A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label God's Feasts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's Feasts. Show all posts

April 14, 2024

Remember God's Promises In The Midst of World Chaos

As I finish writing this post, Iranian drones are flying over Israel, and the sense of impending war is heavy. Are these the birth pangs Jesus talked about? Is God determining to shake the world to bring about judgment and [hopefully] repentance? At the same time, as the season of Passover approaches, I am detecting a heightened sense of anticipation in my spirit; different than other years. I don't know how to explain it, other than I'm discerning the upcoming Feast Days unlike I have in years past. The picture God is painting for me is still not in total view, but I want to share what seems to be making sense to me at the moment. And I need to begin with how the Feast days tie into our current world events.

If you are familiar with the timeline of God's Holy Feast days then you are aware that the Spring Feasts align with Jesus's Crucifixion and death, His burial, and His Resurrection. To be more specific, He died as the sacrificial lamb [delivering us from the consequences of sin] on the Feast of Passover; was buried on the Feast of Unleavened Bread [born without sin, He is our Bread of Life]; He rose on the Feast of First Fruits [as the first fruit of the harvest of souls]. Then, 50 days later, on Pentecost, [which is when the Jews believe Moses received the written Law], He sent the Holy Spirit to write God's laws on the hearts of Believers.   

Knowing the spiritual and historical significance of these Holy Days, I am drawn back to that critical moment in time when the first Passover occurred, and God chose to step in and deliver His chosen people from their bondage. Israel had suffered in slavery for 400 years in Egypt and God had heard their cries and sent Moses to try and convince Pharaoh to set them free. Because Pharaoh hardened his heart and rebelled against the Most High God, YHWH interceded to set His plan in motion.

Ultimately, He sent the Angel of Death to judge the nation that had enslaved His people, telling Pharaoh, "Israel is My son, my firstborn. So, I said to you, 'Let My son go that He may serve Me; but you have refused to let him go. Behold, I will kill your son; your first born' " (Exodus 4:22-23). This is a prime example of what it can look like when God shows up to defeat Satan's wickedness and evil. He shows Creation (Satan and his fallen angels) just who is in charge. How it must have enraged Satan to see that God had provided a way for death to "pass over" the homes [and sons] of the Israelites!

God instructed His people how He wished them to memorialize this day of their deliverance by sacrificing an "unblemished" lamb to make peace with Him. This was to remind them that although they were His chosen people, they were not without guilt. Pharaoh paid a price with the shedding of his son's blood. The Israelites would have had their sons killed, too, without the substitutionary sacrifice of the lamb... Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22). 

The ancient sacrifice of the first Passover lamb occurred on the 14th day of Nisan and this day has been commemorated ever since. It should be of great significance to all Believers to understand that nearly 1500 years later, Jesus would become the sacrifice for us, that we might make peace with God. Once again, God chose to step into the world because something had to change if His plan to reconcile mankind was to move forward. So, Jesus chose to die for us on a long ago Passover; to shed His blood so that we could be forgiven for our sins and our relationship with our Creator could be purified and made holy.

Mankind has now had over 2000 years since that historic Passover to make their peace with God and receive that much-needed forgiveness by coming to faith in the One who provided the way to reconciliation. But does it look like we want to restore our relationship with Him? Does the world look like it seeks to honor His sacrifice by perpetuating His message of loving the Lord God with all your heart, soul, and mind; and loving your neighbor as much as you love yourself? The violence that threatens to engulf the world surely does not honor the upcoming Holy Days. 

We must not forget that while our God is a God of grace and mercy, He does not accept our sin and disobedience without chastising us. Over and over the Israelites of the Bible did not fulfill their obligations to YHWH for delivering them out of bondage. Not only did they continue to sin, but they rejected Jesus [whom YHWH sent to deliver them once more]; they refused to listen to His messengers, the prophets; and they forgot His word. And let's not forget the horrific harm to children through their idol worship of child sacrifice. I think nothing grieves God more! And the nation of Israel ended up in bondage. 

