We are all increasingly aware of the instability in the world. And there is much fear and anxiety as to the future of mankind and [even] the planet. It is wreaking havoc upon men's souls. But to be honest, I find myself wondering why it should be so. Why are people surprised that, once again, we are facing cataclysmic chaos, uncertainty, and volatility?
No matter if you are a Believer or not, where are we given any assurances that men can give us a world that offers us stability or security? Men have never been successful in building a stable or permanently established civilization, government or kingdom. Empires and kingdoms have come and gone throughout the history of the world. In the Bible, Daniel's vision prophesies of a towering statue that represents the coming world empires and kingdoms. Its shows us the passing of the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Greek and Roman Empires; each greater in influence and power than its predecessor. But none of them lasted.
Even the British Empire, which began in the late 1500s and grew to rule over 400 million people by 1913, [making it the largest empire in history], finally ended in 1997 when it seceded control of Hong Kong to China. The kingdoms of this world have always been about men building kingdoms to glorify themselves. There is only one eternal and everlasting Kingdom, and that is the Kingdom of our God and of His Christ! Any other empire is doomed to failure and extinction -- especially the empires we build to ourselves. Because, let's face it! Since the Garden of Eden, men and women have let themselves be tempted, deceived, and seduced into seeking something that elevates them above others, whether it be influence, power, territory, material wealth, or dominance and control. It can be on a grand scale [impacting nations and peoples] or on a minor level, affecting only their own life. In either case, they build these kingdoms for themselves, thinking they are going to be imperishable and indestructible... they will last forever.
As men become aware that forever does not exist in the realm of man's life or the earth's, fear and anxiety set in. And I am seeing that at an increasing rate. Believers recognize that our nation has lost its moral compass, while the unsaved see the condition of their lives and the nation's support systems beginning to fail. The Believers are aware of 2 Peter 3:10, which tells us that there will come a Day of God's Judgment, and it will be unannounced; coming like a thief. The sky will collapse with a thunderous bang, everything disintegrating in a huge conflagration/firestorm, and earth and all its works will be exposed to the scrutiny of God's Judgment. The unbelievers see the possibilities of nuclear war accomplishing the same destruction. And both groups wonder why we find ourselves in the mess we're in and what are we going to do about it?
I want to share a quote from the Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, the distinctive Welsh evangelist and theologian [1899-1981]. I believe it lends a voice to the questions we are asking in this 21st Century...."Why, in spite of all our efforts and endeavors and great advances, is the world still in trouble? Why is every advance followed by regression, every rise by a decline and fall? Why do our attempts to govern the world end in disaster? What is the matter? And there is only one answer. It is is due to the fact that men and women have sinful and fallen natures; it is due to their estrangement from God; and, more, it is due to God's wrath upon humanity in its sinfulness and arrogance. But the tragedy of the world is that it does not realize this."
The tragedy is that mankind is all too willing to point the finger at someone or something else for the degradation of our lives: inflation, higher food prices, the decline of the family/home as our nation's foundation; the willingness for world leaders to go to war as the answer; the lapse in religious faith. Make no mistake, I agree that all these are valid factors! BUT we must be truthful with ourselves! Yes, we have very real human enemies [as well as spiritual] that want to destroy us, but the real enemy is within us; in the corruption, degeneracy, perversion, and immorality of our souls -- in the sinfulness that we practice. And does our faith have any real substance to it? Or is it merely fading away into a form of religion that has lost any contact and relationship with our God? Can we say we truly know Him and He knows us?
I think any of us who are in our later years must admit that we have failed not only our country and generations [by not taking a stand against removing God from the center of our society, and by not protecting the unborn], but we have failed to recognize that relying on secular rules, laws, and regulations will not replace the righteous rule of God and His Divine Justice. And yes, I know the Bible tells us we win in the end! But have you read what the Word says will happen before we reach that conclusion? All the empires and kingdoms of the world have come to naught. They've all been unstable and shaken. It is only the Kingdom of God that cannot be moved. All the other kingdoms [past, present, and future], will be overcome by the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of His Son.
No other kingdom or false religion can overcome the Son of God! We have no need of fear or anxiousness for what is coming! If we truly know who we are in Christ, then we know that we need not fear what man or nation can do to us. All those kingdoms and the evil men of the world are under condemnation. It is our responsibility as heirs of God's Kingdom to proclaim our certainty of God's promises to us of eternal life, and that our blessed Lord and Savior is coming again to call us to Himself!
So, instead of walking in fear, let us stand up boldly and proclaim the Unshakeable Kingdom of God. Let our words come as fire from the Holy Spirit within us, consuming the hearts and minds of the unrepentant and drawing them to the life-giving force of God, Himself. The kingdoms of the world have come and gone, but there are still kingdoms on the earth that need to hear God's Truth in today's contemporary circumstances. And they need to hear what no one else but God's Remnant can proclaim: It is God who makes us stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set His seal of ownership on us, and put His Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come! Praise Him and His Eternal Kingdom!
Hebrews 12:28 Therefore, let us be grateful for receiving a Kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for God is a consuming fire.
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