A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Spiritual Warfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual Warfare. Show all posts

September 16, 2022

The Heavenly Realms Are Waging A Spiritual War! Are the Saints Ready to Engage?

Sometimes I honestly wonder if the Body of Christ understands the concept of the spiritual war that we are engaged in. Do we comprehend that Satan has an angelic force of battle-hardened warriors with thousands of years of experience? Do we grasp that he actually knows he's been defeated by the birth and death of Christ, but he also knows he's got nothing left to lose by waging all-out war against the saints until the time of his ultimate defeat? And what gives him that confidence that he can prolong this war across the heavenly realms?

All it takes to appreciate his arrogance is for us to look at the state of the world, and our own country, to know that the devil has no fear that the saints are a match for his evil and wicked purposes. He has struck at the foundations of God's holy principles and met very little resistance. He has been able to attack the sanctity of life; destroy the rule of law in an ordered society; and replace the worship of God, Himself, with idols of money, power and privilege. He's well aware that the saints have been given instructions to fight against him, and have even been given a suit of spiritual armor with which to battle. But how many Christians can tell you what that armor consists of, how to use it to fight, or even attempt to put it on? Until we stand up in our identity and our power, we will have an enemy who will continue to rage against the followers of Christ. 

If you have been following my blog since I began in 2011, then you have seen the direction the Lord has taken me and my various transitions ... from developing my Biblical worldview; to understanding that I am not to be a passive Christian waiting to go to Heaven, but rather am responsible for taking care of my physical and spiritual needs; through my awakening to my power, authority, and the Gospel of the Kingdom of God; to becoming a true disciple of Christ and doing what He did... fighting back against the kingdom of darkness and it's oppression [in both the physical and spiritual realms].

This concept that there is interaction between the spiritual and physical realms is a difficult position for Christians to accept. Most modern Christians don't see the unseen world from the same point of view as the ancient Biblical writers. Early Christians were familiar with the invisible world of the spiritual realm. They interacted with it! The prophets in the Old Testament continually gave witness as intermediaries between the spiritual and physical worlds for people who could not see. God opened the eyes of His prophets so they could see into the spiritual realm and explain what they saw to the people.  

Ezekiel saw wheels moving in unison. Isaiah saw "the Lord, high and exalted seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple." He also saw the angels that surrounded that majestic throne. Elisha was able to assist his servant to see into the spiritual realm during a frightening episode when their city was surrounded by an army of horses and chariots.  Elisha prayed, "Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha (2 Kings 6:17). He actually saw the spiritual war taking place on the earth!

But it wasn't only the Old Testament Prophets and Patriarchs who had knowledge and experience of this interaction. Stephen described what he saw in the spiritual realm, just as he was about to be stoned to death: "Look," he said, "I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God" (Acts 7:54-56). Peter was released from prison by a spiritual intervention:  "Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. "Quick, get up!" he said, and the chains fell off Peter's wrists" (Acts 12:7). There was a spiritual battle going on over both Stephen and Peter in each of these instances, just as there was when Daniel prayed for 21 days during the reign of King Cyrus. As he prayed and fasted, he had a vision in which a messenger angel [assumed to be Gabriel] told him that God had heard his prayers, but he [the angel] had been held up because he was battling with "the prince of the kingdom of Persia" until, Michael, the archangel, had come to his rescue to help him defeat Satan's angelic army.

It must be understood that "the prince of the kingdom of Persia" denotes a high-ranking demonic angel who has been assigned by Satan to battle in the spiritual realm on behalf of Satan's interests in the nation of Persia. Michael is a "great captain" in the Lord's angelic army, assigned to protect the children of Israel. He is a warrior angel, fighting in the spiritual realms on behalf of all who belong to Christ. So, it is imperative, if we are to serve our Lord as He has purposed us to do, then we must recognize and acknowledge that there is an invisible world just as real as this physical one, and it comprises the spiritual realm. It was created just as certainly as this rock we live on. 

These two realms overlap and the fallen angels that aligned with Satan at their fall from Heaven have access to our realm [along with their forces], but we are not powerless to withstand them! We need to understand that we have access to Jesus and the power of God -- the same power that He used in His ministry on earth to deal with those collaborators with the Enemy. And He has given us His permission to call upon those powers (it is His Name that activates them!) to resist the devil and his schemes to oppress us. That is our Authority! And there is a Heavenly army consisting of legions of angels just waiting for us to engage in this war and ask the Lord to activate them!

These forces of the Enemy are in operation now at full speed; they know their time is running out and they aim to weaken the saints as they plan their final assault. We desperately need to understand and see the spiritual war we are involved in! We need to know --- I mean really know, deep in our spirit -- that there is a visible and invisible world that intersect, and we are in the middle of a cosmic conflict that has eternal implications. The souls of every man, woman, and child on this earth depends on us knowing that! And we need to know that the Enemy seeks to blind us, and convince us that this is not real, let alone Scriptural. And he has been winning on that front for quite awhile now. The state of misery that so many in the world are experiencing is proof of that.

So I can imagine that Satan is none too happy that more of us are waking up to the Biblical truth that Spiritual Warfare is part of our commission as the Body of Christ. Our eternal Victory has been won on the Cross for those of us who call Jesus our Savior.  But there are millions of lost souls who are in the cross hairs of the Enemy, and it is our calling to not only share our salvation story, but our purpose to advance the Kingdom of God on earth -- to occupy the territory we have been given until Jesus returns. With that, we can expect skirmishes, battles, and sometimes all-out war with the Adversary. And that means that we need to be more vigilant than ever to put on our full spiritual armor, as Paul advises in Ephesians 6. 

We need to understand that the armor is both defensive and offensive. We need not be afraid or timid, or go searching for the fight. We just need to stand firm in the knowledge that there is power in the Name of Jesus, and we have access to it and the authority to use it. If we could see into the spiritual realms, I believe we would see the battle formations in place; we would see the fierce fighting of the forces of Good and Evil. But we must recognize the part we play in this cosmic war; and it's going to take more than worship and praise, although those are mighty weapons for encouragement. But we've got to move beyond religious displays that are devoid of power [and which have no effect on the devil's armies], and we must engage with boldness ... in our speech, in our actions, and in prayer partnership with our personal angels, the angels assigned to our ministries, and the angels that preside over our nation to bring it back into heavenly alignment. And finally, we know that as the Lord of Hosts, Jesus is Commander of the heavenly armies and He will soon ride in judgment of the earth. Let us not sit idle in our spiritual power, but be suited up in our spiritual armor to become conquerors alongside Him in the heavenly realms. With the recognition that this is our reality, we can expect to see the victories that will allow us to fulfill our purpose on earth. And that is what God and Jesus desire for us! 

#spiritualwarfare #spiritualwar #angelichost #warinthespiritualrealms

1 Thessalonians 5:6   So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and sober.




August 23, 2022

It's Always Been About A "Seed War" ... And It Still Is!

The title of this blog is an often spoken concept of my husband's as we meet with a faithful remnant in our Home. "Seed War" may be a familiar term to you, or it may be a new theory that I will attempt to explain as part of my Biblical worldview. 

As I see God moving among His remnant, and see the Gospel of the Kingdom being rediscovered among Christ's followers, I hear the Holy Spirit and our Lord warning me not to become so immersed in teaching the Good News of the Kingdom that I am unaware of what the Enemy is doing in response to our obedience. They are saying "Don't stay focused on the world, but be mindful of [and informed about] what is going on. That is the duty of a 'watcher on the wall'. And when necessary, give My Sheep the knowledge to overcome". And that is the purpose of today's post.

Those of us who have ears to hear, and eyes to see will know what I am implying by the title of this post. It's as if, in recent years, God has removed the mystery of Genesis 6:4 to modern-day Christians. Where once, we just read this passage ("there were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them") as meaning earthly kings married women against their will and produced giants, we are now open to receiving this Scripture in Spirit and Truth.

But as our desire to understand the Hebrew origins and words of the Bible has intensified, we have come to understand that the Hebrew word translated as "giants" in the King James Bible, is actually the word "Nephilim", which in the Hebrew means "to fall; fallen; cast down." So are you beginning to see where I'm headed? These "men" who bore children with  earthly women were part of Satan's contingent of fallen angels, and part of the spiritual battle to corrupt the DNA of God's creation.  If Satan could pollute man's holy genetic code, (which produces a body worthy of housing a spirit made in the image of God), then he could prevent God's Son (who is perfect) from being born and becoming King of this world; which in turn made it possible for the Kingdom of God to be reinstated upon the earth, thereby defeating Satan's kingdom of darkness.  