I dare to say that the world closely resembles that level of sin today. We certainly deserve the judgment of our Holy and Righteous God. And I believe that every day is an act of His mercy and love for us, giving us a chance to repent and ask for forgiveness; to end the impending wars and violence, the murder of innocent babies, and the sexual perversion that threatens to entrap millions of children in sexual slavery. And it gives Believers one more day to share the Good News of deliverance from our bondage to sin and God's glory of a coming Kingdom on earth.

So, as I contemplate these upcoming Spring Feasts, I am reminded that the Fall Feasts are not that far away. And remember, they point to Jesus's return when God sends Him, once again, to reconcile the world and defeat Evil and Wickedness; this time for good. And what I keep hearing in my spirit is God's promise in Hebrews 12:26-28 that He will "shake the earth and the heavens" in judgment in order to give us His Kingdom that cannot be shaken. 

We know that when Jesus died on the Cross, there was a great earthquake; the earth shook and the veil in the temple was torn in two, representing that the separation between man and God was torn asunder and we now have access to restore our relationship with our Father in Heaven. That shaking 2000 years ago is a foreshadowing of increasing shakings to come, unless we turn from our wicked ways and seek His face.

We do not know when the future Return of Christ will occur, but we do know that it will happen during the Fall Feasts. And when Jesus warns in Matthew of false prophets, false Christs, wars and rumors of wars, famine and pestilence, and great earthquakes that will shake the world, it may look like He's coming soon ... perhaps even during the 2024 Fall Feasts? Many are beginning to tremble with fear of God's judgments, but for us Believers, it is a time for rejoicing, because we know of God's promises when Jesus returns -- even in the midst of world chaos. It is a time of hope, not despair.

We know that no matter what evil Satan instigates in the world, we have an eternal life that awaits us. We know that while we are in this world, it is not our true home. We are a citizen of Heaven, and God promises we have a Savior who will take us Home with Him. Not only that, but He has promised us a home in His mansion; one that He is preparing for us even now. Furthermore, we have the promise that we get to exchange this mortal body [that is subject to pain and disease] for a glorious body, just like Christ's!  

Even in the midst of all the chaos, evil, and corruption of God's laws, I think the promise I am most excited about is the intimacy with Christ that I will experience -- to have personal access to Him as He receives me into His adopted family is something that I hang on to as I witness the increasing darkness. That promise transcends anything the kingdom of darkness can bring against us in this season. And who does not look forward to the promise of having authority in the Millennial Kingdom as we rule and reign with our Lord? 

But while we are still here on the earth, there are still promises that sustain us! Jesus will never leave us or abandon us. We have a precious inheritance that awaits us in heaven; an inheritance that will not perish, spoil or fade, as God, Himself guards it for us. The old corrupted order of things will be abolished and a new order will find us engaged in eternal worship and rejoicing in the presence of God. And don't forget the Heavenly celebration that awaits us at the Wedding Banquet! We will be given fine linen robes of white to wear. What a day that will be!

But even in the midst of all this reflection on the promises of God, we must face the reality of the tragic events that must take place at the end of time. Scripture tells us that wars, earthquakes, famine etc. will come to pass -- and we can certainly see the "shaking" that is coming into view. But the final promise will help us endure these troubling times because we know that God will judge the Enemy and the Enemy will be defeated! And then God comes to dwell with us!! And how I anticipate walking and talking with Him just like Adam and Eve did! 

So, as the world takes another step towards chaos and world war, I wonder if this is another critical moment in time when God will intervene for His people. Will He show up to demonstrate to Satan just who is in charge? While we wait for that answer, I will focus on the Spring Feasts in the next week, and I will be mindful of the sacrifice and pain Jesus suffered for us, and what it must have been like to experience the loss of hope in the days following His death. But I will praise Him for giving me the opportunity to come to faith and believe in His promises. And then I will look forward to that future season of the Fall Feasts when Evil is defeated and all the above promises become our new reality... and it may be coming sooner than we think!

