens there. He has the power to confront our past and redeem it; delivering us from the captivity and bondage of sin, preserving our integrity and who He designed us to be, and propelling us into a future that glorifies Him and His Kingdom! That portion of time that contained the sin has been cleansed and a new portion of time has been established. And we can operate in this new timeline knowing our Lord, our Redeemer, has sanctified us to walk out our purpose. No looking back -- let Him stretch out His powerful arm and receive your redemption!

Isaiah 46:10     Declaring the end and the result from the beginning, And from ancient times the things which have not [yet] been done, Saying, ‘My purpose will be established, And I will do all that pleases Me and fulfills My purpose,’

March 17, 2020

What I Learned From Steve Harmon

     In the midst of the turmoil and uncertainty that is the Coronavirus event, the Body of Christ (and the world) is in need of a voice of clarity and purpose. Steve Harmon was that voice for me and Mark this past weekend. Maybe you haven't heard of him, but I encourage you to find his videos on YouTube and join his Facebook page. He is unlike any other voice for Jesus that I've heard. And Mark and I had the privilege of hosting him in our home for four days and then introducing him to a new audience of Christians in our area who needed to hear his message.
     Steve is part Inner Healing and Deliverance Minister, part Equipper and Trainer for the Kingdom, and part champion for those people who suffer from Satanic Ritual Abuse (known as SRAs). Just like Hannah dedicated her son, Samuel, to the Lord, Steve's mom prayed for a son to be born and she would consecrate him for a life of service to his God. After a few wayward years, Steve fulfilled his mother's promise, and completely lives his life for the Lord.
     He has no fear of man, and isn't afraid to break all the rules of "Churchianity" in America as he  challenges our theology. He educates us on the purpose of the Church, which he declares is plainly stated in Ephesians 4:11-15, And He gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into Him who is the head, into Christ.
     Spending time with this Godly man and hearing his teachings, I witnessed someone who truly walks out his faith selflessly and without reservations. He believes in complete healing as a process in the Christian life of communicating the Truth of Jesus in order to be set free. And what does that look like? I hear lots of people say they are free in Christ, and many have received a measure of freedom through Inner Healing and Deliverance. But if we were completely free, we would not get offended; we would walk in the Spirit without measure; we wouldn't get sick; and our bodies wouldn't be decaying and dying. How many of us meet those qualifications?
     So, it was refreshing to hear someone who wasn't afraid to challenge us as individuals, or to challenge the Church for not fulfilling their purpose; and to challenge our group of Christians to find their ministry to do what Jesus did. "Love, power, and truth is what Jesus operated in everywhere He went"... Loving people out of their woundedness; walking in our power and authority to defeat the demons who want to destroy our image of God, our image of ourselves, and how we see the world around us; and speaking the Truth that goes beyond our church doctrines and the limiting doctrine of "Where is it in the Bible?" 
     Steve stressed that the point of the Bible is to be in right relationship with the Spirit. It's the Holy Spirit's job to show us what God can do. The Holy Spirit is not limited to what John or Paul or Peter or any other man wrote in the Bible. And neither is Jesus limited by what people wrote about Him in Scripture! This coincides with something I tell everyone who is skeptical about our Inner Healing/Deliverance ministry -- everything written in the Bible is about Jesus. BUT everything about Jesus is not written in the Bible. Read that again and ponder it in your heart.  
     I know Steve's teaching stretched the faith of those people in that room this weekend, but if they were like me, I want to be stretched; I don't want a stagnant and static faith. I want to grow and mature into the fullness of Christ. And one of the biggest challenges Steve brings to any audience is his teaching that God is not in total control. But what about His Sovereignty, they always ask? "Sovereignty" is a fairly new term that has been applied to God's nature and means that He has the right to act within the limitations He has set upon Himself, And that limitation centers around the fact that He has offered us Free Will. And that will is a gift from our God that allows us to choose the way we will live our lives. Our gift to Him is choosing and doing His will which gives Him His authority back. 
     And that Free Will either harms or benefits the lives of every person on the earth. It is a key component in the healing process of our ministry. It is the basis of understanding either the joy Christians walk in or the woundedness that destroys lives; that result in fractured souls and whether those souls walk in Jesus's Light or the devil's darkness. 
     I was largely familiar with all the elements of Steve's teachings on Inner Healing and Deliverance and found so much confirmation and validation that Mark and I are on the right track in working with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. But perhaps the greatest benefit I found in these four blessed days was his encouragement to expand our ministry beyond the immediate benefit of Inner Healing and Freedom for the Beloveds, and to include life coaching, discipling, and counseling to our model. And this inducement comes directly from Steve's heart.
     This is a man who is giving his entire life to setting people free and loving them into wholeness. He reflects the Father's heart for His children and it has cost him everything that the average man reveres so highly. His "family" are the precious individuals that he ministers to; the most severely wounded and damaged people who are victims of satanic rituals; whose lives have been shattered into an overwhelming number of fragments. It is his life's mission to rescue them from their tormentors and to restore them to their rightful identity as a child of God. And that has meant dedicating years of his life to the healing of one person; to very real physical and spiritual battles with powerful demons; and to relying completely on the Lord for his every need in life. He demonstrates so beautifully what the sacrificial life looks like. 
     So, as we head into more uncertainty and disquiet in the coming days, I am thankful for these few days spent with a man who personifies the perseverance and risk that is called faith. Steve Harmon, thank you for blessing our lives; for encouraging us to reach farther in our efforts to represent the Kingdom of God and earth; and for inspiring us to love deeper and live our lives in complete surrender to the Lord. May God protect you as you battle to bring His Light into the world!

