A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Our Youth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our Youth. Show all posts

February 27, 2015

The Indoctrination Of Our Children

     I'd like to know what comes to your mind when you read this radical statement ... You can't make socialists out of individualists.  Children who know how to think for themselves spoil the harmony of the collective society which is coming, where everyone is interdependent."  How about Constraint? Regulation? Dominance?
     It might surprise you to know that this statement was made by John Dewey, a well-known American philosopher, psychologist and educational reformer.  From his statement, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that he was progressive, a socialist, and often credited with fathering the 20th century rift between religion and science.  Furthermore, it probably wouldn't surprise you to find out that he was an atheist and a secular humanist, which means he gave no credence to faith as the basis for morality and decision-making.
     Which brings us back to his corrupting influence on this nation's educational system of the last 100 years.  He made the disparaging statement (which I cited above) in 1896, when he signed on to the Humanist Manifesto, a document that elaborated on a philosophy and value system which does not necessarily include belief in any personal deity or "higher power".  Combine this anti-God ideology with socialism and you can easily see why free-thinking and self-reliance could never be tolerated in our society.  And more importantly, you can see how far down that road we've come.
     I have said all this to bring us up to speed in regards to our current situation.  John Dewey's philosophy has been the impetus for our rulers for the last century; while discreet at the beginning, they were successful in stealthily leading us down this path towards collectivism, entitlement and shared community.  But there's a funny thing about Americans.  At the core of their makeup is the unique DNA that just cannot be filtered out.  That's why we see our current state of affairs ... executive orders and blatant violations of the Constitution are becoming commonplace because the remnant of the "historic America" is awakening to the plans to control us, regulate us, and steal our freedoms. 
     We are wise to the out-of-control spending, the over-stepping of authority, and our declining stature in the world.  You can sense the near panic and anxiety that time is running out to completely transform America.  The last great gasp of hope before it all caves in is to gain the hearts and minds of our kids.  If they can indoctrinate them, us older individualists will be dying off, and there will be no one to recall the true meaning of freedom.
     So, how do they accomplish that?  First of all, by implementing programs that show the kids that the government is responsible for caring for them.  Remember when you used to bring your sack lunch to school and every kid had something different to trade?  You could always get a Hostess cupcake in exchange for a bag of Cheetos.  Now, the government prohibits bringing your own brown bag lunch and standardizes the amount of sugar and fat allowed.  In the guise of "healthy lunches", the kids are actually receiving smaller portions of highly processed foods.  But that's not the point ... the real issue is that our kids are getting used to being told what to eat, and discouraged from making their own decisions.
     Secondly, can you remember when your teacher was due respect at school, but your mom and dad were the ultimate authority in your life?  Now, our kids are being told that their teacher is the authority figure in their lives, and their parents aren't really qualified to teach them about the important things .... like sex education, religion and faith, global warming, gun control, free speech.  You name it -- if different opinions from the "accepted government" positions are expressed, students are discouraged and often penalized for voicing them.  
     Your child is being told that opposing opinions are not only invalid, but dangerous to the harmony of the collective.  Anyone hearing such opinions is encouraged to report it to their teacher.  Are your parents, grandparents, or neighbors storing extra food?  Have a concealed handgun license?  Oppose same-sex marriage?  Make "disparaging remarks" against anyone of another race or religion?  Think how easy it is to manipulate kids into talking about what is said at home ... a lecture on love and respecting each other can quickly become a re-education session on why there is no difference between Tommy's two mothers and little Janie's mom and dad.  They are never schooled in the fact that the conception process for Tommy and Janie are profoundly dissimilar -- one is a natural function of our bodies; the other is scientifically generated.   
     And by casting aspersions on parental authority and opinions, it is not hard to conceive that our children are becoming defacto followers of the state; like sheep being led to the slaughter.  Just think about it ... one more generation and the brainwashing could be complete.  
     The question now becomes, "are there enough of us to stall this covert takeover of our kids and our nation?"  Are there any willing to do the hard, dirty work to stand up and voice their God-given right to be individualists, independent, self-sufficient , and able to self-determine their lives?  Tomorrow, I will share the stories of two such people who are refusing to bow to the pressure.  These are the real role models for our youth!

1 Timothy 6:20-21   "... guard the deposit entrusted to you. Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called “knowledge,” for by professing it some have swerved from the faith."

February 14, 2015

Warning: Your Child's Education Is Under Attack!

     I have been shouting from the rooftops for nearly two years now that there is a threat to our national education system in the form of academic standards known as Common Core.  I know that the difficult economic issues in our country have us all scrambling to make ends meet, but I implore parents to take the time and pay attention to the homework being foisted upon your children.
     One father in Seminole County, Florida, was dismayed to find a text message on his 10th-grade son's phone from his History teacher, in which the teacher sent "a reminder to complete his prayer rug assignment and study an assigned packet on Islam."  Now, this assignment was part of a class on World History, so you might think that it is appropriate to present information on Islam, the world's second largest religion with a following of over one billion people—one-fifth of humanity.
      But how do you feel when you discover that the pages in that same history book that provided instruction on Christianity and Judaism had been removed?  How do you feel about the fact that the study of the Five Pillars of Islam was mandatory in that class?  The father also claimed that students were told to “recite this prayer as the first Pillar of Islam, off of the board at the teacher’s instruction.”
     I do not have a problem with students in high school studying the impact of different religions on the events in world history.  After all, religion has played a huge part in all the major wars throughout time.  But when it becomes part of a high school curriculum to involve the students in the practices of one religion and in reciting the tenets of one religion -- to the exclusion of other major religions -- then that becomes a matter of indoctrination, in my book.
     However, if parents are unaware of what's being included in their children's assignments -- and what is being ignored or purposely excluded -- that indoctrination and propagandizing is tantamount to re-education of our children.  But that's not how the Executive Director of Seminole County High School Administration, Dr. Michael Blasewitz, sees it:  "... the Pillars of Islam are benchmarks (a standard, criteria) in the state curriculum", and "If anything, [the curriculum] is a little imbalanced toward Christianity and Judaism."
     If that statement doesn't show you the direction in which our kids' education is going, consider this statement by the Florida branch of the Council on American-Islamic Affairs (CAIR):  "In a diverse society, young people should be taught about a wide variety of beliefs, cultures and faiths, and particularly about a faith practiced by millions of Americans and more than one fifth of the world's population.  Denying all students access to vital information based on the biased political or religious agenda of Islam phobic groups or a handful of misinformed parents does a disservice to our school system, our state and our nation. History is not kind to those who censor information or ban books."
     So, where's the "wide variety", when entire sections on Christianity and Judaism are removed from school textbooks?  Why don't they talk about the Christian-phobic groups?  And I don't know if that last statement was a veiled threat or not, but suffice it to say that they have set their sights on changing our education system and influencing our kids -- and much of their activity is done through the auspices of Common Core, and without parents' knowledge or consent.  You must get involved in your children's education!
     And lest you think that there is not a war on Christianity in our nation's schools, a high school in Nassau County, Florida (Florida seems to be ground zero for the attack on our schools) was warned about a student who, selected to read the morning announcements over the loudspeaker system, chose to end his recitation with "God bless America, keep us safe."
     This time it is a Humanist/Atheist organization that is complaining "that allowing the statement favors 'God-belief' and 'validates a theistic worldview' that alienates atheists and non-believers."  Why aren't they complaining about the "theistic worldview" being presented in 10th-grade World History classes in Seminole County?  Does anybody else see a glaring bias against the Christian faith?
     I can't help but believe that both the atheists and CAIR do not want students in World History classes -- or any classes -- to understand that the United States was founded by Christian believers, and became a haven for religious freedom for all faiths... that would not suit either of their agendas.  Dr. Blazewitz may promote Islam as a benchmark of his curriculum, but I will declare Christianity as the bedrock of this nation.  And, parents, if you want your children to have any chance of enjoying the America you grew up in, you better start getting yourself elected to school boards and supervising your child's education.
      I will leave you with these thoughts from Benjamin Rush, known as SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE; SURGEON GENERAL OF THE CONTINENTAL ARMY; RATIFIER OF THE U. S. CONSTITUTION; “FATHER OF AMERICAN MEDICINE”; TREASURER OF THE U. S. MINT; “FATHER OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS UNDER THE CONSTITUTION”: "The great enemy of the salvation of man, in my opinion, never invented a more effective means of limiting Christianity from the world than by persuading mankind that it was improper to read the Bible at schools."

