I guess the answer to that question depends on your worldview, doesn't it? And for those who aren't sure what constitutes a worldview, here is a great definition from Ravi Zacharias International Ministries: 1) It is the metaphysical (conceptual), or philosophical, or ideological reality of the world you and I live in; 2) It governs how we live, not where we live. It defines why we live, what we live for, what we appreciate, what we reject, what we are passionate about, and what we detest. So, it makes sense, that our worldview can define who we are, how we see ourselves, and what we define as valuable.
If we define ourselves as Christians, let's see how that definition breaks down ... and let me speak for myself. My concept, philosophy and reality of the world I live in is that the human race lives in a fallen state, in which mankind surrendered his divinely-bestowed authority over the earth to the Enemy of the God that created this planet we inhabit. Therefore, history is a record of the battle between Good and Evil; between those who follow the Most High God, and those who pledge their allegiance to the Prince of Darkness. But the God who created us was not willing to give up on us and sacrificed a part of Himself to offer us a rescue plan; a way to defeat the consequences of Death and His wrath, and to restore this earth to its original design and ownership.
Now, I know that sounds really religious, and although that is the knowledge that underlies my worldview, I also know that I have to live in this world, make a living to support myself, and that I don't live alone segregated from the rest of humankind. There is a way to treat people that is moral and right. This view of the world governs how I live as well as my purpose for living.
I have made a choice to align myself with my Creator and His character and nature. That means I exist because I have a job to do while I'm on this earth. I have been afforded a great gift -- forgiveness of the life I used to live, when I thought only of myself in unbridled self-absorption. And I know I've been given the opportunity to share what my faith has done in changing who I am. I know that the number of my days on this earth are short and I was created to point the way to the One True God. That means that I'm aware of how people operate in the world -- from the people I call friends to those in the highest levels of world government. I know that there is judgment coming upon the earth for how we've treated others, and I know that it is my desire to please the God who saved me from falling for the lies of the world. I am passionate about living a life that has eternal meaning, not just existing for the material comforts this world can offer. I rejoice that I know my Savior, and He knows me! And I detest anything that comes against that and my purpose for being alive. I am not afraid of dying because I know what comes after this and it is glorious!
Yet, as Christians, we still find ourselves battling those feelings of anxiety and apprehension in these days. I am seeing and hearing from many people who I know love Jesus, but are still firmly tied to this world. Fear of losing jobs, homes, health, family members, and freedom has shaken our foundation. And for some, even the foundation of their faith is now unbalanced. Sadly, those who have benefited from the extraordinary opportunities to amass wealth in this country (both Christian and non-believers alike) are now focused on trying to protect their storehouses of treasure. I see people still looking for political leaders to be resurrected and lead us out of this nightmare. I see many of the faithful denying what Scripture says about what happens when God's cup of wrath is full, and wanting to lean on only the hope-filled verses that make us feel good.
I was fortunate in stumbling upon these couple of sentences by Pastor Bob Deffinbaugh of Richardson, Texas, and I think they sum up what I'm trying to say ... "God is judging men for their sin today and few even know it is happening. Unbelievers are unaware of God’s judgment, because they do not know God,
nor are they alert to His presence and power in the world today. This
is to be expected. But many Christians are equally ignorant of God’s
present judgment of sin. They think of God’s judgment only in terms of
the future." So, we ask why the world is deteriorating, and keep expecting that it is going to "return to normal", or at least get better. Or we preach that a return to godliness is just around the corner, "because we have victory in Christ"! What are we really afraid we're going to see, if we face our fears?
Could it be that our Christian worldview has become tarnished or tepid? Have we become self-indulgent even in believing what our Bible tells us? If we are afraid of losing everything [all our possessions or all that we've worked for and dreamed of ] ... or we are afraid of losing relationships and even our own life ... then we are afraid that eternal life might cost us something, and we aren't willing or prepared to give all of it to Jesus.
I understand that this time is unprecedented in the history of our nation. When considered from the lens of all of history, we have seen our country fall from grace and favor in what seems like the blink of an eye. But if we have a solid Christian worldview, then we should be seeing the battlefield and the forces lining up in their strategic positions. But we should not cower in fear! There is no need to panic! The Lord battles with us and for us! We know the ultimate plan and who wins! Our God is the Everlasting God and He sits on His throne and will never be ousted. It will be in His timing and His administration that we will be victorious in more than what we've accumulated in this life, and in this world. We may lose everything that the present world defines as precious -- but we have everything to gain!
So, if you find yourself obsessed about what is at risk in the treacherous days ahead, please stop and reassess what you are afraid of losing. If the focus is all on your material possessions or status, then maybe you don't believe the Bible is truth; or maybe you're afraid Jesus won't really come through for you. You might even doubt the reality of an afterlife or eternal life. But I'm here to tell you that now is the time to establish who you are and what is the foundation of your worldview. It is my prayer that you will build a spiritual house, with Jesus as your Cornerstone; and where you can weather all the slings and arrows thrown at you by the Enemy; where you rest in confidence that the One who is Faithful and True can and will establish you as an heir of the Kingdom. You will suffer no fear or anxiety, as you bask in the Source of Life everlasting. There is no fear for what tomorrow may bring, because there will soon be a day that dawns bright in the Kingdom of God! That day is worth more than all we can accumulate in this life! Let that worldview be yours today!
Psalm 56:11 What harm could man do to me? With God on my side, I will not be afraid of what comes. My heart overflows with praise to God and for His promises. I will always trust in Him.
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