Philippians 2:3-4     Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

November 26, 2019

The Lies And The Truth

"When the Spirit of the Lord comes upon my heart, I will dance like David danced"
      I want you to contemplate the following post that appeared on Steve Harmon's Facebook page. It's really hard to describe exactly who Steve is -- he's a deliverance minister, a warrior for God, and an ambassador for the Kingdom ... and he just makes a lot of sense when he writes about the tactics of the Enemy to destroy our relationship with God. His latest Facebook post struck such a compelling chord with my spirit that I had to share.
     He writes, "The Demonic know that they can't separate you from the Love of God. So, because of that, they have to do things to convince you that God doesn't love you or care [about you]. So they work to cut off your communication with Him. They work to stop your prayers from happening. They work to dictate the circumstances in your life so that you believe that God is ignoring you, or has left you. The whole purpose of this is so YOU will let go of God and turn away from Him in your life. Since they can't get God to turn away and let go of you, they have to get you [to let go of God.]
     When one turns away and lets go of God, it doesn't mean God has stopped loving them. It just means that their connection with God is now cut off because they shut the door of their heart. So their life starts to feel hard, difficult, hopeless, and dry because they sever ties with the Life Source. And all because they believe the Life Source left them -- which never happened.
     This is how the game is played. You can't ever let your circumstances dictate how you believe who God is, and what He is like. Jesus always stands at the door and knocks. Open the door again. He will NEVER leave you nor forsake you, no what it feels or looks like."
     And here is the last sentence I would add to that post ... So we have to stop listening to the lies of the Enemy. I will further tell you that what he wrote perfectly describes the tactics of Satan in every single Inner Healing session we do. As Paul wrote in Romans 8, there is nothing in all creation that can separate us from the love of God. And as Steve Harmon wrote, it is never a question of God letting go of us, but of us letting go of God. The Enemy will take the difficult circumstances of our lives and try to convince us that God was never there; that He abandoned us in that moment [or sometimes years]. He will try to convince us that all the promises in the Bible are a lie, when in fact it is he who is lying.
     Those promises include the truth that He will fight for you (Exodus 14:14); that He will strengthen the weary and increase the power of the weak (Isaiah 40239); that no weapon formed against you will prevail (Isaiah 54:17); that He has plans to prosper you and not harm you; plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11); that He will be with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9).  So when the hard times come -- and they will -- either from our own rebellious sins, or the times someone else's sins caused us pain, we must not allow the Enemy to convince us to cut off our communication with God. We must not turn away from Him nor let go of His hand.
     There is no amount of addiction, adultery, molestation or sexual sin that will cause Him to stop loving you. He will always be knocking at the door of your heart, waiting for you to open it to Him. And even if your childhood was filled with physical or emotional pain, He never abandoned you! I have experienced indescribable joy -- and many tears -- when [during an Inner Healing session] the Lord shows a person exactly where He was when the pain was being inflicted, and they see His face as He delivers them from that painful memory. And then Jesus walks them out of that situation and shows the Beloved that His blood now covers that memory and it is sealed from causing anymore pain. The lies of the Enemy have now been blown to pieces and the person knows in their body, soul, and spirit who God, the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are, and what they are like.
     I had the amazing privilege this past weekend to witness the encounters that 24 military veterans and first responders had with the Risen Christ. It was indescribable! Jesus paid the price for their pain and they were willing to be vulnerable enough to give Him what He died for. It was one of the most beautiful weekends of my life. My spirit is still soaring high! These men are no longer prisoners to the lies of the Enemy!
     And that brings me to my last witness that I want to share. A most cherished friend and Sister in Christ has a Prison Ministry and I want to share her testimony about her experience this past Sunday ... There were 116 men at Sunday services at the prison where she ministers. The Spirit of God broke out as the worshipers led the men to stand and sing Alleluia to the Lord. She then led them through a time of forgiveness where they could see Jesus with them [during the episodes of their life]. She led a man who lives in the segregation unit of the prison to the Lord, presented him with a Bible and he will be baptized next week!
     Then during the song "Dance like David danced", the Lord said to tell the men that if they used to dance in the clubs [when they were on the outside], it was okay for them to dance here in the prison church. Men began filling the aisles and dancing; men with tattoos covering their heads; tall men, short men, Hispanic, White, and Black men. They formed a circle and men went into the middle and danced [with sheer joy and abandon] -- just like David! The officer on watch said they felt the presence of God inside those prison walls.
     So, you see, there are all kinds of prisons, both physical and spiritual. But Jesus can enter into both and bring freedom with Him. And Steve Harmon is right -- we can never get God to turn away from us or leave us alone. Never! We simply must leave the door to our hearts open to the Life Source of the Universe. Grab on to Him and never let go!