Click here for WFTV's report on the Seminole County, Florida Common Core curriculum. 

Click here for interview with concerned father of Florida student.  

Click here for story on atheist's protest over "God Bless America".

2 Timothy 3:16-17   "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work."

February 11, 2015

The Grammy's: Was Anybody Fooled?

     I recorded the annual Grammy extravaganza, honoring (supposedly) the best in the music industry.  I was well aware of the satanic symbology in past years and wanted to see how far they were willing to go this time to influence the culture and our youth.  I was only able to stomach the presentation because we must be knowledgeable of how cunning the Enemy is, if we are going to defeat him.
     The music industry is a multi-billion dollar enterprise, and wields extreme influence over the youth of our nation.  Do you pay attention to the music that your children listen to?  You should.  It has been a very lucrative and fertile ground in which Satan has been able to place his emissaries.  And prime time spectaculars like the Grammys give him an opportunity to showcase his satanic message to millions of vulnerable minds.
     I have to say the 2015 Grammys was a strange mix of "in your face" and "false piety".  I'll save you the need to watch it for yourselves, and give you the highlights, so you will be enlightened as to the tactics of the Luciferian occult.  The two-hour production began with a performance by the aging hard rock band AC/DC singing their hit "Highway to Hell" -- complete with a backdrop of burning flames and audience members sporting illuminated devil horns.  I'd say that accomplished exactly what the occultists behind this awards show intended.
     Also singing during the curious mix of old and new, was the band ELO, singing "Evil Woman", which was quite apropos, with respect to the much anticipated appearance of the (also) aging Madonna.  Just in case you missed the hidden occultic theme, Madonna made sure you couldn't avoid who was really being celebrated on the stage.  She surrounded herself with a cast of male dancers, all displaying Baphomet horns and bejeweled masks, as they danced around their priestess.  Madonna made sure that the goat-god, who is the symbol of the Church of Satan was impressed upon our minds -- down to the point that they offer her up to their Master and she ascends into the sky.
     So, I figured this was how it was going to play out ... an entire night of blatantly and aggressively saluting the devil.  But then the show seemed to shift gears, as if making the statement, "We've showed you who we bow down to; now we want you to know that we worship just like you... we're not all that different."
     Both BeyoncĂ© and Katy Perry, the princesses of the Illuminati, appeared in virginal white gowns, on all white stage sets.  BeyoncĂ© sang "Precious Lord, Take My Hand", dressed as a bride with an all-male choir behind her in a robotic posture, hands raised.  Katy Perry, appeared in a demure, high-necked outfit and sang "By the Grace of God".  For a moment, one might wonder if these women raised in God's Church have returned to their pre-Illuminati Christian roots.  But don't be fooled! Whether their performances were meant as a mockery of the True Faith, or to deceive the shallow into believing they honored YHWH -- remember it was a production!
     Billy Hallowell, the Faith Editor of The Blaze, reports that "Perry, who was once a Christian singer and whose parents are pastors, publicly renounced her faith, telling Marie Claire in a 2013 interview that she’s no longer Christian and doesn’t believe in heaven, hell or “an old man sitting on a throne.” Perry did say that she believes in a higher power — a paradigm that holds her accountable."
     Based on her earlier confession that she "sold her soul to the devil" to make it in the Music Industry -- and her 2015 Super Bowl performance, in which she took the stage riding on a robotic beast -- we can guess what higher power she pays allegiance to.
      Marie Claire also reported that Perry gets her connection to spirituality through the writings of Eckhart Tolle, an author known for his popular books about metaphysics and spirituality. She also practices transcendental meditation, a form of mantra meditation.  In case you are unfamiliar with who Eckhart Tolle is, he was made famous as Oprah Winfrey's guru-like spiritualist, who makes such narcissistic statements as this:  "To know yourself as the Being underneath the thinker, the stillness underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation, enlightenment."  In other words he spreads a false gospel of self-worship.  Unfortunately talented artists in the music industry have traded any real chance at salvation for the lure of fame, wealth and power that the Illuminati promises in exchange for worshipping their Master and god of sin.
     But any Christ-centered observer wasn't fooled by the veil of piety that attempted to deceive the audience into a benign judgment of the show.  The more obvious performances left no doubt who was being worshipped, while singing old Christian hymns or new homages to the grace of God doesn't mean YHWH is their God.  There are others who are far more educated than I about the symbology that was beamed into millions of homes across our country.  I simply want to warn you not to dismiss the tremendous impact that music today has upon our younger generations, and guard against the blatant blasphemy that is being presented to them in the name of popular music.
1 Timothy 6:9-10    "But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