2 Corinthians 7:1     Therefore, since we have [great and wonderful] promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, completing holiness [living a consecrated life -- a life set apart for God's purpose] in the fear of God.           


September 7, 2021

It's A New Biblical Year! What Does That Mean For Us?

Last evening [Monday, September 6th] at sundown began the observance of God's Feast of Trumpets, or Rosh Hashanah. This Feast is mentioned in Levitcus 23:23-25, and was instituted as a memorial day announced by the blowing of trumpets; a holy convocation. In the Jewish tradition, it is the first day of the month of Tishri, and the beginning of the "civil" New Year in which the counting of years is calculated. Since the Jewish calendar is based on lunar cycles, rather than the solar cycles of the Gregorian calendar [which we in the West follow], it can get a bit confusing. And according to the sages of the Jewish faith, when we count the years from the first day of Tishri, we find that it has been 5782 years since the creation of man [Adam]. 

It can get even more confusing when we understand that there is another month also designated as the "religious" new year. In Exodus 12, God tells Moses that the month of Nisan "shall be the beginning of months to you; it is to be the first month of the year to you". But unlike the new year in the month of Tishri, this new year is not for the counting of years, but is in commemoration of the Israelites' momentous transformation from slavery to physical liberation from Egypt. And not coincidentally, it is the month in which the Feasts of Passover, Unleavened Bread, and First Fruits are celebrated, signifying our transformation and freedom from the slavery of sin and eternal death through Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. 

Although the Feast of Trumpets is not specifically mentioned in the New Testament, the themes of the Feast [trumpet blasts] are found throughout the Book of Revelation. And in 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, the Apostle Paul alludes to the prophetic importance of the trumpet blasts heard during the Feast of Trumpets ...  Listen very carefully, I tell you a mystery [a secret truth decreed by God and previously hidden, but now revealed]; we will not all sleep [in death], but we will all be [completely] changed [wondrously transformed], in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at [the sound of] the last trumpet call. For a trumpet will sound, and the dead [who believed in Christ] will be raised imperishable, and we will be [completely] changed [wondrously transformed].

So, what does all this tradition and instruction have to do with us 21st Century Christians? We see that the celebration of the new year in the month of Nisan speaks to the delivery of the Hebrew nation from slavery in Egypt, and their transformation into freedom. It speaks of Jesus's First Coming. The new year in the month of Tishri also speaks of a transformation -- and for us Christians, it commemorates our future transformation into our glorified bodies when Christ returns at His Second Coming. Should we observe this Feast of Trumpets, and what significance, if any, does the counting of this particular year have for us? 

The celebration of God's Feasts has increasingly become important to Christians as we take note that God ordained these Feasts as "permanent statutes throughout your generations, wherever you may be". Often mistakenly referred to as the "Jewish Feasts", they apply to all who call themselves children of Abraham. We may not be Jewish, in the physical sense, but we are "spiritual children of Abraham". He is the father of our faith, and through him, we have the roots of our faith. So, again, is this year any different than any other? Is there special significance to the year 5782? It is not uncommon at this time, as it has been for thousands of years, for prophecies to be forthcoming about what this new year holds for the faithful. All of us want to know how God's plans for mankind will transpire. And since we know there is a very active Enemy coming against those plans, we want to be forewarned of danger ahead.

To be honest, I am often skeptical of all the prophetic words that are coming from all the prophets in the land. I am always conscious that we are to test the spirits of those claiming to hear from God, because He tells us in His Word that "many false prophets have gone out into the world". I am aware that we have the ability to prophesy, as the Spirit leads us, therefore I am very discerning of what I hear prophesied, and, in turn, I never want to prophesy anything to anyone that I'm not convinced came from the Lord. That being said, I hear so many [in Christian circles] saying that the theme of prophecy for this year seems to be centered on rest in the House of the Lord; new things will be birthed, as the old falls away; new levels of Grace and Favor; Divine alignment and Kingdom connections. Oh, how I pray all that becomes our reality!