And if you need more proof that this "Seed War" is real, consider Genesis 3:15 ... And I will put enmity (open hostility/war) Between you and the woman, And between your seed (offspring) and her Seed; He shall [fatally] bruise your head, And you shall [only] bruise His heel.  This verse makes it very clear that the Messiah (Christ), through His death on the cross and resurrection, will ultimately defeat Satan, the power behind the serpent, with a death blow. But until then, Satan has always sought ways to infiltrate or invade our sacred genetic code in order to destroy our ability to belong to God as His children; to change the way Jesus created us and to impede our ability to connect to Him through the Holy Spirit. He knows he has limited time to accomplish this, and wants to prohibit as many people on earth as he can from being adopted into the family of God. The bottom line is this: we are made in the image of Christ. Satan seeks to replicate beings that are made in his image. Sadly, those that belong to Satan will not be able to be redeemed by the Blood of the Cross. 

Satan failed in that original Genesis 6 plot, and throughout the centuries of trying to pollute the human race. King Jesus was not only born, but He has commissioned us as His ambassadors to overcome the ruler [and god] of this dark world, and to reclaim our dominion over the earth on behalf of our Creator, restoring His will "on earth, as it is in Heaven". But Satan has never abandoned the "Seed War" strategy. History has recorded that he attempted it through his human agents as recently as the last 90 years or so. In fact, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Adolph Hitler was interested in the occult, magic, and the paganism of his Germanic roots.  He is said to have marked extensive passages in a 1923 book, titled Magic: History, Theory, and Practice, including one that reads, "He who does not have the demonic seed within himself will never give birth to a magical world". Can you see the same ideology as Genesis 6:4 and beyond? And in case you've forgotten, a sensational headline from just three years ago read, Jeffrey Epstein Hoped To Seed The Human Race With His DNA. Is there any doubt that Satan's agents on earth are still trying to carry out his plan?

Put simply, our DNA is a highly prized target of the Enemy. It plays a critical role in controlling how cells, organs and other tissues behave. When writing this blog eight years ago, I ran across an article in which scientists claimed that beginning 5 to 20 years ago, our DNA began changing. Supposedly, the scientific explanation was this: "It is a mutation of our species into something for which the end result is not yet known."  One doctor reported that "people are changing at the cellular level." And now we have spent the last two plus years with our bodies fighting a spike protein that has killed millions of people worldwide. Our children are being indoctrinated to question their bodies at the chromosomal level and to freely change the very essence of who Jesus created them to be. At every stage of our existence, Satan is trying to find a way to make us unrecognizable to our Lord and Creator. From the Garden of Eden to this very day in 2022, he is attempting to destroy God's plan of reconciliation with mankind. 

New technology, such as Elon Musk's Neurolink, has as its goal to "begin outfitting human brains with faster input and output", all done with a chip to "achieve a sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence". But Satan isn't only relying on new technology to change our DNA. He is still willing to engage in his old plan of a "seed war", as exemplified by the above reference to Jeffrey Epstein's diabolical story. As The New York Times article alleges, "Mr. Epstein, over the years, confided to scientist and others about his scheme ... [his] vision reflected his longstanding fascination with what has become known as transhumanism: the science of improving the human population through technologies like genetic engineering and artificial intelligence. Critics likened transhumanism to a modern-day version of eugenics; the discredited field of improving the human race through controled breeding." But breeding with whom? Or what? Certainly, Genesis 6:4 shows us one view of demonic breeders; Hitler had another plan with his perversion of eugenics; and apparently science now has ways to alter or mutate our DNA through genetic engineering, possibly with artificial intelligence or how about through a vaccine?

All these efforts to defeat man's design are part of Satan's schemes, and they are all in vain.  All the answers to life are found in God. Those in opposition to the Holy Spirit and spiritual men will only find that which is futile and temporary; all this has been tried before -- there is truly nothing new under the sun. What has been tried in ages past, will be tried again ... and God will always be Sovereign. But it is incumbent upon us to remember, and watch, and warn. Keep your spiritual eyes open!

#spiritualwarfare #seedwar #markofthebeast #genesis6-4 #geneticengineering

Revelation 12:17   So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went off to wage war on the rest of her children (seed), those who keep and obey the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus [holding firmly to it and bearing witness to Him]. 

June 7, 2022

John Connor and Jesus


We're all aware of the increased warnings regarding cyber attacks. And how many of us are receiving an unprecedented number of spam emails? Combine this with the accelerated use of automated [translation: robotic] fake accounts on social media sites which fuel social division with their inflammatory fake comments and you will find me recalling the Terminator movie franchise. Remember Skynet and the "rise of the machines"? The objective of Skynet and its self-aware computer network was to stealthily assume control of civilian computer systems under the guise of a computer virus. Patiently working towards its ultimate goal of world domination, the Skynet virus is able to infect U.S. military computer networks, leading the country and the world perilously close to nuclear annihilation. 

The reason I am injecting this movie plot into the conversation today is because I believe the parents and grandparents in the real world must adopt the attitude of the movie heroine Sarah Connor, who prepares her son, John, to become a leader of the human resistance against the machines; she prepares her son for a future in which the very existence of humanity is at risk. That may sound like the exaggerated vision of a conspiracy theorist, but in this hour of peril in our nation, there is not one person who is not being effected by the rapid decline of the economy, soaring gas prices, and food shortages, not to mention the attacks on our moral and family structures. So maybe some of you are struggling with your primary responsibility of preparing your children to thrive into adulthood. How does one do that when we have no idea what the future will look like?

Whether you are the mother of an infant who is frantically trying to buy infant formula, or the mother of teenagers trying to figure out the mindset of teens who commit mass murder, you may be trying to discern just how and what you should be training your children for. If you have teenagers, is college a good idea when the job market is so unpromising? Do you need to prepare them for a less prosperous lifestyle than they've enjoyed up til now? With the course this nation is on, will America, let alone the American dream, even exist in another generation?

The truth is, we need a generation of John Connors to realize the dire straits that the human race is in and be willing to become leaders in restoring this nation to a moral standing. But, I'm going to tell you the truth ... that can't be done without Jesus. We don't just need the movie model of John Connor; the fearless, dedicated warrior trained in weaponry, computer technology, and reconnaissance. We need the Jesus model of John Connor. We need men who are fearless; men who, like Jesus, are willing to stand fearlessly in front of their enemies and declare that they act in accordance to God's will. Anything outside that reality has no jurisdiction over them. 

We need to raise men who, like Jesus, are dedicated to a godly purpose for the betterment of all mankind, without seeking personal gain. We need men who, like Jesus, seek the counsel and wisdom of God in all they do. We need men who are not afraid to credit God with all they are in this world. And, yes, we need men who are warriors like Jesus. Our Lord came to conquer Satan's kingdom of darkness and reclaim the world for the Kingdom of God. We are in desperate need of a generation of John Connors who will fight in both a physical and a spiritual war against sin and evil. We don't need men who think they are Jesus, but men who are like Jesus... strong, compassionate, moral leaders who are incorruptible. 

 So, I just want to encourage all the parents out there, especially the mothers. You cannot only become a fictional Sarah Connor, but walk in the influence and power of the Biblical judge and leader, Deborah. In fact, I can imagine the character of Sarah Connor being modeled on Deborah. Sarah, like Deborah, realized that in order to survive, people had to stand up and fight against the depravity that was stalking her family. But we can take it a step further and become a Deborah --women of strong faith, vision, and resolve. Deborah saw how her people had become weak from years of oppression by idolaters, and when she received the promptings from God to be a deliverer, she did not question Him, but took action to free the weak from the iron grip of the oppressors.

Would you do less for your children? Deborah referred to herself, as the "Mother of Israel", although Bible historians are not even sure she was an actual mother. But she had that maternal instinct that all women have, and she longed to see her nation restored and re-established as it was intended. We can all identify with that! So if you are out there reading this post and feeling beat down or under a heavy cloud of despair, please know that there are thousands (and I hope millions) across this nation that feel we are in the middle of a spiritual battle. Do not despair! Instead look at your beautiful children and determine that you will instill in them the desire and will to develop independent spirits and become freethinking citizens; that you will teach them about God, His saving grace, and His moral ways; and that you will inspire them to seek wisdom and justice throughout their lives. You are not alone!  And you are worthy of this task! A mother's love is fierce and stubborn .... it can lead a nation to the victory in Christ that is our inheritance! 

