A Modern Woman's Perspective On The Kingdom of God on Earth

Showing posts with label Liberty and Freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberty and Freedom. Show all posts

November 11, 2020

A History Lesson in Liberty and Freedom


As an American who understands the founding covenant we made with God over this land, I have always been proud of our history of liberty and freedom. From the first blog post I wrote in December of 2011, to this very day, I have always been proud of what this country stood for. I recognize our faults and sins, and I grieve over our history where we have strayed from the righteous path. But I know there is a spirit that exists in this nation that believes in the fundamental rights of men and women to forge their own destiny. That spirit of Liberty and Freedom comes from God, Himself, and no matter how hard the forces of darkness try to extinguish the flame of independence that ignites this country, it must never be stamped out.

This theme has long been interwoven into my blog, and since we find ourselves in the midst of this latest threat to our republic, I decided to take a look back at some of the more powerful convictions I have had on this subject. Here's just a few examples of what I've shared through the years...

November 21, 2012, quoting Congressman Ron Paul on Liberty and Freedom: "Everyone claims support for freedom. But too often it’s for one’s own freedom and not for others.  Too many believe that there must be limits on freedom. They argue that freedom must be directed and managed to achieve fairness and equality thus making it acceptable to curtail, through force, certain liberties.  Some decide what and whose freedoms are to be limited.  These are the politicians whose goal in life is power." Congressman Paul also said this, "Our Constitution, which was intended to limit government power and abuse, has failed.  The Founders warned that a free society depends on a virtuous and moral people.  The current crisis reflects that their concerns were justified." My current thoughts: I think we can all agree that free and fair elections also depend on virtuous and moral people. Now, here we are eight years later and we seem to have fallen to new levels of degeneration. 

October 24, 2013, from a report by Texas-based Liberty Institute, entitled Undeniable: The Survey of Hostility To Religion in America:  Your most basic rights are being gravely threatened. This threat is coming in the form of a tidal wave of government-driven hostility to religious liberty in America. Such hostility is a tsunami which—if it reaches shore—will sweep away all your other liberties.
     Why? The Declaration of Independence, the birth certificate of our nation, acknowledged that all our rights—such as the right to a fair trial and to elect our own government—are “endowed” by a “Creator.” They are therefore “unalienable” and not to be violated by government.
     For that reason, the Founders called “free exercise” of religion, guaranteed in the First Amendment to the Constitution, our “First Freedom.” They regarded the right of everyday people to express open allegiance to the Creator as a safeguard against government attacks on any rights given by that Creator.
     But what if open and widespread expression of religious freedom—in government, schools, work- places, the military, public places, and more—is eliminated, driven into the shadows of society? What if religion becomes an opinion only to be expressed privately in your home or quietly in your church, if at all? What if religious liberty becomes a poor, subservient tenant of an arbitrary and imperious government landlord?
     If that occurs, then government can erase any of your rights as it sees fit, since government, not the “Creator” cited by the Founders, will be regarded as the ultimate definer, giver or taker of all rights.  My current thoughts: The evidence of religion [or faith] has been blatantly absent in the violence and hatred we have seen exhibited this last year, therefore it's not hard to imagine that the "free exercise" of it could soon be deemed as "counter-productive to the will of the people".

October 14, 2014, from an article I wrote on our Economic Freedoms: In case it has been a while since you had an accurate history lesson about our nation, let me remind you of what the Founders meant in the Declaration of Independence; that we "are all endowed by our Creator ... with Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."  Those three principles are the bedrock of America's development -- no matter how they have been maligned.  The meanings of "Life" and "Liberty" haven't changed much in 230+ years.  But it is important that we understand what was meant by "The Pursuit of Happiness".  To early Americans this phrase was known to represent the individual right of every free citizen to own property and pursue a living.  That was "Happiness", and Americans knew it was ours, by the grace of God ... But perhaps more than any other principle, it was the Rule of Law that the Colonists cherished the most.  And the Cato Institute's 2014 Annual Report on The Index of Economic Freedoms sheds an unflattering light on just how much we have neglected that standard.  Per the report, "Protection of persons and their rightfully acquired property is a central element of economic freedom and a civil society. Indeed, it is the most important function of government. The key ingredients of a legal system consistent with economic freedom are rule of law, security of property rights, an independent and unbiased judiciary, and impartial and effective enforcement of the law."  My current thoughts: In six short years we have regressed to defunding the police, abandoning the concept of law and order, and are at the mercy of biased and partisan judges. How long will private property be allowed? God help us! 

April 30, 2015, in an article I wrote, titled "There is no S in Freedom": A few days ago, a friend of mine, Scott, commented that he had enjoyed reading my book, but he disagreed with me on one point.  I said, "That's alright ... I'm open to constructive criticism.  What did I say that you disagree with?"
     He told me that he couldn't help but notice that I consistently wrote about defending my "freedoms", and he just needed to inform me that, in the true sense, "Freedom" had no "s" on the end of it.  He went on to explain that this nation once had a wise President who said, "Freedom is indivisible - there is no 's' on the end of it. You can erode freedom, diminish it, but you cannot divide it and choose to keep 'some freedoms' while giving up others."  I'm sure it comes as no surprise to many of you, that this sage advice came from our 40th President, Ronald Reagan.
     It didn't take me long to come to the conclusion that both Scott and President Reagan were correct.  If we see Freedom as a collection of "rights" or "privileges", then a duplicitous or oppressive government could convince the populace that by merely altering, or even abolishing, a single aspect of our liberty, we are still left with the concept of having Freedom.   It shouldn't take one long to realize that over a period of time, or generations, much damage could be done by chipping away at our freedom.  What was once our stronghold of personal independence and liberties could easily be whittled down to a house of straw; easily demolished by any despot or tyrant... The once lofty ideal of freedom that this country represented, and its leaders embodied, has been replaced by a belief system that champions money and power.  America once recognized that their state of freedom was bestowed by God; but His Dominion and Sovereignty have been replaced by the Supremacy and Restraint of the State.  So, the question becomes, "Does Freedom still reside in America?"  I fear that it is taking its last breath, and unless God chooses to intervene, "the Land of the Free" will no longer exist.  My current thoughts: Sadly, and regrettably, my opinion has not changed about the obstruction of the State when it comes to our freedom. God must intervene -- but I also know that millions of Christians have been awakened in the last six years to the need for intercessory prayer and that we must step into our power and authority as representatives of God's Kingdom on earth, We are resolute about defeating the kingdom of darkness, and I have much hope on that front!

August 19, 2015, quoting from a speech given in 1944 by Judge Learned Hand, of the U.S. Court of Appeals: "We have gathered here to affirm a faith, a faith in a common purpose, a common conviction, a common devotion. Some of us have chosen America as the land of our adoption; the rest have come from those who did the same. … We sought liberty; freedom from oppression, freedom from want, freedom to be ourselves. I often wonder whether we do not rest our hopes too much upon constitutions, upon laws and upon courts. These are false hopes; believe me, these are false hopes. Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it … What then is the spirit of liberty? I cannot define it; I can only tell you my own faith. The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the mind of other men and women; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs their interests alongside its own without bias; the spirit of liberty remembers that not even a sparrow falls to earth unheeded; the spirit of liberty is the spirit of Him who, near two thousand years ago, taught mankind that lesson it has never learned, but never quite forgotten; that there may be a kingdom where the least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest." My current thoughts: Sadly, we are over three-quarters of a century past the date of that speech, and I'm not sure that spirit of liberty lives in the hearts of our children and grandchildren. And the "greatest" among us have no interest in hearing from the "least". 