My spirit longs for it all and I will be earnest in praying for it! But I decided today to take some time away from what I'm hearing the prophets say and ask God what He wants to say to me about this year of 5782 and the year 2022. I just sat quietly and listened. I didn't want to project my fleshly biases, but honestly wanted His perspectives on what this year could bring. So, I now would like to share what I heard in my spirit; what I felt was an honest answer to my question of Lord, what is it that You want me to know about this coming year? [NOTE: this is not intended to be considered prophecy for the Body of Christ! It is simply sharing the personal conversation I had with the Lord, in the hopes of focusing my heart, mind, and spirit on discerning His will for my life].

Lord, what is it You want me to know? What should I be expecting [or looking for] in the coming year? Lots of upheaval, but a strengthening at the core. 

At the core of what? 1) My physical body;  2) the core of my spiritual house;  and 3) the core of the TRUE Body of Christ in the world.

Lord, I'm afraid to ask, but what does the upheaval look like? You don't need the details of all that is coming ... Trust Me to prepare you and inform you as needed.

Is there anything else You want me to know about this coming year? It will be difficult for many and your heart will be burdened by loss.

Is there any hope, Lord? You will be victorious and able to help many. You will see Me in the midst of it all. 

I want to stress again that this is what the Lord spoke over my individual life. It is not meant to be spoken as an umbrella prophecy over the Body of Christ. In fact, I urge you to take the time to sit with God and ask for Him to speak to you regarding His will for your life in the coming year. We each have an individual destiny as well as a corporate one, so He may have something specific to speak to you, and it will likely be vastly different than mine. And then continue to stay in touch with Him. As His prophetic word over your life comes to light, you will have more questions in which you will seek His direction and guidance.

 But most of all, I want you to celebrate this beginning of the new Biblical year, declaring that God is ever-present in our circumstances and we are all individually known to Him. We must never doubt that He has His eye on us, nor that we will be alone in what comes, good or bad. We have so much to look forward to! In this season we will experience the Ten Days of Repentance [leading to the Day of Atonement], and the Feast of Tabernacles [when we celebrate the future of living in the presence of our Lord and Savior]. So, I bless you all with peace and joy and revelation in this season of Holy Days! May the Lord's face shine upon you!

Revelation 21:5   And He who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also He said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”  

June 23, 2021

Take It To Jesus!


I don't know if what I have to say today has any real significance according to the dictates of the Throne Room in Heaven. I am not a prophet; Jesus has not anointed me with that assignment. But, that doesn't mean that I cannot share the promptings that my spirit is receiving, and question [with discernment and grace] what others are hearing in their spirits. 

To begin, I know that I am not the only one recognizing the storm clouds on the horizon. It is apparent that the world is rapidly changing and chaos and disorder is on the brink of erupting in all areas of our lives. From the economy to the education of our children; from the instability and destruction at our borders, to the unreliability and quagmire in the halls of Congress, we are a nation in deep conflict. And we don't just feel the threat from domestic sources. We can sense the anticipation of our foreign enemies to take advantage of our internal turmoil. We are on the verge of lawlessness. Just as Jesus says, "And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold". 

And that brings me to a subject that I've decided to rely on Jesus to show me His truth. I'm not one to receive or accept everything the modern day "prophets" share. Mind you, I do not dispute that Godly men and women are receiving some amazing downloads from the Holy Spirit, and many of their prophecies witness to my spirit in truth. I know that one of the more recent prophecies that the Church is giving credence to relates to the year 2025. Some are predicting that 2025 will start the final age of man, with a possible cataclysmic collision with an asteroid somewhere around 2029. Others are saying that 2025 will bring famine, civil war, and the threat of nuclear war; still others are predicting that 2025 will be the year of the Rapture. I cannot say, with any certainty, that any of these prophecies are correct. But I will share, in a moment, some interesting thoughts that are beginning to emerge in my spirit regarding this timeline.