Psalm 34:4,11     I sought the Lord, and He heard me, And delivered me from all my fears ..... Come, you children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord. 



September 30, 2021

If You Haven't Penetrated These "Veils of Our Existence", Now Is The Critical Time!

I originally wrote on this topic in 2012, shortly after I launched this site. The post was based on a theory proposed by the late Don Harkin, former Editor of The Idaho Observer.  Mr. Harkin suggested the existence of a world system of Power-Elites that the masses don't comprehend because these Power-Elites have cleverly developed a virtual pasture so green that few people seldom, if ever, bother to look up from where they are grazing to notice that they are being led over the cliff. It was Mr. Harkin's conjecture that there were at least 8 veils of understanding that a person needed to penetrate in order to see the real purpose of our existence.

From that first posting in 2012 to the second posting in 2016, my understanding that each level of these "veils" included spiritual battles had increased exponentially, and I added a "new perspective" to my original perception. I then revised my "perspective" again in 2019, as the realities of our existence were changing dramatically. And now, here we are closing in on 2022, and if the sheeple are still convinced the virtual pasture is as green as ever, it is critical that they be warned before the pasture ceases to exist at all. 

I still think each of these stages exists and is valid, and in order to progress to a higher understanding of just how we are to maneuver through this existence called life, we must be able to pierce each successive veil and move to the next level.  It is part of our human journey on this earth... only now, I believe the human race is running out of time to reach that eighth veil. It's critical to revisit this interesting speculation, and see if we grasp any new revelations that we can add to Mr. Harkins' original conjecture.  If this is not the first time you've read this post on my blog, then I hope you've pierced your way through the veils to true enlightenment. So, let's see how far we've come in the last decade...

The First Veil (2012) = Politics. There are over 7 billion+ people on the planet.  Most of them will live and die without seriously thinking about anything other than what it takes to live and breathe for one more day.  That means that 90% of all humanity will live behind this first veil and never pierce it.  That leaves 10% of us who will vote, be active in our societies and have an opinion.  Our opinions are often shaped by government officials, the Mainstream Media, or other "experts" who claim to be voices of authority.  But of those with an opinion, 90% will never really think for themselves and will adopt the opinion of others, while 10% will pierce the second veil and move forward in their thinking.
     My 2016 Perspective:  All this remains true, but now I see that there are spiritual forces behind those involved in the government, Mainstream Media, and "experts", or voices of authority.  Of those of us within the 10% who form their own opinion, how many understand that politics is not the answer -- that our power will not come from our affiliation with whomever wins elections, but from Jesus Christ?  And what small percentage of that 10% realizes that our time on this earth should not be spent supporting man-made power structures, but using our power from Christ to "do the things He has done, only greater"? (John 14:12).
     My 2019 Perspective: In the last four years I have grown from an understanding that I have spiritual power and authority transferred from my Savior, Jesus Christ, to a revelation that I am a citizen of Heaven and an Ambassador for the Kingdom of God and His government here on earth. I am to be a member of Christ's Ekklesia (governing body of Christians who implement God's laws/government in our culture and nation). I now understand that our 21st Century model of a Church building full of Christians has not accomplished what Christ intended when He trained and equipped His disciples to go into the world and heal the sick, cast out demons, cleanse the spiritually unclean, raise the dead, and pread the Gospel of the Kingdom. 

As we approach 2022: The dirty veil of politics has come off, and we see all the ugliness of the Power Elites manipulating the puppets of man-made government. Trust is at an all-time low. Corruption is no longer hidden, and the average citizen's voice is close to being silenced. Tyranny and oligarchy are the governing policies of the day. If you are part of the 90% still stuck in politics as the solution, I fear you're running out of time to reach the 8th veil!

The Second Veil (2012) = History.  Once we've pierced the first veil, there will be 10% of us who will explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government, which will then lead to the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law.  Ninety percent of this group will live and die without going on to pierce the third veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  T
he Constitution is no longer my route to real freedom.  Man's laws and self-government will only get me so far.  My true freedom lies in letting Jesus heal my spiritual wounds, and recognizing that I don't have to suffer the "fiery darts" of the Enemy.  The history that consumes me now are the experiences of those -- both from the ancient world, and the modern -- who have learned what it means to transcend the tyranny and oppression from the spiritual realm to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.  That is true freedom.
     My 2019 Perspective: The Constitution is being undermined and usurped as Evil begins to come out from behind the veil and boldly reveal itself. Man-made laws that have governed in times past are ignored and I now understand that if we Christians do not stand up and govern as an Ekklesia, then someone else will write our laws. We can see that in the Colorado law that does not require gender specification on a birth certificate. We are in new [and increasingly terrifying] territory when it comes to what history has shown to be traditional forms of law and government. The gloves are coming off. 

As we approach 2022: We are dangerously close to repeating history because we have not learned the lessons of the past. It's been a short 81 years since the evil at Auschwitz concentration camp was perpetrated upon defenseless Jews. They were subjected to vile medical experiments, with the goal of complete eradication. In the last century, we have seen democratic countries adopt socialistic and communistic models of government, resulting in the disappearance of personal freedoms and liberties. Consider for yourself, how far down those roads we have come.

The Third Veil (2012) = Resources of the World.  Of the group that pierces this veil, 10% of us will come to realize that the masses are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose old world assets have been manipulated to become the foundation upon which the world's economy is currently indebted.  (Think Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, the Royal Monarchs).  But sadly, 90% of this group will never pierce the fourth veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Yes, the masses are controlled by these extremely wealthy and powerful families; and behind them are the spiritual forces of wickedness and evil.  I believe that they have sold their souls for earthly wealth and power that will prove false when the Day of Judgment comes.
     My 2019 Perspective: Those that have held this control are feeling threatened as Jesus's Remnant is awakening to the truth of their power and is fighting back spiritually. Therefore, the Wicked are accelerating their evil through sex trafficking, child sacrifice, and sex rituals, as well as reallocating resources of rare earth minerals to their advantage.

As we approach 2022: Nothing has changed since 2019, except that the battle is even more heated between Good and Evil. With the world trending towards higher dependency on technology, the acquisition of rare earth minerals, which are crucial to the manufacture of many hi-tech products, has become extremely important. Nations like China, Russia, the U.S., India, and Australia are scrambling to increase their reserves, as worries over the supply chain become heightened. In addition, Water is becoming an increasingly valuable commodity, with state and federal governments regulating the use of water on private property. Watch for these two resources to be in the headlines.

The Fourth Veil (2012) = The Illuminati, Freemasonry and other secret societies.  There are 10% of us that recognize these societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that transfer mysterious knowledge that is used to keep us ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth.  This has been seen frequently at Super Bowl halftime shows (Beyonce flashing "the Rockefeller" sign; Madonna sporting symbols of the occult) and during the Grammy's (Nikki Minaj's ode to "Roman", the demon whom she says possesses her).  Just check out the Youtube videos for each of these demonstrations!  But once again, 90% of those who have reached this level of understanding will never pierce the fifth veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Boy, has my understanding of this grown in the last few years!  The Lord has shown me just how much devastation has been sown on families steeped in these secret societies.  The oaths and curses taken during secret ritual ceremonies have resulted in great oppression among many Christians, who don't even know these secret societies have permeated their families or their Churches!  And the evidence that these societies have infiltrated our entertainment industry is overwhelming.  I am literally seeing the signs and symbols everywhere I look throughout our culture.  Sadly, I believe that our country is steeped in the occult mysticism associated with these groups, and they are influencing every area of our lives.
     My 2019 Perspective:  These last years have seen Mark and I grow in our ministry of Inner Healing and we certainly have seen an increase in the iniquity in family lines that demonstrate the characteristics of demonic oppression. And it is so much more in the open! People are now willing to reveal the torment they are under and are desperate for a solution. So many people are suffering that it is almost becoming mainstream among our society. So, now we are no longer able to ignore the evil permeating our homes and families. What are we going to do about it? Is the Church willing to finally get on board with the knowledge that evil exists, spiritual warfare is real, and we have to fight back? 

As we approach 2022: From my own perspective, I have added the Anti-Christ Spirit to this phalanx of evildoers. In fact, it is the Anti-Christ Spirit that feeds the hunger for power and wealth and control of the world's populations in these occultic and ungodly organizations. More and more people [including Christians] are becoming educated about what is behind the deceptive images they project. But now is the time to start learning how to defeat them in the spirit. They are so entrenched in the world, that only with the help of God and His strategies, can they be unmasked and exposed for who they ultimately serve.