July 4, 2014, from an article I wrote reflecting on the meaning of July 4th: "What did our Founding Fathers mean when they claimed that "all men are created equal ... and endowed with certain unalienable rights?... It seems to me that Government is increasingly deciding which rights people and groups are "endowed" with.  And if they are the "giver", then they reason that they can also take those rights away.  Hence, our property rights are no longer sacred nor protected.  In fact, the "natural" rights that our Founding Fathers so authoritatively manifested have been redefined as government-guaranteed economic opportunity and security.... I truly believe that the group of men who convened in July of 1776, were Divinely-inspired.  For the first time in history, the idea was born that men could be free of the restraints that repressed them. But the Founding Fathers understood that men were not perfectly good so they needed to form some sort of government to secure their natural rights. But just as important, they needed a government constrained by the consent of the people.  James Madison expressed it eloquently:  "If men were angels, no government would be necessary."
     But they also new that this never-before-tried form of government would be fragile and subject to corruption.  That's why, at the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, when asked if the Founders had crafted a Monarchy or a Republic, Benjamin Franklin replied, "A republic.  If you can keep it."  And my, how difficult it has been to keep it!  Down through the nearly two-and-a-half centuries this country has existed, malevolent forces have battered our walls of freedom.  The Republic has managed to survive threats from Communism, Socialism and Progressivism; although all have managed to erode the original vision of those inspired men.
    If you can keep it .... Did they know we would let it slip away?  But could they also conceive that there would be those of us who would recognize that what they accomplished was worthy of fighting for; and that their vision would still burn in the hearts of patriotic souls?  I think Franklin's reply was a subtle warning ... our freedom was not, and is not, guaranteed.  The Founders knew that men and governments would endeavor to increase their power and control at the expense of our individual freedom because freedom is not the natural state of the world.... But, if, as I suspect, the "Spirit of '76" still exists in our DNA, then I set my sights on the day that we can once again proclaim, as did Oliver Wolcott, a signer of the Declaration of Independence 238 years ago today, "It is most evident that this land is under the protection of the Almighty, and that we shall be saved not by our wisdom nor by our might, but by the Lord of Hosts Who is wonderful in counsel and Almighty in all His operations."  Amen!  My current thoughts: Our Republic has never been more fragile. The threats of Communism, Socialism, and Marxism have increased -- even to their presence in the body of Congress! But I know there are millions more like me; people who honor and cherish the legacy of those brave souls who stood up to the mighty Empire of Great Britain and clung to the idea that God had given them the right to possess individual freedom. I declare that the "Spirit" of 1776 is the same Spirit of God that is intervening on our behalf, these now 244 years later. I know He has not given up on this nation, and we have not lost faith in Him to answer our prayers as we storm Heaven to help us keep the Republic. I still believe this land is under the protection of the Almighty and we definitely won't be saved by our wisdom, but by God Himself! We have not lost yet!

Finally, from February 9, 2013 and January 30, 2015, from articles I wrote on my favorite Founding Father, Samuel Adams: History has always been fascinated with the part Adams played in securing our Liberty.  During the 19th Century, when America still clung to her patriotic principles, and valued an individual's liberty and right to succeed, Samuel Adams was recognized as a hero of the Revolution.  But the 20th Century saw the genesis of Socialism and Progressivism take root in our political consciousness, and Sam Adams gained a negative reputation.  His brilliant essays were viewed as propaganda, and he was painted as an avid promoter of revolution who incited mob violence to push his political agenda.... But whichever version of Samuel Adams you choose to embrace, no one can dispute that he played one of the most important roles in the founding of this nation.  He believed in a "republican" form of government, which advocated that power should be held by the people and their elected representatives, rather than a monarch or dictator.  His writings also show that he believed that force against the government of a nation was only justified when the constitutional rights of the people were threatened, and were so grave that the "body of the people" recognized the danger, and only after "all peaceful means of redress had failed."  Revolution was his last choice.  But shortly after he signed the Declaration of Independence, he delivered these words in a speech at the State House in Philadelphia:

"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude [better] than the animating contest of freedom, go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

Here are more of his quotes: Let us remember that if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our Liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom. It is a very serious consideration, which should deeply impress our mind, that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event.

 It does not take a majority to prevail; but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.

The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation – enlightened as it is – if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.  My current thoughts: Sounds like he could be writing about what we are experiencing today, doesn't it? Read his words again and ask yourself these questions: Do I have the fire in my belly that our brave Founders possessed to stand for our God-given rights? In the face of the obvious attempt to transform this nation, am I willing to trust that my liberties and freedom will remain intact? What would Sam Adams say to us today, and are we willing to follow in his footsteps? 

These excerpts from my writings, and the writings of Samuel Adams, all point to our current situation. Our Liberty and Freedom should never be taken for granted. They are gifts from our Creator and precious possessions of moral and virtuous men and women. We are blessed to be Americans; a nation borne out of covenant for the Glory of God, and formed into a "civil body politic for the better ordering and preservation of the general good of the colony [nation]", which they promised with "all due submission and obedience". But we are on the verge of allowing these precious gifts to be wrested from us. So, as we approach this Veterans Day, we owe a debt of gratitude to our ancestors who fought at Concord and Lexington; Appomattox and Gettysburg; who died on the shores of Normandy and in the fields of Europe; who died in the rice paddies of VietNam; and who sacrificed their lives in the mountains of Afghanistan and the regions of Iraq. We are obligated to keep the Liberty and Freedom they fought and died for, so that it can be passed down to the next generations. And we owe it to them all to preserve the fullness of what was established at our founding; not a diluted or weakened version. Now, is the time for us to align with the Spirit of 1776 or the warning by Ben Franklin, which echoes down through the centuries will become our reality, and we will surely lose the Republic. May God forbid it!

Job 8:8-10     For inquire, please, of bygone ages, and consider what the fathers have searched out. For we are but of yesterday and know nothing, for our days on earth are a shadow. Will they not teach you and tell you and utter words out of their understanding?





March 6, 2019

Prayers of Financial Freedom: From Breaking Curses to Celebration

     As I stated in the last post, there are many Christians who are not free from the bondage of fear over finances. As Dr. Mark Virkler pointed out, many of our ideas about money [and the lack of it] come from misquotations of the Bible, as well as wrong attitudes about wealth in our family lines. For myself, it was my father's upbringing during the Depression that led to a life-long worry about money and falling into debt. As the oldest, it was easy for me to adopt those same fears, and it wasn't until I was 40 years old that I realized my deep-seated worry about having enough money to pay my bills came from my dad. I was determined to let go of those fears and begin trusting in the Lord for His provision. I will tell you, it has been a battle to keep from returning to that bondage.
     As the previous Prayer for Repentance [in regards to Financial Freedom] shows us, we must turn away from the sins of our ancestors and their ungodly beliefs about money. We must believe that it is God's desire to give us all we need to prosper, and then we must trust in Him to provide.
     But Dr. Virkler has outlined several other areas in which we must free ourselves from financial bondage, and I'd like to share that information with you, and then summarize with a prayer that defeats all our financial fears. The first thing I learned is that we can actually have curses spoken over us and our bloodlines. These can come in the form of word curses, hexes, incantations and witchcraft prayers from those who are aligned with the Dark Side. And they can result in financial lack and poverty. Within some of the oaths taken by Secret Societies [such as Freemasonry], you will find curses against prosperity and finances. But we can pray the truth that God wishes to bless us, and we can break agreement with any of these curses and cancel their ability to keep us in lack.
     It is important that we also break any ungodly thought patterns, images, attitudes or ideas that we have allowed to keep us in bondage. We can even erase our cellular memory, cleansing it from the emotions of fear, lack, and poverty. Remember, we have not been given a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind [able to resist the wiles of the devil]. We must ask for forgiveness for doubting the word of God which tells us He knows the plans He has for us; plans to prosper us and not harm us; plans to give us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).
     We can even do some inner healing ourselves, by communing with the Lord, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal any negative pictures from our past that need to be healed, and then journaling what is revealed. Remember, in the spirit realm, there is no time, so God can heal in the past, present, and the future. As you begin to flow in the spirit, more events and images will appear, and you will see the Lord ministering grace to your ancestors, resulting in new freedom flowing down through your family line, ultimately touching you and your descendants. What a time of joy and excitement to see that freedom raining down!
     Next, we can ask the Lord to reveal the gifts and talents He has created in us that anoint us for financial success. We have been uniquely made for service and to glorify Him through the applications of these talents and passions. And we trust the Lord to guide us each step of the way as we stay tuned in to the flow of the Holy Spirit within us. We can pray for revelations of Spirit-given goals for our lives, believing that we will be successful!
     Finally, we should pray prayers of celebration as we discern our faith rising in response to our financial freedom. We will know that it is God's compassion and grace that sustain us and remove all our fear and doubt about finances. We will continue to praise the Lord for His faithfulness in our finances, knowing that such praise silences the voice of the Accuser. And with our promised prosperity comes renewed minds, revived spirits, and increased fruitfulness.
     It is not easy to overcome financial fears, especially when it becomes a familiar spirit in family bloodlines. But when we submit to the Word of God and declare the Truth about how God wants to bless us in all the areas of our lives -- including our finances -- then it is possible to be Overcomers in this spiritual battle. So, please join me in reciting this prayer [out loud] as we declare our Financial Freedom:

     [Lay your hands on your heart, seeing Christ's hands overlaying yours].... Father God, I break all word curses spoken over me by myself or others concerning money. I bind and rebuke all evil spirits that are connected with these curses and have gained a foothold in my life. Poverty has no place within me. Demonic forces, be gone now in Jesus's Name! I declare that the lack the Enemy envisions for me will not prevail over the ability of Almighty God to bless and prosper me.
     Father, I ask that you forgive me for ever believing the lies of the devil regarding money, for Christ's blood has made me clean from the spirit of fear, and I stand clothed in His righteousness, received by faith in His finished work on the Cross. 
     Lord, I embrace what You have spoken, that money is a blessing and a fruit of following Your voice. I put on the mantle of abundance in Jesus's Name. I receive God's anointing, for it is He who has given me the power to make wealth, that He may confirm His covenant which He swore to our fathers.
     I break all ungodly mental strongholds of fear and lack and worry, which say I will never have enough. These are lies of the Enemy! You, God, have promised me more than enough. And I speak to my cellular memory, my RNA and my DNA. Emotions of fear, lack, and poverty, be cleansed and erased from my cellular memories. Images, thoughts, attitudes and ideas that I will never have enough, be swept out in Jesus's Name! [Breathe out deeply a couple of times, seeing Jesus sweeping your cells clean. Feel the release]. Thank You, Jesus!
    Now, Lord, I ask if there are any negative events in my family line concerning money that You want to heal. I forgive everyone involved, including myself, others, God, circumstances, and governments. I choose to honor and release them and bless them, in Jesus's Name. Thank You for Your healing, Jesus!
     And, Lord, I know that Your Spirit releases creativity and faith, encouraging me to step forward and succeed financially. Lord, I know that You have anointed me with gifts, passions, and talents which equip me to serve humanity in a special and unique way. So, what paths do You want me to explore? What doors do You want me to knock on? I step forward into new paths, seeing You at my side. I choose to embrace this process of change and growth with a heart-passion full of love, anticipation and thankfulness that You are leading me to victory. By Your grace, I press on to success!
     So, Father, with a big smile on my face, I celebrate my lifestyle of divine creativity, divine connections, divine anointing, and divine prosperity. I celebrate the new skills and talents I am mastering. They carry me to new places, new victories, new relationships, new abundance. Along with my finances, my service to humanity has expanded, and many will be blessed by my life. I enjoy and celebrate this gift of life which You have given me. Thank You, Lord, for hearing my prayer and for delivering me from this fear of finances. I rejoice in my freedom and my fruitfulness! Amen!

Thanks to Dr. Mark Virkler, who is the author of more than 50 books in the areas of hearing God's voice and spiritual growth. He is the founder of Communion with God Ministries and Christian Leadership University. He has taught on developing intimacy with God and spiritual healing for over 30 years on six continents.

Proverbs 10:22    The blessing of the Lord brings [true] riches,
And He adds no sorrow to it [for it comes as a blessing from God].


September 24, 2018

God's Multi-level Marketing!

     Excuse me for the clumsy and tactless comparison of God to a business strategy, but it was the closest thing I could think of to describe the joy I am experiencing these last few days. You see, it's been four years since God challenged us to walk this path of Deliverance Ministry and Inner Healing. As I stop to consider where we started and where we are now, it seems like we've been enrolled in an Advanced and Accelerated course; learning how to work with Jesus and the Holy Spirit to continue the work that the Lord began during His short time on this earth.
     I'm not sure Mark and I fully understood just how much the Father would immerse us in this calling, or the gravity of the need for healing in people's lives. All we knew was that our hearts and spirits couldn't say "no" to the Father's desire to use us to heal and deliver His children. We hardly ever knew what would happen when we sat down to listen to the pain and the wounds of those tormented by the Enemy, but we were always aware of the presence of Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and fully trusted Them to guide us through the process of setting the captives free.
     And from the very first time that we witnessed Jesus healing the damaged soul and spirit of a Believer, we knew a small amount of the joy that God must feel when He sees His enemy defeated and the chains of bondage come off His beloved child. And we got to be a part of that! There are not enough exemplary words to give praise to our amazing God for that gift.
     Now, four years later, we are beginning to see those we have helped to see Jesus [in their circumstances] start to help others.  They have freely received the grace of God and want to freely give that opportunity to another -- and this is where my clumsy comparison comes in. Just like multi-level marketing, we share the goodness of our product --  in this case, freedom from torment and victory in Christ -- and train the recruit in the ministry, so they can go out and share "the product" with others. This results in a network of "freedom fighters" for the Kingdom of God.
     But unlike the worldly marketing strategy, which often involves coercion and arm-twisting to build your "line", the word-of-mouth about what God can do for you is the best strategy -- you don't have to up-sell peace, freedom from pain, and the destruction of the lies of the devil! And instead of earning money, which is only worth the paper it is printed on, the distributors of God's offering earn heavenly rewards from the fruit they produce.
     Let me tell you, nothing feels like success more than witnessing someone getting free from a false identity due to molestation, physical or emotional abuse, generational curses, sins they have committed or sins committed against them -- all the things the Enemy can use to keep a child of God in captivity.  It has been our privilege to witness the removal of dirty veils, the breaking off of chains, and the destruction of strongholds in people's lives -- and all with the knowledge that Jesus is there and the One doing the work. 
     And now we are witnessing those who have been set free, setting others free. The seed of freedom that was planted in our hearts has borne fruit and new seeds are being planted. And I can't help but see the plant process as a metaphor for what God is doing in His multi-level ministry model. Excuse me as I try to connect these dots ... Once a seed germinates and breaks through the surface, it starts the steps to produce leaves. This starts the process of photosynthesis (utilizing the Son Light) while the roots search and absorb water (the Living Water) for the new seedling which slowly grows into a mature fruit-bearing plant. 
     Do you see it? Mark and I are just the product of the seeds planted by Dr. Charles Kraft and Barbara Bucklin of Luke:14 Ministries. They planted the seeds, and participated with the Holy Spirit to give us the Light of God and His Living Water until we matured into a fruit-being servant of the Kingdom.  Our obedience produced new seeds planted in new ground, and now those plants have sprung forth bearing fruit, with the intent to reproduce more seeds. It is for complete freedom that Christ paid the price to set us free. And with each new "level" of freedom that permeates the Body, it's another defeat for the devil and one more step towards the imminent destruction and failure of his agenda.
     So, I hope you don't mind the way I've tried to explain the joy I am experiencing. I don't know any other way to describe what it's like to see those whom we've had the blessing of ministering to now passing their freedom [in Christ] on to others. Seeing their obedience to share what they've received is a reward beyond anything this world has to offer. Thank you, Jesus, for trusting Mark and me with administering Your precious gift of freedom.  We are truly humbled.

Galatians 5:13     Beloved ones, God has called us to live a life of freedom in the Holy Spirit. But don’t view this wonderful freedom as an opportunity to set up a base of operations in the natural realm. Freedom means that we become so completely free of self-indulgence that we become servants of one another, expressing love in all we do.  