Romans 8:37-39     No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

November 3, 2019

It Never Gets Old!

     There are days that I am overcome with the blessings that Mark and I receive as we participate with Jesus to see those held in bondage to Satan's kingdom of darkness set free. Today is one of those days.
     The last week has been an emotional roller coaster for us, and to be honest we are tired. We have spent four days working with devoted followers of Christ to help female veterans walk in true freedom, and then another two days with a woman who overcame a lifetime of bondage and is literally a new creation in Jesus.  I will tell you, it is hard to bear witness to the pain that the devil brings into innocent lives, but the joy of watching Jesus wash away the false identities and restoring wounded souls and spirits is indescribable! We wouldn't change a minute of it, and we will never weary of our Kingdom assignment.
     And this post is not about revealing the details or information about the newly liberated, because while each story is unique and each person is deserving of mention for how Jesus healed their broken hearts, the themes of the Enemy's attacks on these precious lives runs along similar lines. It may sound trite, but when Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 1:9, "There is nothing new under the sun", it is actually true when it comes to Satan's attacks on individuals. We see the devil using the same familiar pattern to entrap and enslave both Believers and non-Believers. He certainly does not have the creative mind of Christ!
     In fact, I think we sometimes have become desensitized to the truth of familiar Bible verses, and just take them for granted, which permits these recurring attacks to be so successful. We must realize that John 10:10, 1 Peter 5:8, and John 8:44 reveal the modus operandi of our Enemy on this earth. I want you to really meditate on the following Scriptures ... The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy ... Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour ... [the devil] is a liar and the father of lies. 
     Each of these verses reveals the methodology and the spiritual blueprint of how the devil is able to impact so many lives. Yet we read them and it is as if we don't take them seriously. Quite often the wounded [and even uninformed Christians] will ask, "Why did God allow this to happen?" First of all, we simply cannot dismiss God's spiritual law, if you will, of Free Will. He established it so that our choice to become a child of God actually glorifies Him; and that is the reality of why He created us ... Bring all who claim Me as their God, for I have made them for My glory (Isaiah 43:7).  And once Free Will is established, it cannot be changed; our God's character and principles never change. And that is how the devil is able to be so effective in carrying out his attacks. Someone decides to use their free will in an ungodlike manner. And that gives Satan the legal right to open up a spiritual door and begin the attacks.  Other times, the devil is simply looking for vulnerable people to devour, and then tries to convince us that God could have stepped in and stopped it. But He didn't even stop His own Son's death on the cross, so He is uniquely familiar with the pain of unexplained and unexpected circumstances. Jesus willingly went to the Cross and suffered all the pain we might ever encounter so that He could identify with us when those unforeseen attacks of the Enemy come into our lives.
     As hard as it is to comprehend, no matter whether we meet with a Beloved who has been beaten, raped, molested, bullied, verbally and emotionally abused, abandoned, cheated on, rejected, or been subjected to some other kind of pain, the methodology of the devil is always the same. He is trying to steal their joy and peace and relationship with the Father as a child of God; destroy their self-image; or ultimately to kill their body. And he is always on the prowl, looking for someone who will assist him in his goals. And it might be our own selves, or someone else who is only too willing to use their free will to listen to his tempting voice. And that voice only speaks lies. He lies that we aren't good enough; that someone else is responsible for our unhappiness; that we are unforgiveable, unloveable, and unworthy of the love of others, especially Jesus. And then he whispers that we will never be free, and that is the most deplorable lie of all.
     Because the truth is, Mark and I have been witness to countless freedom celebrations in the spirit, as Jesus shows up to counter the lies and expose the truth of who we really are. He not only reveals that He was there through the pain, but then rewrites the story of the person's life and destroys the place, the cause, and the time that the devil orchestrated, even giving new names to the once-wounded spirit of a person .... names like capable, restored, pure, beautiful, loved, Mine. When the God of the Universe shows up, it is indescribable and life-changing!
     I just want us all to realize that no one has to live in the pain of this life or this world. But it takes a willingness to take a chance on Jesus. The devil will try to lie to you and tell you there is nothing that can take away the pain; that you deserve it. But I have many, many witnesses that nothing is further from the truth. Jesus stands at the door and knocks, and He is waiting to be invited in. When you let Him in, you can count on Him to lead you to victory in your life. Just listen to the testimony of Paige, who found her freedom just a day or two ago. She has kindly given me permission to share anything of her story, but I think this one line sums it up best ... "I have no shame weighing me down. I have no more fears. I have nothing but this light, sweet, loving feeling!" Amen! And I'll say it again ... It never gets old!