The Fifth Veil (2012) = Technological advances by these Secret Societies.  I may lose some of you at this point, but I urge you to do your own research and study the Bible in depth.  There are hints of the knowledge behind this fifth veil, but you have to be willing to connect the dots.  There are 10% who make it this far in their understanding who learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that they are able to do things that were considered science fiction just decades ago.  The inventions of Ray Kurzweil and his prediction of "man's singularity with computers" is an example of such advanced technology.  But what's interesting is that this technology is actually ancient, and compares to what Nimrod was trying to accomplish at the Tower of Babel; namely to become like God. Are we getting dangerously close to that concept again?  Nearly 90% will never get beyond this understanding to the sixth veil.
     My 2016 Perspective:  To say that technology has surpassed science fiction is putting it mildly.  Human-animal hybrids are being created in Great Britain, and a surgeon plans to reanimate human corpses.  Books are being written that tell us immortality is accessible to everyone, outside of any religious worldview.  Inventors and artists openly admit that they are "channeling" spiritual sources of knowledge.  All this is being downloaded from entities in the spiritual realm to control and deceive the human race.  We better understand who we're dealing with.
     My 2019 Perspective: It's just more of the same and at a faster pace. Pedophilia and child pornography rings use technology to spread their evil; people are so intrigued with getting their technology "fix" quicker and easier, that we have gone from cell phones to watches, and implants can't be far behind. There is still talk of moving our brains to "the Cloud", and Siri and Alexa know everything we say and do. How long until we're dealing with the real-life scenario portrayed in 1984's Terminator movie? 

As we approach 2022: It is my personal discernment that these secret power-hungry Elites are so covetous of world domination that they will explore greater technological advantages to overpower and destroy populations to maintain their wealth and control. Nanotechnology, neural link technology, and all kinds of emerging technologies that we haven't even heard of yet, will soon be unleashed on millions of unsuspecting humans. Stay educated!

The Sixth Veil (2012) = Aliens and Monsters may be real.  It is going to take a huge leap for the 10% who get to this level of understanding.  But if you study your Bible closely, you will see mention of fallen angels mating with earthly women to give birth to Nephalim (Giants) (Genesis 6:4 and 2 Samuel 21:20, for example).  There are many modern-day Biblical scholars who are prepared to say that the minotaurs of old and the UFO and alien sightings of today are evidence of these fallen angels.
     My 2016 Perspective:  My, how far we've come in these last three-and-a-half years!  The growth of the remnant of the Church who understands the truth of Genesis 6 has been astounding!  I know that there are "spiritual monsters" and they are called demons.  I have encountered them in deliverance sessions, and seen them stare out of the eyes of people who had no idea they were being oppressed by them.  Savage and brutal and bizarre attacks upon people are increasing and are evidence that the Enemy is bringing the spiritual battle to our physical world.  Although, yes, these demons are real, we should have no fear because He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world.
     My 2019 Perspective: I think perhaps the most surprising new revelation I have received in the last nearly four years is the cooperation between evil men and Satan's demonic forces. TV shows like Stranger Things may appear to be a form of conspiracy entertainment, but it is based on real-life government experiments in the so-called Montauk Project, involving space, time, and opening portals into other dimensions -- which, naturally leads to the question of what is coming through those portals and are Christians awake and prepared to do battle in these spiritual realms?

As we approach 2022:  Again, I reiterate that the Anti-Christ Spirit is active in the world, and he is preparing the way for the Beast to make his appearance on the earth. And that preparation includes demons and forces of evil to infiltrate the human race, governments, and even the Church. If anyone still thinks these entities are not real, all I can say is, Heaven help them -- because they're about to need it!

The Seventh Veil (2012) = Peace of the Lord.  If you have made it this far and can conceive of the concepts behind the sixth veil, then perhaps you can see that what waits for us behind the seventh.  It's hard to imagine, but I can foresee a small group of people whose soul and spirit is so evolved that they can exist on this earth, yet be unafraid of the evil that abounds in this realm.  The only way I can describe it is to have such peace from God that you are unafraid of death.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Actually, my perspective has moved in a new direction on this veil.  It's not such a small group that sees the evil ascending on the earth from the second heaven, or spiritual realm.  These last few years has seen an amazing growth in this knowledge within the Body of Christ.  It's as if the Holy Spirit has done a massive data dump upon Christians!  We not only know and discern this spiritual warfare, but we also have been given the knowledge that we have the Authority of Jesus to fight [in this war] through the Power of the Holy Spirit.  And that's where our Peace comes from... knowing that we can rebuke the devil and he will flee; knowing that the Lord is our banner in this fight and goes before us; and we know that Jesus will not only never leave us nor forsake us, but He who began a good work in us will complete it.  That is called Peace!
     My 2019 Perspective: This knowledge of supernatural peace has only grown! Once again, I am seeing panic among the general public, and even among some of the "religious" Christians, as they once again sense that the noose is tightening around our comfortable way of life. But those of us who pierced the previous six veils have journeyed for awhile now in the peace that only comes from understanding [and accepting] that evil will increase before Jesus comes back to administer His swift justice. In what might be perceived as an unorthodox mindset, we actually receive the certainty of advancing evil as a sign that our Lord is near to returning. We are ready and both physically and spiritually prepared. We are no longer restive in the midst of the anticipation of evil, but are serene and calm in the certainty of our victory.

As we approach 2022: Actually, I'm seeing the Body of Christ being divided into two spiritual camps. After coming to the knowledge that Ephesians 6 is true, and that we are in a spiritual battle, this first group has been so spiritually devastated by the chaos, fear, and death associated with the pandemic of C-19, that they want to retreat to a status of Prayer Warriors. Nothing wrong with that! We certainly need intercessors and people to lift our prayers to the throne of God. But they struggle to find their Peace in the Lord. But the second group that is in the spiritual battle have come to realize that we cannot drop our guard; that we have to take the fight to the Enemy; and that this is the time to dedicate our lives to the cause of the Kingdom. There is Peace in knowing that we were created for a time such as this, and Jesus will equip us to go farther in our strategies than ever before! There is Peace in knowing He is that close!

That brings us to Harkin's Eighth veil (2012), which can only be the pure energy, authority and life force that is God.  We can only hope to tap into that Power, and I think the closest we can come to that is to seek a personal, intimate relationship with the One True God, the Ruler of the Universe and abide in Him.
     My 2016 Perspective:  Yes, a personal, intimate relationship is necessary to tap into that Power, but it is incumbent upon each of us to know that it is available to us.  We are not to be mindless robots, sitting idly by waiting for God to win this war all by Himself.  We are created in His image, exhorted to imitate Christ, and called to an inheritance in Christ.  He dwells in us!  That energy, authority and life force are not to be squandered, but used to gain ground in defeating the Enemy in our lives!
     My 2019 Perspective: The knowledge that we are to have a personal, intimate relationship with Christ is now seen through an entirely new lens. He is our King, and we serve Him in His kingdom here on earth. He is our model, and we are to hear and see His directives on managing this earth, just as He followed everything the Father showed and told Him. This picture of citizenship in the Kingdom of God on earth still includes love, compassion, mercy, and grace ... but it has expanded to taking back territory from the kingdom of darkness in people's lives. Mankind was given dominion over the earth at our creation, and it is time we step into that mandate and take up our mantle of authority, using the power of Heaven through the Holy Spirit. who resides in us. 

As we approach 2022: With all that we have endured these last two years since a global pandemic engulfed the human race, it is hard to understand how anyone could not be seeking God. He, alone is our answer to the Evil that is coming hard and fast against us. And it is not partial to whom it destroys. So, if people are not closing in on piercing through to this last veil, then I can only think how hopeless and scary the world must seem. And for all of us who have arrived at this pinnacle of understanding, it weighs heavy on our hearts and spirits to see people who are still positioned at the first or third, or even the fifth veil. 

Because, with each veil of understanding that is pierced, the number of people "who see" gets exponentially smaller.  When I first wrote this blog post nearly 10 years ago, I saw mainly through "worldly" eyes.  I was focused on "the low information voter", and the gullible citizens who I saw as useful idiots and tools of the state.  I actually thought my vote really mattered and changing the politics of the nation would solve the world's problems.  I didn't see the spiritual component.