May 26, 2018

Memorial Day: A New Appreciation

     This is the long weekend that we Americans mark as a time of remembrance and recognition of military service to our country. We have a long tradition in our nation's history of honoring those who have fought and died to secure our freedoms. Memorial Day originated in the years after the Civil War to honor the Union and Confederate soldiers who died in battle and was known as Decoration Day, when the graves of the dead were decorated with flowers. After World War I, however, the day was expanded to honor those who have died in all American wars. In 1971, Memorial Day was declared a national holiday by an act of Congress, and graves are now decorated with American flags, and recognition of service is now extended to all our military, both living and deceased.
     I wanted to take the time this year to share my new perspective on this national holiday. As I've written before, I am the proud daughter of a World War II veteran, who enlisted in the Navy at the age of 17 (with parental consent) after Pearl Harbor. He served in the Pacific as a tail-gunner in the Lockheed PV Ventura, a low-level bomber. He was always proud of his service, though he didn't share any of his experiences; typical of that generation. I have always viewed Memorial Day as an opportunity to honor him and the men and women who have volunteered to serve in every war since.
    But this past year has brought newfound appreciation for what this day should mean to all of us. You see, this past year I had the honor to serve on a team with extraordinary women veterans as part of a Christian Warriors Retreat. These women included veterans from the Gulf War (Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm) and the ongoing War on Terror (Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom). The retreat involved older veterans mentoring younger veterans, and covered all branches of the military. While they shared an identity as combat veterans, these women were seeking a common bond in their identity as Daughters of Christ. And I witnessed both the struggles and the victories of that co-mingling of identities in my Sisters.
     As non-military (I served as a Team Leader and Assistant Spiritual Director), I could not relate to their military experiences, but I could sympathize with them as women. Everything that the Enemy of this world has crafted against women to kill, steal, or destroy the beauty and magnificence of who God created them to be is intensified in the military. I will not share specific testimonies, but I will tell you that although PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) has become a term relegated to the military, it is a spiritual attack on anyone who has suffered a traumatic event and is in need of Jesus's saving healing and deliverance. As one of our female veterans exclaimed, "Pain is pain is pain!" She was making the point that we all suffer from the devil's attacks on our lives and these women needed to recognize that they had a higher identity than their military service. That's not to say that they shouldn't be proud of [or acknowledged for] their service, but that whatever their life's history, inside or outside of the military, their identity as the Bride of Christ was a truer identity.
     I cannot tell you how my enduring relationships with these amazing women has changed my life. As I think about the people across this country celebrating Memorial Day, I honor these brave women who have done extraordinary things for our country, and I am blessed with the richness of their friendships, grounded in a Sisterhood of growing love and obedience to our Savior. And as I contemplate their impact on my life, I am struck by two concepts: the constant use of "remembrance" in the Bible; and the history of women warriors in the Bible that saved the nation of Israel. 
     The Hebrew word for "remembrance" is Zakar.  It means to "remember; think of; mention".  We see it in the Bible passages in the Old Testament: God remembered Noah.... God remembered Abraham... I (God) have remembered My covenant.... remember the Sabbath Day... remember His marvelous works.  Then there is the Hebrew word for memorial, which is Zikrown; a memorable thing, day, or writing. It should be obvious that remembering and memorials are important to God: for instance, after crossing the River Jordan into the Promised Land, God instructed the Israelites to build a memorial to what He had done for them. 
     Today and this weekend, it is important to remember what God has done in our lives; the people whom He has worked through in our lives; the experiences He has brought us through --- when these remembrances are shared among the brethren, it builds our faith, just as God intended those ancient memorials to do. And that is exactly what I have experienced this past year with my Sisterhood of women warriors.
     Just like the Biblical heroine Deborah, these women military veterans are leaders. Although Deborah is most often understood to have been a Judge among the nation of Israel, it didn't mean the same as it does now. In the Bible, a "judge" was a tribal leader who, in times of peace had the authority to settle disputes. And in times of war, they were the rallying point to gather the tribes and organize resistance. Judges were seen as "God's people" and their gender was unimportant.
     That is exactly how I see this Sisterhood of veterans. All these women walk in their authority as Disciples of Jesus. They walk as leaders who know their true identities, and they are growing into a viable rallying point in their families and communities to organize resistance against the devil. They know who their real Enemy is, and it is not in some foreign land. They also know whose Army they fight in, and under whose flag they march. Although I have never taken the oath of allegiance to our nation as they have, we have all taken an oath to serve our Mighty King and march behind the flag of Jehovah Nissi, the banner that is our rallying point for the power of God to destroy the Kingdom of darkness.
     So, this Memorial Day, I am reminded of the respect [I have always felt] for those who have fought in our nation's historical wars. I honor the sacrifices that have been made and I vow to always remember what my freedom in this world has cost the men and women who answered the call to serve. But this Memorial Day is different from last year's. This year, I have a newfound awareness of what the Biblical and heavenly perspective of this day has for me. I am deeply honored to be in the company of men and women who embody this world's identification of "soldier", but more importantly, they manifest the character, discipline, loyalty, and obedience of a spiritual warrior in God's army. Although I have centered this blog post around my experiences with these amazing female veterans, the founder of Christian Warrior's Retreat is a man that I greatly admire; he has a heart to serve God and share the restoration that the love of Christ brought to his life. Because of that saving grace of God in his life, I reaped the benefits of serving on the first female veteran retreat.
     So, I want to thank the Lord for creating these Divine appointments in my life. I am blessed and favored beyond description. And I have found a Sisterhood that lifts me, inspires me, supports me, teaches me, and loves me. I thank you all for your service to our nation and to God's Kingdom! 

To Nick and his wife Nicki; to Valerie, Molly, Cathy, Gloria, Mary, Dona, Sherrae, Louise, LaTisha, Liza, Nalleli, Maricruz, and Alissa; to Wanda, Debbie, Karalyn and Loretta; and to all the "team" -- it was a privilege to experience retreat with you and I bless each of you with continued service to our glorious God!

Psalm 103:2   Yahweh, you are my soul’s celebration. How could I ever forget the miracles of kindness You’ve done for me?