We have seen such prophecies come and go in our lifetime. So I hold fast to the Biblical truth that no one knows the day or hour of Christ's return and the destruction of evil on the earth. However, we CAN be alert and watching for the signs and seasons. 1 Thessalonians 5 tells us we "are not living in the dark, allowing that day to creep up on you like a thief coming to steal".  But, He only comes as a thief in the night to those who are watching for Him! We Christians are to be on alert! And Luke shares Jesus's parable of the fig tree in chapter 21 ... as soon as the fig tree puts out its leaves, we know that summer is near. Jesus then reminds His listeners that "So you too, when you see these things happening, know [without any doubt] that the kingdom of God is near." 

We, who are discerning correctly, will know that the time is at hand and what to look for; so knowing the times and seasons is important. In fact, the truth is that the Anti-Christ doesn't want us to know the times and seasons as attested to in Daniel 7:25, "He will speak words against the Most High [God] and wear down the saints of the Most High, and he will intend to change the times and the law; and they will be given into his hand for a time, [two] times, and half a time [three and one-half years]".

We all recognize this familiar Scripture as describing the Tribulation, which according to the Bible, will be a seven-year period in which the hand of God is removed from a world that has rejected Him for so long -- which results in the Anti-Christ and his agenda of evil which will reign down on the just and the unjust. [NOTE: Remember, we still have hope ... "And if those days [of tribulation] had not been cut short, no human life would be saved; but for the sake of the elect (God’s chosen ones) those days will be shortened".] Our God is a righteous Judge, and in the end, Evil will be defeated and His people will be victorious.

I also want to point out that the Bible references both the Tribulation and the Great Tribulation [which is the three-and-a-half period that Daniel 7:25 references. This is the last half of the seven year covenant [or treaty] that the Anti-Christ enters into with Israel, foretold in Daniel 9:27, "And he will enter into a binding and irrevocable covenant with the many for one week (seven years), but in the middle of the week he will stop the sacrifice and grain offering [for the remaining three and one-half years]. The first half of this covenant is what Jesus talks about in Matthew 24... the beginning of birth pangs. He warns us of false messiahs who misappropriate the strength of the Name that belongs to Him; misusing it and calling themselves the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed One. The one who will "rise to the top", so to speak, will be the Antichrist, who appears to be the champion and friend of Israel, only to turn against her in the middle of that seven years and begin to severely desolate her.

That's why Jesus gives us the signs of His Second Coming -- we are to be alert to the season of time which begins with wars and rumors of wars; nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom; famine, pestilence; and earthquakes. That is tribulation coming on the earth and the beginning of birth pangs for three-and-a-half years. But those pains will become more severe in the last three-and-a-half years, which will be characterized as the great tribulation. But all those signs point to His imminent return! All of this must happen immediately before His glorious return to defeat Evil on the earth and usher in God's Millennial Kingdom! Hallelujah!

And here is what I also want you to know .... in His amazing Grace and Wisdom, God has given us His Feasts as appointed times; to be on the lookout for these momentous seasons. And my spirit is on high alert about the approaching Feast of Trumpets in September. This Feast has great significance in God's plan for redeeming the world. God instructed the ancient Israelites to blow trumpets [shofars] on that day to call a holy assembly. It is a time to reflect both on the righteous judgment of God and a time to contemplate repentance for sins ten days later, on the Day of Atonement [pointing to the Bema seat judgment of Jesus to distribute crowns and award inheritance] . 