When I reassessed my understanding in 2016, I can honestly say that I believed I was at that Eighth veil, and I was so grateful to my Lord and the Holy Spirit for helping me to see through the murkiness of the veils and how they obscured my vision of God's Truth.  I saw that my existence here on earth was more than just this physical realm, and my victory in this life depended on my readiness to work with Jesus and the Holy Spirit to do battle in the spiritual realms.  I truly knew that I did not battle against flesh and blood, but had the Authority and Power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit to free myself of spiritual bondage.

Then, in 2019, I had grown to realize that my comprehension of that eighth veil was rudimentary. Yes, it was important to know the true intent of Jesus's Great Commission for us Believers. And, yes, it is not only our privilege, but our responsibility to work with Him and the Holy Spirit to "set the captives free" from their demonic bondage to Satan's lies. But we aren't to stop there. Once we are free, we are to use that energy, authority, and life force that is "God in us" to continue the purpose that Jesus came for -- to re-establish this earth and its inhabitants under the governmental authority of the Kingdom of God.

But I did not foresee how quickly and destructively the Enemy would partner with evil men to try to bring about an apocalypse and initiate the mass extermination of millions of people. They're like sharks in the water, and they taste blood. So, it is imperative that we humans fight the fear that is being engendered, and put on our spiritual armor. We are literally in a battle for the earth -- it's the kingdom of darkness against the Kingdom of Light. Not only is the destiny of this current world at stake, but every single person's eternal destiny is at risk. It is to be won or lost depending on the decisions and the actions you make today! It's critical that we push through these veils of understanding and reach the summit -- and then help others to push through for their personal victory. It's not too late, but the time is short, and it is the most critical time of our lives!

2 Corinthians 3:16   But the moment one turns to the Lord with an open heart, the veil is lifted and they see.

September 17, 2021

Christians: It's Time To Get Battle-Hardened!


Mario Murillo, a pastor who boldly proclaims the power of Christ to transform lives and heal every area of affliction, recently posted a blog article titled, You Are Now A Wartime Pastor. Aimed at ministers and church leadership, Mario exhorts his fellow pastors to get on the front lines of this spiritual battle that the Enemy has brought to us. He calls for Christian leaders to no longer shy away from the evil that has permeated our governing authorities, our schools, our health care system, technology, and nearly every sphere of influence over our lives.

Yes, it is about time that pastors lead their flocks in the manner God ordained the Israelites as they crossed into the Promised Land. It is time for pastors to command the people to prepare for the spiritual war that is upon us and to take back all that has been lost through compromise, complicity, and collusion. But I want to take it a step further. If your pastor is not leading and calling out evil where it plainly exists, what is holding you back? We may not all carry titles that organized religion recognizes and honors, but we all have the potential to be the shepherd boy, David, or a Joshua, or a Jael. And the truth is, that whether you want to admit it or not, we should all be on a war footing against Evil; and in a state of readiness for this spiritual war that portends the End Times. While most have been waiting for a God-sent hero to take the lead, or to follow someone clearly in charge of commanding a spiritual army, the Enemy has steadily moved the line of encroachment until our backs are against the wall. The time of waiting is over. We must each take our battle positions on that wall and declare that the battle is the Lord's and the God of Israel will triumph!

The Lord is [even now] speaking to many in dreams, visions, and words of knowledge, saying, "The time has come to stand and engage the Enemy! The time is near for the cataclysm -- the violent upheaval in the world that the Bible prophecies -- and everyone must be prepared to recognize what is coming on the earth! Will you simply stand and watch? Or will you serve Me, the Lord of the Universe,  and obey My voice?" 

To stick our heads in the sand, or to run away from the evidence that is before our eyes, is to deny what the Spirit is showing us. The nations are lining up for war. Famine and plagues are threatening to decimate vast populations. Even the elements of nature are warning that upheaval could be imminent; the La Palma volcano off the northwest coast of Africa is acting up, and should it erupt, 500 billion tons of rock will slide into the Atlantic Ocean, sending a 3000-foot wall of water careening across the ocean towards the United States and Europe, killing untold millions. And last but not least, Good has become evil and Evil is now called good. But the Lord will not abandon those in covenant with Him!

That's why it is important that we, who call ourselves followers of Jesus, realize that we must battle this spiritual war on two fronts. First, we battle from a position of spiritual protection, just as Psalm 91 instructs us. In the shadow of, and under the wings of the Most High and Almighty God, we battle from a place of protection and safekeeping; fighting in the confidence of one who trusts the Name of the Lord of Hosts to defend him. This is how the shepherd boy, David went into battle against the giant, Goliath.

But, we also battle from a position of God's power and authority in the physical. If we trust that the battle is His, we can be bold, even in the midst of our fears of what is coming. We can release ourselves to Him to be used for the advancement of His Kingdom here on earth, no matter what it looks like or what is required of us... because we know that it will be accomplished in HIS strength and power. He just needs men and women to work with [and through], and our agreement to be in covenant with Him to see His will done. We need not be afraid of the power of men on the earth; knowing that if God tells us to take that mountain, He will go before us and we will see our victory. We can defeat anything -- corrupt governments, empires, evil domains, demonic entities -- if we will just have faith and do not doubt. We can trust, as did King David, that God has trained our hands for war and our fingers for battle. He will stretch out His hand and fortify us because we know His Name.

But, as a watchman on the wall, I will tell you that now is the time to get settled in your spirit that this war is coming. Indeed, the opening salvos have been fired. Failing to respond is to hasten Satan's agenda, as written in the Bible. The Enemy's forces are on the battlefield and advancing rapidly. We know who wins in the End. But far too many Christians want to skip to the victory and are refusing to look at [or prepare for] the battle that precedes that glorious outcome. You can hope for an escape through the Rapture. But read the Good Book. I don't believe it says that! We will need to be Jesus's witnesses on the earth; proclaiming His Truth and renouncing the works and lies of Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet; always pointing the peoples and nations towards Jesus, the Messiah and Savior of the World. We will battle on the earth, alongside Jesus, and His Heavenly Host, taking part in the final battle before the Millennial Kingdom is ushered in. We have lots of work to do as the end of this Age unfolds, and we need to get battle-hardened.

Our nation just declared the end of a 20-year war in Afghanistan. The nation is weary of war. But the truth is, wars never end... they just mutate into a different name, plan and objective. That's the way Satan has been operating for the last two millennia. Our soldiers may be weary and disillusioned [with good reason], but they are battle-hardened; experienced in combat and effective at fighting. As spiritual soldiers, we cannot afford to get weary, and we sure better get focused on sharpening our skills at fighting in both the spiritual and physical theaters of this war with Satan. Let us not be blind to the battle we're in, and let us be ready and equipped to fight on all fronts. The Glory of the Lord will prevail!

Psalm 18:39-41   For You have encircled me with strength for the battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me. You have also made my enemies turn their backs to me [in defeat], And I silenced and destroyed those who hated me. They cried for help, but there was no one to save them—Even to the Lord [they cried], but He did not answer them.

September 11, 2021

Twenty Years Later ...


 The memories of this day are most likely burned into the souls of everyone over the age of 30. We all remember exactly where we were twenty years ago this morning. Every American most likely has a distinct memory of that tragic day ... the ash-colored faces of panicking people rushing to escape the falling Towers behind them; the grief-stricken families wandering the streets of New York City in the aftermath, holding photos of their loved ones and hoping beyond hope that someone would tell them their son/daughter/father/mother/spouse had been spotted among the injured; the courage of those brave passengers on United Airlines Flight 93, who knew they were most likely sacrificing their lives to save those at the U.S. Capitol; the images of NYC firefighters atop mountains of rubble continuing to do their jobs after 343 of their comrades died trying to rescue those trapped in the buildings. And that's not counting the tens of thousands who have gotten sick or died from recovery efforts at Ground Zero.

The pain and loss of that day extends [as well] over 20 years of war; to all the families of all the wounded and deceased combat members of our military who answered the call to stop decimate the evil that had attacked our country. It is difficult to get a final figure of those who paid the ultimate price, but to each family whose lives were forever changed, the only number that matters is the one who came home to them -- whether in a flag-draped coffin, or a shattered body that took months or years to put back together. And there are many more whose wounds are not visible to the naked eye. 

It is hard for me to fathom what our Father in Heaven thinks as He looks down on the consequences of decisions made over these past 20 years. I am aware that this stretch of two decades in our lives is but a moment on His divine timeline. And I know that there have been similar tragedies, atrocities, and wars throughout history. But my human mind asks, "God, where does it end"? Is the cost we've paid in human life, national treasure, loss of freedoms, and societal/cultural division worth it? "What is your perspective, Father"?