January 16, 2018

How We Christians Judge

     I'm going to talk about what will be a debatable subject among Believers ... our capacity to judge others -- especially our fellow Christians. This topic has surfaced after watching a new series of videos by Darren Wilson called Questions With God, where he asks hard, often thorny questions about God and faith.  Yes, it is that Darren Wilson who produced the highly controversial Holy Ghost series of films, where he took viewers to locations around the world to see if the Holy Spirit could truly lead a film. [In full disclosure, I loved the Holy Ghost series].
     I am also interested in this subject matter due to a recent question posed to me by one of the members of our Home Church.  Claire is an intelligent and passionate seeker after the Lord, and she was asking mine and Mark's opinion on an article she had seen regarding Bethel Church and "Destiny Cards".  In short, there was a barrage of articles appearing across Christian websites condemning Bethel Church for promoting occultic practices at a New Age festival.  It involved the use of "Destiny Cards", which were likened to Tarot Cards. 
     I read several of the articles, and knowing the sources were ultra-Conservative sites and not prone to "coloring outside the lines", I decided to write to Bethel and see if I could get them to clarify. [NOTE: It goes without question, that I do not approve of anything resembling Tarot Card readings or what could be classified as fortune-telling.  But I have seen too many instances of deliberate distortion against fellow Christians on some of these sites to believe their condemnation without further research].
     I reached out to Bethel by sending them an email which read, "We are a small Home Church in South Texas who is teaching from Bill Johnson's book, When Heaven Invades Earth.  One of our members is concerned after reading an article on The Christian Post's website that Bethel is confirming the use of Destiny Cards.  Could you please explain to me if this is true --- and if so, explain your reasoning for approving this method of providing a prophetic word to believers. We have been encouraging our group, who are coming out of strict legalistic doctrines and battling spirits of religion ... Stories like this make it difficult to keep them from sliding backwards.  Thank you for your time".
     I was pleased to receive a reply within a few days.  It read: "Thank you for reaching out to us to ask about this issue directly. We appreciate your effort to know the truth and value the opportunity to bring clarification to this recent conversation. We’ve compiled our thoughts and perspectives in a statement on [the ministry known as] Christalignment and the supposed “Christian tarot cards,” as well as points of clarification that we feel are necessary from our leadership". 
     They went on to include an official statement from Bethel concerning the subject of "Christian Tarot Cards", and Christalignment, the ministry that was under attack.  Bethel made it very clear that Christalignment was not affiliated with Bethel, although the son of the ministry's founders is involved with Bethel. The leaders at Bethel reached out to the ministry to make sure they understood what they were doing, and what they have been accused of doing.  And they made it clear that Christalignment stated that they stand in agreement with the Scriptures that all occult practices (like tarot cards) have no place in the Kingdom and should not be used.
    The long and the short of it can be explained in this section of Bethel's response to me: "Reaching people where they are with the truth and love of God is our job as believers. Many people will not come to our churches, yet they are in great need of a personal encounter with Jesus. The leaders of Christalignment feel called to share the Gospel with a people group that most of us would feel unsure of how to approach. We value their efforts to minister to unbelievers in the ways they can more easily receive it and in the places they are going, like New Age festivals... This ministry is a form of outreach meant to share Jesus with those who have never met Him, or think they hate Him, or worse, that God hates them. This practice is not what the ministry leaders do in their church, in their devotional lives and Bible study, when making major life decisions, or when discipling people. It is not taught as the next great way of maturity, a secret new thing for young Christians, or an easy syncretism. This ministry is a way of getting people to stop and engage with fellow humans so that they might encounter the love of the Father and the truth of His Son Jesus Christ. If one of our sons or daughters was away from the Lord and looking for truth at a festival, we would be praying for them to meet believers like this ministry, who know the love and truth of God".
     I have to tell you, that I value the honesty and the sincerity with which this response from Bethel was presented.  They didn't give me a canned [or short] answer.  They provided a well-thought-out statement, addressing what they had discovered when they took the time to research the issue and talk to those involved.  I wish we could all follow that example! Which brings me back to Darren Wilson's Questions with God series.  I was particularly struck by some statements presented by Chad Norris, the lead pastor at Bridgeway Church in Greenville, NC. 
     He said that it had been his experience, early in his Southern Baptist faith background, that his Christianity was defined by the 5 or 10 things he couldn't/didn't do.  When it came to having discussions with other Christians about debatable topics it was often characterized by "seeking to understand without listening".  In other words, his mind was always going through his mental roladex looking for ways to dispute what his Brother or Sister in Christ was trying to explain... which always lead to misconceptions about their faith practices or beliefs.
     He said his paradigm looked like this ... You are either in or you're out [in eternity], based on what you believe. And if you happen to believe incorrectly, then everything is at stake.  So ... [please get this, because I believe this is the crux of why so many Christians are terrified of considering any new concept of God] ... Pastor Norris says the pursuit of his life became having the perfect theology, and if anyone [or any theology] threatened that, it threatened his eternal security. Heaven and hell are on the line, here, and we're going to fight! Because if I'm wrong, I can lose it all! 
     How many of our fellow Christians can identify with this thought pattern?  How many would be honest enough with themselves to admit that this is their belief system?  And sadly, Christians who fall into this category will absolutely condemn anyone who strays outside the "acceptable pattern" of what gets you into eternity with God. 
    But for me, it comes down to this... are we not all called to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ to all the world?  How are you going to do that if you're not going out into the world, including all the ugly and unholy places?  That includes New Age festivals and Heavy Metal concerts, and means consorting with prostitutes and drug dealers and gang members on their terms! They're not going to listen to you, if you don't.  
    Do I always approve of the methods or the language or the actions of my fellow Christians who approach sharing Jesus in these unorthodox manners? No. But if the love of Jesus is their baseline, and there is fruit on that tree they've planted, then I believe they are doing God's work and those other matters are between them and God.  
     There was another portion of Bethel's response to me that I think fits this subject.  They wrote, "At times, some of the efforts of a particular ministry may not be wise risks or best practices, and may need to be addressed. If someone is doing something a fellow believer is concerned about, that believer should go to them directly and privately share their concerns, seeing if they can build mutual trust and value for one another. Perhaps, an explanation will bring understanding, or they can adjust to protect their connection in Christ. But even if they must ultimately disagree about the validity of the belief or practice, they have built a bridge for ongoing dialogue and possible change. One might end up saying, “I don’t appreciate the way they are doing such and such and think there are dangers, but I value their priorities and look with generous eyes to see what they are trying to accomplish.” 
     Isn't that where our hearts should be aimed?  Shouldn't we be encouraging those who are being obedient to the assignments God has given them -- even if they fall outside of the mainstream Christian activities, or are something we would never consider? Isn't that what Jesus did?  He, too, upset the religious boundaries of His day, and was condemned for "not following the rules". 
     As for the Christalignment ministry team, here in their own words is how God has told them to share His Kingdom through "Destiny Cards": "Our aim at Christalignment is to attract tarot reading clients, people who are fully into new age practices, psychics, and witches. All of these people can immediately recognize that our cards are not tarot once they sit down at our tables. Card sets, including cards we made named “Psalm cards” with scriptures on them, address the gifting in a person’s life. The color God is showing the person in a prayer encounter will speak to the person through the prophetic image on the front or meaning on the back. It’s the same as when we give someone a prophetic painting, just much smaller. They are all non-predictive, but we call them Destiny Cards, as we believe that giftings and callings given by God for people are certainly part of their destiny. All cards contain beautiful paintings by four different world renown prophetic artists and these paintings alone have deep meanings that have led to salvation and healing for many clients.
     The team is trained not only to be able to release deep encounters with the Spirit of Truth to clients but to also release words of knowledge and healing. For clients to see Jesus standing before them in an encounter is not uncommon, and many of them get born again.  The prophetic word given over us four years ago was that we would see hundreds of witches come into the kingdom, thousands of people turn from darkness, and that tarot cards would be disabled. Praise God this is happening!! As a deliverance ministry, we are able to stop clients ever going to a psychic again and this is our aim".
     This ministry will not be for everyone. And I will be honest with you, it's outside my comfort zone. And that's okay. They are filling a need to reach the New Age community in this lost world; and they are instrumental in implementing encounters with Jesus. So, where are you being called to serve a lost world? Because if you're not in the world and you are limiting yourselves to serving fellow Christians, you may be sharing the love of Christ, but how much fruit are you producing for the Kingdom? May all of us be led to serve and focus on the assignment the Lord has for us to preach and live the Gospel, make disciples of nations, and build the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. 

2 Corinthians 4:5-6    "We don't preach ourselves, but rather the Lordship of Jesus Christ, for we are Your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who said, 'Let brilliant light shine out of darkness' is the One who has cascaded His light into us -- the brilliant dawning light of the glorious knowledge of God as we gaze into the face of Jesus Christ".

July 6, 2016

Are We Ripe For An End Times Revival?