It is significant to note that the blowing of shofars was done for various reasons, among them to sound an alarm, to announce the reign of a new king, and also as a call to battle or war. This all comes into focus when we understand that early Jewish Christians [who regarded Jesus as the Messiah] recognized that Jesus was born on the Feast of Trumpets -- not December 25th, which was instituted as His birth date when the Roman empire took over the world in the 4th century. Constantine [who hated the Jews] initiated "Christ-Mass" in honor of his old pagan celebration of the sun god on that date, and in homage to the festival of Saturnalia. All true Biblical scholars know that Jesus was not born on December 25th.

In fact, modern scholars have been able to precisely pinpoint His birth as corresponding to Tishri 1, the first day of the Feast of Trumpets. For a very detailed picture of the astronomical signs in the heavens which point to this phenomenon, you can read this article. For the purposes of this blog post, I want to concentrate on the import of the Feast of Trumpets. If we can believe that Christ was born on this particular Feast day, then we can see that His birth on this day announced that a new king from the Kingdom of Heaven had arrived to battle the kingdom of darkness in the world. For over 2000 years, the ultimate battle between Good and Evil has been building to a future Feast of Trumpets when the shofars of Joel 2 will be blown in Zion, to sound an alarm for battle; that days of darkness and gloom are coming that will ultimately bring forth the return of Christ and the Day of the Lord, and when evil will be judged and destroyed. Could this September see the fulfillment of that prophesied Feast of Trumpets?

If so, then it will coincide with the modern day prophecies of 2025 as a most consequential year for mankind. If the world continues on its rapid decline, then this September could begin those birth pangs; those things that Jesus tells us in Matthew 24 "must take place"; when we will be "handed over to [endure] tribulation". If the Feast of Trumpets in September 2021 kicks off the Tribulation, then three-and-a-half years later [March 2025] would find us entering The Great Tribulation period. Am I uncategorically endorsing this prognostication? No. But I also am not dismissing it. I will continue to do what Jesus and the Bible tell me to do ... receive council and understanding from the Holy Spirit, stay alert to the signs I've been given, and pray for discernment to recognize the Abomination of Desolation when it appears. 

I know this is not a popular message or topic in this day of hopeful revival that will delay any semblance of tribulation. It is not a message that anyone who loves the Lord enjoys giving. But we all know we serve a God of both love and mercy, as well as justice and righteousness. I pray for individual as well as corporate revival. And I welcome the warning blasts of the shofar, as they call us to repentance and God's righteous judgment against evil, because they also announce the impending return of the Messiah to establish God's Kingdom on the earth and the return of man's dominion over His creation. The shofars are also a call to battle for those of us on the earth to fight for the Kingdom! The prophesied Day of the Lord IS coming! I don't know if it is this year, or 2025, or some year far in the future. But I am looking forward to the day that the return of my Lord, Savior, and King is announced by the sound of a trumpet. Until then, I/we have work to do to prepare as many people as we can to get ready to receive Him. And it will be worth whatever is coming with the approaching storm clouds. Stay alert, use your discernment, and be active in the Kingdom!

Matthew 24:34    I assure you and most solemnly say to you, this generation [the people living when these signs and events begin] will not pass away until all these things take place.




March 26, 2021

Passover 2021

The evening of Saturday, March 27th begins the Passover feast days, which ends at nightfall on Sunday, April 4th, which happens to be the Christian celebration of Easter this year. But, as a Christian, I find the celebration of Passover and the Spring Feasts extremely meaningful because it shows us just how Jesus fulfills the Biblical prophecies of the Bible at His first coming, and how the Fall Feasts are a dress rehearsal for His second coming. 

Within these eight Holy days, God ordained the Feast of Pesach, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Fruit Fruits -- all in commemoration of what He did in delivering the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt AND as a foreshadowing of the work He would do through His Son, Jesus Christ, in delivering us out of a life of bondage to sin. Within these eight days of Passover, Jesus was crucified, buried, and resurrected, and each Feast speaks of Him and His redemptive work on our behalf.