John 8:36    "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."

October 14, 2019

The Gift Of Freedom Revisited

I recently stumbled across this post I wrote nearly five years ago and was astounded to discern that the truth of it is still as relevant today. I am still just as inspired as I was then, and I am still as committed to shouting this news from the rooftops! So, whether this is the first time you have read this, or like me, you are revisiting it, I hope it speaks loud and clear to your spirit. Enjoy and then join me!

     How do I write about what I experienced over the weekend?  How do I impart the words of knowledge and freedom that I received, with both gratification and glory to God for His revelation, and without offending His Church and the Body of Christ?  That's a very difficult tightrope to walk.
     But, I guess the message I am getting from the Holy Spirit is this:  "Just tell the truth."  So here goes... You know that God seems to be leading me and my husband on a path towards accepting our position on the battlefield of Spiritual Warfare.  So, this past weekend, we had the privilege to attend a 2-day conference taught by Dr. Charles Kraft, a professor at Fuller Theological Seminary for 40 years.  The title of the conference was "Defeating Dark Angels", but the central topic of the meeting was based less on the sensational-sounding aspects of that title, and more on the Scripture-affirming concept of inner healing to help deliver defeated Christians as they battle their demons.
     There is no way in a single post that I can elucidate all the insight and understanding that my spirit was given during the intense instruction.  So I will try to give you the points that opened my eyes, my mind, and my heart to the truth of who I am meant to be as a follower of Jesus.
     Let me start by saying that Dr. Kraft is unlike what the secular world -- and for the most part, the Church -- views as a "Deliverance Minister."  He is a soft-spoken, gentle man, who never raises his voice.  He does not employ any of the histrionics of the so-called "healers" or "exorcists" that characterize the modern perception of evangelists who cast out demons -- there is no melodrama, theatrics, or artificial showmanship; no Benny Hinn, here.  There is no writhing on the floor, no yelling, and no dramatic vomiting. As he reiterated many times throughout the conference, "If the healing is not loving, it's not from Jesus."
     To begin with, he makes it very clear that there are two levels of demons we encounter in our spiritual warfare.  The "ground level" troops are the fallen angels that we call demons or evil spirits; those who envy us our bodies, and who look for someone to inhabit.  The "cosmic level" demons are those we encounter in Ephesians 6:12-- the principalities, powers and rulers that command the ground troops. They have different personalities, are destructive to the peace that Jesus has promised His followers, and they differ in power and wickedness.  All that sounds like we're waging a losing battle, doesn't it?  Sadly, many Christians are living their lives in defeat, rather than through the victory that is ours in Christ.
     Interestingly, Dr. Kraft wrote that although most Christians recognize that much of the New Testament was written by the Apostle Paul to the new Christian Churches, they fail to acknowledge that 80% of Paul's Epistles tell us of Jesus's Power, and about 20% talk about the Love of Jesus.  The average Christian knows about Love, Faith, and Redemption, but they are weak on Spiritual Warfare and the Power and Authority of Jesus that He transferred to us.
     As a missionary in Nigeria, Dr. Kraft asked the people he had come to serve in Jesus's Name, "What is your biggest problem?"  Their answer?  "Evil spirits."  I think it should be clear that we are all made in the image of God (as spirit beings), so why would we be any different?  Oh, yeah... the prosperity, the level of comfort, and our ability to hide from our demons through the means of entertainment, technology, addictions, and a myriad of other distractions.  So, in the end, we continue to ignore the attacks and continue in our bondage, while focusing on loving Jesus.  We base our Christian Worldview on the 20% of Paul's writings that talk about Love, and turn a blind eye to the 80% that tell us He has given us Power in His Name to be free of all the oppression, pain, and spiritual domination.
     The first step towards this freedom is to make two major changes in this worldview towards accepting our role in Spiritual Warfare:  1) Believe there are demons, and 2) Be able to effectively use our conferred Power and Authority (in His Name) to deal with these dark angels (demons) and to "set the captives free".  It was an eye-opener to me, when Dr. Kraft pointed out that there are three things that are most important to Christians:  Salvation, Freedom, and Habits.  We've got the first one down; we understand the origin and process of Salvation pretty well.  And we've gotten real good at the last one; our habits are entrenched in our Sunday attendance and all the ceremonies and traditions of our denominations.  As Dr. Kraft expressed so well, "Our churches are full of people wonderfully saved, but they're not free."
     We seem to have lost sight of the fact that Jesus obviously took Satan and his demons seriously.  And, even more importantly, He expects us to take demons seriously and to use His power to get rid of them.  That is very evident in the Scripture that instructs us on His Great Commission:  Jesus came up and said to them, “All authority (all power of absolute rule) in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.  Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations [help the people to learn of Me, believe in Me, and obey My words], baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always [remaining with you perpetually—regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion], even to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20).