December 8, 2014

Our Need To Connect

     I'm not sure what it is, but I am seeing people beginning to take their eyes off their cell phones and iPads, and showing signs that they want interpersonal connections.  I think it is more than just the nostalgia of the holidays; it is something from the deepest part of themselves that wants to make a significant difference in the lives of others.  There is a sense that they are to reach out to others and perhaps make life a little easier to understand; or to cope with; or to prepare for.
     Perhaps there is some inherent, spiritual factor that is at play.  For some, the recent racial tensions make everyone aware that we need to love and understand each other better.   For others, the world is a dangerous place, and they see a need to warn and protect.  And for others still, they are at a new stage in their life and want to ease the anxieties of the unfamiliar and unknown.  For whatever reason, all want to come out of the shadows of anonymity to share a part of themselves.
     For instance, our niece, Kaylee, surprised the family with the announcement that she has started a blog.  It is not some self-aggrandizing effort to promote every frivolous moment of her insular world.  What I mean is, this is not the usual pretentious ramblings of your average college freshman.  She has more to say than comments about the latest fashion fads, celebrity antics, or her friends' Facebook posts.
     She feels the need to share what God is putting on her heart as she begins this new stage of her life.  You can remember what that was like, right?  You're away from home, on your own, for the first time in your life, and facing new challenges and decisions that could have profound effects on how successful you are later in life.  There are moral and spiritual choices, as well as learning how to communicate and compromise with different kinds of people.  You are also beginning to develop your own path in life, and form your own value systems based on the foundational lessons you've acquired from your family ... and Kaylee wants to share that with the world.
     In her own words, she wants "to let it all out and release my thoughts and feelings that get bottled up inside me day to day, as I go about my college experience."  She has decided to write her very first post on the subject of LOVE.  But rather than some giddy adolescent discourse on the subject, Kaylee shares all the kinds of love she has known, and in the process, comes to this conclusion:  "Why am I explaining all these loves? Because in college that is what gets us through. We get sad or stressed or lonely ... and it’s loves and relationships we have that get us through. And in the end, it’s God love that got us to today and gets us to tomorrow."
     I'm sure that there are other college students who will identify with her thoughts, and it is my hope that she will write often and explore all the things she is experiencing with an eye towards how to encourage others and share her heart for God.  In this day when young adults can be immersed in the self-centered world of technology, Kaylee is using it to connect in a most personal and intimate way.  I'm sure many of all ages will be blessed by her reflections.  I am SO proud of her!
     But she's not the only one whom I've witnessed feeling the need to connect to others.  Recently, my husband and I had one of those God-incidences.  Through the common denominator of his artistic talent, he came into contact with a woman (Cecilia) interested in possibly commissioning a portrait.  But they soon realized that the reason their paths crossed was because their views of the world and spiritual matters were in complete harmony.  We agreed to meet for lunch, and were joined by her friend, Christine, who was clearly on the same spiritual path as the rest of us.
     What ensued was a three-hour conversation on everything from Prepper philosophies to firearms training to End Times theology.  Needless to say, we covered a lot of ground.  But it was the passion with which these two women wanted to connect with, and help, others that struck me as so encouraging.  They recognized that there are so many people in our nation that are beginning to exhibit signs of fear and apprehension about the future.  The forewarnings that we have been issuing for the last six years are finally being acknowledged.
     Cecilia and Christine are also wanting to start a blog, and their reasoning is so similar to what prompted me to begin this one.  They wanted to know why I didn't write more about becoming physically prepared in these increasingly difficult times.  I then explained that that was where my heart was when I began writing three years ago this week.  I, too, wanted women to see the importance of storing food; to exercise their Second Amendment rights; and to become skilled in sustainable living.  And I wrote extensively on that for the first year.
     But I think the Holy Spirit moves us in the direction in which we can best serve God at any particular moment.  My time to speak exclusively to those issues was done, and it was time to move on to other topics the Lord wanted me to communicate.  That being said, I encouraged them to pursue a blog along those lines ... I told them it is never too late to educate someone in order to help them endure hard times.  And I believe they will find some way that is unique to who God made them to be; that they will be successful in creating  a new way to speak to, and serve, their fellow man.
     Like I said at the beginning of this post, I am seeing people emerge out of our national stupor; feeling this immense need to connect with others -- and I truly believe it is heaven-sent.  Besides blogs, I see people volunteering to help the less fortunate; taking notice of the needs of the elderly; helping the unemployed to find jobs; and sacrificing their time and energy (not to mention many hours of prayer), to spiritually help someone who seems to be in the clutches of the Enemy.
     Is God's remnant in this country awakening to our responsibilities and fulfilling our purpose?  To some, that may seem as if I am depositing too "spiritual" of a connotation to what is happening.  But I am all to aware of the change I am seeing take place.  It is individual acts of kindness; it is a desire to share our humanness; and it is the desire to attend to the needs of others.  As my niece, Kaylee, so eloquently explained, ... at the end of the day, it’s "God love" we ultimately should strive for, and [we should] live to love him."  There's no better connection than that!

Galatians 6:9     "And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up."

December 2, 2014

The Delusion of Youth

     Like many of you, I had the opportunity over the Thanksgiving holiday to interact and observe the members of Generations Y & Z (alternately known as the Millennial Generation); among whose members are those just entering their college years, and those who are now graduating.
    Although I am absolutely no fan of the atheist German philosopher of the 19th Century, Friedrich Nietzsche, I must say that I agree with this statement of his:  “The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently.”
     The curious thing is that our individual arguments for the veracity of this statement are actually antithetical.  What I mean is that, when he wrote it, those who thought alike were people of faith, morals and integrity.   Nietzsche viewed them as stunting the growth of youthful passions, and obsessively promoted his philosophy of "whatever is life-enhancing" as real Truth.  "God is dead" was a theory that suited him just fine.
     Today, it is just the opposite.  Those that embrace these noble virtues are the ones who are viewed as thinking differently from the norm.  Our youth are indoctrinated to think in "collective" terms; and faith, morals and integrity are too exclusive for the masses.  They are taught that Society works best when we all think alike and act accordingly.
     But it is not my intent to address Nietzsche's anti-God rants in this blog post.  Rather, I want to convey my concerns about the future of our youth.  Like every generation before them, once they leave childhood behind and begin tentatively exploring the world beyond the safe confines of family and home, they inevitably come to the conclusion that they are so much smarter than adults.
     I admit that I am speaking from experience.  I thought the new and different ideas that were presented to me in college by broad-thinking professors seemed so much more expansive, and offered a wider range of acceptable behavior than that of my strict parents.  Why, there was a whole wide world of different opinions out there, and what was the harm in contemplating them?  Didn't they result in affirmation and tolerance for those who had been "kept down"?  But as I grew out of my liberal youth into my conservative adulthood, I learned to think for myself; and my radical idealism became more realistic. I still wanted my world to be a better place, but I realized that notion couldn't be legislated, propagated, or forced.  It had to come from a sincere change in your heart and soul.
     That liberal mindset is prevalent among our youth of today, and it is almost a rite of passage.  But the "religion of tolerance" has gotten so out of control that it threatens to destroy our culture.  Our youth are bombarded with so much information from so many different sources; and the voices speaking of morals and integrity, (let alone faith) are being drowned out in a cacophony of corrupting influences.
     For instance, if it's been said in a YouTube video, they accept it as Truth.  Does anyone under the age of 25 ever think to do their own research; or are they so brainwashed by technology that they accept anything and everything that is posted as undeniable and reliable?
     And if some nihilistic, narcissistic celebrity embraces a cause (from same-sex marriage, to abortion rights, to gun control), then they blindly follow.  No one wants to be left out of the crowd.  And the celebrities are just as bad ... they blindly follow each other.  It's too dangerous to their popularity or careers to have a righteous or individual thought of their own!  Remember Nietzsche's philosophy ... "The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike...".
     This generation of young adults don't even question the absurdity of a college microbiology class called "Zombie Apocalypse 101".  Supposedly the curriculum will study the biology of diseases.  But is that really why the class filled up in record time, or is it that all the students have been mesmerized by the latest culture fad?
     And I worry about our youth that are becoming teachers.  I am seeing a definite dividing line between those young teachers who see through the propaganda and subversive tendencies of Common Core, and those who are easily influenced by its anti-American agenda.  Those who willingly teach the adulterated version of our history can, and will, have a tremendous impact on the future of this nation.
     I know there are those who will think I am making much ado about nothing; that the next generation has always thought they were smarter and more enlightened than the last.  But this latest age group are being driven faster and harder towards a future that will be Godless; and they could potentially affect our lives like none before them.  If they can all be convinced to think alike, and to blindly follow powerful and famous figures, then who will be the individual voices for the unborn, the aged, the disabled and non-producers?  Who will champion decency and honor?  Who will speak of miracles and heaven?  Who will be left to fight Evil?
     I know in my heart that a confrontation is coming.  But I also know that God always has a remnant that remains faithful to Him and His Truth.  I am encouraged as I see the few among this Millennial Generation who will refuse to follow anyone but their Lord.  It is absolutely important that those of us from previous generations uphold them, sustain them, defend them, and above all else ... teach them how to see through the deception.  Their future, and ours, has never been more tenuous.  They may think they know everything, but we must be like the prophet Jeremiah and invite them to "Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known."