And yes, God ordained these Feast Days, and they are His Holy Days, not just Jewish holidays, as the Church has mistakenly believed. In Leviticus 23, God proclaimed them as My Feasts and that they would be a perpetual statute among all your generations in all your dwelling places.  And because we are the spiritual descendants of Abraham, these Feasts not only have meaning to us, but I believe that we are to celebrate them, too.  After all, Abraham is the "father" of our faith, and as Galatians 3:29 says, If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. 

The eight days that make up the Festival of Passover are actually recorded in Exodus, Chapter 12. Here we find three separate Feasts, all under the umbrella of "the Feast of Passover". The first day of the Festival, and the first of the Feasts, is called Pesach, which means "spare" or "exempt" in Hebrew, and which our English Bibles translate as "pass over".  Therefore, it has become known as the Feast of Passover in our time. 

It is the foundation of all three Feasts, and commemorates the Lord's direction to the Israelites to sacrifice an unblemished and spotless lamb, applying it's blood to the side doorposts and top lentil of each home. [It is important to note, that this application made the motion of the Cross]. The Lord promised that the Angel of Death would pass over homes where the blood of the lamb had been applied.  The lambs were the substitutes for the people, sparing them [and saving them] from death and judgment by the Lord. Each house marked by the blood of the lamb would be a haven of salvation, a place safe from the judgment that was about to come upon Egypt. Those Egyptian homes, where there was no application of the blood, would suffer the judgment of the Angel of Death at Midnight. NOTE: the Lord has recently shown me that those homes marked by the blood were more than just safe havens of salvation, but were under the spiritual jurisdiction of the Kingdom of God. The Egyptians' homes, which remained unmarked by the blood of a sacrificial lamb, belonged to the kingdom of darkness in the world, in which Satan was god.

We know the rest of this story... the Israelites were spared, while the first born in every Egyptian home died that night, causing Pharaoh to issue a decree that the Israelites be released and allowed to leave.  For the Jewish people, the focus of the Passover observance is remembering YHWH's deliverance of Israel out of Egypt. "Remember" -- that is the key word for this week of celebration.

For us Christians, who are Abraham's seed of the New Covenant, the Feast of Passover is a call to remember the Redemption we have received through Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God.  He is our Passover who takes away the sin of the world.  We are redeemed with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. Just as the first Passover proved to be the Power of God to release the children of Israel from their bondage in Egypt, Jesus is the Power of God to release us from our bondage to the pleasures of the flesh in this world, and the penalty of our sins. We can now step into His Repentance, His Love, Life, Freedom, Liberty, AND into the Kingdom of God as Kingdom citizens. Jesus IS the manifestation of the Passover Lamb, and He was crucified on the Feast of Passover.

The second feast of the Passover Festival is the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which lasts seven days, from sundown on Sunday, March 28th until sundown on April 4th.  Historically, it is a call to remember the quick exodus from Egypt, when the Israelites were instructed to make bread without leaven (yeast) because they didn't have time to wait for it to rise. In addition, yeast, or leaven, in the Bible always referred to any corrupting influence in the nation of Israel.  In this instance, God was telling them to leave behind the unholy influences of Egypt -- the worship of false Egyptian gods, and the rituals and traditions that had corrupted Israel's relationship with their God during their 430 years of captivity. They were to spend that week in worship and reflection for what God had done for them, and for their relationship with Him that they were privileged to experience. They were to remove any leaven [or sin] that was corrupting their present relationship; it was to be a time of absolute separation from leaven in any form.