I know the Bible says there is a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace (Ecclesiastes 3:8). I know that God can lead us into wars that are righteous, but I also know that He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore (Isaiah 2:3-4). Oh, how we long for that time!

I don't have the mind of the Father, but I think I perceive the heart of Jesus, who desires that we love our enemies. That's a hard thing to do when Evil comes knocking at your door. And the Apostle Paul tells us to never take our own revenge, but leave room for the wrath of God. I believe that God is a God of Justice, and there will be judgment against all who act out of evil hearts. But how do we reconcile these last 20 years, and where do we go from here?

There have been considerable changes inner nation since that fateful day in 2001. We are not the same country in so many ways. The unity we experienced in the days immediately following 9/11 seems like a fleeting memory. The Enemy has done everything within his power to divide us along economic, social, political and spiritual lines. We have mocked God's authority in covenantal marriage; the assigning of gender to our children; and have desecrated what is holy. And that's saying nothing of the greed and arrogance shown by our government leaders and corporations. The media and many ministries have fallen prey unto tempting deceptions, and the truth is often hard to discern.

But, I also want to mention that there is an entire generation that wasn't born when this evil came to our country. It is important that we never forget all those that died on that day, and in service to this country, so that we teach them this history. Let us take to heart, Deuteronomy 4:9, Only be careful, and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them. 

And it is important to share the ideals that our flag stands for, and why it is important to so many when they see it flying high and proud. This latest generation needs to know it is about more than deciding whether to kneel or not at a football game. That flag represents the blood that has been shed throughout our 245 years of existence as a nation. We have been far from perfect and we have lost some of that national pride, and much more of our national identity, in the last 20 years. But I believe our God can return our hearts to Him and the purpose for which this nation exists. 

I could go on and on about all the ways that we, as a nation, and as a people have gone astray. It all comes down to this: We have defied the Living God, while deifying the unholy alliance among ungodly men and institutions. It may look as if we've gone too far to be redeemed, but we must never forget that God is always faithful. He keeps His Covenants, Promises, and Steadfast Love with those who love Him and keep His commandments, to a thousand generations, and repays to their face those who hate Him, by destroying them. Judgment and Vengeance are His!

So, 20 years later, I want you to know that we have much to look forward to. Do not look at the world ... yes, the Taliban is still in power; Israel is still under attack; and the threats against our country may be even greater than they were in 2001. But we are still here, and there is still hope! On this 20th anniversary of the greatest national tragedy in our lifetime, we honor our dead and those who have displayed the American spirit of courage, bravery, and service. We recognize that there is a faithful remnant who will not bow down to worship evil; nor will they flinch at their duty; nor abandon their post. We have been called to a holy calling, and we have been raised up for this time and this season to display the power of the Almighty God of the Universe! We must trust that He has gone out ahead of us to establish our steps, and that we will witness His shaking in the land. We will be given the strength to stand in courage and boldness as we proclaim His strategies and plans that will lead us to victory!

Do not believe the false images or the defeat that the Enemy is feeding our hearts, eyes, and minds. Seek the Lord! His face is not hidden! He honors our grief over September 1, 2001 and all the years in-between. The souls of those who cry out from beneath the heavenly altar [for justice] will soon receive it! And we must not be afraid of what is coming. Remember, our God goes with us and fights for us. When we pray in the Might and Power of the Name of Jesus, we will have the opportunity to see something extraordinary in our nation! So, let's honor those who have paid the price for unrighteousness in the land; stand against those who would destroy what this nation stands for; and then look forward to what the Lord can do when we believe [in faith] and set our eyes upon Him! Get ready to witness His Kingdom, Power and Glory!

Isaiah 28:5-6      In that day the Lord Almighty will be a glorious crown, a beautiful wreath for the remnant of His people. He will be a Spirit of Justice to the one who sits in judgment, a source of strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate.

June 15, 2021

How Will You Answer These Questions?

I doubt that there is a discerning Christian on the face of the earth that doesn't recognize that the world is in spiritual upheaval. We are facing economic collapse; the war drums are sounding; and the demonic influences of the kingdom of darkness are reveling in their victories. It's pretty apparent that End Times events are accelerating.

We know we are born for a time such as this, and our spirits know what a privilege it is that God has chosen us to represent Him and battle for dominion over the Enemy's powers, world forces of darkness, and agents of spiritual wickedness. If you have a warrior spirit, then this is an exciting time; but for most of us it is also a time of deep contemplation and apprehension.

It is becoming increasingly apparent that trust is a big issue ... with our media, those we have set over us to govern this country, with employers, the medical institutions, and sadly, even each other. The bottom line is that Jesus is the only really reliable being in our lives. Deception is becoming the norm, and our Christian values [not to mention our faith!] are being disparaged. We know what the Word of God says ... they will hate us because they hate Jesus. They will hate us because we will boldly declare and act like we are not of this world, and we know we have been chosen out of the world. That truth must be clearly understood by every man, woman, and child who calls themselves a Christian if we are to endure what is coming.

So, I have three important questions to put forth to you today. I do not take credit for these questions. They were asked of me after a Sunday School class was shut down in 2013 by a church that Mark and I attended. At the time, we were becoming ever more dissatisfied with the "cheap grace" of the modern Church, and we had been searching for a way to worship in Truth and biblical obedience.  As God so often does, He took us on a little journey that landed us in a small study within a mega-church. Since we are on the fringe in most areas of our life, you can imagine that we would be attracted to a class titled, "Spiritual Readiness for the End Times".  Right up our alley!  This group of 30 or so individuals had somehow found each other from within the ranks for a 7500+ member church, and proceeded to examine today's headlines and compare them to Bible prophecy, as well as to dig deeper into the Word and prep for the Day of the Lord.  By "prepping", I mean spiritually, intellectually, physically.  No topic was off the table, as long as it remained true to the Word and God's revelation to His Church. But, Satan could not let that stand, so someone complained that we were, basically, coloring outside the lines of strict Christian doctrine, so the class was shut down.

Eight years later, we have kept to that unorthodox model in our Home Church. And, if I'm being honest, I think "the Church" needs this kind of radical approach to worship and teaching; to talk honestly and openly about our faith and what the Bible is telling us about the times we are living in. Christians all over the world, and especially here in the U.S., need to know what time it is in Biblical prophecy and discern what God would have us know and do.Yes, we can pray and hope for a worldwide revival, but we also should be prepared to battle in the spirit if that revival doesn't materialize. 

I cannot help but discern that Paul's encouragement in 2 Timothy 4 is most appropriate for this hour ... I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word [as an official messenger]; be ready when the time is right and even when it is not [keep your sense of urgency, whether the opportunity seems favorable or unfavorable, whether convenient or inconvenient, whether welcome or unwelcome]; correct [those who err in doctrine or behavior], warn [those who sin], exhort and encourage [those who are growing toward spiritual maturity], with inexhaustible patience and [faithful] teaching.  For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine and accurate instruction [that challenges them with God’s truth]; but wanting to have their ears tickled [with something pleasing], they will accumulate for themselves [many] teachers [one after another, chosen] to satisfy their own desires and to support the errors they hold and will turn their ears away from the truth and will wander off into myths and man-made fictions [and will accept the unacceptable].  But as for you, be clear-headed in every situation [stay calm and cool and steady], endure every hardship [without flinching], do the work of an evangelist, fulfill [the duties of] your ministry.  

So, I want to ask you the three questions that our Sunday School teacher asked us in 2013. We were dissolved as a group, and would now be on our own to represent Christ; a situation in which all Christians may soon find ourselves. How will you answer these questions, and will you undertake to see them carried out, even in the midst of difficult and trying circumstances? 

1)  Do you feel the urgency of telling others about where we are in God's timeline?  Although none of us can predict the day, time, or hour of this world's deliverance, we are called upon to know the season.  And we have been commissioned to spread the Gospel messages of Salvation and Kingdom. Are we doing that?  We all know someone, friend or family, who has not accepted that knock at the door, and time is running out. If we are not actively reaching out to non-believers, then we are failing in our commission from the Lord.

2)  Do you have more Faith or Fear?  At the end of that class in 2013, we needed to ask ourselves if our study together had resulted in more knowledge that increased our faith, or had we just given into the fear propagated by the Enemy?  We were challenged as we went forward, to continue to pursue more understanding so that we could share what is being revealed to us. And we needed to be cognizant ... would our message instill faith, or fear? I will tell you  that, in the time between 2013 and now, Mark and I were appointed a ministry by Jesus that has brought far greater understanding of His Kingdom than we had ever possessed. And we know He has much more for us to know as the days get darker. Make no mistake, we see His Light in the midst of the darkness and we are committed to let it shine through us. We have great hope, even if it means we perish in our assignment. We take great encouragement from what the Bible and God tell us about these times. Perseverance and endurance will rule the day, and only Faith will allow us to accomplish both.