     I have pointed out this Scripture in the past, but now I have an even greater understanding of it.  Jesus passed on to His disciples all of His power.  He set aside His God Power, and never once used it on earth.  He only acted as a human being, using the power of the Holy Spirit.  He intends for us to do the same!  We modern-day disciples of Christ are no different than the famous Disciples of the Gospels.  We are to see ourselves as Jesus sees us.  He tells them to go and make disciples of all the nations (and disciples is who we are); to baptize; and to "teach them to observe (or do) everything that I have commanded you."   Down through the centuries, each succeeding generation of disciples concentrated on evangelizing and baptizing, but failed to teach how to defeat demons using the power of the Holy Spirit.
     But the one thing I want you to get from this abbreviated summary of the conference is this:  There is no deliverance from our demons without inner healing first.  As a visual person, it helped me a lot to picture Dr. Kraft's illustration on what that looks like... "Where you have garbage, you have rats.  If you just get rid of the rats, and don't get rid of the garbage, the rats will come back.  But if you get rid of the garbage first, [the cycle] of the rats gets weakened, and it is usually easy to kick them out.  The rats, if they are there, are always the secondary problem, not the primary one."
     So his model of "Deliverance" is to accomplish the inner healing of the Christian first, then see if there are any demons present.  In other words, the "garbage" could be a number of things resulting in unresolved pain and hurt in one's life.  It could be broken relationships, areas of unconfessed sin, involvement in the occult, or sexual or physical abuse in your past --- anything else that gives the Enemy a "legal right" to influence you, either from the outside or the inside.
      When we deal with the "garbage" and get healed from that -- through getting in touch with how Jesus sees us; this Jesus whom we know as our loving Savior who created us, chose and planned us from before God made the world -- then the demons lose their hold on us, and we can often kick them out of our lives without a fight.
     But now comes the part that is difficult for me.  How do I express my frustration with the Church for their inability to see this dynamic?  How do I make my fellow Christians and members of the Body of Christ understand that if Jesus instructed us to be taught on how to use His Power and Authority through the Holy Spirit to defeat Satan and his demons -- yet we don't recognize that authority, or refuse to consider it -- then I humbly see that as irresponsible on our part, as His disciples.  This Power and Authority is available to all who follow Jesus, and is meant to be a means to offer Freedom to those held captive by Satan.  I will agree that certain people of faith seem to have a "knack" or "gifting", if you will, to "take the ball and run" with the power and authority.  But as Dr. Kraft so wisely counseled us, "Obedience precedes gifting."  If we will only be obedient to Jesus's command of John 14:12, (We will do the works He did, and do even greater things), I believe we will find that our ability to engage in His Power and Authority, through the Holy Spirit, will come in greater measure.
     We should not be afraid of our Commission, and we should not shirk our responsibility to follow our Savior's commands.  As 2 Timothy 1:7 says, "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control]."  THAT, my fellow Christians is living in true Freedom!  And THAT is why Jesus performed the will of His Father on the Cross... to give us the ability to use the same Authority from our Father, and the Power of the Holy Spirit to not only live a free life ourselves, but to help set other captive Christians free.
     You see, "Deliverance" doesn't have to be a violent, theatrical show of God's Power and Authority.  It can be just like Jesus showed us ... loving; practiced by any Christian; and it leads to healing, not just deliverance.
     But ultimately, the choice to practice His Power and Authority is still ours.  I agree with Dr. Kraft... God will not violate our Free Will.  He will not force the use of His authority upon us, nor will He change our free will.  But He can change the circumstances that result from our free will when, in the Name of Jesus, we take authority over demon spirits and break their power in Jesus's Name and through the Holy Spirit.
     The final thought I want to leave you with is this ... Deliverance is not a science; it is a journey of faith.  Jesus has given us tools to empower ourselves in our spiritual warfare, and they do just that... empower us; but they don't fix us.  We are in a spiritual war, and no war is won in a single battle.  Throughout our journey through life, we will engage in many battles, and growing into a mature faith is our goal.  But God has a goal, too.  He always wraps His Power in His Love, with the goal of setting people free.  My prayer is that His people will learn to use that Power and Authority to heal themselves and others from the attacks of the Enemy, and to free those whom Satan has in captivity from "the sins that entangle us."  It's time for all Christians to begin that journey of healing towards true Freedom.