Job 28:28    "But to man He said, Behold, the reverential and worshipful fear of the Lord—that is Wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding."

November 25, 2014

The Sick Culture of Hollywood

     The media is all abuzz over the alleged sexual abuse by one of Hollywood's most beloved actor/comedians, Bill Cosby.  Is he guilty or not?  He refuses to talk, while powerful lawyers attempt to discredit the growing number of women who are coming forth with remarkably similar stories of seduction and rape.  This scandal is not going away quietly, and sadly, I believe it is a symptom of the perversion in Hollywood, our idolization of powerful entertainment moguls, and their willingness to take advantage of the helpless.
     It is not my intention to pass judgment on Bill Cosby; the truth will eventually be uncovered.  But I must ask ... are we really surprised at this latest disgrace?  Just take a look at the entertainment industry, in all its facets, and tell me it does not target the young, the naive, and the impressionable.
     There has been a long history of sexual abuse in Hollywood, and the most notorious behavior has always centered around children.  From silent screen star "Fatty" Arbuckle's alleged involvement in the rape and murder of a young starlet in 1921, right down through the scandals that have included Paula Poundstone, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski and Michael Jackson; the innuendo has been there ... it was open season on young, vulnerable children in Tinseltown.
     But the sexual abuse of children is not new to our modern age.  Pedophilia has existed ever since the world's cultures have been in existence.  Ancient peoples such as the Tracians, the Celts, the Persians, the Greeks and the Romans have all accepted pedophilia; sometimes it was considered the perfect expression of a sexual relationship between an adult male and an adolescent, and at other times throughout history, it has been considered a crime.  But nearly all cultures accepted it in some form or fashion, oftentimes as part of religious rituals.  Only Christianity and Judaism have frowned upon the practice.
     But our children and young adults are not only falling prey to the sexual perversions of the entertainment industry.  They are being seduced into a dangerous state of mind through video games such as Minecraft.  A reader of this blog recently revealed her consternation and horror at finding out her grandchildren were allowed to play this game, which encourages kids to kill animals (supposedly for food), and to progress to a stage of the game where they can enter a world called "Nether" and encounter zombies and underworld masters known as "Ender Dragon".
     This sinister game is supposedly approved for children aged four years and up, and is even considered as part of some school curriculums to teach problem solving and math skills!  Have we become so jaded and receptive to ANY form of deviance and immorality towards our children?
     There will be those who say we are a more "enlightened" generation, and see no problem with exposing our children to greater understandings of the adult world.  But there are too many instances of abuse to warrant this as rational thinking.  When we are willing to sacrifice our children to the gods of fame and celebrity; or to introduce them to fantasies of the underworld and the abode of the dead, then how long can that culture or civilization survive?
     Since Biblical times, child sacrifice has been a characteristic and methodology of Evil to capture a wayward nation.  Those who participated were doomed.  Today, whether children are being sacrificed sexually or psychologically, it is still despicable, dark, and demonic.  Hollywood and the gaming industry have been highly successful in perpetuating this evil, and introducing the New Paganism.  And the saddest part if all is just how easy it has been to look the other way.

Matthew 18:6    "But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea."


November 3, 2014

Parents: Have You Taken A Look At Your Child's Homework Lately???

     Over two years ago, in July of 2012, I began writing of the dangers of the Federal Government in our Education system, and their attempt to nationalize the content of instruction in every public school across the nation.  I warned that Federal programs such as CSCOPE and COMMON CORE were undermining American values and indoctrinating our children.
     I followed up that post with one in February of 2013, pointing out the concerted efforts to teach our public school children that the Boston Tea Party was an act of terrorism; Christians were cannibals;  and that students were forced to draw a socialist flag while imagining a new socialist country.  At that time, I became aware that the most insidious deception involved the teachings surrounding Islam.
     The curriculum teaches our kids that "Non-Muslims in conquerored territory are allowed religious freedom (for an additional tax)."  (Try telling that to the hundreds of thousands of people fleeing from the murderous rampage of ISIS in Iraq and Syria.) But our kids will only be taught that "Allah is the Almighty God…Allah alone is the Creator, He alone deserves our devout love and worship.”
    Yes, I've been writing about the duplicitous intent of the Department of Education for over two years now.  There have been some victories for truth, and far too many defeats; and for the most part, I'm afraid that many parents may be unaware of what their children are being taught in the name of "advanced current thinking."
     Now The End Begins website reports that "Children are being forced to say the shahada, and forced to learn the Five Pillars Of Islam."  If you are wondering, "Why should that concern me?" or think there is no problem with your child learning about other cultures, I would ask you to consider this:  NTEB's report also includes this bit of information ...  "When Muslims force Christians to convert, they are forced to say the shahada (the Muslim declaration of faith). The Arabic writing on the black flag of jihad (also known as the al Qaeda flag or ISIS flag) is the shahada. This chant of supremacism and imperialism is being forced on American school kids."  Does that make you sit up and take notice?  It should!
     The article tells other stories ... about a mother helping her 7th grade daughter study her Social Studies homework, which consisted of vocabulary words like Qur’an, Mosque, Alms, Caliph, Jihad, Sunnis, Shiites.  Furthermore, she discovered that her daughter's assignments instructed her to "draw detailed pictures of the 5 pillars of Islam and write a word collage of all that is good with Islam."
     Just imagine if a school's curriculum included lessons that asked students to study words like Jehovah, Tithing, Pentateuch or Communion; or if a student was told to memorize the 10 Commandments or write a short story about all that is good with Christianity.  You would have the ACLU, the Freedom From Religion Foundation, and every anti-Christian organization in the country filing suit!
     The good news about this particular parent's experience is that she became active this year in getting appointed to a schoolbook review board at her daughter's school; educated herself on what the Constitution says about favoring a religion; and started uniting parents through social media, in a consolidated effort to make other parents aware.
     She's not the only parent who is outraged over this reeducation of our school children.  You might have seen this story on The Kelly File on Fox News.  Marine and Iraq war veteran Kevin Woods was not happy that his 11th grade daughter was asked to write a paper on the 5 pillars of Islam, Mecca (the holiest place in Islam), and the prophet Mohammad.  He called the school and reportedly told them he disagreed with his daughter being taught these subjects.  His argument was based on our inability to mention God in the classroom, say the Pledge of Allegiance, and pray before a football game.  
     But school officials say they "are not teaching religion; they are teaching world history."  You can imagine after serving our country where Islam is the predominant religion, he just might have a difference of opinion.  And being a Marine, his language was probably pretty colorful.  That got him a no-trespass order from the local police, for being "threatening."  But he's standing by his convictions, and after the school refused to give his daughter an alternative lesson, she will be refusing to submit to the propaganda and will most likely receive an F for the class.
     These stories are not out-of-the-ordinary.  What frustrates me, is this has been going on for at least two years, and is most likely deeply entrenched -- not only in your school system, but in your child's mind!  I cannot stress how this invasive curriculum is undermining our country ... it's not education; it's not world history; and it's certainly not teaching cultural diversity --- it's brainwashing and proselytizing!  And to be honest, it's being done throughout all grade levels.  It's not just your college kids you have to worry about being taught anti-American and anti-Christian doctrines.  Common Core has a curriculum for Kindergarten through 12th grade!  They are trying to change the basic belief systems of our kids!
     As long as Common Core is a continuing threat to mislead our children and change what this country has stood for, I will continue to write about it to wake up as many parents as I can.  This tactic is not new and is actually prophesied by Jesus.  In Matthew 10, He tells us that children will rise up against their parents.  What better way for Evil to infiltrate a nation or a people, than to turn the hearts and minds of the children against all that their parents have taught them?  And think how easy it is to do, when the parents aren't even aware the campaign has begun?
     I beg you, PLEASE take the time to do some research about what your children's curriculum includes.  Question them, look over their assignments and peruse their schoolbooks.  And be like these parents I've mentioned.  Speak up, and speak out!  Do not be silenced or threatened by School officials or School Boards.  There is an evil-intentioned agenda eating away at the center of our national identity, and it is stealthy and persistent.  The infection has begun, and unless we are vigilant and relentless in bringing it to light, it will succeed in poisoning us.  Time is running out!