     This past weekend our nation celebrated 240 years of existence.  Depending on who you asked, we celebrated Liberty, Freedom, and a nation founded on Christian principles, OR ... we are entering a new era where America's past is disparaged and our nation's true heritage is one based on genocide, imperialism, slavery, inequality and oppression.
     To be honest with you, I'm beginning to think that our true nature lies somewhere in the middle ... we must take off the rose-colored glasses and see our founding in its true light of conflicting philosophies of government and religion, as well as acknowledging that we are not the total monsters of greed, military power, and self-serving authoritarian rule that anti-Americans would paint us.  We have done a lot of good in the world!
     But 240 years is a relatively small period of time in the history of the world, and all those opinions are primarily from a secular viewpoint.  But if we were to take a good hard look in the mirror, and give ourselves an honest appraisal -- as of today, this very minute -- well, it's looking kind of bleak.  The rule of law seems to be whatever the powers-that-be say it is; violence and depravity seem to reign supreme in the top news stories; our society wants tolerance for all kinds of unnatural behavior and opinions, yet any display of Christian values is degraded and ridiculed.  Without a doubt, we fit the description of the End Times in 2 Timothy, Chapter 4:  we don't want to have anything to do with sound teaching or accurate instruction; we will only tolerate those who will teach us what feeds our own passions; and we will turn completely away from listening to the Truth so we can chase after myths and lies that feed our fleshly appetites.
     So, how do you think we shape up spiritually after these 240 years, and where do we stand today when compared to nations throughout history?  How do we think God will deal with us?  Obviously, I am speaking to Christians; unbelievers could care less about what my LORD has to say about us.  In fact, a recent commenter on this blog wrote to inform me that, "[the Bible is] something that was made up to keep control of the ppl threw the church and scare ppl into submission saying that if u do anything wrong u are going to hell and only select ppl will go to the pearly gates and walk beside god in which I beleave that is bull shit there is no heaven nor hell when u die u become part of the universe not is some enchanted kingdom that all u religous fanatics beleave what it seems like to me is that u are in a fairy tell world I beleave in god but not how u ppl be leave".  I sincerely apologize for subjecting you to this highly ungrammatical run-on sentence from a delusional non-believer, but I just want you to get an idea of just how far off the track some of our fellow citizens have fallen.
     But, are we really that different from the ancient nations of the Bible who lost their way?  Like them we have compromised our values, followed after false gods, established idols for profane worship, and became remiss and negligent in overcoming the temptations and whispers of the Enemy.  The Bible is full of passages that relate God's justifiable discipline and chastisement for abandoning His covenant.  Both the nations of Israel and Judah experienced the firm hand of God, as did specific cities (Sodom and Gomorrah) and individual people (Saul, Moses, David, and Solomon, to just name a few).  However, we must remember that the purpose of chastising is not to destroy, but to lead to repentance, and to restore God’s blessing.
     We have seen this purpose in the Old Testament in the life of Jacob, a deceiver and liar; in the life of the Old Testament giant of prayer, Samuel, who interceded for the nation of Israel during their time of idolatrous worship; and in the life experiences of Elijah as he battles Baal worship and persecution by King Ahab and his wicked queen, Jezebel.  The Bible records several instances of restoration, renewal, and revival during the reigns of King Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, and Josiah -- times when the public worship of YHWH was recognized and re-established.  And of course, the greatest revival of worship of God was the birth of the Church in the New Testament.  As the late Evangelist David Wilkerson describes this time period: "There were signs, wonders, and miracles. The dead were raised.  Fearless evangelists went everywhere preaching the Word.  Jails could not hold them.  Storms could not drown them. When their possessions were seized, they continued to rejoice. When they were stoned, hanged, burned or crucified, they went out singing and praising God.  It was a triumphant church, unafraid of Satan, irreverent toward idols, unmoved by plagues or persecution.  It was a blood-washed church, living and dying in victory."
     That was then.  Where are we now?  Can we hope to ever achieve that same status again, especially in America?  I don't know about you, but I feel that the clock is nearing that midnight hour, and I'm wondering if the Body of Christ will make a last-minute turn back towards true worship of our God -- or when the clock strikes midnight and the trumpet is sounded, will the Church be the fat, happy, prosperous, compromising, all-inclusive, self-serving, inward-looking, unfruitful monstrosity it is beginning to resemble?
     Or can the prayers of the faithful remnant, the True Body of Christ, move our LORD to intercede on our behalf, restoring and reviving us to meet the coming persecution with power, mighty prayer, and praise?  Can our unclean hands and impure hearts be cleansed in His blood so that the fire of the Holy Spirit will sweep across this land and burn away the dross (the garbage and junk) from our souls, leading this nation to a revival of righteousness?  Does God have it in His Character and Nature to allow one more great Revival before He gives Jesus the green light to exact Judgment upon the world?
     Let's just say I believe in those same miracles that occurred at the birth of the New Testament Church. I know that God desires that all men be saved, and I know that His remnant on the earth, at this very moment, are powerful prayer warriors who are deluging Heaven with prayers of repentance and petitions for Grace and Mercy upon the faithful.  I believe that God is going to cleanse, heal, and embrace His Bride, and give the Church true leaders, children after His own heart.  I believe that what God spoke to the House of Israel, through the prophet Ezekiel, can be said to us today:  "And I will sanctify My great name, which was profaned among the heathen, which you have profaned in the midst of them; and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, says the Lord God. When I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes."
     So I believe that God can institute another great revival within His Church and within America; that the remnant who comprise the true Body of Christ will be sanctified in the Lord before the eyes of the wicked heathen ... and they will know that He is the Lord God.  In our 240 years of existence this nation has experienced revivals that have transformed us mightily.  May we all partner with Jesus for the next one.  It will be the key to whether we survive history.

Psalm 85:6    "Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you?"

April 25, 2016

Satan and Politics: A New Revolution?