     I wouldn't change a word about this five-year-old post. Every word still stands on its own. But the Lord has added new revelation in context of the Kingdom of God. Inner Healing is an important component of the Kingdom culture on earth. Without freedom, a Christian is subject to the lies of the Ruler of this dark world and unable to walk in his or her full power and authority as an ambassador of the Kingdom of Heaven. We have been appointed to take back territory [physically, geographically, and spiritually] for our King, and if we are shackled by wounds or pain, then lives remain in enemy hands. So, I am grateful to be able to re-share my initial enthusiasm for the ministry of Inner Healing, and to declare that my passion has not waned. God bless Dr. Kraft for the countless lives he has influenced while working with Jesus to "set the captives free". May we all answer the call on our lives to "Go!"

Psalm 32:8    "I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you [who are willing to learn] with My eye upon you." 

October 5, 2019

Things To Consider If You Think You're Being Called To A Ministry

     I recently read a very insightful article on Charisma Magazine by Kathy DeGraw, who is a Deliverance Minister. And since she identifies her ministry as "igniting and activating people, releasing prophetic destinies, and delivering people from the bondage of the Enemy", I felt a spiritual kinship and was intrigued by the title of her column: Why The Holy Spirit Doesn't Want You To Force Your Ministry Opportunities.
     Like Kathy, I've been having an ongoing conversation with the Lord about what I see in people who have discerned God's plan to advance His Kingdom. I am thrilled to see more and more people awakening to Jesus's command to Seek the Kingdom first and righteousness. I see God moving among His people, and my spirit sees the acceleration of His agenda to defeat Satan's kingdom.
     The number of people finding their way to Jesus's Healing table in our home has grown exponentially over the last few years. And it has not been because we have advertised or promoted ourselves. It's all because we have been obedient to Jesus's call and then trusted Him to speak to the hearts of those seeking spiritual freedom, ordering their steps to us.
     I am expressing all this because there was a statement Ms. DeGraw made in her article that struck a chord with me. She said, "We can force ministry doors to open and can make things happen in order for us to enhance our ministry, but are God's blessings upon it? Do we want God to bless our ministry or honor our ministry?  God will honor the things we do to share His word and grow our ministry. However, when God orchestrates our advancement or the event or action in which He has called us to do, He will bless that which He has called."
     Wow! That really got me to thinking. I am seeing many people answer God's call and they are passionate about what He is calling them to. And that's good! They begin having dreams and clearly hear instructions how to grow a ministry for the Lord. They are ready to take the ball and run with it. But, I am also discerning that many times they are engaging their soul more than their spirit. Remember, our soul consists of our mind, our will, and our emotions. Many times we can become so impassioned with the possibilities of what we can accomplish for God's kingdom, that we get out ahead of God's plan and schedule; devising our own program which is fueled by our own zeal and enthusiasm.
     In truth, not every dream, or thought that comes into our minds is always from God. Sometimes they are our own thoughts, prompted by our desire to serve the Kingdom; and they can seem like God is speaking directly to our spirits, when in reality it is our soul generating the dreams and thoughts. That's where the difference between God honoring or blessing our ministry. And we have to ask ourselves an honest question ... is the condition of our heart to grow our ministry OR to advance the Kingdom? Granted, you can advance the Kingdom if your ministry is growing, and God will certainly honor those efforts; He will recognize, appreciate, and value your ministry. People will also recognize the validity of your ministry.
     But I think we have to ask ourselves a very important question -- are we more driven to develop and grow our ministry; or are we more focused on representing God's Kingdom and taking back territory from the Enemy? Is the focus of our ministry centered on us and our reputation, or is it about declaring "thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven"? If it is the latter, then the ministry God has called us to will be blessed; there will be bountiful fruit that is borne from it.
     I'm going to be honest here. The Lord has blessed the ministry that Mark and I have been called to. It is so encouraging [as well as gratifying] to see people that have been set free through our obedience to Christ, then answer His call on their life, and begin to work with Jesus to help set others free! I find it uncomfortable when someone makes an appointment and tells us that they have been hearing about us. No! I want them to be hearing about what Jesus is doing through us! It's always been about Jesus for us; about being obedient to His teachings and commands, fulfilling the same assignments as the Twelve Disciples were given. I want it to be said of us as it was said of them ... And they went out and preached [the Gospel of the Kingdom] everywhere, while the Lord was working with them and confirming the word by the signs that followed. And what did Jesus say would be the signs of those who believed in Him and were baptized in salvation? In My name they will cast out demons, they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink anything deadly, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will get well. That is some fruit that cannot be ignored!