Psalm 14:12    "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death."

October 31, 2014

"Signs & Lying Wonders": Satan's V for Victory

     A few weeks back, I listened to a podcast by Paul McGuire, the internationally known prophecy expert and author.  As always, his subject matter fascinated me, but there was one element that I just had to explore on my own.
     The heart of Mr. McGuire's expository was how easily we professed Christians can be lured into a sense of defeatism.  He used the story of Joshua and Caleb conquering the land of Canaan, and the difference in how these two heroes of the faith viewed their circumstances as compared to the other spies sent by Moses.  If you carefully read the Scripture, you will see that the 10 spies reported that "We are grasshoppers in their sight", while admitting they couldn't defeat the giants.  Joshua and Caleb, however, were unafraid; as if to say, "They are grasshoppers in our sight", and they counseled swift action and a sure victory.
     I found the concept of "occupying our land" very important, and I applaud Mr. McGuire's challenge to his audience to be like Joshua and Caleb, and to believe in God's Divine Power to help us conquer our land.  But, it was while discussing how important Victory is, that he gave a little aside as to how Satan has permeated our own generation with his deceptive practices and signs.  And I was blown away by how this piece of information has important spiritual consequences for us!
     Victory is our preferred state, right?  In everything from wars to sports events to social causes -- we want to win!  How many of us equate holding up our fingers in a "V" sign with the symbol for Victory?  It has become a worldwide symbol for triumph and conquest; images of world leaders, religious figures, pop stars, and sports heroes can all be seen displaying the "V" for "Victory" sign.  But do you know its origins, or what its real connotation is?  And do you know who it is signifying as the Conqueror and the Victor?
     Now, before you give me the standard argument that it doesn't matter what it used to mean, and we should only consider its modern implication, please consider this:  what if there is a supernatural component to flashing that sign? What if it unleashes a force in the spiritual realm that we are innocently releasing by our action?  The Bible says, "For at the coming of the Lord there will be great activity on the part of Satan, in the form of all kinds of deceptive miracles, signs, and marvels, as well as of wicked attempts to delude" (2 Thessalonians 2:9).  So, what does the international symbol for "peace" and "Victory" have to do with the devil?  Follow me down the rabbit hole.
     For those in the more mature generations, probably the most recognizable image of the "V for Victory" sign is that of Sir Winston Churchill, Great Britain's WW II Prime Minister.  There are hundreds of photos of him flashing the "V" sign, and it is assumed he is showing his confidence in defeating Nazi Germany and the inevitable Victory of the Allied Forces.  But did you know that he was a 33rd degree Freemason or alleged to be a Druid Priest? (Druids were priests, magicians, or soothsayers in the ancient pagan Celtic religion.)  And if you are too willing to dismiss this information, let me remind you that Albert Pike (a 33rd Degree Sovereign Grand Commander of the Masons, and given credit for developing the rituals of the order), said this in 1889:  "To you, Sovereign Grand Instructors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degrees: 'the Masonic Religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees,  maintained in the purity of the Luciferian Doctrine. . .".  (Before I hear from everyone whose kindly grandfather was a Mason, let me reiterate, it is the "initiates in the high degrees" who have access to the Luciferian tenets.)
Miley Cyrus, flashing her "V"
& sporting "devil horns"
     We Baby Boomers remember President Nixon flashing the "V" sign to signify both the hollow victory in Viet Nam and his unabashed departure from DC after impeachment.  The Millennial generation is familiar with their worshipped celebrities who flash the sign continuously, and I contend they don't have a clue as to its origins or significance.  What do they know of "peace" or "victory"?  Let alone that holding up their index and middle fingers, creating a V, sends a far more ominous message.
     Yes, there's the supposedly historical significance during the 15th century, when Medieval Europe's archers would flash the V sign to their adversaries to show they still possessed the fingers they used to shoot their arrows  -- the enemy would often cut off these two fingers, which was a fate worse than death for an experienced archer.
     But, as is so often the case, this seemingly innocent sign has been linked to something much more malevolent.  To some, it is a symbol for the horned God, Pan.  To others it symbolizes Baphomet, the horned Goat God, who the Knights Templar were accused of worshipping, and who has now become the symbol of the Church of Satan.  The ancient deity, Pan, is associated with nature, wilderness, sexuality, hunting and the life cycle; and is also prominent in the Wiccan religion.  Half man and half beast (with horns or antlers on his head), he represents "the union of the divine and animal".  According to Wikipedia, he was "worshipped by a pan-European witchcraft-based cult, and was demonized into the form of the devil by the Mediaeval Church."  (Maybe, there's a reason for that?)
     Down through the centuries, the V sign became associated with these demonized versions of Pan and Baphomet and symbolized their horns, and was utilized as a secret sign for both Masonic and Occult circles.  I found references that suggested that when the sign is given with the palm inside, it is recognized as a horribly vulgar and offensive gesture—signifying penetration of both body orifices.   Yet, when the sign is displayed in typical fashion -- with the palm facing outward -- it literally means intercourse by the devil—to be violated sexually by the horned God.
     According to the website, Occult of Personality, the Goat God, Baphomet, is purported to represent the "sum total of the universe (e.g. male and female, good and evil, etc.); pointing to the unification of opposites: male and female, first and last matter, as above so below – Baphomet is the All, in the sense that Pan is the All – bisexual, chimerical, twirling the twin caduceus serpents."  (This site offers to help you on your "journey to self-discovery" and to take you to higher degrees.  And they aren't bashful about sharing information on the occult, mysticism and Freemasonry, if you so desire).
    So, by now, are you seeing some familiar themes and concepts?  Do you see the "V" sign as a suggestion that sex can be used by the Devil and his minions to infiltrate our human existence?  Could the Music Industry be used as a gateway to introduce our vulnerable children to Satan's perverted designs on them?  Just scour the web for images of Miley Cyrus (with her tongue stuck out), Justin Bieber, or even Michael Jackson (who flashed the "V" sign after his court appearance for child molestation).   There's even a statue of Baphomet surrounded by adoring children that the Temple of Satan is trying to get placed in Oklahoma City near a statue of the 10 Commandments!
     Can I prove that flashing this centuries old sign frees satanic activity upon the earth and us humans?  Of course not!  But I can look at its increased use in our culture and the entertainment industry and see the steady sexualization of our children.  I can also see that our society is embracing bisexuality, transgenderism and the co-mingling of human and animal genetics ... and aren't those the exact descriptions of what the ancient pagan (and I contend demonic) deities Pan and Baphomet represent?  Since the Garden of Eden, Satan has been able to tempt mankind through seemingly "innocent" deeds, and Genesis 6:4 shows us that the fallen angels can penetrate our earthly realm for vile sexual purposes.  Satan has been given a good measure of authority over this earth until Christ returns, and he will certainly use everything he can to achieve his agenda.
     So, no matter if you think that flashing the "V" sign is harmless and benign, or if you truly believe in a spiritual war being waged all around us, I would ask you to think twice about signs, signals and symbols that you use in your life.  We are in a battle with Satan and his demonic forces, and far too many of us are falling for his counterfeit message of "peace" and "victory".

