In both the Natural and Spiritual worlds, it is the souls of men that stand between freedom and tyranny. And both freedom and tyranny can be evident in the lives of men, regardless of whether you identify as a Christian or not. But today I want to examine this precept in the light of our nation's recent elections and our responsibilities as people of faith.
During my lifetime I have increasingly noticed the response of society and secular leaders anytime that Faith in Jesus Christ is expressed boldly or explicitly or conspicuously. And I have intentionally used those adjectives because they imply that Faith is presented in a confident and courageous way; is stated clearly, leaving no room for confusion or doubt about its importance; and that Faith is clearly visible, attracting notice or attention.
It's wonderful when Faith is praised and celebrated, and we see the outward acceptance of such displays of spiritual conviction. We Christians know that our faith is the bedrock in all the areas of our lives, and when we pray and God moves, it is implicit that we speak of His glory. But that can [and has] come in conflict with prominent individuals, organizations, and governmental entities as incompatible with the secular citizenry and their civil liberties. There are groups, such as these, who will maintain that they should not be forced to be subjected to any ideas or public discourse with which they disagree ... especially when it comes to Faith.
This faith-denying agenda is hidden behind media-driven terms like misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech. And because social media has now become the stamp of "authentic truth", it is becoming steadily easier to silence the intentional voices of free-thinking and speaking Christians. How many of you have been put in social media "jail" because you expressed your opinion on a public issue by crediting your faith? Now, not only does the Absolute Truth of Godly principles no longer apply, but Relative Truth belongs only to the faith deniers. To a Christian, the idea that Jesus is the only way to God and Salvation is factual, indisputable, and constant. That same idea to a nonbeliever is a relative truth; it is contingent upon context, a person's culture, and personal experience and opinion. It is not universally accepted. And depending on the earthly power of the aforementioned individuals, organizations, and governmental entities, it is their opinion that faith in Jesus can [and should] be controlled and even outlawed.
And in case you haven't noticed, it doesn't seem to matter that the Founders wrote a Constitution that established our form of government and its fundamental laws and guaranteed citizens the basic right of free speech. Not only does it appear that the public flow of information and ideas is under threat if it doesn't align with the godless and powerful privileged class, but what we thought were our private and individual communication and discussions about God are now susceptible to scrutiny... all under the guise of protecting the public from dangerous rhetoric and unlawful incitement. And it all comes down to whose Truth is received.
One of the best definitions I've ever heard of Truth is this: "a divinely-created and Spirit-filled fountain of clarity rightly fitted by God to rise to the surface by cutting through the muck of man's lies and deception." So, when, say, someone attempts to uphold their opinion about the issue of abortion by quoting God's truth and righteousness on the subject, their voice becomes a threat to the earthly empires and thrones of those who profoundly oppose [and profit] from the issue. In addition, the authority of those who promote abortion is now challenged and they will raise up forces of ungodly resistance to quell any kind of resilience in God's followers.
Because I believe in the right of every individual to express their ideas and opinions [as long as it is done without violence or in an attempt to shut down opposing positions], it is extremely disheartening when this same right is not equally enjoyed by all participants in the public discussion and discourse. If one fervently believes in his or her cause, what is there to fear from an opposing viewpoint? Surely, one would be eager for the opportunity to present their line of reasoning, and then welcome the freedom to counter or defend their position. Could it be that they are fully aware that Christians are in possession of a soul capable of submitting and surrendering to a Source of Power that they don't understand?
And because our soul consists of our minds (where our thoughts originate), our emotions (how we feel about our faith and experiences), and our free will to follow or disobey our Lord, we can become a dedicated and persistent spokesman for what we discern as righteous causes. The result of two diametrically opposed opinions is naturally going to be a collision. And sadly, the question of which opinion is "the real truth" no longer becomes the focus, nor matters. Instead, it becomes more important that those in the authoritarian position must retain control of the public discourse.
But the role of the true Christian is to always represent God's Truth and His Will. A true Christian will never consent to be silenced or compromised. They are mindful of Jesus's prophetic Word that tells us we will be persecuted and hated because of Him, and we must be convicted to follow in His path of upholding and spreading the Truth, no matter the cost -- even unto death. And because we receive our courage and persistence from the Holy Spirit, we cannot be intimidated and will not give in to unrighteous and/or autocratic pressure.
None of what I am writing today is new or unprecedented. From the moment the Evil One made his presence known in the Garden, attempts have been made throughout history to bend the steadfast perseverance of a God-fearing soul. And if tempting words of conciliation don't persuade the obedient Christian, then the Enemy's proxies throughout the ages have no problem in exerting their imperious authority to restrict the free flow of opposing views and demand that voices be suppressed.
In every Century, there have been what are called "Professing Christians"; men and women who fear the Lord more [in awe and reverence] if they don't speak the Truth, than they fear the men who threaten to silence them. These Christians who are willing to profess God's Truth in all situations have a level of faith that is unshakeable, indomitable, and unfaltering. And we are still present and persistent today! We recognize the battles against us that are raging, but we also know that our Beloved Savior goes before us preparing the way to help us spread His Truth, especially in the midst of opposition. We fearlessly march onward with our testimony, giving witness to His Power in our lives to redeem and restore us; all of which draws sinners to Him and His divine Message of hope and reconciliation.
But I would like to remind each of you Saints to be wise and discerning as to how you share the Glory of Christ's Gospel Message. The Holy Spirit is our guide and counselor; and we listen for His promptings as to how and when we share God's Truth. And it must always be in love. My own testimony reveals the times when the Spirit bid me to speak [even when I felt fear or my words were weak], as well as the times He cautioned me to remain quiet; the timing and the occasion did not align with God's will. He desires that our actions and words draw a distinguishing line between authentic truth and words spoken to create a false truth.
We Christians in the Western world have undoubtedly been blessed with the freedom to practice our faith and the opportunity to still speak in the public forum about the Strength, Goodness, Power, and Faithfulness of our Lord. Let us always follow in His footsteps as we continue to boldly speak His truth to a sinful world. Let us guard our souls. Let us walk in Spirit and Truth and do not fear opposing forces, lies, or deception. We serve a Mighty and Gracious God whose Name we glorify!
Psalm 66:16 Come and hear, all who fear God [and worship Him with awe-inspired reverence and obedience], and I will tell you what He has done for me [and my soul].
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