     If you are like me, this whole political cycle is becoming tedious.  I do not happen to believe that we can change the direction of this country -- or the world, for that matter -- with a political solution. I believe our problems are much bigger than the contested Republican convention that is predicted; or the scandal over Hillary's emails, Benghazi, and the threats to national security.  I have huge doubts about the ability of any newly-elected President to turn around our failing economy, our immigrant/border problem, or the encroachment upon our national sovereignty by any foreign powers or global institution.  I think our problems are the result of our spiritual deterioration; our rebellion and rejection of God; and the doors we have opened to Satanic influence in our homes, our culture, and our churches.  In short, watching Fox News or CNN to get the latest political update seems like I'm watching a carefully scripted mockery of the delusion that we have any say in the future of this nation.
     That bit of pessimism aside, my always alert husband discovered an article he thought worthy of our discussion.  I read it, at first, with a sense of sad amusement -- that people could be so deceived as to actually be a follower of such nonsense -- but that was soon replaced with the very real sense that there are people who are hopelessly lost, and convenient tools of the dark side of this world.  Let me explain....
     This all may seem laughable, and unrealistic, but keep in mind that Satan seeks to enter all facets of our lives, and politics is a very impressionable and powerful subculture of our society.  And we have a generation of dissatisfied, alienated, and discontented youth who, like every generation before them, think that they have the solution for the "perfect revolution" to change the world.  It's just that in this time of history, the Enemy has done away with subtle and muted messages, and is openly identifying himself as an alternative choice -- even in politics.
The Satanic Temple performs a satanic ritual at
the Michigan State Capitol in December 2015
     So, you may be familiar with the organization known as The Satanic Temple.  They have made their presence known by demanding the same religious rights and privileges afforded to Christianity.  You may recall their campaigns to create satanic coloring books for distribution in schools in Florida and Colorado; bids to erect satanic “nativity scenes” on government property in Florida, Michigan and Indiana; offering prayers to Satan at a high school football game in Seattle; and demanding that a monument to the Ten Commandments at the Oklahoma State Capitol be accompanied by a monument to Baphomet (a goat-headed idol associated with witches' sabbaths).
     I've always assumed that they saw themselves as an alternative "religion".  But you should know that the foundation of their "movement" is political, and they have stated as such on their website:  "The Satanic Temple (TST) facilitates the communication and mobilization of politically aware Satanists, secularists, and advocates for individual liberty."  It is obvious they aim to make their presence known in politics!
     Their latest attempt to influence the political culture in this country came at South by Southwest (SXSW), an annual set of film, interactive media, and music festivals and conferences that take place in mid-March in Austin, Texas.  This event started out as a forum for talented, new, and independent artists, and as far as I'm concerned, has attracted far too many of the "fringe" and "bizarre" types.  But they open the venue to anyone, so what better place for The Satanic Temple to present a unique political message to the masses.
     First, you need to know that the TST political campaign involves the 2016 movie, "The Witch", a tale of a Puritan family turning on each other as they attempt to root out the supernatural evil plaguing their farm.  The film won the award for best director at the Sundance Film Festival – and even frightened horror master Stephen King, which is quite a feat, and enough to keep me from ever seeing it.  But the important fact, here, is that The Satanic Temple combined forces with A24 Studios, to promote a four-city tour called The Sabbat Cycle, which consisted of screenings of the film followed by politically driven satanic rituals.  I kid you not!  The stated goal of The Sabbat Cycle was to inspire a “satanic revolution.”  That got your attention, didn't it?
     Revolutions have always been about rebelling against the status quo, and who better than Satan, the first leader of an organized rebellion, to represent a burgeoning political movement?  But I think you should know exactly what The Sabbat Cycle is all about.  Obviously, it is meant to denigrate the Sabbath, a holy day as designated by God.  But in satanism it is also a supposed annual midnight meeting of witches with the Devil.  If you dare, you can click on this link to the website, but if you would rather skip the disgusting photos, then I can clue you in on their purpose and plan.  Here is the official mission statement:  "Inspired by the film The Witch, The Satanic Temple crossed the nation February 2016 to present a four-part cycle of interactive performances to reify the witch (to make something abstract more concrete or real) - and herald a new Satanic American era. A study of the pathology of religious hysteria, The Witch provides a glimpse into a dark period of our collective history, a  puritanical worldview turned parasitic.  Despite the mythology, supernatural forces do not inspire an attraction to the left hand path, rather it is the unnatural pressures of theocracy that ultimately produce a Satanic breakthrough. This is a timely film.  Nearly four-hundred years after the first execution of an American "witch," many in our nation still call for the establishment of an American theocracy and a return to the puritanical delusions of old.   In the face of relentless persecution, of unjust authority treading on our private, intellectual and sexual lives, we, the outsiders, the freethinking, and the godless have found ourselves strengthened.  We act now to righteously assert our American freedoms, for the edification of our communities and the future of the private citizen.  The Sabbat Cycle mirrors phases of "becoming" in the personal road to Satanism and is an invitation to join us in the Satanic Revolution."
     And to become part of this satanic political revolution, they apparently feel it is necessary to perform a satanic ritual.  You can read the full description, as provided by a reporter who decided to witness it for himself.  But here's the shortened version:  After viewing the film, the participants adjourned to a nearby bar where the entire area was adorned in black-and-white American flags, just like the ones that everybody in the room received as they entered. As all of this went down, a sermon played over loudspeakers, as a Christian minister described what Satan wanted from his followers—"Satan wants you to do what you want to do," a point that apparently both sides of the Jesus/Satan divide can agree on—while what the reporter described as "a punishing ambient soundscape provided by British electronic music weirdos Consumer Electronics" droned in the background.
     Then the head priestess or witch, whose name, believe it or not, is Jex Blackmore, came out from behind her black shroud and gave her own sermon.   "Who taught you to be ashamed?" and declaring that "satanism is the rational assertion of aggressive individualism." A naked couple, who were part of the show, got hoods draped over their heads, then removed them to chug down containers full of wine (supposed to represent blood). People in the crowd rushed to the front of the stage.  The priestess culminated her sermon by declaring, "We do not seek followers, we are seeking collaborators—individuals for a satanic alliance!" Then she instructed those collaborators to place their black-and-white flags outside of crisis pregnancy centers and the Texas governor's mansion. She ended the sermon by shouting "Hail Satan!" and raising her fist into the devil-horn sign, which the majority of the crowd of a hundred or so fired back, chanting "Hail Satan!" along with her, over and over again.
     Now, this might seem like an absurd exhibition, but we must never assume that it was nonproductive.  Anytime anyone praises Satan, or glorifies him, or honors him with worship, you can bet that our Enemy will take advantage of it and push his agenda.  He will use these willing dupes to present himself as a legitimate alternative to the religion of Christianity, as well as a genuine and different choice in the political arena.  But we must not forget that it is always a counterfeit option.  It is a false promise.
     Ms. Blackmore embraces her position as witch/political activist with relish. She sees the collaboration with the film, The Witch, as an opportunity to get more people involved and hasten their political revolution. She, along with the organization she represents (The Satanic Temple) want to challenge the popular belief that America is a “Christian nation.”  Seems like there are a lot of people in politics that hold that same belief system.  Can groups like TST and their occultic entourage change the landscape of our political consciousness?
     Are you willing to bet that they can't?  We have to face the fact that our culture and the nation's underlying foundation of the Christian Church has certainly changed in the last decade.  And Millennials now outnumber us Baby Boomers.  They don't see the big picture the way we do.  And if their picture doesn't include the reflection of God in their lives, their homes, our society, or our government, then they are inevitably ripe for deception and a counterculture that TST offers them.  We saw it happen in the 60s, when the youth of this nation forged new ideas of free sex, while protesting against the government, affluence, war, and any and all authority.
     Authority ... isn't that what Satan rebelled against, too?  God's Authority?  And now the youth of this nation openly hail God's Adversary by name.  But now that rebellion is moving from the religious sphere into the political arena, where the Bible tells us that Satan is ruler of this world.  Up to now, he has been able to work in relative obscurity -- most people are unaware that he is actually called the Prince of this world.  But now it appears as though he is coming out of the shadows and into full view amidst the corrupt, criminal, and immoral political landscape.  He should feel right at home.  And  now,  he's ready to get in the race.  Most of our spiritually protective walls have been torn down, and we already see the evidence of him winning court battles in Florida, Oklahoma, Colorado, Michigan, and Indiana.  When satanic rituals are allowed to be held in public, and are directed toward members of our government, then I fear that we have sealed our doom.  We are witnessing an unholy pact, and God help us!

Romans 1:32    "Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them."


January 6, 2016

The Stand-Off In Oregon: Who's Right and Who's Wrong?

     Once again, there seems to be a powder keg about to be lit in America.  This time it is a standoff that involves the Hammond family of Oregon and the Federal government, and self-appointed patriots, spearheaded by Ammon Bundy of Nevada, who sincerely believe they are guarding the Constitutional rights of citizens.  But it is easy to get caught up in the rhetoric and the emotions, and difficult to discern the truth from the innuendo and personal agendas.
      After reading several accounts from various news sources, this is the case, as I understand it.... Everything takes place in the context of the Fish and Wildlife Service buying up all the land around the Hammond ranch for a wildlife refuge. Apparently owning half the land in the West was not good enough for the feds; more was better. Then, the feds allegedly took what seemed like retaliatory actions against the Hammonds after they refused to sell.
     The current crisis stems around what were designed to be controlled burns (or fires) conducted by the Hammonds in 2001 on their land; the first, to reduce juniper trees that have become invasive in that part of the country. That fire burned outside the Hammonds’ private property line and took in 138 acres of unfenced BLM land before the Hammonds got it put out. No BLM firefighters were needed to help extinguish the fire and no fences were damaged.  Interestingly enough, a range conservationist for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) stated that this fire improved the rangeland conditions owned by the BLM.  Let me also say that burns such as this are common among ranchers and farmers in order to control invasive trees and plant life that can prohibit farming and grazing on private lands.
     There was then a second fire, in 2006, which was a backfire started by Steven Hammond to protect their property from fires being set by lightning.  Steven's wife, Susan, later testified in court, "There was fire all around them that was going to burn our house and all of our trees and everything. The opportunity to set a back-fire was there and it was very successful. It saved a bunch of land from burning.”  However, the BLM asserts that one acre of federal land was burned by the Hammonds’ backfire, and Susan says determining which fire burned which land is “a joke” because fires [from the lightning strikes] burned from every direction.
      The result of this actions was convictions by the federal government against the Hammond's for two counts of arson.  The dispute was over whether they intended the fires to spread to public lands, and a jury convicted Steven Hammond and his father, Dwight.  The judge in the case said that the damage to some juniper trees and sagebrush did not warrant the five-year mandatory minimum sentence under the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, and sentenced Dwight Hammond, the dad, to three months, and twelve months and a day for Steven Hammond, which they have served.
      But now, the Ninth Circuit has held that the minimum five-year sentence was not so disproportionate as to violate the Eighth Amendment’s “cruel and unusual punishment” clause. So,  now the Hammond's have been resentenced to five years in prison, under an antiterrorism law passed by Congress.  In fact, they made it clear that they intended to voluntarily turn themselves in and serve out the remainder of their sentence, under those federal minimum sentencing statutes, and after losing  in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.  And that brings us to the current standoff in Oregon.
     Since the Hammond's are willing to return to prison to serve the full five years of the mandatory minimum, they do not wish any interference from anti-government or patriot groups which see this case as an overreach by the government.  The Bundy group, however, is the same group of people who backed Cliven Bundy, a Nevada rancher, who accused federal government officials of trying to illegally push his cattle off of protected BLM federal land.  That standoff came perilously close to pitting armed civilians against federal government agencies, with echoes of Ruby Ridge and Waco.  Fortunately, the government backed down and disaster was averted.
     But, somehow the Bundy group feels strongly that it is imperative they take a stand for the Hammond family, even though the Hammond family has not asked for help, nor do they want it.  Furthermore, since Saturday, the Bundy protesters have taken over the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge visitor’s building, and refuse to leave until the five-year prison sentences handed by the Justice Department to the Hammond's are softened.  
     Naturally, this has caused a firestorm among politicians, lawmakers, constitutionalists, and patriot-minded Americans.  Everyone from Presidential candidates Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, to Oath Keepers founder, Stewart Rhodes, to TV personality Montel Williams, have weighed in.  Rubio and Cruz both call for an end to the standoff and the end to lawlessness.  Cruz said, “Every one of us has a constitutional right to protest, to speak our minds.  But we don’t have a constitutional right to use force and violence and to threaten force and violence on others. And so it is our hope that the protesters there will stand down peaceably, that there will not be a violent confrontation.”  Rubio added that while he agreed with critics of federal land use policy, “Let me just say, first of all, you’ve got to follow the law... There are states dominated by the federal government in terms of land holding and we should fix it, but no one should be doing it in a way that’s outside the law. We are a nation of laws, we should follow those laws and they should be respected.”
     While the Oath Keepers organization is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic”, they do not intend to insert themselves in a situation where they are not wanted.  Their founder, Stewart Rhodes, released the following statement:  We cannot force ourselves or our protection on people who do not want it.   Dwight and Steven Hammond have made it clear, through their attorney, that they just want to turn themselves in and serve out their sentence. And that clear statement of their intent should be the end of the discussion on this.  No patriot group or individual has the right or the authority to force an armed stand off on this family, or around them, against their wishes.  You cannot help someone who does not want your help, and who are not willing and ready to take a hard stand themselves.
     But then there are those like Montel Williams, who appears to encourage lawlessness by government officials, themselves, in the face of constitutional protests.  Williams said in several Twitter messages he’s quite OK with authorities using deadly force to take out the Oregon protesters who’ve taken over a federal building – that they’re “buffoons” with “terrorist” tendencies and unworthy of constitutional protections.  What?!?  Deadly force?  Unworthy of constitutional protections?  As nervous as it makes me for the protestors to push the envelope of civil disobedience, this kind of talk from a celebrity mouthpiece sickens me.  Since when does a private citizen feel compelled to call for deadly force against another citizen?  And who is he to judge that they are not due constitutional protection?
     While it sometimes seems to me that man's laws are becoming subject to tyrants and public opinion, I must remind myself that all government has been instituted by God.  I know, I know, that is so difficult to understand in the midst of perceived injustice.  But we must remember that there can be NO power, of ANY government, except what God allows.  So we must always keep in mind that He is working out a purpose that is probably far different than what any personal agenda for “improvement” that we deem necessary.  When our leaders are self-serving—or even outright devilish—it is God’s responsibility to remove them—NOT OURS!
     If ever there was injustice, it was the Roman tyranny over Judah when Jesus walked the earth.  Yet our LORD did not advocate the overthrow of the Roman government, even though He could have called down armies of angels to do His will.  It is a difficult concept for us humans to know how to act in love and righteousness when faced with corruption, unfairness, tyranny, and repression.  No matter how hard it is to understand, we are called to follow our nation's laws until they are in direct conflict with God's laws -- no matter how wrong or unfair they seem.  From my Biblical standpoint, the Hammond's have taken the high, and more difficult, road.  May God's peace abound in the wake of their tough decision.