3)  Finally, if called upon, will you continue to be a Watchman?  If you are one of those to whom God has given discernment about His plans, then you are already aware that this role comes with great responsibility. You are assigned a very important part in God's End Times scenario. Failure to warn others about the knowledge you have received will weigh heavily upon you. But you must also be aware of the arrows and slights that will be heaped upon you. And you must keep a balance in your life. Yes, you are a Watchman, but you are also probably a husband or wife; a parent or child. You have been given many areas in which you are to perform righteously.  Yes, I will tell you that we may all feel burdened in the coming days, but we must not shirk our other responsibilities. To whom much is given, much is expected.

So, if you happen to identify with Mark and myself, and feel that you are blessed to be living in these momentous times, then I urge you to consider the questions I have extended. They are important questions that have eternal consequences; not just for yourself, but for all those whom you happen to cross paths with.  Don't put off their contemplation; you could be the most important influence in someone's life. We know the Father grieves over every person who does not choose His Son. Let us fulfill our purpose in these tumultuous times. Let it be said of us that we offered hope in Christ, to the praise of His glory!

I am so thankful to Paul Felts of Austin, Texas for his leadership in that long-ago Bible class. We all experienced the freedom of learning the greater things of God, and that attitude is what Mark and I have carried forward in our own teaching. Don't be afraid to let your faith and doctrine be challenged in order to grow in God's TRUTH!  

2 Corinthians 2:17    "For we are not, like so many, peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ."


April 17, 2021

Lift Up The Forerunners!

These last days and weeks my spirit has been hyper-focused on the forerunners of our faith. Of course, we are all familiar with the forerunners in the Bible ... John the Baptist, who cleared the way for the Lord to bring the Gospel of the Kingdom and Salvation to all mankind. He was a "voice calling in the wilderness" (Isaiah 40:3). Jesus is proclaimed "as our forerunner, [who] has gone in before us. He is now and forever our royal Priest like Melchizedek" (Hebrews 6:20). 

In fact, this is the only verse in the Bible that actually uses the word forerunner. As explained in the Passion Translation, forerunner means "trailblazer." Jesus has blazed a trail for us to enter into the sacred chamber and seize the hope that has been fulfilled in His eyes already; to have a company of king-priests who will dwell with Him in the Holiest of Holies and minister from there out to the nations of the earth. The clear implication of verse 20 is that He takes us in to share His throne and His ministry as the royal Priest. 

But did you know that God has anointed forerunners in every generation to lead the way to the knowledge of Him and His redemptive work through His Son, Jesus Christ? You see, forerunner signifies one who comes to a place in advance of the rest who are to follow; one who acts as a scout or guide to prepare the way for the King. As you can imagine, it looks different in every generation, depending on the state of the world and God's timeline for the nations and the world. Moses, Jeremiah, and Paul are just a few examples of the forerunners who God anointed to prepare the way for the work He would do in freeing the Israelites from their Egyptian bondage; to prepare for their captivity in Babylon; and to prepare for the growth of the Church Age. 

Therefore, we can and should acknowledge the forerunners of our generation. They are those who receive and accept the anointing God has put on their lives in the measure of rule and authority He has given them to prepare the way for whatever it is He wants to do in that generation. And I will tell you, I discern that it is particularly difficult for the forerunners in this generation of our nation. Our nation is 245 years, and history has shown us that empires rarely last beyond 250 years. As pointed out in an article on medium.com, "God is a God of order. He has ordained systems, patterns, cycles, and processes in His Creation. Sir John Bagot Glubb, an Army General and historian, studied 11 empires from the Assyrians in 859 B.C. until the demise of the British empire in 1950. He found a remarkably similar pattern in their length of existence. Each spanned a period of about ten generations, and each went through these seven stages in their empires: the age of pioneers, the age of conquest, the age of commerce, the age of affluence, the age of intellect, the age of decadence, and finally, the age of decline and collapse". 

I believe we are fast approaching that last stage. Just in my lifetime, I have seen the 1960s begin an age of decadence that has gone from "free love" to 2021 and transgenderism and human/monkey chimera embryos. If you doubt we're there, here are the characteristics that Sir Glubb said marked the second-to-last age: defensiveness, pessimism, materialism, frivolity, an influx of foreigners, the Welfare State, and a weakening of religion. The forerunners of this generation are seeing what the rest of the nation and the Church isn't. They are awake and shouting from the rooftops that we are in serious jeopardy of no longer being "one nation under God". But is anyone listening?

Like Moses, Jeremiah, and Paul before them, this generation's forerunners are often scoffed at, maligned, persecuted, and discredited. And like these earlier forerunners, this generation will look different from each other. God will anoint some to be on the front lines of the spiritual battle [with the Enemy] to determine tactics and strategies. Others will be called to be watchmen on the wall, positioned in the towers to watch for what's coming and to warn the people. Still others will be anointed as prayer warriors and intercessors -- all of them to bring about God's plan and purposes for the nations, including ours. 

The forerunners of this generation are in full cooperation with the Father. They know and see the signs of the coming collapse because they see the decline so clearly. And they are all under spiritual attack as the Enemy prepares to bring his final blows. The attacks are coming against their businesses, their families, their health, their marriages, their reputations, and their ministries. I have such great regard for them as I see them come together to support and reinforce each other, intercede for each other, and appeal for Heaven's justice for each other. I will be honest ... it also pains me to see these men and women, who are putting everything on the line for the Lord and His Kingdom receiving no encouragement from the Body of Christ. Instead of appreciating the anointing that these forerunners walk in, the Body distances themselves from them because they don't "fit the norm", they preach a different message than the lukewarm Church, or they just plain make the Body of Christ uncomfortable. 

Maybe you are sensing that our nation and the world are different. You are no longer able to recognize your community, state or country as it was when you were growing up. And hopefully, your spirits are discerning that all of what you're seeing is not what God intended for His relationship with mankind. If so, then I urge you to lift up the forerunners in this generation! The Kingdom of Heaven, as spoken of in Matthew 11:12, is "suffering violence, and the violent take it by force". That difficult verse has been so misinterpreted, but it actually means that as the Kingdom of Heaven bursts forth into this world [violently because the Enemy is defending his kingdom], people who are passionate in seeing it defeat the kingdom of darkness will step into their anointing and have an effect on bringing it into existence. That is the purpose of the forerunner, and I am so thankful to be witness to mighty forerunners in this generation! They stand together, shoulder-to-shoulder, to prepare the way for the return of our King as He prepares to ride to bring Heaven's Justice to this declining and collapsing world. Will you join me in lifting up the 21st century forerunners? May they mount up on wings of eagles to bring the word of God's redemptive purpose for the world, and may they run and not grow weary, and may they walk and not grow faint! Father, strengthen them for the work they are to do for You, and reward them when they come into Your Heavenly Kingdom. Amen!

 Luke 1:76     And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High; for you will go before the Lord to prepare His ways 

April 7, 2021

The Lord Will Remove The Strongholds Over The Nation! Listen For Your Instructions!

Do you feel it? The heaviness that lies over our nation, as if we are slowly drowning, trying to keep our head above water. We sense that our global enemies are biding their time, waiting for us to implode from oppressive debt, or explode from internally orchestrated tension. Christians are feeling the pressure and praying for God to rescue us. I can only imagine how non-believers are coping. But there is something every man, woman, and child in this country needs to understand ... we were created for this time and sent here to earth to partner with our Creator to defend and uphold the ground we've been given authority over!

Did you know that you existed in Heaven from the foundations of the world? That you were created before the world even existed? And did you know that God determined when He would send you to this earth to a specific place, for a specific purpose, and in a specific time? I know it's kind of a weird thought, but consider that, in a way, we are placeholders, if you will, for the territory we occupy. And we are to hold it until Jesus returns to claim ownership and dominion [authority] of the earth. In other words, we are a symbol or expression of Him, who has the right of possession of the earth because He created it. That's our assignment ... to hold the ground until He comes.