2 Corinthians 2:11    "In order that no advantage be taken of us by Satan; for we are not ignorant of his (Satan's) schemes."

October 23, 2014

Sad Social Commentary: When Christian Values Are The Exception

     This post may seem more "fluff-like" than usual.  But our culture is obsessed with celebrities, and their every move and comment is often the center of our national conversation.  Twitter and Facebook, as well as major news outlets, are full of the sexual escapades, lewd performances, scantily-clothed photos, and the flat-out immorality of people that our younger generations want to emulate.  So, it is worth noting when a young woman sticks to her Christian convictions and refuses to "play to the crowd."
     That young woman is Sadie Robertson, of the Duck Dynasty clan.  Yes, out-spoken Phil Robertson's granddaughter has taken her own stand on her faith.  She is appearing on this season of "Dancing With the Stars", and made it clear from the beginning that she didn't want to compromise her faith on the show; a show that is becoming increasingly more sexual in what is supposed to be a program featuring ballroom dancing.  (The costumes are becoming skimpier, and the moves are becoming so erotic that they would make a strip club dancer blush).
     Not so, Miss Sadie.  She made it very clear that she was uncomfortable with the sexual nature of the Rhumba, the dance she was to perform this week.  You can see why she was nervous, based on this professional description of the dance:  The Rumba is a dance that tells a story of love and passion between a strong, male lover and a coy, teasing woman. Full of sensual movements, the Rumba is considered by many to be the sexiest of the ballroom dances.
    Instead of sexy, Sadie stated that she hoped the choreography would be "sweet."  And how many girls her age do you know that would consult with their mother and grandmother, to make sure they approved of how she would be televised into millions of American homes?  Representing Christ, her values, and her family were obviously more important than seducing the public for votes.
     Too bad her contemporaries don't have the class and maturity she showed.  This age group has seen girls like Miley Cyrus and Katy Perry abandon their Christian values to seek cultural adoration by "twerking", promoting sexual experimentation, and writing songs (Perry's Dark Horse) that she admits is "Witchy and dark".  Have they sold their souls to the devil in exchange for fame and fortune?  And how many others have followed that same path?  They start out in the public eye, seemingly innocent, and the visible personification of "squeaky clean".  Before long, they are tempted into selling a sexual and seductive image, that eventually degenerates into raunchy ... think Britney Spears, Beyonce; even Taylor Swift is moving that direction. (To be honest, I could not find a representative image that was not too offensive).
     Why is Sadie Robertson's approach the exception?  How have we slid so far, so fast?  How did we go from "girl next door" role models like Julie Andrews and Mary Tyler Moore to raunchy examples of females like Nikki Minaj and Rihanna in my lifetime?  Is it this generation's answer to feminism? Does it make them feel empowered? Or is it just an extension of the exploitation and sexualization of our children for money?
     I contend that when a culture abandons God's precepts and prefers to bow down to the false gods of fame, money, and celebrity, we are fertile ground for Satan's temptations.  We no longer fear the Lord, nor respect ourselves.  We simply debase ourselves in pursuit of fleshly desires; thereby cheapening what God designed to be valued, and making what was once beautiful, now ugly and dirty.  There was a time when our feminine sexuality was looked upon with awe and respect; now it is looked upon through the lens of lust.
     So that is why I felt it was important to make note of what Sadie Robertson accomplished on Monday night.  She stuck to her principles, not willing to sacrifice her faith to please the judges or the public.  Earlier in the season of DWTS, the appropriateness of Sadie's dance moves was questioned by a judge, which reduced her to tears backstage.  It wasn't that she was embarrassed by the comments, as much as she worried that she might have let God and her family down.  This last Monday, she was once again reduced to tears when the judges scores reflected that her Christian values were being honored and applauded. In a culture that seems to lionize anything that spits in the face of God, Sadie scored high marks for standing up to the culture, and standing up for her God.

1 Timothy 6:9-10   "But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

October 7, 2014

Where Have Our Manners Gone?

     I don't know if you saw the recent reporting of the 80-year-old man who was enjoying a drink at his local Florida Applebees, and approached a fellow 26-year-old patron, asking him to discontinue his loud use of obscenities.  According to the police report, Harry Sander, the octogenarian, politely asked Mikie Sawyer to quit using the "F" word and repeatedly talking about T & A.
      First of all, I can remember a time when people would have been embarrassed to be heard talking that way in front of strangers.  But did Sawyer respect his elder's request and tone it down?  No!  Like the spoiled, narcissistic society we've become, he announced that he didn't have to stop cursing if he didn't want to.  So according to witnesses, Mr. Sander leaned in once again, and informed Mikie that in his native Germany, one didn't speak in polite company like that.
     Well, Sawyer was not only unconcerned about being polite in the company of others, but he made sure to disparage the elderly man's thick accent and his heritage, saying, “I don’t care where you are from, whether it be Russia or Dutch, take your ass to the other side of the bar.”  [Apparently, Mikie not only showed a distinct lack of character, but doesn't know his world geography, either.  Someone needs to tell him "Dutch" is not a country].
     But it is not simply his lack of respect and crudeness that is deplorable, it is what he does next that I find so reprehensible.  The police report records that Sawyer then punched Mr. Sander in the face and pushed him to the ground.  The elderly gentleman doesn't remember much after that moment.  Witnesses corroborated the incident and the mistreatment of Harry Sander, and Mikie was arrested for battery on a person over the age of 65 and disorderly conduct.
     According to Florida law, "A person who is convicted of an aggravated assault or aggravated battery upon a person 65 years of age or older shall be sentenced to a minimum term of imprisonment of 3 years and fined not more than $10,000 and shall also be ordered by the sentencing judge to make restitution to the victim of such offense and to perform up to 500 hours of community service work. Restitution and community service work shall be in addition to any fine or sentence which may be imposed and shall not be in lieu thereof."  We can only hope that justice is served in this case.
    If it was up to me, I would like to invite Mr. Mikie Sawyer to Texas to meet my friend, Maurice Chambers.  I believe that Maurice just turned 78 years old; although as the holder of several state long distance running records, and a still-active Texas rancher and hunter, he would be mistaken for a much younger man.  In fact, I have seen him out-run and out-work men half his age.  He is one tough and rugged Texan!
     But he is also a devout and pious Christian man.  I have seen him tell many a foul-mouthed cowboy and hunter who was visiting his ranch that he would not tolerate profanity; especially in front of ladies.  He even told a legendary rock star (with his own hunting show) that he was not welcome to bow hunt on his property if he continued using the "F" word.  In Maurice's world, there's no compromise when it comes to old-fashioned manners.
     And where has that standard gone in this country?  Where is the respect for others, and the esteem for our elderly?  Have we become such a self-centered, narcissistic nation, that we have no concern for our fellow citizens?  Are our egos so big, that none dare oppose us?  I suspect that we have raised a generation or two of spoiled kids; children who are now adults, and who think the world rotates around them.  They owe consideration to no one but themselves.  And, now we see a decline not only in manners, but in our ability to see others as unique and worthy of courtesy and honor.  As in the case of Mikie, they become ugly and despicable human beings.
     So, the next time Mikie Sawyer decides to disrespect an elderly gentleman, whose only crime is a request for good manners, I hope he meets someone like my friend, Maurice.  If Mikie continues to exhibit his rude nature, I guarantee he will be the one picking himself up off the floor.  It will be in his best interest to have a change of attitude, and to give another thought to becoming well-mannered and better-behaved.  Yep, I'd like to see Maurice teach Mikie a thing or two ... and the first lesson would start with respect.

