Like Jeremiah, we attempted to share what God was showing us within the Church, but were often looked upon with derision and scorn, and more than once, asked to discontinue our "heretical" assertions, and even encouraged to leave. At the minimum, we were ignored. The Bible tells us that Jeremiah preached his warnings in the court of the Temple, but Pashur, the chief governor of the House of the Lord was angry because of the message(s) Jeremiah was delivering. We can identify.
But that didn't deter us. When prompted by the Lord, we continued to study the Word, listen to the Holy Spirit's counsel and present small and focused teaching conferences to try and draw attention to what we unquestioningly understood God wanted Believers to know. It seemed so clear to us! But as we are seeing now, those warnings were too far in advance of their fulfillment, and although the storm clouds were on the horizon, just like in Jeremiah's day, the people still felt they could safely ignore them. Life was too good to consider our warnings.
You see, once the Lord begins to shine His Light on you and activate your spirit, you are changed. We found that we could no longer choose to simply exist in a worldly manner. We began to see that He wanted us to see things from His perspective; to see the world and our lives from a position of righteousness. So, we began to see everything differently! Social media, the entertainment industry, education, cultural morals [or lack thereof], society ... and yes, even organized Religion were seen through a Heavenly lens. That's not to say we became judgmental, because we also began seeing and understanding the Bible differently, too. We can't judge someone's heart, because we don't know the condition of it. But we can judge the fruit of their actions and words according to God's standards. And that includes ourselves!
So, as I said, we began seeing the external world and all of its components in a different light -- Jesus's Light. But the Lord didn't just reveal His truth of what our eyes could see and our ears could hear. He began giving us dreams of "things to come". And I will admit that we haven't always understood their meaning or how to interpret them because they were for the future. I have to believe that He gives them to us in advance so that we will be more astute at recognizing when the dream is manifesting into our physical existence, and can then identify it as His warning and see its meaning beyond what it looks like in this realm.
For instance, I have shared [several times] a dream I had in 2012 or 2013 about being lulled into complacency during a ride on a ferris wheel, only to be presented with unspeakable fear as I descended into a deep lagoon, and then the release back into contentment as the ferris wheel took me to the top again. But it was the experience of watching a small wave far out in the ocean develop into a giant tsunami that I knew was going to plummet me to my death in the depths of the ocean that shook me to my core. And as the waves were tumbling me over and over, I see a bright light and a huge hand reach into what I knew was a watery grave and rescue me, declaring, "Don't worry! I've got you"! I believed then, and still do, that Jesus was showing me what was to come in our future -- the ups and downs of our economy; the powers of darkness formulating their plans and strategies to covertly sneak into our culture, our politics, and our country; all as we remain in place, content in accepting the world. But I have been blessed that God revealed that my Savior will be with me, when our future comes crashing in on us.
Then there is the more recent dream I had where I am on a leisurely walk with a guide up a gently sloping hill. I begin to have a growing sense of trepidation, but my guide tells me there is no need to be afraid. A short while later, I catch sight of a huge bear that is ambling in our direction, and then he catches our scent. Though the bear is not acting aggressively, my guide, in a calm voice, instructs me to get behind a huge oak tree, as the bear begins to circle the tree. I just keep moving around the tree, staying out of his grasp, and he eventually moves on. But as I come out from behind the tree, I see a gigantic lion at the top of the hill, who upon seeing me, roars and charges me! I don't have time to be afraid, and soon find myself knocked to the ground and fighting for my life! I know the lion is intent on killing me, and seems to be focused at biting my feet, disabling my escape. At that moment, I remember that I have a pistol on my right side for protection, pull it and fire into the brain of the crazed lion, and the attack is over. During the entire dream, I am aware that my guide is still there, but seems to be watching and assessing how I'm handling this attack, ready to jump in if I need him. And then I woke up.
It was one of those dreams where you know it is more than the result of eating a bowl of ice cream before you went to bed. I knew it was spiritual and I knew it was for my benefit. God wasn't being silent, and I needed to figure out what He was telling me. I knew right away that the "guide" in my dream was the Holy Spirit, sent to "guide my steps and guide me into all Truth". I knew the bear was a threat, and a natural enemy, but I was able to stay hidden and outmaneuver him. The lion, on the other hand, was aggressive and quite intent on killing me, or at least rendering my walk with God more difficult. At the time, I knew the dream was revealing something for that time and my place in that part of my timeline as a representative of God and His Kingdom. But how to unravel the mystery of it?
There was a recognition that the dream was personal in that in the midst of my battle with the "roaring lion who seeks someone to devour", that I hadn't called out to Jesus for help. I discerned that the dream was showing me that I was stepping into my power and authority, given to me by Christ. I believe it was a confirmation that I was growing in that area.
But I also discerned that there might be a connection to Babylon's King Belshazzar and his vision of the four beasts, with the bear and lion being two of them. Did that have any significance? Both represented empires, with the bear often interpreted as Russia. So, in my dream, the bear is a threat, but at this point, not aggressive. The lion in Belshazzar's dream was the empire of Babylon; ruthless and strong. The ancient Babylon certainly fits that description, but so does the daughter of Babylon in the End Times, as depicted in Revelation 18. It's hard not to read that chapter and recognize our own empire, and especially the city of New York.
As the years have advanced, I'm now beginning to see this dream as prophetic for our current time. The bear, who was not yet threatening at the time of the dream, was actually the Persian empire, of which modern-day Iran is a representative. This was a warning to keep an eye on it for the future. The roaring lion was pointing to ancient Babylon, and my entanglement with it was showing me that it is my assignment to fight against the resurgence of spiritual Babylon in my sphere of influence by speaking, teaching, and writing God's Truth, with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, who leads me into all truth. This would include my fight against the pagan gods and power structures in this age, which are resurging through social media and all the false prophets. That dream was multi-faceted and spoke warnings and knowledge of both that time, and the future in which we now find ourselves.
So, by now, I hope I've given you a pretty good picture of what a modern-day Watchman on the Wall can look like. My husband's promptings and dreams are just as strong [and oftentimes more so] than mine. Like, Jeremiah, we are often astounded at what the Lord brings us, and we can certainly understand Jeremiah's reticence to share them with those we know aren't ready [or don't want to hear them]. And I want to be clear that we always ask for confirmation to make sure what we are hearing or seeing is truly from the Lord. So, if anything, we are probably more guarded than Jesus might sometimes like us to be. And as the times grow increasingly close to Jesus's return, I anticipate that His warnings will become increasingly urgent. I pray that the Lord will find us worthy of carrying His advance warning so that as many as possible will pay attention and get ready for the spiritual battle that is to come.
In conclusion, my husband and I do not see ourselves as Prophets or needing any title. We are simply obedient followers of Jesus, who are grateful to the Lord for trusting us and using us to further His Kingdom. We do not peddle God's word for profit, but seek to be sincere in our commission to bring His warning and counsel before the people, and always in His sight. May He forever be praised for His Love and Righteousness! Amen!
#watchman on the wall; #hearing god's voice; #biblical prophet; #biblical prophecy; #Ezekiel 33; #kingdom of god: #for everything there is a season; #spiritual warfare; #rumors of war; #knowledge from God; #war is a racket; #world events; #rebuilding nations; #international bankers; #God's will on earth
Isaiah 62:6 On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have set watchmen; all the day and all the night they shall never be silent. You who put the Lord in remembrance, take no rest,
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