But what do we do when an ancient spiritual Enemy also claims dominion of the earth, and men are only too willing to cede ownership of ground that doesn't actually belong to them? That's a story that is as old as the earth itself and one in which our nation finds itself mired in today. And I can tell you that there is no ground that is more embroiled in that ancient battle than our southern border. Whatever you are hearing on your nightly news doesn't even scratch the surface of what we are experiencing regarding the smuggling of drugs and human trafficking. The violence is too horrific to report and there is a very real concern that the public would panic if they knew the truth. So, again, what do we do about it? We look to the Word for the ways the Lord has fought for His people -- and we pray and declare that the Lord will break demonic strongholds -- and we war in the spirit by anointing the land and applying the blood of Jesus as a boundary to keep out the Enemy and his hordes. 

We exhort our fellow citizens to believe and declare, just as Joshua did before he led the Israelites into the Promised Land ... The Lord our God is even now providing this land as a place of rest and He will give it into our hand. Please join me in praying through the following strategies, as I listen to the Lord encourage us to see Him as our stronghold; our place of safety that is inaccessible by the Enemy. He tells me that we will not be frightened nor will we be dismayed for, as Jehovah Nissi, He goes before us into battle with the enemies of this land. 

Lord, just as You did for the Israelites at the Red Sea, destroy our enemies who seek to overtake this land, and we declare that You will deliver the innocent from the clutches of the Enemy. Dry up the resources that fund the evil ones and rule over them with Your Holy Justice because You are the God of both Heaven and Earth, and all belongs to You!

Lord, You are the Living God, who created this land to be lived under Your dominion and rule. Drive out the lawless and the violent; drive out those who trade in human souls and bodies, and free the captives, Father! Let Your Holy blood, Lord Jesus, redeem the human blood that cries out for justice. Cleanse the land, Father, and set a blood boundary around this country, that will repel the Enemy and turn back the wicked from entering.

Father, You are Jehovah Sabaoth, Commander of the Army of the Lord, who leads the angelic legions in victorious battle so that we might declare, "This land belongs to the Lord Almighty!" Father, stretch out your hand and redeem this land and bring it into the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of God. For You are Jehovah Gibbor Milchamah, the Lord, strong and mighty; the Lord mighty in battle; King of Glory; the Lord of Hosts. You cause us to be part of this generation that seeks Your return. 

Sanctify this land unto Your Holy Name, Jehovah M'Kaddesh, who consecrates and sets us apart for His holy purpose. Likewise, return this land to holiness; set it apart for You!  Show us the ways to partner with You. We do not want to merely cower in the corner, praying for help and safety, but we also know the battle is Yours! You will fight against the principalities and powers and rulers of wickedness on our behalf. But we have a part to play, too! So show us how we are to pray in the spirit; where to tear down the altars in the spirit; where to stand and blow the shofar to summon the Heavenly Host! Give us discernment and wisdom. Lift our spirits to be courageous and bold. Guide us into effective partnership with the angels of Mercy and Might! And it is in the powerful and sovereign name of Jesus Christ, the King and Ruler of the Universe, that we bless this land to be a beacon of hope and light until His glorious return! AMEN!

 Exodus 15:6-7      Your right hand, O Lord, is glorious in power;  Your right hand, O Lord, shatters the enemy. In the greatness of Your majesty You overthrow and annihilate those [adversaries] who rise [in rebellion] against You; You send out Your fury, and it consumes them like chaff.

April 1, 2021

Hearing God's Voice In The Hours Before Dawn

We live such busy lives in this 21st Century. That's 2,000 years after Christ walked this earth, and 2,000 years further away from His human presence and influence. That's quite a span of time for the Enemy to develop ways to distract us, and to encourage us to separate ourselves unto our selfish desires. It has also been such a span of time that he has been successful in convincing us that we no longer need to consult with our Creator about how to deal with the crises in the world. He's done a pretty good job at separating us from the most important relationship in our lives. So, it shouldn't surprise us that our days are filled with so much activity that we rarely stop to have a conversation with the Lord, or to ask Him what He thinks and wants to do about a particular situation in our life or the world. 

It has become the nature of my relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that they often wake me sometime in the third watch of the night (from midnight to 3 am) and continue to speak to me into the fourth watch (3 am to 6 am). So, it was the other night. 

When I wake up and cannot easily go back to sleep, I have become aware that it usually means I am to spend that wakefulness by talking to Father about the things on my heart, or asking Him if there's something He wants me to know. And I have a lot of questions for Him these days. It is difficult to see the decline in our moral values and standards in this nation, and to see the deterioration in the identity of Christians. It is frightening to see the collapse of law and order as the violence on our city streets increases; and heart-breaking to see the suffering that brings millions of refugees to our southern border. Believe me, if you knew the extent of what we in the border states are facing from the lawlessness of the Enemy, you would understand why there is very real fear and many sleepless nights. Wickedness and evil have penetrated the spiritual boundaries of our nation and only God and the Heavenly Host can [and will] protect us! 

You can imagine the questions I have for the Father in the midst of the Third Watch. But I remember what someone spoke over me one time .... "You have so many questions, that you never give Father time to answer one of them before you are asking the next". Guilty as charged! So, I am trying to be intentionally silent, and letting Him know that I am ready to hear what He wants me to know. Mind you, I have to keep my soul in check because it is always ready to usurp my spirit's desire to just sit in intimacy with my Lord. But this night, I am obedient to wait on the Lord.

And then these words began pouring out of my spirit and I knew I was supposed to write them down. So I got up in the midst of the dark night and began transcribing. Here is what my spirit heard .... In the darkness of the morning hours my spirit seeks Your Presence. The world sees the encroaching Evil and fears; crying out for escape. My flesh and soul wrap themselves in steely resolve, while my spirit ascends to its appointed seat in the Heavenlies. There, I rest in You, who fills me with Your strength and authority. You impart to me Your Wisdom and Your Might. "Tell them My Truth," You say. " I AM their refuge in times of trouble. I AM their shield and their stronghold. Tell them not to fear, for I AM is with them to the end of the age." I wait for more, but my spirit hears, "That is enough for now. I AM all you need. Tell them".

So, my spirit returned to me in the middle of that night, and I laid awake until the dark gave way to the morning light. I longed to remain in that place of comfort and strength with the Father, but I knew I had to rise to another day on this earth, joining all those who wait in confident anticipation and committed obedience to see His glorious return and reign. But what about those who aren't so confident? Those who struggle with how we are to fight against these physical and spiritual forces of wickedness? I will tell you that I have many Christian friends who are dismayed at the boldness of Evil being displayed in our midst -- the horror of which you are not, and will not, see reported on your nightly news. 

It would be easy to curl up in a corner and just cry out to God to take care of it, but that's not how we are to defeat it. God wants to work with us through mighty and powerful prayer, worship, and spiritual warfare, which means we must get on the battlefield to fight alongside the Heavenly Host as Lord Sabaoth, who is Mighty in battle, goes before us to victory! And how are we to pray? Well, Scripture is the way that Jesus fought against the wiles of the Enemy and here are just a few examples from the Word that you can use to begin to war in the spiritual realms ... Father, may our enemies come against us one way, and flee before us seven ways (Deuteronomy 28:7) ... Lord, You will stretch out your hand against the wrath of our enemies and let Your right hand deliver us (Psalm 138:7) ... Father, we trust that You will disarm the cosmic powers that rule the Evildoers and put them to shame and triumph over them! (Colossians 2:15) ... Lord, we ask You to command Your Heavenly Host to rescue the innocent children from the hands of foreigners whose mouths speak lies to them and whose right hands are right hands of falsehood (Psalm 144:11) ... You are Jehovah, who defends the afflicted and executes Your judgment against the wicked. You uphold justice for the needy (Psalm 140:12) for You are the Lord who will take up their case and plunder those who rob them (Proverbs 22:23). 

As you can see, there is no stronger way to battle in the spirit than to seek the Lord for what He wants to say to you and then follow His lead. And you will find that His Word backs up everything you hear and everything He shows you. And yes, the Enemy likes to work in the Third Watch of the night, too. But when you know who you are in Christ, and that you fight with the Power of Heaven at your side, you have nothing to fear from the darkness. The Cosmic War is beginning to spill over to this earthly realm and it is time that those of us who proclaim our loyalty to the King of the Universe cinch up our spiritual armor and stand up in our identity. It is time to be counted with the Heavenly Host as we refuse to surrender the earth to the kingdom of darkness. The dominion of the earth belongs to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! And it is our assignment to join in that victory! Hallelujah!

Psalm 27:8    "Seek My face." My heart says to You, "Your face, Lord, do I seek."