1 Peter 5:5      Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.”

September 22, 2014

Is Our Culture Lost?

     I'm pretty sure that Phil Robertson, the patriarch of the Duck Dynasty clan is going to be criticized for his comment that "we are swimming in a cesspool of politically correct crap." I don't know to what specific elements of our culture he was talking about, but I have a few I'd like to add to his list.
     First, let's start with Urban Outfitters, the multinational clothing corporation known for its "bohemian, hipster, ironically humorous, kitschy, retro, and vintage styles."  Their latest fashion design deserves no less a description than "cruel and callous."  What insensitive company overseer decided that featuring a bloody Kent State sweatshirt made fashion sense?  If this was supposed to be an item in the "vintage" or "retro" category, they missed it big-time.  And there is certainly nothing "ironically humorous" about this tasteless piece of trash.
     Was it some Generation Y-er who was trying to make a statement that he knew nothing about?  If he/she had lived (as I did) during this dark day in our history, they would not have tried to make a buck off such tragedy.  I can also only imagine that the trendy, young corporation may be trying to make a statement about gun violence.  If so, once again, they missed the mark.  As one Twitter post stated, "Nothing says 'hip" like murder."
     The Kent State tragedy, which occurred in 1970, has left a stain upon the memory of the Vietnam War protests.  Four students were killed by the Ohio National Guard, and there is nothing "chic" or "fashion-forward" about this offensive attire.  Although a spokesman for the company said the item has been pulled and will not be sold, the Urban Outfitters  website says that the $129 sweatshirt has sold out.  Shame on them!
Damien is showing his class how to make an
inverted pentagram. Connect the dots to make
one yourself.
     The next item up for mention in the cultural wasteland is The Satanic Children's Big Book of Activities, now available in public schools in Orange Country, Florida.  That's right, the Satanic Temple (the same organization that held a sold-out "Black Mass" in Oklahoma City yesterday), is now handing out illustrated coloring books, designed to introduce Satanism to our children.  According to ArtNetNews, a Christian group received permission to disseminate Bibles and other religious materials in the schools, which quickly engendered a lawsuit by David Williamson of the Central Florida Freethought Community.  Mr. Williamson "was seeking to distribute readings such as “Jesus Is Dead” and “Why I Am Not a Muslim,” and when the school board agreed to allow the atheist material, they inadvertently opened the door to Satanists as well.  Now, there's some of the Duck Commander's "politically correct crap."
     ArtNet goes on to report that "The Satanic Temple is also responsible for the goat-headed Baphomet statue currently being created for display at the Oklahoma Statehouse in response to the installation of one of the Ten Commandments.  While Oklahoma is squarely in the sights of the Devil, he's obviously branching out and turning his attention to Florida.
     And if you doubt the cunningness of the Enemy, just consider this statement by a Satanic Temple spokesperson:  "I am quite certain that all of the children in these Florida schools are already aware of the Christian religion and its Bible.  This might be the first exposure these children have to the actual practice of Satanism. We think many students will be very curious to see what we offer.”  I'd be pulling my kids out of public school so fast; no way would I let this evil near them!
      Finally, if you need more proof as to the potentially harmful culture of college campuses today, and the gullibility of our university students consider this fake petition drive .... Dan Joseph of the conservative Media Research Center took to the grounds of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, appealing to students to sign a fake petition supporting the Islamic State, and calling on President Barack Obama not to bomb the terrorist group... and on the anniversary of 9/11.
     Listen to Joseph's incredulous pitch: "We are supporting ISIS today. We are telling President Obama to support the fighters of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria — do not bomb them...  They are just like us, only with slightly more beheadings."  Even more incredible is that students actually signed the petition!  According to a report on The Blaze, "at one point, a female student claims that American journalist Steven Sotloff, who was beheaded by Islamic State militants, was actually with the Mossad, an important Israeli intelligence agency. The same student tells Joseph not to get her “started” on what Christians used to do to nonbelievers.  'Every religion has its moment,' she said, seemingly downplaying radical Islam."
     If this doesn't concern you about the state of awareness of our next generation of leaders -- it should!  When one military veteran challenged Joseph about the petition, Joseph asked him, "Why do you think I've been able to get so many signatures."  The veteran answered, "Because they don't watch the news, and they are uneducated when they vote."  Yep, that's our culture!
     So what do we do about it?  And is it too late?  I know that every generation thinks the next one or two have lost some of the virtues and backbone that they possess.  But believing that the Bible gives us detailed instructions on how we are to live, and seeing that our culture has eliminated the Bible as a teaching tool from our schools and institutions -- and indeed, discards and rejects many of its principles -- I can't help but worry that we are on a rudderless ship.  But what's even more important, is that there will be a steep price to pay for the abandonment of these truths.  Pray that we can revive and regenerate a new desire to return to God, pleasing and glorifying Him in all we say and do.