     We are not interested in chasing after giftings of the Holy Spirit, knowing that we will be given any [or all] of the gifts as we need them [to advance the Kingdom] because the Holy Spirit will counsel us and train us, having all the gifts Himself to give as necessary. We do not desire titles or positions; only to be known as obedient followers of Christ and Kingdom ambassadors. Our validity comes from who Christ says we are, not any man.
     It all comes back to a final question that Ms. DeGraw asked in her article ... Are we doing ministry for ourselves so we can release our anointing and preach, pray and prophesy, or are we genuinely in love with God, desiring to release the Spirit of God within us? One draws attention from others to us; the other focuses on the intentions of our heart towards the Father. One is an honor; the other a blessing which can result in changed lives for the Kingdom, which is synonymous with fruit. Just some things to consider if you are being called to ministry....

2 Timothy 2:15    Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth.


September 22, 2019

A Timely Prophecy About Deliverance Ministry: Setting Ourselves Apart

     As I have shared in the past, God, the Father, placed Mark and I in a remote part of Texas, off the beaten path; in a place few people have even heard of. He spoke to Mark in a dream to sanctify ourselves and our property for Him [with very specific instructions]. And then we waited. Not really sure about what or how we were going to be called to serve the Lord, we spent that hiatus diving deep into the Word, which prepared us for greater revelations of just how big our God is and what He is capable of doing in the lives of those willing to be obedient to His calling. It opened up His supernatural nature to us; something we had never been introduced to in the Church denominations we had been a part of.
     Then His next step was to take us out of those Church buildings [who found it difficult to accept what had been revealed to us]. We didn't stop loving those who loved the Lord, but He wanted to do something different with us and we were obedient to listen to His voice. In His timing, we were led to the right people who could equip and train us to fulfill His purpose in our lives; to do Inner Healing and Deliverance; setting the captives free under the guidance and counsel of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. That has been our calling for the last five years. And it has been our desire to help equip and strengthen the Body of Christ in this ministry to help others receive their Freedom in Christ.
     It has been an exhilarating ride; as well as, at times, frustrating and disappointing -- I imagine the same emotions our Lord experienced as He did what He heard His Father tell Him to do. It has been exhilarating to see the Body of Christ be freed from the bondage of Satan's lies and to have an encounter with the risen Christ -- to see them embrace their freedom and their true identity in Him, and want to help someone else get their own freedom. It has been exhilarating to see Christians recognize that this is what the Kingdom of God on earth looks like, and that this is how we walk as Kingdom citizens.    
     But now I'm going to be honest and express the other side of the coin, as well. It is not that I feel I am qualified to judge; it's just that there have been moments when my spirit has been troubled by what I have observed. Because, you see, it has also been frustrating to present this glorious promise and potential for the Body to serve, and then to see it shot down by a religious spirit that denies its Scriptural veracity. Equally disturbing is to see someone get set free and embrace the opportunity to continue to "do the things that Christ did" [cast out demons, heal the sick, cleanse the lepers/spiritually sick, raise the dead, and spread the Gospel of the Kingdom], only to become more focused on boasting about their own experiences than being humbled to be used by God to advance His Kingdom. Then there have been those who are always seeking more --- not that the Lord doesn't want to grow and mature us, but I often see people shepherding their own lives, rather than becoming sheep who listen for their Shepherd's voice.
     Don't get me wrong ... it has never deterred Mark and I from continuing to listen to the Lord and Holy Spirit and do what They command. We have not taken our eyes off Them, nor become distracted by the paths of others. Steady and true [to our calling] as been our motto. If the Lord wants to take us to the next level, we trust Him to take us there. As we see this generation seeking after more -- more titles, more offices, more supernatural experiences, more giftings, more callings -- I'm not always sure it is happening under the covering of Christ. There seems to be a lot of self-promotion via the soul, rather than appointments by the grace of God through the Holy Spirit.
     It has been difficult to discern and watch, and rather than think it is our job to judge, we simply continue on our path, and choose to observe and celebrate the fruit of our fellow ministers. And until now, we have hesitated to even comment on this phenomenon. So, it was with great interest that I read an article by Jennifer LeClaire, a prophetic voice in our generation, and founder of Awakening House of Prayer. I am not declaring that she holds the patent on Truth. It's just that her article expressed exactly what my spirit was discerning. I'd like to share some of what she heard from the Lord (emphasis in bold is my own]:

     "I am raising up even now, in your midst, a new generation and a new breed of deliverance ministers. And they will be bold like lions. They will not shrink back nor will they be intimidated by the tactics of the enemy. For I am putting new mantles on my deliverance ministers who are willing to take the tough cases; who are willing to go where others will not venture... And they will cooperate one with another; they will become companies of deliverance ministers who will run together. They will share intelligence, and they will cooperate with one another for My glory. For there will not be a strong competition in the realm of deliverance as we see even now in the realm of the apostolic and in the realm of the prophetic, because these ministers have set themselves apart and they understand the need for clean hands and a pure heart.
     So, they will celebrate with one another and celebrate each other and they will relish over the victories over the kingdom of darkness together. And they will network together, not in the sense of building their own kingdom, but in order to share the stories of glory from My Spirit in the realm of deliverance... But also, know and recognize, that many will come and try to take this new mantle—this new time and season of deliverance ministers rising up—as a fad and a trend. And they will try to hook their wagon to the greater wagon and try to use the momentum of the tide and the flow that I am bringing to the body of Christ.
     But, they will not carry the authority because their heart is compromised. They will not carry the authority that the pure ones do because they are not in it for the right reasons, and they will end up like the sons of Sceva because I don’t know these ones—not the way that I need to know them—because they kept part of their heart back from Me. And watch as the false deliverers arise, needing deliverance themselves. And you will see and know that I will sweep through the body of Christ and I will do a new thing in deliverance ministry in this hour."

     I will tell you that I know exactly what she is talking about and it is what my spirit has been celebrating at the same time it has been mourning the ways the Enemy is trying to corrupt this new season. I say, "Yes", to the promise that there is a new generation and a new breed of bold ministers that aren't afraid to walk in their calling; those who are readying themselves to be a part of the remnant of God whom He will use to defeat the Enemy's long-held tactics.
     About a year ago, I heard Dan Duval, Executive Director of Bride Ministries, prophecy that we would see God's judgment on those in high positions who have joined with Evil to participate with sex trafficking and child porn. He stated that there were arrests coming and people would be going to jail. We have seen that in the headlines in recent months, and I believe it is only the tip of the iceberg. But he also warned that when this beast system comes crashing down, there will be tens and hundreds of thousands of victims that will be released upon our society, all desperately needing Inner Healing and Deliverance. We must be prepared for this! But who will be able to persevere and stand under the weight of such numbers?
     The false deliverers -- those who do it for all the wrong reasons -- will fall away, and I find great hope and strength in knowing that Christ "will sweep through the Body of Christ and do A NEW THING IN DELIVERANCE MINISTRY IN THIS HOUR!" We praise, You, Lord Jesus, for Your constant faithfulness and trustworthiness; for Your dedication to seeing the Kingdom of God, and the will of the Father, done on earth as it is in Heaven. You will provide all the strength, power, authority, wisdom, and knowledge that we will need. And thank you for giving us hope in this hour!

Nahum 1:7    The Lord is good, A strength and stronghold in the day of trouble; He knows [He recognizes, cares for, and understands fully] those who take refuge and trust in Him.