Thank you to Patterico's Pontifications website for the clear and precise understanding of the Hammond family's court cases.  

I Timothy 2:1-2     "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty."

August 19, 2015

An Old Lesson On Liberty

     I want to share with you a speech that was given on May 21, 1944, in New York City's Central Park.  It was given by Judge Learned Hand, who first served on New York’s District Court, then on the U.S. Court of Appeals.  Judge Hand’s legal decisions were so respected they were referenced in U.S. Supreme Court cases.
     His judicial opinions were time-honored; it is my viewpoint that we should revisit his decisions on cases such as the one which considered a citizen's duty in paying taxes (“Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible;. … Nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands”); and his decision on limiting free speech if its goal is to overthrow the Constitution and set up a government which would not allow free speech. Doesn't that sound like a breath of fresh air in this age of judicial activism?
     But the real purpose of this post is to let you contemplate his words to a crowd of nearly one-and-a-half million people, just two weeks prior to the D-Day invasion.  The place was Central Park, and it was the site of the annual “I Am an American Day,” including 150,000 newly naturalized citizens about to swear their oath of allegiance to the United States.
     The United States had been mired in WWII for nearly 3 years, and while patriotism was running high, the weight of the war was resting on everyone's shoulders.  But none of the speeches that day -- including those by New York Mayor LaGuardia, Senator Wagner and clergymen of Protestant, Catholic and Jewish faiths -- spoke to the crowd like that of Judge Hand.  The title of his short speech was "The Spirit of Liberty", and I'd like you to read it and see if it still applies to today....

     “We have gathered here to affirm a faith, a faith in a common purpose, a common conviction, a common devotion. Some of us have chosen America as the land of our adoption; the rest have come from those who did the same. … We sought liberty; freedom from oppression, freedom from want, freedom to be ourselves. …
     I often wonder whether we do not rest our hopes too much upon constitutions, upon laws and upon courts. These are false hopes; believe me, these are false hopes. Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it. …
     And what is this liberty which must lie in the hearts of men and women? It is not the ruthless, the unbridled will; it is not freedom to do as one likes. That is the denial of liberty, and leads straight to its overthrow. A society in which men recognize no check upon their freedom soon becomes a society where freedom is the possession of only a savage few; as we have learned to our sorrow.
     What then is the spirit of liberty? I cannot define it; I can only tell you my own faith. The spirit of liberty is the spirit which is not too sure that it is right; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which seeks to understand the mind of other men and women; the spirit of liberty is the spirit which weighs their interests alongside its own without bias; the spirit of liberty remembers that not even a sparrow falls to earth unheeded; the spirit of liberty is the spirit of Him who, near two thousand years ago, taught mankind that lesson it has never learned, but never quite forgotten; that there may be a kingdom where the least shall be heard and considered side by side with the greatest."
     Judge Learned Hand ended his speech, after which he led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance:  “In the spirit of that America which lies hidden in some form in the aspirations of us all; in the spirit of that America for which our young men are at this moment fighting and dying; in that spirit of liberty and of America I ask you to rise and with me pledge our faith in the glorious destiny of our beloved country.”
     This speech was given 71 years ago.  Do we still retain that Spirit of Liberty in this country?  Do our judges and rulers still recognize that the spirit of liberty is born from the spirit of Jesus?  That it is God's Kingdom we should seek, rather than our own?  Would he recognize us as the same America?
     The good Judge was fervent in his belief that there was a destructive nature in political correctness and the labeling of someone’s opinions as “hate speech”.  He had this to say on the subject:  “That community is already in the process of dissolution…where faith in the eventual supremacy of reason has become so timid that we dare not enter our conviction in the open.”  Sadly, I fear that reason has been replaced by the pursuit of one's ideology at all costs.
     And Judge Hand must have sensed that agenda as well.  He was clearly clairvoyant when he made the following statement:  "I confess it seems to me that we are pretty plainly headed for some fairly comprehensive collectivist ordering of industry; people don’t want it. … Can you have a collectivist democracy? The future has all sorts of creatures in its womb. … There seems to me great obstacles; a society in which the individual’s fate is completely in the hands of the government can scarcely manifest itself as a succession of resultants of ‘pressure groups’ – it won’t stand up."  Apparently, no one told Cloward and Piven that!
     In looking back on his legacy, I find it ironic that Judge Hand was nicknamed “the tenth Justice of the Supreme Court.” Boy, could we use him on the Court today! He died 54 years ago yesterday, and it is a sad commentary on the current state of our country that I doubt he would get more than a handful of people to show up to celebrate an "I Am An American" Day, or to hear him speak about Liberty.  But perhaps we should listen to his opinion on history ... "The use of history is to tell us … past themes, else we should have to repeat, each in his own experience, the successes and the failures of our forebears.”  May future generations look back upon this time in our nation's history and celebrate how we snatched victory out of defeat... and may we finally learn that two-thousand-year-old lesson of Liberty that we so desperately need to grasp.

Thank you to Bill Federer, writer for WND.com for his inspiring article on Judge Learned Hand.  

Job 8:8-10    "For inquire, please, of bygone ages, and consider what the fathers have searched out. For we are but of yesterday and know nothing, for our days on earth are a shadow. Will they not teach you and tell you and utter words out of their understanding?"