I can't help but see the correlation to our present situation. In the midst of all that seems to be spiraling out of control in our country -- debates over vaccinations, continued isolation and forms of lockdown, rising inflation, food shortages, division and discord among the populace, escalating violence, and the crisis on our Southern border -- we need to spend this week in intentional worship and reflection for what God has done for us, and what He wants to accomplish in the midst of this national quagmire. Our country is at a crossroads and I don't have a lot of faith that we can get ourselves out of it. We are no different from the adulterous nation of Israel in 1451 B.C. As a nation, we have abandoned our relationship with the One True God in favor of following false prophets who are leading us into the corrupted belief systems of Socialism, Communism, Social Justice, Racism, Social Media, Debt, Universalism, and Ecumenicalism.  And it isn't hard to see that the Dark Side is pushing us ever further towards "absolute separation" from being a Godly nation. This Passover week is a perfect time to reflect on how things need to change in our world and how we, as Kingdom ambassadors and citizens, are to meet the challenges that seem to be unavoidable in the near future.

That is why our celebration of the third feast of Passover week, the Feast of First Fruits, should stir our spirits into action. It begins at sundown on April 3rd and ends at sundown on April 4th. In the Old Covenant, it acknowledged the Lord as the giver of the harvest, and commemorated Adam's son, Abel, bringing the first of his flock as an offering to the Lord. This Feast speaks volumes of Christ as the first of God's Harvest of souls and is a shadow of what Christ has done for us and the promises [of a greater harvest, as well as judgment] that He has yet to do. It is important to know that Jesus is the offering presented to the Heavenly Father as the first fruit of the harvest.  But just as important, He is the guarantee that more resurrections will follow.  In His first fruits offering, we see the blessing and the setting apart [or sanctifying] of the entire harvest to the Father, and a preview of what the resurrection will be like for every Believer.  Because He overcame death and lives today, every born-again follower of Christ is connected to Him and His power. 

Furthermore, that connection is real and it is needed today more than ever! God sent His Son to establish a Kingdom [and a family of sons] to rule His Kingdom for Him! Jesus didn't die and return to Heaven so that we would wait to join Him there. He came to restore to us our leadership authority that God gave us in Genesis 1 [dominion over the earth]. There is a fullness and expectancy of the Kingdom of God coming to earth that accompanies the celebration of the Festival of Passover.  It is Biblical and it is Holy.  It is a remembrance of things God has already accomplished for us and a hope of what we can accomplish for the Kingdom.

Ultimately, this season of Passover is a celebration and a remembrance; an acknowledgment of God's desire to restore us to our original design and the earth to His original purpose. Yes, Jesus came as a sacrificial lamb, but He is our King, who came to establish His Father's rulership and authority over the earth He created. In the Passover celebration God shows us His plan for the redemption of mankind. But we can't stop there. We weren't redeemed to continue to let the kingdom of Satan influence the earth. Fifty days after the feasts of Passover, Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to dwell in us to help us walk out our authority as ambassadors of the Kingdom. Jesus's assignment is now our assignment!

So this Passover season, be thankful for your victory in Yeshua -- for the cancellation of your sins, and for your hope of resurrection. Then seek the Kingdom and a renewal of your mind as to your position as an Ambassador for the King of the Universe! Reconnect to that original relationship and authority and power you were made for. Yes, we have a rich heritage in the Feasts of the Lord, but our portion of the Lord goes back further than the Exodus story. It goes all the way back to Genesis 1 when God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over all the earth.  

Will we take advantage of this Holy season to emerge from the pandemic and our national trials with a new Kingdom mindset of how we want our families, our communities, our nation, and the world to look? Or will we continue to remain dormant, waiting for the world to go back to "business as usual" and return to our old ways. I pray that each of you will renew your mind and heart to receive God's desire for your life and His will for the earth. Let's show Evil that we will no longer remain idle in the face of its onslaught. We are sons and daughters of the King of the Universe, who have been delivered out of bondage by His Holy sacrifice. And in the spirit of praise and worship of my King and His Kingdom, I say "Pesach Same'ach (Happy Passover)! 

Exodus 12:13     The blood shall be a sign for you, on the houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you to destroy you, when I strike the land of Egypt.