Colossians 3:5-6    "So put to death the parts of your life that belong to the earth, such as sexual immorality, moral corruption, lust, evil desire, and greed (which is idolatry). The wrath of God is coming upon disobedient people because of these things. "

September 5, 2014

Opening The Door To Satan: This Generation's Obsession With Tattoos

     This post is outside my normal realm of attention, but I think it is nonetheless important for us to consider.  For those of us who are spiritually aware of the evil that is cascading upon the earth, we see our culture a little differently than most.  We recognize all the ways that Satanic influence is creeping into our consciousness: through violent video games; through our music and entertainment; through the rapid integration of humans and computers in the quest for "eternal" existence.  Just 20-40 years ago, what might have been viewed with suspicion by a generation more "tuned in" to God, is now easily accepted and adopted by a more "humanistic" society ... everything is allowable when it comes to expressing yourself.
     No practice is more pervasive these days than tattooing oneself.  Tattoos have existed throughout time, and even The Greatest Generation came home from the last World War with souvenirs of their battles inked on their forearms.  But this generation has taken "the art" of tattooing to new levels.  It is no longer enough to display a small heart or butterfly on your shoulder or ankle; or, if you are a guy, to tattoo some bad-ass image on your deltoid muscle.  Now, tattoo "sleeves" are sported by everyone from celebrities to the hamburger flipper at McDonalds.  The wearer displays a collage of tattoos that covers most, or all, of his/her arm; usually from shoulder to wrist.  But it is not uncommon to find that chest, back, both arms, the neck, and even parts of the face are covered with tattooed images.  
     So what do you think?  Is this just the unique method with which this generation is expressing itself?  Or could it lead to something more sinister?  I contend the latter.  But I want to make it clear that I do not believe that everyone who makes the decision to get a tattoo is doing it to pay homage to the devil or some malevolent spirit.  On the contrary -- most do not even know the implications of what they are doing in the name of "fashion".  So let me give you something to think about.
     Most Christians are aware of the Leviticus 19:28 verse in the Bible:  “You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the LORD.”  But do you understand why God gave this commandment?  As always, it is important to know the full context of any Scripture quoted.  One of the primary reasons that the litany of rules and commandments that abound in Leviticus were instituted was to keep God's Chosen People from imitating the pagan societies that surrounded them.  There were rites and ceremonies that the pagans observed at the death of loved ones and at the time of a funeral.  They would cut themselves and tattoo themselves on behalf of the dead, in order to pacify the gods of the underworld that they worshipped, and thereby gain a favorable position for their dead friends or relatives.  The ritual of tattooing began as a means to placate and appease the demonic spirits of Satan.  (See commentary by noted theologian Matthew Henry).
     Now, I have read blogs by Christian Pastors who have chosen to approve tattoos, especially those that express symbols of our faith and Christianity.  They will say, "The tattoo of today is much different than it was for those who originally received the Pentateuch. Today, a tattoo is a decorative means of self expression and personal decoration... but in our cultural context they do not denote a connection with evil or false faith. In the same way tattoos today do not link the wearer to cultic worship practices and is not generally practiced for ancient religious purposes, tattoos today are for ornamentation."  
     These blogs will then go on to rationalize that the Christian is free to tattoo themselves because we are no longer under the Old Testament Law.  They will explain that tattoos can give glory to God and be a tool for evangelizing.  But they just don't go far enough in their understanding!  And when they say tattoos don't mean the same "in our cultural context", what about what it means to the demonic spirits?  Do you think they play the game according to our "cultural context"?
     At the root of my opinion about tattooing is the fact that the Bible clearly states, "For the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I myself have put it upon the altar for you to make atonement for your souls, because it is the blood that makes atonement by the soul in it." (Leviticus 17:11).  Throughout the Bible, God makes it plain: Blood is important to Him; He regards Life and Blood as sacred.  Blood is Life, and God claims it as sacred to Himself -- so Sacred that it is the instrument of our atonement.  We can only find forgiveness through Blood.... and only Christ's Blood!
     BUT HERE'S THE DEAL!  In their book, Dictionary of Cults, Sects, Religions and the Occult, authors George Mathers and Larry Nichols give us this description of Blood:  The vitalizing or life-giving agent used in the sacrament of the BLACK MASS. Blood is believed to provide power and life and therefore plays a central part in ritualistic sacrifices.  Blood is the "power source" in the spiritual realm of the occult!  
     So what does all this have to do with getting that beautiful work of art inked on your skin?  None other than Rolling Stone Magazine, gave this description of the process of getting a tattoo:  ""Evan Seinfeld, the bassist for Biohazrd, sits in the chair, offers his hand and waits for the bleeding to begin. . . The instrument whirs to life, humming across Seinfeld's hand, creating a vibrating pool of blood and ink."  (Rolling Stone, March 28, 2002, p. 40).
     Then there are these details from The Body Art Book : A Complete, Illustrated Guide to Tattoos, Piercings, and Other Body Modifications by Jean-Chris Miller:  "You’ll see little drops of blood emerge from the freshly tattooed spot. . . Once that dries and little blood bubbles have ceased rising to the surface, the artist may want to snap a few photos of your piece." Nice!
     But this commentary is the one that I want you to really pay attention to ... it is based on one of the most extensive works ever published on tattoos; Dr. W.D. Hambly’s, The History of Tattooing And It's Significance.  In it, Hambly concluded that, historically, tattooing had originated in connection with ancient rites of scarification and bloodletting which were associated with religious practices intended to put the human soul in harmony with supernatural forces and ensure continuity between this life and the next.  (PERSONAL NOTE:  A very dear friend of mine is a surgical nurse, and also a Christian.  She was greatly disturbed to enter a surgical suite and find an anesthetized patient with a tattoo around his neck that read, The gates of hell will welcome me.  Seems to back up Dr. Hambly's hypothesis, doesn't it?)
     Tattooing has obviously been a historic method through which humans sought to mix, or blend, or harmonize with "supernatural forces".  I can guarantee that the forces that responded were not from God!  And just because people in this age will tell you that these rituals are not their intention when they tattoo (they are just expressing themselves through body art), there is nevertheless a long and authentic association between this body modification and connecting with satanic forces.  And do you really think those "forces" won't take advantage of this generation's ignorance of what they are opening themselves up to? 
      Before I leave this subject, I must hint at one other concern I have about tattooing.  We must not forget that Satan has always been obsessed with changing the DNA of those of us made in the image of God.  That's what he tried to do in the Garden of Eden to keep Jesus's pure bloodline from existing.  In his excellent book, Exogenesis: Changing Men Into Monsters, author Steve Quayle introduces the first-hand knowledge of "Matthew", a former tattoo artist, who became a Christian opponent of body modification.  
     Here, in Matthew's own words, are a warning to those who applaud the art of tattooing:  "Most people don't know it, but tattooing is the perfect delivery system for introducing materials into the human body.  From this standpoint, tattooing is very much a DNA vaccine... the changes are "mutagenic", meaning the DNA is altered in some way..."
     I don't have room here to do an extensive essay on what I think are the dangers of tattooing.  But suffice it to say that the comparisons to ancient blood rituals, the possibility of connecting and associating with "Supernatural Forces", and the ability to incrementally alter one's DNA through repetitive tattoos, is enough to make me take God's warning seriously!  If my soul is in my blood, why would I want to imitate ancient rituals that sought to commune with demonic spirits, and expose my soul/blood to their influence?  And could this be the reason we see such drastic changes in personality and actions from celebrities who have embraced this latest "fashion trend" of heavily tattooing their bodies?  (Think Justin Bieber, for instance).  Regardless of whether you agree with me, or think that tattoos are just a harmless mode of self-expression, we must all be on guard against the "harmless" ways the Enemy infiltrates our culture and our personal lives.  Remember: he is "like a roaring lion who walks about seeking whom he may devour."

If you would like to read more about "Matthew's" Christian opinion on tattoos, visit his website www.themodifiedbody.com.

Colossians 2:8     "See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ."